Poštnina plačana pri pošti 1210 Ljubljana Šentvid Slovenijales Trgovina d.o.o., Plemljeva ulica 8, SI-1210 Ljubljana - Šentvid Mizarski katalog · januar 2013 · št. 1 Akcija velja od 21.1. do 1.2.2013 oz. do prodaje zalog. Delovne plošče in laminati najv e mate čji izbo r plo rialo s v kovn v Iverali Slov ih enija lesu ! Vižmarje Plemljeva 86 1210 Lj.-Šentvid tel.: 01 513 32 50 Črnuče Brnčičeva 45 1231 Črnuče tel.: 01 561 35 66 Celje Medlog 18 3000 Celje tel.: 03 425 68 70 Hoče Miklavška cesta 55 2311 Hoče tel.: 02 618 13 31 Murska Sobota Markišavska 9 9000 Murska Sobota tel.: 02 530 88 40 PLOSKOVNI MATERIALI Več dekorjev, več struktur - še večja izbira! Iverali • Nemška kakovost • Visoko obstojna površina • Širok izbor dekorjev • Vsi dekorji na voljo na surovi iverni plošči in na MDF plošči • Na zalogi plošče dim. 2655x2100 mm, dim. 5310x2100 mm po naročilu • Za vse dekorje na voljo pripadajoči ABS trak SVETLO SIVA U1109MP debelina: 19 mm dim.: 2655x2100 mm art. 306248 SUPER CENA! 4,79 €/m 2 MAGNOLIJA U1306MP JAVOR NATUR R5184VV debelina: 19 mm dim.: 2655x2100 mm art. 306275 debelina: 19 mm dim.: 2655x2100 mm art. 306348 SUPER CENA! SUPER CENA! 4,79 €/m 5,09 €/m BUKEV NATUR R5311TR BUKEV R5313VV debelina: 19 mm dim.. 2655x2100 mm art. 306357 debelina: 25 mm dim.: 2655x2100 mm art. 306989 2 2 7,99 €/m 2 SUPER CENA! 5,09 €/m 2 ARABESKA ČRNA F7462VV ČEŠNJA HAVANA R5681VV debelina: 19 mm dim.: 2655x2100 mm art. 306399 debelina:19 mm dim.: 2655x2100 mm art. 306387 5,99 €/m 6,49 €/m HRAST BELJEN R4400TR MARABELA R5641VV dim.: 2655x2100 mm debelina: 19 mm dim.: 2655x2100 mm art. 306380 2 2 5,29 €/m debelina: 19 mm, art. 3063306,49 €/m debelina: 25 mm, art. 3063317,89 €/m debelina: 8 mm, art. 306332 2 5,99 €/m 2 2 2 ČEŠNJA NATUR R5360VV CLEAF PRESTIGE dim.: 2655x2100 mm 4,59 €/m debelina: 19 mm, art. 3063645,69 €/m debelina: 25 mm, art. 3063656,99 €/m debelina: 8 mm, art. 306366 2 2 2 ekskluzivna kakovost, osnovana na najnovejših raziskavah, visoki tehnologiji in inovacijah Iveral OREH LK48 površina MATRIX, debelina: 19 mm dim.: 2800x2070 mm art. 307001, 5,99 €/m 2 Na voljo tudi ABS trak v enakem dekorju, dim. 1/22 mm in 1/44 mm 2 Cene so brez DDV. Akcija velja od od od 21.1. do 1.2.2013 oziroma do odprodaje zalog. Na akcijske cene ne veljajo pogodbeni rabati. Cene ploskovnih materialov veljajo za nakup celih plošč. PLOSKOVNI MATERIALI DELOVNE PLOŠČE DUROPAL BELA U1026TC HPL laminati in delovne plošče debelina: 38,6 mm dim.: 4100x600 mm art. 306541 • Nemška kakovost in inovativnost • Optimalno razmerje med trdnostjo in elastičnostjo • Izjemno vzdržljiva in odporna površina, ki kljubuje mehanskim poškodbam, vlagi, pari in kemikalijam • Na voljo 15 različnih površinskih tekstur HPL laminatov • Posebna zaščita pultov z vodoodporno folijo in V utorom na spodnji strani pulta, ki preprečuje vdor in zatekanje vodnih kapljic pod pult • Na zalogi delovne plošče dim. 4100x600 mm, laminati dim. 4100x1300 mm • Ujemanje dekorjev laminatov in pultov DUROPAL ter iveralov WODEGO SUPER CENA! 12,99 €/tm IMITACIJA BRUŠEN ALUMINIJ F8110VV debelina: 38,6 mm dim.: 4100x600 mm art. 306897 SUPER CENA! 13,69 €/tm HPL LAMINATI DUROPAL PEŠČENO SIVA U1184SM debelina: 0,8 mm dim.: 4100x1300 mm art..306547 5,59 €/m 2 JASMIN