Številka 28 September 2014 AVSTRALSKO SLOVENSKO SOCIALNO ŠPORTNO DRUŠTVO MELBOURNE INC AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SPORTING ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE INC 82 Ingrams Road, Research, Vic. Australia Ureja Anica Markič 9437 1226 PO Box 185 Eltham 3095 [email protected] Come party with us, SDM is celebrating 60th Birthday 29th and 30th November 2014 Vabljeni na praznovanje 60 letnice SDM 29. in 30. novembra 2014 DRAGI ROJAKI Zimski čas je mimo, prebuja se pomlad, s tem pa tudi naše počutje. SDM ima novi upravni odbor. Julija Čampelj je ponovno prevzela predsedniško mesto. Iz upravnega odbora sta se poslovila dolgoletna Danila in Jože Štolfa ter Palma Ašenberger. Priprave na praznovanje 60.letnice društva so v poteku upajoč, da se bo te proslave udeležilo lepo število rojakov Melbourna in okolice, še posebno nekdanjih članov, ki že dolgo niso bili na našem griču. Že v naprej se veseli te udeležbe in srečanja z rojaki zvesti Marjan Lauko iz oddaljenega Queenslanda. Pred praznovanjem je potrebno urediti prostore in zemljišče v pripravo na slavje. Vabljeni k udeležbi, k delavni akciji. Dragica in Virgilij Gomizel, s pomočjo posameznikov urejujeta Koroščevo kočo kjer bo sedaj knjižnica. ******* Pa še poglejmo malo v Slovenijo kjer so končno dobili te dni novo vlado pod vodstvom Dr. Miroja Cerarja. Minilo je že več kot dva meseca od volitev. Te so se vrstile 13. julija. Premierka v odstopu, Alenka Bratušek, za katero pravijo da je bila najbolj nesposobna premierka v slovenski zgodovini, je vodila državo še ves ta čas. Le čemu predčasne volitve, če potem novo izvoljeni niso pripravljeni prevzeti vajeti. Slovenija ima 28 milijard evrov dolga, 13,500 evrov na prebivalca vključno na novorojenca, vendar se je premierka še pred kratkim hvalila v Bruslju, da je Slovenija finančno in gospodarsko v zelo dobri situaciji. A res? Kaj pa brezposelnost? Vsaki sedmi državljan živi v revščini. Brez pomoči pa bi bil revež vsaki četrti. Pred kratkim sem tudi zasledila lestvico na kateri je bila Slovenija imenovana kot ena najbol koruptiranih držav. Žalostno. Številni delavci čakajo na svoje plače po več mesecev, ali jih dobijo brez prispevkov in brez dodatkov. Država pa ne okrene nič, da pa o pravosodju sploh ne govorimo. Sodniki so prepričani da imajo vselej prav, tudi takrat ko odločajo očitno nepravilno. Zahtevajo spoštovanje, pa če tudi si tega ne zaslužijo. Vršijo se številne kršitve človekovih pravic in temeljne svoboščine. Slovenija je edina država v EU ki ima političnega zapornika, Janeza Janšo, kateri je moral v zapor tri tedne pred volitvami. Prav zaradi tega je zaživel ODBOR 2014, člani katerega protestirajo dnevno pred državnim vrhovnim sodiščem za pravico že tri mesece. Ni čudno da potem takem Slovenci postajajo vedno bolj zaprti vase in vse manj družabni in razočarani nad svojo državo. Imajo pa še vedno sanje in upanje v lepšo prihodnost. Sočustvujemo tudi mi. Na volitvah je zmagala le pred kratkim ustanovljena nova stranka SMC (Stranka Miroja Cerarja) s 36 poslanci, sledila je stranka SDS s 21 poslanci, DeSUS 10 poslancev, SD 6 poslancev, ZL 6 poslancev, NSi 5 poslancev, ZaAB (nova stranka Alenke Bratušek) 4 poslancev, etnična manjšina ima 2 poslanca. Volitev se je udeležilo le nekaj nad 51% državljanov, ostali pa nemarajo biti takorekoč “odgovorni niti nič krivi” za izbor nove vlade, ker naj bi bili vsi politiki enaki, sicer brezbrižni za narod. Tukaj mi pridejo na misel vrstice v nekem članku: Za zmago zla je dovolj, da dobri ljudje ne storijo ničesar. Sedaj pa ponovne poplave na Dolenjskem, v Beli Krajini in v Posavju katere so povzročile več kot 13 milijonov škode. Ubogi narod, tlaćijo ga ne samo politiki ampak tudi narava. . MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT