Prazgodovinska in zgodovinska Emona, prezentacija knjige

Kazalo . Index
124 Grobišče prebivalcev zgodnjerimske naselbine
134 Traces of the early Roman army on the left bank of the
Zgodnjecesarsko vojaško oporišče in logistična baza na
Geografsko-prometni pomen Ljubljanskih vrat v preteklosti
Geomorfološke osnove ožjega območja Ljubljane
The Early Imperial military stronghold and logistical base at Prule
134 Sledovi zgodnjerimske vojske na levem bregu Ljubljanice
142 The question of the date the colony of Iulia Emona was founded
142 Vprašanje datuma ustanovitve kolonije Julije Emone
146 The City of Colonia Iulia Emona
146 Mesto Colonia Iulia Emona
Building the walled city
Gradnja obzidanega mesta
Administrative belonging of Emona and its territory (ager)
Administrativna pripadnost in mestno območje Emone
Origin and economic background of the first colonists
Significance of the Ljubljana Gate in terms of geography and
Poreklo in gospodarske osnove prvih naseljencev
Active soldiers and veterans
transport links in the past
Aktivni vojaki in veterani
Administration and religion
Geomorphologic features of the inner area of Ljubljana
Uprava in religija
162 City planning relating to Emona
15 Geomorfološke enote
Geomorphologic units
162 Urbanizem Emone
The ideal of the urbs quadrata comes true
Paleogeographic conditions
Uresničitev ideala pravokotnega mesta
City walls including gates and towers as well as defensive
An outline of the history of excavations
Paleogeografske razmere
Oris zgodovine raziskav
18 Začetki
Obzidje z vrati in stolpi ter obrambnimi jarki
Izkopavanja Walterja Schmida
18 Beginnings
Gradbeni material
Building materials
Obdobje med Državo SHS in drugo svetovno vojno
Excavations undertaken by Walter Schmid
The time between the State of Slovenians, Croats and
Forum in javne stavbe posebnega namena
The forum and special-purpose public buildings
Layout of building areas and the early public utility
41 1945–1960
45 1960–1999
53 1999–2013
Serbs (SCS) and World War Two
Zasnova stavbnih četrti in zgodnja komunalna ureditev
Excavations in the period 1945–1960
Dvig življenjske ravni v sredini 1. stoletja n. št.
Excavations in the period 1960–1999
Improved living standards in the mid-1st century AD
Excavations in the period 1999–2013
205 Mestne nekropole
Water supply systems
205 City cemeteries
Objekti in stavbni kompleksi v bližini obzidja
214 Naselbine v okolici
Structures and building complexes close to the city walls
219 Nastop krize ob koncu 2. stoletja
214 Settlements in the area surrounding Emona
220 Obnova v 3. stoletju
219 The onset of crisis at the end of the 2nd century
Prolog – starejša prazgodovina Ljubljanskih vrat
A Prologue – the Early Prehistory of the Ljubljana Gate
224 Razcvet in celovite prenove poznorimskega časa
220 Reconstruction in the 3rd century
Mlajša bronasta doba
Late Bronze Age
235 Vojaški pretresi
224 Prosperity and complete reconstructions of the late Roman period
Konec bronaste dobe in starejša železna doba
End of the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age
239 Krščanstvo v Emoni
235 Disturbances caused by military events
246 Zaton antične Emone
239 Christianity in Emona
Naselbinski ostanki
Settlement remains
250 Sledovi življenja v opuščenem mestu z okolico v času
246 The decline of Ancient Emona
Pomembnejša najdišča v okolici
Major sites in the surrounding area
Mlajše halštatsko obdobje
Late Hallstatt period
Mlajša železna doba
Late Iron Age
96 Tavriski
96 Taurisci
Staroselska naselbina na vznožju Grajskega griča
v Ljubljani
Indigenous settlement at the foot of Castle Hill in
preseljevanja ljudstev
250 Traces of life in the abandoned city and the surrounding area
during the Migration Period
256 Najdišča zgodnjega srednjega veka in naselitev
256 Early medieval sites and the settlement of the Slavs
110 Rimska osvojitev
110 Roman conquest of the Ljubljana Gate
Utrjena naselbina in oskrbovalna postojanka na Dolgih njivah
na Vrhniki
120 A settlement of the natives and Italic merchants at the foot of
264 Začetki srednjeveške Ljubljane
264 The dawn of medieval Ljubljana
269 Ljubljana’s Gradišče district during the Middle Ages and in the
269 Ljubljansko Gradišče v srednjem in novem veku
120 Naselbina domačinov in italskih trgovcev pod Grajskim
Fortified settlement and supply post at Dolge njive in Vrhnika
Castle Hill
124 Cemetery used by inhabitants of the early Roman settlement
modern era
274 Sklep
274 Conclusion
Izbrana literatura
286 Slovar manj znanih pojmov
Selected literature
286 Glossary of less well-known terms
Schmidov načrt Emone
iz l. 1941. Schmid je
tloris Emone primerjal
z zasnovo znanega mesta
Timgad (Colonia Marciana
Ulpia Traiana Thamugadi)
v Numidiji (blizu mesta
Batna v današnji Alžiriji),
ki jo je kot veteransko
naselbino okoli l. 100
ustanovil Trajan ex nihilo
Finančno spričevalo
ohranjenih primerov
in velja za enega najbolje
(absolutorium), ki ga je
rimskega urbanizma
Schmidu ob zaključku
(po Schmid 1941).
izkopavanj izdal
Schmid’s plan of Emona
Rosenberg, komtur
from 1941. Schmid
ljubljanske komende
compared the ground plan
nemškega viteškega
of Emona to the layout
reda (Universalmuseum
of the well-known city of
Timgad (Colonia Marciana
Ulpia Traiana Thamugadi)
The discharge
in Numidia (close to the
(absolutorium) granted
city of Batna in modern-
to Schmid upon the
day Algeria) which was
completion of his
founded ex nihilo as a
excavations by Count Karl
veteran settlement by
von Orsini-Rosenberg,
Trajan around 100 AD and
the Commendator of the
is regarded as one of the
Ljubljana Commandery
best preserved examples
of the Teutonic Order
of Roman city planning
(from Schmid 1941).
najdiščnih okoliščin in spremna grafična dokumentacija so z vidika
In 1911 Schmid, helped by the head of the hydrographical service of
čeprav so večkrat omenjeni, so vkopi v grafični dokumentaciji izpu-
transported to Križanke, thereby sparking an outraged reaction of
tedanje evropske arheologije na visoki ravni, vendar ne brez pomanj-
the provincial government and an engineer, Karl Pick (1878–1944),
ščeni. Iz tlorisov ni mogoče razbrati, ali so bili vrisani deli insul razi-
the new director of the Provincial Museum, Josip Mantuani. Man-
kljivosti. Večina objavljenih tlorisov (sl. 19, 20) in profilov je omejena
undertook rescue excavations of the remains of the Roman bridge be-
skovani v celoti ali le vzdolž dokumentiranih zidov oziroma v okolici
tuani wrote a letter to both the Provincial Committee members and
na objekte in strukture, npr. delavnice, vhode, kanale, hipokavste, peči
tween Ježica and Črnuče (the first mention of the bridge in special-
struktur, kot je mogoče slutiti iz objavljenih fotografij. Še manj jasen
the Central Commission to draw their attention to the fact that the
itd., in shematizirajoče tehnična (kot avtorja nekaterih podpisanih na-
ist publications was by A. Müllner) which were under threat from the
je obseg izkopanih delov cestišč ulic, povezovalne ceste (via sagularis)
excavations were publicly funded and undertaken on land owned
črtov sta navedena prof. inž. V. Foerster in inž. arh. Ivan Valentinčič).
riverbed deepening works to be carried out within the framework
vzdolž obzidja in nasipa na njegovi notranji strani.
by the state, that the engineer Pick was a civil servant and that the
Opisi sicer vključujejo zaporedja prepoznanih plasti v posameznih
of regulating the Sava River. Schmid had the remains of the bridge
Ob gradnji stavbe Zavoda za strojništvo na Aškerčevi c. je bil v časopi-
“archaeological finds were transferred to the private estate of the
prostorih, vendar po večini ločeno od drugih opazovanih struktur;
including masonry columns which stood on timber frameworks
su Slovenski narod dne 26. novembra 1938 objavljen članek s trditvami
Teutonic Order”.