U1358MP debelina: 0,8 mm dim.: 4100x1300 mm art. 306689 5,59 €/m SIJAJ, odporen proti praskam BELA U1026HS debelina: 38,6 mm dim.: 4100x600 mm art. 306537 SUPER CENA! 17,99 €/tm BEACH F7203TC debelina: 38,6 mm dim.: 4100x600 mm art. 306913 SUPER CENA! 13,69 €/tm 2 VIJOLA 3D EFEKT U1686LL debelina: 0,8 mm dim.: 4100x1300 mm art. 306925 9,99 €/m 2 MARMOR R6254TC debelina: 38,6 mm dim.: 4100x600 mm art. 306966 SUPER CENA! 13,69 €/tm Razširili smo ponudbo ploskovnih materialov! Pri nas lahko naročite iverale, delovne plošče in ultrapase priznanih blagovnih znamk: Pri cenah in tehničnih podatkih si pridržujemo pravico popravka morebitnih tiskarskih napak. Slike so simbolične. 3 PLOSKOVNI MATERIALI Enoslojna lepljena plošča art. 295627 SMREKA/JELKA, B kval., D/Š spoj 294348 ČEŠNJA, A/B kval., D/Š spoj 296223 ČEŠNJA, A/B kval., D/Š spoj 297027 BOR, B/B kval. , širinski spoj dimenzijacena 27x600x2500 mm 24,99 €/kos 30x610x2000 mm 79,90 €/kos 30x610x4000 mm 149,99 €/kos 18x1210x5000 mm 15,95 €/m2 Troslojna lepljena plošča art. 245431 SMREKA, AB/B kval. dimenzijacena 19x2050x2500 mm 19,90 €/m2 ODPRODAJA Žagan les NORDIJSKA SMREKA sušilniško suh dim.: 4500x175x50 mm, art. 296744 dim.: 4500x150x50 mm, 24-25 6-09-2006 10:09 Pagina 2 Kompakt plošča BELA 0085 FH debelina: 13 mm Inglese dim.: 2800x1850 mm art. 210654 pag 24-25 6-09-2006 2 reg. 11-16 cm XFO-T-001 art. 307404 13,60 €/kos 6-09-2006 10:09 L=40 XFO-E-066 art. 307400 155° 12,99 €/kos Use these formulas to determine the type of hinge arm, the drilling distance “K” and the 155° Samozapiralna spona height of the mounting plate “H” which is necessary to solve application problem.INOX T-002, dim. 90x52x2 mm, fi18 each Ključavnica Pagina 2 CA sprung hinge Packing Boxes 100 pcs. Pallets 2400 pcs. INOX ročaj Series 100 Packing Boxes 100 pcs. Pallets 2400 pcs. 24-25 Pagina INOX nogica za WC kabine 2 Series 100 55,99 €/m Inglese pag 10:09 €/m3 art. 307401 z indikatorjem zasedenosti To limit the opening of the hinge, see page 203 chapter “Accessories”. E-010 8,99 €/kos Use these formulas to determine the type of art. 307403 hinge arm, the drilling distance “K” and the height of the mounting plate “H” which is €/kos necessary to solve each application problem. 12,40 To limit the opening of the hinge, see page 203 chapter “Accessories”. ODMIČNE SPONE Series 100 CA sprung hinge Arm 0 155° H= 15 + K - (D) CA C2AMA99 PRIMERNA ZA VRATA MANJŠIH DEBELIN – GLOBINA VRTANJA 8 mm Spona SALICE 100 Packing Use these formulas to determine the type of hinge arm, the drilling distance “K” and the height of the mounting plate “H” which is H= 15 + K - (D) necessary to solve each application problem. 1,49 €/kos To limit the opening of the hinge, see page 203 chapter “Accessories”. Boxes 100 pcs. art. 295781 2400 155°, Pallets skodelica 8 mmpcs.Arm 0 C2AMA99 CA sprung hinge Series 100 hinges Inglese pag 371,00 CA C2AMA99 H= 10 + K - (D) Arm 5 CA C2AMD99 art. 246942 110°, skodelica 8 mm C1A6A99 Arm €/kos 0 0,69 H= 15 + K - (D) 4 H= 10 + K - (D) CA C2AMA99 CA C2AMD99 Cene so brez DDV. Akcija velja od od od 21.1. do 1.2.2013 oziroma do odprodaje zalog. Na akcijske cene ne veljajo pogodbeni rabati. Cene ploskovnih materialov veljajo za nakup celih plošč. Arm 5 Futura Push 