Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics ACADEMIC ENHANCEMENT Intellectual engagement GE SL Outcome: Students will reflect on the meaning of enduring questions in context of the interdisciplinary connections or interconnected approaches relevant to their service-learning experience. (new outcome) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Identify at least three enduring human questions that are relevant to your service experience. Enduring questions are those big questions that relate to purpose, value and meaning across time and culture. In identifying these questions think broadly about your service experience including the mission of the organization with which you worked and the work of similar organizations. Examine at least one of these questions from several different perspectives. In thinking about different perspectives you might think about different disciplinary, cultural and ethical perspectives. Rubric: SL GE SLO- IE: Students will reflect on the meaning of enduring questions in context of the interdisciplinary connections or interconnected approaches relevant to their service-learning 1 experience. 4 Evaluates and applies interdisciplinary perspectives/ interconnected approaches to enduring questions relevant to their service experience in the face of multiple and even conflicting positions (i.e. cultural, disciplinary, and ethical). 3 Synthesizes interdisciplinary perspectives/ interconnected approaches when investigating enduring questions relevant to their service experience. 2 Identifies and explains interdisciplinary perspectives/ interconnected approaches when exploring enduring questions relevant to their service experience. 1 Identifies multiple perspectives while maintaining a value preference for own perspective or approach when discussing enduring questions relevant to their service experience. Connection between academic material and service-learning GE SL Outcome: Students will connect knowledge (facts, concepts, theories, etc.) from their academic study/field/discipline to their service-learning experiences. (QEP SLO 1.1) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Explain how areas of knowledge (facts, concepts, theories, etc.) from your academic study/field/discipline/coursework are relevant to your service-learning experiences. How does having this background knowledge affect how you engage in your service or how you think about this engagement? How does engaging in your service affect your understanding of this background knowledge? 1 Measured with modified Global Learning VALUE Rubric (Perspective Taking) 1 Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics Rubric: SLO 1.1 – Students will connect knowledge (facts, concepts, theories, etc.) from their academic study/field/discipline to their service-learning 2 experiences. 4 Connects and extends knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one's own academic study/field/discipline to the service experience. 3 Analyzes knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one's own academic study/field/discipline making relevant connections to the service experience. 2 Begins to connect knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one's own academic study/field/discipline to the service experience. 1 Begins to identify knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one's own academic study/field/discipline that is relevant to the service experience. Critical thinking GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically about an area of service related to the discipline. (QEP SLO 1.2a) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Think about one complex issue you have encountered in your service experience that is related to your discipline or coursework. Comprehensively explain this issue and present an argument for your position on the issue while taking into account all relevant information. Rubric: SLO 1.2a – Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically about an area of service related to the discipline. 3 4 Issue in the discipline relevant to the servicelearning to be considered critically is stated clearly and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding. 3 Issue in the discipline relevant to the servicelearning to be considered critically is stated, described, and clarified so that understanding is not seriously impeded by omissions. 2 Issue in the discipline relevant to the servicelearning to be considered critically is stated but description leaves some terms undefined, ambiguities unexplored, boundaries undetermined and/or backgrounds unknown. 1 Issue in the discipline relevant to the servicelearning to be considered critically is stated without clarification or description. Critique of assumptions GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to critique the assumptions and attitudes they and others bring to the servicelearning experience. (QEP SLO 3.2a) 2 3 Measured with modified Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric (Analysis of Knowledge) Measured with modified Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric (Explanation of Issues) 2 Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Discuss your position on an issue related to your service experience. As you think back on some of the initial attitudes and assumptions about this issue that you brought to your service experience, in what ways have these attitudes and assumptions changed? Why do you think this is? What have you learned about your own attitudes and assumptions as you compare them to those of others? Rubric: SLO 3.2a – Students will demonstrate the ability to critique the assumptions and attitudes they and others bring to service4 learning issues. 4 Thoroughly (systematically and methodically) analyzes own and others' assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position. 