Sequencing Sample Prep and Gene Expression Analysis DNA-Seq Nextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kits Sequencer-ready libraries in under 2 hours, from only nanograms of DNA Nextera technology simultaneously fragments and tags DNA in a single-tube reaction, and offers significant advantages over current library preparation methods: • Sequencer-ready libraries in under 2 hours. • Incorporate platform-specific tags and optional barcodes. • Library complexity, coverage, accuracy, and bias comparable to control libraries prepared using mechanical and other enzyme-based fragmentation methods. • Validated on multiple second-generation sequencing platforms, including Roche 454™ and Illumina® GAII and HiSeq™ 2000. Nextera libraries have been successfully sequenced with numerous sample types, including: • • • • • • Human genomic DNA E. coli genomic DNA Soy genomic DNA HIV-1 cDNA amplicons Drosophila genomic DNA Plasmids • • • • • Fosmid clones cDNA LR-PCR amplicons Phage DNA and more Table 1. Comparison of conventional and Nextera™ library preparation workflows. Processing Step Fragmentation Standard Method (~µg) ✓ (15-30 min) Collection ✓ (15 min) Concentration ✓ (15 min) Size Selection ✓ (60 min) End-Repair ✓ (60 min) Clean-Up ✓ (15 min) A-Tailing +/- (30 min) Adaptor Ligation ✓ (60 min) Clean-Up Library Enrichment Total Time: Nextera Method (<50 ng) Add Nextera Enzyme Mix (5 min) ✓ (15 min) (15 min) Variable (~60 min) PCR (~60 min) ~6 Hours <2 Hours Blue color indicates steps where the sample is transferred to another tube. 2 DNA-Seq Illumina now sells and supports a new version of Nextera kits. These new kits offer several advantages over the current Epicentre kits, which will be discontinued effective December 31, 2011. Cat. # Quantity Nextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina®-Compatible) GA09115 GA091120 GA0911-50 GA0911-96 5 Reactions 20 Reactions 50 Reactions 96 Reactions Nextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Roche Titanium-Compatible) NT09115 5 reactions NT091120 20 reactions NT0911-50 50 reactions NT0911-96 96 reactions Contents: Nextera Enzyme Mix (Illumina®-compatible), 5X Nextera Reaction Buffer (LMW), 5X Nextera Reaction Buffer (HMW), 50X Nextera Primer Cocktail (Illumina®-compatible), 50X Nextera Adaptor 2 (Illumina®-compatible), 200X Nextera Read 1 Primer, 200X Nextera Read 2 Primer, 200X Nextera Index Read Primer, Nextera Control DNA, and 2X Nextera PCR Buffer. Nextera™ Barcodes (optional) Illumina®-Compatible GABC0950 12 Bar Codes Roche Titanium-Compatible NTBC0950 12 Bar Codes Note: The barcoding kits are optional. Each kit contains 12 barcodes, and each barcode can be used to prepare up to 50 barcoded libraries. Additional Nextera Kits: Nextera™ PCR Enzyme EM091120 20 Reactions EM091150 50 Reactions EM0911-96 96 Reactions Important: Nextera PCR Enzyme must be purchased separately when using any of the Nextera DNA Sample Prep kits. [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 3 DNA-Seq End-It™ DNA End-Repair Kit Repair DNA ends for adaptor ligation The End-It DNA End-Repair Kit converts DNA containing damaged or incompatible 5′and/or 3′-protruding ends to 5′-phosphorylated, blunt-ended DNA. The end-repaired DNA can be used for ligation into a cloning vector or ligation of next-generation sequencing adaptors, using the Fast-Link™ DNA Ligation Kit. The high specific activity of the End-Repair Enzyme Mix provides complete conversion of protruding ends to 5′-phosphorylated, blunt-ended DNA. The End-It DNA End-Repair Kit contains reagents for 20 or 50 end-repair reactions (repair of up to 100 µg or 250 µg of genomic DNA, respectively). Cat. # Quantity End-It™ DNA End-Repair Kit ER0720 ER81050 Contents: End-Repair Enzyme Mix, End-Repair 10X Buffer, dNTP