6557 - Conce VODILA PREDALOV FULL-EXTE Vodila predalov ADAR PUSH: TH THE RUNN DRAWER Vodila predalov FUTURA PUSH Product fe - Dynami - With Pu - Safety s - Drawer - The dra - The dra - Compat - Finish: b Skrita vodila za lesene predale z delnim ali polnim izvlekom in odpiranjem na dotik - brez ročajev. • nastavitev višine predala (+2,5mm) • delni izvlek (PUSH 6157) ali polni izvlek (PUSH 6557) • pritrditev predala s pomočjo klipa • nosilnost 30 kg K PUSH SCREW FIXING THE SHORT WITH ADAPTER HOUSING Vodilo PUSH 6157– delni izvlek 9,5 Vodilo PUSH 6557 – polni izvlek Ø2,5 spot-drilling 14,4 dimenzija cena Art. dimenzija cena 250 mm 3,17 €/kos 234282 250 mm 6,64 €/kos 270 mm3,17 €/kos 230592 270 mm 6,74 €/kos 14,2 UGODNO 300 mm 3,17 €/kos 2,90 €/kos 227535 300 mm Fixing with Ø 3x16mm countersunk wood screw. UGODNO 350 mm 2,90 €/kos 230605 350 mm 7,20 €/kos Part. no 400 mm 3,39 €/kos 227536 400 mm 7,30 €/kos K PUSH the short with buffer 55105010IJ K PUSH the short with magnet 450 mm 3,59 €/kos 227537 450 mm 7,90 €/kos Other finishes already available: black, white. Please ask for related part.no UGODNO 470 mm 1,59 €/kos 234283 470 mm 7,90 €/kos 3,90 €/kos 500 mm 8,87 €/kos 227538 500 mm K PUSH SCREW FIXING THE LONG WITH ADAPTER HOUSING UGODNO 550 mm 4,05 €/kos 227539 550 mm 4,90 €/kos 600 mm 4,1342,5€/kos 19 234284 600 mm 8,18 €/kos 7 min. 13 Catalogo Adar Inglese:Catalogo Adar 2008 22/01/09 09:30 Pagina 31 ODPIRANJE NA DOTIK BREZ ROČAJEV adapter housing Finish K PUSH 14,4 Futura Futura 7 min. Ø2,5 spot-drilling Klip za pritrditev za vodilo PUSH 6157 in PUSH 6557 13 0,45 = REGISTEREDBASIC DESIGN PART NUMBER MIN. DEPTH OF THE CABINET (PM) Vodilo predala ADAR 208R silent RUNNER LENGTH (LN) MIN. DEPTH OF THE CABINET (PM) 250 250 1 0 655 70 250 2 0 0 250 262 1 0 615 70 270 2 0 0 270 270 1 0 655 70 270 2 0 0 270 274 1 0 615 70 300 2 0 0 300 300 1 0 655 70 300 2 0 0 300 300 1 0 615 70 350 2 0 0 350 350 1 0 655 70 350 2 0 0 350 350 1 0 655 70 400 2 0 0 400 400 1 0 655 70 450 2 0 0 450 460 1 0 615 70 450 2 0 0 450 *42,5450 1 0 615 70 470 2 0 0 470 470 1 0 615 70 500 2 0 0 500 1 0 615 70 550 2 0 0 550 1 0 615 70 600 2 0 0 600 CLIP PART NUMBER 1 0 710 00 010 1 0 0 *19 To be screw fixed Screw TSP ø 3,5 mm Ø2,5 spot-drilling cena *32 24,5 37 1,9926,5€/kos 2,06 €/kos 2,13 €/kos Fixing with Ø 3x16mm 2,21 €/kos countersunk wood screw. 2,27 €/kos 2,42 €/kos K PUSH the long with buffer run 36mm 2,49 €/kos K PUSH the long with magnet run 36mm 500 550 600 7 min. dolžina 300 mm 350 mm 400 mm 450 mm 500 mm 550 mm 600 mm 400 208 RK PUSH - Adjustable runnerADAPTER for drawers INSTALLATION THROUGH HOUSING 1 0 655 70 470 2 0 0 470 *Alternative drilling pattern to match 1 0 655 70 500 2 0 0 500 pre-drilled holes short adapter 1 0 655 70 550 2 0for 0 550 Product features 1 0 655 70 600 2 0 0 600 housings. CLIP PART NUMBER 1 0 710 00 010 1 0 0 Ø7,35 tiho, regulacijsko, bela barva 400 37,2 - ADJUSTMENTS K PUSH the long with buffer run 36mm extra strong spring 31 K PUSH the long with magnet run 36mm extra strong spring - TIHO ZAPIRANJE 470 500 550 600 Dimensions: 24 (+ 1/0) mm. 13 Left sided captive (by pressure sliding) to ensure smooth opening and closing. Rise of 1,2 mm in first 20 mm of extension. Standard fixing runner on cabinet side: screws TSP ø 3,5 mm or EUROSCREW ø 6 mm. On request, for knock-in assembly on cabinet side: 2 or 3 dowels ø 10 x 1182mm 82 premounted on runner. Fixing runner for drawer: standard with screws TSP ø 3,5 or ø 3 mm, industrial with machine ADAR 2000 RA or ADAR 2000 RDA, without the use of screws. Dinamic load capacity N 245 (Kg 25). 