ISSUE 05 JUNE 2011 SLOVENIAN EMBA SSY SKOPJE MONTHLY e-NEWSLETTER In this issue 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 20 Years of Independence of Slovenia P.1 to 3 Snap Parliamentary Elections 2011 in Macedonia P.4 Constitutive Session of the new Parliament P.4 Trajko Veljanoski elected for Parliament Speaker P.4 5th Conference of Balkan Chiefs of Staff in Ohrid P.4 Minister Stavrevski at a business conference in Slovenia P.5 Referendum in Slovenia P.5 Business Day in Kumanovo P.5 Ljubljanske Mlekarne with new premises in Skopje P.6 Sava Tabak Day in Skopje P.6 Sava Tabak – opening of a branch office in Čair P.7 Unior Komerc moves in new facilities P.7 Skopje Architecture Week – Supercity 2011 P.7 Morning Coffee with Ambassador Bergant at WCM P.8 Bergant at a roundtable - International School NOVA P.8 Tourist destinations: Portorož and Piran P.9 Gastronomy: Prekmurska gibanica P.10 Reception on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Slovenia Skopje, 21 June 2011 Skopje, 21 June 2011 – The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, in cooperation with the SlovenianMacedonian Business Club, organized a reception to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Independence of Republic of Slovenia. Among the numerous guests were the Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski accompanied by his spouse, several ministers (Defense, Culture, Education and Science, Information Technology and Public Administration), Deputy Ministers, State Secretaries, a large number of government members and opposition parties, Ambassadors and other representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations, political, economic, scientific and cultural representatives, representatives of religious communities, NGOs, the presidents and members of all three Slovenian associations in Macedonia (France Prešeren from Skopje, Triglav from Bitola and Slovenian Centre from Skopje), Honorary Consul Mihajlo Mojsov, Slovenian officers and soldiers participating in KFOR, Slovenian language students at the Faculty of Philology, and many other Slovenians who live and work in Macedonia. The program, which was drafted by the Slovenian company Studio Marketing JWT in cooperation with the Embassy, was moderated by the renowned Macedonian actor Igor Džambazov. Slovenian national anthem was performed by the representative of Slovenia at the Eurovision 2011 Maja Keuc, and Macedonian anthem by the winner of the Macedonian Idol 2011 Ivan Radenov. On a big screen the four minute film about the events and achievements from Slovenia's declaration of independence until today was shown. In his speech, Ambassador Brian Bergant highlighted Slovenia's achievements in the last 20 years and read the official letter of the Slovenian President Dr. Danilo Türk. P. 1 He also stressed the excellent relations between Slovenia and Macedonia. Chairman of the Board, Mr Damir Kuder SMPK highlighted about the economic cooperation between the two countries. The program was enriched with musical performances by quartet SaxTromb, Slovenian singer Maja Keuc, and the Macedonian pop-rock band Next Time. Sava Hotels took care for the traditional Slovenian food, which brought chefs from Slovenia just for this occasion. Artworks on 20th anniversary of the independence of the RS entitled Macedonia Feels SloLOVEnia, from the students (20-year-olds) of the Faculty of Design and Multimedia at FON University in Skopje were exhibited at the reception. The directors of the Slovenian companies awarded the students, and they recieved letters of thanks by the Ambassador. The reception, besides the Embassy and the Slovenian Business Club was sponsored by the Slovenian companies in Macedonia; The main golden sponsor of the reception was ONE Telekom Slovenia, silver sponsors were Energoplan, Group ERA-Skopje Fair, Fructal, Gorenje, NLB Tutunska, Group Riko, Sava Hotels, Insurance Sava Tabak, Skovin, Telesmart, Tuš Macedonia and Vardar Insurance Company, while bronze sponsors the Faculty of Economy from Ljubljana, Krka, Peko, Perutnina Ptuj, Podgorka, Soravia and Vinar. Celebration of the Slovenian Centre on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Slovenia Skopje, 31 May 2011 The Slovenian Centre in Skopje hosted a solemn ceremony on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Slovenia at the premises of the Theatre for children and youth in Skopje on 31 May 2011. The program was conducted by children members of the Slovenian community in Macedonia and welcome speeches were given by Slovenian Ambassador Mr. Brian Bergant, President of the Slovenian Centre Sašo Stojkovski, Vice President Olga Ravnjak Stanković and Director of the Theatre for Children and Youth Dragan Dovlev. Children of all ages who attend additional classes of Slovenian language in Skopje presented