How time flies! Winter has been and gone with Spring well and truly started. There has been a lot that has happened at the Club since the last newsletter including the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on the 10th of August 2014, where the following Management Committee was elected:President / Treasurer – Julija Campelj Vice President – Frances Johnson Secretary / Hire Co-ordinator – Lil Conlan Assistant Treasurer – Helen Trinnick Maintenance / Bar – Janko Tegelj and David Markic, Committee Member - Rudi Vizintin Yes, I am the President again and will also continue to take care of the Treasury responsibilities. I thank the members present at the AGM for this honour and trusting myself and the other elected Committee Members to manage the club. I would like to say a big thank you to outgoing long time Committee Members Danila and Joe Stolfa and also Palma Asenberger for their commitment and enthusiasm. My thanks also go to Frances Johnson for doing a great job being President for the past 2 years and bringing new ideas to the club. During the AGM a proposal to make changes to the ‘Rules of the Australian-Slovenian Social & Sporting Association Melbourne Inc (2002)’ was presented to the members. Discussions followed and with enough members to form a quorum for a vote, the proposed changes were accepted. Further details on this will be included in a separate article in this newsletter. Also during the AGM an update was given to the members on the proposed boundary realignment with the Club’s neighbour of 90 Ingrams Road. This would involve the sale (subject to approval from relevant authorities) of a wedge of land approximately 10-12m on the Ingrams Road boundary, then narrowing to a blunt point behind the garage of the Club. Both the neighbour and Management Committee have gotten an independent land valuation and have agreed in principle on a sale price with the neighbour agreeing to pay reasonable costs involved in the sale. The next step will be to have the wedge of land professionally measured up. Further updates will be provided when they come to hand. In the past months, four functions were held beginning with Slovenian Independence Day where people were able to enjoy a beautiful lunch and then danced to the music by Rdeci Cvet. Guests were also able to view the entries for the essay competition with the theme “I am Slovenian too!” along with the Lego competition. The judges, Magda Pisotek (essays) and Andrew Potconik (lego works), had a difficult time judging their respective categories. Both competitions were organised by Draga Gelt, O.A.M., with assistance from Dragica Gomizelj, Vivienne Katsoulotos and graphic design work by Michelle Kohek. Images of all entries will be available in an E-book being prepared by Draga Gelt, O.A.M.. On Sunday, 3rd August, the Melbourne "Slovenian Drama Group" entertained us with a hilarious play. It was written by Draga Gelt, O.A.M. Ljubica Postuzin, Andrew Fistric and others. They looked at the “Slovenian Language” and how beautiful, difficult and frustrating it can be. Thank you to all the performers for a lovely afternoon. Before the hilarity began a beautiful lunch including pork, zelje and gulas was enjoyed by many so their tummies did not hurt so much when they laughed! Winter is all about food so what better way to say farewell to the season than to enjoy a sunny day at the Club with a ‘Domace Koline’ inspired lunch beginning with homemade krvavice (black pudding), spit roasted pork and beef. Then finishing off with the tasting and voting on homemade wines and sausages. There were many entries in most of the categories including sausages, red, white and rose wines. After some serious tasting and debating the votes were in, showing how