Indian Institute of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry No.7, Chakrapani road, Guindy, Chennai 600 032, Tamil Nadu, India Keep learning IICMS NEWSLETTER Ancestry of Chromatography S Runge experiment Tswett experiment IICMS-NL-12-004 FEB ‘2012 IICMS at a glance The century old separation technique called “chromatography” has its origin in the middle of 19 th century was spreaded into all branches of science. The chromatographic technique has branched out to different types (like TLC, HPLC, GC, SEC, etc.,) and joined in hand with the technological development to recognize the chromatographic instruments as a common appliances in almost all scientific industries. Archeology of chromatography: The archeology of chromatography begins from 19th century scientist F.F Runge(1) whose investigations could be considered as a “precursor of chromatography”. The name “Chromatography” was coined by M.S.Tswett almost 40 years after Runge’s book “The chemistry of color” and “Preparation of dyes”. Runge was interested on the production of textile dyes. He demonstrated that a piece of filter paper is very useful to test the completion of dye formation in solution. In his quantitative experiments he illustrated precipitation of natural plant dye by the addition of lead acetate solution. After adding the lead acetate to the plant dye solution, a drop of the supernatant solution was spotted on a filter paper strip and also spotted one drop of potassium chromate solution in the other end of the filter paper strip. The spots started to diffuse away from the spotting points and met in one spot. If precipitation is completed, the excess lead acetate remaining in the supernatant solution reacts with potassium chromate to form lead chromate and appears as a dark yellow colour on the filter paper. Thus the completeness of the dye formation was easily identified. F.F.Runge In 1861, Groppelsroeder(2) used a form of paper chromatography which is called “capillary analysis” to separate the colored pigments. He was considered as a “Grandfather of chromatography”. He used the strip of paper with one end dipped on to an aqueous solution, to separate the colored pigments. The components are moved to the end of paper by capillary action. In 1903, Mikhail Tswett(3) was influenced by the work of Groppelsroeder capillary analysis experiment. The first step of investigation was the extraction of pigments in the leaves. Tswett used a column packed with a stationary phase of calcium carbonate. The plant extract was placed at the top of the column and carried through the stationary phase using petroleum ether as a mobile phase. Due to the gravity force, samples are moved through the column, the pigments in the plant extract separated into individual colored bands. After adding more solvents to the column, the bands became separated and moved down the column. Page 1 of 4 Mikhail Tswett This process was named as chromatography. The word ‘chromatography ‘is derived from Greek words ‘Chroma ‘and ‘graphein’. Chroma means “color” and graphein means “to write” which refers to ‘color writing’. After the Tswett discovery the concept of chromatography did not evolve more than two decades. Fig-2 Tswett experiment In the beginning of 20th century, chromatographic technique has been used only for purifying very small amounts of natural pigments in solution for spectroscopic studies. For nearly thirty years, chemists remained reluctant to the use of chromatography. The outcome of the product yield was very less, when they use chromatographic technique. In 1930, Kuhn and Lederer(4) demonstrated the power of chromatography as a well preparative method for the separation of α and β carotene from carrots. They have reported the expected yield of the carotene. Further they also demonstrated and proved by separation and isolation of egg yolk pigments using calcium carbonate as a stationary phase. In mid of 1940’s the development of large scale purification schemes was introduced for the separation of rare earth element. speeding et al(4) has purified the rare earth elements by ion exchange chromatography. They have separated three rare earth ions like samarium, Neodymium and praseodymium. In 1941, Martin and Synge(5) has began their work on proteins, which are made up of amino acids. They were trying to characterize a particular protein by determining the different types of amino acids present in it. They were developing a separation procedure by using a packed column which is an impregnated silica gel with water packed in a glass tube. They added acetyl amino acid mixture to the top of glass tube and poured the chloroform from the top. In this experiment they could separate acetylproline and acetylleucine. This method was successful to separate the amino acids as per their partition coefficients. This process was named as “Partition chromatography”. In this work they were awarded the nobel prize in 1952. Martin Synge In 1944, Martin and James(6) developed the “gas chromatography”(GC). In this technique, mixtures or substances that can be vaporized or gasified by heat were separated. Helium gas is used to force the mixture through a column to separate the gaseous components. The growth of liquid chromatography was eclipsed by the introduction of gas chromatography . IICMS Newsletter IICMS-NL-12-004 Page 2 of 4 Between 1950 and 1960, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) became a popular technique in two branches: The fractionation of synthetic polymers, described as “gel permeation chromatography” (GPC) and in the resolution of biopolymers termed as “gel filtration chromatography” (GFC). The real advancement of liquid chromatography began during the late 1960’s .First liquid chromatography instrument was constructed by Casaba Harwath at Yale university(7), which was termed as “High Performance Liquid Chromatography”(HPLC). Its principle remained the same as used by Tswett in the first decade of the 20th century, but the results were much improved. In 1962, Klesper et al(8) introduced the supercritical fluid (small changes in pressure and temperature, fluid density changed) as a mobile phase in chromatographic separation, it’s growth was relatively slow until the early 1980’s. This method was named as “supercritical fluid chromatography” (SFC). It is considered as an intermediate technique between gas chromatography and liquid chromatography. It is used for the analysis and purification of thermally labile molecule and chiral compounds. Recently developed chromatography technique is “capillary electro chromatography (CEC)”. The flow of mobile phase is driven through the column by electric field. This phenomenon known as electroosmosis. The electro osmotic flow is generated by applying a large voltage across the column. Strain(9), first reported the use of electro osmotic flow in chromatography. 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year CLC GC TLC SEC HPLC SFC CEC Fig -3 Development of chromatography over one century. IICMS Newsletter IICMS-NL-12-004 Page 3 of 4 Researchers found that the main principles of Tswett Chromatography could be applied in many different ways, resulting the different varieties of Chromatography such as Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), Liquid Chromatography, Gas Chromatography (GC), etc. References: 1. Leslie S. Ettre , LCGC north America, Milestones in chromatography, volume 22 number 3, March 2004 page 262-270 2. A. Braithwaite, F.J.Smith (1995), Chromatographic methods, 5th edition, Chapter 1 page 2-4 3. Leslie S. Ettre, LCGC Europe, M.S Tswett and the invention of chromatography, September 2003, page 2-7. 4. Georges Guiochon, Dean G. Shirazi (2006), Fundamentals of preparative and non linear chromatography, second edition, Elsevier inc, chapter 1, page 3-5. 5. Archer J.P. martin (1952) , The development of partition chromatography, nobel lecture, December 12,1952. Elsevier publishing company, Amsterdam 1964. 6. Harlod M. MC Nair, James m. Miller, Basics of gas chromatography, second edition, wiley publication, chapter 1. 7. Lloyd R. Snyder, Joseph J. Kirkland and John W.Dolan (2010) Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition A John Wiley & Sons Inc., chapter 1 page 7-8. 8. 8 Yasuhiko Arai, Takeshi Sako, supercritical fluids: molecular interactions, physical properties and new applications, springer publication, chapter 4, page 260 9. Keith D. Bartle, Peter Myers (2001), capillary electro chromatography, chapter 1, page 1-3 From, U. 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