Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:52 Uhr Seite 1 ISSN 0949-6025 the sample Information No 19 | and news regarding 01 April 2001 preparation and characterisation of solids for laboratories and industry. STANDARD GRAIN-SIZE ANALYSIS Contents Page 2 Press review Page 3 Focus on Retsch’s representation in the Netherlands Page 4 Graintest: A focus on software Page 5 Precision sieving: Reliability through sieving Page 6/7 The service provider: Retsch’s modern customer service concept Page 8 Completely rounded product: Particle sizing at Hüttenes Albertus Page 9 The sparkles of success: Standard-compliant sample division at Hermes Page 10 The Coffeehouse: Fine Coffee on the check by Seeberger Page 11 Retsch Inc.: A new subsidiary in the US Page 12 News Dates – Actions – Reports Source: Retsch Test passed Regular calibration of inspection, measuring and test equipment forms the basis for standard and reliable grain-size analysis. Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:52 Uhr Seite 2 Re t s c h In t e r n a l | Pre s s CURRENT New management the same time worked on his doctorate which focused on the management of technical product innovations. While serving in this position, he was primarily involved in the areas product and business development as well as establishing strategic cooperations. With the formation of Retsch Technology GmbH in June of last year, Dr. Pankratz was appointed as managing director of the subsidiary company. His main responsibility was to setup an international distribution network for Retsch Technology. As new managing director, Dr. Pankratz does not only have vast expe- rience in developing and manufacturing laboratory equipment to offer but also experience in distribution and in corporate management. Along with ensuring the continuous further development of Retsch’s line of laboratory equipment, he aims to strengthen and consolidate its distribution activities in the coming years. Reliably preparing samples ■ (…) The BB51 laboratory jaw crusher is a new addition to our line of products designed for crushing. (…) The exchangeable breaking jaws and side panels made of zirconium-oxide or the affordable chromium-nickel-free steel represent a significant advancement in quality for comminution without leaving heavy metals in the ground material. (...) Laboratory devices for precise sample analysis ■ Retsch, a leading German manufacturer of laboratory equipment, has launched new devices for preparing samples and analysing particle size. The Micro Rapid Mill MS 100 is for dry and wet milling of mediumhard to very brittle substances.(...) For particle sizing,Retsch has launched the Camsizer und Crystalzisser,which have exceptional optical measuring possibilities.The equipment can be used for easy and precise measurement of particle sizes and shapes of dry powders and bulk materials in the range of one µm up to 30 mm. (...) The Sample Divider PT 100 has technical innovations, such as additional dividing heads,for analysts and laboratory technicians wanting simple and exact division of small sample quantities. (...) PRESS REVIEW Retsch Technology founded ■ On June 1,2000 Retsch GmbH & Co. KG hived off the former division Retsch Technology, forming an independent company having the legal form of a GmbH (German Limited Liability Company). Just like the company Retsch, the new company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Verder. (...) Retsch Technology concentrates primarily on the development and distribution of particle analysis equipment. WLB Wasser, Luft, Boden 9/2000 AufbereitungsTechnik 41 (2000) Nr. 9 Cutting mills in open-cast mining ■ Retsch’s SM 2000 cutting mill was integrated for the preliminary crushing of bulk materials in a fully automatic system for direct in-line sampling and sample analysis. The system was developed by APC, which has operational facilities in Kronberg and Langen. (...) Surface Mining 52 (2000) No. 5 Comminution in three minutes ■ Another innovative addition to Retsch’s product line is the MM 300 mixer mill, which is a further development of the MM 200. Using the MM 300, it is possible to comminute 96 plant-based samples each in two micro tube stands simultaneously, completely and uniformly within three minutes. After this processing stage,sample material is then prepared optimally for DNA isolation with the aid of DNeasy Technology. (...) Lebensmittel Technik 09/2000 the sample 2 No 19 | 01 EDITORIAL Dear Readers, customers and business partners, Trustworthy information about a product is often a decisive sales argument. The consequences of abusing a customer’s trust are particularly evident when examining the current situation in connection with the BSE scandal in „safe” Germany. Even now it is obvious that this major catastrophe will have extensive consequences for the food processing industry. The only way to gradually regain the trust in industrially processed foods is to ensure a provable and tested quality of products. Such a fundamental threat can affect many sectors. Thus, the permanent testing of the physical composition of raw materials and the final products must be given top priority. That is why the current issue of our publication focuses on the most important requirements for grain-size analysis in conformance with standards and the important role proper monitoring of inspection, measuring and test equipment plays in achieving this. Pleasant reading! Yours, Glass International July/August 2000 Dr. Jürgen Pankratz Management Source: Retsch Effective February 1, 2001, Dr. Jürgen Pankratz assumed the reins of Retsch GmbH & Co. KG, thus ending the period in which Retsch’s operative business was managed by authorized officers. The thirty-five year old Pankratz combines technical expertise with business knowhow, considering he studied both physics and business administration. At the beginning of his professional career, Dr. Pankratz specialized in solid-state physics while working in the area of optics and measuring technology. In 1996 Dr. Pankratz joined Retsch as an assistant to the executive board and at Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:52 Uhr Seite 3 | Po r t r a i t R E TS C H IN THE LAND riod following, several hundred Grindomix became a permanent fixture in Dutch laboratories. To reach customers, Retsch BV attaches great importance to participating in specialized trade fairs for wastewater, foodstuff and environmental technology. Unlike at large trade fairs, the specialist for laboratory equipment can adapt its pro- OF TRADE Focus on Retsch’s representation in the Netherlands - Retsch BV, Ochten Always open to innovations on the laboratory equipment market, Frans Bakker prefers to implements his own ideas. Source: H zwo B IRetsch’s representation in the Netherlands does not only deliver laboratory equipment but also provides outstanding customer support. other. Consequently, a specialist is on the road for each manufacturer