High throughput nucleic acid sample preparation in 96 well plates CONTENT 01// 02// 03// 04// 05// Product Selection Guide 2 High Throughput Purification Procedures 4 GENOTYPING Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit 5 Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit 7 PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit 8 PATHOGEN DETECTION Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit 10 Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit 11 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD APPLICATIONS (GMO) Invisorb® and InviTrap® Plant HTS 96 Kits 12 GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit 13 DNA FRAGMENT PURIFICATION MSB® HTS PCRapace 14 Kit Overview 15 Ordering Information 16 1 Smarter Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation STRATEC Molecular offers a broad range of products for high throughput applications, which are developed for highly efficient purification of DNA and RNA from a wide range of starting materials. All kits are optimized for use on a centrifuge with a deep-well rotor. Many kits can also be used with a vacuum manifold or on robotic workstations. For adaption to robotic platforms please contact us ([email protected]) or your local sales representative. STRATEC Molecular developed a proprietary filter plate with a 1 ml working volume dedicated to nucleic acid purification in 96 well format. The long drip directors guarantee the prevention of well to well contamination during the purification process, and a reduction of aerosol development. In addition, this technology leads to a reduction of foam development if detergent containing buffers are used. Additionally, the plates incorporate a unique one-piece design to eliminate leaking and allow for extended incubations. Furthermore tear-resistant membranes ensure safe and reliable DNA/RNA purification. The plates are automation compatible to provide maximum sample preparation throughput. Long years of experience in kit development and reagent optimization in combination with a thorough understanding of requirements and limitations in automation have resulted in highly optimized solutions for your automated nucleic acid extraction needs. With our kits you can: Improve Efficiency Maximize Capabilities Improve Safety Improve Effectiveness Increase Environmental-friendliness Streamline your sample preparation process by using STRATEC Molecular products. www.invitek.de 2 PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE NUCLEID ACID TYPE STARTING MATERIAL RECOMMENDED KIT DNA Genomic Blood, buffy coat, bone marrow, swabs Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit InviMag® & Invisorb® Universal Kit Tissue, rat or mouse tail, cryosections, food Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit Cells (eucaryotic) Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit Saliva, swabs PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit Plants (leaves, roots, fruits, flowers, wood, oily seeds, water plants, food) Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit Bacterial Bacteria pellets, tissue, swabs cell-free body fluids, blood, urine, food samples Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit InviMag® & Invisorb® Universal Kit Viral Blood, serum, plasma, cell-free body fluids, cell culture supernatants, swabs, eucaryotic cells Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit InviMag® & Invisorb® Universal Kit DNA fragments PCR products, amplification reaction mixture, cDNA synthesis, ligation mixtures, restriction digestion mixtures MSB® HTS PCRapace Viral Serum, plasma,cell culture supernatants, swabs, stool samples Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit InviMag® & Invisorb® Universal Kit Total Cells (eucaryotic) InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit Tissue InviTrap® RNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit Plants (leaves, roots, fruits, flowers, wood, oily seeds, water plants, food) InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit RNA STA - STARlet from Hamilton Robotics X - X-tractor Gene from Corbett Robotics ep - epMotion 5075 Vac from Eppendorf Tec - Freedom Evo fom Tecan Group Adaptions to other liquid handling platforms may be performed upon request. Magnetic bead based applications for use on KingFisher 96 and Flex are also available. 