Solution, ATP. 20 Reactions 50 Reactions Fast-Link™ DNA Ligation Kit Ligate next-generation sequencing adaptors to DNA The Fast-Link DNA Ligation Kit uses a high-quality ligase (Fast-Link T4 DNA Ligase), to provide extremely rapid, high-efficiency DNA ligation. Cohesive-end ligations can be performed in 5 minutes at room temperature. In contrast to other ligases, it is not necessary to desalt Fast-Link ligation reactions prior to transformation of electrocompetent or chemically competent cells. The Fast-Link Kit can be used for routine and high-throughput DNA cloning. Cat. # Quantity Fast-Link™ DNA Ligation Kit LK11025 LK0750H LK6201H Contents: Fast-Link DNA Ligase, Fast-Link 10X Ligation Buffer, 10 mM ATP. 25 Ligations 50 Ligations 100 Ligations 4 DNA-Seq CircLigase™ and CircLigase II ssDNA Ligases Circularize ssDNA templates CircLigase ssDNA Ligase* is a thermostable ATP-dependent ligase that catalyzes intramolecular ligation (i.e., circularization) of ssDNA templates having a 5′-phosphate and a 3′-hydroxyl group. In contrast to other ligases, CircLigase ssDNA Ligase ligates ends of ssDNA in the absence of a complementary sequence. The enzyme is therefore useful for making circular ssDNA molecules from linear ssDNA. Circular ssDNA molecules can be used as substrates for rolling-circle replication or rolling-circle transcription. CircLigase II ssDNA Ligase* has greater activity and a new Reaction Buffer for improved ligation efficiency. Unit Definition: One unit of CircLigase enzyme converts 1 pmol of a linear 5′-phosphorylated CircLigase Standard 55-mer Oligo into an Exonuclease I–resistant circular form in 1 hour at 60°C under standard assay conditions. *Covered by intellectual property rights licensed to Epicentre. Cat. # Quantity CircLigase™ ssDNA Ligase CL4111K 1,000 Units CL4115K 5,000 Units Contents: CircLigase ssDNA Ligase, CircLigase 10X Reaction Buffer, 1 mM ATP, 50 mM MnCl2, CircLigase ssDNA Control Oligo, Sterile Water. CircLigase™ II ssDNA Ligase CL9021K CL9025K Contents: CircLigase II ssDNA Ligase, CircLigase II 10X Reaction Buffer, 50 mM MnCl2, CircLigase ssDNA Control Oligo, Betaine, Sterile Water. 1,000 Units 5,000 Units DisplaceAce™ DNA Polymerase Rapid DNA sequencing of GC-rich regions DisplaceAce DNA Polymerase* is a recombinant DNA polymerase modified to remove 5′→3′ exonuclease activity. It has strong strand-displacing DNA polymerase activity, similar to that of Bacillus DNA polymerases. The DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity is optimal at approximately 65°C. It also has RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity. The enzyme can be inactivated by incubation at 80°C for 20 minutes. Unit Definition: One unit converts 10 nmol of dNTPs into acid-insoluble material in 30 minutes at 65°C under standard assay conditions. *Covered by issued and/or pending patents. Cat. # DisplaceAce™ DNA Polymerase D090710K [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 Concentration Quantity 100U/ul 10,000 Units 5 DNA-Seq Plasmid-Safe™ ATP-Dependent DNase Remove bacterial chromosomal DNA from plasmid preps Plasmid-Safe ATP-Dependent DNase selectively removes contaminating bacterial chromosomal DNA from plasmid, cosmid, fosmid, and BAC clones or vector preparations. Such preparations are frequently contaminated with fragments of bacterial genomic DNA generated during alkaline lysis. Other purification options, such as spin-columns or even CsCl centrifugation, do not effectively remove these contaminants and require further purification steps. Plasmid-Safe ATP-Dependent DNase digests linear dsDNA to deoxynucleotides at slightly alkaline pH and, with lower efficiency, closed-circular and linear ssDNA. The enzyme has no activity on nicked or closed-circular dsDNA or supercoiled DNA. Unit Definition: One unit of Plasmid-Safe DNase converts 1 nmol of deoxynucleotides in linear T7 DNA into an acid-soluble form in 30 minutes at 37°C under standard assay conditions. Three units will digest 1 µg of linear T7 DNA in 30 minutes at 37°C. Cat. # Concentration Quantity Plasmid-Safe™ ATP-Dependent DNase E3101K 10 U/µl E3105K 10 U/µl E3110K 10 U/µl Includes Plasmid-Safe 10X Reaction Buffer and 25-mM ATP Solution. 