PKSMAKROEKONOMSKEinfo Oktobar 2014. Priprema Centar za ekonomske analize – redakcija časopisa Konjunkturni trendovi Srbije | Tel: 011 33 00 970 | E-mail: [email protected] MESEČNI MAKROEKONOMSKI PREGLED br. 10* MONTHLY MACROECONOMIC SURVEY No 10* Oktobar 2014. (October 2014) Potrošačke cene Prices Cene potrošnih proizvoda i usluga su, nakon julskog pada od 0,1%, i u avgustu dodatno snižene u proseku za 0,2%. Robne cene su u avgustu u proseku opale za 0,2%, a cene usluga za 0,1%. Avgustovski pad cena je najvećim delom rezultanta sezonskog pada cena svežeg povrća, kao i pojeftinjenja usluga u fiksnoj telefoniji. Posmatrano po glavnim grupama proizvoda i usluga klasifikovanih prema nameni potrošnje, u avgustu 2014. godine, u odnosu na prethodni mesec, najveći pad cena zabeležen je u grupama: odeća i obuća i komunikacije (za po -1,5%), nameštaj, pokućstvo i tekuće održavanje stana (-0,7%), zdravstvo i hrana i bezalkoholna pića (za po -0,3%) i alkoholna pića i duvan (-0,2%). Rast cena zabeležen je u grupama: rekreacija i kultura (1,1%), restorani i hoteli (0,4%), transport (0,3%), stan, voda, električna energija, gas i druga goriva (0,2%) i obrazovanje (0,1%), dok se cene ostalih proizvoda i usluga nisu bitnije menjale. Prices of consumer goods and services in August additionally decreased by 0.2% on average, following its drop of 0.1% in July. The prices of goods in August decreased by 0.2% on average, whereas the prices of services decreased by 0.1%. The decrease of prices in August is a result of seasonally decrease of prices of fresh vegetable as well as of services in fixed telephone network. Observed by main groups of products and services classified by the consumption purpose, in August 2014, as compared to the previous month, the largest drop in prices was recorded in the following groups: clothing and footwear and communications (-1.5% each), furniture, household devices and regular maintenance of house (-0.7%), health care, food and non-alcoholic beverages (-0.3% each) and alcoholic beverages and tobacco (-0.2%). A growth in prices was recorded with the following groups: recreation and culture (1.1%), restaurants and hotels (0.4%), transport (0.3%), flat, water, electricity, gas and steam and other fuels (0.2%) and education (0.1%), whereas the prices of other goods and services did not change substantially. 1 Godišnja stopa 1 Mesečna stopa The average level of consumer prices in August this year was higher by 1.7% as compared to December 2013 and by 1.5% in relation to August of the previous year. According to the estimates of the monetary authorities, the inter-annual inflation will return back within the limits of the allowed deviation from the target rate (4±1.5%) by the end of the year, while this estimate involves the increase of price of electricity as well as of other energy substances planned for the last quarter of 2014. % 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 Yearly rate Mesečne i međugodišnje stope promena potrošačkih cena u periodu 2011-2014. godine (%) Izvor: RZS, odgovarajuća Saopštenja Monthly rate % 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 Prosečan nivo potrošačkih cena u avgustu ove godine bio je za 1,7% viši u poređenju sa decembrom 2013. godine i za 1,5% viši u odnosu na avgust prethodne godine. Prema proceni monetarnih vlasti, međugodišnja inflacija će se do kraja godine vratiti u granice dozvoljenog odstupanja od cilja (4±1,5%), a u ovu procenu uključeno je poskupljenje električne energije, kao i ostalih energenata planirano za poslednji kvartal 2014. Monthly and annual inflation rate, 2011-2014 Source: National Statistic Agency Industrijska proizvodnja Industrial production Industrijska proizvodnja u Republici Srbiji u avgustu 2014. godine manja je za 13,1% u odnosu na isti mesec prethodne godine, dok je kumulativna industrijska proizvodnja za Industrial production, in the Republic of Serbia in August 2014, decreased by 13.1% in comparison with the same month of the previous year, whereas the cumulative indus- Izvori podataka: Republički zavod za statistiku RS, Narodna banka Srbije, Ministarstvo finansija RS, Nacionalna služba za zapošljavanje, Beogradska berza i Agencija za privatizaciju. * Data soruces: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, National Bank of Serbia, Ministry of Finance, National Employment Service, Belgrade Stock Exchange and Privatization Agency. * 1 osam meseci 2014. godine, u poređenju sa istim periodom 2013. godine, opala za 4,3%. trial production for the eight months of 2014, as compared to the same interval of 2013, decreased by 4.3%. Pad proizvodnje u avgustu ove godine, u poređenju sa istim mesecom 2013. godine, evidentiran je kod svih industrijskih sektora i svih namenskih grupa proizvoda, bez izuzetka. Najveći pad je zabeležen u sektorima snabdevanja električnom energijom, gasom, parom i klimatizacija (-39,8%) i ekstraktivne industrije (-23,8%), dok je pad produkcije u sektoru prerađivačke industrije bio nešto umereniji (-3,8%). Pad industrijske proizvodnje je najvećim delom posledica poplavama uzrokovanog zastoja u proizvodnji ruda i energije i otežanog snabdevanja prerađivačke industrije repromaterijalima i energentima. A drop in the production in August this year, as compared with the same month of 2013, was recorded with all industrial sectors and all special purpose groups of products, without exception. The largest decrease was recorded with the sector of supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning (-39.8%) and extractive industry (-23.8%), whereas a drop in production in the sector of manufacturing industry was more slightly (-3,8%). The decrease in industrial production is mainly a result of flood caused standstill in production of ores and energy and difficult supply of manufacturing industry with reproduction material and energy sources. Podaci o industrijskoj proizvodnji po namenskim grupama u avgustu 2014. godine, u odnosu na isti mesec prethodne godine, pokazuju da je došlo do pada u proizvodnji: energije za 28,0%, netrajnih proizvoda za široku potrošnju za 6,4%, intermedijarnih proizvoda, osim energije za 6,2%, kapitalnih proizvoda za 4,8% i trajnih proizvoda za široku potrošnju za 0,2%. Observed by purpose groups, in August 2014, as compared to the same month of the previous year, a decrease in production was noted in production of: energy by 28.0%, non-durable consumer goods by 6.4%, intermediate products, other than energy by 6.2%, capital products by 4.8% and durable consumer goods by 0.2%. Najveći uticaj na