Unclassified BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest Document and Version Control Version Author Issue Date Revision Detail 1.0 Head of Ethical Conduct 01 January 2011 Conflicts of Interest Standard dated May 2010 transferred into new template and amended to make clear management responsibilities when a conflict is identified. 1.1 Internal Controls Manager (Jenny Burden) 20 February 2012 Change to unclassified 1.2 Internal Controls Manager (Jenny Burden) 29 April 2013 Section 4 changed to include standard applicability wording. 1.3 Head of Ethical Conduct (Dan Silver) 24 October 2013 Modification regarding action to take if conflict suspected. (6.1) New requirement is to take advice rather than immediately declare the suspected conflict. Other minor clarifications. 2 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013) BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest Contents 1.0 Executive Summary .............................................................................. 4 2.0 Ownership.............................................................................................. 5 3.0 Objectives .............................................................................................. 5 4.0 Scope and application .......................................................................... 5 5.0 Links to other controls ......................................................................... 7 6.0 Standard requirements ......................................................................... 8 7.0 Appendices ............................................................................................ 9 Appendix I – Conflict of Interest declaration form ........................................................................................... 9 3 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013) BG Group Standard 1.0 Conflicts of Interest Executive Summary This Standard defines the requirements for identification, reporting and management of actual or potential conflicts of interest while working for, or on behalf of, the BG Group. This Standard is referenced in the Ethical Conduct Policy and is associated with the Conduct section of the BG Group Business Principles. BG Group respects its Employees’ right to privacy in their personal affairs and activities. However, a conflict of interest can arise where an Employees’ personal, social, financial or political interest may influence or appear to influence, the employees’ loyalty to, or objective exercise of their duties for, the BG Group. Where an Employee1 or Other Personnel2 believe that they have or may have a potential or actual conflict of interest then they should seek advice from their Line Manager3 to determine if they have a conflict of interest that they need to declare and register. If advised to register a conflict of interest they must immediately register the conflict with their line manager. A conflict of interest declaration form is provided in Appendix I for this purpose. The line manager is responsible for agreeing and documenting a plan to manage the conflict of interest. An increasing number of countries are adopting laws to prohibit bribery even if it takes place outside of their borders. Under the UK Bribery Act, a bribery offence can be committed by provision of a financial or ‘other advantage’ to an individual. Inappropriate and conflicted personal/business relationships could, under certain circumstances, amount to an advantage which could lead to an individual being accused of bribery. Notification and management of actual or potential conflicts of interest will help to protect both BG Group and its staff from committing an offence under the UK Bribery Act. Conflicts can exist in many forms. Examples of conflicts of interest and how to manage them are provided on the Ethical Conduct Compliance Unit’s page on the BG Portal. Appendix 2. 1 Employees are individuals directly employed by a BG Group company (irrespective of function, grade, position, asset or location), including successful job applicants, temporary and fixed term employees and secondees from BG Group companies to third parties including joint ventures (whether or not under BG Group control). 2 Other Personnel are all individuals who work at or with BG Group, as agent, on behalf of or in the name of BG Group, but who are not BG Group employees. They include: agency workers, consultants, secondees from non-BG Group organisations, freelancers, individuals provided to BG Group by outsourced service providers, and individual contractors (whether Category 1, 2 and/or 3). 3 If for any reason an individual is not comfortable with asking for advice from their line manager they may ask for advice from their HR Representative, Local Compliance Officer or a member of the Ethical Conduct Compliance Unit instead. 4 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013) BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest 2.0 Ownership Owning Function: Standard owner: Expert advisor: Dispensation: Legal Head of Ethical Conduct Head of Ethical Conduct BG Group General Counsel 3.0 Objectives The objective of this Standard is to ensure that potential or actual conflicts of interest are identified, disclosed and effectively managed. 4.0 Scope and application 4.1 This is a Personal Conduct Standard. Application of Personal Conduct Standards is mandatory for all BG Group employees, consultants and other personnel working in controlled4 Assets and offices, and those seconded to non-controlled Joint Ventures. For BG Group employees, breach of this Standard may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Breach of this Standard by any individual who is not a BG Group employee may result in other appropriate action being taken in relation to the individual and/or the business which supplies services to BG Group, including termination of the relevant contract(s). This Standard is not contractual. BG Group reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate this Standard. 