1,8 mm min. 1,8 mm min. Double safety stop to prevent accidental pull-out of the drawer. Automatic closing during last 60 mm. 19 32 Assembly on drawer with machine ADAR 2000 (automatic assembly) or with screws. Ver tical adjustment ± 1,5 mm. Finish Part. no 55112000IJ 55113000IJ 55112030IJ 55113010IJ Part number for screw-on fixing Other finishes already available: black, white. Please ask for related part.no 34 26,5 35 Part. no Basic par t number 10 118 65 250 _ _ _ adapter housing 55112010IJ Basic par t number 10 118 60 270 _ _ _ 10 118 65 280 _ _ _ 10 208 50 300 _ _ _ 10 208 300 _ _ _ 14 min. short75version 10 208 50 350 _ _ _ 10 208 75 350 _ _ _ 37 min. long version run 36mm 10 208 50 400 _ _ _ 10 208 75 400 _ _ _ To be screw fixed 0,8 Screw TSP ø 3,5 mm 41 min. 10 208 450 _ _ _ long75 version 14,2 10 208 50 450 _ _ _ 10 208 50 500 _ _ _ 10 208 75 500 _ _ _ 10 208 75 550 _ _ _ 10 208 50 600 _ _ _ 10 208 75 600 _ _ _ Ø8 10 208 50 550 _ _ _ Part number for knock-in fixing with 2 and 3 dowels with SILENT (with silent sliding) Part number for knock-in fixing with 2 and 3 dowels Basic par t number 2 dowels Basic par t number 3 dowels 0,8 37,2 Basic par t number 3 dowels 10 118 65 280 _ _ _ 10 208 50 300 _ _ _ 10 208 75 300 _ _ _ 10 208 75 350 _ _ _ 10 208 50 400 _ _ _ Knock-in Drilling: - ø 10 x 11 mm - ø 8 x 11 mm Basic par t number 80 2 dowels 10 118 60 280 _ _ _ 10 208 50 350 _ _ _ 48 Ø12 Ø10 K PUSH the short concealed with buffer K PUSH the short concealed with magnet 10 208 75 400 _ _ _ 10 208 50 450 _ _ _ 10 208 50 450 _ _ _ 10 208 50 500 _ _ _ 10 208 50 500 _ _ _ 3,2 mm min. 10 208 50 550 _ _ _ 10 208 50 600 _ _ _ Ø12 1,59 €/kos 10 118 60 280 _ _ _ za odpiranje vrat brez ročajev z rahlim pritiskom K PUSH INSTALLATION TO BE EMBEDDED INSIDE THE PANEL To be screw fixed Screw TSP ø 3,5 mm Finish 10 118 65 270 _ _ _ Ø7 utopni, siva barva art. 291733 adjustment 0 - 3mm K PUSH CONCEALED SHORTDimensions AND LONG VERSION - Assembly with screws and with dowels 24,5 Part number for screw-on fixing with SILENT (with silent sliding) 10 118 60 250 _ _ _ Adapter K-PUSH Finish Catalogo Adar Inglese:Catalogo Adar 2008 22/01/09 09:31 Pagina 59 1 0 615 70 250 2 0 0 1 0 615 70 400 2 0 0 Part. no 55006010IJ Runners RUNNER LENGTH (LN) adapter housing 14,4 BASIC PART NUMBER 52 art. 232378 €/kos Ø8 Part number art. 278084 278090 278091 278092 278093 278095 278096 Part. no 55006010IJ Catalogo Adar Inglese:Catalogo Adar 2008 22/01/09 09:30 Pagina 35 K PUSH is the new automatic opening system for doors without handles or knobs. A special inner mechanism provides a very silent, yet powerful utilization, granting a long durability which makes it perfectly suitable for a 41,2 wide range of doors. 