pad industrijske proizvodnje u avgustu 2014. godine, u odnosu na isti mesec 2013. godine, imale su: proizvodnja električne energije, eksploatacija uglja, proizvodnja motornih vozila i prikolica, proizvodnja hemikalija i hemijskih proizvoda i proizvodnja metalnih proizvoda, osim mašina. The greatest impact on the decrease of industrial production in August 2014, as compared to the same month of 2013, was made by: electricity generation, exploitation of coal, manufacture of motor vehicles and trailers, manufacture of chemicals and chemical products and manufacture of metal products, other than machinery. Zalihe industrijskih proizvoda Stocks of industrial products Zalihe industrijskih proizvoda u avgustu ove godine bile su veće za 4,5%, u odnosu na avgust 2013. godine. Zalihe ruda su veće za 2%, a zalihe prerađenih industrijskih proizvoda za 4,5%. Na ovaj rast uticalo je povećanje zaliha energije, intermedijarnih proizvoda i netrajnih proizvoda za široku potrošnju, dok su, uglavnom, redukovane zalihe kapitalnih proizvoda. Stocks of industrial products in August this year increased by 4.5%, as compared to August 2013. The stocks of ores increased by 2%, while the stocks of processed industrial products grew by 4.5%. This growth was mainly influenced by the increase of the stocks of energy, intermediate products and non-durable consumer goods, whereas the stocks of capital products were mostly decreased. Najveći rast zaliha u posmatranom mesecu zabeležen je kod: papira i papirnih proizvoda, proizvoda od gume i plastike, koksa i derivata nafte i prehrambenih proizvoda; a najveći pad zaliha kod: duvana i duvanskih proizvoda, motornih vozila i prikolica, ostalih saobraćajnih sredstava i ruda metala. The highest growth in the stocks in the period observed was recorded with: paper and paper products, rubber and plastic products, coke and oil derivates and food products; and the largest drop in the stocks was noted with: tobacco and tobacco products, motor vehicles and trailers, other means of transportation and metal ores. Poljoprivreda Agriculture U oblasti poljoprivrede, RZS je objavio podatke o ostvarenoj proizvodnji pšenice i ranog voća, koji pokazuju da je, prema stanju useva na dan 1.septembra 2014.godine, ostvarena proizvodnja pšenice od 2.313.947 tona, što je za 14% manje u odnosu na proizvodnju ostvarenu u prošloj godini. U odnosu na desetogodišnji prosek (2004-2013) proizvodnja pšenice je veća za 10,3%. In the field of agriculture, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia released the data on the realised production of wheat and early fruit, which show that on 1 September 2014 the realised production of wheat amounted to 2,313,947 t, which is lower by 14% as compared to the production recorded in the last year. In relation to the ten-year average (2004-2013) the production of wheat increased by 10.3%. Sa žetvenih površina od 1.085.485 hektara očekivana proizvodnja kukuruza je 7.313.998 tona, što je za 24,7% više u odnosu na ostvarenu proizvodnju u 2013. godini i za 23,5% više u odnosu na desetogodišnji prosek (2004-2013.). The total harvest area of 1,085,485 ha is expected to provide the production of maize of 7,313,998 t, which is higher by 24.7% in comparison with the realised production in 2013 and by 23.5% as compared with ten-year average (2004-2013). Očekivana proizvodnja kasnih useva, posmatrano u odnosu na 2013. godinu, beleži rast kod šećerne repe, za 4,4%, soje, za 19,6% i suncokreta, za 0,2%. Observed in comparison with 2013, the expected production of late crops recorded a growth in sugar cane of 4.4%, soybean of 19.6% and sunflower of 0.2%. Kod voćarskih kultura, posmatrano u odnosu na proizvodnju u 2013. godini, evidentirana je manja proizvodnja malina za 9,8% i višanja za 4,4%, a očekuje se veća proizvodnja As far as fruit is concerned, if observed in relation to the production in 2013, lower production was noted with: raspberry by 9.8% and sour cherry by 4.4%, while higher production 2 jabuka za 2,3%, i značajno manja proizvodnja šljiva (- 49,7%) i grožđa (- 61,8%). is expected with apples of 2.3%, and substantially lower production of plums (- 49.7%) and grapes (- 61.8%). Promet robe Turnover of goods Promet robe u trgovini na malo u Republici Srbiji, prema svim avgustovskim pokazateljima RZS iskazao je rast. Posmatrano u stalnim cenama, u avgustu 2014. u odnosu na isti mesec 2013. godine promet je povećan za 3,0%, u odnosu na prosek 2013. godine za 8,8%, u periodu januar-avgust 2014. u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine za 2,5%, a u avgustu u odnosu na jul 2014. godine za 1,3%. Posmatano u tekućim cenama, rast prometa ostvaren je u avgustu 2014. u odnosu na avgust 2013. godine za 3,9%, u odnosu na prosek 2013.godine za 10,4%, u periodu januar-avgust 2014. u odnosu na januar-avgust 2013. godine za 4,0%, a u avgustu 2014. u odnosu na prethodni mesec iste godine za 1,1%. Turnover in retail trade in the Republic of Serbia, according to all August indicators, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia showed a growth. Observed at constant prices, in August 2014, as compared to the same month of 2013, the turnover increased by 3.0%, in comparison with the average 2013 by 8.8%, in the period January - August 2014 if compared with the same interval of 2013, it grew by 2.5%, and in August, when compared with July 2014, it increased by 1.3%. Observed at current prices, a growth in turnover was realised in August 2014 as compared to August 2013 by 3.9%, in relation to the average of 2013 by 10.4%, in the period January - August 2014, in relation to January – August 2013, by 4.0%, while in August 2014, if compared with the previous month of the same year by 1.1%. Saobraćaj Transport U saobraćaju, u prvom polugodištu 2014. godine u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine ukupan fizički obim usluga je povećan za 19,0%. U kopnenom saobraćaju evidentiran je pad fizičkog obima usluga od 0,9%, a posmatrano po pojedinim vidovima kopnenog saobraćaja, u železničkom saobraćaju evidentiran je rast od 1,2%, a u gradskom prevozu zabeležen je rast od 2,3%, dok je u drumskom saobraćaju ostvaren pad od 3,2% i u cevovodnom transportu pad od 0,9%. Najdinamičniji rast u prvom polugodištu 2014. u odnosu na odgovarajuće polugodište prethodne godine evidentiran je u vazdušnom i rečnom saobraćaju: 62,1% i 42,2%, respektivno. In transport, in the first half of 2014, when compared with the same period of 2013, the total physical volume of services increased by 19.0%. A drop in the total physical volume