872 IZKAZNICA IZKAZNICA: IME IN PRIIMEK: ROJEN: DIPLOMIRAL: DOKTORIRAL: NAZIV: PODRO^JE DEJAVNOSTI: POMEMBNEJ[I DOSE@KI: Stanko BUSER 20. 02. 1932, Boletina pri Ponikvi, Slovenija 1958 na Univerzi v Ljubljani 1965 na Univerzi v Ljubljani 1985, redni univerzitetni profesor, geologija regionalna geologija, stratigrafija, geol. kartiranje Mentor pri 10 diplomah 3 magisterijih in 4 doktoratih Univerzitetna in fakultetna {tudentska Pre{ernova nagrada Avtor ali soavtor 122 znanstvenih ali strokovnih ~lankov. Po 4. razredu nije gimnazije v Celju se je 1. 1948 vpisal na celjsko uèiteljièe in ga 1952 konèal z uèiteljskim diplomskim izpitom. V jeseni istega leta je napravil e dopolnilno maturo na 1. gimnaziji v Celju. L. 1952 se je vpisal na geologijo in paleontologijo na Prirodoslovno-matematièni fakulteti ljubljanske univerze. Na Naravoslovni fakulteti je diplomiral 21. marca 1958 in prejel naziv diplomirani geolog, ki so mu ga 23. marca 1971 spremenili v naziv dipl. ing. geologije. Za diplomsko delo je prejel tudentsko Preernovo nagrado. Po diplomi se je zaposlil na regionalnem oddelku Geolokega zavoda Slovenije. L. 1962 in 1963 je bil na dvomeseènem strokovnem izpopolnjevanju pri prof. 0. Kühnu na Paleontolokem intitutu univerze na Dunaju, kjer je opravil primerjavo jurskih koljk in brahiopodov, ki jih je nabral v juni Sloveniji, z originalnimi primerki v zbirkah dunajskega prirodoslovnega muzeja, avstrijskega geolokega zavoda in na univerzi. L. 1964 je prejel enomeseèno tipendijo italijanske vlade za obisk geolokih in paleontolokih intitutov univerz v Padovi, Bologni, Milanu, Rimu in Neaplju. Tedaj si je ogledal zbirke litiotidnih koljk v muzejih, obiskal pa je tudi njihova najbolj znana svetovna nahajalièa v naravi. Dne 14. 12. 1965 je na Fakulteti za naravoslovje Univerze v Ljubljani doktoriral z disertacijo Stratigrafski razvoj jurskih skladov na junem Primorskem, Notranjskem in zahodnem Dolenjskem. Na oddelku za regionalno geologijo Geolokega zavoda Slovenije je bil v 1. 1962-1983 vodja terenske skupine. V l. 1970-1973 je bil vodja omenjenega oddelka, kasneje viji svetovalec na tem oddelku. Dne 4. 4. 1979 je postal izredni profesor za regionalno geologijo in stratigrafijo in prièel kot zunanji sodelavec z rednimi predavanji in vajami na Univerzi. Leta 1983 je postal viji svetovalec direktorja TOZD I na Geolokem zavodu v Ljubljani. Takrat je prevzel tudi delo glavnega in odgovornega urednika osrednje slovenske geoloke revije Geologija, ki ga je opravljal do l. 1998. Dne 13. 3. 1985 je bil izvoljen za rednega profesorja. RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 IDENTITY CARD 873 IDENTITY CARD: FIRST AND LAST NAME: BORN: GRADUATED: PH.D.: TITLE: SPECIALIZATION: IMPORTANT ACHIEVEMENTS: Stanko BUSER 20th of Februar 1932 in Boletina near Ponikva, Slovenia 1958, University of Ljubljana 1965, University of Ljubljana 1985, Ordinary University Profesor of Geology Regional Geology, Stratigraphy, Geol. Mapping Advisor to 10 B.S. diplomas, 3 M.S. and 4 Ph.D. theses. University and Faculty Pre{eren awards to students. Author of 122 scientific or professional papers. After he finished 4 years of lower high school in Celje, he enrolled to the college of education in the same town and finished it with a teachers graduate exam in the year 1952. In the same year he became a geology and palaeontology student at the Natural sciences and mathematical faculty of the University of Ljubljana. He successfully obtained his degree of a diploma geologist in 1958 (the title changed to diploma engineer of geology in 1971). He received the students Preern award for his diploma work. After graduation he was first employed as a regional geologist at the Geological survey of Slovenia. During the years 1962-1963 he took on a two months research advanced study course at the Palaeontological institute of the University of Vienna where he, under the watchful eye of professor O. Kühn, made the comparisons of Jurassic bivalves and brachiopods which he collected in southern Slovenia with the original specimens from the collections of the Natural sciences museum in Vienna and the Austrian geological survey. In the year 1964 he received a one-month scholarship of the Italian government for a visit to the Geological and Palaeontological institutes of the Universities of Padua, Bologna, Milan, Rome and Naples. It was during this time that he studied the specimens of the Lithiotidae family from the mentioned collections and