Saint Patrick Church 212 Meredith Street Kennett Square, PA 19348 Web Site: Rev. Victor F. Sharrett, Pastor Rev. Andres Garcia, In Residence Deacon James K. Madonna Deacon James J. Elliott 27 TH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME Parish Office 205 Lafayette Street Telephone: 610-444-4364 Fax: 610-444-2129 Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday Candace Malchione, Secretary Marie Elliott, Business Manager Religious Education Office 205 Lafayette Street Telephone: 610-444-2214 Marianne Kane, Director Music Department 205 Lafayette Street Telephone: 610-444-4364 Anne Marie McCarthy, Director St. Patrick Cemetery Office 205 Lafayette, Street Telephone: 610-444-4364 Dave Cavanaugh, Contact Announcements for parish bulletin must be in the parish office prior to 12 Noon Thursday for publishing the following week. Editing and publishing at the discretion of the parish office. PARISH REGISTRATION Roman Catholics who live within the boundaries for the parish should register at the parish office. Registration will regularize your status in the parish and allow for the issuance of certificates, affidavits, etc., as well as make possible the arrangements for Baptism, Weddings, Confirmations and other ecclesiastical rites. MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12 Noon Weekday Mass: 7:30 AM Monday through Friday 8:00 AM Saturday CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM Holy Days of Obligation - See Sunday bulletin. SACRAMENTAL SPONSORSHIP CERTIFICATE In order to be a Godparent or Sponsor for Baptism and/ or Confirmation, the individual should meet the following requirements: • Be a registered, active participant • Be at least 16 years of age • The sponsor must be baptized and have received the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation • If married, validly married in the Catholic Church SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM In order to accommodate the schedule of prospective parents and Godparents, please arrange to attend Pre-Jordan Classes at least 3 months prior to your baby’s due date. These classes are a prerequisite for the child’s Baptism. Arrangements for Baptism as well as Pre-Jordan classes need to be made that the parish office. Information is not taken over the telephone. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY It is an Archdiocesan directive that couples make their intentions to marry known to the parish priest at least six months prior to their chosen date. An application to establish a wedding date may be obtained at the parish office or on our website. The filing and acceptance of this application in the parish office is a necessary pre-requisite to other wedding preparations. MISSION STATEMENT St. Patrick Church, in the process of strengthening its Catholic Community, seeks to make the gospel of Jesus Christ better known and loved through prayer, stewardship and good works. ST. PATRICK CHURCH KENNETT SQUARE, PA From the Pastor’s desk Week’s Sanctoral— St. Bruno, priest (+1101+)died in Calabria. He was celebrated at Reims and close advisor to his former pupil, Pope Urban II (1088-1099). In 1084 near Grenoble he founded La Grande Chartreuse (or Charterhouse, in Latin: Carthusia) which is the motherhouse of the Carthuisiam Order. Bruno desired “ seek God assiduously, to find God promptly, and to possess God fully.” The Carthuisiam motto is “While the world changes, the cross stands firm.” Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, religious (+1849 at age 38) from Quebec. Began the first women’s sodality in Canada, also founded the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary for Christian education. Father Michael Connelly, OSFS, has been coming from Salesianum School in Wilmington to celebrate Mass at St. Patrick, regularly saying the 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil. This year marks Father Connolly’s 40th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood and you are invited to join him in thanksgiving to God at the 5:00 PM mass on Saturday, October 4. He will also celebrate Mass at 10:30 AM on Sunday, October 5. A good time to thank God for the gift of the Priesthood and to remember all the priests who have ministered to us in our lives. 0236 October 5, 2014 We have decided to lift the long paragraph which sat here for the last five months explaining the electronic site for making your weekly offertory donations for the support of the parish. You can still access this upto-the-minute method for your Parish Giving on the parish website. Need help? Please call the parish office for assistance. Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, October 7. This celebration recalls the rosary and its meditations on the mysteries of Christ and our salvation. It was put into the calendar by Pope St. Pius V in 1571 upon hearing the outcome of the great naval battle in the Bay of Lepanto, one of the most significant battles in European history. The Turkish fleet—an enormous squadron—sailed from Istanbul with the express purpose of defeating and occupying southern Europe. The Venetian and papal navies under the command of Don Juan of Austria sailed out to meet them and engaged in the Bay of Lepanto. All of Europe prayed the rosary and waited for news. The church bells would ring if it was a victory for the Christian fleet. The first bells rang out in Brindisi and were picked up all the way to Rome where the pope was waiting for the news and he declared the day a feast in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary. St. Denis, first bishop of Paris, (+258+) martyred with the priest Eleutherius, and the deacon, Rusticus on the Hill of Martyrs (“Montmartre”) St. John Leonardi, priest (+1609+) organized the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and also founded the Collegio Urbano which continues to train priests for the foreign missions. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Church dedicates the month of October to Our Blessed Mother under the title of “Our Lady of the Rosary” because many prayers were answered when the Rosary was prayed. We can draw closer to Jesus and Mary when we pray and meditate on the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Rosary. Join us in praying the Rosary after each weekday 7:30AM Mass and Saturday after the 8AM Mass. PLEASE PRAY FOR All praise and glory is Yours, Lord our God, for You have called us to serve You in love. Bless Our Sick: Keith Gereffi, Brad McCummings, Brian Smith, Susan Gore, Karen Gorman, Phil Cerami, Amanda Flathman, Michael Berube, Anthony Evan, Tom King, Helen Hughes, Joey Hughes, Michael Hughes & children, David Nilan, Dyula Komlossy, James Jennings, Sr., Tom Layug, Paula Ballard, Maria Bridy, Helen Scotese, Josephine Fahey, Jeanne Harkins, Mary Buffington, Helen Brennan, Richard Bonifacino, Colleen Sincavage, Helen Peemoeller, Ro Teel so that they bear this illness in union with Your Son’s obedient suffering, restore them to health, and lead them to glory. AMEN. Our Faithful Departed: Mary E. Clark. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. AMEN. Good and loving Father, watch over and protect all who serve in the Armed Forces of our nation. Surround them with your love and care and bring them safely home. SSGT Richard Baffa SGT Raymond Burke III ENS Michael Crawford 1st Lt Dominic Paul DellaPelle, USMC SGT Michael A. Fortuna Petty Ofcr 1st Cl, Shauna McNeely SFC Tyler Nellens E1 Airman 1st Cl Andrew Szonntag PRAYER INTENTIONS FAITH FORMATION Monday, October 6, St. Bruno 7:30 AM John W. McMonagle r/o Joseph & Janet Spaventa Tuesday, October 7, Our Lady of the Rosary 7:30 AM Mary Joan Cusack r/o Kathy & Clint Norris Wednesday, October 8, Weekday 7:30 AM Francis McCourt r/o Marie McCourt Thursday, October 9, St. Denis 7:30 AM Nelson Jay r/o Gillman Family, Dan & Marianne & Family Friday, October 10, Weekday 7:30 AM Narda Modzelewski r/o Bobbie & Frank O’Sullivan Saturday, October 11, Weekday 8:00 AM Special Intention Vigil, Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM Fr. Pietro DiPietro r/o DiPietro Family Sunday, October 12, Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Mass for Parishioners 9:00 AM Anna Marie Roseo r/o Charlie & Dianne Smith 10:30 AM Vincenzo & Irena D’Anastasio r/o DiPietro Family 12:00 PM Francis Cunningham r/o Dave & Linda Letier Life Chain-Sunday, October 5-2:45-4PM LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful and prayerful public witness of pro-life individuals standing for 90 minutes praying for our nation and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community that abortion kills children and that the Church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death. Eucharistic Adoration every Monday 8:00AM-7:30PM-Concludes with Benediction “The Spiritual lives of our families are strengthened through our Holy Hour.” (St. John Paul II) To hold our loved ones in our families close to Jesus, come grandparents, parents and children, and make an effort to devote some time to visit our Eucharistic Lord. 0236 PARISH NEWS & EVENTS ST. PATRICK CHURCH KENNETT SQUARE, PA October 5, 2014 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE St. Patrick