themselves with recitals, Slovenian children songs and short drama plays. P. 2 Celebration and Charity Concert by the Slovenian Association France Prešeren from Skopje Skopje, 23 June 2011 Slovenian Association France Prešeren organized, on 23 June 2011, a Celebration and Charity Concert on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Slovenia that was held at the premises of the Home of humanitarian organizations Dare Džambaz in Skopje. The members of the mixed choir, which operates within the Association and under the baton of maestro Tomislav Šopov, staged the musical comedy in one act and four scenes by Ljuba Pretner and Janko Gregorc entitled »Vasovalci«. The funds collected by the performance were dedicated to the orphanage »11 Oktomvri« in Skopje. At the end of the musical comedy »Vasovalci«, the children choir from France Prešeren presented themselves together with the mixed choir. After the Charity Concert at the lobby of Home of humanitarian organizations Dare Džambaz the exhibition »Bizjak-Belčev Slovenia in postcards« was opened. The participants were addressed by the President of Slovenian Association France Prešeren Anastazija Ribarski and Ambassador Brian Bergant, who congratulated the 20th anniversary of Independence of the common homeland Slovenia and stressed the good political, economic and cultural relations between Slovenia and Macedonia. Ambassador Bergant said that the celebration of 20th anniversary enables us to look back and to evaluate the past, but at the same time provides us with the possibility to look forward in the future which we have to build with much needed confidence and trust. In the end he thanked everyone for their hard work in improving overall relations between Slovenia and Macedonia. P. 3 Elections 2011 Snap Parliamentary Elections 2011 in the Republic of Macedonia Macedonia, 5 June 2011 On 5 june 2011, 2,976 polling stations across the country opened at 7am and closed at 7 pm for the country’s seventh general election since independence. Approximately 1,821,122 million people out of 2.2 million citizens of Macedonia were eligible to vote. For the purposes of the general election, the country was divided into six electoral units, each sending 20 legislators to the 123-seat parliament. Macedonians living abroad, who had the right to vote abroad for the first time this year, elected the remaining three seats: 1 from Europe, 1 from North America and 1 from Asia and Australia. No violent incidents or major irregularities were registered as polls closed at 7pm. With a turnout at the elections of over 63 per cent, the ruling VMRO DPMNE party won Macedonia's early elections, but the opposition Social Democrats made a strong showing. Constitutive session of the new Parliament composition Skopje, 25 June 2011 The constitutive session of the new Parliament composition was held on Saturday, 25 June 2011. Oldest MP Ljubisav Ivanov from the Socialist Party was set to chair the session. The agenda included election of the Verification Committee, followed by mandate verification, election of members of the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues, and election of Parliament Speaker. This was the seventh Parliament composition since Macedonia declared its independence in 1991 and the first one to include 123 MPs. Three MPs from the diaspora will assume their posts for the first time, following the vote of Macedonian nationals abroad at the June 5 elections. VMRO-DPMNE-led coalition won 56 MP seats, followed by SDSM-led coalition with 42, DUI - 15, DPA - 8 and NDP - 2. Trajko Veljanoski elected for Parliament Speaker Skopje, 25 June 2011 Trajko Veljanoski was re-elected Speaker at the Parliament's constitutive session on 25 june 2011. Seventy MPs voted 'for', 47 were 'against', while two abstained. The Committee on Election and Appointment Issues endorsed Veljanoski's nomination. Earlier, the Parliament unanimously verified the mandates of 123 MPs. The Verification Committee, established at today's session, proposed the mandate verification following its review of the State Election Commission final report from the June 5 parliamentary elections. Foreign Affairs Ohrid hosted the 5th Conference of Balkan Chiefs of Staff Ohrid, 8 June 2011 Ohrid hosted the fifth Conference of Chiefs of Staff from Balkan Countries. Opening the conference, President Gjorgje Ivanov said cooperation in the field of security was based on shared values, interests and priorities being continuously upgraded through common obligations, tasks and responsibilities. He expressed content with the fact that Balkan leaders in the past decade had turned a new page in the common history, motivated by the joint European agenda with a goal to secure free, safe and quality life to their citizens. The meeting in Ohrid brought together chiefs of general staff