USAID Sustainable Local Development Project in Serbia REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) No. SUB 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept Issuance Date: July 12, 2011 Closing Date: August 2, 2011 Closing Time: 05:00 PM The Sustainable Local Development Project in Serbia (hereinafter the Project) is inviting eligible Serbian organizations to submit a proposal for the Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept As a result of this solicitation, the Sustainable Local Development Project expects to award one (1) fixed price subcontract. A fixed price subcontract is a contract for services that will result in concrete deliverables provided to and accepted by Chemonics on behalf of the Sustainable Local development Project. As the name implies, the price of the subcontract is fixed and it is not subject to any adjustment on the basis of the Subcontractor's cost experience in performing the work, thereby placing full responsibility for all costs and resulting profit or loss on the Subcontractor. Payment is based on the completion of deliverables and the subcontractor is fully responsible and accountable for the end product. Based on the nature of the procurement advances or upfront payments are not allowed. A blank sample copy of the terms and conditions of the subcontract can be provided upon offereor’s request. Offerors are encouraged to review the draft subcontract when preparing the proposal. Please submit separate technical and financial proposals in accordance with the attached forms. Your proposal(s) will be subject to negotiation between your authorized representative and the Project, and may result in a contract. On behalf of Chemonics and the Sustainable Local Development Project in Serbia, thanks for your participation, Peter B. Epstein Chief of Party PART.SD.006 RFP no: SUB 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept 2. 2.a SCOPE OF WORK PROJECT BACKGROUND In response to USAID priorities, the Sustainable Local Development Project (hereinafter the Project) is designed to contribute to sustainable local area-based development in Serbia, by providing targeted and comprehensive development assistance to maximize impact, increase donor cooperation, and achieve sustainability. • By identifying shared interests and using them to initiate stakeholder dialogue within a geographic area, the Project will form clusters of local governments for the purpose of intergovernmental cooperation (IMC) in major investment projects, shared administrative functions, and capacity building. Each cluster will be comprised of three or more local governments with at least one civil society organization (CSO)/advocacy organization and one private sector representative. • In most instances the cluster will center on a lead city with some proven capacity and willingness to mentor smaller neighboring municipalities. The formed clusters will collaborate together to develop sustainable forms of IMC. To ensure sustainability, early in the life of the project we will agree with counterparts on exit strategies that assure their ownership of IMC mechanisms for continued regional development at the consortium and cluster level. In support of aforementioned design principles, Project activities will be implemented under five components: 1) IMC, especially on major infrastructure for EU funding and joint economic development projects; 2) Public Administration Reform, particularly related to improved local government finance, oversight of municipal utilities, and good governance; 3) Increased Public Participation, used to gather input from citizens, and to ensure greater transparency and accountability from local governments (LGs); 4) Youth Education and Employment, with a focus on increasing employment opportunities for youth through formal and non-formal means of education; and 5) Improving the Business Enabling Environment (BEE), in cooperation with local business leaders and LG representatives, with the goal of creating a more favorable climate for growth in jobs and investment. One of the Project objectives within improving the Business Enabling Environment is to promote modern concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social entrepreneurship. Project intents to provide technical support and limited financial support to local organizations in order to build partnerships at the cluster/consortia through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects and social entrepreneurship (SE) models. 2.b SUBCONTRACTOR’S SCOPE OF WORK Sustainable local development in general is not possible without full participation, commitment and partnership engagement of all three sectors working in local communities: local government, civil society and business. For this reason, the Project seeks to explore and asses current status of partnerships, local needs, obstacles, opportunities, as well as relations among key local stakeholders; to build capacities of local stakeholders through technical support, guidance and training; to target specific projects, interventions of common interest; and finally to facilitate the joint engagement of selected stakeholders in the implementation of local initiatives. As the Project works with local municipalities and other public sector bodies, this task is especially aimed at emphasizing the potentials lying in the business sector, and through their engagement in local communities by utilizing the concept known as CSR (Corporate Social Page 2 of 8 PART.SD.006 RFP no: SUB 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept Responsibility), and at building stronger relations between the business sector, civil society organizations and local self governments in order to achieve