representation to consult customers on site. „Thus, as an importer, we supply almost a full range of laboratory equipment,” says Bakker proudly. „Although we only take care of a small country, we are, based long run have less success”, Bakker explains.At Retsch BV thing are done differently.A case in point is the introduction of the Grindomix in Holland. Retsch BV wrote to all of its customers who acquired the ZM 100, advising them about the advantages of the new mills.In the pe- LAB EQUIPMENT "The situation faced by small and medium-sized distributors of laboratory equipment in the Netherlands continues to intensify due to this sector’s density. Nonetheless, I feel that our prospects are good, considering laboratory equipment in general requires a lot of consultation, in other words "people business”.The manufacturers and distributors who combine high product quality and good service will survive with regard to competent and standard laboratory analyses.” Source: H zwo B on sales volume, one of the most The small town of Ochten and the important branches for Retsch.” seat of Retsch BV is located betRetsch BV supplies over sixty disween Rotterdam, Amsterdam and tributors in the Netherlands. „In the German border. Founded as the other words, we have a large sales first foreign branch office in 1972, volume. But quantity is not everand managed by Frans Bakker since ything. Our success is based essen1974, Retsch BV has been selling tially on knowledge and experienRetsch laboratory equipment for ce”, Bakker adds. „As an importer, nearly 30 years. „In this regard our we usually know more about the enterprise has some exceptional users’ features to offer,” wants and says Frans Bak"Our success in distributing Retsch equipneeds than ker, head of the company.On the ment is a matter of experience. The customer an international maone hand, the must feel that you know your product well.” nufacturer.” agency supplies Bakker sees both Dutch dis- Frans Bakker, Managing director and owner of Retsch BV his business tributors of laas an interface facilitating commuboratory equipment and end custonication. He passes the users’ expemers. On the other hand, Retsch BV rience onto the manufacturer and does not specialize only in equipin turn ensures that information abment manufactured by Retsch but out new developments reaches the also represents in Holland twelve end users directly. „Those distribuother international manufacturers tors who only forward packaged of laboratory equipment with proequipment to customers will in the duct ranges complementing each PROSPECTS OF DISTRIBUTING duct range to the specific target groups. According to Bakker, „Our experience shows that real new business evolves in this manner.What counts primarily in our business is well-founded information and personal contact.”Another pillar of our success is support.This encompasses application consultation, equipment demonstrations as well as repairing equipment on site at customer’s premises or in our Ochten workshop and training. To ensure customer satisfaction, two service vehicles are the on road everyday. Another plus is that Retsch BV delivers within 24 hours. „For this purpose we purchase all equipment and accessories, thus ensuring they are available from stock at all times. Hardly any other distributor does this aside from us, not even large distributors.”This service is supported by Retsch BV’s computer system. Once a product is sold, the system automatically orders a new one from the manufacturer. Moreover, Bakker and his 26 employees can follow the course of every single device which has been delivered in the past twelve years using the „history” maintained in the computer system.And yet development continues – even for importers who have been in business for years.For in- Frans Bakker, Managing director and owner of Retsch BV stance, opening up the European market has resulted in considerable changes for Retsch BV. „On the one hand, we are the sole sales organization for Retsch in Holland. However, with the single market every prospective buyer can nowadays order directly from the manufacturer”, emphasizes Bakker who also sells online general used laboratory equipment through an independent company called Emergo. „Even under the conditions of the single market, we will continue to collaborate with Retsch based on the trust we have developed over the years.We also will continue to provide support in Holland and ensure maximum customer satisfaction in our country. Thus, everyone, the looked-after customer, we as an importer and the manufacturer, will profit. CONTACT ADDRESS: Retsch BV Herr Frans Bakker Industrieweg 13 NL-4051 BW Ochten Phone +31-3 44 64 74 84 Fax +31-3 44 64 74 00 Email [email protected] No 19 | 01 the sample 3 Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:52 Uhr Seite 4 Pr o d u c t s | GRAINTEST A F O C U S O N S O F T WA R E Retsch’s Graintest software allows for performance of complete tower, these parameters can be setup, edited, saved and then retrieved at a later time.Thus, the user is spared from making time-consuming entries and weighing the empty screen before every analysis. particle size analyses – sieving, sedimentation and weighing as well as evaluation. the sieving machine and data link from various measuring capacities facilitate the daily workflow in laboratories. Here is an outline of a typical operational sequence: Source: Retsch Quicker, more reliable, simpler: Graintest, the software developed for particle size analyses, eclipses manual analysis in many aspects. The software is capable of automatically performing the typical measuring and weighing operations – Possible modes for presenting results with Graintest, based on two different quartz sand sub samples. from registering the weights of the screens to evaluating the data. Moreover, Graintest offers the posINTERNATIONAL STANDARDS The evaluation software Graintest is validated under the quality requirements and test specifications as pursuant to ISO/ICE 12119.The graphical representations comply with applicable standards,the analysis report corresponds with the specifications of DIN 66165. sibility to display the analysis results using diagrams, to print out all texts and graphic information or to export these to other programs for instance Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word.The automatic control of the sample 4 No 19 | 01 Step 1: Entering parameters The logical construction of the software makes it easy for users to start implementing the program.All existing parameters and variables which possibly are to be calculated can be entered using the available entry fields by mouse click. The program guides the users through the program step by step.Thus,possible errors resulting from missing data are eliminated. With Graintest it is possible to evaluate analysis results from sieving towers containing up to sixteen screens. In addition to the entry of screen height, screen diameter