from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Montenegro, Brigadier – General Maksim Malaj, Lieutenant – General Miladin Milojcic, General Simeon Simeonov and Vice Admiral Dragan Samardzic respectively, as well as Deputy Chiefs of staff of Greece, Romania and Serbia, Lieutenant – General Georgios Nakopoulos, Lieutenant – General Dan Ghika-Radu and General Miloje Miletic respectively, along with Commander of the Third Turkish Army, General Yalcin Ataman. P. 4 Deputy Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Lieutenant – General Walter Gaskin, Commander of the NATO Allied Joint Force Command Naples, Admiral Samuel Locklear, Deputy Director for Planning of the U.S. Command Europe Michael Ryan, Slovenian Deputy Chief of Staff, Counter Admiral Renato Petric and Croatian Deputy Chief of Staff, Counter Admiral Zdenko Simicic also attended the conference as guests. The Balkan Conference of Chiefs of Staff comes as a result of the initiatives and efforts for cooperation among regional countries, aimed at promoting peace and stability in the region and beyond. Focus was given to enhancement of cooperation in the field of training and exercises, strengthening of good neighborly relations, as well as continuation of initiated processes for mutual management with contemporary security challenges. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zoran Stavrevski attended the business forum in Slovenia Ljubljana, 24 June 2011 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zoran Stavrevski took part in the business forum dubbed »Regional policy forum on growth strategies after the crisis«. Invited to the forum were high level speakers to share threir views on the regional growth agenda with ministers of finance and governors of central banks of South East Europe. Amongst the present speakers were Thomas Mirow Head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Philippe Le Houerou Vice president of the World Bank, Anton Pop Vice president of the European Investment Bank. In terms of future cooperation between Macedonia and the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF), the Center plans to organize several trainings in the field of public administration, was said in a statement by the Ministry of Finance. Referendum for the government’s proposal for reforming the pension system in Slovenia Slovenia, 5 June 2011 A referendum was held in Slovenia on 5 June 2011 as well as at the Slovenian Embassy in Skopje. Slovenian voters overwhelmingly turned down the government's proposal for reforming the pension system (the proposed revision would have raised the retirement age to 65 years, lowered the replacement rate on pensions and changed the way pensioners are able to access their second-pillar retirement savings), on opening secret service archives/keeping intelligence files from the Communist period classified and on stronger measures to combat illicit work/informal economy with which the Government wanted to clamp down on the informal economy. All three measures were decisively defeated at medium turnout. Economy Business Day in Kumanovo organized by the Slovenian Macedonian Business Club Kumanovo, 14 June 2011 Promotion of the Slovenian economy organized by the Slovenian Macedonian Business Club and the Slovenian Embassy was held in Kumanovo. The presentation had two parts, a business conference, in the afternoon 17 Slovenian companies presented themselves in the city center. At the business conference, which was well attended participants were addressed by the Chairman of the Board of SMPK Damir Kuder, the Mayor of Kumanovo Zoran Damjanovski and economic counselor from the Slovenian embassy Jernej Tovšak. In the city center were presented the following companies: Fructal, KB First pension fund, Ilirika, Akton, Trimo, Telesmart, Lasko, Vesna SAP, One Telekom Slovenia, NLB Pension fund, Podgorka Struga, Big MAK, Softnet, Blazic and Korea Avtotrade. P. 5 Economy Opening of the new premises in Skopje Skopje, 3 June 2011 Ambassador Brian Bergant and economic counselor Jernej Tovšak, attended the opening of the new premises of Ljubljanske mlekarne in Skopje. The premises were inaugurated by CEO Cvetana Rijavec. The importance of exports strategy of Ljubljanske mlekarne was one of the key factors for the decision to establish a subsidiary in Macedonia, company that was founded in January 2011, and started working on 1 June 2011. The company is present on the Macedonian market for more than 10 years, mostly with the branded Alpine milk. The company Ljubljanske mlekarne was established in 1956 as a company of Glavna zadružna zveza Slovenije (Main Cooperative Union of Slovenia). In the beginning around 200 workers took care to provide 69 thousand litres of milk per day, which was bottled. A year later the company began production of yogurt, cream, cottage