3 SAMPLE VOLUME YIELD / WELL CENTRIFUGE VACUUM MANIFOLD Up to 200 µl Up to 10 µg x x Up to 20 mg 0.2 - 1.2 μg per mg tissue 10 - 35 μg per mouse tail (1.0 cm) 20 - 40 μg per rat tail (0.5 cm) Up to 106 cells AUTOMATED PROTOCOLS AVAILABLE FOR PAGE STA**, X, ep*** 05 x Tec 07 Up to 6 - 10 µg x Tec 07 500 - 800 µl Depending on starting material x ep*** 08 Up to 50 mg Up to 6 µg x Up to 109 cells up 100 µl liquid sample up to 10 mg tissue up to 25 g food sample 15 - 50 ml urine Depending on starting material x x STA**,X, ep*** Up to 200 µl up to 106 cells Depending on viral titer x x ep, X, STA**, X, ep*** Up to 100 µl Up to 95 % recovery x x Up to 200 µl or 50 mg Depending on viral titer x x Up to 5 x 105 cells Up to 20 µg x x Up to 10 mg Up to 30 µg x * Up to 50 mg Up to 30 µg x * x 12 11 * 14 STA**,X, ep*** 10 13 *) Please find more information online at www.invitek.de **) Please request specific brochure about Kits on STARlet from Hamilton Robotics ***) limited support 4 HIGH THROUGHPUT PURIFICATION PROCEDURES 3. Total RNA isolation 1. 1. Genomic DNA isolation 2. DNA/RNA isolation from pathogens 1. 1. 2. 3. 2. 4. DNA fragment purification 2. 3. 1. 4. 3. 4. 2. 5. 4. 3. 6. 5. 5. (Prelysis of cell wall) 1. Lysis of starting material 1. Lysis of starting material 2. Adjustment of binding conditions 2. Adjustment of binding conditions 3. Binding of genomic DNA 3. Binding of bacterial and viral DNA/RNA 4. Washing and ethanol removal 4. Washing and ethanol removal 5. Elution of genomic DNA 5. Elution of bacterial and viral DNA/RNA 1. Cell lysis Adjustment of DNA binding conditions 2. Selective DNA binding and removal 3. Adjustment of RNA binding conditions 4. Binding of total RNA 5. Washing and ethanol removal 6. Elution of total RNA 1. Adjustment of binding conditions 2. Binding of DNA fragments 3. Elution of DNA fragments 5 Genotyping DNA isolation from blood and body fluids The Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit is designed for genomic DNA purification from human and animal blood as well as from buffy coat, bone marrow or rinse liquid from swabs. Fresh or frozen whole blood treated with EDTA or citrate, from routine blood collection systems can be used. The kit is CE-marked in compliance with the Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD-Directive)* EASY PROCEDURE Purify up to 10 µg genomic DNA from 96 samples in parallel with no additional erythrocyte lysis in approx. one hour COMPATIBLE WITH A VARIETY OF ANTICOAGULANTS AND TUBES For human blood, mammalian and non-mammalian animal blood, rinse liquid from swabs (max. 200 µl), buffy coat (max. 30 µl), bone marrow (20 µl), compatible with EDTA and citrate EFFECTIVE FOR A VARIETY OF DOWNSTREAM APPLICATIONS Suitable for applications based on enzymatic amplification and detection of DNA (PCR and real-time PCR, SNP analysis, genotyping etc.) Fig. 1: AUTOMATED REPRODUCIBLE DNA ISOLATION ON THE epMotion® 5075 VAC A Genomic DNA from 40 blood samples was isolated using the Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit on the epMotion® 5075 VAC from Eppendorf. The procedure consistently delivered high molecular weight DNA as indicated by clear bands without detectable RNA contamination (A). The DNA was suitable for PCR amplification which is demonstrated by the successful amplification of the GAPDH-sequence in the samples (B). B 01 6 RT-PCR Fig. 2: Genomic DNA isolation from blood samples and amplification 1K-ras qPCR Genomic DNA was isolated from 24 samples of 200 µl transfusion blood using the InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet. 2.5 µl of isolated DNA were amplified using an in-house assay for K-ras. The UV/VIS of 8 replicates in figure 1 shows the reproducible high quality of DNA. Ratio A260/A280 (24 samples): 1.72 SD: 0.05 Ratio A260/A230 (24 samples): 1.65 SD: 0.35 Yield: 3.99 µg (24 samples): SD: 0.46 References: Short Communication: Association Analysis of Microsatellites and Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis Antibody Response in German Holsteins. M. Hinger, H. Brandt, S. Horner, and G. Erhardt J Dairy Sci, Apr 2007; 90: 1957 - 1961. Epidemiological and genetical differences between classical and atypical scrapie cases. Lühken et al., 2007, Vet. Res. 38 (2007) 65–80 Association study in naturally infected helminth layers shows evidence for influence of interferon-gamma gene variants on Ascaridia galli worm burden. Lühken G, Gauly M, Kaufmann F, Erhardt G. Vet Res. 2011 Jul 12;42(1):84. PRODUCT Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit/ C PACKAGE SIZE CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 x 96 purifications 7031300200 24 x 96 purifications 7031300400 4 x 96 purifications 7031300300 Please find ordering information for vacuum based or automated kits on page 16. For purification of genomic DNA from blood the InviMag®Blood or Universal Kit/ STARlet and Invisorb® Blood or Universal HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet are available. Please request the info material. *) Products which are CE-marked according to the IVD-Directive can be used for diagnostic applications in countries where this directive is recognized. 