or minimum/maximum particle size, the program automatically registers the respective weight of the empty screens. Since these parameters are indispensable for measuring, yet remain constant for a given sieving Step 2: Screening or sedimentation analysis The program automatically starts the sieving machine and transfers the preset sieve parameters. Moreover,the software automatically manages data and controls external devices. Preset variables only have to be implemented once (while setting up the equipment) and are then transferred from the computer directly to the equipment for subsequent analyses. After completing the sieve analysis, the sieves are then placed on the connected scales for reweighing according to size; pressing the Print button on the scales actuates the data transfer. By weighing the differences, the program independently determines the mass fractions and assigns them to the respective fractions. All data is then made available immediately for further processing.Graintest automatically calculates the result and creates a professional test report. Step 3: Possible modes for presenting analysis results SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The all-out performance of Graintest is best attained by using an IBM-compatible computer with the following system requirements: • Windows 95/98 • Windows 2000 • Windows NT DATA COUPLING Since particle distribution may exceed the standars measuring range of sieve shakers, Graintest offers a data coupling function. This function allows the user to compile any series of particle measurements from various particle-size areas within one object. Combining the measuring data from sieve and sedimentation analyses is only an example for this function. The distribution of particle sizes can be visualized by using either tables or graphics. Cumulative passage or retained density distribution and histograms are avialable in to standard grids. Moreover, you can complete the results by selecting fineness characteristics, variables and layout of the legend.Title, subtitle and comments can be defined individually as needed. Step 4: Exporting data All resulting data can be printed either as text or in graphical form, saved and exported. Moreover, you can work with the data using for instance Microsoft products, such as PowerPoint,Word and Excel as well as export the data as ASCII files. Evaluation software Graintest: Ref. No. 01 Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:53 Uhr Seite 5 | Te c h n i c a l Re p o r t P R E C I S I O N S I EV I N G Helmut Pitsch / Kenneth McCartney Reliability through sieving: Particle size and particle size distribution form an important basis for product evaluation of disperse solids. That is why extensive know-how is required for exact and standard sampling as part of the production process in the laboratory with the aid of particle analysis equipment. Otherwise insufficient or even false analysis results as well as results which cannot be reproduced result in economic loss. The ultimate objective in the production process of bulk materials is to influence the physical properties of coarsely dispersed systems, considering particle-size distribution and particle size determine the miscibility, filterability, compaction, transport properties, wear characteristics and agglomeration properties. In order to ensure that the process proceeds optimally, it is controlled and monitored constantly using particle measurements. Quality control during ongoing production depends on quick, exact and reproducible results. Sieve analysis is used in this regard to monitor particle distribution of bulk materials. Its reliability is guaranteed by complying with natio- nal and international standards within the framework of DIN ISO 9000 and following standards.If the particlesize distribution serves as a quality characteristic for evaluating bulk materials, the prescribed test procedures must be strictly observed and reproducible. Fundamental prerequisites for this include using standardized test sieves and a reliable sieve shaker,flawless evaluation and documentation of results. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that all measuring equipment with an impact on the measuring result are regularly recalibrated.Thus, systematic, accidental and personal faults are eliminated for the most part or are reduced to a minimum. ted technology has a significant impact on the information about the material being screened. That is why possible influences posed by the sieving machine, such as oscillation amplitude and sieving time, must be recalibrated by the manufacturer on a regular basis. For this purpose, timing and oscillation amplitude indicated by the sieving machine must be calibrated using special measuring devices within the framework of the final machinery inspection and the control of measuring and testing equipment. Calibration results are recorded in a calibration certificate, and a sticker confirming performance of test is attached to the sieving machine. TRACEABILITY OF TEST EQUIPMENT Monitoring test equipment is based on the traceability of measuring equipment parameters via the reference standard to the national standard.Traceability helps to determine and correct systematic deviations occurring in measuring equipment.Test equipment is monitored in accordance with the respective auditors at specified time intervals. In order to be able to quantify and reduce measurement uncertainties, the measuring equipment is calibrated using standards of known precision, the working standards. Screens and sieving machines can be sent to the manufacturer for recalibration or you can now request a Retsch technician to come and recalibrate them at your premises. Evaluation and documentation After completing the sieving process, the individual fractions are analyzed by weight. In other words, software designed specifically for evaluating particle analyses,handles the sieving results effectively and in a time-saving manner, while calculating particle size distribution and fineness characteristics. TEST SIEVES In general test sieves must be manufactured in compliance with standards and thus must fulfill all specifications of DIN/ISO 3310 Part 1, 2 or 3. In this regard, the manufacturer is obliged to confirm the quality of their test sieves by providing a quality control report with each screen. Identification markings on the edge of the screen provide the following information: • Nominal mesh size • Reference to the respective standard • Material of sieve mesh and sieve frame • Manufacturer’s name • Identification number, serial number. If test sieves are to be used by a QA certified company as test equipment in the production control, then a simple certificate of compliance is not sufficient. In such case the standard-compliant design of the sieve must be confirmed through calibration in accordance with the specifications for controlling inspection, measuring and test