Številka 27 Junij 2014 AVSTRALSKO SLOVENSKO SOCIALNO ŠPORTNO DRUŠTVO MELBOURNE INC AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SPORTING ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE INC 82 Ingrams Road, Research, Vic. Australia Ureja Anica Markič 9437 1226 PO Box 185 Eltham 3095 [email protected] JUBILEJNO LETO SDM MINEVA 60 LET ODKAR SE JE RODILO IN USTANOVILO SLOVENSKO DRUŠTVO MELBOURNE JUBILEE YEAR. SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE TO CELEBRATE 60th BIRTHDAY 1 DRAGI ROJAKI Marsikaj se je zgodilo in se dogaja od kar so prišle zadnje Vesti med vas. Uradna otvoritev Slovenskega Konzulata RS v Melbournu, kar je povzročilo veliko razburjenja zaradi prisotnosti oporekljive osebe, vzrok česar je pozne bil tudi odpoklic prvega veleposlanika RS, Dr. Milana Balažica. 14. Slovenski festival, letos pri SDM; Dobrodelni letni piknik radia 3ZZZ, pri Slovenskem društvu Geelong, ob 25. letnici delovanja. Praznovanje Materinskega dne. Za vsem tem je negdo ki te prireditve organizira in sestavlja programe. Največje zadoščenje in plačilo je vedno številen odziv rojakov. To priča da ves trud, delo in skrb niso zaman. Pred vrati so Slovenske predčasne volitve v državni svet, sicer 13. julija. Še prej pa je na vrsti referendum, o zaprtju/odprtju državnih arhivov. Maja so se vrstile volitve, sicer 8 poslancev RS v Evropski Svet. Že lani, po obisku Slovenije, sem se dotaknila tamkajšnjih težav in splošnega nezadovolstva naroda. Nič se ni izboljšalo, obratno. Kot narod, se Slovenci vse premalo zavedajo pomembnosti, da gredo na volišča in tam izrazijo svojo željo, ogovarjati po končanih volitvah je prepozno. Imajo kar izvolijo. V časopisih kroži slika predsednice ljubljanskega okrajnega sodišča, v družbi istomislečih s titovko in rdečo zvezdo na glavi, kako pojejo in mašejo bivšo jugoslovansko zastavo. Kot sodnica, bi ta morala skrbeti za ugled ne glede kje ali s kom se druži, sicer tudi izven delavnega časa. Še slabše pa je, ker ta sodnica s tem ne vidi nič narobe. A se spomnite senzacije ko se je pojavila slika princa Harryja in kljukastega križa? Bivši premier DZ, Janez Janša je obtožen na več kot dve leti zapora za tako zvano podkupnino na neznani dan, na neznanem kraju, za neznano vsoto z neznano osebo. Po 23.letih samostojnosti mnogi Slovenci še vedno žaljujejo po starem sistemu. V Varšavi so pravkar slavnostno praznovali 25 letnico propada komunizma, zanimivo je, da se tega slavja iz Slovenije uradno ni udeležil noben predstavnik. Med starejšimi Slovenci še vedno prevladuje neki strah, previdnost do izražanja svojega mnenja. Dva častna konzula Derry Maddison in Alfred Brežnik Nedavno predstavljeni proračun Avstralske federalne vlade je še vedno v dnevni debati in razpravljanju. Eni se strinjajo, drugi močno nasprotujejo. Sicer pa vlada nekaj mora ukreniti, da zmanjša podedovan dolg. Državni proračun ni nič drugačen od družinskega. Če denar brezbrižno trošiš, zmanjka kredita, pride čas, da je ta dolg potrebno poravnati. Kje in kako to storiti pa ni vedno enostavno. Tudi v Sloveniji državni dolg narašča. Leta 2008 je ta znašal 8 milijard evrov, leta 2011 17 milijard, letos pa 30 milijard. In to celo s finančno podporo Evropske skupnosti. Kje bi bila Slovenija danes brez te nehvaležne pomoči? Sicer pa je Evropski Svet pravkar poslal Sloveniji opomin, češ, da je ta le v manjši meri izpolnila priporočila. ES pričakuje več ukrepov, več privatizacije, več bitke s korupcijo. Poleg tega še poziva Slovenijo da skrajša sodne postopke na prvi stopnji v civilnih in gospodarskih sodnih zadevah, ter da zniža število primerov, ki čakajo na obravnavo. Moti me, kaj se dogaja v naši lepi domovini. Tako rada sem zahajala tja, sedaj pa kar na enkrat dobivam odpor, vendar se mi smili narod, še posebno brezposelna mladina. Brezposelnost v Sloveniji je meseca marca narasla na 13.9%, v Mariboru je ta cello 19.1% V čem in kje je odgovor. Iz Vatikana smo slišali da sta baziliko Sv. Petra za Veliko Noč razkošno okrasila slovenska florista, Sabina Šegula in Peter Ribič in to že kar četrtič. Ob koncu se vračam k praznovanju 60 letnice