PUNJABI 12 SAMPLE QUESTIONS PART A: LINGUISTIC COMPETENCY COMPONENT SECTION 1: LANGUAGE ELEMENTS Multiple Choice (* indicates correct response) INSTRUCTIONS: (1 mark per question) For questions 1 to 6, select the answer which best completes the sentence and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. Using an HB pencil, completely fill in the circle that has the letter corresponding to your answer. VOCABULARY 1. merI _______ duk;n v|l g^I hw = * A. B. C. D. .w, .r; .w,B d;d; PREPOSITIONS 2. mor b;G _______ pwl p; irh; hw = * A. B. C. D. q|le X~te iv|c b;hr ADJECTIVES 3. Xsne_______ gIt g;i^a; = * A. B. C. D. k|c; X~c; ic|$; ipAr; Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year -1- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions VERB TENSE (PAST) 4. mwN ipzle s;l Ap,e mB-b;p nU« iml, i^»@Ia; _______ = * A. B. C. D. iga; j;vBg; a;vBg; j; irh; hB VERB TENSE (PRESENT) 5. crn k*r ate jsvIr k*r p;rk nU« _______ hn = * A. B. C. D. c|l c|l,; c|lIaB c|l,ge VERB TENSE (FUTURE) 6. k|l nU« asIN ivs;%I de mele iv|c _______ = * A. B. C. D. g^I a;^I p;vBge j;vBge Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year -2- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions SECTION 2: CLOZE PASSAGE Multiple Choice INSTRUCTIONS: (10 marks) For questions 1 to 10, select the answer that best completes the sentence and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. svr e dI sr w hr mnu|% a;p,I c»gI isht dI tm»nA krd; hw = sver dI swr isht nU« #Ik r|%, d; hw = Kh ksrt krn srIr 4 2 s*%; te sst; s;`n hw = Ks rih»dA hw = svere mn vI n;l svere jldI X~#, dI a;dt hw = svere kudrt d; nJ;r; de%, s;h lw, n;l %uSI imldI hw = sver dI swr 10 s;`n idn suh,; SurU h»ud; hw = Ks n;l s;@; h«udA hw = dostB n;l swr krn j;, n;l 5 7 3 1 8 6 v|`dI hw = Ks h«udA hw = %u|lI 9 iv|c ate mn dohB l^I l;.d;Kk hw = Ks l^I s;nU« svere swr krn JrUr j;,; c;hId; hw = 1. A. B. * C. D. mA/A jrUr vDI! GqI! 4. A. B. C. * D. isht sust k\mzor ishtm»d 2. A. dy * B. dA C. dI@ D. id»dI@ 5. A. gu|sy * B. pRs»n C. suh,A D. ic»tut 3. A. >»g * B. trHM C. krn D. trIik@ 6. A. B. C. * D. Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year krky cust vAsty im|trtA 7.* A. B. C. D. pYNdI jMdI krdI dostI 8.* A. B. C. D. wog vAly su»dr tAzA 10.* A. B. C. D. tn Dn k»m pRs»n 9. A. idn * B. hvA C. srIr D. skUl -3- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions PART B: READING COMPONENT SECTION 3: PROSE Multiple Choice INSTRUCTIONS: (1 mark per question) Read the following passage carefully. For question 1, select the best answer and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. ‘be$I ! tU« Ap,e F;rm X~te a;p,e ptI d; n;m ili%a; hw = tU\ suh;g, hwN = tU\ mBg iv~c s»`Ur .rdI hwN = m|qe X~te i$|k; l;XNdI hwN = ifr tU\ i^|k %olI iv|c i^k|lI rih»dI hwN = mwN @r rhI hB i^h g|l pu|zdI pu|zdI ikXNik aijhe sua;l pu|z, d; mer; ko^I h|k nhIN = i^|k