visited some of the worlds most famous locations of Lithiotids bivalvia. He obtained his Ph. D. of geological sciences at the University of Ljubljana in 1965 for his dissertation on stratigraphical Jurassic rock formations in the area of Primorska, Notranjska and western Dolenjska (southern and central Slovenia). During the years 1962-1983 he lead the field team at the Regional geology department of the Geological survey of Slovenia. In the years 1970-1973 he was the head of the mentioned department, and later he took his position as a senior adviser at the Regional geology department. In 1979 he obtained the title of associate professor at the University of Ljubljana, starting the lectures to students from the fields of Stratigraphy and Regional geology of the Slovenian territory. In the year 1983 he became the senior adviser for the director of the Slovenian geological survey, and it RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 874 IZKAZNICA V zimskem in letnem semestru v olskem letu 1982/83 je bil eno leto gostujoèi profesor na Intitutu za geologijo in paleontologijo Univerze v Stuttgartu. Predaval je predmeta geologija Jugoslavije in geologija Dinaridov. V letnem semestru 1eta 1987 je predaval kot gostujoèi profesor na Intitutu za raziskavo sedimentov univerze v Heidelbergu. Med bivanjem v Stuttgartu in Heidelbergu je predaval tudi na geolokih intitutih na univerzah v Münchnu in Erlangenu. Kot gostujoèi profesor je bil 1eta 1989 nekaj èasa na Intitutu za geologijo in paleontologijo TU v zahodnem Berlinu. Po Sloveniji je dolgo vodil tevilne ekskurzije tudentov geologije z raznih tujih univerz, predvsem iz Nemèije. Bil je mentor tudentom z univerz v Ljubljani, Heidelbergu, Münchnu, Erlangenu, Kölnu, Berlinu in Göttingenu pri diplomskih nalogah, pa tudi doktorandom. Leta 1989 se je vkljuèil v porajajoèe se pomladno politièno prebujanje Slovenije in bil 1990 v okviru DEMOS-a izvoljen v prvi demokratièno izvoljeni slovenski parlament. Po veè kot 31 let trajajoèi slubi na Geolokem zavodu je postal poklicni poslanec. Status poslanca v parlamentu je imel do konca 1992. Istega leta je bil v okviru Slovenske ljudske stranke kandidat za predsednika drave Slovenije. V obdobju 1998-2002 je bil prvi rezidenèni slovenski veleposlanik v vici. Po vrnitvi v domovino se je zopet zaposlil kot redni profesor na Univerzi v Ljubljani in je na Oddelku za geologijo e vedno aktiven. V zaèetku 1993 se je zaposlil kot redni profesor na oddelku za geologijo Fakultete za naravoslovje in tehnologijo, kjer je do 1998 l. predaval za tudente geologije predmeta regionalna geologija Slovenije in stratigrafija ter geologijo za tudente geografije. Pri obeh predmetih in predmetu geoloko kartiranje je vodil tudi terenske vaje in sklepne terenske vaje. Jedro strokovnega in znanstvenega delovanja prof. S. Buserja je reevanje problemov regionalne geoloke zgradbe in stratigrafije Slovenije. Kot dolgoletni terenski geolog je zaèel 1eta 1958 geoloko kartiranje za izdelavo Osnovne geoloke karte Jugoslavije in delal na tem podroèju do 1eta 1988, ko je bila karta izdelana. V tem èasu je geoloko skartiral in reambuliral precejen del Slovenije. Kot avtor ali soavtor je sodeloval pri naslednjih tiskanih listih Osnovnih geolokih kart 1 : 100.000 in tolmaèev: Postojna, Gorica, Ribnica, Celje, Celovec in Tolmin. Sodeloval pa je tudi pri geolokih raziskavah na listih Ilirska Bistrica, Kranj, Beljak in Ravne na Korokem. Veè kot 10 let je na terenu dopolnjeval geoloke podatke za pregledno geoloko karto Slovenije v merilu 1 : 200.000. tiri leta je sodeloval tudi pri raziskavah boksitnih nahajaliè v Hrvaki Istri ter tri leta pri raziskavah nahajaliè ivega srebra v Sloveniji. Eno leto je vodil skupino geologov pri terenskih raziskavah bakrovega rudièa Murgul v Pontskih gorah v severovzhodni Turèiji. V Sloveniji je prvi zaèel uvajati pojma karbonatna platforma in bazen, ki ju je utemeljil s praktiènimi primeri iz osrednje in june Slovenije. V veèjem delu Slovenije je dopolnil litostratigrafsko in biostratigrafsko razèlenitev paleozojskih, mezozojskih in terciarnih plasti. V osrednjem delu Slovenije je bistveno pripomogel k razèlenitvi triasnih, jurskih in krednih plasti v globokomorskem razvoju Slovenskega bazena. Te plasti je ugotovil prvikrat v RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 IDENTITY CARD 875 was also at this time that he took over a position of the chief editor of the main Slovenian geological magazine Geologija; a