85 The captivating design and the minimal shape make K PUSH aesthetically unique. Moreover K PUSH is available in 2 versions: Fixing with Ø 3x16mm - with buffer for cabinets using sprung hinges. countersunk wood screw. - with magnet for cabinets using unsprung hinges or negative hinges. Available for installation through adapter housing with countersunk holes for screws and inside the panel. Part. no Finish In accordance with the regulation UNI 8607/05 Level 5. 55107010IJ Catalogo Adar Inglese:Catalogo Adar plastic 2008 and 22/01/09 Engineering steel 09:31 Pagina 58 55109010IJ Part number To be screw fixed Screw TSP ø 3,5 mm 52 52 Dimensions Ø8 Art. 232355 234285 232356 232357 232358 232359 234286 232360 232361 232362 19 Knock-in Drilling: ø 10 x 11 mm 10 208 75 450 _ _ _ 10 208 75 450 _ _ _ 10 208 75 500 _ _ _ 10 208 75 500 _ _ _ 2,6 mm min. 10 208 75 550 _ _ _ 10 208 75 600 _ _ _ www.italianaferramenta.com ADJUSTMENTS 5 Pri cenah in tehničnih podatkih si pridržujemo pravico popravka morebitnih tiskarskih napak. Slike so simbolične. Assembly with dowels system Components of the system with PUSH openingLifting G = grey See page 28 to complete Drilling patterns and fixing methods of the PUSH system 1 = white the parinstructions t number with the Assembly Cover 9 = nickel-pl. Char t for the piston available fixingstrengths systems. - rightpage side8 FL1DLLXXSNX page 10 page 12 page 18 the wall cabinet. Packing Boxes 12 pcs. DVIŽNI SISTEM, DRSNI SISTEM Lifting system - right side Components of the system for wooden door Colour of the cover GFL1SLLXXSNX = grey Packing Cover system - left side Packing 1Lifting = white Boxes pcs. Boxes 300 12 pcs. 9 = nickel-pl. Colour of the cover Cover FL1DLLXXSNX BAPGR29 D00FSNG Mounting door plate for door. G = grey Folding Dvižni system sistem –- Smove. desna stran Lifting right side Packing We suggest: Par t number composition page 22 1Colour = whiteof the cover FL1SLLXXSNX FL 1D 72XX SNG, art. 267867 €/kos Components of the system page 23 Boxes Cover for doors12uppcs. to 6 kg weight. 9G==nickel-pl. Lifting system - left side grey Assembly instructions page 27 višina omare 720Packing mm, pokrov sive barve Char t for the piston strengths page 34 of the cover 1 = white Colour Boxes 12 pcs. Cover 9 = nickel-pl. G grey FL=1D 78XX SNG, art. 267868 €/kos FL1SLLXXSNX Packing 1 = white višina omare 780 mm, pokrov sive barve Lifting system - left 9side Boxes 12 pcs. Colour of the cover = nickel-pl. Packing Packing To be ordered separately:Boxes 300 pcs. Za širino omare do 60250 cm lahko G = grey Boxes pcs. uporabite samo Cover Packing C2...6A99 Hinge for door. plate for the top of 1BAPGR39 = white FL1SLLXXSNX en mehanizemMounting (levi ali desni). Boxes pcs. Lifting system left side See pagepiston 28 to strength. complete the wall12cabinet. 9 = nickel-pl. Smove. FLMGSE XXX D00LSNG Fill with the required Colour of the coverDvižni sistem – leva stran the par t number with the We suggest: Gas piston. Cover G = grey Parallel opening door available fixing systems. FL 1S 72XX SNG, art. 267872 €/kos for doors over 6 kg weight. See page 34 to complete Packing 1 = white To be ordered separately: Opening doors Colour of the cover the par tsystem numberfor with thefrom 360 mm to 440 mm height Boxes 12 pcs. višina37omare 720 mm, pokrov sivefor barve 9 = nickel-pl. C2...6A99 Hinge forcomposition door. BAPGR39 Mounting plate the top of Par