SDM. Ta visok jubilej bomo praznovali 29. in 30. novembra in ste že sedaj vabljeni da zabeležite ta datum v vaš koledar. Šestdeset let je dolga doba prostovolnega dela. Veliko ustanoviteljev je že pokojnih, ene so zapustile moči, ali imajo druge obveznosti. Prav je, da se spomnimo vseh požrtvovalnih dobrotnikov in njihovega doprinosa skozi desetletja. Enako so priznanja vredni današnji odborniki in prostovolci. Novice in podatki iz Slovenije povzeti iz časopisa Večer in Revija 2 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome to Winter in Melbourne! Hope you are all keeping warm… those of you lucky enough to be travelling to warmer places, I wish you enjoyment and a safe return. We have had a lot going on at the club since our last newsletter, with events and general upkeep. I would like to thank all the members and committee members for their tireless work in delivering these events and keeping our club looking good. Over the past few months we have had a number of trees removed, painting of the cottage (soon to be our new cultural centre), ongoing gardening activities and other maintenance issues. Thank you to Janko Tegelj, Janez Sok and Anton Urbas for their coordination of these activities, along with all the teams who have assisted them. Thanks to Stan Penca for organising the much-needed filling our driveway potholes. A big thanks to Lojze Ašenberger, Virgilj and Dragica Gomizelj, who attend to the gardens, Kapelica and the balcony flowers – it all looks amazing thanks to your efforts. Warmest thanks go to Anica Markič for all her work in producing our newsletters and Sandra Krnel for assistance with printing. We have recently received donations of a minibar fridge (which will be used in the Koča as the fridge there has been relocated to the bowling arena) – thanks to Steve and Carryn Amor for the generous donation. To Eric and Suzanne (my neighbours), for donating a brand new portable basketball ring and stove/oven unit, thanks kindly for your generosity. Our club recently hosted the Council of Slovenian Organisation’s biennial festival on the first weekend in April which was a great success, along with our Mothers’ Day luncheon which had a good turnout and was enjoyed by all in attendance. There were many new faces and it was great to see so many families together enjoying the special day. The kitchen ran very smoothly, thanks to our efficient and wellorganised team. Thank you to co-ordinators Julija Čampelj, Kamica and Stojan Žele and everyone who helped so much on the day and in the weeks leading up to the event. We have recently received word from the Slovenian Government in relation to a number of grants we applied for. We are grateful to be receiving a total of €2,400 for a number of our current projects, including the Lego and essay competition, the monthly conversation classes, production of this newsletter and our new cultural centre. As most of you are undoubtedly aware, the Slovenian Ambassador, Dr Milan Balažic, has been recalled to Slovenia following the controversy that arose at the official opening of the Honorary Consulate in Victoria in March. Our club did not receive a response to the letters sent to Slovenian Ambassador Dr Milan Balažic or Mr Karl Erjavec, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. The Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria sent a letter to Dr Milan Balažic seeking an explanation for the circumstances surrounding the event, for which a response was received and will be discussed at the next Council meeting. We are now looking forward to our celebrations for Slovenian Independence Day, being held on Sunday 22nd June from 12pm. I am personally looking forward to reading all the essay submissions that we have received from around Australia, with the theme “I am Slovenian, too!” and checking out all the Lego exhibits on the day. Our AGM is coming up soon (Sunday 27th July at 3pm) and I urge all members to attend. The Committee will provide reports on the year’s activities and it will be time to elect a new committee, with all positions available. We