1,000 Units 5,000 Units 10,000 Units Proteinase K Remove protein after selection in ChIP protocols Proteinase K is used to digest protein and remove contamination from preparations of nucleic acid. The addition of Proteinase K to nucleic acid preparations rapidly inactivates nucleases that might otherwise degrade the DNA or RNA during purification. Proteinase K remains active under denaturing conditions, such as the presence of SDS or urea, chelating agents (EDTA, sulfhydryl reagents), and trypsin or chymotrypsin inhibitors. Cat. # Proteinase K MPRK092 6 Concentration Quantity 50 µg/µl 2 ml DNA-Seq Exonuclease III, E. coli Produce nested deletions for site-directed mutagenesis Exonuclease III digests ds DNA in a 3′→5′ direction from a nick, a blunt end, or 3′-recessed end, producing stretches of ssDNA on the opposite strand. Under defined reaction conditions, DNA degradation by Exonuclease III proceeds at a uniform rate yielding predictable and reproducible digestion results. Exonuclease III is not active on 3′-protruding ends of four bases or more in length, ssDNA, or on thioester-linked nucleotides.The enzyme also has intrinsic RNase H, 3′-DNA phosphatase, and apurinic DNA endonuclease activities. Unit Definition: One unit of Exonuclease III catalyzes the release of 1 nmol of acidsoluble nucleotides from ds calf thymus DNA in 30 minutes at 37°C under standard assay conditions. Cat. # Exonuclease III, E.coli EX4405K EX4425K Includes 10X Reaction Buffer. Concentration Quantity 200 U/µl 200 U/µl 5,000 Units 25,000 Units Exonuclease I, E. coli Remove excess ssDNA primers after amplification Exonuclease I digests ssDNA in a 3′→5′ direction, but does not digest dsDNA. Although it requires the presence of magnesium and a free 3′-hydroxyl terminus for activity, it is active under a wide variety of buffer conditions and can be added directly into most reaction mixes. Exonuclease I can be heat-inactivated by incubation at 80°C for 15 minutes. Unit Definition: One unit of Exonuclease I catalyzes the release of 10 nmol of acidsoluble nucleotides from heat-denatured calf thymus DNA in 30 minutes at 37°C under standard assay conditions. Cat. # Exonuclease I, E. coli X40501K X40505K X40520K [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 Concentration Quantity 20 U/µl 20 U/µl 20 U/µl 1,000 Units 5,000 Units 20,000 Units 7 rRNA Removal RiboZero™ rRNA Removal Kits Remove >99% of the rRNA from a total RNA sample The Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kits remove more ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from total RNA preparations than any other method. The kits are ideal for preparing RNA samples for whole-transcriptome RNA-Seq, random-primed cDNA synthesis, and other RNA analysis applications. • • • • Suitable for both intact and partially degraded RNA. Recovers mRNA and small and large ncRNAs for whole-transcriptome RNA-Seq. Single-pass, 90- to 120-minute process. Recovers all fragments of nonribosomal RNAs in a partially degraded RNA sample. Figure 1. Summary of RNA-Seq data after Ribo-Zero™ treatment. Total RNA samples were processed using the indicated method of rRNA removal or poly(A) enrichment. RNA-Seq libraries were prepared using the ScriptSeq™ Kit and sequenced on and Illumina® GAIIx sequencer. UHRR, Universal Human Reference RNA; BrRR, Brain Reference RNA; FFPE, human breast tumor. Cat. # Quantity