of services of 0.9% was recorded with the land transport, while observed by individual forms of land transport, a growth was recorded with the railway traffic of 1.2%, while the city transport saw an increase of 2.3%, while a decrease of 3.2% was noted in the road traffic, and a drop of 0.9% was recorded in pipeline transport. The most dynamic growth in the first half of 2014, as compared with the same period of the previous year, was noted in air and river transportation: 62.1% and 42.2%, respectively. Construction Građevinarstvo In construction, a majority of indicators show a sequel of adverse tendencies in the second quarter of 2014. The total value of the works performed by contractors from the Republic of Serbia decreased in the second quarter of 2014, as compared to the second quarter of 2013, by 2.1% at current prices (by 5.7%, at constant prices). In the second quarter of 2014 only, as compared to the first quarter of the same year, a growth of 27.4% was recorded, while if compared to the average of 2013 it recorded a drop of 15.3%, and in the first half of 2014, when compared with the first half of 2013, a fall of 2.1% was noted. U građevinarstvu, većina podataka ukazuje na nastavak nepovoljnih tendencija u drugom kvartalu 2014. godine. Ukupna vrednost izvedenih radova izvođača iz Republike Srbije opala je u drugom kvartalu 2014. godine u odnosu na drugi kvartal 2013. godine za 2,1% u tekućim cenama (u stalnim cenama za 5,7%). Samo je u drugom kvartalu 2014. godine, u odnosu na prvi kvartal iste godine, ostvaren rast od 27,4%, dok je u odnosu na prosek 2013. godine evidentiran pad od 15,3%, a u prvom polugodištu 2014. u odnosu na prvo polugodište 2013. godine, pad od 2,1%. Tourism Turizam Tourism activity in the Republic of Serbia, in the first eight months of 2014, as compared to the same period of 2013, showed that the total number of arrivals of tourists decreased by 0.9% and the total number of overnight stays decreased by 7.3%. The number of domestic tourist arrivals and overnight stays decreased by 10.1% and 13.9%, respectively. The international tourism turnover recorded favourable trends and saw a growth in the number of foreign tourist arrivals by 12.9% and number of their overnight stays by 9.3%. In the period January – August 2014, the Republic of Serbia was visited by a total of 1,489,833 (domestic and foreign) tourists and a total of 4,319,359 overnight stays were realised. The predominant share of tourism turnover accounts for domestic tourism (54.4% of the total number of arrivals and 66.5% of the total number of overnight stays in the first eight months of 2014). Turistička aktivnost u Republici Srbiji za prvih osam meseci 2014. godine, u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine, iskazala je pad ukupnog broja dolazaka turista za 0,9% i ukupnog broja noćenja za 7,3%. Broj dolazaka i noćenja domaćih turista opao je za 10,1% i 13,9%. Povoljniji trend ostvaren je u inostranom turističkom prometu, budući da je povećan broj dolazaka inostranih turista za 12,9% i broj njihovih noćenja za 9,3%. Republiku Srbiju je u periodu januar-avgust 2014. godine posetilo ukupno 1.489.833 (domaćih i stranih) turista i ostvareno je ukupno 4.319.359 noćenja. Dominantan deo turističkog prometa otpada na domaći turizam (54,4% od ukupnog broja dolazaka i 66,5% od ukupnog broja noćenja u prvih osam meseci 2014.). 3 Zaposlenost Employment Ukupan broj zaposlenih poslednjeg dana avgusta 2014. godine procenjuje se na 1.687.106 lica, što je za 0,1% (za 2.336 lica) manje nego u prethodnom mesecu i za 1,3% (za 22.033 lica) manje nego u avgustu 2013. Od ukupnog broja zaposlenih, 1.311.911 osoba radilo je kod pravnih lica, dok je privatnih preduzetnika i zaposlenih kod njih ukupno bilo 375.195. Procene ukazuju da je broj zaposlenih u avgustu ove godine, u odnosu na avgust prethodne godine, najviše opao u prerađivačkoj industriji, u kojoj je broj radnika smanjen za 9.460 lica. Total number of employed persons, on the last day of August 2014, was estimated at 1,687,106, which decreased by 0.1% (or 2,336 persons) as compared with the previous month and by 1.3% (or 22,033 persons) in relation to August 2013. Of the total number of employed persons, 1,311,911 were employed with legal entities, while the number of private entrepreneurs and those employed with them amounted to 375,195. The estimates show that the number of employed persons in August this year, as compared with August of the previous year, the highest drop was recorded with manufacturing industry, within which the number of employed persons decreased by 9,460 persons. Nezaposlenost Unemployment Ukupan broj nezaposlenih u Republici Srbiji, prema podacima Nacionalne službe za zapošljavanje, poslednjeg dana avgusta 2014. godine iznosio je 757.243 lica, što je za 0,5% manje u odnosu na stanje iz avgusta prethodne godine, i čak za 1,6% manje u odnosu na stanje iz jula 2014. Na smanjenje broja nezaposlenih u avgustu ove godine za 12.097 lica u odnosu na prethodni mesec, uticala je činjenica da je broj novouposlenih i brisanih sa evidencije tokom izveštajnog perioda značajno nadmašio broj novoprijavljenih na evidenciju. Najveći broj radnika koji su zaposleni u ovom mesecu, ostvario je radni odnos na osnovu ugovora na određeno vreme. Stopa formalne nezaposlenosti za avgust iznosi 29,09% i manja je u odnosu na prethodni mesec kada je iznosila 29,36%. Total number of unemployed persons in the Republic of Serbia, according to the data of the National Employment Office, on the last day of August 2014, amounted to 757,243, which is a decrease of 0.5% as compared with August of the previous year, and even of 1.6% in relation to July 2014. The reduction of the number of unemployed persons in August this year by 12,097, as compared with the previous month, was influenced by the fact that the number of newly employed persons and of those deleted from the registry during the reporting period substantially exceeded the number of newly recorded persons. The largest number of workers were employed in this month according to temporary employment contract. Formal unemployment rate for August amounts to 29.09% and is lower as compared with the previous month, when it was 29.36%. Zarade Wages Prosečna bruto zarada isplaćena u avgustu 2014. godine bila je 62.992 dinara, što je u odnosu na prethodni mesec, nominalno i realno više za 1,0% i 1,2%, respektivno. I u poređenju sa odgovarajućim mesecom 2013. godine, prosečna zarada isplaćena u avgustu ove godine uvećana je nominalno za 1,9%, a realno za 