are always happy to have new enthusiastic committee members join the team, bringing fresh ideas to the club. It’s a great way to give a little bit back to the Slovenian community and all help is very much appreciated. Thanks to all for your amazing support! Warmest wishes, Frances Urbas-Johnson President 3 Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria 14th Slovenian Festival 2014 The 14th Slovenian Festival, hosted by the Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria, was held at SDM on the 5th and 6th of April, with the theme “In harmony is strength”. The festivities began on the Saturday afternoon in the main hall, with the official program commencing around 5pm. It was great to see the hall filled with many happy smiling faces, including presidents and representatives from Slovenian associations around Australia, Victorian government representation, our Slovenian radio program hosts from 3ZZZ and SBS and many members of local Slovenian organisations. Lead by our hosts, Mr Roland Carmody (President of the Council of Slovenian Associations of Victoria) and Mrs Frances Urbas-Johnson (President of SDM and Secretary of the Council of Slovenian Associations of Victoria), the program commenced with the students of Slomšek School in Kew, warmly greeting the audience in Slovenian and performing their current repertoire of folkloric dancing. Pater Ciril Božič was invited to give a blessing, followed by the singing of the Australian and Slovenian national anthems, beautifully sung by Helen Trinnick and Ana Tegelj. Formal speeches ensued including SDM President Frances Urbas-Johnson and Peter Mandelj OAM-JP. A special inclusion in Mr Mandelj’s speech was the presentation of special recognition from the Republic of Slovenia to Mr Jože Ramuta (Ivan Cankar Geeelong), recognising his participation and contribution to the Slovenian community in Australia. Mr Ramuta’s genuine surprise was joyous and he is certainly a well-deserving recipient of this award. We were also very happy to have Mrs Jan Kronberg MLC of the parliament of Victoria, speak on behalf of the new Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, Mr Matthew Guy. Mrs Kronberg was very impressed with the national costumes worn by the Slomšek School students, which were all organised by Mrs Dragica Gomizelj. The festival was officially opened by Victoria’s new Honorary Consul, Mr Derry Maddison, who has embraced his new role in serving the Slovenian community in Victoria. We were treated to some wonderful Slovenian entertainment, including Planika Choir (lead by Choirmaster Mr Roland Carmody), Marija Iskra reciting a poem, Quartet Zvon from SD Planica and a duet from Helen Trinnick and Ana Tegelj, accompanied by Lenti Lenko OAM. Mrs Lucija Srnec was again the heartbeat of the entertainment, being the backstage co-ordinator for the program, and we thank her and her husband Stefan for all their tireless work. After dinner (wonderfully prepared and served by our team under the guidance of Mrs Milka Kristan), we danced the night away thanks to the Melodija Ensemble – a fantastic night! A beautiful Autumn Sunday morning greeted us, and the inter-club bowling competition was well underway at 9am – a great turn out of teams, a big thank you to Alek Kodila, Edo Hojak and Sandra Krnel for all their work in organising the competition. In the downstairs dining room, clubs of the CSOV participated in the biennial exhibition, displaying the treasures of their organisations. Thank you to all the helpers from SD Ivan Cankar Geelong, SD Jadran & SD Planica for the incredibly beautiful displays. Venturing a little further into the dining room you could not miss the cake competition and the truly amazing entries on display – thank you to all the entrants for your beautifully presented and delicious contributions. A big thank you to our co-ordinators: Dot Gregorič, Ljubica Postružin and Betty Belec for making this a surprisingly ‘buzzing’ part of the festival. The SDM museum opened its’ doors on the day and was enjoyed by many – thank you to Dragica Gomizelj, curator of the