Ribo-Zero™ rRNA Removal Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat) RZH1046 RZH110424 6 Reactions 24 Reactions Ribo-Zero™ rRNA Removal Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat) Low Input RZH1086 6 Reactions Ribo-Zero™ rRNA Removal Kit (Meta-Bacteria) RZMB11086 6 Reactions Ribo-Zero™ rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Negative Bacteria) RZNB1056 6 Reactions Ribo-Zero™ rRNA Removal Kit (Gram-Positive Bacteria) RZPB10106 6 Reactions Ribo-Zero™ rRNA Removal Kit (Plant Leaf) RZPL11016 6 Reactions Ribo-Zero™ rRNA Removal Kit (Plant Seed/Root) RZSR11036 6 Reactions 8 rRNA Removal RiboZero™ Gold Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat) Remove cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNA The Ribo-Zero Gold Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat) is an enhanced version of Epicentre’s popular Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat). The Ribo-Zero Gold Kit removes both cytoplasmic (nuclear-encoded) rRNA and mitochondrial rRNA from 1 to 5 µg of human, mouse, or rat total RNA preparations. The resulting rRNA-depleted RNA is suitable for RNA-Seq (Fig. 1), random-primed cDNA synthesis, and other RNA analysis applications. • • • • Suitable for both intact and partially degraded RNA. Recovers mRNA and small and large ncRNAs for whole-transcriptome RNA-Seq. Single-pass, 90- to 120-minute process. Recovers all fragments of nonribosomal RNAs in a partially degraded RNA sample. Figure 1. Profiles of RNA-seq libraries prepared after treatment with the Ribo-Zero™ (A) and Ribo-Zero™ Gold (B) Kits. A B 0.52% 0.02% 0.24% 0.05% 0.31% Aligning exomic 6.72% Partial exomic 24.04% 31.94% 27.40% 28.10% Intronic Genomic 4.48% 16S mtrRNA 12.45% 32.05% 12S mtrRNA 31.68% 28S rRNA Total RNA from MCF-7 cells was treated with either the standard Ribo-Zero Kit or the RiboZero Gold Kit, and RNA-Seq libraries were prepared using the ScriptSeq Kit. Libraries were sequenced on Illumina® GAII and HiSeq 2000 sequencers. Data courtesy Vladimir Benes and Jonathon Blake, EMBL GeneCore, Heidelberg, Germany. Cat. # Quantity Ribo-Zero™ Gold Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat) RZHM11106 6 Reactions [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 9 mRNA-Seq Sample Prep ScriptSeq™ mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kits Directional mRNA-Seq libraries in 3 hours The ScriptSeq mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kits* use a unique terminal-tagging technology* that simplifies the preparation of directional, paired-end libraries for Illumina® sequencing. The kits are suitable for any animal, plant, or bacterial species. • • • • • Start with 50 ng or less of rRNA-depleted or poly(A)-enriched RNA. Cluster-ready, directional libraries in about 3 hours without adaptor ligation. Use Illumina-compatible barcodes (available separately) or user-defined barcodes. Libraries demonstrate high concordance with MAQC qPCR data. High percentage of mapped reads from intact, partially degraded, and FFPE RNA samples. *Covered by issued and/or pending patents. Figure 1. Correlation of gene expression. A. Intact UHRR and BrRR B. Fragmented UHRR and BrRR Correlation between data obtained from ScriptSeq™ libraries and corresponding MAQC qPCR data. A) Libraries prepared from rRNA-depleted, intact UHRR and BrRR. B) Libraries prepared from partially fragmented, rRNA-depleted UHRR and BrRR. UHRR, Universal Human Reference RNA; BrRR, Brain Reference RNA. Cat. # Quantity ScriptSeq™ mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (Illumina®-Compatible) SS10906 SS10924 6 Reactions 24 Reactions RNA-Seq Barcode Primers (Illumina®-Compatible) RSBC10948 Set of 12 Illumina®-compatible barcodes. 