980 PARK AVENUE AT 84TH STREET • NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10028 • (212) 288-3588
October 1, 2006
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fair Trade is not for us a political issue, but rather a
s Catholics we were all proud of the
matter of faith in action. As Catholics we believe
wonderful assistance given by Catholic
we are all part of one human family. Consistent
Relief Services to the victims of the tsunami in
Catholic teaching calls us to reach out to one
Indonesia and the flood victims closer to home
another with compassion and dignity. From the
in New Orleans. But disaster relief is only one
encyclical Rerum Novarum
aspect of the work of
and Quadragesimo Anno of
Catholic Relief Services,
the Popes of the 19th and
which feeds families,
20th centuries, to the
rebuilds shattered lives,
recent encyclical of
protects health, develops
Pope Benedict this year,
sustainable communities
“Coffee is the world’s second
we are called to “a new
and restores hope in 99
most valued traded commodity,
readiness to assist our
countries around the
behind only petroleum.”
neighbors in need.” Fair
Trade simply means an
equitable and fair
ne project of
partnership between
Catholic Relief
consumers in North
Services here in the
America and producers
United States is providing
in Asia, Africa, Latin
assistance to poor farmers
issue, but rather
America and the
in the coffee-growing
a matter of faith
Caribbean. The chief
regions of Central and
in action.”
concern of the Fair
South America through
Trade Movement has
the promotion of Fair
been to ensure that the vast majority of the world’s
Trade – an alternative system of international
coffee growers, who are small holders, get a fair
trade that is rooted in the principles of human
price for their harvests in order to achieve a decent
dignity, economic and social justice and global
living wage. Fair Trade guarantees to farmers
solidarity. By ensuring that farmers earn a fair
organized in cooperatives around the world a living
price for their coffee, Fair Trade helps
struggling small-scale farmers to put food on the wage (minimum $1.26/pound regardless of the
table, even as world coffee prices reach historic volatile market); much needed credit at fair prices;
and long-term relationships. These fair payments
lows. Fair Trade helps them to survive in a
are invested in health care, education,
competitive international market. And, by
environmental stewardship, and economic
building long-term relationships with the lowindependence. Fair Trade certified coffee is the
income coffee farmers who grow the coffee
first product being introduced in the United States
you drink, Fair Trade helps make meaningful
with an independently monitored system to ensure
connections between producers overseas and
that it was produced under fair labor conditions.
socially conscious consumers like you here in
the United States.
coffee ?
hy coffee? Coffee is the world’s second most valued traded
commodity, behind only petroleum. Around the globe the
annual consumption of coffee has expanded to more than 12 billion
pounds. Coffee is the US’s largest food import and second most
valuable commodity after oil. Our country imports over 2.72 billion
pounds of coffee in a given year. More than 130 million Americans
drink coffee every day. In recent years we have seen an explosion
of specialty coffee shops throughout the country. Coffee is one
area where ordinary consumers can make a statement for justice.
For example, because consumers lobbied for Fair Trade coffee
both Starbucks and the Green Mountain Coffee Company now
purchase only Fair Trade coffee.
Buy Coffee after
Mass and Help to
build a Better
ow can you help? Beginning today at the coffee hour following the 11:00AM and 11:30AM
Masses and following the 7:30PM Mass at our bi-monthly Socials, we will be selling Fair Trade
coffee by the pound from Grounds for Change, an organic coffee roaster specializing in socially
responsible and environmentally sustainable coffee. We will have Medium Roast and Dark Roast (all
the profits support a Latin American Women’s Cooperative) at $10/pound and Decaf at $10.50/
pound. We will also be selling St. Ignatius parish T-shirts: $15/short sleeves, $18/long sleeves. The
small profit we make will go towards our Parish Social Justice efforts, including the trip to Georgia to
protest the presence of the School of the Americas (WHINSEC). Graduates of the school, located at
Fort Benning, have been responsible for torture and death throughout Central America including the
deaths of Archbishop Oscar Romero, four American Church women, six Jesuits, their housekeeper
and her daughter, as well as thousands of their countrymen, women and children, on the grounds of
Fort Benning. Please stop by Wallace Hall today after the 11AM, 11:30AM Masses, or, every other
week at the 7:30PM Mass. When you purchase Fair Trade coffee, you are not just buying a great
product; you are helping to build a better world!
Mary Naughton
Pastoral Associate
A Sincere Thank you
The members of The Society of St. Vincent de
Paul join the entire Parish in thanking Miriam
Klinger and Tom Barrett for their many years of
dedicated, unselfish service to our Parish
Chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. For
more than 16 years Miriam has been a loving
and compassionate President. She has
responded quickly, offering assistance to those
in need. Tom, as Treasurer, has kept the books
balanced for more than 20 years. He has also
given countless hours to helping others.
Together Miriam and Tom have embodied the
vision of our founder, Frederic Ozanam,
seeking out and assisting the poor of our
community. Their Vincentian spirit will inspire
us for many years to come. Sincere thanks to
Miriam and Tom.
What are our Parish Ministries at St. Ignatius?
Who do I contact if I wish to volunteer?*
Music (Choirs)
Kent Tritle/Erin Acheson
Ignatian Social Justice
Jennifer Gniady/Mary Naughton
Ignatian Teens
Judy Choix
Sr. Grace Strauber
Lector/Eucharistic Ministers
Mary Naughton
Joanne Cunneen/Pat Schneider
Ministry Council
Eleanor Barba
New Parishioners
Donna Cassetta
Pax Christi
Rosaleen Mazur/Mary Naughton
Maureen Fullam/Cynthia Caruso
St. VIncent de Paul
Pattie Hughes
20/30's Initiative
Bernadette O'Connell
(*You may leave a message at the Parish Reception desk)
Tuesday, October 24, at 6:30PM is Parish
Ministry Night, a special time for all Parish
Ministers to come together and celebrate the many
blessings of our work at St. Ignatius.