The Terms of Reference was approved by Ms. Tuimakan Subankulova, Area Manager _________________Signature ___________________Date TERMS OF REFERENCE For Expert on promoting the rights and capacity of the youth, capacity building of LSG bodies in issues of improving the youth policy and peace-building in target communities of Osh ABD Project title: Position: Duty station: Contract type Contract duration: UNDP Osh Area Based Development Programme Expert on promoting the rights and capacity of the youth, capacity building of LSG bodies in issues of improving the youth policy and peace-building in target communities of Osh ABD Osh city, Kyrgyz Republic Individual contract 150 working days (End of April – End of November, 2014) BACKGROUND In the frame of UNDP project on capacity building of BLSG in peace-building and extending the rights and opportunities of youth there will be assistance to staff of BLSG and active youth in implementation of peacebuilding activities, getting skills and knowledge on acting upon possible conflicts, designing and implementation of action plans in the interests of the youth. So will be provided the support in making a plan for building the capacity to overcome disagreements and lowering the tension at local level based on the assessment of their potential, mechanisms of conducting the monitoring of local conflicts and inter-ethnic relations, early warning of conflicts and taking preventive measures by BLSG. The project will be aimed at priority reasons and consequences of peace-building jointly identified by UN system and the government of Kyrgyzstan with the support of civil society. It is very important to use the existing political impulse in the country embodying the wish of the government to take comprehensive and targeted measures for creation of environment for stability and peace in the country. Acknowledging the fact that the root causes of instability in the country are not yet eliminated, it is not possible to expect lasting stability and wide scale stability. Delays in such period of opportunities will considerably increase the risk of the repetition of mass conflicts – inadvertently with the involvement of the youth – that may represent serious threat to national unity and statehood. In this context, the interventions by Peace-building Fund are of great importance for cooperation, when the political will grows ever stronger, and for forming the basement for multi-level integrative approach for peace-building. The joint project of UNICEF/UNDP/UNFPA ‘The youth for peaceful changes’ is aimed at building the capacity of local youth and civil society for active involvement and cooperation with local authorities in solving the problems and ensuring the participation in the process of peace-building. In order to sustain the endeavours on strengthening the integration, the project will widen the opportunities of local young men and women providing them with skills and resources for realisation of an action plan in the interests of the youth at local level under the cooperation with local authorities on supporting the achievement of feasible and measurable results. The project will also further the common identity among young men and women through a series of modules on civic participation, leadership, gender equality united in multilingual program of work with the youth. There will be attempts to enrich the educational system of the country specialised on the work with the youth as well as to improve the professional capacity of local teachers, managers and authorities. To sum up, the project is going to promote institutionalisation of the system that will be targeted at creation of a common civil identity with inclusion of all generation to prevent the split in the society. Designing and realisation of action plans under the guidance of youth and multilingual multimedia program will complement the content of educational programs and provide young men and women with the possibility to use their own knowledge and skills in practice. The activities of the project on capacity building of local youth and civil society, BLSG in peace-building will be carried out in pilot aiyl aimaks (village administrations) of Osh ABD office of UNDP, particularly: In Kara-Suu district of Osh region – Shark, Kyzyl-Kyshtak, Ak-Tash aiyl aimaks (AA); In Kara-Kulja district – Kara-Kulja AA; In Ala-Buka district of Jalal-Abad region – Baltagulov, Ak-Tam AA; In Aksy district of Jalal-Abad region – Kosh-Dobo AA. For implementing the project activities on extending the rights and opportunities of the youth, capacity building of BLSG in improving the youth policy and peace-building in target communities of Osh ABDP, the Program is going to hire 1 Expert to work in Osh and Jalal-Abad regions. OBJECTIVE The main objective of the assignment is to implement the activities addressing the extension of rights and opportunities of youth, capacity building of LSG in improving the youth policy and peace-building in target communities of Osh ABD. SCOPE OF WORK Expert on extending the rights and opportunities of youth, capacity building of BLSG in improving youth policy and peace-building in target communities of Osh ABDP directly reports to Area Manager and should perform the following tasks: 1. Ensuring the appropriate information-explanation work on goals and tasks of the project among target communities 2. Making an analysis of vulnerability of young people, their problems and further development of youth action plans 3. Defining the models for civic participation and leadership and for other demanded spheres and further support in organizing the required trainings 4. Defining the positive role models for the youth and supporting in their dissemination through project activity with the participation of vulnerable youth. 5. Working out a plan of educational tours and activities on capacity building of youth and BSLG in peacebuilding, public participation of youth in managerial decision making at BSLG level 6. Studying and setting up a data base to assess the capacity of target BLSG in cooperation with local authorities, SALSGIR, NGO and international organizations dealing with peace-building and other key stakeholders 7. Providing a counselling support for organising local funds of rapid reaction allowing BLSG, youth and other local participants respond to emerging conflicts 8. Facilitating the process of integration in local development plans among target BLSG the issues of peace-building and youth policy, institutionalisation of youth plans and actions in local and national structures 9. Supporting the activities on capacity building and increasing the awareness of target communities in realisation of the Concept of National Unity and Inter-Ethnic Relations in cooperation with InterDepartmental Committee (IDC) in monitoring the conflicts, early warning, gender-sensitive peacebuilding, coordination, monitoring and assessment. 