Church Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:00PM-7:00PM THIS WEEK AT ST. PATRICK PARISH Sunday, October 5 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Mass & Blessing of Eucharistic Candidates Sacrament Information Meeting For ALL second grade parents Children’s Choir Life Chain LSP selling 50/50 tickets Coffee & Donut Sunday Monday, October 6 Eucharistic Adoration Confirmation Parent Talk with Sister Sheila Tuesday, October 7 Bible Study Reconciliation/Eucharist Parent talk make-up session 9:00 Mass C 9:00 Mass C 10:30AM CB 5:30PM C 3PM-4PM After all Masses After all Masses 8AM-7:30PM C 7:00PM C 7-8:45PM BH 6:45PM SM Wednesday, October 8 Adult Choir Practice Bible Study Bible Timeline 7:00PM 10:00-11:45AM 7:00-8:45PM C BH BH Thursday, October 9 Cub Scout Meeting 6:30-7:30PM CB Friday, October 10 Saturday, October 11 Rosary Rosary Rally Blood Drive Sign-ups 8:30AM & 4:30PM 12:00PM After all Masses BH-Buffington House C-Church C-Church Basement SM-St. Max C Congratulations to the following couples Sign up after all Masses on Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12 Sign up online at: or call 1-800-RED CROSS The Ladies of St. Patrick will host a day of Recollection on Saturday, October 18, 2014. The 8:00AM Mass will be followed by a continental breakfast and program at the Buffington House finishing at noon. Our speaker will be Sr. Sheila Galligan from Immaculata College. A $10.00 donation will be collected. Please contact Natalie D’Angelo at 610-7931452 to make a reservation. You can also call Marlene McDonough to reserve at 610-444-5846. Please join us. All are welcome. Raffle tickets will be for sale after all Masses on October 4 -5 for the Ladies of St. Patrick 50/50. Drawing will be at the Christmas Bake Sale on December 7, 2014. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. CLEANING ANGELS NEEDED AT ST. PATRICK The Cleaning Angels could use some help. We have weekday (8:30-9:30AM) or Saturday (9-10AM) spaces available. We take one hour a month to clean the church. It is a privilege and an honor to keep our beautiful space clean for all. If you are interested, please call Belinda at 610-388-3396. Family night at the Hilton Garden Inn-Saturday, November 1, 2014 Mark your calendars now for the St. Patrick Family Night at the Hilton Garden Inn. Dine at the Hilton Garden Inn anytime between 6:009:00PM and St. Patrick Parish will receive a portion of the sales during that time! married at St. Patrick Church Christina Finn & Felix Behringer-August 23, 2014 Amber Burke & Jeffrey Falkenbach-September 19, 2014 October 5, Coffee & Donuts Social The Ladies of St. Patrick will be selling raffle tickets for the 50/50 drawing at the coffee & donuts social after Mass. 0236 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FAITH FORMATION COMING SOON We will be starting a Children’s Rosary Group WHEN: Monday, October 20, 2014. Time will be after PREP classes in the church (starting@5:45PM). We will meet the third Monday of each month. WHO: Children of all ages-(they do not need to know the prayers or have a rosary, we will learn them as we go). WHAT: The purpose is to foster a love of Our Lady and the Rosary and praying. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Patty Brady at [email protected] or 610 -388-2883. PREP Calendar for October October 5-Mass & Blessing of Eucharist Candidates-9AM Mass Sacrament information meeting for ALL second grade parents at 10:30AM in the church basement hall October 6-Confirmation Parent Talk with Sr. Sheila-7PM church basement hall October 7-Reconciliation/Eucharist session) call DRE office for details Talk (make up YOUTH NEWS Sunday, October 5-”What Makes Me Happy”? A prize will be given to anyone who knows why the Pope wears white. October 12-Pretzel sale, after 9:00, 10:30 and noon masses. We will have 2 pretzel sales in the fall and 2 in the spring. Any youth who helps out for a total of 4 or more mass times will earn a free pass to Hershey Park which can be used for the group trip in May or anytime next summer. Must include one 9AM Mass and one 12:00 Mass. October 12-”What’s Your Story, God”? October 19-Guest speaker and topic to be announced October 26-ROAD TRIP-Haunted Hayride. follow Details to Kennett Square artist, Neilson Carlin, painted the official image for the 2015 World Meeting of Families, displayed at the Cathedral. DO SOMETHING (NOW) Sunday, October 5 is Respect Life Sunday Assemble at St. Patrick Church at 2:45PM For our Life Chain on Cypress Street “Woe to you if you do not succeed in defending life” St. John Paul II, World Youth Day 1993 Sacrament