0,4%. Prosečna zarada isplaćena u periodu januar–avgust 2014. godine, u poređenju sa prosečnom zaradom isplaćenom u periodu januar–avgust 2013. godine, nominalno je veća za 1,3%, dok je realno manja za 0,8%. The average gross wage paid out in August 2014 amounted to 62,992 RSD, which nominally increased by 1.0% and by 1.2% in real terms, respectively, if compared with the previous month. If compared with the corresponding month of 2013, the average wage paid out in August this year increased nominally by 1.9%, and in real terms by 0.4%. the average wage paid out in the period January – August 2014, in relation to the average wage paid out in the period January – August 2013, increased nominally by 1.3%, while it decreased by 0.8% in real terms. Zarade bez poreza i doprinosa Wages without taxes and contributions Prosečna neto zarada isplaćena u avgustu 2014. godine iznosila je 45.610 dinara i u odnosu na prosečnu neto zaradu isplaćenu u prethodnom mesecu, nominalno je veća za 0,9%, a u realnom iznosu za 1,1%. U poređenju sa avgustom 2013. godine, njen nominalan rast iznosio je 1,9%, a realan 0,4%. Prosečna zarada bez poreza i doprinosa isplaćena u periodu januar–avgust 2014. godine, u odnosu na prosečnu zaradu bez poreza i doprinosa isplaćenu u istom periodu prethodne godine, nominalno je veća za 1,6%, dok je realno manja za 0,5%. The average net wage, paid out in August 2014, amounted to 45,610 RSD, and if compared with the average net wage paid out in the previous month, it increased nominally by 0.9%, and by 1.1% in real terms. In comparison with August 2013, its nominally growth was 1.9% and 0.4% in real terms. The average wage without taxes and contributions paid out in the period January – August 2014, as compared to the average wage without taxes and contributions paid out in the same period of the previous year, increased nominally by 1.6%, whereas it decreased by 0.5% in real terms. Spoljnotrgovinska robna razmena Foreign trade in goods Ukupna spoljnotrgovinska robna razmena Republike Srbije u periodu januar – avgust 2014. godine iznosila je 23.688,7 miliona USD (17.347,2 miliona evra), što predstavlja rast od 6,9% (2,9%) u odnosu na isti period prethodne godine. Izvezeno je robe u vrednosti od 9.974,6 miliona USD (7.305,2 miliona evra) što je za 8,9% (4,9%) više u odnosu na isti period prethodne godine, a uvezeno je robe u vrednosti od 13.714,1 miliona USD (10.042,0 The total foreign trade in goods of the Republic of Serbia, in the period January - August 2014, amounted to 23,688.7 million USD (17,347.2 million EUR), which was an increase of 6.9% (2.9%) as compared with the same period of the previous year. The goods were exported in the value of 9,974.6 million USD (7,305.2 million EUR) which was by 8.9% (4.9%) higher in comparison with the same period of the previous year, while the goods were imported in the value of 13,714.1 4 miliona evra) , što je za 5,4% (1,5%) više nego u istom periodu prethodne godine. million USD (10,042.0 million EUR) , which was by 5.4% (1.5%) higher than in the same period of the previous year. Deficit robne razmene u ovom periodu iznosio je 3.739,5 miliona USD (2.736,8 miliona evra), što čini smanjenje od 2,9% (6,6%) u odnosu na isti period prethodne godine, dok je pokrivenost uvoza izvozom 72,7% i veća je od pokrivenosti u istom periodu prethodne godine, kada je iznosila 70,4%. The deficit in trade in goods in this period amounted to 3,739.5 million USD (2,736.8 million EUR), which is a decrease of 2.9% (6.6%) as compared with the same period of the previous year, whereas the coverage of import by export was 72.7% and is higher than the import/export coverage in the same period of the previous year, when it amounted to 70.4%. 15000 13000 11000 9000 7000 5000 3000 1000 -1000 -3000 -5000 -7000 -9000 (u mln. dolara) 15967 11375 8112 6461 2824 -3637 3931 -4181 12856 10548 10143 7699 5574 6024 5192 7859 7209 61% 57% -8268 -5801 49% 48% 48% -4951 -4524 -4997 13714 13009 12353 73% 9157 70% 9975 58% -5145 2006 2007 2008 -3852 -3740 51% 2009 2010 2011 2012 15000 13000 11000 9000 7000 5000 3000 1000 -1000 -3000 -5000 -7000 -9000 70% 60% 44% 2005 80% 2013 2014 50% 40% Izvoz Uvoz 15967 11375 8112 6461 2824 -3637 10143 7699 5574 3931 6024 5192 12856 10548 7859 7209 -5801 -8268 48% 49% 48% 2006 2007 -4181 -4951 70% 9975 58% 2008 -4524 -4997 -5145 -3852 -3740 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 51% 2009 70% 60% 44% 2005 80% 73% 9157 61% 57% 13714 13009 12353 50% 40% (January-August) (januar-avgust) Saldo (in USD mln.) External trade balance Import of goods Pokrivenost uvoza izvozom (desna osa) Export of goods Export -Import Ratio (in %, Right Axis) Spoljnotrgovinska robna razmena Srbije (I-VIII) 2005-2014. godine Izvor: RZS. Foreign trade of goods (I-VIII) 2005-2014. godine Izvor: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Najzanačajniji partner Srbije u ovom periodu bile su zemlje EU, koje učestvuju sa 64,2% u strukturi njene ukupne spoljnotrgovinske razmene. Drugi partner po značaju bile su zemlje CEFTA, u koje je za osam meseci ove godine izvezeno robe u iznosu od 1.886,1 milion USD i iz kojih je uvezeno proizvoda za 583,9 milona USD, uz ostvareni suficit od 1.302,2 miliona USD i visoku pokrivenost uvoza izvozom od 323,0%. U izvozu Srbije na područje CEFTA zemalja dominirali su poljoprivredni i razni gotovi proizvodi, a u uvozu sa ovog područja, crni metali, električna energija i ugalj. The most important partner to Serbia in this period were the EU member states, whose share is 64.2% in the structure of its total foreign trade in goods. The second important partner to Serbia were the CEFTA countries, where the export of goods for the eight months this year amounted to 1,886.1 million USD and from which products were imported in the value of 583.9 million USD, with a realised surplus of 1,302.2 million USD and high coverage of import by export of 323.0%. The major goods in exports from Serbia to the CEFTA countries were agricultural and miscellaneous finished products, while the major goods in the import from this territory were ferrous metals, electricity and coal. Pojedinačno, glavni spoljnotrgovinski partneri Srbije u izvozu za osam meseci ove godine, bili su: Italija (1.755,5 mil. USD), Nemačka (1.232,6), Bosna i Hercegovina (862,5), Ruska Federacija (679,8) i Crna Gora (519,0); a u uvozu: Nemačka (1.641,6), Ruska Federacija (1.587,7 mil. USD), Italija (1.585,4), Kina (1.032,9) i Poljska (683,7). For the eight months this year, the main individual foreign trade partners in the export of