10 48 Reactions each Small RNA-Seq Sample Prep ScriptMiner™ Small RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kits (Illumina®-Compatible) Sequence the entire small-RNA transcriptome The ScriptMiner Small RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kits (Illumina®-compatible) include Tobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase (TAP) to enable capture of the entire small-RNA transcriptome. Total RNA (1-5 µg) or size-selected RNA (100 pg) can be used as starting material. • Single-day procedure. • Greatly reduced level of adaptor-dimer in the sequencing library. • Prepare libraries from miRNA and, optionally, from small 5′-capped and small 5′-triphosphorylated RNAs. • Strand-specific tagging of the RNA enables directional sequencing. Figure 1. A ScriptMiner™ library captures the entire small-RNA transcriptome. The optional TAP treatment in the ScriptMiner procedure enables the user to prepare libraries from small 5′-monophosphorylated RNAs, as well as small 5′-capped and small 5′-triphosphorylated RNAs that are not captured by conventional small RNA-seq library prep methods. Cat. # Quantity ScriptMiner™ Small RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (SinglePlex; Illumina®-Compatible) SMSP10908 8 Reactions Generates nonbarcoded, Illumina®-compatible libraries. ScriptMiner™ Small RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (MultiPlex; Illumina®-Compatible) SMMP101212 12 Reactions Generates libraries containing Illumina®-compatible or user-defined barcodes. Illumina®-compatible barcodes are sold separately. [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 11 RNA-Seq Tobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase Remove the 5′ cap from mRNA for RNA-Seq Tobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase (TAP) hydrolyzes the phosphoric acid anhydride bonds in the triphosphate bridge of the cap structure found in most eukaryotic mRNA, releasing the cap nucleoside and generating a 5′-monophosphorylated terminus on the RNA molecule. The resulting “decapped” 5′-monophosphorylated terminus may be ligated to a 3′-hydroxyl terminus using T4 RNA Ligase or dephosphorylated using APex™ HeatLabile Alkaline Phosphatase. Similarly, TAP digests the triphosphate group at the 5′ end of prokaryotic transcripts, generating an RNA molecule with a 5′-monophosphorylated terminus. Unit Definition: One unit of TAP releases 1 nmol of inorganic phosphate from m7GpppG in 30 minutes at 37°C under standard assay conditions. Cat. # Tobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase (TAP) T81050 T19050 T19100 T19250 T19500 Includes 10X Reaction Buffer. Concentration Quantity 5 U/µl 10 U/µl 10 U/µl 10 U/µl 10 U/µl 50 Units 50 Units 100 Units 250 Units 500 Units Poly(A) Polymerase Tailing Kit Add poly(A) tails to RNA for RNA-Seq Poly(A) Polymerase uses ATP as a substrate for template-independent addition of adenosine monophosphate to the 3′-hydroxyl termini of RNA molecules. The Poly(A) Polymerase Tailing Kit provides the enzyme and other reagents for quickly and easily adding a poly(A) tail to the 3′ end of any RNA. Unit Definition: One unit of Poly(A) Polymerase catalyzes the incorporation of 1 nmol of AMP into acid-insoluble form in 10 minutes at 37°C under standard assay conditions. Cat. # Concentration Quantity Poly(A) Polymerase Tailing Kit PAP5104H 50 Reactions Contents: Poly(A) Polymerase, 10X Reaction Buffer, 10 mM ATP, Sterile RNase-Free Water. 