Listen to Matthew West’s song “Do Something” on KLove 106.9FM or go to October 19-Mass & Blessing of Confirmation Candidates 9AM Mass Let’s leave our comfort zones this day and be a witness for LIFE Turning hearts and minds, rain or shine October 31-Eucharist Application, stipend, Baptismal Certificate & retreat permissions due We are Roman Catholics-We are St. Patrick ParishWe are Pro-Life October 12-Final date: Confirmation application/stipend/letter to the Pastor 0236 Catholic Young Adults of Chester County-CYACC CYACC is undergoing some big changes right now (most notably in changing to a new venue and restructuring some of our weekly meetings). Please watch for more information in future bulletins. ST. PATRICK CHURCH KENNETT SQUARE, PA Yes, it is that time of year again! We are getting ready for the 20142015 St. Patrick CYO Basketball season for boys and girls. It is a great way to have some fun while developing skills and competing with other area parishes. We encourage you to join us and support your parish’s teams. Contact Bill Dobbins at [email protected], or call 302-540-4762, or call the parish office. The program is for boys and girls grades 5 through 8. The old parish convent/office/school annex is gone. The stone arches of the convent porch have been retained and have been “finished and capped” and made into a lovely pavilion. The weather was so clear and ideal for stone masons’ work that we were able to finish it speedily. The stone cross which stood at the peak of the original roof is placed in the center above the stone arches. The site of the vanished building is filled in with soil and will be an oblong piece of green lawn between the school building and the church. The “new look” of the school and church comes from the visual effect created by the absence of the old unattractive building which crowded the space. When the grass sprouts, and when the jardinières are filled with flowers next spring and summer, it will be beautiful. October 5, 2014 We are still in the process of constructing a new system of parish communication called “Flock Note.” Sign up for St. Pat’s text alerts. Text the word “Pats” to 84576 in the text box on your cell phone and encourage other parishioners who are neighbors of yours to do the same. Sign up and get a “blast.” The Capital Campaign that began in May 2009 has already reached its five year initial life span. While another $12,400 would complete the $740,000 original goal, because many people contributed above and beyond the pledge they made, others have unfinished pledges that amount to over $100,000. Much has changed since May 2009. Our school closed in 2012. We still have projects in mind, but not much cash. More about this to come. WEEKLY COLLECTION September 28, 2014 Regular—$7,079.00 God bless you for your generosity 0236 Kennett Tag & Insurance Agency LLC Michael Spaziani Since 1961 Specialist in Orthodontics for Children & Adults UNIONVILLE / KENNETT SQUARE 610-444-9952 JENNERSVILLE / WEST GROVE 610-869-5850 Advertising Specialties Promotions & Events (610) 444-9493 329 E. State St. • 610-444-3580 340 North Mill Rd. • Kennett Square, PA 19348 TRI-COUNTY PA Lic# ................ FOOD GENERAL PA013850 ...................FUN ..... EXCITEMENT CONTRACTING Rich Johnson, Owner ~ Parishioner ~ “We do it right the first time” We can insure anyone. 610-444-8873 Heating Oil - Propane Furnaces-Boilers • Air Conditioners Sales / Service / Installation “Our Roots are here, others only have Branches” No Job Too Small • Insured Call today for a price quote 484-667-2003 610-692-3388 610-268-8252 Barretta’s ITALIAN Restaurant & Pizzeria IMPORTED ITALIAN MEAT, CHEESE & GROCERIES ............ WINGS .........MUSSELS ................ FLAT BREADS DAILY SPECIALS! 1470 Baltimore Pk. Toughkenamon PA19374 Habla Español 1001 W. Baltimore Pike PA4240 ½ PRI RICE CE Est. 1974 • Glen Mills, PA 610-329-2880 Johnson’s Electrical Service LLC Kathy Rodriguez, Office Manager Jannet Escobar, Notary HAPPY HOUR 4-6PM EVERYDAY BNI Member Tom Thornton 624 Miller’s Hill, Kennett Square, PA 19348 610.444.BEER Mon-Thurs: 8am-8pm Fri-Sat: 8am-9pm Sun: 12noon-5pm Quality Imprinted Sportswear Homes • Additions • Alterations Kitchens • Baths • Decks Tile/Hardwood Floors Windows • Siding • Doors WAYWOOD BEVERAGE CO., INC. NEW GARDEN PLAZA II KENNETT SQUARE 610-925-5540 Kennett Square Take 15% off your next Dinner! (excluding alcohol) Shoppes at Longwood Kennett Square Dinner Hours: Mon – Sat 5:00pm – 9:00pm UPS • FedEx • DHL • Priority Mail Authorized Dropoff Center Copies • Faxes • Laminating 610-444-9100 815 E Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square, PA 19348 610-444-9048 Wet Basement? Call today 484-410-4110 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING, MOLD REMOVAL, REMOVAL, FOUNDATION REPAIR 610-444-4033 • KENNETT DENTAL Richard M. Ram, DMD Glenn W. Paskow, DMD Timothy J. Bonner, DMD 402 Kennett Medical Center • McFarlan Rd., Suite 303 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 236 St. Patrick, Kennett Square, PA (inside) John Patrick Pushing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • CARPETS & MORE Kuzo & Grieco FUNERAL HOME, INC. BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HomeServices FOX & ROACH REALTORS Ethel Ann Murphy Homes • Business Hardwood Ceramic • Vinyl Window Treatments Matthew J. Grieco Owner/Director 610-444-4116 Parishioner Office: 610-444-9090 Cell: 610-368-9929 Licensed in PA & DE Carmen’s Cleaning Services Need your house clean, but don’t have enough time? CARMEN MARTINEZ Kennett Square Home Marketing Center 610-563-7738 [email protected] Fragale Brothers Barber Shop Tues.-Fr. 7:30-6:00 Saturday 6:00-2:00 105 S. Union St. Kennett Square Lily asian cuisine sushi & grill 104 W. State St., Kennett Sq - 610 925 3700 - FAMILY DENTISTRY (610) 444-0208 Carl E. Baccellieri, Jr., D.M.D. J. Neil Della Croce, D.M.D., M.S. 610-444-1499 BARTON CENTER • SUITE A 200 West State St., Kennett Square, PA 630 COPE ROAD, KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348 250 West State St. Kennett Square PA, 19348 BACCELLIERI I am thorough, dependable and particular. Weekly, biweekly & monthly CHILDREN’S PIANO INSTITUTE 484-467-5000 Kennett Florist Our Business Is Blooming Private Piano Instruction (ages 5 and up) 405 W. State St., Kennett Square 34 years of teaching experience Private lessons, Accompaniment services 610-444-6040 1464 W. Baltimore Pike, Toughkenamon, PA NANCY L SMOLINSKI, Instructor Mobile App. [email protected] Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery WE YOUR Associates of Chester County SEPTIC PROBLEMS! Drs. Gustainis, Trentacosti-Franck, Kazemi and Disque • Service 610-444-5797 • Certification • Prevention • Inspection • Installation • Repairs • Residential • Commercial Specializing in dental extractions, implants & wisdom teeth removal Conveniently located in Kennett Square (610) 444-2818 West Chester (610) 431-2161 NJ - 888/747-3937 MD - 410/398-2500 DE - 302/656-0480 PA - 610/444-5152 Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 RENNY S. SARDELLA, O.D. 1810 E. Lincoln Highway Coatesville, PA 19320 (610) 466-9909 www.drsardella. com Michael Moyer ChFC® CLU® CPCU 112 Railroad Ave. Oxford, PA. 19363 Agent 302 W State Street Kennett Square, PA 19348-3025 Bus 610.444.5454 Fax 610.444.4845 • [email protected] Providing Insurance and Financial Services. Potenza Generators 610-268-2111 Below Retail Price Generators Delivered to Your Address In 1-5 Days All Makes - Models - Sizes Available 610.932.8521 51 Jenners Village Ctr. West Grove, PA 19390 610.345.1145 1150 Pocopson Rd. West Chester, PA 19382 610.793.3080 The Oxford Grain & Hay Family of Businesses ~ PARISHIONERS ~ John L. Ross Sr., Owner ASE Certified Master Mechanic Longwood Tire & Service LLC Emission & State Inspections Tax & Accounting Services Complete Repair & Maintenance Service 610-268-2900 Cars & Trucks Gasoline & Diesel 4x4 & AWD Individual, Partnership, Corporate Tax Prep Full Brand name tire line, great prices Financial Consulting, Bookkeeping William S. Kolson, Owner 443 McFarlan Rd., Kennett Sq., PA 19348 1464 W. Baltimore Pk. Toughkenamon, PA 19374 610-444-6000 A&A Lumber Supply Co. Route 7 • Kaolin, PA 610-268-3128 Excellence in Tree Care Anthony Della Pelle Licensed Insurance Producer, Property & Casualty Insurance Specialist ZAP TAX & AUTO TAGS Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Or go to for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. 236 St. Patrick, Kennett Square, PA (back) 1144 W. Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square, PA 19348 CALL US OR COME IN FOR A FREE HOME & AUTO QUOTE TODAY! Office (610) 444-2140 Cell (302) 450-6273 eMail [email protected] S.D.F. T TREE SERVICE Prompt & Courteous Service All Phases of Tree Service Removal • Pruning • Maintenance Storm Damage • Stump Removal Lot Clearing • Landscaping Steve Freeman • [email protected] 610-719-9822 Owner Operated • Fully Insured Michael G. Davis, CPA President P.O. Box 643 118 Meredith Street Kennett Square, PA 19348 (P) 610.444.6707 (F) 610.444.9740 Email: [email protected] John Patrick Pushing Company • 1-800-333-3166 •
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