common goals. The Project also has a small amount of grant funds that it can allocate on a competitive basis to support specific CSR initiatives within its 12 partner intermunicipal clusters. Within the clusters municipalities will form forum, coordination committee and working groups It is anticipated that each Intermunicipal Forum will form a Working Group on Business Enabling Environment and/or a separate or subgroup specifically focused on CSR that would serve as a lead counterpart in each cluster for the activities being supported through this subcontract. This RFP seeks to identify potential partner to Sustainable Local Development Project that would be able to develop and facilitate the process, work both with the Project team and key local stakeholders in order to achieve the key goals of the task, through very concrete deliverables, such as assessment and analyses, training, facilitation, planning and implementation of local projects. The offeror will assess the awareness and understanding of the ideas of corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship among cluster business and community leaders and will evaluate the scope/status of any CSR or social entrepreneurship initiatives completed or in progress. This is expected to be done in three of the four clusters formed within the Sustainable Local Development Project by the end of July (Niš, Novi Sad, and Vranje). The offeror will propose a feasible methodology that would ensure capacity building of all key stakeholders, their understanding of concepts such as cross sector or cooperation, CSR and sustainable development, and their concrete engagement in local community projects. Tasks: 1. Stakeholder’s assessment, stakeholders’ analyses and study on potentials of cross sector partnerships and cooperation at cluster level. The offerors are expected to develop methodology and activities that will enable understanding the needs, viewpoints and relationships among key stakeholders, and to map potentials for their future joint cooperation. The proposed methodology should lead to development of strong local ownership of the projects emerging form the cooperation of the local stakeholders, thus creating pre-conditions for the long term sustainability. 2. Capacity building, joint planning and facilitation of partnerships. The offerors will propose various ways on how to develop practical and theoretical capacities of key sectors stakeholders. This would include their knowledge and r on Corporate Social Responsibility and cross sector partnership and cooperation. For this purpose the offeror will propose training and other educational activities. Based on the needs of local communities, but also taking into account specific potentials, and already undertaken practices on the local level, if any, the offerors will propose specific tailored training for targeted audiences. The proposed training would serve as an add on to the efforts of planning and implementing concrete joint projects in local communities. The training should focus on topics related to the overall project goals and promote corporate social responsibility concept, cooperation among stakeholders and/or similar topics. The successful offeror will demonstrate its capacity and experience in delivering similar training. 3. Develop practical proposals on concrete community projects that the stakeholders could jointly work on. The process should deliver concrete proposals of actions that could and should be undertaken as cross – sectorial efforts of key local stakeholders. These projects should be implemented utilizing all the resources, but also should be beneficial to the wider local community. For each of three targeted clusters, the Subcontractor should identify four (4) CSR concepts in a preliminary form and with the cluster counterparts Page 3 of 8 PART.SD.006 RFP no: SUB 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept select one or two of the most promising and develop an action plan for its realization. Preferably, these concepts would engage multiple firms from throughout the cluster and they would be designed to complement major intermunicipal projects identified as priorities by the cluster local governments. Another prospective topic for CSR of particular interest would be concepts that help advance the objectives of the Project’s Youth Development Component. *Note: Youth internships will be supported by a separate Project subcontract and grant component and should not be the subject of this subcontract.* But the CSR concepts identified by the Subcontractor could also respond to and encourage CSR initiatives by larger, individual firms with the capacity to implement a meaningful CSR project unilaterally. 4. Collection, processing and dissemination of existing positive practices in local communities. The offeror will gather and evaluate existing best practices in local communities in the area of CSR, cross sector cooperation and social entrepreneurship. This should serve as stimulation, knowledge sharing and positive motivation for other communities and all targeted parties. The offeror will also present perspectives and recommendations for future development of joint cross sector cooperation projects and CSR at the local level in a form of an outlined strategy on how these cooperation processes and CSR projects should be developed in the future, with the emphasis on potential creation of some informal or formal structures, and acknowledgment of specific roles of local actors. The offerors have the autonomy to propose the methodology, and subsequent activities to implement required tasks and to achieve the Project objective to promote concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social entrepreneurship. 