Preko zidova – imperializma i rata Marines in Kuwait; Turkey joins US coalition New steps to wider war in Middle East By Patrick Martin 3 October 2014 The US military has deployed a quick-reaction force of 2,300 Marines to the Middle East, the Pentagon revealed Wednesday, the latest step in a carefully planned escalation of American military power in the region. Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, said that about half of the force, to be based in Kuwait, was in place, and the rest were on the way. Most of the troops come from Marine Corps bases in southern California, according to reports in the local press there. The Marines are only the spearhead of a much larger US force in Kuwait, already numbering some 15,000 troops, including an entire armored brigade, which has only flat desert terrain separating it from the war zone in eastern Syria and western Iraq. Another 1,000 Marines from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit are stationed on board Navy warships in the Persian Gulf. The deployment of the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), as the new unit is called, was decided on before the current air war launched against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), officials said. The decision came as part of a review of the security of US installations throughout the Middle East and North Africa in the wake of the September 11, 2012 attack on US facilities in Benghazi, Libya, in which US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. Last year the Pentagon established its first MAGTF, headquartered at Morón, Spain, with some assets forward-deployed to Sigonella, Sicily, which is closer to Libya, Egypt and other points in the eastern Mediterranean. This force comprises 1,200 troops available for action anywhere in North Africa. The second MAGTF, double the size of the first, will be headquartered in Kuwait, but its forces will be distributed to multiple locations in the Middle East, as yet unspecified. “The 2,100 troops will be stationed throughout the theater with the headquarters element in Kuwait,” Marine Corps Col. Kenneth DeTreux told Stars and Stripes, the semi-official military newspaper. General Amos declined to discuss the specific tasks that the new Marine force might carry out. “All I am trying to do is provide another tool in the tool box,” he told the Journal. “This is a force ready for an array of mission sets.” Among the likely missions is intervention into Syria or Iraq. This could include either a rescue-inforce of pilots of US warplanes shot down over ISIS-controlled territory in either Syria or Iraq, or reinforcement of the Marine garrisons guarding the US Embassy in Baghdad and the US mission in Erbil, capital of Iraq's Kurdish region. The Marines are equipped with attack jet fighters, transport planes and V-22 Osprey vertical take-off and landing planes, which enable them to move within hours to a targeted area. The announcement of the Marine deployment came at the end of the second week of US bombing of Syria, nominally directed at the ISIS, the Islamic fundamentalist group that overran much of western and northern Iraq during the summer. The ultimate goal of the US intervention, as Obama administration spokesmen have repeatedly declared, is the ouster of Syrian President Bashar alAssad, who is allied to Iran and Russia, the two main targets of American imperialism in the region. PAF= Podgurska Antiteroristična Fronta številka 56 brez zamere oktober2014 grindz IC OWN i k s n o t e B Kratki Berlin – Koepi praznuje 21 let. Slava muuuuuu! Ljubljana – Pritiskom inšpekcijskih služb, ki se 'spravljajo' na šanke in kadilce na ljubi nam metelkovi, se zoperstavljajo z uvedbo 'alternativnih' načinov menjave alksa za prispevke; nekateri placi razmišljajo tudi o ustanovitvi proali ne-profitnih uradnih organizacij. Nedolgo nazaj pa se je prigodil še manjši varnostni incident (jebemti đankije), ki je v sceni nerelevanten, kaj kmalu pa lahko postane argument obstoječe mestne in državne oblasti, da je metelkova pač 'nevarna', kar bi lahko pridom izkoristili mediji poneumljanja v črnoslikanju omenjenega mesta. Novo mesto, volitve- Pričakujejo se rezultati 2gega kroga, in sicer med prvakom samega sebe, Macedonijem in prvakinjo Muhiča (zvezan na Dolenjsko) , SD, SLS: Kramar Zupanovo. Kaj kurca poleg 100% zagotovljene pitne vode in pljuskanj pare o gradnji neprofitnih stanovanj lahko pričakujemo, niti špekulirat ne upamo. Pivo pa zagotovo ne bo cenejše. Kamoli cviček . Ljubljana, t.i. parlament – Poslanci ljudske volje so (po pol leta?) izglasovali odvzem poslanstva Ivanu Janši – Janezu Osamosvojitelju. Sledile so običajne obstrukcije najbolj demokratične stranke v parlamentu, izven njega pa se je po ljubljani sprehodil avtobus ali dva penzionistov SDS. Press freedom under attack in Slovenia By Markus Salzmann WSWS 24 September 2014 A journalist with the Slovenian daily Delo is to be charged in court for the publication of alleged sensitive state information. Anuska Delic is threatened with three years' imprisonment for the exposure of ties between a neo-Nazi group and the Democratic Party (SDS) led by former Prime Minister Janez Jansa at the end of 2011. The trial against Delic is an attempt to silence critical voices and limit press freedom. It is directly connected to the drastic cuts and privatizations implemented in Slovenia at the behest of the European Union. The charge was lodged in April 2013. The trial is to take place in the capital Ljubljana a year and a half later. According to media reports, the foreign intelligence service SOVA accused the journalist of publishing strictly confidential information on intelligence. During the 2011 election campaign, Delic published a series of articles documenting the links between the SDS and the neo-Nazi group Blood and Honour. At the time, Janez Jansa was celebrated by Western governments and banks as a guarantor for a radical reform course. After the election, Jansa took over as premier, a post he held