cheese and cheese. In 1958 Ljubljanske mlekarne was the first company in the country to start the production of ice creams. With well designed and successful brands, like Alpine milk, Ego, Maxim Premium and Jošt they are demonstrating their market orientation. With continuous care for quality and constant new upgrades, which enable introduction of new products, they try to maintain the interest and satisfaction of their customers. Insurance Company Day in Skopje Skopje, 8 June 2011 Slovenian Insurance Company Sava Tabak Day was held on 8 June 2011 in Skopje. The Company decided to use this day, together with the Red Cross of Macedonia, to promote the significance of the first aid. In this context Sava Tabak donated to the Red Cross external automatic defibrillators, neck braces, as well as medicines for the Health station for homeless people of Skopje. Company staff also attended the blood donor campaign and participated with two teams in competition of young people in first aid knowledge. The Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia Brian Bergant and economic counselor Jernej Tovšak also attented the event. In his speech Ambassador Bergant praised the social responsibility that Slovenian companies show towards the society and environment they operate in. Among other things he reminded participants about last years donation of the Slovenian companies in support for the project of Red Cross Skopje for construction of the Shelter for homeless people of Skopje. He thanked Sava Tabak for deciding to assign this Day to humanitarian purposes. P. 6 Economy Opening of a branch office of the Insurance Company Sava Tabak Stadion in Municipality of Čair Skopje, 21 June 2011 Insurance company Sava Tabak – Group Pozavarovalnica Sava d.d. officially opened the new office of Sava Tabak Stadion in municipality of Čair where the company through it's branches has not been present yet. The opening amongst others was attended by the Mayor of Čair Izet Mexhiti, Executive Director of Sava Tabak Rok Moljk, Ambassador Brian Bergant, the Chairman of the Board of directors of the Slovenian-Macedonian Business Club Damir Kuder, and the chief operating director of Sava Tabak Peter Skvarča and economic counselor at the Slovenian Embassy Jernej Tovšak. Unior Komerc moves to new facilities Skopje, 27 June 2011 Ambassador Brian Bergant attended the opening of the new facilities of Unior KOMERC Ltd. The new exhibition showroom and offices are located in the municipality of Ilinden in Skopje, at Ul. 36, BB. The guests were welcomed by the Chairman of the Board of Unior Gorazd Korosec and the Director of Unior KOMERC Ltd. Mirca Sergievski. Unior, one of the oldest and largest European manufacturers of hand tools, which has been present in the country for 19 years through. The investment amounts to 1.3 million euros. The company has already used funds from the credit line from the European Investment Bank, via the Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion. Skopje Architecture Week – Supercity 2011 Skopje, 1 - 6 June 2011 After last year’s success, the organization of SAW decided to set up a slightly different scenario: 2011 the event goes massive and summonned up more activities than ever under the hood of “Skopje Architecture Week”. The invitees were dispersed on various locations as lecturers, exhibitors, panellists, professionals, student’s activities, musicians etc. in an attempt to create an all-in-one festival of architecture and the contemporary spirit. An accent was given to the regional and neighbouring cities and institutions, whereas young architect had the chance to present the current accomplishments in architecture of the countries where they come from. One of the goals was to include as many countries possible in a mutual discourse speaking the international language of architecture. Then extraction of knowledge and cognizance from the foreign guests; in a comparative manner searching for the right path and the contemporary thought in architecture, urban design and the sociology of a city! The festival brought together 40 architects from the entire world, as well as experts in sociology of urban living, design and urbanism from 20 countries. Lecturers from Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Slovenia (OFIS Arhitekti, Sedar Vuga Architects, Dekleva Gregoric arhitekti), Austira, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Belgium, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic took part in the event. P. 7 Morning coffee with Slovenian Ambassador Alain Brian Bergant at the premises of the NGO “Welcome Centre Macedonia” Skopje, 9 June 2011 At the premises of the NGO "Welcome Centre Macedonia" the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia organized a presentation of Slovenia and its achievements during the first 20 years