nrs d|sdI hw ik ter; ptI tB a;J;d F*j iv|c .rtI ho ke ShId ho cu|k; hw =’ So.; ne qrkdI a;v;J iv|c X~tr id|t;< “ Xh nrs iblkul #Ik kih «dI aw = mer; ptI< mer; i^S$< mer; s. kuZ< mer; SmIr gul;me -deS dI aJ;dI l^I< a;J;d deS dI piv|tr `rtI X~te ShId ho iga; sI = Xs d; srIr nhIN irh; pr Xs dI jot< Xs dI a;tm; tB mere n;l aw = mwN sd; suh;g, hB = mere ShId SmIr dI a;tm; merI Atm; iv|c vsdI aw = mere SmIr ne Sh;dt vele ikh; sI< ‘So.; nU\ kih,; ik Xh sd; suh;g, aw = merI a;tm; Xs dI a;tm; doveN i^|k jot ne = Xh mBg iv|c sd; s«`Ur .rdI rhe te m|qe X~te kesrI i$|k; l;XNdI rhe =’ mwN i^S$ de hukm dI p;l,; kr rhI aB=” So.; ro rhI sI = jd Xs ne @;k$r srsvtI nU\ vI a;p,e n;l @u|skidaB vei%a; tB Xh fu|$ ke ro p^I = So.; ne a|%B pU «ZidaB h*Nsl; kr ke pu|iza;< ‘ tusIN ikXN ro rhe ho ?’ ‘ So.; ⁄ tU\ sd; suh;g, hwN = tU\ bhut bh;dr hwN = mwN buJidl hB = jd mere ptI dev guJre tB mwN a;p,e a;p nU\ iv`v; mn « ke sm;j dI z|$ a;p,e isr X~te cu|k l^I = XdoN mwN msB vIhB s;lB dI sB = Xs toN !er mgroN mwN @;k$rI kItI te nrk .ogdI clI j; rhI hB =’ 1. @;k$r srsvtI a;p,e a;p nU\ buJidl kih rhI hw ikXNik : * A. B. C. D. Xsne dub;r; iva;h krv; ila; Xh vIh s;lB dI iv`v; ho g^I sI Xh a;p,e iv`v;pn te pUrI trB s»tuS$ sI Xsne sm;ijk pr«mpr; dI Xl«/,; krn dI ih «mt n; kItI Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year -4- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions SECTION 3 (continued): DRAMA Multiple Choice INSTRUCTIONS: (1 mark per question) Read the following drama carefully. For question 1, select the best answer and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. .;bI — mwN ikh; Jr; sbJI de% ke ila;i^a; kro< jo GlI sxI cu|k ilaBde ho = vIr jI — X`;r jo lw,I ho^I< a;% qox; skde hB kuZ = .;bI — X`;r ilaBde hB< muFt tB nhIN nB ilaBde = pwse hr pihlI nU\ b;k;i^d; de de^Ide ne = vIr jI — c»g; ( jBidaB hoi^aB ) merI pwN$ Jr; mur»mt kr devIN - goi@aB toN ifr lih g^I ^e- ( vIr jI cle jBde ne - .;bI sU^I `;g; ila;ke pwN$ dI mur »mt SurU kr deNdI ^e- amrIk ko#e toN v;ps a; jBd; ^e =) amrIk — kI p^I krnI ^eN .;bI ? .;bI — i^h tere vIr dI pwN$ #Ik p^I krnI hB = amrIk — a|z;- fer merI kmIJ nU« vI trop; .r de = ( a;p,I kmIJ cu|k ke deNd; ^e ) .;bI — i^s d; kI trop; .rB - s;rI tB /s g^I ^e- agle mhIne hor sv; lvIN = amrIk — nB .;bI- agle mhIne pihle vIr jI kpx; sv; lw,- mwN i^s nU\ h;le do mhIne hor cl; lvBg; = .;bI — ve c|l< kuxIaB tere n;l pxHdIaB ne< je kr troipaB v;lI kmIJ p; ke jBEg; tB ko^I nhIN C t|kn l|gI teere v|l = amrIk — nB t~ke .;bI ko^I- asIN nhIN ikse dI prv;h kItI- asIN p;$e kpixaB iv|c hI rih,; ^e (.;bI muskrBdI ^e ) .;bI tere n;l g|l krB - vIr jI hu, bhut Xd;s rih»de ne te i^se krke i%Ze vI rih»de ne = .;bI — jItB dI bIm;rI ne bx; iFkr p; idt; ^e XhnB nU\ = amrIk — bIm;r vI .;bI< Xh bhutI ho g^I ^e - a|j tB g|lB vI hor hor trB dIaB krn l|g p^I ^ehu,e mwN q|le a;X, v;ste a;i%a; tB kih, l|gI - amrIk mwnU« @|ubde