t number page G = grey appropriate piston strength. Packing Components of the system page 38 1 = white See page 28 to complete the wall cabinet. FL 1S 78XX SNG, art. 267873 €/kos Packing Packing Boxes 12 pcs. 9 = nickel-pl. the par tsystem number with thefrom 440 mm to 660 mm height Boxes 300 pcs. Boxes 300 pcs. višina omare 780 mm, pokrov sive barve Opening for doors Packing Packing To be ordered separately:available fixing systems. Par t number composition page 40 Boxesfor 12 pcs. Boxes 250 pcs.for the top of C2...6A99 Hinge door. BAPGR39 Mounting plate Components of the system page 41 To be ordered separately: BAPGR29 D00FSNG Mounting plate for door. Smove. See page 28 to complete the wall cabinet. C2...6A99 Hinge for door. BAPGR39 Mounting plate for the top of page 43 We suggest: FLMGRE XXX Fill with theAssembly required piston strength. Central hinge with height the parinstructions t number with the See pageFLC...E9R 28 to complete the wall cabinet. Char t for the piston strengths page 51 Packing Packing for doors up to 6 kg weight. the par t number with the and sideways adjustment available fixing systems. Progressive gas piston. BAP3R29 FLCAE9R Boxes 300 pcs. Boxes 300 pcs. ±1.5 mm. See page to complete available fixing systems. Podložka za35 vrata Sredinska spona za preklopni See page 28 to complete the the par t number with the art. 201519opening sistem z možnostjo dvosmerne Swing door BAPGR29 D00FSNG Mounting plate for strength. door. Smove. par t number with the appropriate piston Packing Packing Packing Packing Par t number composition page 55 nastavitve + 1,5 mm available fixing systems. We suggest: Packing Packing Boxes 300 pcs. Boxes 300 pcs. Boxes €/kos 300 Boxes 300 pcs. Components of thepcs. system page 56 forBoxes doors250 up to 6 kg weight. Art. 268507 Boxes 300 pcs. pcs. Assembly instructions page 58 Packing Packing BAPGR29 D00FSNG Mounting plate for door. Smove. Char t for the piston strengths page 64 Boxes 12plate pcs. for door. Boxes 150 pcs. BAPGR29 D00FSNG Mounting Smove. €/kos We suggest: Smove. FLMGSE XXX D00LSNG Fill with the required piston strength. We suggest: for doors up to 6 kg weight. Wedoors suggest: Central hinge. FLC...E9 Gas piston. for up to 6 kg weight. D00FSNG FLMGSE 250, 300, 350, 500, 600 Packing Packing for doors over kg weight. See page 28 to the6 kg See page 34 to complete Blažilec SMOVE za6complete vrata do teže Plinski blažilec aktivni Boxes 300 pcs. Boxes 250 pcs. par t number with the the par t number with the Art. 267857 fixing Packing Packing art.appropriate 266285, 267866, 266286, available systems. piston strength. Boxes 300 pcs. Boxes 250 pcs. 273722 Smove. FLMGSE XXX D00LSNG Fill with the273721, required piston strength. Packing Packing €/kos We suggest: Gas piston. Packing Packing Smove. FLMGSE XXX D00LSNG Fill with the required piston strength. Boxes 300 pcs. Boxes 250 pcs. Flap €/kos for doors overpcs. 