work that he carried out until the year 1998. In 1985 he was elected an ordinary time professor at the University of Ljubljana. In 19821983 he spent a year as a guest professor at the Institute of geology and palaeontology at the University of Stuttgart where he gave lectures on geology of Yugoslavia and the broader Dinaridic area. In the summer semester of year 1987 he lectured as a guest professor to the students of Institute for sedimentary research at the University of Heidelberg. During his stay in Stuttgart and Heidelberg he occasionally held lectures at various geological institutes and at universities in Munich and Erlangen. For a brief time in the year of 1989 he also spent some time as a guest professor at the Institute of geology and palaeontology at the Technical University in West Berlin. He frequently lead numerous foreign geology student groups from various universities, mostly from Germany, on field trips across Slovenia, and worked as a mentor for a graduate or Ph. degrees for students from universities of Ljubljana, Heidelberg, Munich, Erlangen, Cologne, Berlin and Göttingen. In the beginning of 1993 he took a job as a full time professor at the Department of Geology of the University of Ljubljana where he gave lectures on //subjects of// stratigraphy and regional geology for geology students, and lectures on general geology for geography students. He also led the field trips in the frame of these subjects as well as the final field trip for geology students. In the year 1989 he entered the politics, and in the following year he was elected member of the first democratic Slovenian parliament. After more than 31 professional years spent at the Slovenian geological survey he became a professional politician a position he kept until the year 2002. He stayed a member of the parliament until the end of the year 1992, and in the same year he, as a member of the Slovenian people party, ran for the president of Slovenia. In the years 1998-2002 he was the first residential Slovenian ambassador in Switzerland. After his return home he resumed his position as a full time professor at the University of Ljubljana where he is still active today. The essence of professor Stanko Busers professional and scientific work is solving problems concerned with the stratigraphy and regional geology of Slovenia. As a field geologist he started the work at mapping for the Basic geological map of Yugoslavia in the year 1958, and stayed with this project until its termination in 1988, when the complete map was finished. During this time he mapped an important portion of the Slovenian territory. As a result he signed his name as a first author of the following sheets and books of the Basic geological map of Yugoslavia Postojna, Gorica, Ribnica, Celje, Celovec (Klagenfurt) and Tolmin. He also played an important role in geological research that was part of producing the Ilirska Bistrica, Kranj, Beljak (Villach) and Ravne na Korokem sheets of the Basic geological map (at scale 1: 100 000). RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 876 IZKAZNICA Sloveniji na Tolminskem, v Bohinju, dolini Baèe in na Cerkljanskem. Podoben razvoj teh plasti mu je uspelo odkriti e naprej proti vzhodu. S tem je dokazal njihovo razirjenost v celotni osrednji Sloveniji, hkrati pa tudi obstoj Slovenskega bazena, v katerem so omenjene plasti tudi nastale. Kasneje je dognal, da se je ta bazen v osrednjem Posoèju izklinjal in ni bil povezan z Belunskim bazenom v severni Italiji. Na obmoèju Julijskih Alp je dopolnil poznavanje globljemorskih jurskih in krednih plasti v razvoju, ki je sledil po nagli pogreznitvi Julijske karbonatne platforme. S soavtorjem je ugotovil pomikanje flinega bazena v Sloveniji, ki je potekalo v smeri od severa proti jugu. V vzhodnih junih Karavankah je prispeval k razjasnitvi bio- in litostratigrafskih problemov devona, spodnjega in zgornjega karbona ter perma. Sedaj ponovno prouèuje stratigrafijo kamnin v Dolanovi soteski. Precej je pripomogel tudi pri pojasnitvi stratigrafskih problemov terciarnih plasti in paleogeografskih dogajanj na tajerskem. Geoloke razmere stalno spremlja tudi pri gradnji avtocest. Zelo so pomembna tudi njegova odkritja v zvezi s tektonsko zgradbo Slovenije. V vzhodnem delu Posavskih gub je odkril veè pomembnih sinklinal in antiklinal ter tri narivne pokrove. Na obmoèju zahodnih Karavank je izloèil e Junokaravanki pokrov. V Julijskih Alpah je ugotovil tri narivne pokrove