from 2005 to 2008 as leader of a right-wing coalition; however, his government quickly fell apart due to a corruption scandal. Jansa himself was sentenced to two years imprisonment. Delic uncovered that Dejan Prosen, a leader of Blood and Honour, was a member of SDS at the same time. Prosen denied the allegation and after the publication of the article, all photos of Prosen were deleted from the SDS web site. According to Delic, the ties between neo-Nazis and senior officials within the government were known about a year before the publication of her article. She considers herself to be a victim of political persecution because she exposed the presence of neo-Nazis in one of the country's main parties. It was an abuse of the judiciary for political ends, she insists, as the purpose of the charge was to uncover her sources and take action against them. Along with the Slovenian Journalists Association (DNS), the International Press Institute (IPI) and the Southeast European Media Organisation (SEMO) have protested against the judicial prosecution of the journalist. They expressed their concern, calling upon the Slovenian authorities to immediately halt the proceedings. SEMO General Secretary Oliver Vujovic feared that the trial could act as a precedent in Europe. “Slovenia and the EU are sending the wrong message with this trial”, he said. CITAT: "yahoo mejle mece pod spem – naredte si gmail, kaj so to zaene hipsterske fore: imet yahoo mejl ..." RB, ur. RKHV, RŠ, gmail, 24.9.14 21:16 Dunja Mijatovic, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) representation for media freedom, also directed a letter to the Slovenian foreign ministry. The restriction of press freedom is a response to the social crisis in the former Yugoslavian republic, which joined the European Union in 2004. The attempt to silence critical voices goes hand in hand with another round of massive social attacks. The government is under immense pressure from the international financial markets. As a consequence of the global economic crisis in 2008, exports in Slovenia were reduced by 16 percent and GDP fell by 8 percent. Unemployment tripled between 2008 and 2013. This has been accompanied by a sustained political crisis, leading to the virtual collapse of the established bourgeois parties. In July, the little known jurist Miro Cerar won the election without a recognizable political program, becoming prime minister. Twenty-five years after the reintroduction of capitalism and 10 years after joining the EU, Slovenia is characterized by political, economic and social instability. Along with Miro Cerar's self-named party (SMC, Party of Miro Cerar), the current government includes the conservative Pensioners' Party (Desus) and the Social Democrats (SD). The coalition relies on the support of 52 of the 90 parliamentary deputies. Cerar immediately reassured the financial markets and the EU that he would continue to pursue the austerity policies of the previous government. However, at the beginning of September, Delo, seen as a left-liberal publication, complained that two months after the election the coalition was still being held up by personnel issues. “Decisions that cannot be deferred are waiting on the new government, above all privatisation and the restructuring of public finances,” the paper warned. At the end of last year, Slovenia narrowly averted using the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) to support its indebted banks. The government handed more than €4 billion in taxpayers' money to the banks last year alone. This was financed by austerity measures and the sale of publicly owned companies. The government of Alenka Bratusek produced a list of 15 companies to be privatized. To date, only three have been offloaded to private investors. Dusan Mramor, the finance minister appointed by Cerar, is considered an advocate of stringent austerity measures and privatization. The economist was in government between 2002 and 2004. At that time he failed to impose a pension reform that would have entailed the total privatization of elderly care and a reduction in existing pension payments. Cerar stated that his government would cut the budget deficit to the three percent level required by Brussels next year. Cerar declared at the beginning of the opening parliamentary sitting that financial policy would be “restrictive,” public spending would be cut, and taxes increased. At the same time, foreign direct investment is to be sought. Miloja Kolar, the new health minister, has announced a fundamental reform of the health care system. There have been long-standing plans to privatize health care, with so-called experts demanding the elimination of inefficient clinics and the strengthening of competition in health care. About an ordinary sexism experience in a pissing space Women ! An artist -someone paid for a so-called conceptual art work- my guess,a male, is offering you the experience to wash your hands in the mirror of your feminity in the biggest anti-independant movie theater of Ljubljana's toilets (let's don't name it)! Here you'll have a chance to soap and water above a red sink incrusted of telephones, makeup palettes and pearl necklaces. Guys, sorry no joystiks, alcool bottles and soccer devices in your side just a plain metallic pissoir style sink. One day in Kino Siska (let's name it since it is more considered as a cool-yo cultural place), soap in female toilets was pink, and blue in the male ones...let's wish it was not made in purpose. JCM ex -delo fin.con itte, s., Lek Consultant at Deposit Insurance Agency, Belgrade, Vice President at Arab Banking Corporation, Bahrain, Executive Director at Dalmatinska banka, Zadar, Croatia, Reverta- fin.cons. Latvija etc. Aleš Koršič je bil še lani direktor rokometnega kluba Cimos, ki Cimosu dolguje 8,5 milijona evrov, igralcem pa nekaj sto tisoč; ex- Telia Sone ra, primat telek. vŠVE +FIN (po aferi podk.) glava SNAP-O N INC. (primat me d teh. orodji) Sr. Brand strat. & Proj. lead. Kreation