Uvod . Introduction
Uvod . Introduction
grof Karl von Orsini-
Tlorisna situacija rimskih ostalin na
dvorišču Trgovske akademije (po Ložar
Ground plan situation of Roman remains
in the courtyard of the Commercial
College (from Ložar 1933)
Uvod . Introduction
Uvod . Introduction
forum ta del zemljišč razparceliral in začel odprodajati zasebnikom v
walls and to the founding of an Emonan Museum as designed by Schmid
pozidavo. Prišlo je do zahtev za rušitev obzidja (sl. 27, 181), h kateri so
and Ivan Šubic, the headmaster of the Imperial-Royal School of Crafts.
pozivali tudi nacionalno prenapeti domoljubi, češ da bi zid Italijani
However, to meet the needs of the rapidly expanding Ljubljana after
utegnili uporabiti kot dokaz o romanstvu Ljubljane. Zaradi prizade-
World War One, the Ljubljana administrative forum parcelled this land
vanj Franceta Steleta in arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika, ki sta vplivala na
out and started to sell it to private persons for development. Demands
were made to demolish the wall (figs. 27, 181), including from nationally
Grobni inventar iz Polhovega Gradca,
gre najverjetneje za grob pomembnega
The grave inventory from Polhov Gradec,
location and the weapons added as well
javno mnenje, je mestni svet nazadnje odstopil od načrtovanega ru-
ki sodi v tiberijsko-zgodnjeklavdijsko
pripadnika lokalne skupnosti, ki se
dating to the Tiberian/early Claudian
as the dating all point to the fact that
obdobje in obsega dve figuralno
pomensko in kronološko navezuje na
period and including two figurally
this is most probably a grave of a notable
šenja in l. 1926 sklenil zid, ki ga je deloma prezentiral že Schmid l. 1912,
overwrought patriots who claimed that the Italians might use the wall
okrašeni bronasti ročki (askos), bronast
nekoliko starejše grobišče na Kongresnem
decorated bronze pitchers (askos), a
member of the local community that
obnoviti po Plečnikovih načrtih. Pri delih, ki so bila izvedena šele v l.
to prove Ljubljana’s Romanness. Owing to the endeavours of France
vrč (oinohoe), ampulo za olje, oljenko,
trgu ter druge zgodnjerimske nekropole
bronze jug (oinohoe), an oil ampulla, an
is related, in terms of both significance
1934–1936, je Stele odstopil od doslednega uveljavljanja konservator-
Stele and the architect Jože Plečnik, who managed to influence public
krožnik srednjeitalske izdelave, skodelo
staroselcev v zahodni in jugovzhodni
oil lamp, a plate of central Italic origin, a
and chronology, to a somewhat older
skih principov, kar je privedlo tudi do preureditve stranskih vrat v osi
opinion, the City Council eventually withdrew from the planned demo-
na nogi, krater in skodelice iz mozaičnega,
Sloveniji, čeprav jih po dragocenosti
bowl on a high foot, a krater and several
graveyard situated in Kongresni trg and
monohromnega, marmoriranega in
pridatkov vendarle bistveno prekaša
cups made of mosaic, monochrome,
to the other early Roman graveyards of
karda A, kamor je Plečnik umestil lapidarij.
lition and decided in 1926 to renovate the wall, which had partially been
millefiori stekla, dve sigilatni skodelici,
(NMS; foto: T. Lauko).
marbled and millefiori glass, two terra
the indigenous population in western
Mantuani, ki je bil za ravnatelja kranjskega deželnega muzeja Ru-
presented by Schmid in 1912, according to Plečnik’s plans. As regards the
keramično oljenko, ščitno grbo in tri
sigillata cups, a ceramic oil lamp, a
and south-western Slovenia. However, it
dolfinum (ta se je l. 1921 preimenoval v Narodni muzej) imenovan l.
actual works which were only undertaken in the period 1934–1936, Stele
sulične osti ter žeblje in del pogrebnih
shield boss and three spearheads as well
significantly overshadows them in terms
nosil, kot celota v sočasnih emonskih
as nails and one segment of a bier, is –
of the valuable grave goods (NMS; photo
1909, vlogi arheologa ni bil vedno kos. Kmalu po nastopu službe se je
decided not to stick consistently to the conservation principles, which
grobovih nima primerjave. Lokacija in
considered as a unit – unparalleled among
by: T. Lauko).
nerodno proslavil s »senzacionalnim« odkritjem množice »lobanj«
also gave rise to the rearrangement of the side gate situated along the
pridano orožje ter datacija kažejo, da
contemporary Emonan graves. Both the
v Štepanji vasi, v katerih je prepoznal človeške glave, ki so jih Turki
line of cardo A, where Plečnik positioned a lapidarium.
Strigilis se je uporabljal
za strganje potu in prahu
A strigilis was used to
s telesa po telovadbi.
scrape sweat and dirt off
Dolžina 20,5 cm (lokacija
after exercise. Length 20.5
cm (NUK II site) (MGML)
Maketa ostankov rimske
arhitekture na lokaciji
NUK II v merilu 1 : 50
prinaša natančen posnetek
vseh dokumentiranih
zidanih struktur na
raziskanih delih insul XIII,
magazines, serials and conference proceedings. They were also pre-
močju. To načelo je bilo na evropski ravni prvič omenjeno šele v pripo-
sented to the public in several thematic and overview exhibitions (e.g.
ročilih OECD o okoljski politiki iz l. 1972, v Sloveniji pa se je kot pravna
Rešena arheološka dediščina Ljubljane – 1979, Pozdravljeni, prednamci! –
norma uveljavilo z Zakonom o naravni in kulturni dediščini iz l. 1981.
1996). L. Plesničar Gec summarised the findings about the chronology
Med poznejšimi posegi Mestnega muzeja na območju intra muros je
and building development of Emona in the monographs Starokrščanski
bil na trasi ob gradnji toplovoda v osi Vegove in Emonske ul. raziskan
center v Emoni (1987; with co-authors), Urbanizem Emone (1999) and
vzhodni rob insul z delom obzidja na Turjaški ul. (l. 1987/1988, 1990; sl.
Emonski forum (2006; with co-authors). Publication of details of nearly
39, 257, 305), ter večji del zemljišča načrtovane nove stavbe Narodne in
1,000 graves unearthed in the course of rescue interventions along the
univerzitetne knjižnice južno od glavnega dekumana (vogalni deli in-
former Titova cesta between the crossings with Tivolska and Linhar-
sul XIII, XVII, XXVII in XLVI; 1996–1999; sl. 30–43, 191, 194, 219, 253–256,
tova in 1961–1965 in the book Severno emonsko grobišče (1972) comple-
277) v obsegu več kot 4000 m2. V neposredni okolici obzidja so bile l.
mented the monograph Emonske nekropole (odkrite med leti 1635–1960)
1963/1964 opravljene še zaščitne raziskave stavbnega kompleksa na
by Sonja Petru published in the same year. A notable late Roman in-
Trgu mladinskih delovnih brigad, ki so dopolnile Ložarjeve podatke
humation burial site at Ajdovščina investigated in 1974–1977 prior to
o objektih z mozaičnimi tlemi na mestu stavbe na vogalu Rimske c.
the start of construction of the Boris Kraigher plaza and the Metalka
in 2001 by Aleš Ogorelec,
in Groharjeve ul., peči v lončarski četrti v severnem predmestju med
building still needs to be dealt with. In publishing her settlement exca-
Peter Ogorelec and Nataša
današnjo Cankarjevo in Štefanovo ul. (l. 1984) ter objektov in dela zu-
vations, Plesničar Gec retained Schmid’s room numbering system and
najmestnega poteka kloake med vzhodnim obzidjem in Ljubljanico
his definition of the main construction phases, but significantly im-
pred gradnjo nove stavbe Fakultete za arhitekturo l. 1990.