museum, along with her husband Virgilj, for all their work in keeping the museum looking so wonderful, to give so much enjoyment to others. The day would not have been the same without our radio friends from SBS: Ms Tania Smrdel, Mr Lenti Lenko OAM and the outside broadcast team, who set up the SBS outdoor stage in the beautiful sunshine and provided us with much entertainment all day. Over lunch and throughout the afternoon we had the opportunity to participate in the broadcast, which was recorded for the SBS radio program the following week. In the main hall, band Rdeči Cvet kept the dance floor busy throughout the afternoon. Thank you to all our members and friends who sold and/or bought raffle tickets, this added to the profit for our club. Congratulations to Coco Ašenberger (yes, Coco is a dog!) who won the trip to the Gold Coast. The total distribution of profit to our club from the festival was $4,950.00, including use of the venue. Thank you to the CSOV and SDM committees and all the helpers before and during the two day event who helped to make it a great success. Frances 4 FESTIVAL - BOWLERS your wins and participation and thank you to Well, the Bowlers are still active and bowling. everyone who helped on the day - you all know A little bit slower than they used to be, but who you are!!! they continue to do all the throwing, bending and walking every Friday night, Sunday afternoon and the occasional competition. On Sunday, 6th April, our SDM bowlers hosted a competition as part of the Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria "14th Slovenian Festival". We were thrilled to have 39 bowlers participate from clubs Jadran, Planica, Geelong, Istra and all the way from Albury!! Well done everybody. On a more serious note, the Bowlers' koča was broken into recently and, would you believe it, the only thing they took was the "ticket vending machine". Although it may not have The day was supposed to start at 9.00am but many arrived early (I think they forgot to change their clocks back one hour!!) so we started earlier. Games were played all morning and afternoon, as well as card games in the "koča" and lots of catching up by people who don't see each other as often as they used to, which was lovely to watch (and listen). been worth a lot in monetary value, it was worth a lot in "sentimental" value. Thankfully there wasn't much money in it as it had been cleared out recently and the funds handed to the Management Committee as the regular donation to Electricity costs. To make sure we could continue to do this, Edo Hojak made another one, so everything is back on track now. I took a photo of him and his creation, A delicious lunch was served in the Main Hall ... big THANK YOU to our wonderful cooks, people who served at the tables and the bar staff. Semi-finals finished at 5.00pm and the final but he caught me out and said he doesn't want his photo in the Newsletter!! Thank you Edo, we appreciate your work and dedication. Sandra Krnel (Secretary/Treasurer of Bowlers) was a choice of playing another game or a coin toss-up for first place. It only took 5 seconds for the tired players to decide on a throw of the coin. Congratulations to Istra for earning 1st, 2nd and 4th places, while our wonder team of Ivan Mohar, Štefan Mavrič and newest, youngest recruit Aleš Tonja, proudly took 3rd place. Congratulations to everyone on 5 ČESTITKE ***** Pred nekaj časom je umrla Jane Nemec, svoj čas je bila tudi ona članica SDM. Danilu Nemec in širšemu sorodstvu naše sožalje. Congratulations are in order to Eddie Stemac and his bride, Louise Watt. They wed at Kew Gardens on April 13th in the presence of their families and friends. Eddie is the son of Marija Volčič and the late Mate Stemac. Wishing you both much joy and happiness. ***** Less than three months after the passing of Angela Campelj, family Trinnick lost another dear family member. This time Peter lost his beloved mother Dorothy Mavis Trinnick . May they all rest in peace. To all concerned and their extended families our sincere sympathy. Mariji Penca vse najlepše ob njenem 