Reklambyrå 2010 – 2013 Kalmar, Sweden/ Head of Market. GEESINKNORBA 2007 – 2009 Kalmar, Sweden/ Dir. Brand Strat. GAZ Group 2006 – 2006 Moscow, Russian Federation/ Melbourne IT Head of Market. & Sales 2001 – 2005 Stockholm, Sweden /Volvo Car Group Arne Berggren lastništvo, rekonstrukcija in prodaja podjetij in bank na Švedskem. Terjatve Turčija, član Troike Španija, slabe banke ŠPA + SRBija Manager Portfolio Brand Strategy Volvo Car Group 1998–2001Brussels/ Gothenburg/ Product & Pricing Manager /The Coca-Cola Company1997 –1997 KOALICIJA PROTI TAJNIM SPORAZUMOM, KI JO SESTAVLJAMO: PROTESTIVAL, ZDRUŽENA LEVICA: DSD, IDS, TRS IN 4. SKUPINA - CIVILNODRUŽBENA GIBANJA IN POSAMEZNIKI, GIBANJE TRS, SKO (Skupina kazenska ovadba), PUNTARJI, GIBANJE ZA AKTIVNO DRŽAVLJANSTVO, PIRATSKA STRANKA SLOVENIJE, UMANOTERA, ISKRA, GIBANJE 29. OKTOBER, SOLIDARNOST, ALPE ADRIA GREEN, GREENPEACE, FOCUS, EKOBy Rafaell Azull /PAF 10 October 2014 KROG, EKOLOGI BREZ MEJA, GIBANJE ZA DOSTOJNO DELO IN V sredo osmega oktobra so na ulicah Mexico City-a in drugih mest protestirali deset-tisoci obcani zaradi izginotja, pokola SOCIALNO DRUŽBO, ZVEZA SVOBODNIH SINDIKATOV in nazadnje odkritja trupel študentov protestnikov iz podeželskih šol Ayotzinapa, okoliša južnozahodne države Guerrero. SLOVENIJE – ZSSS, DRUŠTVO HUMANITAS, TERRA VERA, 57 študentov (takozvanih “normalisti” – borci za normalizacijo) je tako koncalo kmalu po konfrontaciji z lokalno policijo ČEZVESOLJSKA ZOMBI CERKEV BLAŽENEGA ZVONENJA 26. septembra, šest so jih našli ubitih takoj in 25 ranjenih, naslednji teden pa so blizu mesta našli par deset požganih trupl. ANTIMOBING SLOVENIJA, DEEP GREEN RESISTANCE Študentje so bili sicer del skupine stotih, ki so potovali v mesto Iguala na proteste proti rezom v šolski proracun. SLOVENIA, SINTEZA - GIBANJE ZA DRUŽBENO PRENOVO Masaker in ugrabitve študentov so se dogodile v koruptivnem okolju podrocne vlade (PRD Party of Democratic Revolution), seznam se dnevno dopolnjuje! narkomafije ki bojda rula državo, v okolju omejevanja in šikaniranja svobode govora, korupcije in kriminala skratka SPOROCA: 11. oktobra 2014 SKUPAJ Z VSO EVROPO zadeve, ki tresejo celo Mehiko. Val jeze se je v teh dneh dvignil nad mehiško vlado predsednika Enrikeja Penjo Nieta (PRI, VSTANEMO PROTI nastajajocim tajnim trgovinskim Institutional Revolutionary Party). V centru Mexico City-a so v sredo uspeli zaprti mestni promet, mnogi so nosili plakate sporazumom, ki radikalno odstranjujejo ovire za sklepanje poslov in jih postavljajo nad osnovne pravice pogrešanih ali ubitih, svojci od teh pa so bili med prvimi. Protesti so bili seveda pospremljeni z mocno agitacijo zoper 'narko-vlade' poddržave Guerrero in Mexico-Citya. Cloveka, kot so pravica do zdravja, zdravega okolja in celo do pitne vode. PROTI sporazumom, ki zmanjšujejo suverenost držav, kjer bi bile zaradi šcitenja Clovekovih pravic ogrožene 4 October 2014 WSWS/PAF pravice Posla. Že nekaj let se naša država v tajnosti Afstralija in Kanada sta se v petek 3. oktobra formalno pridružila novi svetleci vojni. Avstralski premier Tony Abbot je pogaja z ZDA, Kanado in 50 clanicami WTO vsaj za tri sporazume, v katerih se namerava zavezati za podreditev dejal, da bodo poslali zracno-napadalna letala in pa svoje specialce na obmocja takozvanih 'humanitarnih misij', osnovnih clovekovih pravic svojih državljanov globalnim kanadski papa di arma pa je dejal, da bodo storili podobno, ker ce se grožnjo pusti “unchecked, the terrorist grožnja can only grow.” kapitalskim interesom. Protesti v Mehiki – Policija in narkomafije z roko v roki nad študente Vojna z in proti ISIS - TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) oz. Cezatlantsko partnerstvo za trgovino in investicije (med EU in ZDA). - CETA (Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement) oz. Celovit gospodarsko trgovinski sporazum (med EU in Kanado). Uskladitev zakonodaj, npr. o uporabi pesticidov in kontroli nad GSO. Podelitev pravice korporacijam, da bodo lahko loceno od sistema javnega sodstva tožile države, ce se bo zaradi zakonodaje zmanjšal pricakovan dobicek. CETA je že sklenjen, caka še na podpis Evropskega Sveta in Evropskega Parlamenta. - TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) oz. Sporazum o trgovini in storitvah (med 50 državami clanicami WTO). Liberalizacija in deregulacija trgov, komercializacija in s tem omejitev dostopa do javnih storitev, kot so zdravstvo, izobraževanje, sociala, pokojnine, energija, komunala in celo pitna voda! Prost dostop tujim bankam do trga držav podpisnic, ki se ga ne sme ovirati niti med financno krizo ali zaradi zašcite državljanov. Vsebina sporazuma naj bi še 5 let po uveljavitvi ostala skrita pred javnostjo. Del sporazuma je junija letos razkril Wikileaks. SMRT KORPORATIVIZACIJI OZ. POTRGOVINJENJU VSAKDANJEGA ŽIVLJENJA!!! ŽIVELA SVOBODA IN PRAVICA DO CLOVECNOSTI TER DO NARAVNIH VIROV!! 11. oktobra 2014 ob 10. uri zbor na Prešernovem trgu! Ob 11. uri povorka izpred Prešernovega spomenika. Pred shodom bodo delavnice. Vec informacij sledi! Od ponedeljka, 6. oktobra na Prešernovem trgu stojnica Koalicije proti tajnim sporazumom! Peticija proti TISA: acije ZDA, Francija in Britanija že zracno tolceta po Iraku in Siriji. Nemcija je poslala orožja in padalce v kurdsko regijo Iraka. Nizozemska je poslala F-16ke, druge (!) evropske države pa šaljejo municijo in drugo opremo. Gang action velikih in malih zahodnjakov, izkorišca primitivni PR samooklicane islamske države Iraka in Sirije (Levanta) za sprožanje splošne velesilne mobilizacije vojske. Situacija si deli mnoge linije z imperialisticnimi težnjami, ki so pripeljale prvo in drugo svetovno vojno. Kanada, Avstralija, Nizozemska in drugi so vpleteni v bombardiranje na Iraq, kar je seveda cena ekskluzivnega poslovanja z ZDA, ki si same prizadevajo zemljo krast, pardon, razparcelirat Bližnji Vzhod. Podobne metode smo lahko uzrli v letu 1990 v Perzijskem zalivu, v prvi ameriški intervenciji v regiji, ko je cela cetica držav, ki jih Irak ni napadel, bila rekrutirana za