Welcome Address from the Founders of QMOD Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park & Jens J. Dahlgaard Dr. ProfessorsQMOD Founders and Conference Chairs It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 16th QMOD conference. During the last 16 years the QMOD conferences have been organized in China (1997), Slovenia (1999), Denmark, Sweden (three times), France, Korea, Mexico, Italy (two times), UK, Germany, Spain and Poland. The QMOD conference has become one of the largest scientific conferences in the world within the research fields of Quality and Service Sciences. The yearly QMOD conference has also proven to be a true forum where academics, as well as practitioners from all around the world, exchange their knowledge and experiences and thereby build a ‘QMOD Community’. Through this forum, we have discussed and shared our latest research and experiences in order to be able to draw a more accurate picture of organizational and business realities and thereby to improve our diagnostic capabilities of current problems and improvement opportunities. For the 2013 QMOD Conference we have decided to keep the theme of last year’s conference - LearnAbility, InnovAbility and Sustainability – and again relate those meta capabilities to the most serious problem right now – the existing economic crisis in Europe. Those three concepts have become even more crucial than last year. Even if we got several input from last year’s QMOD conference we need further ideas/ suggestions on how those concepts may be applied in the many different areas/ contexts which have been affected by the European and the global economic crisis. So we still could not find a better theme for the 2013 QMOD Conference than: How may organizations use Learning, Creativity and Innovation in sustaining their dreams of excellence and recover from the economic crisis? How may organizations in the current economic situation learn from failures and proactively use this learning in creative ways to develop new innovative products & services and at the same time improve existing processes to assure that available resources are used efficiently and effectively. How can those concepts also be applied within managerial thinking and strategic planning in the design of production and service processes in the public sector where reductions seem inevitable because of deficits in public finances? How can those concepts be applied when customers and citizens expect higher quality of products and services delivered from private companies as well as from public institutions such as schools, universities, healthcare and elder care institutions? We hope that the conference may contribute with new ideas in guiding organizations and communities in Europe and elsewhere in regaining optimism & dynamism to embark on new journeys to excellence. A special challenge will be to help organizations and communities to understand that TIQ (Total Involvement in Quality) is more needed than ever. Competitive sustainable advantages cannot be achieved by simple strategies focusing only on cost cutting and/ or employee reductions. To attain quality and excellence everybody’s participation with a passion for improvements is a necessary precondition. Welcome Address From The Local Organizers Danijel Rebolj Dr. Professor Rector Dear participants of the 16th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences, welcome to Slovenia, and welcome to the University of Maribor. Although our university does not reach the Slovenian coast, our 17 faculties cover half of the Slovenian territory, since 6 faculties are located outside of Maribor. 20.000 students are from all parts of Slovenia and some from other countries. The number of international students is relatively low, but the number is increasing. On the other side our university does cover all scientific disciplines, from human, social and natural sciences to engineering and medicine. Just this year, in a few days, we are opening a new building for the Faculty of medicine, which includes new laboratories that shall accelerate research in the whole university. Here I need to emphasize the vision of our university to become a globally recognized ecosystem of innovation in which the students, faculty and administrative staff will enthusiastically engage in creative activity. This also means we want to merge education and research from the first study year on and not let it go. But we don’t speak of quality in our vision statement. Not because it wouldn’t be important to us, but because there shall be no question about it as it is immanent to enthusiasm and creativity. Quality is an interesting phenomenon because we have to speak of it when there is lack of it. Of course we need to speak of quality at the University of Maribor, and we do. Since 2011 we have a vice rector for quality development who is reminding us on quality standards, evaluations, measures, and actions each and every day. But this is mainly because we know we need to do better, and we are aware that mirrors are necessary if we want to improve – otherwise there is no comparison. And quality is only about comparison. It is not an absolute, but a relative value. Actually, it is about expectations. But this is already a theme that you, dear participants, will discuss in many of the interesting sessions and topics this conference is offering. Therefore I wish you an interesting conference, many new cognitions, insights, ideas and friends. Boštjan Gomišček Dr. Associate Professor Local Organisational Chair Quality is …? My definition of quality is quite simple – it says: »How a job is done«! Therefore, should I be a little bit nervous, how will you, dear participants, of the QMOD 2013 be satisfied with this year’s job of the local organizer? In spite of the fact that this is not a very complex and highly technologically sophisticated process - the quality manager just has to