12 400 Units RNA-Seq APex™ Heat-Labile Alkaline Phosphatase Dephosphorylate DNA or RNA for sequencing library prep APex Heat-Labile Alkaline Phosphatase is an innovative enzyme preparation with improved performance over other available thermolabile alkaline phosphatases. APex Phosphatase removes the 5′ phosphate from all types of DNA ends, including 5′-protruding, blunt, and 5′-recessed ends, and from RNA ends. The enzyme is irreversibly heat-inactivated by incubation at 70°C for 5 minutes. Unit Definition: One microliter of APex Heat-Labile Alkaline Phosphatase dephosphorylates 1 µg of pUC19 vector DNA digested with Hind III (5′-protruding ends), Hinc II (blunt ends), or Pst I (5′-recessed ends) in 10 minutes at 37°C. Cat. # Concentration Quantity APex™ Heat-Labile Alkaline Phosphatase AP49010 AP49050 AP49100 1 Reaction/µl 1 Reaction/µl 1 Reaction/µl 10 Reactions 50 Reactions 100 Reactions RNA 5′ Polyphosphatase Convert 5’-triphosphorylated RNA to 5’-monophosphorylated RNA for RNA-Seq RNA 5′ Polyphosphatase* is a Mg2+-independent phosphohydrolase discovered and characterized at Epicentre. The enzyme sequentially removes the γ and β phosphates from 5′-triphosphorylated RNA (such as primary RNA transcripts): 5′ pppN—OH 3′ → 5′ pN—OH 3′ + 2 Pi RNAs with a 5′-diphosphorylated end are also converted to 5′-monophosphorylated RNA by RNA 5′ Polyphosphatase: 5′ ppN—OH 3′ → 5′ pN—OH 3′ + Pi RNA Polyphosphatase has no activity on RNA with a 5′ cap (e.g., 5′ m7GpppN—OH 3′), or a 5′-monophosphorylated end (5′ pN—OH 3′). However, both NTPs and dNTPs are substrates for the enzyme, yielding the corresponding NMPs and dNMPs + inorganic phosphate: (d)NTP → (d)NMP + 2Pi Unit Definition: One unit of RNA 5′ Polyphosphatase releases 1 nmol of inorganic phosphate from ATP in 1 hour at 37°C under standard assay conditions. *Covered by issued and/or pending patents. Cat. # RNA 5 Polyphosphatase RP8092H Includes 10X Reaction Buffer. [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 Concentration Quantity 20 U/µl 200 Units 13 RNA-Seq T4 RNA Ligase Prepare 5’-tagged RNA for RNA-Seq T4 RNA Ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between a 5′-phosphoryl-terminated nucleic acid donor and a 3′-hydroxyl-terminated nucleic acid acceptor in a template-independent manner. The enzyme is ATP-dependent, and is active on a broad range of substrates including RNA, DNA, oligoribonucleotides, oligodeoxyribonucleotides, as well as numerous nucleotide derivatives. Unit Definition: One unit of T4 RNA Ligase catalyzes the conversion of 1 nmol of 5′-phosphoryl termini in poly(A)18 into a phosphatase-resistant form in 30 minutes at 37°C under standard assay conditions. Cat. # T4 RNA Ligase LR5010 LR5025 Includes 10X Reaction Buffer and a 10-mM ATP Solution. Concentration Quantity 5 U/µl 5 U/µl 1,000 Units 2,500 Units T4 RNA Ligase 2, Deletion Mutant Tag small RNAs for RNA-Seq T4 RNA Ligase 2, Deletion Mutant, also known as T4Rnl2(1-249), is used to ligate singlestranded adenylated DNA or RNA oligonucleotides to small RNAs in the absence of ATP. The ligation products can be used for cloning or next-generation RNA sequencing. Performing the ligation reaction in the absence of ATP prevents circularization and other undesirable bimolecular reactions. Unit Definition: One unit is the amount of enzyme required to give 50% ligation of a 22-mer RNA to the preadenylated end of a 17-mer DNA when both oligos are annealed to a complementary 39-mer DNA strand in 30 minutes at 37°C under standard assay conditions. Cat. # T4 RNA Ligase 2, Deletion Mutant LR2D1132K LR2D11310K 14 Concentration Quantity 200 U/µl 200 U/µl 2,000 Units 10,000 Units Illumina® BeadChip® Target Prep TargetAmp™ Labeling Kits for Illumina® Expression BeadChip® Arrays Low-input RNA amplification and labeling TargetAmp-Nano Target Labeling Kit for Illumina Expression BeadChip • Produce microgram amounts of biotin-aRNA from 25 ng to 500 ng of RNA. • Perform the 6-hour TargetAmp-Nano Kit reaction and begin BeadChip hybridization the same day. TargetAmp-Pico Target Labeling Kit for Illumina Expression BeadChip • Produce microgram amounts of biotin-aRNA from 50 pg to 500 pg of RNA. • Ideal