6 kg weight. See page 34 to complete We suggest: Boxes 12 pcs. Boxes 250 Gas piston. D00LSNG Packing Par t number page 66 the par t composition number with the See page 34 to complete for doors over 6 kg weight. of the system page 68 BoxesSMOVE 150 pcs. Blažilec za vrata težja od 6 kg Smove. FLMGSE XXX with the Components required piston strength. the par t D00LSNG number with the appropriate piston strength. FLMGRE 150, 250, 350,Fill 450, 550 theAssembly instructions page 70 FLMGRE XXX FLC...E9R Fill with required piston strength.appropriate Central hinge with height piston strength. We suggest: Art. 267858 Gas piston. Char t for the piston strengths page 75 Plinski blažilec progresivni anddoors sideways Progressive piston. for over 6adjustment kg weight. page 34 gas to complete ustavitev vrat na kateremkoli mestu See Packing Packing Packing Packing 23 ±1.5 mm. See page 35 to complete the par t number with the €/kos Boxes pcs. Boxes 25028pcs. Boxes 250 pcs.the art. 273718, 267863, 267864, 267865,appropriate 291008 €/kos See page to complete the par12 t number the Boxes 12 pcs. pistonwith strength. par t number with the appropriate piston strength. XXX FLC...E9R with the required piston strength. Central hinge with height available fixing systems. FLMGRE XXX FLC...E9R Fill with the FLMGRE required pistonFill strength. Central hinge with height and sideways adjustment Packing Packing Progressive gas piston. and sideways adjustment Progressive gas piston. See page 35 to complete ±1.5 mm. Packing Packing Boxes 12 pcs. Boxes 250 pcs. See page 28 to complete the ±1.5 mm. See page12 35pcs. to complete the par t number with the Boxes Boxes 150 pcs. parcomplete t number with 3 See page 28 to thethe the par t number with the appropriate piston strength. available fixing systems. FLMGRE XXX FLC...E9R Fill with the appropriate required piston Central hingewith withthe height par t number pistonstrength. strength. Set za drsna vrata Central hinge. and sideways PackingFLC...E9 Packing available fixingadjustment systems. Progressive gas piston. See page 28 to complete Boxes 12 pcs. Boxes 150 pcs.the ±1.5 mm. See page 35 to complete STANDARD Packing Packing par tpage number with the See 28 to complete the the par t number with the available fixing systems. art. 255861 Central FLC...E9 Boxes 12 pcs. Boxes 150 pcs. par t number with thehinge. appropriate piston strength. page 28 to complete the 639-650, kgSee available 40 fixing parsystems. t number with the Central hinge. available fixing systems. FLC...E9 Packing Packing See page€/grt 28 to complete the Packing Boxes 12 pcs. Boxes 150 pcs. par t number with the Boxes 150 pcs. available fixing systems. Packing Central hinge. Boxes 150 pcs. FLC...E9 page 28 to complete the Vodilo za See drsna vrata 23 par t number with the 23 Packing art. 276646 available fixing systems. Boxes 150 pcs. PVC rjavo, 730/M, 3m ODPRODAJA Packing Boxes 300 pcs. 10,90 10,90 10,90 10,90 Dodatni artikli za dvižni sistem 0,29 1,09 0,90 6,90 11,59 0,90 DRSNI SISTEM ZA POHIŠTVENA PREKLOPNA VRATA STANDARD 6,29 1,89 €/kosPacking Boxes 150 pcs. 23 Vodilo za drsna vrata STANDARD art. 276647 620/A, alu, spodnje, 3m 4,90 €/kos 6 Cene so brez DDV. Akcija velja od od od 21.1. do 1.2.2013 oziroma do odprodaje zalog. Na akcijske cene ne veljajo pogodbeni rabati. Cene ploskovnih materialov veljajo za nakup celih plošč. 