proved his graphic documentation method by adding both drawings of
Poročila o posamičnih izkopavanjih in objave pomembnejših drobnih
detailed and composite ground plans of structures and cross-sections
najdb so izhajali v slovenskih, jugoslovanskih in tujih strokovnih revi-
of both insulae and roadways. Unfortunately, the documentary value
jah, serijah in zbornikih, javnosti pa so bile najdbe predstavljene tudi
of the records published is sometimes diminished by simplifying the
na številnih tematskih ali preglednih razstavah (npr. Rešena arheološka
stratigraphic sequences in individual field drawings and by organis-
leta, pomembno poznorimsko skeletno grobišče na območju Ajdo-
L. Plesničar Gec invited several experts to help deal with individual sets of
dediščina Ljubljane – 1979, Pozdravljeni, prednamci! – 1996). Ugotovitve
ing the finds by phase, i.e. in the form of catalogues and without any
vščine, raziskano v l. 1974–1977 pred gradnjo Ploščadi Borisa Kraigher-
materials or small finds from the excavations made in Emona. The most
o kronologiji in stavbnem razvoju Emone je L. Plesničar Gec strnila v
reference to the recognised original deposits. The shortcomings of the
ja in stavbe Metalka, pa še čaka na obdelavo. V objavah naselbinskih
notable results involve works by Iva Mikl-Curk about fine tableware,
monografijah Starokrščanski center v Emoni (1987; s soavtorji), Urbani-
planum method of excavation, in particular the incomplete documen-
izkopavanj je L. Plesničar Gec ohranila Schmidov sistem številčenja
Tamas Bezeczky and Verena Vidrih Perko about amphorae, Irena Lazar
zem Emone (1999) in Emonski forum (2006; s soavtorji). Objava skoraj
tation of specific chronological contexts, were eliminated to a consid-
prostorov in opredelitve glavnih gradbenih faz, njegov način grafič-
about glass, Irena Sivec about metal artefacts, while fundamental stud-
1000 grobov, ki so bili izkopani med reševalnimi posegi vzdolž nek-
erable degree by introducing the stratigraphic method. As regards the
nega dokumentiranja pa pomembno nadgradila z risbami detajlnih
ies about Emonan numismatic finds were made by Aleksander Jeločnik
danje Titove c. med križiščem s Tivolsko in Linhartovo v l. 1961–1965,
archaeology of Roman Emona, the new method was first applied dur-
in kompozitnih tlorisov arhitekture ter profilov insul in cestišč. Iz-
and Peter Kos. Numerous erudite articles by Marjeta Šašel Kos refer to
v delu Severno emonsko grobišče (1972) je dopolnila monografijo Sonje
ing excavations on the construction site of NUK II in 1996 under the
povednost dokumentacije je v objavah žal nekajkrat zabrisana s po-
the history of Emona, its administrative belonging and the related sys-
Petru Emonske nekropole (odkrite med leti 1635–1960), ki je izšla istega
field direction of Damijan Snoj.
enostavitvijo stratigrafskih zaporedij s terenskih risb in kataloškim
tem, religious practices pursued by its inhabitants, onomastics and other
so l. 2001 izdelali Aleš
Ogorelec, Peter Ogorelec in
Nataša Nemeček (Narodna
in univerzitetna knjižnica;
foto: D. Badovinac).
A model of the remains
of Roman architecture at
the site of NUK II built
on a 1:50 scale provides a
detailed representation of
all documented masonry
structures situated in
the investigated parts of
insulae XIII, XVII, XXVII and
XLVI. The model was built
Nemeček (National and
University Library; photo
by: D. Badovinac).
Uvod . Introduction
Uvod . Introduction
niso dosegali realne koristi, ki jo je prinašala gradnja na celotnem ob-
A Prologue – the Early
Prehistory of the
Ljubljana Gate
Glavne reliefne poteze naravnega vozlišča prehodov na stiku Lju-
The main relief characteristics of the hub of natural passages situ-
bljanskega polja in Ljubljanskega barja, ločenih s hribovitima pre-
ated at the contact point between the Ljubljana Plain and the Lju-
gradama Polhograjskih dolomitov na zahodu in Dolenjskega gričevja
bljana Moors, demarcated by the hilly barriers of Polhograjski dolo-
oz. Zasavskega hribovja na vzhodu, so bolj ali manj podobne tistim
miti to the west and the Dolenjsko gričevje Hills or Zasavsko hribovje
s konca prehoda med zgodnjim in srednjim pleistocenom (okoli
Hills to the east are presently more or less similar to those existing
800.000 let pred sedanjostjo), zato ne preseneča, da so iz neposredne
at the end of the Early/Middle Pleistocene transition (around 800,000
okolice Ljubljane znana že srednje- in mlajšepaleolitska plana najdi-
years before present). It is therefore not surprising that even Middle
šča. Poznavanje starejše kamene dobe tega prostora, ki je bilo še pred
and Upper Palaeolithic open-air sites from the area immediately sur-
dvema desetletjema omejeno na rogovje severnega jelena z vrezi iz
rounding Ljubljana are known. Our knowledge of traces left by the
Jelovškove opekarne na Vrhniki, konvergentno strgalo domnevno
Old Stone Age in this region which, even two decades ago, was only
mousterienske starosti (okoli 120.000–40.000 let pred sedanjostjo)
limited to reindeer antler with incisions from the Jelovšek Brick-
z bližnjega osamelca Hruševca in nekaj nepreverjenih najdb, so v
works in Vrhnika, a convergent scraper presumably of Mousterian
zadnjem času pomembno obogatila odkritja značilne kamnite in-
age (around 120,000–40,000 BP) from the nearby isolated Hruševca
dustrije v Podgorici pri Šentjakobu, Dolskem, Kamni Gorici (sl. 57)
Hill and some hitherto unverified finds, has only recently been sub-
in pri viški gimnaziji, kjer se paleolitska orodja pojavljajo v resedi-
stantially improved by discoveries of the typical lithic industry in
mentirani legi v mlajših plasteh. Najdbe, kot so simetrična ost iz lesa
Podgorica near Šentjakob, Dolsko, Kamna Gorica (fig. 57) and at the
tise s sledovi ožiganja iz Ljubljanice pri Sinji Gorici, ki
je bila domnevno del okoli
modern-day Vič Grammar School, where Palaeolithic implements
appear in a resedimented position in more recent layers. The
finds such as the symmetrical point made of yew wood dis-
Kamnita orodja iz Kamne
Gorice so bila odkrita v
resedimentirani legi pod
plastjo iz časa prehoda
pleistocena v holocen
pred približno 11.000
leti. Kronostratigrafski
retuširanih klin in konic
ter jeder in odbitkov bi
lahko nakazoval obstoj
paleolitske postaje na
prostem, čeprav tipološke
značilnosti gradivo
prej umeščajo v mlajšo
kameno dobo (NMS; foto:
T. Lauko).
playing burnt traces from the Ljubljanica River at Sinja
Gorica, which was presumably part of a 40,000-yearold hunting weapon (fig. 58), can be at least partly
related to the movement of (herds of) large Pleis-
These stone implements
from Kamna Gorica
were discovered in a
resedimented position
tocene mammals whose remains are attested in
under a layer dating to the
the sediments of the Vič Terrace at Bokalce (an elk
time of the Pleistocene/
jaw bone from the Lower Pleistocene), in Spodnja
položaj praskal,
Holocene transition
approx. 11,000 years ago.
Šiška (a bovid vertebra) and in the claypits near
The chronostratigraphic
Vrhnika. Judging by the abundant water and
position of endscrapers,
points, cores and flakes
retouched blades and
might indicate the
Rogovinasta sekira z
Antler axe with a blade
existence of a Palaeolithic
enostransko prirezanim
cut obliquely on one side,
open-air camp; however,
sečiščem, najdena
found in 1946 in the then
according to their
l. 1946 v takratni Zadružni
Co-operative Brickworks
typological characteristics,
opekarni na Viču v sivi
in the Vič district lying in
these finds are more likely
mivki 9 m pod površino
fine grey sand 9 m below
datable to the New Stone
(NMS; foto: T. Lauko)
the surface (NMS; photo
Age (NMS; photo by:
by: T. Lauko)
T. Lauko)
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
Prolog – starejša
Ljubljanskih vrat
Handle of a Late Bronze
Ročaj pitosa iz
Age pithos from the
mlajšebronastodobne faze
settlement at Castle
naselbine na Ljubljanskem
Hill. 14th–13th century BC
gradu. 14.–13. stol. pr. n. št.