Serbia were: Italy (1,755.5 million USD), Germany (1,232.6), Bosnia and Herzegovina (862.5), the Russian Federation (679.8) and Montenegro (519.0); and in the import: Germany (1,641.6), the Russian Federation (1,587.7 million USD), Italy (1,585.4), China (1,032.9) and Poland (683.7). Najveći suficit u periodu januar-avgust 2014. ostvaren je u trgovini sa: Bosnom i Hercegovinom, Crnom Gorom, Makedonijom, Italijom, Rumunijom, SAD i Bugarskom; a najveći deficit u razmeni sa Kinom (zbog uvoza telefona za mrežu stanica i laptopova), Ruskom Federacijom (zbog uvoza energenata, pre svega, nafte i gasa), Poljskom (uvoz delova za motorna vozila), Nemačkom, Mađarskom,Turskom, Austrijom i Holandijom. In the period January - August 2014, the highest surplus was recorded in trade exchange with the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Italy, Romania, the USA and Bulgaria; and the largest deficit in trade exchange with China (due to the import of the phones for the network of stations and laptops), the Russian Federation (due to imports of energy sources, mainly oil and gas), Poland (import of parts for motor vehicles), Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Austria and the Netherlands. Prema odsecima Standardne međunarodne trgovinske klasifikacije, u izvozu Srbije za osam meseci 2014. godine, najveće učešće imali su: drumska vozila (1.442,2 mil. USD), električne mašine i aparati (790,3), žitarice i proizvodi od njih (490,7), povrće i voće (481,3) i obojeni metali (423,7), što ukupno predstavlja 36,4% ukupnog izvoza. According to the Sections of the Standard International Trade Classification, for the eight months this year, the goods with the largest share in the exports from Serbia were: road vehicles (1,442.2 million USD), electrical apparatus and machinery (790.3), cereals and products based on grains (490.7), vegetable and fruit (481.3) and non-ferrous metals (423.7), which accounts for 36.4% of total exports. Prvih pet odseka sa najvećim učešćem u uvozu Srbije u ovom peeriodu bili su: drumska vozila (1.504,7 mil. USD), nafta i naftni derivati (1.165,5), prirodni gas (593,0), električne mašine i aparati (541,5) i medicinski i farmaceutski proizvodi (468,2), a njihov uvoz čini 31,2% ukupnog uvoza (odsek nerazvrstana roba, u koji se sada uključuje i roba na carinskom skladištu, imao je učešće u ukupnom uvozu od 10,8%). The first five sections with the largest share in imports were: road vehicles (1,504.7 million USD), oil and oil derivatives (1,165.5), natural gas (593.0), electrical apparatus and machinery (541.5) and medical and pharmaceutical products (468.2), and these account for 31.2% of total imports (the section of unclassified goods, which now includes the goods in the customs warehouses, recorded a share in total imports of 10.8%). 5 Bilans razmene poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije The balance of foreign trade in agriculture and food industry Bilans razmene poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije Srbije s inostranstvom pokazuje da je u periodu januar - avgust 2014. godine ostvaren izvoz u vrednosti od 1.934,9 miliona USD, što predstavlja rast od 17,6% u odnosu na rezultate iz istog perioda prethodne godine. Učešće izvoza ove vrste proizvoda u ukupnom robnom izvozu Srbije za posmatrani period iznosilo je 19,4%. Istovremeno, vrednost uvoza u visini od 1.029,9 miliona USD je za 2,0% bila manja u odnosu na isti period prethodne godine, a njeno učešće u ukupnom uvozu iznosilo je 7,5%. Balance of foreign trade in agriculture and food industry of Serbia, in the period January – August 2014, shows the export value of 1,934.9 million USD, which was an increase of 17.6% compared to the results from the same period of the previous year. The share of this sector in the total goods export of Serbia for the observed period was 19.4%. At the same time, the value of imports of 1,029.9 million USD, was lower by 2.0% as compared to the same period of the previous year, with a share in total goods imports of 7.5%. U periodu januar-avgust 2014. zabeležen je suficit u spoljnotrgovinskoj razmeni poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda od 905,0 miliona USD, što je za 52,0% više u odnosu na odgovarajući period 2013. godine. Istovremeno zabeležena je visoka stopa pokrivenosti uvoza izvozom od 187,9%. In the period January – August 2014, the surplus in foreign trade in agricultural and food products of 905.0 million USD was recorded, which was higher by 52.0% as compared to the same period of 2013. At the same time, a high import/ export coverage rate of 187.9% was recorded. Bilans razmene usluga sa inostranstvom The balance of trade in services Bilans razmene usluga Narodna banka Srbije objavila je u septembru 2014. godine za period januar-jul 2014. godine. Podaci se zasnivaju na novoj metodologiji, prema Uputstvu Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda «Balance of Payment Manual 6« (BPM6). Prema ovim podacima, za prvih sedam meseci 2014. godine ostvaren je izvoz usluga Srbije u vrednosti od 2.825 miliona USD i uvoz u vrednosti od 2.546 miliona USD, tako da je ostvaren suficit od 279 miliona USD. Pokazatelj pokrivenosti uvoza izvozom za prvih sedam meseci 2014. godine je 111%. U odnosu na isti vremenski interval 2013. godine, evidentiran je rast izvoza usluga za 14,7%, rast uvoza za 12,6% i rast suficita bilansa usluga za 39,2%. Balance of foreign trade in services for the period January-July 2014, was announced by the National Bank of Serbia in September 2014. The data are based on the new methodology, under the IMF Balance of Payment Manual, 6th edition (BPM6). According to these data, exports of services from Serbia in the first seven months of 2014 stood at 2,825 million USD and imports stood at 2,546 million USD, thus a surplus of 279 million USD was recorded. The indicator of import/export coverage, in the first seven months of 2014, was 111%. As compared with the same interval of 2013, the exports of services grew by 14.7%, and the imports grew by 12.6%, while the surplus of balance of services increased by 39.2%. Deficit tekućih transakcija Current account deficit of balance of payments Deficit tekućih transakcija platnog bilansa je (prema BPM6 MMF-a), u periodu januar-jul 2014. godine, iznosio 986 mln. evra, što je manje u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine (indeks 87,4). Poboljšanje tekućeg računa je nastavljeno pretežno usled pozitivnih kretanja u robnoj razmeni. Sedmomesečni deficit robne razmene je smanjen na 2,2 mlrd. evra (indeks 90,4), dok