of independence. Ambassador Bergant presented the political, economic and cultural development of Slovenia and had the opportunity to present Slovenia as an attractive tourist destination that can offer each visitor something interesting. This event belongs to a series of activities with which the embassy celebrates the 20th anniversary of Independence of Slovenia. Welcome Centre Macedonia is an NGO which aims to facilitate the integration of foreigners, diplomats and their families currently living and working in Macedonia. In addition to the coffee and juice the guests were served a traditional Slovenian walnut cake Potica and apple strudel. The presentation was attended by members of NGOs, members of the Slovenian Association France Preseren and the Slovenian Centre in Skopje. As a special guest at the event was also present the Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Skopje, Mr. Skender Durmishi. Ambassador Bergant at the roundtable on social justice at the International School NOVA Skopje, 2 June 2011 Ambassador Brian Bergant participated at the roundtable on social justice, which was held at the International School NOVA in Skopje. At the request of the organizers he spoke of the social (in)justice in the Balkans and Slovenia, as an example, as well as the invisible workers, the erased, the situation of Roma, oppression and discrimination based on religious, ethnic and racial origin, sexual orientation, of stereotypes, prejudice and the ways of understanding and learning about social justice through the appointment or conscience and dialogue, and building alliances. To create an open and democratic society, the participants were asked to promote a positive self-esteem, individual and group identity, to listen to the experiences of children, their families and communities in educational work, to think critically about prejudice, encourage interaction between people from different cultural and social backgrounds, as we show valuable differences between people and the example of multi-cultural, multi-religious, multiethnic and multi-language of Macedonia. Among the panelists were the American Ambassador Philip Reeker and on behalf of the Hungarian EU Presidency Ambassador Ferenc Kékes. Mr. Reeker talked about social justice and foreign policy, while Mr. Kekes on social (in)justice in the 21st century in Central Europe - the case of Hungary. After the introductory speeches, an open discussion followed with the professors and the students. P. 8 Tourism Tourist destinations: Portorož and Piran Sea, wind, salt, Mediterranean scents, palms, roses and evergreen plants, relaxation, entertainment and companionship are just a few of the words to easily introduce Portorož, a sea resort in the heart of Europe. The intermingling of various cultures and musical styles, nature, culinary delights and turbulent historical events have all created an atmosphere in which the tensions and stress of everyday life simply disappear in a relaxed state of mind. The relaxing stroll on the shoreline, a recuperating run along the beach, swimming in the sea and pools, beauty and health programmes in spas, as well as sports and recreational activities – they all fill us with new energy. Today Portorož is a popular place either for work or vacation and entertainment. Many comfortable hotels are witness to that, with their modern pools, varied culinary proposal of restaurants, and the events attracting visitors from afar. Portorož is also a popular congress location. A visit to the nearby countryside, can color your day. The coastal towns of Piran, Izola and Koper are intertwined with narrow streets, leading to picturesque squares, encircled with mighty palaces. From the villages in hinterland, magnificent views of Istria open up, during spells of nice weather even Alps can be admired. Close by Karst offers different possibilities: visit to subterranean caves or to stud farm Lipica, home of famous Lipizzaner horses, the horses of the former Austrian Imperial Court. www.portorož.si Piran - The old seaport of Piran lies at the end of the Piran peninsula, which gradually narrows between the bays of Strunjan and Piran. The peninsula reaches Cape Madona, ending with the Šavrini hills. The meaning of the name Piran: elder scientists support the supposition that the origin could derive from the Celtic word bior-dun, supposed to mean a settlement on the hill, while younger generation advocates the explanation of the Greek word pyr – fire, as the original settlement was primarily used as a lighthouse for vessels sailing to nearby Greek colony Aegida on the site of today town Koper. The town has preserved the medieval layout with narrow streets and compact houses, which rise in steps from the coastal lowland into the hills and give the whole area a typical Mediterranean look. Today Piran is an