(MGML; photo by:
M. Paternoster)
Tezo o ritualih, ki so domnevno vključevali tudi žrtvovanje ljudi, pod-
Grave 278, perhaps the oldest documented
dokumentirana celota iz nekropole na
unit from the necropolis situated in the
dvorišču SAZU, sodi v čas vzpona poselitve
courtyard of SAZU, goes back to the time
osrednjega dela Ljubljanske kotline
of the increased habitation of the central
in dokaj številne lobanje, večinoma iz struge na zahodnem delu Lju-
v 14./13. stol. pr. n. št. (MGML; foto:
part of the Ljubljana Basin during the
contemporary settlements are extremely rare. It is for the same reason
bljanskega barja. Izjema je lobanja, najdena zataknjena pod naplavlje-
M. Paternoster)
14th/13th century BC (MGML; photo by:
that a bronze solid-hilted sword which was reportedly found during
nim deblom v sedimentih zamočvirjenega rečnega obrežja na Prulah
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
pirajo posamične najdbe kostnih ostankov iz Ljubljanice, med katerimi izstopajo l. 1938 odkrit skelet z zadrto sulično ostjo iz izliva Bistre
Glavna najdišča kovinskih
The main sites of
obdobij prazgodovine
prehistoric metal ages
v Ljubljani: 1 – kolišče
in Ljubljana: 1 – the pile
earthworks conducted not far from the Roman wall at Mirje should be
(sl. 74), ki so vsebovali tudi keramiko, več bronastih igel in nož z začet-
na Špici/bakrena doba
dwelling at Špica/Copper
(3. tisočletje pr. n. št.);
Age (3rd millennium BC); 2
treated with some caution. Apart from the missing upper one-third of
ka pozne bronaste dobe.
2 – gradišče na Grajskem
– the hilltop settlement on
griču/mlajša bronasta
Castle Hill/Late Bronze to
very well preserved. However, the available data about the exact find
doba do železna doba
Iron Age (14th/13th century
(14./13. stol.–2/1. stol. pr.
–2 /1 century BC); 3 – the
spot are not reliable. Even less reliable is the record about the precise
n. št.); 3 – naselbina na
settlement in the area
območju Gornjega trga,
of Gornji trg, Žabjek and
later brought to the City Museum for observation. It was reportedly
Žabjeka in Prul/mlajša
Prule/Late Bronze and Iron
bronasta doba do železna
Age (14th/13th century–1st
doba (14./13. stol.–1. stol.
century BC); 4 – the
pr. n. št.); 4 – grobišče na
cemetery in the SAZU
fice is supported by some chance finds involving bone remains from
dvorišču SAZU/mlajša
courtyard/Late Bronze to
bronasta doba do železna
Iron Age (14th/13th century–
doba (14./13. stol.–3./2.
3rd/2nd century BC); 5 – the
stol. pr. n. št.); 5 – grobišče
cemetery in the NUK II
River with the Bistra Stream and the quite numerous skulls, largely
na lokaciji NUK II/mlajša
area/Late Bronze and
from its riverbed in the western part of the Ljubljana Moors. One ex-
bronasta doba do starejša
Early Iron Age (14th/13th
železna doba (14./13.
century–7th century BC);
ception is a skull stuck under a washed-up tree trunk discovered in
stol.–7. stol. pr. n. št.); 6 –
6 – the cemetery in the
grobišče na Kongresnem
area of Kongresni trg/ Late
pottery from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age.
trgu/pozna bronasta doba
Bronze and Early Iron Age
in starejša železna doba
(11th century–7th century
The forms of metal objects found, in particular weapons and tools
(11. stol.–7. stol. pr. n. št.)
BC) (photo by: A. Hodalič)
(foto: A. Hodalič)
the blade including the point which had been broken off, the sword is
Najbolj južno ležeči
Graves lying in the
grobovi žarnogrobiščne
southernmost section of
nekropole so bili odkriti
an Urnfield cemetery were
discovered in the western part of the Gradišče district.
na območju poznejše
discovered in the area of
A thesis suggesting rituals which presumably entailed human sacri-
emonske insule XVII med
later Emonan insula XVII
raziskavo lokacije NUK II
during excavations of the
l. 2008. Na sliki je ostanek
NUK II site in 2008. The
the Ljubljanica, the most notable being a skeleton with a spearhead
grobne jame s spodnjim
picture shows the remains
driven into it discovered in 1938 at the confluence of the Ljubljanica
delom keramične žare, v
of a grave pit with the
kateri so bile shranjene
lower part of a ceramic urn
sežgane kosti mlajše
containing cremated bones
ženske iz iztekajočega se
of a young woman from
spot where another bronze solid-hilted sword was found which was
sediments of a marshy riverbank at Prule (fig. 74) which also contained
(e.g. sickles) and pins for securing garments, are indicative of the fact
that the hitherto uncertain ritual background of the said places of
worship not only attracted the local population but also warriors,
13. stol. ali prve polovice 12.
the late 13th century or first
stol. pr. n. št. Večji del groba
half of the 12th century
je bil odstranjen med
BC. A large portion of the
izravnavo zemljišča pred
grave was removed when
gradnjo rimskega mesta
the ground was levelled
(MGML; foto: M. Lavrič).
prior to the building of
the Roman town (MGML;
photo by: M. Lavrič).
M. Paternoster)
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
Grob 278, verjetno najstarejša
This Late Bronze Age
posoda iz sedimentov
ceramic vessel found
na Prulah ima dobre
among the sediments at
primerjave na sočasnih
Prule has good analogies
naselbinah in grobiščih v
to those discovered in
severovzhodni Sloveniji
contemporary settlements
in sosednjih pokrajinah
and burial grounds in both
north-eastern Slovenia
and the neighbouring
regions (ZVKDS CPA)
Odkrite oblike kovinskih predmetov, zlasti orožja in orodja (npr. srpi)
craftsmen and merchants from remote places located between the
ter igel za spenjanje oblačil, nakazujejo, da je še nepojasnjeno kultno
Po Plain and the central Danube Basin. The contacts maintained with
ozadje omenjenih mest čaščenja poleg domačega prebivalstva prite-
the eastern Adriatic coast and the hinterland regions situated be-
govalo tudi bojevnike, rokodelce in trgovce iz oddaljenih krajev med
tween the Lika and the Trieste Karst regions, northern Italy and the
Padsko nižino in srednjim Podonavjem. Stiki z vzhodnojadransko
north-eastern areas of Pannonia and its fringes are also reflected in
obalo in zalednimi pokrajinami med Liko in Tržaškim krasom, sever-
the settlement and grave pottery discovered in the wider area under
no Italijo ter severovzhodno ležečimi pokrajinami Panonije in njene-
ga obrobja se odražajo tudi v naselbinski in grobni keramiki širšega
Lobanja, ki je bila najdena
V celoti ohranjene
med zavarovalno raziskavo
kovinske najdbe (sekire,
v bronastodobnem
noži, sulične osti, ločna
sedimentu na nekdanjem
enozankasta fibula)
obrežju Ljubljanice
iz struge Ljubljanice
na Prulah, dopolnjuje
med Špico in izlivom
dokaj številno zbirko
Gradaščice morda pričajo
prazgodovinskih človeških
o tem, da je v določenih
ostankov iz Ljubljanice
obdobjih prazgodovine
s pritoki oziroma z
ta odsek reke pritegoval
Ljubljanskega barja
kultno pozornost (NMS;
foto: T. Lauko)
A skull discovered during
Fully preserved metal
a preventive investigation
finds (axes, knives,
of a Bronze Age sediment
spearheads, a single-
on the former bank
looped bow fibula) from
of the Ljubljanica at
the bed of the Ljubljanica
Prule complements the
between Špica and the
relatively rich collection
mouth of the Gradaščica
of prehistoric human
might show that in certain
remains from the regions
prehistoric periods this
of the Ljubljanica with
section of the river had
its tributaries and the
ritual overtones (NMS;
Ljubljana Moors (ZVKDS
photo by: T. Lauko)
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
obravnavanega prostora.
Mlajša železna
south on the old northern Adriatic peoples of the Histri and Iapodi.