60. rojstnem dnevu. Prijetno potepanje in veliko zdravja in sreče še v naprej. KEEP IN MIND THE FOLLOWING SDM FUNCTIONS Hitrega in uspešnega okrevanja želimo Heleni Leber, Vidi Skrlj, Pavli Kalister in Jožetu Volčiču, kot seveda vsem ostalim ki se morda nahajate po bolnicah, ste na okrevanju doma ali se nahajate po drugih ustanovah zaradi slabega počutja. V mislih smo tudi z vsemi po domovih ostarelih ali nepokretnih. Sunday 22nd June – Slovenia Day celebrations Sunday 27th July – AGM Sunday 10th August – Wine Tasting Sunday 7th September – Fathers’ Day Sunday 2nd November – All Souls’ Day Prayers Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th November SOŽALJE - 60th Anniversary Festival (incorporating Sv. Miklavž) Friday 26th December – Boxing Day Picnic Wednesday 31st December - NYE Dance ***** Za vedno nas je zapustila še ena marljiva in zavedna dolgo letna članica SDM. Po dolgi mučni bolezni se je 5.maja 2014 poslovila iz tega sveta Milena Barat, rojena je bila leta 1946 in prispela v Avstralijo kot mladoletno dekle. Vedno nasmejana in vljudna do vsakogar, je bila zmiraj pripravljena priskočiti na pomoč brez kakršnega koli zadržka, dokler ji je bilo naklonjeno zdravje, kot tudi njen mož Ivan. Milena zapušča moža Ivana, hčerko Tanyo s partnerjem, sina Stankota z družino in druge sorodnike. Za vse rezervacije pri SDM kličite Lyn Bevc na 0422 911 226 Za najem društvene dvorane kličite Lily Conlan na 0408 147 903 KOSILA SO SEDAJ VSAKO PRVO NEDELJO V MESECU. POTREBNE REZERVACIJE. 6 OBVESTILO – POGOVORNE URE Slovensko društvo Melbourne je spremenilo čas kosila na prvo nedeljo v mesecu. To sem pobrala iz stetišča avstralskih Slovencev: Tudi čas za pogovorne ure se je spremenil in pogovorne ure so sedaj VSAKO PRVO NEDELJO V MESECU ob 2. uri popoldne. NOTE – CONVERSATION CLASSES Slovenian Association Melbourne has changed the Lunch day and so from now on the CONVERSATION CLASSES are EVERY FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH at 2pm, after lunch. Vabljeni – Welcome! Lep pozdrav Draga in Anica VABILO – INVITATION Dear young Slovenians, Me, Draga, Magda Pišotek and Marija Penca, who have coordinated many successful cultural programs in the past, we were asked quite some time ago to coordinate this year’s 60th Anniversary cultural program – the Diamond Anniversary of the SAM Club. The idea I (we) put forward, requires participation of some young Slovenians (13 to 25 years of age). Please, let us know, if you are prepared to participate in a symbolic presentation of the unique, modern, colour lights enhanced presentation. Contact: Draga on 03 9756 0103 or 0438 025 402. The distance was a total of 15km. We walked at a very fast pace and I was amazed that Dad even ran some of the race. Dad decided to do the Fun Run after I asked him to join me. I said to him it would be a remarkable achievement at his young age of 80. I did not have to ask him twice before he decided to enter. Dad walks almost every day and keeps very fit. On one of his training walks he decided to walk from Greensborough to Coburg, a total distance of 17km! We are all so proud of him! Peter and Franc Tomažič Congratulations to the two of you. Well done. Spoštovana Ga. Angela Čampelj ! Pred davnimi leti sem vas poznala. Vašo pripoved mladih let rada poslušala. Kaj vse ste pretrpela, vseno korajžna vesela . Vas življenjepis v Australiji bodo radi brali; Dobrega moža, sina in dve hčerki imela. Ciril uspešno aute prodaja. Helena, na odrih poje lepo, Julie važne dela opravlja zvesto. Angela veliko veselja vam vnuki dajo In vsi ljudje ki vas poznajo. Dobro pecivo se pri Angeli dobi, Angela srečna vsem ponudi. Živela duša zlata, Za vas najbodo odprta nebeška vrata. Vabljeni na igro pri SDM v nedeljo 3. avgusta S pričetkom ob 2.30 popoldne Marcela Bole, 13.04.2006 7 Volunteers on Mothers’ Day Trinnick –Čampelj family Dancing outdoors Anica Smrdel, Veronika, Barbara in Maya SBS Radio program Bevc ladies VABLJENI NA PRAZNOVANJE SLOVENSKE SLOVENSKE SAMOSTOJNOSTI V NEDELJO 22. JUNIJA. Melodija Band 8 9
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