legitimizacijo napada ZDA. Kot poprej, tudi zdaj racunajo na svoj del plena. V vsaki omenjeni državi, tudi v eni kokoški, smo prica hajpanju proti Iraku in Siriji, ki je v stvari necenzurirana vojna propaganda tako vlad tako medijev, ki se okorišcajo z pomankanjem informacij in nastalo zmedo. Nikjer ni to izraženo tako jasno, kot v uvodnem clanku svetovno znanega in mnogo prevajanega, tudi v slo., New York Timesa – “Fundamentalna groza ISIS”. In every country, the rush to military action in Iraq and Syria has been accompanied by unrestrained war propaganda on the part of both governments and the servile media, which take advantage of the lack of information and confusion to try and stampede the people into war. Nowhere is this expressed more shamelessly than in the editorial published by the New York Times Friday entitled “The Fundamental Horror of ISIS.” Deceit and delusion at the United Nations 25 September 2014 Having launched yet another illegal war, President Barack Obama came before the United Nations Wednesday to justify American actions around the world and demand that all nations fall into line behind the US drive for world hegemony. The speech was a collection of declamations, threats and ultimatums linked together by hollow slogans and clichés. It was delivered in a halting, ritualistic manner, one pronouncement following another, separated by long pauses and a pursing of the lips, without any attempt to make a coherent argument. But what above all distinguished the speech was the complete disconnect between its assertions and political reality. Obama's lies were so extreme and brazen, they took on a delusional character. When the world political situation has reached a point where those in power cannot acknowledge a single truth, this in itself is an expression of an extraordinary level of crisis of the entire political and economic order. All the lies and hypocrisy were summed up in Obama's denunciation of “a vision of the world in which might makes right—a world in which one nation's borders can be redrawn by another… America stands for something different,” he claimed. “We believe that right makes might—that bigger nations should not be able to bully smaller ones; that people should be able to choose their own future.” [Emphasis added]. This statement was made by the representative of the world's most violent and menacing country, one that has, in direct violation of the UN charter, made preventive war the foundation of its foreign policy, proclaiming an unlimited right to intervene militarily wherever its economic, political or geostrategic interests are at stake. Since it emerged as an imperialist power at the end of the 19th century, the United States has arrogated to itself the right to bully and impose its will on small and large countries alike. The past quarter century in particular has seen an unending and escalating series of wars, invasions, covert operations and bombings carried out by American imperialism against countries in every corner of the globe. In its military actions, American imperialism is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. One could cite, among others, the invasion of Panama in 1989, the First Gulf War against Iraq in 1991, the invasion of Haiti in 1994, the bombing of Sudan in 1998, the war against Serbia in 1999, and the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. Under Obama, the United States has led an invasion against Libya, stoked civil war in Syria aimed at overthrowing the government of Bashar alAssad and carried out drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. In its drive to control the world, American imperialism is leading mankind toward a new catastrophic world war. Obama's peroration began with the assertion: “The shadow of World War that existed at the founding of this institution has been lifted, and the prospect of war between major powers reduced.” This was said even as Washington and NATO continue to turn Eastern Europe into an armed camp and use the civil war in Ukraine—a crisis of their own making—to bring the world to the brink of a military conflict between the West and nuclear-armed Russia. Only minutes later, Obama issued a clear threat of military action against Moscow, declaring, “We will reinforce our NATO Allies and uphold our commitment to collective self-defense.” The discovery of the “Khorasan Group” in Syria By Niles Williamson 27 September 2014 As the United States opened up its bombing campaign in Syria this week, the so-called Khorasan Group was suddenly declared the newest and gravest threat to the United States and its European allies, overshadowing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). According to US intelligence, Khorasan is a group of highranking foreign Al Qaeda members based in Syria that is seeking to launch a terrorist attack on US or European airlines. The alleged existence of the Khorasan group was only made public a few days before the US began its campaign in Syria. Prior to last week, no one in the US government had ever publicly uttered the words “Khorasan group.” US President Barack Obama referred to it last Tuesday in his perfunctory statement announcing the new campaign in Syria. Terrorism experts in the United States have stated that Khorasan is an outright invention of US intelligence. What the US government terms the Khorasan Group is in fact a small number of foreign Al Qaeda members fighting with the al Nusra Front, the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, against the regime of President Bashar al Assad. According to US intelligence, the Khorasan group is currently composed of several dozen Al Qaeda members who have traveled from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya and Chechnya. While the US government portrays them as a new and dangerous grouping in Syria, Aaron Zelin of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy stated that the fighters singled out by US intelligence do not identify as the Khorasan Group. The moniker invented