administrative and trade centre, and together with Portorož, is also an important tourist location with many cultural institutions, vacation homes, hotels, restaurants and various events. It is also certain that the town itself with its interesting layout and cultural heritage attracts many visitors. P. 9 Gastronomy Prekmurska gibanica Prekmurska gibanica is an interesting combination of cake and pastry, and hails originally from the Prekmurje region of Slovenia. It restates a favorite theme in central European baking -- the layered sweet strudel, often with poppy seeds involved (as in this variation) and stuffed with sweet jams, fruit or fruit compotes, nuts, and/or dairy products (in this case cottage cheese). Some descriptions of Prekmurska gibanica describe it as a pie. This is probably because of the bottom layer, which is sometimes made of short crust pastry -- possibly a remnant from the earliest versions of the dish, which were devised before refined sugar was available. Honey would have been the only sweetening in those versions, and a more solid bottom layer (more solid than strudel dough, anyway) might have made sense. Those versions of Prekmurska gibanica also included dried grapes as one of the main constituents of the filling. The present version, however, uses cottage cheese, poppy seed, walnut and apples, and the dried grapes (in the form of raisins) turn up as part of the cottage cheese filling, having been first soaked in rum. This version of the recipe is well enough known and liked in Slovenia to have been declared one of the fifty national "birthday cakes" for the European Union's 50th birthday celebrations in 2007. It's so popular that it appears on one of the country's stamps! For the strudel dough: 300 g flour 3 tablespoons lukewarm water 2 tablespoons wine 1 tablespoon sugar. salt to taste 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons melted butter for brushing dough (You can also substitute store-bought filo pastry or strudel dough.) For the fillings: The apple filling: 500 g apples, grated The poppyseed filling: 200 g sugar 400 g poppy seeds, ground with a cinnamon to taste mortar and pestle or very briefly whizzed 1 lemon rind, grated in a food processor with the steel blade 1 tablespoon lemon juice 200 g sugar The walnut filling: cinnamon to taste 500 g ground walnuts 1 cup hot milk 200 g sugar The cottage cheese filling: 500 g cottage cheese 3 dl (deciliters) sour cream: about 1 1/2 US cups 1 egg 200 g sugar 2 tablespoons raisins, soaked in rum vanilla to taste cinnamon to taste Separately for each filling, mix the ingredients well. Grease well (butter is best) a square or oblong ovenproof baking dish or pan. For the strudel dough: Mix the ingredients in a bowl, knead thoroughly (ten minutes at least) and let stand to relax for one hour. Then roll out and cut into thin sheets the size of the baking container. (Alternately, purchase large sheets of strudel dough or filo pastry to suit your baking dish.). Place a layer of strudel dough / filo pastry in the bottom of the baked dish. Brush lightly with melted butter. Spread half the poppy seed filling evenly over it. Cover this layer with another sheet of strudel dough and brush the dough with melted butter. Spread this layer with half the apple filling. Cover with another sheet of dough: brush with melted butter. Spread with half the cottage cheese filling: cover with a sheet of dough, brushing with melted butter. Spread with half the walnut filling: cover with dough and brush dough with melted butter. Repeat this process with the remaining poppyseed filling, apple filling, cottage cheese filling and walnut filling, making sure to brush each layer of strudel dough with the melted butter as you proceed. Top with a final layer of strudel dough: brush with melted butter. If you like, spread this last layer with 1 cup sour cream (thinned a little with milk, if necessary, to make it easier to spread). Bake for about 1 hour in a medium oven (175C). Cut into squares and serve. P. 10 Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Vodnjanska No. 42 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia [email protected] Follow us on Facebook: Slovenian Embassy Skopje T: (+) 389 2 310 30 41/55 F: (+) 389 2 317 66 31 World Days in July 2011 • • • • • • • • 01 – Doctor's Day 02 – World Sports Journalists Day 06 – World Zoonosis Day 07 – International Day of Cooperatives 08 – Writer’s Day 11 – World Population Day 18 – Mandela Day 29 – System Administrator Appreciation Day The monthly e-newsletter Bridges is produced by the Embassy of Slovenia in Skopje and is available on You are most welcome to send us your comments or request for a subscription on: [email protected]. Editor: Mario Stanković Co-Editor: Andreja Iljaž Skopje, June 2011
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