je suficit usluga za trećinu veći u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine i iznosi 200 mln. evra. Robni izvoz je, u prvih sedam meseci, rastao brže (7,7% međugodišnje) u odnosu na rast uvoza robe (2,5%). Deficit na računu primarnog dohotka je porastao na 672 mln. evra, usled povećanih isplata po osnovu kamata na portfolio investicije (199 mln. evra, povećanje za 64%) i isplata po osnovu reinvestirane dobiti i dividendi u okviru direktnih investicija. Suficit na računu sekundarnog dohotka je smanjen usled smanjenih priliva po osnovu doznaka. Prihodi po osnovu sekundarnog dohotka su bili veći u odnosu na rashode za 1,7 mlrd. evra (indeks 95,7), pri čemu je neto priliv doznaka radnika iz inostranstva, 1,1 mlrd. evra, bio manji za 184 mln. evra u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. Current account deficit of balance of payments (according to IMF BPM6) in the period January-July 2014, totaled 986 million EUR, which is lower compared to the same period in 2013 (index 87.4). The improvement in the current account continued mainly due to the positive trends in trade in goods. The seven-month deficit in trade in goods was reduced to 2.2 billion EUR (index 90.4), while the surplus in trade in services was higher by one third compared to the same period of 2013, and stood at 200 million EUR. In the first seven months, the export of goods grew faster (7.7% inter-annually) than the import (2.5%). The deficit on the primary income account grew to 672 million EUR, due to the increased payments against interest rates on portfolio investment (199 million EUR, an increase of 64%), and the payments against the reinvested profit and dividends within direct investments. The surplus on the secondary income account was lower due to the lower inflow from remittances. The revenues from the secondary income were higher compared to the expenditures by 1.7 billion EUR (index 95.7), whereby the net inflow of remittances from the workers from abroad, standing at 1.1 billion EUR, decreased by 184 million EUR as compared to the same period of the previous year. (u mln. evra) 1500 (in EUR mln.) 1500 Sekundarni dohodak 1000 500 Secondary income 1000 Bilans usluga Services 500 0 0 Primarni dohodak -500 -500 Bilans tekućeg računa -1000 -1000 -1500 -1500 -2000 -2000 -2500 Primary income Current account -2500 -3000 -3500 (I-VII) 2012 -3000 Bilans robe (I-VII) 2013 -3500 (I-VII) 2012 (I-VII) 2014 Tekući račun platnog bilansa (I-VII) 2012- 2014. godine Izvor: NBS. Goods (I-VII) 2013 Current Account Balance (I-VII) 2012 - (I-VII) 2014. Source: National Bank of Serbia. 6 (I-VII) 2014 Strane direktne investicije Foreign direct investments Priliv SDI u prvih sedam meseci tekuće godine je izuzetno nizak u odnosu na relane potrebe privrede. Primenom nove metodologije BPM6 MMF-a, unete su izmene u obračunu stranih direktnih investicija koje su, u periodu januar-jul 2014. godine, zabeležile neto priliv u vrednosti 657 mln. evra (u istom periodu 2013. godine su iznosile 610 mln. evra). Naime, primenom nove metodologije saldo finansijskog računa je povećan, usled većeg iznosa SDI novim obuhvatom podataka prelaskom na direktno izveštavanje i uključivanjem reinvestirane dobiti. Najveći deo SDI je bio usmeren u sektore industrije, trgovine i finansija. Očekuje se da će neto SDI u 2014. godini, koje bi prema projekciji NBS mogle dostići 1,25 mlrd. evra (3,9% BDP), pretežno biti usmerene u sektore energetike, prerađivačke industrije i trgovine na malo, pri čemu se učešće sektora razmenjivih dobara u strukturi SDI povećava. Foreign direct investments inflow in the first seven months of 2014 was very low as compared to the real needs of the economy. With the application of the new IMF BPM6 methodology, some changes have been introduced to the calculation of foreign direct investments, which recorded a net inflow of 657 million EUR in the period January-July 2014 (in the same period 2013, they amounted to 610 million EUR). With the application of the new methodology, the balance of the financial account grew due to the higher FDI amount, which resulted from a new coverage of the data, through the shift to direct reporting and inclusion of reinvested profit. Major part of FDIs was directed to the sectors of industry, trade, and finance. It is expected that net FDIs in 2014, which could reach 1.25 billion EUR (3.9% of GDP) according to the NBS projections, will be directed mainly to the sectors of energy, manufacturing industry and retail trade, whereby the sector of exchangeable goods has a growing share in the FDI structure. 2500 (u mln. evra) (u % BDP) 7.0% 2000 10.0% 2500 9.0% 8.0% 1500 3.8% 3.7% 1000 3.9% 4.3% 2000 4.3% 7.0% 6.0% 3.8% 1500 4.0% 0 2197 669 2010 2011 2012 Neto priliv SDI 610 657 2013 (I-VII) 2014 (I-VII) 1229 1250 1400 2013 2014* 2015* Prosečan nivo SDI 8.0% 5.0% 2.3% 1000 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1040 9.0% 6.0% 3.0% 500 10.0% 7.0% 3.9% 3.7% 5.0% 2.3% (as % of GDP) 7.0% (in EUR mln.) 500 1.0% 0.0% 0 2.0% 1040 2197 669 2010 2011 2012 SDI/BDP Net FDI Direktne investicije, neto 2010-2013, projekcije 2014-2015. Izvor: NBS. 610 657 2013 (I-VII) 2014 (I-VII) FDI average 1229 1250 1400 2013 2014* 2015* 1.0% 0.0% FDI/GDP Direct investment, net 2010-2013, projection 2014-2015. Source: National Bank of Serbia. Spoljni dug Foreign debt Spoljni dug je, na kraju jula 2014. godine, iznosio 25,2 mlrd. evra prema podacima NBS, i manji je za 592 mln. evra u odnosu na poslednji dan 2013. godine. Održana je povoljna ročna struktura duga, uz kratkoročni spoljni dug u vrednosti 147 mln. evra i dugoročni 25,1 mlrd. evra. Spoljni dug javnog sektora iznosi 12,9 mlrd. evra (51% ukupnog spoljnog duga) a privatnog sektora 12,4 mlrd. evra. Poslednjeg dana jula 2014. godine spoljni dug banaka je, u odnosu na poslednji dan 2013. godine, smanjen za 491 mln. evra i iznosi 2,9 mlrd. evra, te bi nastavak razduživanja banaka tokom narednih meseci 2014. godine rezultirao smanjenjem spoljne zaduženosti po ovom osnovu. Zaduženje sektora preduzeća povećano je, u odnosu na poslednji dan 2013. godine, za 191 mln. evra i iznosi 9,5 mlrd. evra. Dalje spoljno zaduživanje javnog sektora zavisiće od potreba finansiranja fiskalnog deficita i saniranja efekata vremenskih nepogoda iz maja tekuće godine. Foreign debt of Serbia, as at the end of July 2014, amounted to 25.2 billion EUR according to the NBS data, and it was lower by 592 million EUR compared to the last day of 2013. A favorable maturity structure of the debt was maintained, with the shortterm foreign