define few various quality characteristics in the very beginning, during the design phase of the process and the product will be as desired - it has its own demands and specialties as well as one, maybe two possible bugs. My Santa Claus wish list was actually not very demanding: Scientific papers on highlevel research basis; participants from many countries; no technical problems; fine food; clear and interesting presentations; highly interesting invited speakers; no delays; no missing session chairs; excellent weather – not too warm, not too cold, and definitely no rain, but not so nice that everybody will stay on the beach for too long; high sponsors support; major’s availability; nice locations; proper selection of singer; etc. … and the ”least” problematic one, highly satisfied participants. If I further think about the sustainability issue of the conference and the loyalty of the participants …It will be just an easy job! However, my team and I were honored and extremely happy that Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor was chosen to organize the QMOD 2013 conference, to obtain the opportunity to invite and welcome the scientifically highly appreciated and acknowledged QMOD community in Slovenia. I would like to thank Petra, Nataša, Alenka, Tamara, Matjaž and Damjan for their enthusiastic dedication during the last months as well to our sponsors and members of the conference committees for their support. Without you, esteemed authors and presenters as well as without many other »invisible« persons this conference could not take place – therefore I express all of you my deep gratitude for your active involvement and immense contribution to the QMOD 2013. Dear participants, it’s my sincere pleasure to warmly welcome you all in Slovenia - I hope that our job will be done qualitatively enough that you will be able to fully enjoy the Science, Presentations, Discussions, Best Practices and Social Atmosphere during the QMOD 2013 Conference. Conference Founders and Chairs Dr. Prof. Jens J. Dahlgaard, Linköping University, Sweden Dr. Prof. Su Mi Dahlgaard Park, Lund University, Sweden Local Conference Organizers Dr. Asc. Prof. Boštjan Gomišček, University of Maribor, Slovenia (Chair) Matjaž Maletič, University of Maribor, Slovenia Damjan Maletič, University of Maribor, Slovenia Dr. Ass. Prof. Alenka Brezavšček, University of Maribor, Slovenia Petra Gorjanc, University of Maribor, Slovenia Scientific Committee Dr. Prof. Jens J. Dahlgaard, Linköping University, Sweden Dr. Prof. Su Mi Dahlgaard Park, Lund University, Sweden Dr. Asc. Prof. Boštjan Gomišček, University of Maribor, Slovenia All session chairs Cooperating Journals Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (Chief Editor: Dr. Prof. Jens J. Dahlgaard) International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (Chief Editor: Dr. Prof. Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park) Organizacija - Journal of Management, Informatics and Human Resources (Guest Editor: Dr. Asc. Prof. Boštjan Gomišček) Plenary Speakers’ and Chairs’ Profiles Alan Brown, Professor, Australia,is from the School of Management, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, and he has held senior university leadership positions including Head of School, Faculty Dean and Director of a Research Centre. He was President of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management in 2006 and is a life fellow of this Academy. He has extensive international teaching and research experience in quality management and human resource management and has published book chapters and over 50 papers in scholarly journals and also presented papers including keynotes at major national and international academic and professional conferences. He has undertaken training and consulting activities with major Australian public and private sector organizations and recently assisted in revising the Australian Business Excellence Framework. His published research includes; quality and human resource management, quality in SMEs, longitudinal experiences with quality and quality self-assessment. Current research projects include; employer of choice, turnover in fly-in, fly-out mining and sustaining business excellence. Jens J. Dahlgaard, Professor, Sweden, is professor at the Division of Quality Technology and Management, Linköping University, Chiefeditor of the Total Quality Management and Business Excellence and distinguished visiting professor at Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. Before he joined Linköping University he was a chair professor in Quality Management at Aarhus University, Denmark. He has published 15 books and over 200 research articles. He received many awards among others the European Quality Award for supervising the best master thesis on Total Quality Management in 1994, 1996 and 1997, the Chinese Friendship Award in 1998 and the Lancaster Award by American Society for Quality (2005). Professor Dahlgaard is an Academician and previous Vice President of the IAQ (International Academy of Quality). He has lectured in all continents and is active as adviser to many organizations and government bodies in many countries. Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Professor, Lund University, Sweden is professor at Institute of Service Management, Lunds University and distinguished visiting professor at Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. She has published more than 150 research papers and books. She has received Literati Award for Outstanding Paper in 2007, elected as academician of IAQ (International Academy for Quality). Currently she is devoted as general editor for Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy which is planned to be published in 2014 by Sage publication. She is also serving as chief-editor of the International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences and as associate editor for the Asian Journal on Quality as well as for TQM and Business Excellence. She also serves on the editorial boards of ten renowned research journals. She has lectured in many universities as invited professor and she is often invited as plenary speaker. She serves as adviser in many organizations and is active in conducting executive seminars worldwide. Jesper Falkheimer, Professor, Sweden, is Professor in Strategic Communication at Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, Sweden. He is also Rector for Campus Helsingborg, a part of Lund University with 4,200 students in service management, engineering, social work, strategic communication, educational science and fashion studies. Professor Falkheimer has published research in areas such as crisis communication, public relations, media studies, place branding and organizational communication. His research has been published in journals such as International Journal of Strategic Communication, Public Relations Review, Nordicom Review, Corporate Communication: An International Journal and Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Communication and in anthologies such as Social theory on public relations (2009), The handbook of crisis communication (2010), Handbook of crisis management (2013), The Routledge handbook of strategic communication (2013) and Public relations: Critical concepts in media and cultural studies (2013). He has also worked as a communications consultant and is an executive board member at the Swedish Public Relations Association. Thong Ngee Goh, Professor, Singapore, is Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the National University of Singapore. Dr Goh holds a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. He is Head, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Dean of Engineering. He has also served as Director, Office of Quality Management, and CEO, Design Technology Institute, Singapore. Dr Goh is a frequent invited speaker at corporate events and professional and academic conferences. Dr Goh specializes in the application of statistical methodologies to Quality Engineering and Management, and has authored or co-authored some three hundred research papers and five books in this field. Professor Goh is an Academician of IAQ (International Academy of Quality). Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Professor, India, received his Ph.D. degrees in Statistics from the Calcutta University in 1960 and 1967 respectively. He joined the faculty in the Department of Statistics, Calcutta University, in 1964. He retired as Centenary Professor of Statistics in 2004. Prof. Mukherjee has worked on Applied Probability , Reliability Analysis and Statistical Quality Management, Estimation theory, Demography, Operational Research and some related topics. He has published more than 90 research papers, and he is the Editor of IAPQR Transactions and also Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Journal of Industrial Statistics. Prof. Mukherjee was Chairman of the Committee on Statistical Methods for Quality and Reliability of the Bureau of Indian Standards, President of the Operational Research Society of India, President of the Indian Society of Probability and Statistics, Vice-President of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), President of the Asian–Pacific Association of Operational research Societies (APORS) and was the General Secretary of the Indian Science Congress Association. The Government of India has recently conferred on him the National Award in Statistics for life-time achievements in theoretical and official Statistics. Danijel Rebolj, Professor, Slovenia, is rector of the University of Maribor. He received his Diploma degree in civil engineering from the University of Maribor, Slovenia, in 1982, the MSc degree from the same university in computer science in 1989, and his PhD from the Technical University of Graz, Austria, in 1993. He got his first employment in 1979 at the University of Maribor, first as a technical assistant, then computer programmer and later researcher. In 1995 he founded the Laboratory for Computing in Civil Engineering. Between 1999 and 2007 he was vice dean for educational affairs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Currently he is Professor of Construction and Transportation Informatics at the University of Maribor where he has been the chair holder of the Chair of Construction and Transportation Informatics between 2000 and 2011. In fall 2009 visiting professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University. Coordinator of the international postgraduate program in Construction informatics with partners from 9 European universities. Member of the Society of Civil engineers and technicians of Slovenia, of CIB w78, EG-ICE and co-founder of the Slovenian society of Construction Informatics. Research interests involve issues on system integration, product and process modeling, automated building systems, mobile and ubiquitous computing, web based collaboration and communication, virtual design and construction as well as other high potential IT for Architecture, Engineering and Construction. 