equipment. For instance, optical measuring techniques are implemented to determine the mesh sizes of woven wire sieves warpwise and weftwise. Every calibrated screen comes with an inspection certificate confirming compliance with standards. Reliable and reproducible sieving results also depend on the implemented sieving process as well as on the sieving duration and movement. Consequently, sieving for a long or short period of time, manually or using sophistica- Source: Retsch Calibration STANDARD-COMPLIANT With the recalibration certificate, the user can always prove that its test equipment complies with the applicable standards. The unabridged version of this article, which was printed in „DNI, Deutsche Naturstein Industrie” 1/2001 under the title: „Precision sieving – Reliability through sieving” can be requested using Ref. No. 02. „Precision sieving“: Ref. No. 02 the sample material remaining on the individual screens and on the collecting pan is weighed. In order to minimize a possible screening loss or cross contamination, it is advisable to leave the material on the screens and calculate the respective mass by means of determining the weight difference. Graintest, the No 19 | 01 the sample 5 Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:53 Uhr Seite 6 Se r v i c e | THE S E RV I C E P ROV I D E R Thousands of Retsch laboratory devices are in service worldwide, reliably preparing diverse samples SERVICE NUMBER Information about our customer services can be obtained at Phone +49/0 21 29 - 55 6 1- 301 or by using Ref. No. 03 day in and day out. In order to ensure that they continue to run smoothly, Retsch has set up a comprehensive customer service program over the past few years. In 2001, starting in Germany, this custo- tailoring it to better suit customer requirements. FREE-OF-CHARGE STANDARD SERVICES • Consulting about accessories and equipment • Equipment presentation on site for new acquisitions • Application consulting by phone • Application consulting through our sulting by telephone and on site, sending field reps to continually look after users of Retsch equipment,maintaining a comprehensive network of authorized distributors and even processing samples in our Source: Retsch With regard to customer service, Retsch follows a clear strategy.„The word service comes from ‘to serve’. And we take this literally when providing our customers with good ‘service’,” explains Stefan Wego, domestic sales manager. In other words this mean „to focus more on the customer and to listen closer in order to be able to react to the customer’s wants and needs.” For example Germany: This concept is subdivided into two categories - the free-of-charge standard customer service and special customer service which is subject to fees.The tried and tested services of Retsch’s free-of-charge customer support include application con- Always ready: Retsch’s service personnel is on the road for customers. own laboratory. Now Retsch shall be more active and in addition to performing the usual visual inspection for correct functioning and state of repair of customer equipment they shall keep customers informed about controls of test equipment.This primarily concerns sieving machines and test sieves which have to be recalibrated on a regular basis. field reps on site, as part of or out- New services side of facility tours • Constant customer support • Delivery of special publications and information • Comprehensive network of authorized distributors • Online ordering via Internet • Customer visit with sample processing • Processing samples at Retsch laboratory • Visual inspection for correct functioning and state of repair of customer equipment and accessories as part of on-site customer support the sample 6 No 19 | 01 Another new addition is our Equipment Lease Pool. Now customers have the opportunity to lease laboratory equipment for their own use at Retsch for two weeks. If the customer decides, however, within four weeks that it would like to purchase the device,then the rental fee shall be deducted from the sale price. Other special services include, as before, commissioning of equipment and familiarization by qualified personnel, contractual processing as well as employee training and workshops (See article on „Service – In-house training program”, see Pg. 6) at the customer’s premises. And many new services are planned for the future.The even closer contact which shall evolve in the future between manufacturer and user due to enhancing the service program will in the long run result in the development of new equipment at Retsch. Especially, since maintaining contact with equipment users has had a great impact on product development for years: „Soft skills, such as customer support and consulting,are our ears for the industry. Thus, we can stay upto-date with developments and the customers can profit from this service concept”, Wego stresses. „For the same costs we make sure that the customer’s quality standards are maintained on a high level by looking after his equipment.” Service – In-house training program K N OW L E D G E B RO U G H T TO YO U Learning at one’s own premises: While training pharmaceutical technicians of the Freiburg-based company Gödecke AG, employees of Retsch’s product management provided sound knowledge involving the evaluation software Graintest. „In order to ensure the quality of pharmaceutical powders, for instance our medicine for heart and circulation, we have to implement up to 20 screenings a day. Nonetheless, we do not always have the background knowledge for effec- Source: Gödecke AG, Freiburg mer service program will be expanded by adding some new services, focusing on specific aspects and tively using our evaluation software”, describes Bettina Weiss, pharmaceutical technician and lab assistant of IPC, the reason why their department turned to Retsch. During the in-house training involving Retsch’s Graintest software, nine pharmaceutical technicians from processing engineering and in-process controlling were informed about the program’s features and capabilities for handling sieving results. Afterwards, attendees were able to clarify practical questions. Additional bonus for the company: The in-house training was perfect for shift operation and thus spared employees from having to make an additional trip to work. Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:53 Uhr Seite 7 G l o s s a r y | Se r v i c e I M P O R TA N T T E R M S I N C A L I B R AT I O N T E C H N O LO G Y Calibration Calibration means determining the systematic deviations in measurements without changing the measuring device.The result of calibration is recorded in a „calibration certificate” or a „calibration report”. Calibration cycle Measuring and test equipment must be subjected to a regular recalibration cycle, which depends on the calibrating precision required by the user. Ideally the first recalibration should take place after six months.Afterwards, it is recommen- ded to extend the cycle to one year. If the tolerance band set by the user is wide, then it is possible to maintain a fairly generous monitoring and calibration cycle. Measurement uncertainty The measured values of any standard are linked with an uncertainty. In the calibration hierarchy the higher standard possesses a lesser uncertainty than the subordinate standard. Every other lower level thus results in an increase of measurement uncertainty. Source: Retsch Working standard The standard,which is calibrated directly or using one or multiple steps with a reference standard.The working standard is used routinely in order to calibrate or test material measures or measuring equipment. Optical measuring: Regular calibration of inspection, measuring and test equipment forms the basis for standard and reliable grain-size analysis. which can be used for measurements carried out at this location. National standard The standard which is recognized by an official national committee as basis for determining the value of all other standards of the respective variable in a given country.The national standard is often a „primary standard”. Inspection Certificate The certificate, in which the manufacturer confirms that the delivered products comply with the agreements in the order (for instance the data sheet).The results of the specific tests are recorded in the test report. Other designations are: quality control report as pursuant to EN 10204, 2.3 or quality control report as pursuant to ISO 50049, 2.3. Reference standard The standard which in general represents the maximum available precision for a certain location (company, measuring station) and SPECIAL CUSTOMER SERVICES SUBJECT TO FEES C A L I B R AT I O N – R E C A L I B R AT I O N • Preparation of estimate of costs for repairs at Retsch premises The calibration and even the traceability of measurement results back to generally accepted standards are strictly prescribed for monitoring test equipment in conjunction with ISO 9000 and following standards. Since test sieves and sieving machines as test equipment are governed by these regulations,there is a legal obligation to furnish proof for the accuracy of the measurement results which are obtained using them. For this purpose, the measuring instruments must be recalibrated to na- TRACEABILITY Traceability is the means to substantiate a tolerance with the aid of documented calibrations. tionally accepted standards in order to determine their systematic measuring deviations and, if possible, correct them.Only after quantifying and minimizing the measurement uncertainty, it is possible to use the test equipment for quality assurance. Calibration process In measuring technology, calibration chains of measuring standards are the decisive tool for traceability of results. In case of analytical sieves, the calibration process is as follows: The screens have mesh sizes defined in accordance with national standards such as DIN 3310/1, ASTM E 11-95, etc. In turn they are used for carrying out measurements of the product. The size of these apertures is controlled during the first step with the aid of optical measuring equipment warpwise and weftwise.This measurement is called calibration based on working standards. Moreover, the optical measuring device is essential for ensuring the accuracy of this data. That is why the optical measuring device itself is also subject to calibration.Thus, inspectors determine the systematic deviation of the measuring device using certified calibration objects, for instance cubes with specified edge length.The calibration certificate confirms the traceability to this reference standard. It documents the measurement values and deviations of the calibration objects and traces these back to the nationally accepted standard. • Proper commissioning of the equipment while training the user or operating personnel • Training and workshops on-site and in-house • Lease of equipment • Calibration agreements • Contractual processing, series of tests on time and material basis • Repair work on-site No 19 | 01 the sample 7 Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:53 Uhr Seite 8 | our product stream using sieve analysis in addition to other procedures. During this testing we attach great importance to very precise and real-time information concerning particle size distribution, particle shape and surface, just as the AS 200 control „g”analytical sieving machine provides it”, says Dahlmann, explaining the decision to use the AS 200. Observing the particle size distribution prescribed for the prepared sands to be used in foundries is absolutely essential for eliminating potential sources of errors. For instance, an increased quantity of fine particles in the prepared sand can result in poor gas permeability and thus causing gas bubbles in the cast part.Likewise the attained strength of the molds, C O M P L E T E LY RO U N D E D P RO D U C T To ensure quick and exact grain-size analysis of prepared sands, the production laboratory of the Düsseldorf-based HüttenesAlbertus Chemische Werke GmbH implements the AS 200 control „g” analytical sieving machine in its incoming goods inspection and quality control. Source: Hüttenes-Albertus Although every minute counts, time passes like sand between the fingers when carrying out tests parallel to the production process. With an annual output of 45,000 Minimize analytical errors with advanced lab equipment: Mr. Martin Dahlmann, product manager for HüttenesAlbertus, Düsseldorf AFS – AN IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTIC The AFS fineness number is an evaluation unit established by American Foundrymen’s Society (AFS) for the particle size range for foundry sands and core sands and corresponds to the „average particle size”. It indicates the mesh number of the screen through which the respective sands would pass if it has a uniform particle size. Top quality for foundries The prepared sand is tested in accordance with VDG Code of Practice P 27 using certain ISO sieve sets – eight sieves between 0.063 and 0.710 millimeters – and a prescribed sieving period. The quality of the sands not only affects the surface finish of the final castings but also the casting molds’ resistance to pressure and cross-breaking strength. „In order to be able to offer our customers top quality sands for their respective product, we constantly test Source: Hüttenes-Albertus metric tons of Resital prepared sands, it is necessary to be able to retrieve analytical information concerning the characteristics of ongoing production at all times. „In our plant quartz sands, synthetic and other mineral sands are coated uniformly with synthetic resin. Foundries then use the prepared sands to make molds for high precision investment casting, for instance cylinder heads”, explains Martin Dahlmann,product manager at Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH in Düsseldorf. „This is where the sieve analysis with the AS 200 comes into play”, explains Dahlmann, „considering there are very precise specifications for foundry sand.In our industry the fineness of prepared sands is determined either with the AFS fineness number or the average particle size. Depending on requirements the AFS fineness number is between 40 and 100 for prepared sands designated for foundries.” (With regard to AFS factor see box). Reliable screening results are an important parameter of product tests at lab level. the sample 8 No 19 | 01 made of prepared sand, directly depends on the particle size distribution.