by the Obama administration is derived from the nickname given to the fighters from the geographic area known as Khorasan, which includes western Afghanistan and eastern Iran, as well as parts of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. The supposedly looming threat of an attack by Khorasan has not only been deployed to browbeat the public into supporting the war in Syria, but also to justify the imposition of further antidemocratic measures in the United States, Europe and Australia. The mainstream media has latched onto the supposed threat from the Khorasan Group—darkly repeating the invented phrase as if it were a household word—to demand an escalation of the war in Syria and Iraq. The intelligence community's sudden discovery of Khorasan is also being used to mask the fact that those being targeted are actually elements fighting with the Al Nusra Front, which is in an alliance with the so-called “moderates” in the Free Syria Army that Washington is backing with hundreds of millions of dollars in equipment, arms, and training. Balkan states back US war in the Middle East By Stefan Steinberg 11 October 2014 Over the month of September, a number of Balkan states declared their support for the current US-led military campaign in the Middle East. Balkan states in both NATO and the EU, such as Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania, joined the US-led coalition. Those non-EU and non-NATO states backing the Western military campaign in Iraq and Syria include Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. For many of these states, their practical commitment to the military campaign will be minimal. Nevertheless their decision to back the military campaign is significant, not least because it gives credence to the US and its allies, which are conducting military operations in Iraq and Syria in complete defiance of international law. One of the first Balkan states to join the US-led coalition was Croatia, which since the breakup of Yugoslavia following the NATO war of 1995 has maintained close links to Washington. It is symptomatic of the relationship between the US and Croatia that the local media first learnt that the country was joining the so-called Balkan “coalition against IS” from the US State Department, not from the Croatian government. Croatia has played a particularly duplicitous role in recent developments in the Middle East. In an operation overseen by the CIA, Croatia supplied much of the weaponry that ended up in the hands of the Muslim jihadists fighting in the region. Croatia was deliberately used to smuggle arms in 2013 into Syria via Jordan in order to circumvent an EU ban on weapons to the region. As part of the US campaign to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, the arms were delivered to Syrian Islamist militias, including ISIS and Ahrar al-Sham. Exactly mirroring the about-turn in US policy, which is now using the struggle against ISIS as a means of renewing its campaign against Assad, Croatia has now junked its former customers and pledged to join the “Balkan coalition against IS.” Just this August, the Pentagon acknowledged that both Croatia and Albania were sending weapons and other equipment to the Iraqi military and to Iraqi Kurdish fighters opposing ISIS. Using similar language as US President Obama to demonise ISIS, the Croatian Defence Minister Ante Kotromanovic said of his government's decision: “No one knows what our obligations will be yet... but this is an opportunity to unite the world against this deadly evil.” Serbia has also declared its readiness to support US policy in the Middle East. In a letter addressed to US President Obama, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic wrote: “The Serbian government supports the fight against ISIS and is willing to help in this fight, in accordance with its limited resources.” Serbia's support for the anti-IS alliance is a significant concession to US imperialism, bearing in mind that the country suffered the worst of the NATO bombing campaign of 1999. In recent months, Serbia has come under heavy pressure from the US and EU for failing to implement economic sanctions against Russia. Serbia has longstanding ties with Russia and is a key link in the proposed South Stream pipeline, which would deliver Russian gas to Europe while bypassing Ukraine. In the middle of this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to visit Belgrade as part of Serbian celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade from Nazi German occupation. Vucic's support for the US military campaign in the Middle East is part of the Belgrade government's balancing act to retain relations with the West while maintaining its links to Moscow. Under pressure from the US and the EU the Balkan states are increasingly being transformed into the front line of aggression against Russia. Another factor in the decision by Serbia and other Balkan countries to join the “coalition against IS” is that support for the latest edition of the Western “war on terror” permits these governments to whip up anti-Islamist sentiment and introduce repressive legislation. The US security forces have issued their own warning of the growth of Islamic extremism and the “threat of beheadings” in Europe, thereby justifying the repressive measures in Balkan countries. Vucic's declaration of support for the US-led coalition was promptly echoed by Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who stated that Serbia supported “the global alliance in the fight against terrorism.” Dacic told the Belgrade-based daily Blic that the alliance was important for the Balkan region, “because there are many jihadists from our region”. Dacic based his remarks on figures released by the CIA and Western governments, which state that hundreds of those fighting for jihadist forces in Syria come from the Balkans where a number of countries, such as Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania, have significant Muslim communities. In