close some counts were. Thank you to all the entrants for bringing their goods for tasting. Place / Category 1st Place Sausage 2nd Place Anton Urbas Joe Caf 3rd Place Karl Bevc Red Wine Drago Fabjan Joze Volcic Stefan Mavric White Wine Joe Caf Rose Wine Joe Caf Drago Fabjan Stefan Mavric Karl Bevc Tone Oberstar Fathers’ Day came, where family and friends enjoyed yet another beautiful lunch on a sunny day. Seeing this as well empty plates coming back to the kitchen makes me proud of all the people who work at the club. So for the functions just gone, I wish to thank Milka Kristan, Palma and Lojz Asenberger, Kamica and Stojan Zele, Shannon Trinnick, Jessica Trinnick and David Side, Irene McBean, Karl and Lyn Bevc, Joe Caf, Ema Janic and Steve Mavric, Joe and Danila Stolfa, Ana and Janko Tegelj. As the weather began to warm up so did the grass begin to grow and need to be mowed, thank you to the team of men Janko Tegelj, Karl Bevc, Frank Plut, Tine Sustaric and Janez Sok for coming up to work on the top of the hill to make it look good. Also thank you to Lyn Bevc for keeping the men fed. On Sunday 2nd November, everyone is invited to come to the Club to say prayers for All Souls Day to remember our deceased members and family. Prayers will commence at 5.00pm in the Club's Dining Room. The 60th Anniversary of the Club is not far away and the Management Committee, along with help from others, have been busy meeting and organising what will be a fantastic celebration. This will begin in the afternoon of Saturday 29th November with Official Proceedings, followed by a Dinner Dance. The entry ticket will include a 3 course meal, coffee and sweets provided and served by a caterer. Music will be provided by our favourite mums, Rdeci Cvet. On Sunday 30th November will be an afternoon for families with activities and amusements for all ages and music by Rockin' Harmonic. St Nicholas will also be making a special visit. To keep your energy levels up BBQ meals will be available. Further details will be given out in the coming weeks so keep both days free! našim očetom ali možem in tako je minil še en lep dan. Prisrčna hvala vsem dežurnim tega dne. To make this celebration special and to ensure that the Club is looking its best, your help is needed. If you can assist on the following tasks please call me on 0409 029 294. Saturday 25th October - Working Bee Saturday 15th November – Working Bee Saturday 29th November – Bar for the Evening Sunday 30th November – Kitchen, BBQ, Bar< Hot Drink and Sweet Sales OSTALI SMO BREZ DVEH SLOVENSKIH PATROV V Sloveniji je 27. julija letos umrl.naš dolgoletni Adelaidski slovenski duhovnik, pater Janez Tretjak, v starosti 68 let. V domovino se je vrnil zaradi slabega zdravja in tam preživel nekaj manj kot leto dni preden ga je k sebi poklical Bog. Pater Janez je bil zelo priljubljen med rojaki v Adelaidu. Naj počiva v miru. Hoping to see you at the 60th Anniversary Keep Smiling Julija Campelj President I PRESELITEV KNJIŽNICE Ta se je preselila v novo urejeno, več sobno, Koroščevo Kočo in vsebuje nad 3,000 knjig. Sanje in zagon Dragice Gomizelj. Potrebno je bilo veiko dela, da se je prostor počistil,prepleskal, namestil novi tepih, police in pač vse potrebno. Tukaj bo sedaj tudi razstavni prostor. Neutrudljiva Dragica in njen zvesti soprog Virgilij se trudita da bo vse najlepše in dostojno urejeno, da se bo sleherni obiskovalec začudil in si vzel čas da raztavljene predmete tudi z zanimanjem ogleda. Dragica se želi zahvaliti za vso pomoč pri delu Danili in Jožetu Štolfa, Toneju Urbasu, Mirotu Ogrizku, Aniti Fistrič, Vivien Kotsoulotos in Lojzetu Markiču. Največja zahvala pa seveda gre Dragici in Virgiliju Gomizel Dragica zaproša če ima kdo primerne predmete kateri predstavljajo Slovenijo, kot so