Iron Age
Indeed, archaeological finds prove that the Taurisci maintained lively
commercial and military contacts with the Celtic communities of Insubri and Cenomani in the Po Plain, with the Scordisci in the wider
area of the confluence of the Sava and Danube Rivers as well as with
the Geto-Dacian tribes along the lower Danube and in the northern
Fragmentary mentions of Taurisci by Roman and Greek historians and
geographers refer to their eagerness to fight, their frequent pillaging
raids into neighbouring territories and their predominantly hostile
attitude to the Roman state, which was unlike the Norican Kingdom,
a traditional Roman ally. Tauriscan military nobility together with an
escort were mainly involved in the fights with the Roman army. Along
with this, they pillaged the neighbouring territories, enslaving the
Greek and Roman geographers and historiographers used the
population living there for the needs of the Italian market, and per-
name Taurisci (Lat. Taurisci, Gr. Ταυρίσκοι/Taurískoi) to denote a union
formed war-related rituals. Significant parts of the histories of the
rodov, ki so se iz matičnega prostora v Galiji skupaj z Boji razselili med
of several Celtic tribes which, together with the Boii, were the first to
Norican and Tauriscan, which are closely intertwined, remain poorly
prvimi, kot se zdi, v dveh valovih. Del Tavriskov je v 4. stol. pr. n. št.
leave their original area in Gaul, apparently in two migration waves. In
understood. The traditional view that the Taurisci tribal union was,
prodrl čez zahodne Alpe v severno Italijo, kjer so bili kot del keltske-
the 4 century BC, one part of the Taurisci broke through the western
unlike the Norican Kingdom, headed by a council of elders (seniores)
ga zavezništva proti Rimljanom poraženi pri toskanskem kraju Tela-
Alps into northern Italy, where they were defeated as part of the Celtic
has recently been complemented by the suggestion that the territory
mon (225). Drugi val je v okviru velike keltske ekspanzije proti vzhodu
alliance against the Romans at Telamon, Tuscany (225). The second
under the rule of the Celtic kings Catmelus (Catmelus pro regulo; in
oziroma jugovzhodu napredoval vzdolž severnega roba Alp proti sre-
wave, which occurred in the course of the great Celtic expansion to the
178), Cincibilus (Cincibilus, rex Gallorum; in 171/170) and Balanos (Bala-
dnjemu Podonavju, kjer so se Tavriski kot eno glavnih vzhodnokelt-
east and south-east, made progress along the northern margin of the
nos regulus; in 169), who were mentioned by Livy, was not situated in
skih plemen sprva ustalili med obronki vzhodnih Alp in jugozaho-
Alps towards the central Danube basin, where the Taurisci (as one of
dno Panonijo z okolico Blatnega jezera. Arheološke najdbe
the chief East Celtic tribes) had initially settled in the area between
kažejo, da je do prihoda prvih keltskih družin in vojaških
the fringes of the Eastern Alps and south-western Pannonia includ-
pohodov v globlje dele dolin rek jugovzhodnoalpskega
ing the area surrounding Lake Balaton. Archaeological finds testify
prostora prišlo v zadnji tretjini 4. stol., o čemer morda
to the fact that the arrival of the first Celtic families and the military
priča tudi Ptolemejevo poročilo o srečanju odposlanstva Keltov z območja (severnega) Jadrana z Aleksandrom Velikim na spodnji Donavi l. 335; keltski odpo-
be Ptolemy’s account of a meeting of the Celtic delegation from the
popolnoma ohranjen meč
(olive oil, wine and seafood) arriving from Aquileia on wagons were
slanci so mu takrat menda dejali, da se bojijo edino
(northern) Adriatic area with Alexander the Great on the lower Dan-
iz Kamina, ki je bil tako
reloaded onto boats and transported on the Korkoras (Ljubljanica)
ube in 335; on this occasion, the Celtic envoys supposedly boasted that
kot večina ostalih najden
and Sava Rivers to Segestica (Sisak) and onwards to the Ister (Danube).
tega, da bi se zrušilo nebo nad njimi.
Austrian Carinthia but in present-day Slovenia.
Keltsko orožje iz
The Taurisci, who endeavoured to gain control over the Italo-Illyrian
Ljubljanice vključuje meče
Gate, which covers the wider area of the Razdrto Pass (Ancient Ocra)
in sulične osti, najdena
pa je bila tudi železna
čelada. Prevladujejo kosi
nificant share in handling the goods and the river transport heading
campaigns penetrating up river valleys of the South-Eastern Alps are
iz druge polovice 2. stol.
east. According to Strabo it was in Nauportus, which was expressly
datable to the last third of the 4th century. More evidence of this might
in prve tretjine 1. stol.
referred to as a settlement of the Taurisci, that Mediterranean goods
they feared nothing except for the sky falling down on them.
The Taurisci gradually settled in present-day central Slovenia in the
pr. n. št., kamor sodi tudi
skupaj z nožnico. Dolžina
104,5 cm (NMS; foto:
As a considerable stretch of the Amber Route connecting the north-
T. Lauko)
ern Adriatic region and the Baltic regions ran across their territory,
wake of the Celtic invasions into the Aegea and Asia Minor in the first
they were probably involved in intermediation between Italic mer-
third of the 3 century. In the early 2 century, they also tried to take
Celtic weapons from the
chants and the Celtic and Germanic tribes inhabiting the territory to
root in the far north-east of Italy. The attempted settlement of 12,000
Ljubljanica include swords
the north. The economic power of the Celts in the Eastern Alps and in
‘Transalpine Gauls’ in the Venetian Plain (Galli Transalpini in Venetiam
and the Postojna Gate with a height of 606 m, must have held a sig-
and spearheads; an iron
helmet was discovered,
central Slovenia not only rested on transit trade but particularly on
transgressi) and construction of an oppidum not far from the merchant
too. The most numerous
ironworking and the production of weapons. The Taurisci appropri-
settlement at the location of the later colony of Aquileia in 186 were
are objects datable to
ated the Hallstatt metallurgy of the south-eastern Alps, with the ter-
the second half of the
Med številnimi suličnimi
Among many spearheads
ostmi iz Ljubljanice
discovered in the
izstopajo primerki s
Ljubljanica, one has to
The uniform material culture, in particular similarities in the typical
third of the 1 century
weapons producing centres of the east Celtic area, especially in the last
tolčenim in jedkanim
mention examples with
BC. The same date can be
okrasom, ki dokazujejo
hammered and etched
features of the costume, pottery and weaponry, encompassed by the
two centuries BC.
stike s Skordiski in
decorations which are
Germani. Dolžina 42,5 cm
indicative of contacts
(NMS; foto: T. Lauko)
with the Scordisci and
Germanic peoples. Lenght
42.5 cm (NMS; photo by:
T. Lauko)
prevented by the Roman consular army.
archaeological term “Mokronog Group” indicates that, along with the
Taurisci, the Norici and Carni also came to the eastern Alpine area,
with the Norici settling in Austrian Carinthia, and the Carni establishing themselves in northern Friuli (Carnia), the Soča Valley and one
part of Gorenjska. In the north-east, the Taurisci bordered on their political allies Boii, in the east on the Scordisci, and in the south-east and
2nd century and the first
ascribed to a completely
preserved sword from
ritory of the Mokronog Group becoming notable as one of the main
The abovementioned nature of the Celtic-Roman relations is archae-
Kamin which, like the
ologically well-attestable particularly in the case of finds from the
majority of other swords,
Ljubljanica. The finds from the late period of Middle La Tène and the
was found together with a
scabbard. Lenght 104.5 cm
(NMS; photo by: T. Lauko).
early period of Late La Tène not only include individual items of Italic
origin and parts of costume and weapons characteristic of the peoples
inhabiting the northern Adriatic hinterland, but also – predominantly
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
S Tavriski (lat. Taurisci, gr. Tαυρίσκοι/Taurískoi) so grški in rimski
geografi in zgodovinopisci označevali plemensko zvezo več keltskih
Okrašeno ustje
srednjelatenske nožnice
iz Turjaške palače, ki
najverjetneje pripada
vsebini uničenega
bojevniškega groba
(MGML; foto: A. Ogorelec;
risba: I. Murgelj)
A decorated mouth of a
Middle La Tène scabbard
which most probably
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
Prazgodovinska Emona . Prehistoric Emona
from Auersperg Palace
belongs to the contents
of a destroyed warrior’s
grave (MGML; photo by:
A. Ogorelec; drawing by:
I. Murgelj)
2 cm
srednjem in poznem latenu dobro vzporednico v keltski predhodnici
deposit containing Celtic coins from the Gradaščica riverbed; a Celtic
rimske Celeje, ki je stala na terasasto preoblikovanem vznožju Mi-
silver coin from Trnovo; and an assemblage of fragments of fibulae,
klavškega hriba v velikem zavoju Savinje v Celju.
buckles and sword hanging rings of a belt set, strap ends, a fragment
Na obravnavanem območju je nekaj poznolatenskih najdb znanih tudi
of a ladle handle made in the shape of a duck’s head, a bucket handle
z levega brega Ljubljanice. Poleg predmetov iz zgodnjerimskih konte-
attachment and a bronze sculpture of a deity with a pentagonal head-
kstov intra muros (keltski srebrniki, fibule, okovi idr.) velja opozoriti na
dress recovered from the necropolis situated between the buildings
omembo (danes pogrešane) depojske najdbe keltskih novcev iz struge
of SAZU and the City Museum (fig. 113: b), supporting the suggestion
Gradaščice, keltski srebrnik iz Trnovega ter konvolut fragmentov fi-
that there was a votive site close to the river crossing. One very similar
bul, spon in obročkov pasne garniture za obešanje meča, jermenskih
statue from the 2nd/1st century BC, most probably a product of one of
jezičkov, odlomka držaja zajemalke v obliki račje glavice, ataše vedra
the workshops situated in the wider area of Aquileia, was recovered
in bronaste plastike božanstva s peterokrakim naglavnim okrasom z
from mixed layers on Castle Hill (fig. 113: a).
območja nekropole med stavbama SAZU in Mestnega muzeja (sl. 113:
b), ki podpira domnevo o daritvenem mestu v bližini rečnega prehoda.