16th QMOD–ICQSS Program 4th September 2013, Wednesday 11:00-17:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:10 15:10-15:35 15:35-17:00 Parallel Sessions 1 17:00-17:15 17:15-18:45 Parallel Sessions 2 20:00-22:00 Mediteranea I Healthcare I Healthcare II QMOD-ICQSS Registration, Conference Centre Conference Opening, Room:Emerald Plenary Session 1, Room: Emerald Coffee Break Mediteranea II Adria I Adria II Quality Business Innovation & in Higher Excellence NPD I Education I Break Sustainability, Quality Innovation & in Higher CSR, NPD II Complaint M. Education II Welcome Reception Emerald Lean Management I Lean Management II 5th September 2013, Thursday 9:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 3 Mediteranea I Healthcare III 12:30-14:00 14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 4 Healthcare IV 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 Parallel Sessions 5 19:30-23:30 Quality of Life, Quality of Work Plenary Session 2, Room: Emerald Coffee Break Mediteranea I Adria I Adria II Leadership, Quality Innovation & Sustainability, in Higher NPD III HRM Education III Lunch Motivation, Quality Continuous Service Quality Management Improvements, I Systems I Satisfaction Coffee Break System Leadership, Quality Integration, Process Management Info Quality, Systems II Management ISO 20000 Gala Dinner Emerald Lean Management III Quality Tools and Techniques I Quality Tools and Techniques II 6th September 2013, Friday 9:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 6 12:30-14:00 14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 7 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:00 Plenary Session 3, Room: Emerald Coffee Break Mediteranea I Mediteranea II Adria I Adria II Emerald Measuring Quality Quality, ComManagement, Service Quality Service Six Sigma petitiveness, Models & II Quality III Performance Excellence Lunch Impacts Assessment, QM in Taiwan, of Quality Service Quality Learning, Org. Culture, Approaches, IV Health&Safety Information Deployment Technology Coffee Break Best paper Awards and QMOD 2014 Announcement, Room: Emerald 4th September 2013, Wednesday (11:00–18:45) 14:00-14:30 Conference Opening, Room: Emerald Jens J. Dahlgaard, Prof., Conference Founder and Co-Chair, University of Linköping Danijel Rebolj, Prof., Rector, University of Maribor 14:30-15:10 Plenary Session 1, Room: Emerald Session Chair: Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Prof., Sweden Danijel Rebolj, Prof., Rector, University of Maribor How to Become a University for the Future? 15:10–15:35 Coffee Break 15:35-17:00 Parallel Sessions 1 Mediteranea I: Healthcare I: (15:35-17:00) Session Chair: Bo Bergman, Prof., Sweden Haizhe Jin, Masahiko Munechika, Masataka Sano, Chisato Kajihara, Japan Chisato Kajihara, Masahiko Munechika, Masataka Sano, Haizhe Jin, Japan Borut Rusjan, Marko Kiauta, Slovenia Chris A. Vassiliadis, Anestis K. Fotiadis, Elina Tavlaridou, Greece, Taiwan A Study on the Communication Errors in Health Care Proposal of a Standard Education and Training Curriculum for Healthcare Safety Improving Efficiency in Healthcare through Process Standardization: A Case of Isola Hospital The Effect of Creating new Secondary Health Services to Patients’ Perceptions; A Kano Service Quality Analysis Approach Mediteranea II: Business Excellence (15:35-17:00) Session Chair: Jens J. Dahlgaard, Prof., Sweden Bo Enquist, Mikael Johnson, Fredrik Lundgren, Åsa Rönnbäck, Sweden Business Excellence 2.0 Chi-Kuang Chen, Roberto A. Alcívar Espín, Jiun-Yi Jang, Taiwan Strategic Management toward Business Excellence - The Successful Points and Some Insights in Xerox Case Kristína Zgodavová, Matúš Horváth, Slovakia Karmen Kern Pipan, Boštjan Gomišček, Miroljub Kljajić, Slovenia Why do Slovak Services Fail to Achieve the European Standard of Excellence? Slovenian National Excellence Award and TQM Employment in Slovenian Companies 4th September 2013, Wednesday (11:00–18:45) Adria I : Quality in Higher Education I (15:35-17:00) Session Chair: Rhys Rowland-Jones, Prof., Abu Dhabi, UAE Milan Hutyra, Czech Republic Bjarne Bergquist, Rickard Garvare, Sweden Josip Mikulić, Ines Dužević, Tomislav Baković, Croatia Laura Di Pietro, Roberta Guglielmetti, Flaminia Musella, Maria Francesca Renzi, Paola Vicard, Italy EFQM Excellence Model as the Framework for Evaluation of Performance Excellence of University Evaluating Quality of Higher Education by Assessing its Output: The Swedish Example Setting Priorities for Quality Improvements in Higher Education: Impact-Asymmetry and Performance Analysis An Internal and External Performance Model Using Probabilistic Expert Systems: An Experimental Test of an Italian Master’s Programme Adria II: Innovation & New Product Development I (15:35-17:00) Session Chair: Angelos Pantouvakis, Asc. Prof., Greece M. Jesús Álvarez, N. Ghossien, Marta Zárraga-Rodríguez, Spain Gerson Tontini, Jaime Dagostim Picolo, Amélia Silveira, Brazil Mu Yu, You Suchuan, Xu Ming, China Anna Åslund, Johan Lilja, Sweden Exploring the Links between Innovation and Quality Management in the Spanish Hotel Sector Which Incremental Innovations Should we Offer? Service Innovation Specialized Department: An Effective Way of Service Innovation Management Towards Capturing and Visualizing Value Creation: Exploring and Elaborating Attribute-Value Mapping Emerald: Lean Management I (15:35–17:00) Session Chair: Slavko Arsovski, Prof., Serbia Mia Ljungblom, Sweden Ethics and Lean Management–A Paradox?! Karin Ahlin, Pernilla Ingelsson, Sweden Information Management, Lean and Efficiency: Are we Focusing on the Customer? Migel Egaña, Eider Fortea, Gorka DiezCaballero, Spain Productivity Increasing through Implementation of Lean Production Techniques. Federica Murmura, Alice Valentini, Italy Application of the Lean Manufacturing Approach in an Italian Firm: The Case of the IMAB GROUP s.p.a 4th September 2013, Wednesday (11:00–18:45) 17:00–17:15: Break 17:15–18:45 Parallel Sessions 2 Mediteranea I: Healthcare II (17:15-18:45) Session Chair: Maria Francesca Renzi, Prof., Italy Marco Santos, Alexander Chakhunashvi, Anders Planti, Kristina Westerberg, Bo Bergman, Sweden Exploring the Use of the Lexis Diagram for Monitoring Lead Times in Health Care: The Illustrative Case of an Outpatient Referral Process Kristian Siverbo, Henrik Eriksson, Hendry Raharjo, Michaela Moonen, Sweden Training of Healthcare Professionals in Quality Improvement Syed Ali Abbas Shiraz, Liliane Pintelon, Dries Myny, Belgium Is it Possible to Develop Decision Framework for Quality Tool Selection in Healthcare? Hossein Dadfar, Staffan Brege, Bahareh Javadian Arzaghi, Sweden Success and Failure