idrijske čipke in še kaj ustreznega za razstavni prostor. Ti predmeti bodo nedotakljivi v steklenih omarah, sicer pa kot dar ali začasno posojilo. Pač po dogovoru OČETOVSKI DAN smo praznovali v nedeljo 7. septembra. Za kosilo se je prijavilo kar lepo število rojakov namreč družin. Kuharce, pod vodstvom gospe Milke Kristan, katera je prav ta dan praznovala svoj rojstni dan, so pripravile odlično in obilno kosilo. Prijeten vonj hrane nas je pozdravil čim smo izstopili iz avta. Takoj si znal da bo tudi okusno, kar nas ni razočaralo. Ob klepetu in v prijetnii družbi smo se posvetili Pater Valerijan Jenko je šel letos na dopust v Slovenijo. Tam so nato zdravniki ugotovili, da zaradi slabega zdravja ni primerno da se vrne v Avstralijo. Pater je bil dolgo let dušni pastir V Sydneyu in rad prišel na pomoč tudi v Melbourne. Vedno nasmejan, nikoli ni izkazal svojega trpljenja. Kot Sydney-čani, tako tudi Melbourne-čani , oboji smo ga imeli radi in ga bomo pogrešali. Obema patroma hvala za vse storjeno in za ves trud med Slovenci na tej celini. VRAŽJA SLOVENŠČINA je naslov veseloigre katero je Slovenska igralska skupina Melbourne priredila pri SDM v nedeljo 3.avgusta. V tej igri sodelujejo že tretja generacija Slovencev in je igra posebno primerna za tukaj živeče rojake saj oponaša težkoče in zaplete pri učenju ter tolmačenju slovenskega jezika. Spet smo se nasmejali in uživali trud posameznikov ki so se trudili kar nekaj mesecev za nastop. Igra je bila predstavljena na novo nameščenem odru na drugem koncu dvorane. Osebno zelo pogrešam naš nekdanji oder. Hvala za predstavo in smeh Smeh je koristen zdravju, zato si le oglejte to igro ob njihovem naslednjem nastopu, če tega že niste storili. I AM SLOVENIAN TOO ‘ Essay Competition I am Slovenian too Pri natečaju spisov je sodelovalo 11 otrok v starosti od 7 do 16 let in odrasli. Na Lego natečaju je sodelovalo 9 otrok v starosti od 7 do 16 let in 3 odrasli. Being third generation Slovenian, I am fortunate to have Slovenian in my blood and in my family’s background. It has brought up many opportunities for me of which I’m forever appreciative for. E’Book z naslovom I AM SLOVENIAN TOO – TUDI JAZ SEM SLOVENEC/SLOVENKA je v končni pripravi in jo boste lahko dobili novembra, čakam samo še na nekaj informacij. Knjiga obsega več kot 90 strani in v njej bodo vključeni vsi spisi otrok in odraslih, pa tudi fotografije Lego izdelkov. V Uvodu sem označila, zakaj razstava in natečaj in pomembnost vključitve druge, tretje in četrte generacije Slovencev v Avstraliji. Knjiga je posvečena mladim generacijam Slovencev v Avstraliji. Avtorica Predgovora bo, sicer še čakam na besedilo prejšnje predsednice SDM, gospa Frances Urbas-Johnson. Uvod k spisom je napisala gospa Magda Pišotek, sodnica pri natečaju spisov; Uvod k Lego izdelkom je napisal gospod Andrej Potočnik - sodnik pri izbiri Lego izdelkov. A focus was travelling to Slovenia in 2010 with my grandparents, my auntie, my little cousin, my two brothers and my mum. After hearing motivating stories about my grandparents’ childhoods, of which were limitless, I was able to really experience the places where they grew up. The same stories were retold, the only difference was that I was able to see an image in my head of the whole scene - the location and the atmosphere. This reflected on me in so many ways, to compare their childhood to this generation’s; it is a vast difference. We visited a lot of different sights - from castles, to caves, to rivers to just simply the glorious mountainous terrains. I learnt a whole different way of living whilst staying there. For instance, they drove on the opposite sides of the road, everybody has a lot more home produce, the children put more effort into working around the house and everybody has to be