Zelo podobna plastika iz 2./1. stol. pr. n. št., najverjetneje izdelek ene od
delavnic na širšem območju Akvileje, izvira tudi iz premešanih plasti
na Grajskem griču (sl. 113: a).
Bronasta kipca
Two bronze figurines of
predrimskega božanstva s
pre-Roman deities with
peterokrakim naglavnim
a pentagonal head-dress
okrasom iz premešanih
recovered from mixed
plasti na dvorišču SAZU (b)
layers in the SAZU
in srednjeveških nasutij
courtyard (b) and from
na območju trakta K
medieval fills in the area
na Ljubljanskem gradu
of section K at Ljubljana
(a) morda upodabljata
Castle (a) might represent
Herkula ali Belena.
Hercules or Belenus
2./1. stol. pr. n. št. (MGML;
(MGML; photo by:
foto: M. Paternoster)
M. Paternoster)
Iulia Emona
Gradnja obzidanega mesta
The City
of Colonia
Iulia Emona
Building the walled city
c.) l. 1911. Prva plošča (sl. 157) nosi gradbeni napis, ki kot naročnika na-
of another slab came to light during Schmid’s excavations in insula IV
vaja že pokojnega Avgusta in njegovega posinovljenca Tiberija, vendar
along the main cardo (at the crossing of Aškerčeva and Barjanska ces-
je na ključnem mestu odlomljen, zato iz njega ni mogoče razbrati, ka-
ta) in 1911. The former (fig. 157) bears a building inscription specifying
kšno zgradbo ali konstrukcijo sta cesarja podarila mestu. V literaturi
the deceased Augustus and his adopted son Tiberius as commission-
je prevladala dopolnitev »mestu sta dala obzidje s stolpi« – [murrum
ers. Since the slab is broken off in the crucial place, it is impossible to
turresq(ue)?d]ederunt, ki sta jo predlagala Anton von Premerstein in Si-
decipher the type of building or structure that had been granted to
mon Rutar. Na podlagi omenjenih funkcij obeh vladarjev sta J. Šašel in
the city by the emperors. The reconstructed part “they gave the city
Ingomar Weiler napis na tej plošči postavila v čas od Avgustove smrti
walls and towers” – [murrum turresq(ue)?d]ederunt suggested by An-
19. avgusta l. 14 n. št. do pomladi naslednjega leta. Po eni od starejših
ton von Premerstein and Simon Rutar was widely accepted. Based on
domnev je gradnjo v imenu pokojnega Avgusta in Tiberija mestu pode-
the said functions of both emperors, the inscription on this slab was
lil cesarjev sin Druz (Drusus Iulius Caesar), ko se je po uspešnem zatrtju
dated by J. Šašel and Ingomar Weiler to the period between the death
upora panonskih legij vračal iz glavnega štaba v Sisciji proti Rimu.
of Augustus on 19 August 14 AD and the spring of the next year. Ac-
Od druge plošče (sl. 158), ki je enako kot prva izdelana iz marmorja, lo-
cording to an earlier theory, the grant was made to the city on behalf
mljenega v kamnolomu Gummern na avstrijskem Koroškem, sta ohra-
of the deceased Augustus and Tiberius by the latter’s son Drusus Iu-
njena le fragmenta sredine spodnjega dela. Debelina in profilirani rob
lius Caesar when, after having suppressed the mutiny of the Pannon-
obeh plošč sta podobna, vendar ne enaka, v podrobnostih pa se razliku-
ian legions, he was returning from the main headquarters in Siscia
V razpravi o nastanku obzidanega mesta in datumu ustanovitve ko-
When discussing the origin of the walled city and the date the
jejo tudi črke. Vsebino obeh vladarskih napisov sta povezala že O. Cuntz
(Sisak) to Rome.
lonije je bila pozornost arheologov in zgodovinarjev usmerjena zlasti
colony was founded, both archaeologists and historians have largely
in B. Saria, kombinacija napisov pa je bila pred nekaj leti tudi izhodišče
Only two fragments of the central bottom part of the second slab (fig.
v fragmente dveh plošč z vladarskim napisom. Del okoli 350 cm široke
focussed their attention on the fragments of two stone slabs bear-
Zsolta Mráva, ki je postavil tezo, da je l. 15 Tiberij (tudi v imenu že umr-
158) survive which, like the first slab, was made of marble from the
in 79 cm visoke plošče, razbit na 15 manjših kosov različnih velikosti,
ing imperial inscriptions. One segment of an approximately 350 cm
lega Avgusta) dal mestu obzidje s stolpi, kar je bilo obeleženo na dveh
Gummern quarry in Austrian Carinthia. The thickness of both slabs
je bil najden l. 1887 v bližini vzhodnih vrat (na Salendrovi pri vogalu
wide and 79 cm high slab, broken into 15 small parts of different sizes,
ali več ploščah z identičnimi napisi, ki so bile (tudi glede na najdišča de-
and their moulded edges are similar, but not identical. The letters, too,
Turjaške palače), manjši del druge plošče pa med Schmidovimi izkopa-
was found in 1887 in the vicinity of the eastern gate (in Salendrova
lov plošč) najverjetneje nameščene nad odprtinami vseh glavnih me-
differ in details. O. Cuntz and B. Saria were the first to relate both im-
vanji insule IV ob glavnem kardu (pri križišču Aškerčeve in Barjanske
ulica near the corner of the Auersperg Palace), and a small segment
stnih vrat. Na novo rekonstruiran napis, ki po Mrávu (sl. 159: b) vključuje
perial inscriptions in terms of their content. Several years ago, Zsolt
Emona z zahoda (po Google Earth;
dopolnil A. Gaspari)
Emona from the West (from Google Earth;
supplemented by: A. Gaspari)
Mesto z grobišči, primestnimi stavbnimi
kompleksi, vodovodi in cestami (izdelal:
A. Gaspari)
The city with cemeteries, suburban
building complexes, water supply systems
and streets (drawing by: A. Gaspari)
stavbe extra muros / buildings
extra muros
grobišča 1.–4. stol. n. št. /
graveyards 1st–4th Ct. AD
poznorimska grobišča / Late
Roman graveyards
vodovod / aqueduct
cesta / road
500 m
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Odlomki osrednjega dela
These fragments of the
pravokotne marmorne
central section of the
plošče s cesarskim
rectangular marble slab
napisom, okvirno
bearing an imperial
datiranim med jesen l.
inscription, roughly dated
14 in poletje l. 15 n. št., so
between the autumn of
bili najdeni l. 1887 med
14 and the summer of 15
polaganjem vodovodne
AD, were unearthed in
napeljave pri vogalu
1887 during the laying of
Turjaške palače (NMS;
water pipes in Salendrova
foto: T. Lauko)
ulica near the corner of the
50 cm
Auersperg Palace (NMS;
photo by: T. Lauko).