for very small samples, such as laser-capture microdissected (LCM) samples. Figure 1. Genes detected using target labeled with the TargetAmp™-Nano and TargetAmp™-Pico kits. Number of genes detected Number of genes detected 20000 18000 16000 TargetAmp™-Pico Kit TargetAmp™-Nano Kit 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 50 pg 50 pg 100 pg 100 pg 100 ng 100 ng 500 ng 500 ng Liver Muscle Liver Muscle Liver Muscle Ovary Testicle RNAsource source and amount RNA and amount Target RNA from the indicated source was labeled using either the TargetAmp-Nano or TargetAmp Pico kits. The target RNA was hybridized to either the Mouse Ref-8 Expression BeadChip or HumanHT-12 v4 Expression BeadChip (Illumina). Cat. # Quantity TargetAmp™-Nano Target Labeling Kit for Illumina® Expression BeadChip® TAN07924 TAN091096 For use with 25-500 ng of RNA 24 Reactions 96 Reactions TargetAmp™-Pico Target Labeling Kit for Illumina® Expression BeadChip® TAP110610 For use with 50-500 pg of RNA 10 Reactions Additional TargetAmp kits are available. Visit for information. [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 15 Single-Cell qRT-PCR Analysis MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit Sensitive qRT-PCR from one cell…without purifying RNA! A MessageBOOSTER cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit reaction amplifies the poly(A) RNA directly from a cell lysate. and then converts the amplified RNA to cDNA that is ready for qPCR. There is no need to isolate total RNA. • Low-abundance transcripts in a single cell are readily detected. • Hundreds of sensitive qRT-PCRs obtained from as little as a single cell. cDNA can be archived for future use. • Linear RNA amplification process preserves the gene expression profile of the cell(s). Relative Fluorescence Units Figure 1. Sensitivity of the MessageBOOSTER™ Kit. 1:100 1:1,000 1:10 undiluted Cycle qPCR was performed using undiluted (red), 1:10 diluted (green), 1:100 diluted (blue), and 1:1,000 diluted (purple) cDNA produced from a lysate of a single NRK cell. The low-abundance PBGD transcript was readily detected. Cat. # Quantity MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis Kit from Cell Lysates Kit MBCL90310 10 Reactions 16 Rapid Extraction of PCR-Ready DNA QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Kits Rapidly prepare PCR-ready DNA from various sample types QuickExtract products offer a rapid and efficient method for extracting genomic DNA from virtually any sample for PCR-based assays. Most samples can be processed in 8 minutes with only two sequential heating steps. • Fast—PCR-ready DNA in 3-8 minutes, ideal for high-throughput workflows. • Safe—No organic extraction. • Efficient—No columns, transfers, or sample loss. Figure 1. FailSafe™ PCR amplification of extracted DNA M 1 2 3 4 5 6 Buccal cells were extracted using the BuccalAmp™ DNA Extraction Kit, and all other samples with QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution. PCR was performed using primers to amplify the regions indicated: Lanes 1-3, human β-globin (human buccal cells, HeLa cells, and human hair follicle, respectively); lane 4, transgenic mouse GAPDH (mouse tail snip); lane 5, E. coli 16S ribosomal RNA gene (bacteria); lane 6, transgenic SV40 T antigen (mouse tail snip). Figure 2. PCR amplification of FFPE DNA M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M DNA was extracted from a slide-mounted, FFPEpreserved human skeletal muscle tissue section with the QuickExtract™ FFPE DNA Extraction Kit. Two microliters of undiluted, extracted DNA was amplified with primers for three different loci: tumor protein 53 (TP53), dystrophin (DMD), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). The products were separated on a 3% agarose gel and were visualized