absolutely spotless- just a dirty speck on their clothes would have to be washed off straight away. Everyone is proud of the way they live and always pleased to have everything looked after Three years later, I was even more blessed to be given a second chance to revisit my relatives with my grandparents; this time having an improved understanding of the language and being more mature and more grateful for the special opportunity. But the surprise came with a downside; I had to leave behind my mum for four weeks. Unlike my earlier visit, I spent more time in the village and hanging out with my friends rather than visiting all the amazing sites. Both of these trips were the main highlights of being part Slovenian. Elektronska datoteka knjige preko interneta bo brezplačna, če pa boste želeli CD z bolj kvalitetno datoteko (high resolution) za tisk pa bo simbolično plačilo za izdelavo CDja in poštnino. Za dostop e-knjige ali naročnino CDja sporočite na naslov: [email protected] ali me pokličitena številko 9756 0103 A reason why being Slovenian is important to me, is that not many others know of Slovenia, and what they may know is often very little. I enjoy sharing my knowledge of Slovenia with my classmates and friends. I feel pleased when I am able to teach others about my family background and culture and my grandparents’ Slovenian traditions that we have kept going in our family. I have some early memories from when I was younger and I started doing various little roles such as dressing in the national costume for the Slovenian club. I can remember having a picture of me in the costume being published in the local newspaper. Since then, I have volunteered (or should I say that my grandma volunteered me) to be part of other cultural programs, doing readings and carrying up important symbols. Since I was quite young, I’ve always understood bits of Slovenian. In about grade 4, I became more determined to learn the language (mostly because I would be visiting the country really soon). I learnt most of what I know now while I was in Slovenia listening to Slovenian for four weeks straight everywhere I went. I’m really proud that I can have (brief) conversations in Slovenian and I can understand some of what others who speak it are saying. Julia Markic-Smith 13 yrs Pozdrav in hvala vsem za pomoč. Draga WINNERS - Essays S L AV L J E N C I Up to 7 1st prize: Leah Gelt, 7 2nd prize: Sienna Pisotek, 7 8 – 12 1st prize: Alex Pisotek, 10 2nd prize: Evie Johnsson, 9 3rd prize: Mia Pisotek, 8 Daniel Bogovic, 8 commendable Thomas Scott, 11 encouragement 13 – 17 1st prize; Jeremy Ryff, 16 2nd prize ; Julia Markic-Smith 13 3rd prize: Lucas Hlis, 13 Natasha Zagar, 16 encouragement Adult 1st prize; Zalika Rizmal 2nd prize: Vivien Boosz Falez 3rd prize: Andrej Potocnik Lenti Lenko highly commendable Rachel Lenko honourable mention Sandra Krnel commendable Frances Ryff commendable Megan Lowe commendable Silvia Zele essay in Slovenian language Ashleigh Ryff encouragement Stana in Pepi Hervatin sta praznovala visok jubilej svoje poroke. Skupna življenska pot ju druži že 65 let. Poročila sta se 30.junija 1949. Deležna sta bila številnih priznanj. vključojoč čestitko od kraljice Elizabethe, Avstralskega Prime Ministra Tonija Abbotta, Viktorijskega premierja Denisa Napthine in drugih. Vsem najlepšim željam in čestitkam se pridružujemo tudi člani SDM. Malo predčasno sta praznovala Zlato Poroko Danila in Jože Štolfa. Bila sta na potovanju, vožnja po morju, ter si zavžila več lepih trenutkov in srečanj z domačini v številnih krajih te naše celine vse tja do Hawaii. Na Štefanovo, 26. decembra bosta napolnila 50 let svoje skupne poti. WINNERS LEGO Up to 7 1st prize; Sabrina Johnson 2nd prize: Leah Gelt 3rd prize: Oscar Krnel Sienna Pisotek encouragement