2.c EXPECTED DELIVERABLES The following are expected deliverables: 1) Report on satekholders’ assesment and analysis and methodology describing in detail concept and implementation of CSR projects at the local level – targeted municipalities/clusters Nis Novi Sad and Vranje. 2) Training of stakeholders 3) Identify and propose (4) four local CSR projects in each of the three targeted clusters 4) CSR and social entrepreneurship Best Practice Manual 2.d ILLUSTRATIVE DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE Phase I Report on satekholders’ assesment and analysis and methodology describing in detail concept and implementation of CSR projects – September 5, 2011 Phase II Training of stakeholders – September 30, 2011 Phase III Identify and propose (4) four local CSR projects in each of the three targeted clusters- September 30, 2011 Phase IV CSR and social entrepreneurship Best Practice Manual – October 30, 2011 Page 4 of 8 PART.SD.006 RFP no: SUB 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept 3. 3.a PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS Eligibility Offerors shall be able to comply with the proposed scope of work and have a satisfactory performance record and record of integrity and business ethics. Applicants shall abide by the terms of the United States Anti-kickback Act of 1986, which will be included as FAR 52.203-7 ANTI-KICKBACK PROCEDURE (JUL 1995) in any resulting subcontract. It can be found at Eligible organizations: — Local for-profit consulting firms: Interested organizations shall have legal capacity to enter into a subcontract and shall be a registered organization. Organizations shall have the financial resources to perform subcontracts and shall have fulfilled all tax obligations. — Local non-profits or NGOs who are qualified to provide services and have the capacity to self-finance. — International organizations legally registered in country Ineligible organizations: — Individuals — Government entities, — Organizations that appear on the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Programs. The list can be found at — Individuals and organizations listed in the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list from the Office of Foreign Assets Control. The list can be found at — Individuals and organizations listed in the UN Consolidated List established by the 1267 Committee. The list can be found at 3.b Dates and Submission Details The estimated schedule for this procurement is: Steps of the Request Date Issue date of the RFP Deadline for the submission of questions/clarifications Date by which the project will answer all questions Deadline for Submission of Proposal Estimated Award Decision date Subcontract estimated period of performance July 12, 2011 July 22, 2011 July 27, 2011 August 2, 2011 August 5, 2011 August 10, 2011 to October 30, 2011 Comments The offerors shall send their questions and/or request for clarifications via email to Tatjana Milic Zanoskar at [email protected]. All questions and answers will be sent to all eligible offerors. The Sustainable Local Development Project will not accept phone calls regarding this Request for Proposals. All inquires and correspondence regarding this procurement Page 5 of 8 PART.SD.006 RFP no: SUB 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept should be directed only in writing to the program official(s) noted above. An RFP amendment will be issued if necessary. Submission of proposals: Proposals may be submitted in hard copy or electronically. The technical and financial proposals should be separate documents. The technical proposal must not include any financial information. Late applications will not be accepted. Electronic copies: Signed MS word and PDF electronic formats are welcome and should be emailed to [email protected], by the date and time of the deadline. Hard copies: If submitting in hard copy, please submit 1 (one) original and 3 (three) copies of the technical and financial proposals and other documents. An electronic copy of both technical and financial proposal should be included in the submission in formats compatible with MS Word, pdf and Excel. Formulas in the financial proposal shall be unlocked to allow Sustainable Local Development Project to analyze the calculations. Address for hard copies delivery: RFP No. 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept Attn. Tatjana Milic Zanoskar Grants and Subcontracts Manager Name of Project: USAID Sustainable Local Development Address 11000 Beograd Balkanska br. 2 3.c Instructions to Interested Organizations All proposals shall be submitted in English. Printed proposals should be on A4 size paper, single-spaced, and minimum of a 11-point type. Supporting documents may be provided in Serbian. Technical Proposal The proposal for providing the services and activities included in the Scope of Work must not exceed 5pages (cover page, table of contents, section dividers and CVs do not count against the page limitation) and must include the following sections: 1. A cover letter by the interested organization stating the name, designation, and address of the key contact person (organization’s legally authorized negotiator), the organization’s full address, telephone, and email address. 2. Proposed Methodology and description of the deliverables: Offerors shall provide a description required service 3. Work plan: This should include timelines and staff allocation 4. A description of the interested organization giving a brief profile that highlights its experience in the training and consulting services in Section 2 Scope of Work. A description of the materials and resources available for meeting the goals lay out in the Scope of Work; This description shall be no more than 2 pages. 