4.1 Identification of a Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest arises when the personal, social, financial or political interest an Employee or Other Personnel may influence or appear to influence, their loyalty to, or objective exercise of their duties for, the BG Group. A good test to determine whether a conflict exists is the ‘trust test’. Could others reasonably be expected to trust your judgement on a particular matter if they had knowledge of your personal relationship, interest or circumstances? You should always be able to satisfy yourself that: 4 Refer to Internal Control Framework - Integrity Standard for the definition of controlled and non-controlled Joint Ventures. 5 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013) BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest The interests of the BG Group are paramount when business and commercial activities are being agreed or carried out by you and those around you. BG Group resources are not used to support or benefit your personal activities or those of your relatives, business associates or friends. Business decisions are not influenced by friendship, business associations or family connections. You do not allow, or appear to allow, a personal relationship to unduly influence your decision making or judgement. Your giving or accepting of any gift or hospitality will not create the perception that you might not exercise your judgment independently and in the best interest of BG Group. Examples of conflicts of interest and how to manage them are provided on the Ethical Conduct Compliance Unit’s page on the BG Portal. The following are common examples which may lead to a conflict of interest and require a declaration. If any of the following apply to you, you should get advice in accordance with paragraph 6.1 below: You or a family member, business associate or close friend have an investment or other economic interest in; (i) a partner or business in which BG Group has an interest (or a business which you are aware BG Group is actively considering making an investment in), or; (ii) a customer or supplier of BG Group and you are involved with the selection, evaluation or management of BG Group’s relationship of any of these. You have a second job. Your BG job involves you carrying out BG Group business transactions with a family member, business associate or a close friend. You are responsible for hiring, supervising, managing, career planning or setting the employment terms and conditions of any relative, business associate or close friend. You have a close personal relationship, of any nature, with someone who works with or for you, within your area of business or where you are able to influence or control their salary, bonus or employment terms, conditions or career development. You have been requested to be, or are already serving as, a director or consultant for another company or organisation. 6 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013) BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest 5.0 Links to other controls Governing Policies: Ethical Conduct Speak Up (Duty to Report) Complementary and linked Standards: Anti-Corruption BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-001 Engagement of Persons Connected to Public Officials BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-004 Gifts and Hospitality BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-005 Hosting of Public Officials BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-006 Supporting Guidelines: Other Supporting Documents: 7 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013) BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest 6.0 Standard requirements 6.1 BG Group Employees and Other Personnel who believe that they have or may have an actual or potential conflict of interest should seek advice from their Line Manager5 to determine if they have a conflict of interest that they need to declare and register. If advised to register a conflict of interest they must immediately register the conflict with their Line Manager. A Conflict of Interest declaration form is provided in Appendix I for this purpose. 6.2 Line Managers shall put in place an appropriate course of action to manage the conflict of interest and to document this, including where no action is deemed necessary. Where necessary, the Local Compliance Officer or BG Group Legal Advisor should be consulted. 6.3 Copies of the completed conflict of interest declarations shall be kept by the line manager and the employee and a copy sent to the Local Compliance Officer. 6.4 Line Managers and Local Compliance Officers shall together review the completed conflicts of interest declarations at least twice a year to ensure that the mitigation actions are still effective or to confirm that the conflict no longer exists. 6.5 BG Group Employees and Other Personnel must report promptly if they have reason to suspect that there has been a breach, or a potential breach of this Standard by BG Group or its Employees, Other Personnel or anyone associated with BG Group (such as its partners or contractors). 5 If for any reason an individual is not comfortable with asking for advice from their line manager they may ask for advice from their HR Representative, Local Compliance Officer or a member of the Ethical Conduct Compliance Unit instead. 8 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013) BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest 7.0 Appendices Appendix I – Conflict of Interest declaration form CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION FORM Name: Asset/Function: Job Title: Date: Line Manager: Detail of the Conflict of Interest (perceived or actual) Resolution and Approvals Agreed actions to resolve or mitigate the reported conflict of interest Employee/Other Personnel signature: Date: Approving Manager (Print Name): Signature: Date: (1) Copy to be sent to the Local Compliance Officer (2) Copies to be retained by the approving manager and the employee/contractor 9 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013) BG Group Standard Conflicts of Interest 10 of 10 Doc Ref: BG-ST-LEG-ECCU-002 Author: Daniel Silver Version: 1.3 (24 October 2013)
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