with SYBR® Gold. Lane M, 100-bp DNA ladder; lane 1, exon 2 of TP53; lane 2, exon 3 of TP53; lane 3, exon 11 of TP53; lane 4, exon 6 of DMD; lane 5, exon 50 of DMD; lane 6, exon 3 of DMD; lane 7, exon 4 of TNF. Cat. # Quantity QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution QE0905T QE09050 5 ml 50 ml [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 17 Rapid Extraction of Nucleic Acids QuickExtract™ Family of Products Products Time Applications Samples Tested QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution (QE0905T, QE09050) 3-8 min Genotyping, genetic studies, identity testing, viral/microbial screening Hair follicles, feathers (quillend cells), tissue-culture cells, buccal cells, zebrafish (organs, scales), mouse tail snips BuccalAmp™ DNA Extraction Kits (BQ0901SCR, BQ0908SCR, BQ0916SCR) 3-8 min Genotyping, genetic studies, identity testing Buccal cells from human or animal subjects. Catch-All™ Buccal Swabs included. QuickExtract™ RNA Extraction Kit (QER09015, QER090150) 6 min RT-PCR Cultured cells: human, mouse, rat, E. coli, S. aureus QuickExtract™ Plant DNA Extraction Solution (QEP80705, QEP70750) 8 min PCR, e.g., GMO testing Arabidopsis, barley, maize, emmer, pepper, rice, spelt, spinach, soybeans, wheat QuickExtract™ Seed DNA Extraction Solution (QES08095T, QES080950) 8 min PCR, e.g., GMO testing Apple, cotton, sunflower, tomato, barley, maize, oats, rice, rye, wheat QuickExtract™ Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit (QEB0905T, QEB09050) 15 min PCR, restriction digests, PFGE, optical mapping Gram-positive: Bacillus subtilis Bifidobacterium spp Brevibacterium linens Clostridium perfringens Lactobacillious plantarum Listeria monocytogenes Staphylococcus equorum Streptococcus agalactiae Streptococcus pyrogenes Streptococcus thermophilus Gram-negative: E. coli Salmonella enterica Salmonella typhimurium Vibrio gazogenes QuickExtract™ FFPE DNA Extraction Kit (QEF81805, QEF81050) 62 min Microsatellite, single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), tumor heterogeneity studies, copy number variations (CNV), methylation analysis, short tandem repeats (STR) Formalin-fixed, paraffinembedded human tissue samples QuickExtract™ FFPE RNA Extraction Kit (QFR82805, QFR82050) 32 min RT-PCR Formalin-fixed, paraffinembedded human tissue samples For more information, see: 18 Other Reagents DNA and RNA Purification Cat. # Quantity MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit MC89010 MC85200 5 DNA/10 RNA Purifications 200 DNA/100 RNA Purifications MasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit for Blood Version II MB711740 MB711400 For 40 ml of whole blood For 400 ml of whole blood MasterPure™ RNA Purification Kit MCR85102 100 Purifications PCR Cat. # Concentration Quantity MasterAmp™ Extra-Long PCR Kit MHF9220 50 Reactions MasterAmp™ Extra-Long DNA Polymerase Mix (Enzyme Mix Only) QU92125 2.5 U/µl QU92500 2.5 U/µl QU9201K 2.5 U/µl 125 Units 500 Units 1,000 Units Other Enzymes Cat. # Concentration Quantity 1 µg/µl (1,000 U/µl) 0.1 µg/µl (100 U/µl) 10 µg (10,000 Units) 10 µg (10,000 Units) RepliPHI™ Phi29 Reagent Set RH031110 1 µg/µl (1,000 U/µl) RH040210 0.1 µg/µl (100 U/µl) Includes buffer, dNTPs, DTT, and enzyme at the indicated concentration/size. 10 µg (10,000 Units) 10 µg (10,000 Units) RepliPHI™ Phi29 DNA Polymerase (enzyme only) PP031010 PP040110 Exo-Minus Klenow DNA Polymerase KL0810250 KL081001K KL080911K Baseline-ZERO™ DNase DB0711K DB0715K RNase A MRNA092 RiboShredder™ RNase Blend RS12100 RS12500 [email protected] • (800) 284-8474 5 U/µl 5 U/µl 10 U/µl 1 U/ul 1 U/ul 250 Units 1,000 Units 1,000 Units 1,000 MBU 5,000 MBU 5 mg/ml 2 ml 1 U/µl 1 U/µl 100 Units 500 Units 19 726 Post Road Madison, WI 53713
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