Albania, for example, around 60 percent of the population are Sunni Muslims. In Bosnia 40 percent are Muslims. In all of these countries, media reports relating to a few hundred Muslim citizens traveling to the Middle East are blown out of proportion and used by the respective governments to generate a climate of intimidation against the Muslim communities. This climate of fear allows governments in those countries with a Muslim minority to deflect attention from the growing social and economic crisis and build up their security apparatuses against the entire working class. Serbia has announced plans to revise its penal code and make participation in a war or affiliation to armed groups in another country punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. Similar laws have been adopted in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia and are in preparation in Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro. Following reports from the Bosnian security service that up to 340 Bosnians had travelled abroad to join the IS or other radical groups, police arrested 16 people at the start of September who had allegedly returned from the Middle East. On September 30, the parliamentary Security Committee in Montenegro ordered the domestic intelligence service to permanently monitor up to 300 local Islamists. The Montenegro parliament has also submitted a draft law to penalise anyone joining an armed group abroad. Repressive measures against the Muslim community have been especially pronounced in Kosovo. Already in August and September, police carried out widely publicised raids against alleged Islamists, arresting dozens of people. In a second wave of raids, the police arrested 15 suspected Islamists on suspicion of terrorism, threat to the constitutional order and incitement to religious hatred. Among the arrested were the leader of the Islamist party Lisba and 12 imams from mosques in Kosovo. The US government explicitly welcomed the actions of the Kosovo security forces. In the event, the appeals court in Kosovo ordered the release of 11 of the 15 detainees this month, due to lack of evidence. At the start of this week, the European Commission issued a report in which it made a series of criticisms of western Balkan states and made clear they had no prospect of membership of the EU in the short term. The criticisms raised by the commission included the reluctance of governments to undertake IMF and EU-dictated economic reforms, and measures against corruption. No mention was made of the repressive state measures introduced against Muslim communities. This is because the EU is in the process of implementing similar measures on a continent-wide basis. The EU is currently discussing far-reaching proposals to amend the Schengen border controls to allow “systematic checks at external borders of persons enjoying the right to free movement to fully ensure they do not represent a threat to internal security”. EU interior ministers are also discussing a broad range of security measures, including intensified Internet surveillance and a revival of proposals for a Europe-wide air passenger database. 'Resnica' o patrii – komentar iz 25. 8. 2005 - Črnkovič v stikih zabeleži srečanja s Petrom Zupanom, nekdanjim vodjem službe temeljnih razvojnih programov na obrambnem ministrstvu. Tega dne se, sodeč po Zagožnovi zabeležki, Zagožen sreča na kosilu s Krkovičem in Črnkovičem. 1. 9. 2005 - Odločilni sestanek v prostorih Holdinga slovenskih elektrarn pri Zagožnu, ki se ga udeležijo Krkovič, Črnkovič, Zagožen in Niittynen. Na tem sestanku Krkovič in Črnkovič Patrii sporočijo, da mora izbrati Rotis. »Črnkovič in general (Krkovič, op. p.) sta povedala, da poznajo tehnično prednost AMV (Patria, op. p.) in da bodo v primeru, če Patria ne bo vplivala, zahteve bolj ustrezale zmogljivosti vozila Pandur II.« V avtu na poti domov se Riedl z Niittynenom pogovarja o tem, ali je zakonito izplačevati subvencije SDS, kot prizna Niittynen policiji. Deljenje provizij 3. 9. 2005 - Črnkovič v opomniku v računalnik zapiše formulo, po kateri bi del profita njegovega podjetja Rotis pripadal tudi Zagožnu, Krkoviču in SDS. 6. 9. 2005 - Patria podjetje Rotis imenuje za zastopnika. V Patrii napišejo aneks A k pogodbi o svetovanju z Riedlom, v kateri je določen poseben »bonus« za Walterja Wolfa, po mnenju slovenskega tožilstva v resnici namenjen SDS. 15. 9. 2005 - Riedl Niittynenu sporoči: »WW moram zagotoviti 4,5. On bo razdelil.« 20. 9.-4. 11. 2005 - Črnkovič, kot izhaja iz njegovega rokovnika, se dobiva z danes osumljenim Zupanom. 10. 11. 2005 - Wolf Riedlu sporoča, da bo v kratkem razpis napisan in da se lahko kadarkoli dobijo z dr. Zagožnom, Krkovičem in Zupanom, da ju slišijo, da je predsednik vlade obveščen in naklonjen in da ga lahko med sestankom pokličejo po telefonu. 6. 12. 2005 - Riedl in Niittynen si dopisujeta, kako v Sloveniji sodelovati tako z Rotisom, »v interesu organizacije predsednika vlade,« kot tudi Autocommerceom, ki ga je predlagal glavni lastnik Patrie, EADS. Razmišljata, da bi bil Rotis glavni, Autocommerce pa podrejen, »na ta način ne bo ne PVE (Patria, op. p.) ne AK (Autocommerce, op. p.) vedel, kaj je Rotis vključil v organizacijo dr. Z,« piše Riedl. In pa, »On lahko zaupa Ivanu (Črnkoviču, op. p.) in Ivan ne bo nikoli razkril, kam so bili določeni zneski posredovani«. 12. 12. 2005 - Tuomas Korpi, podpredsednik v Patrii, odgovoren za prodajo, se ne more odločiti, ali naj Patria sodeluje z Autocommerceom ali z Rotisom, zato gre v Slovenijo preveriti, ali so informacije Zagožna zanesljive. V potnem nalogu mu piše: »Pogajanja o slovenskem projektu (dr. Zagozen plus Rotis).« Na sestanku sta tudi Riedl in Niittynen. 15. 12. 2005 - Obrambno ministrstvo pošlje izbranim podjetjem obvestilo o postopku naročanja, v Patrii pa podpišejo aneks A k pogodbi o svetovanju z Riedlom, v kateri je določen poseben »bonus,« po mnenju slovenskega tožilstva namenjen »organizaciji« oziroma SDS. 19. 1. 