„To eliminate such deficiencies from the very beginning, we rely on the reproducible and dependable sieving results obtained from the AS 200.Even our customers implement the same sieving technology. Both we and the customer obtain directly comparable sieving results due to the adjustable sieve mesh acceleration, consequently eliminating the need to adjust sieving results”,Dahlmann adds. Compared to previous horizontal sieving, the AS 200 attains considerably higher sieving precision. For fine sands, the difference is 3 to 4 ASF coefficients.As a result of the improved passage of the sample material, the implemented sieves do not clog as quickly as before.The production process benefits from the new sieving technology in two ways: more precise information about product quality Source: Hüttenes-Albertus Ap p l i c a t i o n Decisive for mold sands: Standard-compliant grain size distribution and uniform coating. and a noticeable saving of time for the employees. Moreover, the laboratory implemented the Graintest software to ensure smooth sieving and evaluation. The industry-specific features of the software make the data involving the foundry standard set automatically available.Thus,it is not necessary to enter the respective sieve set. According to Dahlmann, „With Graintest, we always ontain reliable sieving results, even if the quantity of the sample taken should vary a bit.” AS 200 control ”g ” analytical sieving machine: Ref. No. 04 THE PRODUCTION OF MOLD SAND The most common method of making mold sand for the Croning method is hot coating. Quartz, zircon sand, chromite sand or aluminum silicate molding materials pure or mixed are hot-coated with a Novolak-Hexa film. Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:53 Uhr Seite 9 | Ap p l i c a t i o n T H E S PA R K L E S O F SUCCESS For the galenic development of new products and product series by the pharmaceutical manufacturer Hermes in Wolfratshausen/Germany, the safe and standard-compliant sample division with the PT 100 Sample Divider from Retsch is a critical basis for good results at the subsequent analytical lab level. his colleagues are searching for the ideal formulation of a product every time a new effervescent tablet with synthetic or vegetable substances is developed. The production of effervescent tablets is considered a high-tech undertaking duct is developed samples are taken at every working step. Critical test parameters are the uniform distribution of the active substances, miscibility (i.e., homogeneity), and the flowability of the product. Stability is tested under THE EFFERVESCENT TABLET Source: H zwo B AS A DRUG Dr. Klaus Dandl manages the galenic development in the Wolfratshausen facility of Hermes Arzneimittel GmbH. active ingredient, is in fact a very complex material composition to the maker: ”Effervescent tablets contain different reactive substances which should not react with each other unless the dissolution is provoked by water”, Dr. Klaus Dandl, manager of galenic development, underlines the high quality requirements.Therefore Dandl and HERMES ARZNEIMITTEL GMBH For over 30 years,Hermes has developed and produced high-quality effervescent tablets, which are sold through the producer's own outlets or made for other well-known pharmaceutical producers. Every year, the facility at Wolfratshausen produces some 600 million of these tablets. Hermes products are sold throughout the world; the core business is in Germany, where effervescent tablets are available from at drug stores. within the pharmaceutical industry: High-grade effervescent tablets are made in pellet form because a pellet is better than a powder in terms of the uniform distribution of active substances, stability and the flowing and compression properties. However, the constituents of pellets tend to segregate.”If we test the grain size spectrum and distribution of a newly developed pellet in our laboratory, the prepared division of the material must ensure that the composition of each and every constituent is representative of the whole batch“, Dr. Dandl explains the importance of sample division. Only in this way can the end user be sure that the quantity of active substance which is printed on the label is actually contained in the tablet.”„The low standard deviation from the mean value in the case of the PT100 Sample Divider makes it possible for us to provide dependable information as to the composition of the pellets at any time“, Dandl adds.When a new pellet pro- Any effervescent table contains two basic materials: a basic carbonate as CO2 carrier and an organic acid.These two substances react with each other when dissolving in water.In 95 per cent of all effervescent tablets sodium bicarbonate is the effervescing chemical and citric acid is the organic acid.Other ingredients are: the active substance (medical drug, vitamins, minerals), sweeteners, aroma substances and maybe coloring matter. For making the tablet, the effervescing substances are pelleted at lower pressure and temperature and removal of water, then they are mixed with the active substance and finally pressed into tablet form. PT100 sample divider: Ref. No. 05 defined climatic conditions.For any deviation from the prescribed quality often entails tremendous cost to the producer. Ensure free flow All main properties of the pellet product must be checked and analyzed particularly at the pilot batch stage. A 1 or 2 kg sample is taken from a 60 kg batch (1/10 production batch) and divided several times in the PT100. Pellets of optimal composition have good flowing Source: H zwo B For over 30 years, market leader Hermes has produced effervescent tablets both as a drug and supplementary food. What presents itself to the end user as a simple white tablet which – when placed in water – dissolves with a fizz releasing the property.This enables the pellets to completely fill the mold for compression in industrial application.It is important that the process is running without disturbance. The machines are running at rates of up to 1,000 tablets per minute, which leaves about 1/20 of a second for filling the mold. If the pellets flow is inconsistent, the pellet quantity filled is of course not uniform and the content of active material also fluctuates. Dr. Dandl: ”The European pharmacopoeia allows deviation up to 5 per cent.At a tablet weight of, for example, 3.5 grams this does not leave very much tolerance. Therefore, the precision of the sample is our primary requirement on a lab device.Now we have found a reliable solution in this sample divider.” Fast and exact sample division is the basis of all analytical activities in the galenic laboratory. No 19 | 01 the sample 9 Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:53 Uhr Seite 10 Ap p l i c a t i o n | THE COFFEEHOUSE In the testing laboratory of the Ulm-based Seeberger KG, the specialist for quality coffee and dried fruits, the AS 200 control „g“ analytical sieving machine guarantees consistently high quality of ground coffee during grain-size analysis. its brewing behavior“, explains Dr. Stefan Ochs, laboratory head at Seeberger KG in Ulm.