7 Genotyping DNA isolation from tissue samples and cells The Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit enables genomic DNA purification from a variety of tissue types incl. mouse and rat tails, cryosections, food and from eucaryotic cells. PCR inhibitors, which can interfere with the amplification reaction, are efficiently removed. Pure DNA can be used in subsequent downstream applications, such as PCR, real-time PCR, SNP detection, sequencing and cloning. The kit is CE-marked in compliance with the Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD-Directive)*. OPTIMIZED PROTOCOLS FOR A VARIETY OF STARTING MATERIALS For various tissue specimens (max. 20 mg), rodent tails, eucaryotic cells (max. 106) MORE INTACT DNA No DNA degradation by using a gentle, low-salt (non-chaotropic) buffer system REPRODUCIBLE AMPLIFICATION RESULTS Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors DNA from different stickleback eggs and spins was isolated using the Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit on Freedom Evo 200 workstation from Tecan. Purified DNA from different samples was used as template for Multiplex PCR using 5 microsatellites targets. Data kindly provided by Mr. Eizaguirre from Department of Evolutionary Ecology, Max Planck Offspring 2 Offspring 1 Father Mother Fig. 3: PATERNITY TESTING BY ISOLATION OF DNA FROM FISH EGGS AN SPINES PRODUCT Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit/ C PACKAGE SIZE CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 x 96 purifications 7032300200 24 x 96 purifications 7032300400 4 x 96 purifications 7032300300 Please find ordering information for vacuum based or automated kits on page 16. *) Products which are CE-marked according to the IVD-Directive can be used for diagnostic applications in countries where this directive is recognized. 01 8 Genotyping DNA sample preparation from saliva and swabs The SalivaGene® system combines the use of the novel SalivaGene® Collector or the Saliva Gene® Buccal Swab for saliva and swab sample collection and subsequent DNA purification. The SalivaGene® Collector and the SalivaGene® Buccal Swab tubes are pre-filled with a DNA stabilization buffer which eliminates the need of sample cooling and stabilizes genomic DNA for 12 months at room temperature. The non-invasive saliva and swab collection methods reduce puncture-associated infection risks and provide high quality DNA performing as well as blood-derived DNA in downstream applications. For high throughput applications DNA purification can be completed using the PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit. HIGHEST DNA YIELDS High quality DNA suitable for various downstream applications e.g. genotyping and genomic sequencing, pharmacogenomics LONG-TERM ROOM TEMPERATURE STABILITY OF SAMPLES Less costs and sample management during transport and storage without refrigeration PAINLESS SELF-COLLECTION Pre-filled sample collection tubes for easy sample collection with DNA stabilization buffer – no medical personnel required Fig. 4: SalivaGene® COLLECTOR 9 Genotyping Fig. 5: AUTOMATED DNA ISOLATION FROM STABILIZED SWAB SAMPLES 01 A B Genomic DNA was isolated using the PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit on the epMotion® 5075 VAC (Eppendorf AG, Hamburg, Germany) from SalivaGene® stabilized swabs from 8 different donors stored at room temperature for six weeks. 10 µl of the eluted DNA were analyzed on a 1.5 % agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide (A). The DNA quantity ranged from 1.5 – 6 µg. The GAPDH sequence was amplified in a real-time PCR using the StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System from Applied Biosystems (B). 2.5 µl of the eluted DNA were used as template. (Yellow lane – negative control; green lane: positive control) Fig. 6: BIOLOGICAL VARIABILITY OF SALIVA SAMPLES 53 different saliva samples of randomly selected volunteers were extracted after stabilization for 2 – 4 weeks at room temperature. 500 µl of stabilized saliva was used for manual extraction and were measured by photometric analysis. An average DNA yield of about 25 µg / 500 µl sample was obtained. Data are shown in comparison to typical theoretical data of DNA obtained from 200µl of EDTA stabilized blood (typical yield from 4 to 12 µg). The high standard deviation is due to the variability of the collected samples reflecting biological variability of individuals as well as sampling variability. PRODUCT PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit / C SalivaGene® Collector SalivaGene® Buccal Swab PACKAGE SIZE CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 x 96 purifications 7035360200 24 x 96 purifications 7035360400 4 x 96 purifications 50 pieces 50 pieces Please find ordering information for vacuum based or automated kits on page 16. 