3 Identifies own and others' assumptions and several relevant contexts when presenting a position. 2 Questions some assumptions. Identifies several relevant contexts when presenting a position. May be more aware of others’ assumptions than one's own (or vice versa). 1 Shows an emerging awareness of present assumptions (sometimes labels assertions as assumptions). Begins to identify some contexts when presenting a position. Problem solving GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to identify real-world problems and multiple solutions to address these from various perspectives. (QEP SLO 1.3a) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Think about a major or reoccurring issue related to your service experience. In what way might this issue be considered a problem? What are some possible causes of this problem? What could be done to try to solve this problem? What are the strengths and limitations of these possible solutions to this problem? Rubric: SLO 1.3a – Students will demonstrate the ability to identify real-world problems and multiple solutions to address these from various 5 perspectives. 4 Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors. Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem that apply within a specific context. 4 5 3 Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed. Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem, only some of which apply within a specific context. 2 Begins to demonstrate the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, but problem statement is superficial. 1 Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying a problem statement or related contextual factors. Identifies only a single approach for solving the problem that does apply within a specific context. Identifies one or more approaches for solving the problem that do not apply within a specific context. Measured with Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric (Influence of Context and Assumptions) Measured using Problem Solving VALUE Rubric (Identify Strategies and Define Problem) 3 Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics CIVIC LEARNING Constructive community engagement GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate a commitment to work collaboratively within a community context to achieve a civic aim. (QEP SLO 2.3a) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Discuss what your service experience has taught you about collaborative community engagement. Give an example of how you worked collaboratively to achieve a civic aim. How has this experience affected your commitment to working collaboratively in future community contexts in order to achieve a civic aim? In what way(s) does this commitment represent a change in your thinking and behavior from before your service experience? Rubric: SLO 2.3a – Students will demonstrate a commitment to work collaboratively within a community context to 6 achieve a civic aim. 4 Demonstrates ability and commitment to collaboratively work within a community context (i.e. community organization or service site) to achieve a civic aim. Works effectively as part of collaborative effort. 3 Demonstrates commitment to work actively within a community context (i.e. community organization or service site) to achieve a civic aim. Recognizes his/her role in collaborative efforts. 2 Demonstrates experience identifying intentional ways to participate in a civic context. Begins to understand civic aim of given community (i.e. community organization or service site), but does not identify her/his role in this context. 1 Experiments with civic contexts as an individual. Does not explore her/his collaborative role in the community to achieve a civic aim. Civic responsibility GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate a sense of personal civic responsibility. (QEP SLO 2.1a) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: In what ways do you think you are and are not personally responsible for taking action to achieve a public good? Has your thinking about your level of personal responsibility changed since engaging in your service experience? What is an example of a public good with which you identify and toward which you have some personal commitment? How do you see yourself being involved in this issue in the future? 6 Measured using modified Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric (Civic Contexts/Structures) 4 Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics Rubric: SLO 2.1a – Students will demonstrate a sense of personal civic 7 responsibility. 4 Provides evidence of experience in civicengagement activities and demonstrates a reinforced and clarified sense of civic identity and continued commitment to public action. 3 Provides evidence of experience in civic engagement activities and demonstrates a growing sense of civic identity and commitment. 2 Evidence suggests involvement in civic engagement activities is generated from expectations or course requirements rather than from a sense of civic identity. 1 Provides little evidence of her/his experience in civic engagement activities and does not connect experiences to civic identity. Global understanding GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate an appreciation of global interdependence and an attitude of global responsibility in relationship to their service-learning experience. (new outcome) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Identify a global problem relevant to your service experience. Discuss your current understanding of this problem and what your service experience has taught you about global interdependence and global responsibility. Be sure to include a variety of perspectives on interventions to address the problem and the range of consequences of these interventions. Rubric: SL GE SLO- GU: Students will demonstrate an appreciation of global interdependence and an attitude of global responsibility in relationship to their service learning experience. 