„Consequently,we regularly monitor the grain-size distribution of ground coffee by means of sieve analysis.“ This is important, considering if the coffee beans are ground coarsely, the coffee will be tasteless, as the specific surface of the coffee grains is too small leading to insufficient flavo- the sample 10 No 19 | 01 Stefan Ochs, head of laboratory at Seeberger KG: Fine coffee comes from the best raw coffee beans, precise processing and a lot of experience. COFFEE Bild: H zwo B Grain sizes of ground coffee are regularly checked in the laboratory with the aid of a sieve analysis. ring,bitters and acidity being washed out with the aid of water.If the grain size is too small the coffee grains agglomerate as a result of their tendency to bind with water. Moreover, too many undesirable components find their way into the coffee, thus drowning the flavor and making it taste very bitter.An excessively high portion of powder in coffee (grains smaller than 100 µm) causes the powder to collect in the filter machine, thus having an adverse effect on the function of the coffee machine. For decades, Seeberger has been implementing its own standards for grinding. The Ulm-based company grinds the brown beans into three average grain sizes which are precisely determined, depending on the type of preparation and adapted to the different types of coffee machines. Seeberger coffee comes in three grain sizes – „fine“ (350 µm), „medium“ (420 µm) and „coarse“ (480 µm). „The three sizes are empirical values which have turned out to be optimal for our customers and their preparation of coffee“, Dr. Ochs explains. Until recently, the know-how necessary for grinding of coffee was still personal quality knowledge,the coffee being judged manually experienced specialists. By using the AS 200 control „g“ analytical sieving machine, laboratory staff can dependably check the grain-size distribution, thus ensuring that the results are reproducible.The results also provide information about the grinding fineness and therefore the correct machine setting and possible wear and tear of the grinding tooling. Dr. Ochs adds, „No less important for our laboratory is that the machine is easy to use and consequently operator-friendly.“ As it is difficult to sieve coffee as a result of A mysterious powder – no other legally permitted foodstuff contains such a high percentage of unknown substances. Until now, it was not possible to define chemically approx. 30 percent of all Bild: H zwo B Standards established by Seeberger SEEBERGER KG Established in 1844 for colonial commodities trading, Seeberger KG is today one of the leading processors and suppliers for high quality dried fruit and coffee specialties. With a staff of over 300 employees, Seeberger has an annual sales revenue of approx. DM 120 million. The business segment coffee developed out of Seeberger’s coffee roasting plant. The processed raw coffee comes from mountain regions in Kenya and Central America. Seeberger is the market-leading supplier for restaurants and hotels in Southern Germany.A noteworthy fact is that even Moscow’s high society drinks Seeberger coffee specialties. Bild: H zwo B Coffee is an enjoyable experience:A good cup of coffee is characterized by its aroma, richness and harmony – whether it is Turkish style or brewed in a coffee machine. In fact, many restaurants and hotels attach great importance to the quality coffee for their guests, which is distinguished by its yield and stability over a certain period.The quality of the resulting drink is determined for the most part by the composition of the raw coffee and the grade of roasting.At Seeberger, the leading largescale high quality coffee roaster in Southern Germany, several sorts of coffee are „blended“ using high quality beans from various regions, in other words – selected beans are mixed, roasted and then ground. „Moreover, the grain size of the ground coffee is decisive for the pleasant aroma, the flavor, stability and its physical properties, the contained sugar substances, (brittleness and fat content which can also cause the sieve to clog), sieving aids in the form of brushes can ensure long-term optimum analytical results. „Therefore, our coffee is always tested for high quality and we can also say at all times,Taste the difference!“, says Dr. Ochs with grin while reaching for the next cup of premium coffee. components of coffee. Known constituents of coffee grains include water-soluble and water-insoluble polysaccharides, fats, whereas the essential oils are partially responsible for the bitter taste, glair, chlorogenic acids, water, caffeine, nicotine acid and vitamin B as well as over 1000 flavoring agents. AS 200 control ”g ” analytical sieving machine: Ref. No. 04 Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:53 Uhr Seite 11 | In t e r n a t i o n a l UNDER CALIFORNIA'S SUN The name of the latest Retsch subsidiary is Retsch Inc. and it resides in the Pacific West of the U.S.A. Source: Retsch Source: PhotoDisc the smaller, specialized companies are important pillars of the distribution network. Despite the fact that U.S. distribution patterns resemble Europe, the competition situation is fundamentally different in North America: Retsch is less well known in the U.S.A. than it is Another Retsch office started work this year. Retsch Inc. has its registered place of business in Irvine, California, a city 30 miles south of Los Angeles. Headed by Ms. Patricia Jung, former International Sales Manager for Retsch, this subsidiary will handle the complete support and distribution of Retsch laboratory equipment in the United States.