23 VKF_Silicone_ENG VKF_Silicone_ENG 25.02.2010 16:14 25.02.2010 Seite 3 16:15 ORODJE VKF_Silicone_ENG Vsadno korito ALVEUS BASIC 150 Seite 4 25.02.2010 16:15 Seite 4 Luknjač za pipo d=35, s svedrom 10,2 mm art. 296892 VKF_Silicone_ENG dimenzije: 780 x 435 x 150 mm min. širina omarice: 450 mm art. 000340 25.02.2010 16:15 Seite 4 23,92 €/kos 31,90 €/kos VKF_Silicone_ENG 25.02.2010 16:15 Seite 4 Pištola za kartuše EG 300 baterijska art. 289960 za 310 ml vložke z LED lučko in podstavkom za odlaganje redna cena: 58,25 €/kos 37,86 €/kos -35% - prihrani do 20% tesnila v primerjavi z običajnimi pištolami - nastavljiva količina izstisnjenega tesnila omogoča natančen nanos - avtomatska funkcija proti kapljanju - hitra menjava vložkov s pomočjo novega zaskočnega mehanizma - vključuje podstavek za odlaganje, Led lučko, indikator nivoja polnosti vložka, 4 baterije - primerna za uporabo z vsemi materiali v 310 ml vložkih Spona mizarska PRO enoročna, zatezanje in raztezanje, priloženi stebelni distančniki art. dimenzija cena 276002 PRO 150 276004 PRO 300 276005 PRO 450 276006 PRO 700 276007 PRO 915 13,00 €/kos 300/560 mm 14,60 €/kos 450/710 mm15,93 €/kos 700/960 mm 17,67 €/kos 915/1175 mm 19,00 €/kos 150/410 mm Nosilec tipkovnice z vodilom in dodatkom za miško Merilec vlage za les 7,56 €/kos LCD prikaz, priložena baterija 9V art. 302109 art. 214424 13,29 €/kos Žaga kronska premer 68 mm art. 305831 8,59 €/kos Voziček transportni TS600 Enostavna uporaba - samo z eno potezo v stanju pripravljenosti zložljiva kolesa nastavljiva višina nosilnost 70 kg izredno lahek - teža samo 3,9 kg art. 307089 49,90 €/kos Pri cenah in tehničnih podatkih si pridržujemo pravico popravka morebitnih tiskarskih napak. Slike so simbolične. 7 MIZARSKE STORITVE Z našo pomočjo lahko hitro in enostavno izdelate tudi najzahtevnejše pohištvene kose! V naših sodobno opremljenih mizarskih delavnicah vam nudimo profesionalne mizarske storitve: rezkanje unikatne storitve razrez po meri Prihranite čas in pustite, da zamudna mizarska dela opravimo namesto vas. Hitro, natančno in kakovostno! izdelava izrezov v delovne plošče robljenje z robnimi trakovi kotni spoji kuhinjskih delovnih plošč izdelava in robljenje okroglin izdelava konstrukcijskih izvrtin in utorov POSLOVALNICE Ljubljana - Vižmarje, Plemljeva ulica 86 T: 01 513 3250 M: 051 326 028 F: 01 513 3260 [email protected] Andrej Urbančnik M: 031 341 545 Aleš Jeraj M: 041 259 367 Mojca Majetič M: 041 259 364 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ljubljana - Črnuče, Brnčičeva 45 T: 01 561 3566 M: 051 326 029 [email protected] Janez Zabukovec M: 051 326 029 [email protected] F: 01 561 1305 Celje, Medlog 18 T: 03 425 6870 M: 041 526 117 [email protected] F: 03 425 6870 Mirko Leskovšek M: 031 366 264 Jernej Škoberne M: 031 609 497 [email protected] [email protected] Hoče, Miklavška cesta 55 T: 02 618 1331 M: 051 366 697 [email protected] F: 02 618 1669 Dušan Lah Boštjan Marko Renato Rojko M: 031 617 222 M: 051 366 695 M: 051 326 025 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Darko Žido Robi Pešti M: 051 374 813 M: 041 882 516 [email protected] [email protected] Murska Sobota, Markišavska 9 T: 02 530 8840 M: 051 326 024 F: 02 530 8836 [email protected] www.slovenijales-trgovina.si Cene so brez DDV. Akcija velja od 16.5. do 4.6.2011 oziroma do odprodaje zalog. Na akcijske cene ne veljajo pogodbeni rabati.
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