Factors in Inter-Firm Strategic Collaboration: The Case of Strategic Alliances in Pharmaceutical Firms Mediteranea II: Sustainability, CSR, Complaint Management (17:15-18:45) Session Chair: Gerson Tontini, Prof., Brazil Raine Isaksson, Sweden Defining Quality and Sustainability–Looking for Synergies Sandra Klute, Robert Refflinghaus, Germany Sustainability Management as Part of an Integrated Management System Zorana Antić, Srđan Bogetić, Maja Đurica, Nina Đurica, Serbia The Role of Social Networks in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility Alexander Linder, Sebastian Schmitt, Robert Schmitt, Germany Technical Complaint Management from a Quality Perspective 4th September 2013, Wednesday (11:00–18:45) Adria I: Quality in Higher Education II (17:15-18:45) Session Chair: Dalius Serafinas, Asc. Prof., Lithuania Matevž Bren, Gašper Hribar, Samo Medvešek, Rok Rus, Slovenia Rogério Duarte, António Ramos‑Pires, Helena Gonçalves, Portugal Zsuzsanna E. Tóth, Tamás Jónás, Hungary Dragan Ćoćkalo, Dejan Đorđević, Srđan Bogetić, Dragana Sajfert, Serbia The Graduate Follow-Up System–A Pilot Study at Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security University of Maribor Dropout Prevention and Higher Education Quality Management Systems Quality Management Tools in Higher Education Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Improvement of Business Quality Adria II: Innovation & New Product Development II (17:15-18:45) Session Chair: Decheng Wen, Prof., China Eirin Lodgaard, Norway Nadine Schlüter, Germany Transforming a Product Development Quality System from Chaotic to Efficient User-Competences for Virtual Reality in Early Phases of Product Development Stefan Peplowsky, Ralf Woll, Germany Requirements Management and Requirements Engineering in Different Development Projects Ralf Woll, Philipp Tursch, Falk Steinberg, Germany A First Step Towards Engineer-Oriented Adaption of the Repertory Grid Technique Emerald: Lean Management II (17:15-18:45) Session Chair: Masahiko Munechika, Prof., Japan Promporn Wangwacharakul, Martina Berglund, Ulrika Harlin, Per Gullander, Sweden Roy Andersson, Peter Manfredsson, Håkan Torstensson, Sweden Anna Mårtensson, Pernilla Ingelsson, Sweden Zhen He, Xu-Tao Zhang, China Cultural Aspects when Implementing Lean Production and Lean Product Development–a Swedish Perspective How to Integrate Suppliers by Training in Lean Thinking Managers Basic Assumptions when Applying Lean Reducing Voluntary Turnover Rate of Dispatched Employees by DMAIC Process 20:00–22:00 WELCOME RECEPTION: Town Hall at Tartini Square, Piran 5th September 2013, Thursday (09:00–17:30) 09:00-10:30 Plenary Session 2, Room: Emerald Session Chair: Håkan Wiklund, Prof., Sweden Professor Alan Brown, Austarlia Professor Jesper Falkheimer, Sweden Organisational Paradigms and Sustainability in Excellence: From Mechanistic Approaches to Learning and Innovation The Power of Strategic Communication in Organizational Development 10:30–11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 3 Mediteranea I: Healthcare III (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Chi-Kuang Chen, Prof., Taiwan Miloš Jelić, Radomir Bošković, Zlatko Maksimović, Serbia Masahiko Munechika, Masataka Sano, Haizhe Jin, Chisato Kajihara, Japan Masataka Sano, Masahiko Munechika, Haizhe Jin, Chisato Kajihara, Chikuma Hamada, Japan Patcharin Wongrukmit, Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, Thailand From Governmental Strategy to Excellent Organization: A Healthcare Centre Case Quality Management System for Healthcare and its Effectiveness Deployment of Medical Safety Information to Quality Management System Model for Healthcare Hospital Service Quality Preference Among Culture Diversity Based on Modified SERVQUAL and Kano’s Model Mediteranea II: Leadership, Sustainability, HRM (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Bo Enquist, Prof., Sweden Slavko Arsovski, Zora Arsovski, Srđan Nikezić, Serbia Srđan Nikezić, Dobrica Stojković, Aleksandar Đorđević, Suzana Doljanica, Serbia Ingela Bäckström, Pernilla Ingelsson, Catrin Johansson, Sweden Shuang-Shii Chuang, Ming-Tien Tsai, Kun-Shiang Chen, Taiwan, China Sustainability Enhancement Through Leadership Excellence in Public Sector Assessment of Leadership Qualities Through LTQ - Test of Leadership by Self-Assessment and Co-Leadership Evaluation: Northouse Approach - Characteristics of Leaders in Local Governments of Republic of Serbia Health Related Quality Management Values and Key Principles of Communicative Leadership - Are They the Same? HRM Practices and TQM Practices: Association with Knowledge Sharing Attitude 5th September 2013, Thursday (09:00-17:00) Adria I: Quality in Higher Education III (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Milan Hutyra, Asc. Prof., Czech Republic Rhys Rowland-Jones, Abu Dhabi, UAE Sangbok Ree, Young Hyun Park, Hanjoo Yoo, Korea Tonći Lazibat, Tomislav Baković, Ines Dužević, Croatia Tatiana Salimova, Natalya Vatolkina, Vasily Makolov, Russia Work-Based Learning as a Support to Emitarisation Within the UAE, - A University and Industry Perspective A Study on Education Quality using Taguchi Method How Perceived Service Quality Influence Students’ Satisfaction? Teachers’ and Students’ Perspective Strategic Partnership: Potential for Ensuring the University Sustainable Development Adria II: Innovation & New Product Development III (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Kristina Zgodavova, Prof., Slovakia Manuel F. Suárez-Barraza, Juan RamisPujol, Zamira del Carmen Burgos-Silva, Mexico, Spain Evangelos Psomas, Dimitrios Kafetzopoulos, Greece Carolina Camén, Maria Åkesson, Sweden Cheng Li-ying, Wen De-cheng and Sun Zhong-rui, China Operational Innovation. Some Definitions, Characteristics and Managerial Practices The Innovation Practices of Manufacturing Companies in a Period of Economic Turbulence Do Contracts Restrict