award 8 -12 1s tprize: Markus Kotsoulotos 2nd prize: Mia Pisotek 3rd prize: Alex Pisotek Evie Johnson encouragement award 13 – 17 1st prize: Jeremy Ryff Adult 1st prize: Ashleigh Ryff 2nd prize: Frances Ryff 3rd prize: Julija Campelj Tudi vama čestitamo člani SDM ob tako visokem jubileju kateri je pred vama in hvala za ves vajin trud skozi leta, kot člana upravnega odbora, še posebno za vso delo v baru Thank you to sponsors: Office for Slovenians Abroad, Slovenian Association Melbourne, Slovenian Mission Kew, HASAweb page and Draga Gelt OAM Oktobra praznuje svoj 70 letni rojstni dan tudi naša mladenka, Danila Štolfa. Ostani še v naprej tako mladostna in prijazna. Pre nedavnim je praznoval svoj 70. rojstni dan naš dolgoleten zvesti član, Franc Plut. SOŽALJE Sožalje Kamici Žele ob izgubi svoje drage mame, kot Aleku Kodila ob izgubi sestre v Prekmurju, ter družinam. Sožalje ob nenadni smrti družini in sorodnikom Jacka Urbančiča. Jack je brat Vide Škrlj in že pokojnega Jožeja Urbančiča in Neve Kastelic (oba naša zvesta pogrešana člana) ter svak Marije Golenko. Sympathies to the above mentioned members who lost their loved ones. May they rest in peace. Svoj 70. rojstni dan je praznoval še eden mladostnik, Karl Bevc. Ob praznovanju očetovskega dne smo mu vsi prisotni zapeli Kolko kapljic tolko let A big thank you to all our members. Members of our benevolent institution, past and present, for everything you have ever done for our club over the 60 years. You helped us survive and achieve this milestone that we are about to celebrate. Throughout our journey we witnessed numerous periods of doubt, lack of participation, spite, indifferent attitudes, but we survived. We have lost many of our pioneers, who dared to dream. Dream they did; succeeded with hard work and determination. Their love for everything Slovenian was their main drive! Vsem slavljencem v imenu članov SDM še na mnoga zdrava leta. Happy birthday to the above mentioned members and anyone else celebrating around this time, or celebrating any other significant events. Audrey Grace je prvorojenka Simona in Cassie Penca, rojena 29.septembra. Še ena vnukinja za Marijo in Stankota Penca. Congratulations to Penca family, a daughter for Simon and Cassie, granddaughter for Marija and Stan BOLNIKI Spominjamo se vas in v mislih smo z vami ko se borite za svoje zdravje v upanju da vam bodo pomladanski sončni žarki pripomogli ob okrevanju: Vida Škrlj, Ema Janič, Anica Kodila, Karolina in Ivan Mohar, Helena Leber, Edi Hojak, Stane Česnik, Stana Hervatin in seveda številni drugi ki trpite ali se borite za zdravje in boljše počutje. A speedy get well to all our sick and ailing members. We have now come to the point of time where we are drained of our energies. Majority of our members are pensioners, ailing, others simply lost interest. Newly arrived Slovenians have no need for an organisation such as ours. Our own children have other priorities, interests and obligations. To come up to the club for many is an effort, or out of sheer loyalty to their parents. A big thank you to the current committee, except for Janko Tegelj, they are all second generation Slovenians! How many of us support them, encourage them? Do we do enough to show them our gratitude? As we await the celebration of 60th Anniversary, take a few moments and recall all the momentous events we witnessed and participated in over the years. Telefonske številke SDM 9437 1226 Za vse rezervacije Lyn Bevc 0422 911 226 Za najem dvorane Lily Conlan 0408 147 903 www.slovenianassociationmelb.com.au www.hasaarchives.com Nekaj slik da obudite spomine in Se nam pridružite na praznovanju 60 letnice SDM 29. in 30. novenmra Vljudno vabljeni na ta zgodovinski dogodek
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