Mráv again attempted to combine the inscriptions, suggesting that
fikata in črko M kot m[urum], je avtor datiral med 10. marec in zgodnje
it was Tiberius (also on behalf of the deceased Augustus) who made a
poletje l. 15. Avgustovo ime na prvem mestu bi po Mrávu pomenilo, da
grant of the walls and towers to the city in 15. This act was marked by
je še za svojega življenja naročil gradnjo obzidja in prevzel tudi večji del
means of two or more slabs with identical inscriptions which (given
stroškov. Avtor sklepa, da so bila ob njegovi smrti dela že v polnem teku,
the findspots of the fragments) were most probably placed above the
Tiberij pa je moral poskrbeti le še za njihovo dokončanje.
apertures of all main city gates. The newly reconstructed inscription
Datacija dograditve pomembne mestne zgradbe, ki sovpada z arheo-
which, according to Mráv (fig. 159: b), contains the title bestowed on
Večina napisov avgustejskega časa, ki
loško izpričanim zaključkom ureditve insularne zasnove, in okvirno
Augustus upon his death, a mention of Tiberius’ title of pontifex maxi-
obeležujejo gradnjo obzidja, je bila
sočasen pojav najstarejših grobov na mestnih nekropolah dajeta do-
mus and the letter M as m[urum], was dated by him to the period be-
volj opore domnevi, da je bila odločitev za gradnjo sprejeta v zadnjih
tween 10 March and the early summer of 15. Mráv also argues that
letih Avgustove vladavine. Čeprav podelitev kolonialnih pravic ni nuj-
the fact Augustus’ name is mentioned in the first place implies that
no sovpadala z izdajo dovoljenja za gradnjo obzidja in je bila v ta rang
he had commissioned the construction of the city walls and bore
morda že prej povzdignjena italska naselbina pod Grajskim gričem, bi
the major part of the respective costs. Thus, at the time of Augustus’
lahko odločitev za gradnjo mesta neposredno po zadušitvi panonsko-
death, the works were already underway and Tiberius only had to en-
-delmatskega upora pomenila tudi terminus ad quem za ustanovitev
sure they would be completed.
vklesanih v plošče, nameščene nad
glavnimi vrati z eno ali več odprtinami,
podobno kot to velja za gradbene napise
vojaških taborov. Podobne ozke in dolge
napise, segajoče čez celo pročelje vratnih
odprtin, so nosila npr. vrata Porta Aurea
v Ravenni, Porte d'Auguste v Nîmesu
(Nemausus), in situ pa je ohranjen tudi
napis nad vrati v obzidju Saepinuma
(porta Boviana), ki sta ga dala postaviti
Tiberij in njegov brat Druz v letih
2–1 pr. n. št. (rekonstrukciji napisa: a – po
Šašel, Weiler 1963; b – po Mrav 2002).
The majority of Augustan inscriptions
Both the dating of the finished construction of a prominent structure
marking the construction of the city walls
(which coincides with the archaeologically corroborated completion
were engraved on stone slabs installed
above the main gates featuring one or
of the insular layout) and the roughly contemporary occurrence of the
more apertures. This practice is similar
earliest graves in the city’s cemeteries are strong enough to support
to the building inscriptions in military
the argument that a decision to build the city was taken during the
camps. By comparison, similar narrow
and long inscriptions covering the entire
final years of Augustus’ rule. Although the granting of colonial rights
front of gate apertures were installed
did not necessarily coincide with the issuing of the licence to con-
on the Porta Aurea in Ravenna and the
struct the city walls (this status might have been previously accorded
Porte d’Auguste in Nîmes (Nemausus). The
inscription above the gate in the city walls
to the Italic settlement at the foot of Castle Hill), the decision to build
of Saepinum (Porta Boviana), erected by
a city in the wake of the suppressed Pannonian-Dalmatian Rebel-
Tiberius and his brother Drusus in 2–1 BC,
lion would also mean terminus ad quem for the founding of a colony
has been preserved in situ (reconstruction
of the inscription: a – from Šašel, Weiler
1963; b – from Mráv 2002).
at Emona. The latter argument is supported in particular by the new
city’s monumental layout and size facilitating the accommodation of
Cesarski napis na
The imperial inscription
a contingent of colonists that was typical of that time. The decision
marmorni plošči, katere
on a marble slab whose
prilegajoča se odlomka
two matching fragments
to build was most probably taken by the emperor himself, who was
je l. 1911 odkril W. Schmid
were discovered by
med raziskavami insule
W. Schmid in 1911 during
kolonije v Emoni, na kar napeljujeta zlasti monumentalna zasnova in
the undertaking. The tasks of planning and implementing the works
IV v južnem delu mesta,
the excavation of insula IV
je imel po mnenju več
in the southern section
velikost novozgrajenega mesta, ki je omogočala nastanitev za ta čas
beyond the well-established religious procedure of determining the
raziskovalcev enako
of the city. According
značilnega kontingenta kolonistov. O gradnji je najverjetneje odločil
pomerium were assigned to the Pannonian army, most likely the units
vsebino kot napis s
to several scholars, the
sam cesar, ki je osebno poznal ta prostor in verjetno tudi financiral po-
of Legio XV Apollinaris (the remaining two legions making up the said
Salendrove (NMS; foto:
content of the inscription
T. Lauko)
equals that on the slab
seg, načrtovanje in izvedba del onkraj ustaljene religiozne procedure
corps being Legio VIII Augusta and Legio IX Hispana).
določanja pomerija pa sta bila predana panonski vojski, najverjetneje
Apart from the need to provide land for veterans, Augustus’ decision
enotam Legio XV. Apollinaris (ostali dve legiji iz omenjenega korpusa
to build a new city (which can be considered one of the last acts un-
sta še Legio VIII. Augusta in Legio IX. Hispana).
dertaken within his colonisation programme) was probably intended
found in Salendrova ulica
(NMS; photo by: T. Lauko).
personally familiar with this region and might also have financed
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
titulaturo, ki jo je Avgust dobil ob smrti, omembo Tiberijevega ponti-
Poleg potrebe po zagotovitvi zemljišč za veterane so Avgustovo odloči-
to bring about the anticipated political and propagandist effects
tev za gradnjo novega mesta, ki je pomenila eno zadnjih dejanj njego-
relating to the symbolic consolidation of the Imperial power along
vega kolonizacijskega programa, verjetno pogojevali tudi pričakovani
Italy’s north-eastern border. The ambitious realisation of such a huge
političnopropagandni učinki v smislu simbolnega utrjevanja imperi-
project in just a couple of years, which is impressive even in today’s
alne oblasti na severovzhodni meji Italije. Velikopotezna izvedba tako
terms, clearly reflects the new ruler’s efficiency, organisation and
obsežnega projekta v zgolj nekaj letih, impresivna tudi v današnjem
technical abilities.
pogledu, je bila brez dvoma nazoren prikaz učinkovitosti, organiziranosti in tehničnih sposobnosti novega oblastnika.
Administrative belonging
of Emona and its territory
Za antične avtorje, npr. Plinija Starejšega in Ptolemeja, grškega geo-
Classical authors such as Pliny the Elder and Ptolemy, a Greek
grafa iz 2. stol. n. št., je bila Emona zaradi lege onstran gorske pregra-
geographer from the 2nd century AD, considered Emona as part of
de Alp, ki je ločevala Italijo od ostale Evrope in h kateri so prištevali
Illyricum or Pannonia in geographical and political terms, mainly
tudi skrajno severni del Dinarskega masiva, v geografsko-političnem
due to its position on the other side of the mountain barrier of the
20 km
Tabula Peutingeriana, barvna upodobitev
z imeni; s politično-administrativnega
Tabula Peutingeriana, a coloured
regards physical geography, the map
rimskega imperija na 33 cm visokem in
vidika pa mesta, poštne postaje, razne
representation of the Roman Empire
schematically and linearly represents
668,2 cm dolgem pergamentnem zvitku,
aglomeracije, plemena in ceste, vse z imeni
on a 33 cm high and 668.2 m long
mountains, rivers, some lakes, islands
prerisana v 12. ali 13. stol. z neke stare
in diferencirano ponavljajočimi se znaki.
parchment scroll, copied in the 12th or
and seas, all with names; in political and
predloge, ki se je verjetno izoblikovala v
Ceste so risane po potovalnih enotah
13th century from an older original which
administrative terms, the map shows
3. stol. n. št. in bila pozneje nesistematično
z linijami na kolena, pri čemer pomeni
was probably made in the 3rd century
cities and towns, post stations, various
dopolnjevana. Stlačen in razpotegnjen
vsako koleno ali mesto ali poštno postajo,
AD and was later unsystematically
agglomerations, tribes and roads, all
prikaz sredozemskega bazena in Orienta,
razdalje pa so navedene v rimskih miljah
supplemented. A flattened and stretched
with names and different yet recurring
Rimska avtonomna mesta
prilagojen ozkemu in dolgemu zvitku, je
(1481,5 m). Segm. IV 5, V 1–4. (NMS)
representation of the Mediterranean
signs. The roads are presented as travel
v 16. stol. pridobil augsburški humanist
Basin and the Orient, adjusted to fit the
units using jagged lines, with each turn
Konrad Peutinger in ga danes hrani
narrow and long parchment, was acquired
signifying either a town or a staging
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Cod.