2006 - Zagožen ima sestanek z Janšo, kot piše v rokovniku. Morda tudi s Črnkovičem, kajti v Črnkovičevem rokovniku je za ta dan vpisano: »Zagožen kliči kosilo sestanek.« 27. 1. 2006 - Riedl piše na Finsko: »Z. je potrdil, da PM podpira Patrio.« 29. 5. 2006 - Patria je izbrana kot najugodnejši ponudnik. Toda MORS si pridržuje pravico nadaljnje pogovore kadarkoli prekiniti. Zahtevajo avans provizije 1. 7. 2006-17. 7. 2006 - Zagožen od Patrie večkrat prek Wolfa zahteva predplačilo provizije in pisno dokazilo. 25. 7. 2006 - Riedl pošlje Niittynenu SMS: »WW prišel na dunaj in je tudi dobil kopijo, ker se bo dobil s predsednikom vlade in Dr. Z v hiši v Mariboru jutri. Mislim, da bodo nekatere informacije za predsednika vlade zanimive ...« 26. 7. 2006 - Zagožen se dobi v Mariboru z Riedlom in Wolfom. 27. 7. 2006 - Riedl sporoči na Finsko: »zdi se, da je zadeva v zvezi s 30 % vnaprej plačane provizije zelo pomembna za organizacijo, ki stoji za dr. Zagožnom.« 17. 8. 2006 - Riedl za Zagožna in Wolfa predlaga 4,2-odstotno provizijo od 161 milijonov evrov, kolikor znaša zaslužek Patrie brez slovenskih protidobav. 18. 8. 2006 - Vodstvo Patrie spremeni pogodbo, da omogoča avans plačila provizije. Čez teden dni v izplačilo privoli Heikki Hulkkonen, izvršni direktor Patrie. 24. 8. 2006 - V Zagožnovem rokovniku zabeležen sestanek z Janšo. Tega dne naj bi se glede na rokovnik dobil tudi z Wolfom, šel naj bi na Dunaj. 30. 10. 2006 - V e-mailu Riedl piše, da je bil pri njem Wolf, ki je govoril z Zagožnom. »Politični vodje hočejo videti podpisano pogodbo do 10. 11. Poleg tega dr. Z (v imenu njegovega šefa) je vprašal WW za točno vsoto od katere bodo obračunani procenti.« 19. 12. 2006 - Obrambno ministrstvo sklene pogodbo z Rotis (Patria) v vrednosti 278 milijonov evrov. Toda provizija še ni nakazana ... Končno, nakazilo provizije 27. 1. 2007 - Riedl sporoči na Finsko: »WW kliče vsako uro, dr. Z mu je ukazal, naj pride v Ljubljano na pogovor z njegovim šefom ... Prosim nujno se javi. Paničarijo.« 2. 2. 2007 - Patria obljubi nakazilo provizije v Avstrijo, k Riedlu. Prvi obrok provizije je 3,6 milijona evrov. 5. 2. 2007 - Denarja na računu Riedla še vedno ni, Riedl sporoči na Finsko, da mu je Wolf povedal, da bo »šef od dr. Z. informiran, ker ne more več nositi odgovornosti, ker ni bilo izvedeno nakazilo«. Sodeč po e-mailih gresta Zagožen in Wolf na Dunaj. 6. 2. 2007 - Denar pride, Riedl nakaže 2,3 milijona Wolfu, na njegov osebni račun. Toda banka zavrne transakcijo. 7. 2. 2007 - Riedl in Wolf gresta skupaj v banko, da uredita nakazilo. Del preneseta na Wolfovo podjetje, del dvigne Riedl v gotovini, del je nakazan Tajcu Apichatu Shirithapornu, a potem ta del s pooblastilom Shirithaporna v gotovini dvigne Riedl. 13. 2. 2007 - Riedl pride na letališče Dunaj in Shirithapornu izroči 900 tisoč evrov, ki z denarjem odpotuje neznano kam ... ZAČELO PA SE JE TAKO :21. 1. 2004 - Patria začenja zbirati informacije o slovenskem nakupu oklepnikov, sklene pogodbo s svetovalcem Hansom Wolfgangom Riedlom z Dunaja. 12. 8. 2004 Obrambno ministrstvo uradno objavi informacijo o načrtovanih nakupih do leta 2010. 23. 9. 2004 - Rotis se sam ponudi Patrii, da bi jo predstavljal v Sloveniji pri nakupu oklepnikov. 18. 1. 2005 Riedl predlaga Reiju Niittynenu, predstavniku Patrie, odgovornemu za Slovenijo, da bi za politično lobiranje najeli Wolfa. 1. 2. 2005 - Sestanek v Mariboru, v Wolfovi hiši, med Riedlom in Jožetom Zagožnom, vplivnim članom SDS. 17.-21. 3. 2005 - Ivan Črnkovič, direktor podjetja Rotis, ima v rokovniku zabeleženo: »MORS, Zagožen Patria« in pa »ZAGOZEN PRAVI DA JE PATRIIN ZASTOPNIK« 18. 5. 2005 - Zagožen v rokovniku zabeleži srečanje z Juretom Cekuto, podjetnikom in slikarjem na počivališču Lopata. Tam je tudi Riedl. Riedl se v e-mailu Zagožnu zahvali, prosi, naj Zagožen predlaga lokalnega industrijskega posrednika, s katerim bi se Patria prijavila na razpis z oklepniki. Iskanje “pravega” podjetja za Patrio 20. 5. 2005 - Zagožen ima sprva sestanek z Janezom Janšo, po 17. uri pa še z Antonom Krkovičem, pomočnikom načelnika generalštaba Slovenske vojske. 23. 6. 2005 - Zagožen se sestane z Wolfom, nato se pogovarja s Krkovičem. V rokovniku ima zapis: »Krko oklepniki.« Walter Wolf kliče Riedla, želi, da »dr. Z« (Zagožen, op. p.) pokažejo vsaj nekaj, neko pogodbo, da bo nato »dobro novico poročal Mr. J.« (Janez Janša, op. p.). 1. 7. 2005 - Zagožen ima sestanek ali klic z Wolfom in Krkovičem. V rokovniku ima zapisano WW (Wolf, op. p), povezano s Krko (Krkovič, op. p.), in pripis »nujno Krkovič-šofer in Walter Wolf«. 3. 7. 2005 - Črnkovič ima zapisano v rokovniku: »Tone vabit zagoz nekam na stajersko.« 5. 7. 2005 - Zagožen ima v rokovniku zapisano: »Kliči Krkoviča zaradi njegovih.« 13. 7. 2005 - Zagožen kliče Riedla. 19. 7. 2005 - Zagožen ima sestanek z Janšo ob 10. uri, kot si je zapisal v računalnik. 22. 7. 2005 - Riedl piše na Finsko: Wolf »ima obljubo PM in dr. Z, da bosta podprla samo njih.« 27. 7. 2005 - Ob 7.30 se sestaneta Zagožen in Črnkovič. 28. 7. 2005 - Zagožen kliče Janšo. Riedl pa piše na Finsko: »Govoril sem z WW in Dr. Z. po telefonu in oba sta potrdila, da vse poteka v najlepšem redu v Sloveniji. Dr. Z. nam je zagotovil, da sam pazljivo spremlja projekt in da imata on in PM vse pod nadzorom.« 7. 8. 2005 - Zagožnu v rokovniku piše: »Finci Riedl priporoči Rotis Črnkovič« 10. 8. 2005 - V Patrii si dopisujejo, kako razdeliti provizije: »WWW. Dr. Z +++organisation 5 %« 11. 8. 2005 - Zagožen ima v rokovniku za ob 12.30 zapisano: »J.J. kosilo znano ribiški dom + žuče« in Črnkovič-Patria. 17. 8. 2005 - Zagožen ima v rokovniku zapisano: »Riedl, Krkovič, Črnkovič Ivan Zg. Kirn jaz rezerviram.« 21. 8. 2005 - Riedl ima več telefonskih razgovorov z Zagožnom, ki je predlagal sestanek 1. 9. 2005. Srečali naj bi se »z visokim generalom obrambnega ministrstvo ki podpira organizacijo dr. Z«. 22. 8. 2005 - Zagožen zahteva predčasno izplačilo provizije, zato Riedl še pred glavnim sestankom prosi Niittynena, naj prinese v Slovenijo »pismo v zvezi s 30 %«, saj mora WW pokazati dr. Z, da so pokriti. »To je res pomembno.