4 Adapts and applies a deep understanding of global interdependence while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global 8 problems. 3 Analyzes substantial connections between the worldviews, power structures, and experiences of multiple cultures historically or in contemporary contexts, incorporating respectful interactions with other cultures. Demonstrates an attitude of global responsibility to address ethical, social, and environmental challenges in global systems and evaluates the local and broader consequences of individual 9 and collective interventions. Analyzes the ethical, social, and environmental consequences of global systems and identifies a range of actions informed by one’s sense of personal and civic responsibility. 7 2 Explains and connects two or more cultures historically or in contemporary contexts with some acknowledgement of power structures, demonstrating respectful interaction with varied cultures and worldviews. Explains the ethical, social, and environmental consequences of local and national decisions on global systems. Measured using modified Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric (Civic Identity and Commitment) Measured with modified Global Learning VALUE Rubric (Cultural Diversity) 9 Measured with modified Global Learning VALUE Rubric (Personal and Social Responsibility) 8 5 1 Describes the experiences of others historically or in contemporary contexts primarily through one cultural perspective, demonstrating some openness to varied cultures and worldviews. Identifies basic ethical dimensions of some local or national decisions that have global impact. Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics Openness to diverse perspectives GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate openness to diverse perspectives. (QEP SLO 3.3a) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: How have the diverse perspectives of others with whom you have worked in your service experience changed your own attitudes and beliefs? Discuss how this experience with diversity might change your future behavior. What do you think can be learned more generally from experiencing diverse cultures and communities? Rubric: SL0 3.3a – Students will demonstrate openness to diverse 10 perspectives. 4 Demonstrates an integration of diverse perspectives into own attitudes and beliefs because of working within and learning from diversity of communities and cultures. Promotes others’ engagement with diversity. 3 Reflects on how own attitudes and beliefs are different from those of other cultures and communities. Exhibits curiosity about what can be learned from diversity of communities and cultures. 2 Has awareness that own attitudes and beliefs are different from those of other cultures and communities. Exhibits little curiosity about what can be learned from diversity of communities and cultures. 1 Expresses attitudes and beliefs as an individual, from a onesided view. Is indifferent or resistant to what can be learned from diversity of communities and cultures. Understanding of social issues GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate comprehension of a range of perspectives on the issues relevant to their service-learning experience (e.g., environmental, global, or social issues). (QEP SLO 3.1a) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Identify the issues that are most relevant to your service experience and your service site. These issues could be social, environmental, global, etc. Based on your service experience, how might these issues be considered from a variety of perspectives and how does doing so enhance your understanding of the issues? 10 Measured using modified Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric (Diversity of Communities and Cultures) 6 Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics Rubric: SLO 3.1a – Students will demonstrate comprehension of a range of perspectives on the issues relevant to their service-learning course (e.g., environmental, global, 11 or social issues). 4 Identifies multiple issues that are relevant to service-learning course. Each issue is considered comprehensively from a range of perspectives. 3 Identifies issue(s) connected to servicelearning experience. Issue(s) are considered from multiple perspectives. 2 Identifies issue(s) connected to servicelearning experience. Issue(s) considered from only one perspective. 1 Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying an issue(s) connected to service-learning experience. Environmental awareness GE SL Outcome: Students will apply a deep understanding of issues and actions related to sustaining the natural environment as relevant to their service-learning experience. (new outcome) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Think about an environmental problem that is relevant to your service experience. Use your background knowledge about this problem to explain how you might effectively advocate for a solution to this problem. Rubric: Students will apply a deep understanding of issues and actions related to sustaining the natural environment as relevant to their service12 learning experience. 11 12 4 Uses deep knowledge of the historic and contemporary role and differential effects of human organizations and actions on sustaining the natural environment to develop and advocate for informed, appropriate action to solve complex environmental problems. 3 Analyzes major elements of sustaining the natural environment, including historic and contemporary connections and the differential effects of human organizations and actions, to pose elementary solutions to complex environmental problems. 