7035360300 1035210200 1035230200 10 Pathogen Detection Viral RNA from clinical samples Use the Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit for isolation of high-quality RNA from viruses found in a diverse range of starting materials from 96 samples in parallel. The kit simplifies viral RNA isolation by combining efficient lysis and the use of Carrier RNA for the enhancement of RNA recovery in samples with low viral titer, allowing for sensitive virus detection in qualitative and quantitative assays. The kit is CE-marked in compliance with the Directive 98/79/EC on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD-Directive)*. RELIABLE PROCEDURE RT-PCR templates in one hour with high sensitivity at low virus titers FOR VARIOUS SAMPLE TYPES Plasma, serum, cell culture supernatants, rinse liquid from swabs (max. 200 µl), stool samples (max. 50 mg) COMPLETE REMOVAL OF PCR INHIBITORS Pure viral RNA for downstream analysis, e.g. real-time RT-PCR Fig. 7: NOROVIRUS RNA ISOLATION FROM HUMAN STOOL SAMPLES A B qRT-PCR of Norovirus genogroup I (FAM channel (A)) and Norovirus genogroup II (ROX channel (B)). Amplification plots of normalized fluorescence versus the PCR cycle numbers are displayed for manually extracted RNA specimens (red plots) and automatically extracted RNA specimens using the Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ X (green or blue plots) on the X-tractor™ Gene. Plots of Norovirus genogroup I and II-negative specimens, respectively, are below the threshold. Data kindly provided by C. Helmeke, H-M., Irmscher, State Office of Consumer Protection, Saxony-Anhalt, Department Medical Microbiology, Magdeburg, Germany PRODUCT Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ C PACKAGE SIZE CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 x 96 purifications 7043300200 24 x 96 purifications 7043300400 4 x 96 purifications 7043300300 Please find ordering information for vacuum based or automated kits on page 16. For DNA purification from DNA viruses the Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit (7042300200) is also available For purification of viral DNA or RNA the InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet, Invisorb® Universal HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet and for purification of viral RNA the Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet or InviMag® Virus RNA Kit/ STARlet are available. Please request the info material. *) Products which are CE-marked according to the IVD-Directive can be used for diagnostic applications in countries where this directive is recognized. 11 Pathogen Detection Bacterial DNA from different sample types The Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit is designed for genomic DNA isolation from different bacteria species from a broad range of starting materials. Pure DNA can be used in subsequent downstream applications, such as PCR, real-time PCR, restriction analysis, and sequencing. FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF SAMPLES Bacteria cell pellets (max. 109), blood, cell-free body fluids, rinse liquid from swabs (max 100 µl), tissue (max. 10 mg), food samples (max. 25 g), urine (15 - 50 ml) RELIABLE PROCEDURE PCR templates in approx. 80 minutes with high sensitivity at low bacterial titer REPRODUCIBLE AMPLIFICATION RESULTS Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors Fig. 8: HIGHLY REPRODUCIBLE AND SENSITIVE ISOLATION OF BACTERIAL DNA A B Real-time PCR results using DNA extracted from a dilution series of Bacillus subtilis cells in TE buffer (A). The melting curve for the resulting PCR products is shown (B). NTC (no template control, black) and PTC (positive template control, pink) are also shown. The efficiency of the extraction kit and detection system leads to positive amplification results, if the starting material includes > 100 bacterial cells (5 copies per PCR reaction). PRODUCT Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit/ C PACKAGE SIZE CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 x 96 purifications 7033300200 24 x 96 purifications 7033300400 4 x 96 purifications 7033300300 Please find ordering information for vacuum based or automated kits on page 16 For purification of bacterial DNA the InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet or Invisorb® Universal HTS 96 Kit/STARlet are also available. Please request the info material. 