debt amounting to 147 million EUR, and the longterm debt of 25.1 billion EUR. Public sector foreign debt amounted to 12.9 billion EUR (51% of total foreign debt), and the private sector foreign debt was 12.7 billion EUR. On the last day of July 2014, compared to the last day of 2013, foreign debt of banks was lower by 491 million EUR and it amounted to 2.9 billion EUR, and the continued debt repayment by the banks in the coming months of 2014 would result in the reduction of foreign debt on this ground. The debt of the company sector increased compared to the last day of 2013, by 191 million EUR and amounted to 9.5 billion EUR. Further public sector borrowing will depend on the needs of financing the fiscal deficit and elimination of the consequences of the natural disaster from May this year. Konsolidovani bilans sektora države Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Public Sector Konsolidovani bilans sektora države je, prema podacima Ministarstva finansija, u prvih osam meseci 2014. godine zabeležio deficit u vrednosti 122 mlrd. dinara što je realno povećanje od 3,8% u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine. U konsolidovanom bilansu je registrovano realno povećanje osmomesečnih javnih prihoda za 1,1% i rast rashoda za 1,4%, uz međugodišnju osmomesečnu inflaciju 2,1%. Deficit na centralnom nivou države dostigao je 133 mlrd. dinara, dok je lokalni nivo države bio u suficitu 10,6 mlrd. dinara. Consolidated public sector balance sheet, according to the Ministry of Finance, for the first eight months of 2014 recorded a deficit in the amount of 122 billion RSD, which is actually an increase of 3.8% compared to the same period in 2013. The consolidated balance sheet shows a real growth in eightmonth public revenues of 1.1%, expenditure growth of 1.4%, and the inter-annual eight-month inflation rate of 2.1%. The deficit of the central government level reached 133 billion RSD, while the local government was in surplus of 10.6 billion 7 Konsolidovani prihodi su, u prvih osam meseci 2014. godine, dostigli 980 mlrd. dinara, a rashodi 1.102 mlrd. dinara. Najveći deo osmomesečnih poreskih prihoda potiče od doprinosa (283 mlrd. dinara), prihoda od PDV-a koji su dostigli 261 mlrd. dinara (od čega je PDV iz uvoza 185 mlrd. din. a PDV u zemlji 75 mlrd. din.), i akciza (134 mlrd. dinara, pri čemu su najveći prihodi od akciza na derivate nafte 76 mlrd. din i na duvanske proizvode 49 mlrd. din.). Najveći deo rashoda čine izdaci za penzije (337 mlrd. dinara) i rashodi za zaposlene (256 mlrd. dinara). Za otplatu kamate je utrošeno 76 mlrd. dinara. RSD. Consolidated revenues for the first eight months of 2014 reached 980 billion RSD and expenditures stood at 1,102 billion RSD. The largest part of eight-month revenues comes from contributions (283 billion RSD), revenues from VAT, which reached 261 billion RSD (of which import VAT 185 billion RSD and VAT in the country 75 billion RSD), and excise taxes (134 billion RSD, with the largest revenues from excise duties on oil derivatives 76 billion RSD and tobacco products 49 billion RSD). The largest portion of expenditures accounted for pensions (337 billion RSD) and expenses for employees (256 billion RSD). For interest payments 76 billion RSD were spent. Javni dug Public Debt Ukupan javni dug centralnog nivoa vlasti je, prema podacima Uprave za javni dug, na dan 31. avgusta 2014. godine povećan na 21,9 mlrd. evra, za 1,7 mlrd. evra u odnosu na poslednji dan 2013. godine (kada je iznosio 20,1 mlrd. evra), od čega je spoljni javni dug dostigao 13,2 mlrd. evra, a unutrašnji 8,7 mlrd. evra. Javni dug je, poslednjeg dana avgusta, dostigao 67,9% BDP-a. Učešće domaće valute u ukupnom javnom dugu je 22%, dok je najveće učešće duga u evrima (43%) i USD (29%). U strukturi kamatnih stopa 76% su fiksne kamatne stope a 24% varijabilne. Najveći kreditori su Evropska investiciona banka i EBRD. Mere fiskalne konsolidacije i smanjenje fiskalnog deficita su jedini efiksan put održivog smanjenja i stabilizacije javnog duga u periodu 2014-2016. godine. Total public debt of the central government, according to the Public Debt Directorate of the Republic of Serbia, on 31 August 2014, increased to 21.9 billion EUR, i.e. by 1.7 million EUR compared to the last day of 2013 (when it stood at 20.1 billion EUR), out of which foreign debt totaled 13.2 billion EUR, and the internal debt stood at 8.7 billion EUR. On the last day of August, the public debt reached 67.9% of GDP. The share of the domestic currency in the public debt was 22%, while the largest share of debt was in EUR (43%) and USD (29%). In the structure of interest rates, 76% were fixed rates and 24% were variable ones. The largest creditors are the European Investment Bank and the EBRD. Fiscal consolidation measures and the fiscal deficit are the only efficient way to sustainable reduction and stabilization of the public debt in the period 2014-2016. 20,000 15,000 10,000 48.2% Zakonska granica 29.2% 75% (u % BDP) (u mln. evra) 34.8% 60.2% 63.8% 67.9% 60% 15,000 45% 44.5% 10,000 30% 5,000 0 20,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014. (31. 08.) 48.2% Limit by Law 29.2% 34.8% 60.2% 63.8% 67.9% 0 0% 60% 45% 44.5% 30% 5,000 15% 2008 (as % of GDP) 75% (in EUR mln.) 15% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014. (31.08.) 0% (December 31) (na dan 31. decembar) Domestic Debt (Left Axis) External Debt (Left Axis) Public Debt to GDP ratio (Right Axis) Unutrašnji javni dug (leva osa) Spoljni javni dug (leva osa) Јavni dug/BDP (desna osa) Public Debt 2008-2014. Source: National Bank of Serbia. Javni dug, 2008-2014. godine Izvor: NBS. Devizne rezerve Foreign exchange reserves Devizne rezerve NBS poslednjeg dana avgusta 2014. iznosile su 10.949,2 miliona evra, što obezbeđuje pokrivenost novčane mase M1 od 304% i više od sedam meseci uvoza robe i usluga. U poređenju s prethodnim mesecom, devizne rezerve NBS su povećane za 826 miliona evra, a najveći devizni priliv je ostvaren po osnovu korišćenja kredita od Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata u iznosu od 748,3 miliona evra. Foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of Serbia at the end of August amounted to 10,949.2 million EUR, which provides coverage of 304% of the money supply M1 and more than seven-month imports of goods and services. As compared with the previous month, the NBS foreign exchange reserves increased by 826 million EUR, and the largest inflow of foreign exchange was on ground of the loan from the United Arab Emirates, in the amount of 748.3 million EUR. U avgustu je evidentiran i rast deviznih rezervi komercijalnih banaka za 84 miliona evra, tako da su ukupne devizne rezerve Republike Srbije u ovom mesecu dostigle iznos od 12.171 milion evra, što je za oko milijardu i deset miliona evra više nego u prethodnom mesecu. In August, the foreign exchange reserves of the commercial banks recorded an increase of 84 million EUR, so that the total foreign exchange reserves of the Republic of Serbia reached the amount of 12,171 million EUR, which is higher by about one billion and ten million EUR, compared to the previous month. 