sUrj dI l;lI a;%rI v;r de%, de- i^h mwnU\ c»gI lgdI ^e- fer tB hner; /u|p ho j;,; ^e- te fer a;pe kih, l|gI mwnU\ l|gd; ^e< mwnU\ ko^I bul; irh; ^e- mwN j;, l^I iblkul ita;r hB- mwnU\ tB Xs dIaB g|lB dI smZ nhIN a;^I = 1. amrIk te .;bI d; Aps iv~c kI irSt; hw ? * A. B. C. D. amrIk .;bI d; .r; hw amrIk .;bI d; @w@I hw amrIk .;bI d; idXr hw amrIk .;bI d; .tIj; hw Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year -5- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions SECTION 4: JOURNALISTIC PROSE Multiple Choice INSTRUCTIONS: (1 mark per question) Read the following article carefully. For question 1, select the best answer and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. | rk;rB n\U v`r e e shl U tB pj «j;b b de pt c@ » Igx H – p «j;b de lok s»prk ate %etIb;xI iv.;g de r;j m «trI pRt;p is»/ b;jv; ne ikh; ik p|trk;rB nU\ v`ere shUltB muh|^IA (to) provide kItIaB j;,gIaB = XhnB Wl;n kIt; ik pi$Al;< lui`A,; ate a»imRtsr iv|c it»n nveN pRw~s kl|b %olHe j;,ge = jl»`r iv~c pihlB hI pRw~s kl|b %u|lH igA hw = Kqe pRw~s kl|b iv|c b;jv; ne k»ipC$r swkSn d; Xd/;$n kIt; = p «j;b lok s»prk iv.;g vloN pRw~s kl|b c»@IgxH nU« k»ipC$r dI mSIn tohFe vjoN id~tI g^I = b;jv; ne mSIn X|pr k»m krke Xd/;$n kIt; = b;ad iv|c p|trk;rB nU« s»bo`n (to) address kridaB b;jv; ne ikh; ik muFt b|s sFr dI shUlt v`ere p|trk;rB nU\ id|tI j; rhI hw = p|trk;rB dIaB hor m «gB pUrIaB krn b;re vI srk;r ivc;r kr rhI hw = Ks m*ke X~te b;jv; ne bea «t is»/ srk;r dIaB pR;ptIaB d; iJkr kIt; = XhnB ikh; ik k,k ate Zone d; irk;r@ Xtp;dn production hw = XhnB Kh vI ikh; ik Ks s;l Fsl vec, smeN iks;nB nU\ ko^I muSkl peS nhIN AX, id|tI j;vegI = b;jv; d; kl|b iv~c AX, X~te kl|b de pR`;n vI> pI> pR.;kr ate sk|tr jnrl r;m is»/ br;x ne kl|b vloN momwN$o de ke sv;gt kIt; = br;x ne kl|b nU\ 51<000 rupE d; cw|k .e$ kIt; = br;x de n;l kl|b iv|c lok s»prk iv.;g de @;Krwk$r jgjIt purI ate hor ai`k;rI vI pu~je ho^e sn = b;jv; m «trI b,n toN b;ad pihlI v;r c»@IgxH pRw~s kl|b A^e sn = 1. pRws kl|b d; Xd/;$n ik~qe ho irh; hw ? * A. B. C. D. jl»`r c»@IgxH a «imRtsr lui`A,; Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year -6- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions SECTION 5: AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS Multiple Choice (1 mark per question) INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following information carefully. For question 1, select the best answer and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. s` » U sbJI m«.I hre m$r pwNtI rupE ik|lo AlU terB rupE p «drB pwse ik|lo g;jrB vIh rupE ik|lo torIaB terB rupE ik|lo ic|$e Slgm ¨u~nI rupE p «j;h pwse ik|lo imrcB b;rB rupE ik|lo $m;$r c;lI rupE ik|lo s;g st;rB rupE ik|lo s;@e koloN tuh;nU\ t;JIaB sbJIaB de n;l n;l t;Je Fl vI bhut hI c»gI kImt te imlde hn = asIN bu|`v;r b»d rih»de hB = 1. je tusIN K|k ik|lo g;jrB ate K|k ik|lo AlU %rId,e ho, tB dohB