5. Organization chart and a list of proposed personnel by expertise and the kinds of tasks they are qualified to carry out. 6. A minimum of 3 organizational references (name and contact information) indicating the relevant services carried out in the last three years that best illustrate your organization’s qualifications. Independent verification of the references will be carried out. Page 6 of 8 PART.SD.006 RFP no: SUB 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept 7. A table with 3 examples of similar (size, geographic zone, and/or technical area) jobs done detailing the scope, value of the contract/grant/other, name of client and or donor if applicable. 8. Signed CVs of the key proposed professional staff and the authorized representative submitting the application. The CVs submitted shall clearly spell out the qualifications and competence of the proposed staff in terms of: General qualifications (both academic and general work experience), specific skills possessed by the proposed personnel that are relevant to this scope of work (see Section B); relevant work experience (both long-term employment and short-term consultancies). The technical proposal shall not have references to cost information. Cost proposal There is not page limit for the cost proposal 1. Cost / Budget for providing the services in the Scope of Work; (must show costs of proposed activities); Documentation of audited indirect rates, if applicable, and fees charged by the organization, including clear information on how indirect rates are applied to bases. Organizations that do not have audited indirect rates shall submit their audited financial statements for the last three years AND copies of at least two contracts from the past three years. 2. A copy of a valid certificate of registration. 3. A copy of the VAT registration certificate. 3.d Validity of Proposal Proposals should have a 60-day validity period from the proposal submission date. Within the proposal’s validity term, the project reserves the right to: i) accept your proposal in full or in part, ii) conduct negotiations and/or request clarifications prior to award and iii) cancel for convenience the whole procurement procedure for this RFP. 3.e Conflict of Interest Offerors and its proposed personnel shall disclose any factors that could limit the organization’s independence to perform the services such as relationship with counterpart employees, past employment, etc. 4. 4.a SELECTION CRITE RIA AND PROCESS Selection Criteria The quality of each offer will be evaluated in accordance with the selection criteria and the associated weighting as specified below: Criteria Rating 1. Technical approach: This will evaluate the offeror’s proposed methodology and work plan. In the methodology it includes the understanding of the scope of Page 7 of 8 30 PART.SD.006 RFP no: SUB 004 Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Projects Concept work; appropriateness of the proposed intervention and clarity of the proposed deliverables. Under the Work plan it includes the organization of the tasks, maximization of time and clarity in the assignment of personnel. 2. Past experience in relevant field and corporate capabilities: This will include an evaluation of the capacity of the organization to perform the scope of work, review of previous experience in similar jobs, references about quality deliverables, etc. 3. Team composition: This will include the evaluation of the qualifications of proposed staff; mix of experience and technical capabilities and assignment of tasks to maximize resources’ and meet deadlines. Evaluation of the CV and reference if needed. TOTAL 4.b. 20 20 70 Selection Process Subcontract awards will be based on a “best value determination” approach. In the event that the Project determines that one offer is technically superior, yet more expensive, the Project can award to that offeror based on the evaluation that offers the best overall value given the price/technical trade-off. The combined technical evaluation factors in the table above are more important than cost or price. However, Sustainable Local Development Project will not select an offeror for award on the basis of a superior technical proposal without considering cost. Cost will be evaluated on the basis of cost reasonableness, allowability, and realism. Cost realism will be based on considerations such as the following: - Are proposed costs realistic for the work to be performed? Do the costs reflect a clear understanding of RFP requirements? Are the costs consistent with the various elements of the Offeror’s technical proposal? The maximum weighting for cost proposal is 30 points A technical/cost trade-off analysis will be performed by Sustainable Local Development Project to determine the best value to the project. Sustainable Local Development Project will notify via phone and e-mail the selected organization(s). 4.C. Last disposition Please note that in submitting a response to this RFP, the offeror understands and agrees that proposal protests will not be considered. It further understands that USAID and the US Embassy are not a party to this procedure; therefore will not consider protests made to it under USAIDfinanced subcontracts Sustainable Local Development Project, at its sole discretion and in consultation with its home office in Washington DC, might entertain debriefs with the unsuccessful offerors upon a request submitted no more that 10 days after the announcement of the awards. 5.OTHER ANNEXES REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS SAMPLE OF SUBCONTRACT Available upon written request Page 8 of 8 PART.SD.006
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