z vmesno lusko. V njihovem predgorju je izdvojil tri narivne pokrove. Na podlagi biostratigrafskega razvoja in paleografskega dogajanja je June Alpe uvrstil v Dinaride. V okviru Dinaridov kot tektonske enote najvijega reda loèi e June Alpe, Notranje in Zunanje Dinaride. Na podroèju Slovenije je na novo odkril tevilne prelome. V Sloveniji je odkril tevilna nova nahajalièa fosilov in jih paleontolkim raziskovalcem pomagal stratigrafsko pravilno uvrstiti. Nekatere vrste fosilov so dobile po njem tudi svoja imena. V Sloveniji ima zasluge tudi pri popularizaciji geologije kot naravoslovne vede. V zvezi s tem je pomembna njegova Slovenska geoloka pot, ki se vije po Karavankah, èez Julijske Alpe, njihovo predgorje in Kras ter osrednjo Slovenijo vse do Gorjancev. Aktivno je sodeloval pri organizaciji raznih kongresov, simpozijev in posvetovanj (simpozij o Dinardih, simpozij o Karavankah, jugoslovanski geoloki kongres na Bledu, evropski simpozij za mikropaleontologijo, mednarodni simpozij o krakih karbonatnih platformah). V Slovenskem geolokem drutvu je imel vsako leto vsaj eno predavanje. Predaval je na sedmih jugoslovanskih geolokih kongresih in srbskih ter hrvakih geolokih drutvih in na Akademiji znanosti v Budimpeti ter v Sofiji. Predaval je tudi na raznih mednarodnih kongresih, simpozijih in konferencah (Dunaj, Gradec, Budimpeta, Bratislava, Innsbruck, München, Atene, Trst, Capri in Göttingen). Od 1eta 1971 je redni èlan Znanstvenega savjeta za naftu pri Jugoslovenski akademiji v Zagrebu. Osemnajst let je bil predstavnik republike Slovenije v komisiji za kompleksno geoloko karto pri Zveznem geolokem zavodu v Beogradu. Bil je tudi redni èlan v jugoslovanski skupini za lateritizacijske procese. RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 IDENTITY CARD 877 For more than 10 years he performed the follow-up field observations and corrections as a part of his work on the Geological map of Slovenia at a scale of 1:200 000. For four years he took a part in exploration of bauxite deposits in Istria, and for three years of mercury deposits in Slovenia. For one year he lead a group of geologists at the field research of the Murgul ore deposits in the Pontian mountains, NE Turkey. He was the first Slovenian geologist that started using the terms carbonate platform and basin, and he based this theory on several examples established in central and southern Slovenia. In the major part of Slovenia he completed the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic subdivision of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Tertiary strata. An important part of Stanko Busers work is a contribution to the subdivision of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous beds in the deep-sea Slovenian basin. He first discovered and described these strata in the Tolmin, Bohinj, Baèa valley and Cerkljansko areas, and he discovered similar rocks also farther eastwards. With his discovery he was able to prove the existence of these strata in the whole central part of Slovenia, and at the same time the presence of the so called Slovenian basin in which these strata were deposited. Latter he was able to prove that the basin wedges out in the Posoèje area, and its nonlinkage to the Belluno basin in northern Italy. In the territory of the Julian Alps he completed the knowledge of deep-sea Jurassic and Cretaceous strata in the facies that followed the rapid subsidence of the Julian carbonate platform. Together with a co-worker he discovered that the flysch basin in the Slovenian area slowly shifted in a N-S direction from the Cretaceous period on. In the eastern part of the southern Karavanke mountains he made an important contribution to clarification of bio- and lithostratigraphic uncertainties in Devonian, Lower and Upper Carboniferous and Permian strata. At present he is closely investigating and reevaluating the stratigraphy of rocks in the Dovan gorge. His work contributed essentially also to the explanation of stratigraphical problems of Tertiary strata and paleogeographical conditions in the Styrian area. He is constantly in contact with the Slovenian highway construction project, assessing the geological conditions. His work also contributed much to a better knowledge of tectonic conditions of Slovenia. In the eastern part of the Sava folds he discovered several important synclines and anticlines and three thrust sheets. In the area of Karavanke he described the south Karavanke thrust