02 12 Agricultural and Food Applications (GMO) DNA and RNA isolation from plants The Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit or the InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit are effective solutions for isolation of high-quality total cellular DNA or total RNA from a wide variety of plant species and tissue types. Furthermore the kits are is suitable for co-purification of DNA or RNA from phytopathogens. Up to 50 mg of fresh or frozen material can be processed in one hour. The isolated, pure DNA can be used in subsequent downstream applications such as PCR, restriction analysis, real-time PCR, cloning, genotyping etc. The high pure RNA can be used in subsequent downstream applications such as RT-PCR, real-time RT-PCR,Northern Blot analysis, microarray analysis ...etc. HIGH YIELDS AND PURITY Up to 6 µg/ well DNA, free of polysaccharides and other secondary metabolites 03 DNA FREE RNA WITHOUT DNASE DIGESTION Selective removal of DNA during lysis FOR VARIOUS PLANT MATERIALS AND FOOD (GMO) Leaves, roots, fruits, flowers, wood, oily seeds, water plants Fig. 9: DNA ISOLATION FROM ARABIDOPIS THALIANA AND SUBSEQUENT PCR AMPLIFICATION Fig. 10: DNA FREE RNA FROM HYBRID ASPEN LEAFS WITHOUT DNASE TREATMENT DNA was isolated from single leaves from Arabidopsis thaliana using the Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit on a deep well rotor centrifuge. Leaves were homogenized before lysis by using a Retsch Mixer mill under liquid nitrogen. The DNA was eluted in 60 µl and 5 µl were used in a subsequent PCR reaction. 10 µl of the PCR products were analyzed on a 2% agarose gel. Figure 10 demonstrates the effective removal of genomic DNA during the isolation of total RNA without DNase treatment from hybrid aspen plant leafs using InviTrap® Plant RNA HTS 96 Kit and a competitor’s kit. Here RNA was DNase or left without treatment. Heat-shock either subjected to genes were either induced (I) or not (C). Samples were analyzed for heatshock gene expression via reverse- transcript respective signals ion PCR. Only induced samples should display the respective signals. The presences of bands in control sample lanes indicate inefficient removal of genomic DNA. PRODUCT Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C PACKAGE SIZE CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 x 96 purifications 7037300200 24 x 96 purifications 7037300400 4 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications For RNA purification from plants the InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit (7064300300) is also available. 7037300300 7064300300 7064300400 13 Gene Expression Analysis RNA purification from cells The InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit simplifies total RNA isolation from a variety of cell types. The genomic DNA is removed without an enzymatic digestion step. RNases are inactivated to prevent RNA degradation. The isolated RNA is ready to use for a broad panel of downstream applications like RT-PCR, Northern Blotting and array technologies. PURE RNA WITHOUT DNASE DIGESTION Selective genomic DNA removal during lysis step CLEANER RNA FOR BETTER RT-PCR RESULTS No DNA contamination - up to 20 µg RNA in 30 minutes for 2 x 96 samples OPTIMIZED PROTOCOL For up to 5 x 105 human or animal cultured cells Fig. 11: CROSS CONTAMINATION Fig. 12: HIGH RNA PURITY - EFFECTIVE DNA REMOVAL 28S rRNA 18S rRNA - RT no RT 28S rRNA 18S rRNA - _ + _ + _ + _ + Total RNA was isolated from 5 x 105 NIH 3T3 cells using the InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit in a centrifuge. The samples and control samples without template were arranged in alternating wells. 10 µl of the eluted RNA were analyzed on a 1.2 % denaturing agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. (+) Samples (-) No Template Controls PRODUCT InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit/ C Total RNA was prepared from 500, 3000 and 7000 3Y1 cells according to the protocol for the InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit on a centrifuge without DNase I treatment. 100 ng RNA were used in real-time RT-PCR and standard PCR of the caveolin gene using TaqMan technology to determine the amount of residual genomic DNA and of amplifiable, intact RNA. The figures show the RT-reaction in comparison with the no-RT-reaction. Data kindly provided by Dr. A. Klippel, Silence Therapeutics AG, Berlin, Germany. PACKAGE SIZE CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 x 96 purifications 7061300200 24 x 96 purifications 7061300400 4 x 96 purifications For RNA purification from tissue the InviTrap® RNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit (7062300200) is also available. 