2 Examines the historical and contemporary connections and differential effects of human organizations and actions on sustaining the natural environment. Measured with modified Problem Solving VALUE Rubric (Define Problem and Identify Strategies) Measured with modified Global Learning VALUE Rubric (Understanding Global Systems) 7 1 Identifies the basic role of some global and local institutions, ideas, and processes in relationship to sustaining the natural environment. Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics PERSONAL GROWTH Communication skills GE SL Outcome: Students will communicate effectively in their service role. (new outcome) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Think of a time when you were able to effectively communicate in your service role and a time when your communication in your service role was not as effective as it could have been. What were the circumstances of each and how did you respond? What did you learn about your communication skills from these situations? Rubric: Students will communicate effectively in their service role. 4 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the service 13 environment. 3 Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the service environment and adequately conveys meaning. 2 Demonstrates awareness of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the service environment (e.g., begins to show awareness of audience's perceptions and assumptions). 1 Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the service environment (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience). Collaboration GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate a commitment to work collaboratively within a community context to achieve a civic aim. (QEP SLO 2.3a) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Discuss how you worked collaboratively with others to achieve goals in your service experience. How would you describe your role in the collaborative process? How effective were your collaborative efforts and what did you learn from these efforts? 13 Measured with modified Written Communication VALUE Rubric (Context and Purpose for Writing) 8 Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics Rubric: SLO 2.3a – Students will demonstrate a commitment to work collaboratively within a community context to 14 achieve a civic aim. 4 Demonstrates ability and commitment to collaboratively work within a community context (i.e. community organization or service site) to achieve a civic aim. Works effectively as part of collaborative effort. 3 Demonstrates commitment to work actively within a community context (i.e. community organization or service site) to achieve a civic aim. Recognizes his/her role in collaborative efforts. 2 Demonstrates experience identifying intentional ways to participate in a civic context. Begins to understand civic aim of given community (i.e. community organization or service site), but does not identify her/his role in this context. 1 Experiments with civic contexts as an individual. Does not explore her/his collaborative role in the community to achieve a civic aim. Leadership GE SL Outcome: Students will demonstrate leadership in civic activities. (QEP SLO 2.2) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: Think of a time you demonstrated leadership to initiate team action in your service role and a time when you waited for others to take action. What were the circumstances of each situation? What was your response in each situation? What did you learn about your leadership skills from these two situations? Rubric: SLO 2.2 – Students will demonstrate leadership 15 in civic activities. 14 15 4 Demonstrates independent experience and shows initiative in team leadership of complex or multiple civic engagement activities, accompanied by reflective insights or analysis about the aims and accomplishments of one’s actions. 3 Demonstrates independent experience and team leadership of civic action, with reflective insights or analysis about the aims and accomplishments of one’s actions. 2 Has clearly participated in civically focused actions and begins to experiment with leadership roles. Measured using modified Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric (Civic Contexts/Structures) Measured using modified Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric (Civic Action and Reflection) 9 1 Has experimented with some civic activities as individual but has not explored leadership roles. Reflective Service-Learning in Gen Ed: Description of learning outcomes, sample prompts and rubrics Values identification GE SL Outcome: Students will articulate and analyze their own core values in relationship to their service experience and be able to discuss the ethical implications of these values as well as how they are related to others’ values. (new outcome) Sample Critical Reflection Prompt: What are your own core values as relevant to your service experience? How do these core values help shape your ethical thinking and decision making? How might others’ core values and ethics be influencing your values and ethics? Rubric: Students will articulate and analyze their own core values in relationship to their service experience and be able to discuss the ethical implications of these values as well as how they are related to 16 others’ values. 16 4 Student discusses in detail/analyzes both core values and the influences on these core values including ethical implications and their relationship to others’ values. 3 Student discusses in detail/analyzes both core values and the influences on the core values. 2 Student states both core values and the influences on the core beliefs. Measured using modified Ethical Reasoning VALUE Rubric (Ethical Self Awareness) 10 1 Student states either their core values or articulates the influences on the core values but not both.
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