sheet, and in the Julian Alps he described three thrusts of an intermediate tectonic scale, and in the foreland of the mentioned mountains he also recognized three thrust sheets. On the basis of biostratigraphy and paleogeographical conditions he classified the unit of Southern Alps, besides the Inner and Outer Dinarides, as a part of the Dinaridic tectonic unit. He also discovered and named many new faults across the whole Slovenian territory. RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 878 IZKAZNICA Poleg strokovnega dela je deloval tudi drubeno. Osem let je bil predsednik strokovnega sveta v Posebni izobraevalni skupnosti (PIS) za rudarstvo in geologijo. Sodeloval je pri uvajanju novih programov pri prehodu srednjega olstva v usmerjeno izobraevanje. Precej zaslug je imel pri ustanovitvi ole za geoloke tehnike in globinske vrtalce, sodeloval pa je tudi pri njihovih izobraevalnih programih. Bil je èlan v strokovnem svetu za vzgojo in izobraevanje SRS in vodja komisije za ocenitev programov v visokem olstvu. Sodeloval je tudi pri izdelavi izobraevalnih programov za geologe. Bil je tudi èlan Republikega odbora za vzgojo, izobraevanje in kulturo pri Zvezi sindikatov Slovenije. Kot zagovornik zdravega okolja in okoljevarstvenik je nasprotoval veèjim nepravilnim posegom v naravo in graditvi okolju kodljivih objektov. Bil je predsednik komisije za oceno projektov o primernih lokacijah za odlagalièe radioaktivnih odpadkov v Sloveniji. V obdobju 1993 do 2002 je bil predsednik nadzornega odbora za zapiranje Rudnika urana irovski vrh. Bil je èlan Sveta za varstvo okolja Republike Slovenije in èlan nadzornega odbora Sklada za financiranje razgradnje JE Krko in gradnjo odlagaliè radioaktivnih odpadkov . Za Geoloki zavod, Raziskovalno skupnost Slovenije ter druge organizacije v Sloveniji je napisal tevilna biostratigrafska in regionalnogeoloka dela v okviru raziskovalnih nalog in drugih raziskav. Za znanstveni prispevek k regionalni geologiji je kot drugi jugoslovanski geolog prejel 1982 nagrado in medaljo Jovana ujoviæa, ki mu jo je podelila Rudarsko-geoloka fakulteta Univerze v Beogradu. Istega leta je dobil tudi dravno odlikovanje Red dela s srebrnim vencem. Leta 2003 je za ivljenjsko delo prejel medaljo Marka Vincenca Lipolda. * Dopolnjeno po: Biografija in bibliografija univerzitetnih uèiteljev in sodelavcev. Univerza v Ljubljani 5 (1987-1996), ed.: A. Ramov, 1997, 895-900. POMEMBNEJE REFERENCE SOME REFERENCES BUSER, S., GRAD, K., PLENIÈAR, M. (1967): Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000, list Postojna. Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod. B USER , S. (1968): Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000, list Gorica. Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod. B USER , S. (1969): Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000, list Ribnica. Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod. BUSER, S., GRAD, K., PLENIÈAR, M. (1970): Tolmaè za list Postojna. Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000. - Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod, 62 str. BUSER, S. (1973): Tolmaè za list Gorica. Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000. - Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod, 70 str. BUSER, S. (1974): Tolmaè lista Ribnica. Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000. - Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod, 60 str. RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 IDENTITY CARD 879 In addition, he discovered a number of new fossil locations and helped to correctly estimate their stratigraphical position. Some of the newly discovered species were named after him. He has got a lot of credit for making geology more approachable to the broader public. In this context, his idea and realization of the Slovenian geological trail across Karavanke mountains, Julian Alps and theirs foreland, through the Karst area and the central Slovenia all the way to Gorjanci is of the highest importance. He took an active role as a member of organizing team of numerous congresses, symposiums and conferences (symposium on Dinarides, on Karavanke mountains, Yugoslavian geological congress at Bled, European symposium on micropaleontology, International symposium on karstic carbonate platforms). As a member of the Slovenian geological society he held at least one lecture each year on different geological subjects. He also gave lectures at seven Yugoslavian