7061300300 04 14 DNA Fragment Purification The fastest DNA fragment preparation The MSB® HTS PCRapace is the fastest system for DNA fragment purification in 96 well format. The kit uses a two-step procedure with only a binding and an elution step. Washing and drying steps are not necessary. Use the MSB® HTS PCRapace for DNA product cleanup from amplification reaction mixtures, restriction digestion mixtures, ligation mixtures, cDNA synthesis reactions, and DNA concentration. READY IN 15 MINUTES USING A CENTRIFUGE Remove primers, dNTPs, additives and salts without washing steps for 2 x 96 samples HIGH RECOVERIES 95 % recovery of PCR products for fragment sizes from 80 bp – 30 kb ENVIRONMENT- FRIENDLY Less plastic waste and less power consumption due to reduced pipetting and centrifugation steps – only “bind-and-elute” Fig. 13: RECOVERY ANALYSIS WITH AGILENT BIOANALYZER 2100 FRAGMENT SIZE 05 a a b a b b a 987 bp b a b a b 1964 bp BEFORE PURIFICATION AFTER PURIFICATION RECOVERY RATE % 98 bp 14.59 11.86 81.32 538 bp 12.46 10.56 84.75 987 bp 27.32 26.23 96.02 1469 bp 45.76 36.78 80.38 538 bp A Randomly selected samples were analysed with the Bioanalyzer 2100 „Lab on a Chip“ system from Agilent. The figure shows the electropherogram for the fragments 538 bp, 987 bp and 1469 bp PCR products before (a) and after (b) purification using the MSB® HTS PCRapace in duplicates. The table shows the recovery rates for the corresponding DNA fragment sizes in %. PRODUCT MSB® HTS PCRapace/ C PACKAGE SIZE CATALOGUE NUMBER 2 x 96 purifications 7021320200 24 x 96 purifications 7021320400 4 x 96 purifications Please find ordering information for vacuum based or automated kits on page 16. 7021320300 15 KIT OVERVIEW NUCLEID ACID TYPE ORIGIN PRODUCTS DNA DNA fragments DNA fragments, PCR products MSB® HTS PCRapace/ C MSB® HTS PCRapace/ V 14 DNA plasmid bacteria suspension Invisorb® Plasmid HTS 96 Kit/ C Invisorb® Plasmid HTS 96 Kit/ R * DNA genomic human & animal blood, bone marrow Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit/ C Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit/ X Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit/ ep *** Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet InviMag® Blood Mini Kit/ STARlet Invisorb® Universal HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet 05 (PCR products, ligation reaction mixture, enzyme digestion mixture, cDNA synthesis mixture) (fresh, old, frozen whole blood with common anticoagulants (EDTA or citrate, no heparin), buffy coat) PAGE ** ** ** ** human & animal tissue, rodent tails, formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue or insects Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit/ C Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit/ Tec 07 human & animal cells, cell cultures Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit/ C Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit/ Tec 07 bacteria species Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit/ C Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit/ V Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit/ X Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit/ ep *** Invisorb® Universal HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet 11 (fresh and frozen tissue) (from different kinds of starting materials, bacteria pellets, tissue samples, blood, cellfree body fluids, urine, food samples, swabs) forensic material Invisorb® Forensic HTS 96 Kit/ C saliva & swab material PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit/ C PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit/ ep 08 plant material Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C 12 clinical samples Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit/ C Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit/ V Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit/ X Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit/ ep *** Invisorb® Universal HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet * plant material Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C 12 (clotted blood, bones, teeth, ancient bones, nail clippings, hair roots, blood, saliva and sperm stains, chewing gum, cigarette butts, stamps and envelopes, tissue, swab material) (fresh, frozen or dried plant tissue, such as leaves, roots, fruits , seeds, water plants, GMO – also for phytopathogens) DNA viral (fresh or frozen plasma, serum, whole blood, cell-free body fluids of human origin, rinse liquid from swabs) (fresh, frozen or dried plant tissue, such as leaves, roots, fruits or seeds) RNA total human & animal cells, cell cultures InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit/ C 13 InviTrap® RNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit/ C 12 plant material InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C 12 clinical samples Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ C Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ V Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ X Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ ep *** Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet InviMag® Virus RNA Kit/ STARlet Invisorb® Universal HTS 96 Kit/ STARlet InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet 10 ** ** ** ** InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C 12 (fresh or frozen plant tissue and filamenteous fungi) viral ** ** human & animal tissue (fresh and frozen tissue) RNA ** ** * (cell-free body fluids of human origin, rinse liquid or transport media from swabs, cell culture supernatants, stool samples) plant material (fresh or frozen plant tissue and filamenteous fungi ) The Invisorb® and InviTrap® HTS kits in 96 well format can be used in a centrifuge, on a vacuum manifold or on robotic workstations. The InviMag® HTS kits in 96 well format can only be used on robotic platforms. For adaption to robotic platforms please contact us ([email protected]) or your local sales representative. *) Please find more information online at www.invitek.de **) Please request specific brochure about Kits on STARlet from Hamilton Robotics ***) On request only 16 ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT PACKAGE SIZE CATALOG NUMBER Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit/ C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7031300200 7031300300 7031300400 Invisorb® Blood Mini HTS 96 Kit/ X 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7131310200 7131310300 7131310400 InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7450330300 7450330400 Invisorb® DNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit/ C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7032900200 7032900300 7032900400 PSP® SalivaGene DNA HTS 96 Kit / C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7035360200 7035360300 7035360400 SalivaGene® Collector 50 pieces 1035210200 SalivaGene® Buccal Swab 50 pieces 1035230200 Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7043300200 7043300300 7043300400 Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ V 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7043310200 7043310300 7043310400 Invisorb® Virus RNA HTS 96 Kit/ X 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7143310200 7143310300 7143310400 Invisorb® Virus DNA HTS 96 Kit/ C (using a centrifuge) 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7042300200 7042300300 7042300400 InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7450330300 7450330400 Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit/ C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7033300200 7033300300 7033300400 Invisorb® Universal Bacteria HTS 96 Kit/ X (for use on X-tractor Gene) 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7133310200 7133310300 7133310400 InviMag® Universal Kit/ STARlet 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7450330300 7450330400 Invisorb® DNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7037300200 7037300300 7037300400 InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7064300300 7064300400 InviTrap® RNA Cell HTS 96 Kit/ C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7061300200 7061300300 7061300400 InviTrap® RNA Tissue HTS 96 Kit/ C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7062300200 7062300300 7062300400 InviTrap® RNA Plant HTS 96 Kit/ C (using a centrifuge) 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7062300200 7062300300 7062300400 MSB® HTS PCRapace/ C 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7021320200 7021320300 7021320400 Invisorb® Plasmid HTS 96 Kit/ C (using a centrifuge) 2 x 96 purifications 4 x 96 purifications 24 x 96 purifications 7010300200 7010300300 7010300400 (using a centrifuge) (for use on X-tractor Gene) (using a centrifuge) (using a centrifuge) (using a centrifuge) (using a vacuum manifold) (for use on X-tractor Gene) (using a centrifuge) (using a centrifuge) (using a centrifuge) (using a centrifuge) (using a centrifuge) (using a centrifuge) STRATEC Molecular GmbH Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 13125 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 94 89 29 01 / 29 10 Fax: +49 30 94 89 29 09 E-mail: [email protected] www.invitek.de www.stratec.com Invisorb®, InviTrap®, ®, InviMag®, MSB®, PSP® and SalivaGene® are registered trademarks of STRATEC Molecular. Other brands or product names are trademarks of their respective holders. © 2013 STRATEC Molecular, all rights reserved. 6C7o/06/2013 YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR: STRATEC Molecular GmbH Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 13125 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 94 89 29 01 Fax: +49 30 94 89 29 09 E-mail: [email protected] www.invitek.de
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