„In the past our American customers did not receive sufficient attention in terms of consulting ser- Source: Retsch In the in-house laboratory of Retsch Inc: André Verder, chief of supervisory board of the Verder Holding and Retsch GmbH & Co. KG., is seen visiting the new subsisiary. The Retsch logo is like a landmark pointing visitors the way to Retsch Inc. vice and customer care:We had no control of this important market and sold only about one third of our full product range. Lack of service and high prices told on the sales figures“, explains Ms. Patricia Jung the reason for Retsch setting up the office. ”Sales used to be channeled through an independent agent, but we know from experience that these manufacturers should handle key markets themselves. Therefore we decided that we should personally look after our American customers.” Like elsewhere, the big players in the laboratory equipment trade in America,such as Fisher Scientific or VWR/Merck, are among the largest customers of Retsch. However, also in Europe. Besides, the sheer geographical size of the market makes distribution activities very cost intensive. Add to this the other competitors and the high expectations of our customers. Users in the US expect a lot more user friendliness and lower costs while looking less for technical features, product aesthetics or long life of the equipment. ration with Horiba we were able to pendable care of the American cususe synergy effects right from the tomers. For the short production start. Further, we took advantage of times of Retsch products, the well the local experience with dependastocked central warehouse in Gerble suppliers and communication many as well as efficient transporpaths set up by our colleagues“, tation logistics make it possible to Jung judges deliver any prothe successful ”Our assessment of the situation in disduct, be it a labostart of distri- tribution prior to setting up the agency ratory device or a bution activi- and first experience have shown that spare, just as ties. Despite the requirements for successful distribu- quickly as from a the time diffe- tion in the North American market are local godown. rence of 9 quit different from what they are in EuRetsch Inc. has hours the in- rope: The vast distances involved requi- recruited two formation ex- re a greater effort in customer care. Benew employees change with sides, American users often take a diffe- to look after Retsch in Haan, rent approach than users in Europe. what is potentiala „must“ for They expect a laboratory device to be ly the largest exeveryone in easy to handle and be of low cost, tra-European distribution, is whereas technical features or long sermarket. They, torunning smoo- vice life are less important.“ gether with Ms. thly, thanks to Patricia Jung, will Patricia Jung the internet instill new life in and the readiness of both sides to the US marketing concept for communicate even outside normal Retsch in California's mild climate. business hours. Provide excellent service Best conditions The decision to site the agency in the city of Irvine was taken in the light of the nearness to major industrial areas in the emerging West of the United States as well as the close cooperation with the US office of Horiba, manufacturer of particle sizing equipment and US agent for Retsch' sister company, Retsch Technology. Retsch Inc. rented rooms in the building of Horiba Instruments and also recruited two new employees who had been proposed by Horiba. „Through coope- The performance spectrum of Retsch Inc. comprises competent and quick customer service, expert technical advise, training of distribution partners, free processing of customer-supplied samples in the in-house application laboratory,and demo equipment. A special feature of Retsch Inc. is that Irvine will not maintain a stock of equipment.This allows the office to concentrate on sales and marketing and keep cost low.This will not be at the expense of either the quality of customer service or comprehensive and de- CONTACT ADDRESS: Retsch Inc. Frau Patricia Jung 17651 Armstrong Avenue Irvine, CA 92614 Phone +1 949 752 2004 Fax +1 949 752 2045 Email [email protected] No 19 | 01 the sample 11 Probe19_E 13.06.2001 12:54 Uhr Seite 12 D a t e s | Ac t i o n s | Re p o r t s PEOPLE IN T R I U M V I R AT E Source: Retsch Since March 2000, Kenneth McCartney is technical director and member of Retsch’s management team.As part of the top management, which comprises altogether three members, the forty-two year old McCartney is TEST ON TOUR primarily responsible for research and development and in charge of Design, Development and Production, Logistics, Storage and Distribution. NEXT ce, Kenneth McCartney knows that ideas and a good staff are the key to success. „The more we get the employees involved in assuming responsibility for the product and its manufacturing, the better our company operates.” Many of the technicians have been in the business for a long time, which is very important to Kenneth McCartney: „People are filled with knowledge and that makes them important to us both personally and professionally.”With regard to Retsch’s technological future, McCartney plans to focus on the development of laboratory equipment in particular for areas with a promising future, such as biotechnology. Even in his free time, Kenneth McCartney likes to keep track Retsch’s laboratory bus is on the road again. All over Europe, interested parties can visit it to see the latest developments and have samples prepared in the completely equipped laboratory. Next dates are: Source: Retsch Unusual, but true: In search of adventure, the native Canadian traveled to Europe in the late 70‘s, deciding to stay in Germany – a step, he does not regret to have taken.With twenty years of employment at Retsch,the production manager and REFA technician has successfully filled positions in product development and in management. Based on his own experien- LAP Soccer revenge:After the unexpected defeat of the Retsch soccer team against the team of the parent company in summer 2000, a return KW 18 (May 01 to 04, 2001) in Belgium KW 19/20 (May 07 to 19, 2001) in Austria KW 21 (May 21 to 26, 2001) in Poland KW 23 (Jun. 04 to 09, 2001) in Denmark KW 24 (Jun. 11 to 16, 2001) in Sweden KW 24/25 (Jun. 16 to 23, 2001) in Norway KW 26 (Jun. 25 to 30, 2001) in Finland To find out the exact locations, please contact our export department. Phone ++49 (0) 2129 / 5561-0. and look for new things.As a glider enthusiast, he takes every opportunity to gain a bird’s eye view on new fields in all parts of Germany. IMPRINT Published by RETSCH GmbH & Co. KG Rheinische Straße 36 D-42781 Haan Germany Phone ++49 (0) 2129 / 5561-0. Fax ++49 (0) 2129 / 8702 Email [email protected] match will be played in Haan. The prospects are not bad for the team hosting the match n 2001: In addition to sport-enthusiastic newcomers the Retsch soccer players started preparations early to be fit at the time of the match. AchemAsia Beijing, China Labtech-Entech 2001 Bangkok, Thailand May 08 to 12, 2001 May 16 to 20, 2001 Analytica Latin America Sao Paulo, Brazil July 24 to 26, 2001 Editor-in-chief Anke Seibel Editorial team Patricia Jung, Helmut Pitsch Source: Retsch Source: Comstock TRADE SHOW DATES Project coordination, realization H zwo B Ges. für Kommunikation Schorlachstraße 27 D-91058 Erlangen Germany Tel +49-9131/812 81-0; Fax -28 E-Mail [email protected] Art.Nr. 99.997.0019-E the sample 12 No 19 | 01
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