Front-Line Employees to be Innovative and Co-Create Value? A Study of Strategy Choice for R&D Purchase Based on SNA Emerald: Lean Management III (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Ralf Woll, Prof., Germany Bryan Booker, Walter Tucker, USA Christer Österman, Anders Fundin, Sweden Ilija Djekic, Dragan Zivanovic, Sladjana Dragojlovic, Radoslava Dragovic, Serbia Inger Gamme, Silje H. Aschehoug, Norway Improving Economic Competitiveness by Enhancing Human Capital: Evaluating Push-and-Pull Lean Strategies in Online Graduate Courses Exploring Approaches How to Measure a Lean Process Lean Manufacturing Effects in a Serbian Confectionery Company Assessing Lean's Impact on Operational Integration 12:30–14:00 Lunch: Grand Restaurant, Grand Hotel Bernardin 5th September 2013, Thursday (09:00-17:30) 14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 4 Mediteranea I: Healthcare IV (14:00-15:30) Session Chair: Bjarne Bergquist, Prof., Sweden Kevin F Collins, Senthil K. Muthusamy, Toyota Production System (TPS) for Healthcare Amelia S. Carr, USA Organizations: Prospects and Implementation Challenges Annika Nordin, Torie Palm Ernsäter, Quality Registers and the Full Potential of Health Care Bo Bergman, Sweden Data Oriented Approach Supporting Minimization of Side Hirotaka Inoue, Shu Yamada, Japan Effects SMEs’ Absorptive Capacity Enhancement Through Mohammad Reza Saeedi, Hossein Learning-by-Inward International Licensing-The Case of Dadfar, Staffan Brege, Sweden Pharmaceutical Industry Mediteranea II: Motivation, Continuous Improvements, People Satisfaction (14:0015:30) Session Chair: Michael Brusch, Prof., Germany Hen-Yi Jen, Ana Lucia Sandoval, YaChu Chou, Taiwan Carmen Jaca, Luis Paipa, Elisabeth Viles, Ricardo Mateo, Spain Rafał Haffer, Poland Joanna Haffer, Rafał Haffer, Poland The Study of the Influences of Core Competencies and Core Values Upon Work-Motivation of Employee–A Case Study of a Bank in Honduras Effect of the Detail Oriented and Tidy Work Environment Program on Continuous Improvement The Determinants of Employee Satisfaction and its Influence on Business Excellence The Impact of Engagement and Satisfaction of People on Project Success and Business Excellence Adria I: Service Quality I (14:00-15:30) Session Chair: Stefan Lagrosen, Prof., Sweden Daniel Kammerl, Dominik Gast, Robert Orawski, Sebastian Schenkl, Markus Mörtl, Germany Angelos Pantouvakis, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, Greece Ida Gremyr, Mattias Elg, Sweden Bo Li, Decheng Wen, China Analysis of Product-Service System Models as a Basis for a Modeling Framework Market Orientation and Service Quality: Opponents or Colleagues A Developmental View on Implementation of Quality Management Concepts Research on Three-Level Product Quality Control System in Chinese Online Shopping: Based on the Uncertainty Mitigating Factors of Product Quality 5th September 2013, Thursday (09:00–17:30) Adria II: Quality Management Systems I (14:00-15:30) Session Chair: Antonio Ramos-Pires, Prof., Portugal Piotr Rogala, Poland Luc Honore Petnji Yaya, Frederic Marimon, Marti Casadesus, Spain Milena Alič, Slovenia Improving a Quality Management System on the Basis of ISO 9001 Requirements The Revitalizing Role of ISO 9001 on Dissatisfied Customers ISO 9001–Trends of Certification: A Case of Slovenia Emerald: Quality Tools and Techniques I (14:00-15:30) Session Chair: Jovan Filipovic, Prof., Serbia Beata Starzyńska, Poland Survey on Application of Quality Tools & Techniques in Manufacturing Companies–A Polish Perspective Manja Podpečan, Matjaž Maletič, Damjan Maletič, Boštjan Gomišček, Slovenia Achieving an Effective FMEA: Lessons Learned from a Case Study of the Construction Project Vlado Krunić, Momčilo Krunić, Nenad Četić, Aleksandar Ašonja, Serbia Software for Automatic Control of Laboratory Analysis 15:30–16:00 Coffee Break 5th September 2013, Thursday (09:00–17:30) 16:00-17:30 Parallel Sessions 5 Mediteranea I: Quality of Life, Quality of Work (16:00-17:30) Session Chair: Mikael Johnson, Asc. Prof., Sweden Dalius Serafinas, Lithuania Mishchenko Elena Sergeevna, Molotkova Nataliya Vyacheslavovna, Lukianenko Margarita Sergeevna, Russia Michael Brusch, Victoria Büsch, Carsten C. Schermuly, Jürgen Deller, Germany Patrícia Moura e Sá, Femida Abdul Hamid, Portugal A Discussion on Quality of Life Economic Stimulation of Teachers as a Tool of Raising the Quality of Life Expectation, Motivation and Willingness to Prolong Working Life of German Workers Are Quality-Awarded Organizations Adopting Family-Friendly Practices? Mediteranea II: Leadership, Process Management (16:00-17:30) Session Chair: Ida Gremyr, Asc. Prof., Sweden Slavko Arsovski, Zora Arsovski, Serbia Process Leadership vs Process Management in Praxis Jörg von Garrel, Claudia Theilmann, Germany Effective and Efficient Process Organization: Facilitating Customer Interaction in Mass Customization T. Bartosz Kalinowski, Poland Business Process Maturity–A Research Design Marija Andjelkovic Pesic, Nada Barac, Radenko Milojevic, Serbia Enterprise and Supply Chain Management Maturity Assessment The relationship between Quality Orientation and Business Process Orientation–survey results Krystyna Lisiecka, Poland Adria I: System Integration, Information Quality, ISO 20000 (16:00-17:30) Session Chair: Robert Refflinghaus, Asc. Prof., Germany Gianni Maria, Gotzamani Katerina, Greece Marta Zárraga-Rodríguez, M. Jesús Álvarez, Spain Management Systems: Generalization of the Concepts as a Precondition for Successful Integration Management Systems Integration in Practice–A case of Abandonment Information Capability and the Quality of Information Managed in Companies Committed to TQM Santi Cots, Martí Casadesús Fa, Spain Exploring the Service Management Standard ISO 20000 Jovan Filipović, Serbia 5th September 2013, Thursday (09:00–17:30) Adria II: Quality Management Systems II (16:00-17:30) Session Chair: Yumin Liu, Prof., China António Ramos Pires, Osvaldo Ferreira, Margarida Saraiva, Jorge Casas Novas, Portugal Quality Management System and the Role of Accounting in Portuguese SME David Han-Min Wang, Quang Linh Huynh, Taiwan The Role of Quality Management System in the Effect of Knowledge Management Practice on Firm Performance Franz Gaudlitz, Robert Schmitt, Sebastian Schmitt, Germany Robust and Dynamic Quality Management Systems for SMEs Jun-Der Leu, Yu-Tsung Huang, Taiwan A Process-Oriented Method for Realizing the Quality Management System Emerald: Quality Tools and Techniques II (16:00-17:30) Session Chair: S.P. Mukherjee, Prof., India Jen-der Day, Hsien-Tang Tsai, Taiwan Comparison of Useful Characteristics among Various TwoLevel Design Matrices Stefano Barone, Anna Errore, Alberto Lombardo, Italy Prioritization of Alternatives with AHP Plus Response Latency and Web Surveys Damjan Maletič, Matjaž Maletič, Viktor Lovrenčič, Basim Al-Najjar, Boštjan Gomišček, Slovenia, Sweden An Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Sensitivity Analysis for Maintenance Policy Selection Vera Hofer, Holger Bach, Austria Statistical monitoring for continuous quality control of railway ballast 19:30–23:30 GALA DINNER: Terrace near the Church of St. Bernardin 6th September 2013, Friday (09:00–17:00) 09:00-10:30 Plenary Session 3, Room: Emerald Session Chair: Bo Bergman, Prof., Sweden Thong N. Goh, Professor, Singapore Professional Preparation for Service Quality and Organizational Excellence S. P. Mukherjee, Professor, India New Product Development and TRIZ 10:30–11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 6 Mediteranea I: Measuring Quality, Competitiveness, Performance (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Hossein Dadfar, Prof., Sweden Ana Catarina Gomes, Paulo Sampaio, Pedro Saraiva, Portugal Insu Cho, Joseph Kichul Kim, Heejun Park, Korea Ján Závadský, Vladimír Hiadlovský, Slovakia Benedetto Torrisi, Italy Ewa Czyż-Gwiazda, Poland European Quality Scoreboard: Preliminary Results Development of an Index for Evaluating National Quality Competitiveness Based on WEF and IMD Indices The Consistency of Performance Management System Based on Attributes of the Performance Indicator Measuring the Quality of Academic Work and Governance Policies Using Non-Parametric Models The measurement of Business Process Orientation - survey results Mediteranea II: Quality Management, Models & Excellence (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Alan Brown, Prof., Australia Gilles Barouch, France The Epistemological Foundations of Quality Management Luís Pedro Vilela Pimentel, Maria João Martins Ferreira Major, Portugal Conceptual Framework for the Management of Chaordic Organizations Quality Management and BSC as Supporting Frameworks for a new Management Model and Organisational Change Mirko Macher, Slovenia Pathway to Excellence Jovan Filipović, Serbia 6th September 2013, Friday (09:00–17:00) Adria I: Service Quality II (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Hana Pačaiová, Asc. Prof., Slovakia Ching-Chow Yang, Shu-Hsien Tai, Taiwan Samuel Petros Sebhatu, Bo-Jacob Enquist, Sweden Laura Di Pietro, Roberta Guglielmetti Mugion, Giovanni Mattia, Maria Francesca Renzi, Martina Toni, Italy Zhiran Chen, Liying Yu, China The Evaluation of Critical Success Factors for the Service Industries Value Co-Creation and Value Network in Complex Service Systems - Embedded in Social and Environmental Contexts A Theoretical Business Model for Italian Sport Federations Applying an Ecosystem Theory on Service Quality Management Adria II: Service Quality III (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Yvonne Lagrosen, Asc. Prof., Sweden Marlene Amorim, Fatemeh Saghezchi, Portugal Marlene Paula Castro Amorim, Maria João Rosa, Sandra Santos, Portugal Chin-Chin Liang, Meng-Shu Li, Taiwan Chin-Chin Liang, Yi-Cheng Chou, Taiwan Chin-Chin Liang, Kai-Chung Cheng, Taiwan Service Quality in Retail: An Investigation Across Retail Formats Managing Customer Participation and Customer Interactions in Service Delivery: The Case of Museums and Educational Services Factors Influence Impulse-Buying Behaviors on Online Shopping Factors Affecting the Willingness of Consumers to Queue In the Service Industry Customer Willingness to Join a Virtual or Physical Queue to Purchase–A Pilot Study Emerald: Six Sigma (11:00-12:30) Session Chair: Thong N. Goh, Prof., Singapore and Stefano Barone, Asc. Prof., Italy Hilmi Yüksel, Armağan Ebru Bozkurt Yüksel, Turkey Peter Cronemyr, Sweden Yumin Liu, Haofei Zhou, Shuai Zhang China GeeHyun Hwang, Young Wook Seo, and Kun Chang Lee, Korea Brandon R Theiss, USA Applying Six Sigma Methodology in a Law Firm Six Sigma Diplomacy–The Impact of Six Sigma on National Patterns of Corporate Culture Quality Improvement in the process of Cigarette Production based on DMAIC An Empirical Analysis of How Six Sigma influences Exploration and Exploitation to Improve Individual Creativity and Firm Performance A Novel Approach to Teaching Six Sigma 12:30–14:00 Lunch: Taverna Mediteran, Hotel Histrion 6th September 2013, Friday (09:00–17:00) 14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 7 Mediteranea I: Assessment, Learning, Deployment (14:00-15:30) Session Chair: Krystyna Lisiecka, Prof., Poland Kessopoulou Eftychia, Korea Asana, Gotzamani Katerina, Koemtzi Maria, Tsiotras George, Greece Are CAF Self-Assessed Public Organizations Ready for Benchlearning? A Greek Experience Kyung H. Nam, Do Hoon Kim, Korea A Study of Regular 2012 Quality Assessment for the Korean Official Development Assistance Statistics Anna Nagyova, Hana Pacaiova, Slovakia Sebastian Schenkl, Franz-Xaver Schneider, Daniel Kammerl, Robert Orawski, Philipp Hutterer, Markus Mörtl, Germany Methodic of Quality Control Evaluation in Research Projects Methodical Deployment of Quality Criteria Mediteranea II: TQM in Taiwan, Culture, Health & Safety (14:00-15:30) Session Chair: Walter Tucker, Prof., USA Iuan-Yuan Lu, Kuo-Ming Wang, ChiKuang Chen, Jiun-Yi Jang, Taiwan Chi-Kuang Chen, Eileen Salamanca Ponce, Tsong-Shin Sheu, Jiun-Yi Jang, Taiwan Srđan Vulanović, Nebojša Brkljač, Igor Kesić, Milan Delić, Vladan Radlovački, Serbia Eider Fortea Méndez, Migel Egaña, José Alberto Eguren, Jokin Rubio Botia, Spain Development of Quality Management in Taiwan (19702012): Past, Present and Future An Approach on the Cultivation of Organizational Culture Toward TQM Culture Relations between Occupational Health and Safety and Quality Management Dimensions EFFECTIWORK, a Tool for the Instantaneous Visualisation/ Monitorisation of how the Worker Performs Adria I: Service Quality IV (14:00-15:30) Session Chair: Borut Rusjan, Prof., Slovenia Vladimir Senić, Veljko Marinković, Serbia Slavko Ažman, Boštjan Gomišček, Slovenia Yvonne Lagrosen, Sweden Kerstin Grundén, Stefan Lagrosen, Sweden Examining the Effect of Different Components of Customer Value on Attitudinal Loyalty and Behavioral Intentions Functional Form of Connections between Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Automotive Servicing Industry Learning for Quality in the SPA-Industry–a Quality Café Study Social Media Marketing–An Evaluation Study in the Wellness Industry 6th September 2013, Friday (09:00–17:00) Adria II: Impacts of Quality Approaches, Information Technology (14:00-15:30) Session Chair: Ching-Chow Yang, Prof., Taiwan Síria Barros, Paulo Sampaio, Pedro Saraiva, Portugal Quality Approaches and Practices and their Impact on Companies’ Organizational Performance Milan Delić, Vladan Radlovački, Bato Kamberović, SrđanVulanović, Miodrag Hadžistević, Serbia Exploring the Impact of Quality Management and Application of Information Technologies on Organizational Performance–Case of Serbia and the Wider Region Mladen Savić, Mojca Dušica Zajc, Damjan Struna, Robert Rudolf, Slovenia Using Information Technology to Improve Efficiency in the Grant Funding Process Marko Fabić, Duško Pavletić, Mirjana Grčić-Fabić, Croatia Differentiation of Quality Management Approaches in Turnaround Projects: An Empirical Research in Oil Refineries 15:30–16:00 Coffee Break 16:00-17:00 Closing Session, Room: Emerald Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Lund University, Sweden Jens J. Dahlgaard, University of Linköping, Sweden Boštjan Gomišček, University of Maribor, Slovenia Best Paper Selections and Awards QMOD 2014 Announcement Conference Venue The conference venue of the 16th QMOD–ICQSS is Bernardin Congress Centre in Grand Hotel Bernardin. The congress centre is located between Piran and resort Portorož on the Slovenian coast. All sessions will be held here. The welcome reception will be hosted by the Mayor of Municipality of Piran Dr. Peter Bossman at the Town Hall at Tartini Square in Piran. During welcome reception you are kindly invited to join guided tour organized exclusively for QMOD participants to the Aquarium Piran and Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum of Piran. Halls of the conference venue All conference sessions will be held on the 11th floor of Bernardin Congress Centre (Grand Hotel Bernardin). Plenary sessions will be held in Emerald hall. Sessions will be held in Mediteranea I, Mediteranea II, Adria I, Adria II and Emerald halls. Pharos hall will be available to the participants for business activities. Lunches will be organised at two locations: Thursday: Grand Restaurant, 11th floor Grand Hotel Bernardin Friday: Taverna Mediteran Restaurant (the ground floor of the Hotel Histrion within walking distance from Bernardin Congress Centre) Gala Dinner will take place on the terrace near St. Bernardin Church. Partners and Sponsors of the 16th QMOD-ICQSS 16th QMOD–ICQSS Program 4th September 2013, Wednesday 11:00-17:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:10 15:10-15:35 15:35-17:00 Parallel Sessions 1 17:00-17:15 17:15-18:45 Parallel Sessions 2 20:00-22:00 Mediteranea I Healthcare I Healthcare II QMOD-ICQSS Registration, Conference Centre Conference Opening, Room:Emerald Plenary Session 1, Room: Emerald Coffee Break Mediteranea II Adria I Adria II Quality Business Innovation & in Higher Excellence NPD I Education I Break Sustainability, Quality Innovation & in Higher CSR, NPD II Complaint M. Education II Welcome Reception Emerald Lean Management I Lean Management II 5th September 2013, Thursday 9:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 3 Mediteranea I Healthcare III 12:30-14:00 14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 4 Healthcare IV 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 Parallel Sessions 5 19:30-23:30 Quality of Life, Quality of Work Plenary Session 2, Room: Emerald Coffee Break Mediteranea I Adria I Adria II Leadership, Quality Innovation & Sustainability, in Higher NPD III HRM Education III Lunch Motivation, Quality Continuous Service Quality Management Improvements, I Systems I Satisfaction Coffee Break System Leadership, Quality Integration, Process Management Info Quality, Systems II Management ISO 20000 Gala Dinner Emerald Lean Management III Quality Tools and Techniques I Quality Tools and Techniques II 6th September 2013, Friday 9:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 6 12:30-14:00 14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 7 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:00 Plenary Session 3, Room: Emerald Coffee Break Mediteranea I Mediteranea II Adria I Adria II Emerald Measuring Quality Quality, ComManagement, Service Quality Service Six Sigma petitiveness, Models & II Quality III Performance Excellence Lunch Impacts Assessment, QM in Taiwan, of Quality Service Quality Learning, Org. Culture, Approaches, IV Health&Safety Information Deployment Technology Coffee Break Best paper Awards and QMOD 2014 Announcement, Room: Emerald
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