dI kImt ik»nI hovegI ? * A. B. C. D. s|# rup^e tetI rup^e ate p «drB pwse z|bI rup^e ate p «drB pwse Xnt;lI rup^e ate p «j;h pwse Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year -7- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions PART C: WRITING COMPONENT SECTION 6: MAP DIRECTIONS Written Response INSTRUCTIONS: (6 marks) In the Response Booklet, use complete Punjabi sentences to respond to the topic below. Use approximately 50 words. Avoid repetition and lists. Marks will be awarded for content and for grammatical correctness. 1. Write a note giving directions on how to get from the train station to the post office. Be specific. dirA X|tr hspt;l relve s$eSn « s$e$ bwNk Af i^@IA men sxk c*x' bJ;r pRIt glI abB « v;lI glI skUl @;k%;n; aj;i^b /r Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year -8- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions SECTION 7: LETTER Written Response INSTRUCTIONS: (12 marks) In the Response Booklet, use complete Punjabi sentences to write a short letter on the given topic below. Use approximately 60 words. Avoid repetition and lists. Marks will be awarded for content and for grammatical correctness. 2. Your sister is getting married. Write a letter in Punjabi to a friend in which you invite him/her to attend the ceremony. You may wish to include such details as the date, time, place and various activities. Note: Letters should include appropriate salutation and closing phrases. Students must avoid identifying themselves, their schools, or school districts. Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year -9- Punjabi 12 Sample Questions SECTION 8: STORY COMPLETION Written Response INSTRUCTIONS: (18 marks) In the Response Booklet, use complete Punjabi sentences of approximately 100 words to complete the story started below. Avoid repetition and lists. Marks will be awarded for content and for grammatical correctness. 3. je mwN l~%ptI b, j;vB< mwN > > > (If I become a millionaire, I…) Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year - 10 - Punjabi 12 Sample Questions SECTION 8 (continued): DIALOGUE COMPLETION Written Response INSTRUCTIONS: (18 marks) In the Response Booklet, use complete Punjabi sentences to complete the dialogue started below. Use approximately 100 words. Avoid repetition and lists. Marks will be awarded for content and for grammatical correctness. You are free to use as many or as few words as you need in each statement. Please note that you must write two statements for m»mI and three statements for be$I. 3. Complete the following dialogue. b$ e I : m mI \ jI< kI mwN a|j Ap,IaB shelIaB n;l iFlm de%, j; skdI hB ? m»mI : be$I< tusIN ikhxI iFlm de%,I c;hu»dIaB ho ? b$ e I: m»mI : b$ e I: m»mI : b$ e I: Ministry of Education 2008/09 School Year - 11 - Punjabi 12 Sample Questions
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