geological societies. He presented his work at the Academy of science in Budapest and Sofia and held speeches at different symposiums and conferences (Vienna, Graz, Budapest, Bratislava, Innsbruck, Munich, Athens, Trieste, Capri and Göttingen). Since the year 1971 he in an active member of the Scientific council for petrol in Zagreb For eighteen years he was the Slovenian representative in the Committee for geological maps operating under supervision of the Federal geological survey in Belgrade. Besides his professional work he also had obligations of social nature. For eight years ha was the chairman of the professional committee at the Special research unit for mining and geology. He took an active part in introduction of new subjects during the transition from the secondary educational system to a program for oriented education. He has had a lot of credit for the establishment of a program for education of geological technicians and drillers. He was a member of the expert team for the subject of education and leader of the committee for assessing the suitability of high school curricula. He also contributed his expertise to establishing a valid geology curriculum at the University of Ljubljana. He was a member of the Republican board of education and culture with the Slovenian trade union. As a defender of a healthy environment and environmentalist he contradicted some major incorrect uses of the natural habitat. He was the chairman for assessing the suitability of the RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 880 B USER , S. (1978): Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000, list Celje. Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod. BUSER, S., CVETIÆ, S. (1973): Geologie der Umgebung der Kupfererzlagerstätte Murgul in der Türkey. - Bull. Mineral. Research Expl. Turkey, 81, 124. BUSER, S., CAJHEN, J. (1978): Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000, list Celovec (Klagenfurt). Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod. BUSER, S. (1979): Tolmaè lista Celje. Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000. - Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod, 72 str. BUSER, S. (1980): Tolmaè lista Celovec (Klagenfurt). Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000. Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod, 62 str. IZKAZNICA BUSER, S. (1986): Tolmaè listov Tolmin in Videm (Udine). Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000. - Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod, 103 str. BUSER, S. (1987): Vodnik po Slovenski geoloki poti. - Ljubljana, Geoloki zavod, 121 str. B USER , S. (1987): Osnovna geoloka karta SFRJ 1:100.000, list Tolmin in Videm (Udine). Beograd, Zvezni geoloki zavod. BUSER, S. (1989): Development of the Dinaric and the Julian Carbonate platforms and of the intermediate Slovenian basin (NW Yugoslavia). - Mem. Soc. Geol. It. 40, , 313-320. B USER , S., D RAKSLER , V. (1990): Geoloka karta Slovenije 1:500.000 z razlago. - Ljubljana, MK. RMZ-M&G 2003, 50 IDENTITY CARD 881 possible locations for radioactive waste storage in Slovenia. During the years 1993-2002 he was also the chairman of the supervisory committee for the irovski vrh uranium mine in closing. He was a member of the environment protection council of the Republic of Slovenia and a member of the supervisory committee for funding the decomposition of the Krko nuclear power plant and the construction of the nuclear waste disposal ground. As the results of his numerous researches he wrote many reports on biostratigraphic and regional geological topics for the Geological survey, Research community of Slovenia and other Slovenian organizations. For his scientific contribution to the better understanding of the regional geology of Slovenia he, as a second Yugoslavian geologist, received the Jovan ujoviæ award and the medal given to him by the Mining and Geology faculty of the University in Belgrade in the year 1982. In the same year he received the state medal of honor, the Order of Work with the silver garland. In the year 2003 he was a receiver of the Marko Vincenc Lipold medal for his life work. * The biography was written after the: Biography and Bibliography of the University professors and co-workers (Biografija in bibliografija univerzitetnih uèiteljev in sodelavcev. Univerza v Ljubljani 5 (1987-1996), ed.: A. Ramov, 1997, 895-900. RMZ-M&G 2003, 50
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