8 Foreign exchange Reserves, 2004-2014 (mil. EUR) Source: National Bank of Serbia Devizne rezerve, 2004-2014. (mil. evra) Izvor: Narodna banka Srbije Kurs dinara RSD exchange rate Kurs dinara je tokom avgusta ove godine nominalno depresirao za 0,9% u odnosu na evro, iako je NBS intervenisala na međubankarskom deviznom tržištu prodajom 60 miliona evra kako bi smanjila prekomerne kratkoročne oscilacije deviznog kursa. Imajući u vidu da je depresijacija kursa dinara zabeležena i u prethodnom mesecu, može se reći da je domaća nacionalna valuta u prvih osam meseci značajno oslabila u odnosu na evro. Tako je dinar poslednjeg dana avgusta ove godine, obezvređen za 2,7% u odnosu na evro, što se odražava i na nominalni i realni efektivni kurs, koji su u avgustu depresirali za 1,2% i 1,5%, respektivno. RSD exchange rate depreciated nominally by about 0.9% against EUR in August 2014, although the National Bank of Serbia intervened in the interbank foreign exchange market by selling 60 million EUR in order to reduce excessive short-term volatility in exchange rates. Having in mind that the RSD exchange rate depreciation was recorded in the previous month, too, it can be said that the national currency depreciated substantially against EUR in the first eight months. Thus, on the last day of August this year, RSD depreciated against EUR by 2.7%, which also affected the nominal and real effective exchange rates, which depreciated by 1.2% and 1.5%, respectively, in August. Mesečne promene realnog efektivnog kursa u 2013. i 2014. (2005=100) Izvor: Narodna banka Srbije Real Effective Excange Rates, 2013-2014, Monthly Cnhanges (2005=100) Source: National Bank of Serbia Monetarni pokazatelji Monetary indicators Novčana masa M1 poslednjeg dana avgusta ove godine iznosila je 425,2 mlrd. dinara, što je za oko 24 mlrd. više u odnosu na prethodni mesec, a rast su izkazali i svi ostali monetarni agregati. Money supply (M1) on last day of August this year totaled 425.2 billion RSD which is about 24 billion more than in the previous month. Growth was also recorded with all other monetary aggregates. Ukupna štednja stanovništva je poslednjeg dana avgusta premašila bilion dinara, a uprkos padu kursa dinara, ukupna štednja stanovništva, izraženo u evrima, dostigla je rekordan iznos od 8,6 milijardi. U poređenju s prethodnim mesecom, štednja stanovništva se uvećala za oko 4,3 miliona evra. Total citizens’ savings in August 2014 exceeded one billion dinars, and in spite of the depreciation of RSD exchange rate, total citizens’ savings denominated in EUR, reached the record amount of 8.6 billion. As compared to the previous month, the citizens’ savings were higher by 4.3 million EUR. Izvršni odbor NBS odlučio je na septembarskojsednici, da referentnu kamatnu stopu zadrži na postojećem nivou od 8,5%. Pri donošenju odluke da referentnu kamatnu stopu zadrži na nepromenjenom nivou, Izvršni odbor je pre svega imao u vidu i dalje prisutne neizvesnosti iz domaćeg i međunarodnog okruženja. At the meeting held in September, the Executive Board of the National Bank of Serbia decided to keep the reference interest on the current level of 8.5%. In making the decision to keep the reference interest rate on the unchanged level, the Executive Board took into account the uncertainties in the country and the region. 9 Tržište kapitala Capital market Informacije o prometu na Beogradskoj berzi pokazuju da je u septrembru 2014. godine, u odnosu na prethodni mesec, zabeležen rast vrednosti glavnih indeksa, BELEX15 i BELEXline od po 5,0%. U poređenju sa krajem prethodne godine, oba ovogodišnja septembarska indeksa Beogradske berze su u plusu, BELEX15 za 18,5%, a BELEXline za 19,4%. Septembarski rast indeksa Beogradske berze je u suprotnosti sa dešavanjima na najznačajnijim berzama u svetu, gde je, uglavnom, prisutan pad vrednosti vodećih indeksa (DJIA, SP500, E100). Belgrade Stock Exchange transactions data show that, in September 2014, compared to the previous month, the leading indexes BELEX15 and BELEXline recorded a growth of 5.0% respectively. As compared to the end of the previous year, both September indexes on the Belgrade Stock Exchange showed increase, BELEX15 was higher by 18.5% and BELEXline by 19.4%. The September growth of the Belgrade Stock Exchange indexes is contrary to the trends in the major stock exchanges in the world, which recorded mainly a fall in the value of leading indexes (DJIA, SP500, E100). Promene na svetskim berzama, septembar 2014. (stope, prethodni mesec=100) Izvor: Svetske berze Changes in International Capital Markets, september 2014. (rates according to privious month) Izvor: National captilal markets, data Privatizacija Privatization Prema izveštaju Agencije za privatizaciju, u avgustu 2014. godine, nije bilo novih privatizacija putem tendera i aukcija, dok je na tržištu kapitala registrovana jedna transakcija preduzeća s kojim je prethodno raskinut ugovor, i ostvaren prihod od prodaje u vrednosti 36,0 hljd. evra, dok su privatizacioni prihodi u prvih osam meseci 2014. godine dostigli oko 5,2 mln. evra. Prema podacima Ministarstva privrede, dostavljeno je 1.732 ponude za 403 preduzeća u restrukturiranju. Prema izmenama i dopunama Zakona o privatizaciji, privatizacija društvenog kapitala će biti okončana do kraja 2015. godine. Privatization Agency has announced that in August 2014, there were no new privatization tenders and auctions, while the capital market recorded a transaction of a previously privatized enterprise, with a terminated contract, and the sales revenues of 36.0 thousand EUR, while the privatization revenues in the first eight months of 2014, reached about 5.2 million EUR. According to the Ministry of Economy, 1,732 bids were submitted for 403 enterprises under restructuring. According to the amendments to the Law on Privatization, privatization of the socially-owned capital will be completed by the end of 2015. 10
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