10. Supporting the launch of ICT tools for better information exchange between BLSG 11. Setting up a dialogue platform between BLSG, civil society and women for working out measures on solving the problems of protesting women 12. Providing assistance to implementation of action plan on increasing the awareness and attracting public attention to phenomenon of protesting women in target communities (booklets, leaflets, street theatre, TV shows, radio programs), capacity building of active women NGOs on working with protesting women in order to search alternative solutions 13. Supporting the creation of Initiative Groups on designing local youth action plans that allow the youth to apply new skills 14. Providing interim progress reports. FINAL DELIVERABLES DELIVERABLES The interim report with analysis and recommendations is submitted including the following: 1. Individual work plan based on scope of work 2. ToRs for competent organisations that carry out activities on: a. studying the capacity of target LSG in peace-building, setting up data base on the capacity of target AA and working out recommendations to design their capacity building plan b. studying and analysing the vulnerability of young people, their problems and further development of youth action plans c. defining the models for civil participation and leadership and other demanded activities d. defining the positive role models for youth and supporting their further dissemination through project activity with participation of groups of vulnerable youth e. developing action plan of increasing the awareness and attracting public attention to phenomenon of protesting women in target communities The interim report with analysis and recommendations is submitted including the following: 3. Monitoring report on activities implemented on raising awareness and attracting public attention to issues of protesting women for joint search of alternative solutions 4. Survey report among beneficiaries for establishing Initiative group on working with the youth, designing local youth action plans that allow the youth to apply new skills 5. Analysis of needs and capacities of each target BLSG for creation of local Funds for Rapid Reaction TIMEFRAME 30 May, 2014 31 July, 2014 PAYMENT STRUCTURE 25% 25% 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The interim report with analysis and recommendations is submitted including the following: ToR for competent organizations carrying out: a. study tours and activities on capacity building among youth and BLSG in peace-building, public participation of youth in management decision making of BLSG b. educational activities for members of target Initiative groups, 30 September, 2014 the staff of Monitoring Centres on monitoring the possible conflicts and on integration of peace-building issues to local development plans of target BLSG c. educational activities on explaining the work for creation of Funds of Rapid Reaction for possible conflicts d. ICT tools for better information exchange between local authorities Monitoring interim report on results of the work of local Fund for rapid reaction for possible conflicts in target BLSG Monitoring report on implemented training activities for capacity building of each target BLSG Minutes of all relevant meetings conducted during reporting period Press-release and articles for mass media on project implementa28 November, 2014 tion and public awareness The final narrative report approved by Area Manager of Osh Area Based Development Programme with the evaluation of degree of achievements that were set on project document goals, objectives, and indicators as well as lessons learnt and recommendations. 25 % 25% REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The expert must submit interim reports in accordance with above schedule approved by the Area Manager of Osh ABD that will serve as justification for payments. The expert should provide the final report in stipulated format in Russian (in hard and electronic versions) based on all actions taken within the frame of assignments approved by the Area Manager of Osh ABD that will serve as a justification for final payment. If the report does not meet the above requirements and obligations under the Terms of Reference, the Area Manager of Osh ABD has the right to reduce payment structure on a pro rata basis for the actual work done to its satisfaction. QUALIFICATION AND COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS Higher education – Bachelor’s degree in conflict studies/ international relations/ public administration/economics/ management of other social sciences; Master’s degree in the above fields is an asset; At least 5 years of working experience in government, international organizations or NGO in the sphere of project development in rural areas and community mobilization in close coordination and collaboration with key partners; Working experience in monitoring and evaluation of development projects; Language requirements: excellent knowledge of local languages, Kyrgyz and Russian, knowledge of English is an asset. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RECOMMENDED CONTRACTORS Recommended contractors over 62 years of age and who are required to travel should undergo a full medical examination including x-rays and obtaining medical clearance from an UN approved Doctor prior to taking up their assignment at their own expenses. Contracted Consultants are required to have vaccinations/inoculations at their own expense when traveling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. A copy of the list should be provided to the subscriber prior to signing the agreement so that his/her personal physician can attest to the required vaccinations/inoculations having been performed, as part of the certification described above. TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS The Individual Contractor under the terms of this Contract, includes his/her travel to and from the Duty Station to the following selected municipalities: Osh Province: Shark, Kyzyl-Kyshtak, Ak-Tash aiyl aimaks of Kara-Suu district – 7 travels; Kara-Kulja ayil aimak of Kara-Kulja district – 7 travels; Transport expenses to these municipalities need to be included into financial proposal. Daily allowance is not required during these short trips. Jalal-Abad Province: Baltagulov, Ak-Tam aiyl aimaks of Ala-Buka district – 4 travels; Kosh-Dobo ayil aimak of Aksy district – 4 travels. Transport expenses and daily allowance to these municipalities need to be included into financial proposal. UNDP CONTRIBUTION UNDP will provide individual consultant with the followings: 1. Work place with equipments and stationery; 2. Access to internet;
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