« Janša se je v odločilnem letu 2005 in 2006 z Zagožnom večkrat srečal na kosilu. Z njim se je sestal vsaj 19. julija 2005 ob 10h, pa 11. avgusta 2005, potem 19. januarja 2006 in pa 24. avgusta 2006, so ugotovili kriminalisti. Takoj po teh datumih pa so Finci dobivali tudi poročila o sestankih. Tri dni po 19. juliju je Niittynen prebral, da sta »PM« in »dr. Z« obljubila, da bosta podprla samo njih. Teden dni po sestanku 19. januarja 2006 pa spet, da je »Z. potrdil, da PM podpira Patrio«. Janez Janša je 23. avgusta letos zagrozil, da »kdor bo sejal lažne obtožbe, bo odgovarjal«. Če so si poleg Riedla, Cekute, Wolfa njegovo ime pri pogovorih s Patrio sposodili tudi njegovi najbližji kolegi ali sodelavci, zakaj jih Janša sedaj ne toži?..................... Za pripravo načrta protidobav je Patria Rotis tudi plačevala. Toda pri tem je Rotisu pomagal kar tedanji minister za gospodarstvo Vizjak. To dokazujejo naslednja dejstva: Črnkovič si je v koledar računalnika že 23. januarja 2006 ob 8. uri, torej štiri mesece prej, preden je obrambno ministrstvo izbralo Rotis, vpisal zadevo »8.40 Vizjak min, Tone«. To pomeni, da se je Črnkovič tisti dan skupaj z Antonom Krkovičem srečal z ministrom Vizjakom. Dokaz, da je do sestanka resnično prišlo, potrjuje tudi elektronska pošta, ki jo je nato po sestanku Črnkovič poslal Vizjaku čez mesec dni, 6. februarja. V elektronskem sporočilu je zapisal: »Sem tisti Črnkovič, ki je bil pri vas s Krkovič Tonetom pred tednom,« na koncu sporočila pa je dodal: »Sicer pa bi vas prosil ta termin enkrat v naslednjem tednu, da bi kako rekli tudi v zvezi s proizvodnjo oklepnega vozila, tender je že v teku, Rotis pa je zastopnik Patrie, ki je ''pravi ponudnik''. ............... Novi nadškof in stara vprašanja Vir / Avtor: Ranka Ivelja 9. oktober 2014 (nazadnje spremenjeno: 7:17 9. oktober 2014) Oznake: Družba, Cerkev “Iz krogov ljubljanske nadškofije je slišati, da se bo novo vodstvo zavzemalo za vzpostavitev strpnega in rednega dialoga z državo o odprtih vprašanjih. V ta namen bodo predlagali ponovno oblikovanje mešane cerkvenovladne komisije.” Izgleda da Cerku odpušča v svoji milosti; a v prvi vrsti znajo odpuščati predvsem svoje Ponudba lokalnih volitev – jasno polje ali trda hosta? Napisano pred volitvami, seveda. Objavljene sezname ljudi, ki bodisi tekmujejo za župana ali pač za stolček v novomeški glavo-pametni gostilni, si lahko razlagamo tudi tako. Muha Dvojni je za konec mandata postal Janković, po mukotrpnih letnih mukah so popravljene šance (che tipico –po letih brozgobrodenja mali korak naprej) in štartan je projekt mestnega kopališča (nasprot gostilne na loki). Za v tretje mu nasprotno od pregovora ne kaže najbolje, ker se je tekom Muhinega mandatiranja razvil nov pregovor o vinogradniških društvih, ki furajo občino. Vzeljeskakalec Ma Che Toni ne obupuje. Po letih matranja in promoviranja jakih in uspešnih projektov, ki so osvetlili Novo mesto (kandidira že 3-4tič?) kani model letos res ujet veter denarja v svoja jadra. Kaže mu v redu (torej: Gor!) in gleda v prihodnost (novo mesto 2020). Sedanjost mu smrdi. Predpostavke o MaCheTonijevi duhovni navezavi z kapitljem in staro kasto mestne buržomularije niso preverjene, a tam so. Playerjev na nacionalni ravni predstavniki (S Mirota Cerarja in SDS) niti poimensko omenjali ne bomo, kamoli zgubljali besed. Kandidati za župana/njo so preverjeni kadri, ki se motajo (opravljajo rotacijske funkcije kot v kakšnem taborniškem rodu) po občini že nekaj časa, kar kaže na vzpostavljeno linijo zavezništev in šahovskopolitičnih malolobijev pri čemer SDS ni neznanka, se pa novopremierska stranka obnaša popolnoma enako, kar je dobro za SDS, obratno pa ne. Najboljši sosed Sokolca, Lubej, pa iz solidarnostnega protestništva kani uzurpirat vodilno mesto novomeške občine – nanj letijo iste predpostavke kot za Ma Che Tonija – in zanj velja isto kot za Nove Leve – Pečostyle – ko te ne pustijo not (v patriota npr.), se zunaj dereš, težiš in skačeš, ko si pa not, si pa prijetno tiho in – piješ. Čigava leva in kdo je na desni, to je vprašanje. Najmlajši teolog med zbrano golaznijo pa je Tič Vidič, kateremu pa tudi ne kaže slabo; predstavnik mlajše generacije (r.87'), ki se je pred leti zavzeto boril za Lubeja in za mladino tudi v novomeški občini (še pomnite 2go Novomeško Pomlad, pa ČuvejLeakse) letos pa ni jasno, katero družbeno ločino bo rajcal – če bo obljubljal mladini (ki ga že takrat ni poznala, kaj šele zdaj) bo nekako tako, kot bi poučeni Žižek razpravljal o revozni proizvodnji. Če človeka ni, ga ni. O kadrih SNS, LD, SLS in DESUS bomo metali besede v prazno. Po personalnih okoliščinah sledeč, gre za kadre z out-datano miselnostjo, ki so bodisi utopljeni v male iluzije ali pa imajo lastnost, da se stopijo na upravnem soncu. In še to – slovenija je res majhna. V kar nekaterih primerih gre zaslediti, da stare generacije, ki kandidirajo za stolčke, v ta nemaren posel marketinške agitacije silijo svoje najdragocenejše produkte – svojo otroke. To je razvidno iz istega naslova preb. in priimka . . . In mlajše generacije so v vseh primerih rojene 90+. Skratka, ne več toliko klasična reprezentanca politične volje (ali volje do politike?), a šoder ostaja. Res je lepo biti župan mesteca, ki ima najjačo tovarno v državi. Skrbiš za njihovo nemoteno delovanje (zaposlovanje) za druge pa.... »bomo vidl«. Le v gnuj, le v gnuj, uboga gmajna. PAF By D: grehe. Po tem ko so prek mariborske izpostave s petljanjem v nacionalne komunikacijske posle (Zvon, T-2) zakockali denar bogaboječih 60.000vplačevalcev /investitorjev / davkoplačevalcev in s tem stotine njihovih miljonov, se prsti Božji zopet stegujejo po nacionalnem vplivu (cerkvenovladna komisija) kao “looking for adventure, and whatever comes our way” (kao Born to be wild) kar je pljunek v posledice vseh civilnih revolucij in resolucij, ki so po stoletjih imperialnega Božjega vpliva cerkev tudi na papirju (npr. v ustavi) ločili cerkus od države. Kot pri nas. In grind we crust. Paf
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