by the Augsburg-based humanist Konrad
post and with distances being recorded
324). Z vidika fizične geografije zemljevid
Peutinger in the 16th century and is
in Roman miles (1,481.5 m). Segm. IV 5,
shematično linearno upodablja gorovja,
presently conserved in the Österreichische
V 1–4 (NMS)
reke, nekatera jezera, otoke morja, vse
Nationalbibliothek (Cod. 324). As
smislu del Ilirika oziroma Panonije, upravno pa je bila od samega za-
Alps which divided Italy from the rest of Europe and were regarded
četka vključena v italsko X. regijo. Administrativna pripadnost Emone
to also incorporate the northernmost part of the Dinaric moun-
Italiji je pomenila za njene prebivalce določene davčne in zemljiško-
tains. Administratively, however, it was included in the Italian Regio
posestne olajšave, nekaj privilegijev in prednostne možnosti za vzpon
X from the very beginning. For Emona’s inhabitants, its being part
na družbeni in ekonomski lestvici. Ena od teh možnosti je bilo tudi
of Italy in administrative terms meant certain tax and landholding
služenje v pretorijanski gardi, v katero so med Tiberijem in Septimi-
forms of relief, some privileges and better opportunities to climb up
jem Severjem novačili izključno izmed prebivalcev Italije, Norika, Hi-
the social and economic ladder. Thus, one of the possibilities open to
spanije Tarraconensis in Makedonije. Privilegiji so izgubili pomen z
them was to serve in the Praetorian Guard. During the time between
Dioklecijanovimi reformami konec 3. stol., ko so bile province sodno-
Tiberius and Septimius Severus, the guards were only recruited
upravno izenačene z regijami Italije.
from among the inhabitants of Italy, Noricum, Hispania Tarracon-
Mestno območje (ager) Emone je v grobem obsegalo Ljubljansko kotli-
ensis and Macedonia. The said privileges became irrelevant follow-
no z okolico (sl. 160); na Karavankah oz. Trojanah (Atrans) je mejilo na
ing Diocletian’s reforms in the late 3rd century when the judicial and
Norik oz. ozemlji Virunuma in Celeje, na gričevju zahodno od Višnje
administrative status of the provinces was made equal to that of the
Gore pa na Panonijo oz. ozemlje Neviodunuma (Drnovo pri Krškem).
regions of Italy.
in glavne komunikacije
na jugovzhodnoalpskem
območju (IzA ZRC SAZU;
izdelala: M. Belak)
Roman autonomous
cities and the main
communication lines in
the south-eastern Alpine
region (IzA ZRC SAZU;
drawing by: M. Belak)
avtonomno mesto /
autonomous town
naselbina /
glavna cesta /
main road
meja province /
provincial border
meja emonskega
agra / border of the
ager of Emona
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Administrativna pripadnost
in mestno območje Emone
City planning
relating to Emona
Uresničitev ideala
pravokotnega mesta
The ideal of the urbs
quadrata comes true
Ortogonalna zasnova emonskega mesta z obzidjem in mrežo pra-
The orthogonal layout of the city of Emona featuring the city
vokotno križajočih se ulic (sl. 171) je eden najnazornejših primerov
walls and the rectilinear street plan (fig. 171) is one of the most elo-
absolutnega apliciranja poznorepublikanskega in avgustejskega mo-
quent examples of the absolute application of the late Republican and
dela urbs quadrata. V primerjavi z ostalimi mesti tega tipa v X. (Venetia
Augustan model of urbs quadrata. Compared to other cities of this type
et Histria) in XI. (Transpadana) regiji kaže emonski urbanizem največ
situated in Regio X (Venetia et Histria) and Regio XI (Transpadana), the
podobnosti s kolonijama Augusta Praetoria Salassorum (Aosta), usta-
city planning features of Emona are most similar to the colonies of Au-
novljeno l. 25. pr. n. št. (sl. 173), in Julia Augusta Taurinorum (Torino) v
gusta Praetoria Salassorum (Aosta) founded in 25 BC (fig. 173) and of Iulia
Piemontu, ustanovljeno l. 28–27 pr. n. št.
Augusta Taurinorum (Turin) in Piedmont founded in 28–27 BC.
Velikost mesta je bila pogojena s topografijo zemljišča in načrtovanim
The city’s size depended on the topography of the site and the planned
številom prebivalcev, ki je v času konca republike in začetka principata
number of inhabitants who, at the time nearing the end of the Repub-
znašalo okoli 2.500 naseljencev. Ravnina terminalnega dela vršaja med
lic and the start of the Principate, stood at around 2,500 colonists. The
ježo, ki se spušča proti reki in blagim pobočjem Rožnika, je ponuja-
plain consisting of the terminal part of the alluvial fan situated be-
la dovolj možnosti za mestno zasnovo v obliki igralne karte velikosti
tween the riser descending towards the river and the gentle slope of
521,8 x 433,2 m. Mestni raster je zasnovan v 19-stopinjskem odklonu,
Rožnik Hill provided sufficient possibilities for the town plan shaped
kar ustreza Vitruvijevim priporočilom v zvezi z osončenostjo in zašči-
like a playing card of 521.8 x 433.2 m. The city’s grid plan is laid out at
to pred severnimi vetrovi.
a 19-degree north-east declination, which complies with recommen-
Natančna topografska umestitev je bila povezana s potekom (voja-
dations made by Vitruvius as regards sun exposure and protection
ške) ceste med Navportom in Siscijo, na katero so navezali decumanus
against northerly winds.
maximus, glavno mestno ulico v smeri vzhod–zahod. Os komunikacije
Its precise topographic position was dependent on the route of the
Emona–Celeia je od severnih mestnih vrat in sprva v neznatnem od-
(military) road between Nauportus and Siscia, to which the decumanus
klonu glede na cardo maximus po naključju potekala skoraj naravnost
maximus, i.e. the city’s main east-west-oriented street, was linked. The
proti geološko najprimernejšemu kraju za gradnjo mostu čez Savo, kar
Emona–Celeia line of communication, which started at the north-
spominja na potek podaljška karda Avguste Pretorije proti mostu čez
ern city gate and initially deviated slightly from the cardo maximus,
reko Buthier.
incidentally ran almost directly towards the geologically most ap-
Zdi se, da je imelo v primeru Emone pri umeščanju mesta določen po-
propriate location for building a bridge over the Sava whose course is
men tudi prazgodovinsko grobišče. Severni rob mesta se je naslonil na
reminiscent of the extension of the cardo of Augusta Praetoria running
že omenjeno strugo večjega potoka izpod Šišenskega hriba, ki je tekel
towards the bridge over the Buthier River.
tik južno od halštatske nekropole, upoštevanje zelo stare prepovedi
In case of Emona, the prehistoric cemetery seems to have played a cer-
skrunitve grobov iz rimskega prava pa nakazuje tudi skromno število
tain role in determining the location of the city. The city’s northern edge
dokumentiranih ostankov uničenih grobov znotraj pomerija.
rested against the riverbed of the previously mentioned large stream
Geodetski določitvi osi obzidja s položaji vrat in stolpov, foruma in
springing from Šišenski hrib Hill and flowing just south of the Hallstatt
potekov ulic ter zamejitvi mestnih otokov (insulae), ki so jo izvedli s
necropolis. Compliance with a very old prohibition related to grave des-
pomočjo križnega vizirja (groma), nivelirja (chorobates), vrvic, krede
ecration enshrined in Roman law is also confirmed by the scarcity of
in količkov, je sledila izravnava zemljišča, v okviru katere so odstra-
documented remains of demolished graves inside the pomerium.
nili večji del humusnih plasti na severu pomerija in nasuli območje
After the surveyors – using the surveyor’s cross (groma), a level (choro-
jugovzhodnega vogala mesta na današnjem Krakovem. Domnevno so
bates), strings, chalks and poles – had determined the alignment of the
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Načrt Emone,
Plan of Emona
rekonstruiran glede na
reconstructed according
rezultate raziskav v letih
to the results of the
1909–2012 (izdelal:
excavations between 1909
A. Gaspari)
and 2012 (drawing by:
A. Gaspari)
hkrati začeli gradnjo obzidja in javnih stavb ter zunanjih delov insul
city walls including the position of gates and towers, the position of
ob glavnih ulicah.
the forum, street routes and demarcation of insulae, the site was lev-
Podobnosti med pravokotno zasnovo Avgustovih mest v severni Ita-
elled, i.e. a considerable amount of the humus layers in the northern
liji in ureditvijo rimskih vojaških utrdb so bile v preteklosti pogosto
pomerium was removed and the future city’s south-eastern corner in
podlaga za sklepanje, da so bile kolonije zgrajene na mestih, kjer so
what is today Krakovo was filled in. The construction of the city walls,
predhodno stali tabori. V primeru Emone sta B. Sario o tem prepriča-
public buildings and the outside sections of insulae lining the main
la pravokotna oblika s količnikom 1,2 in velikost pomerija, ki ustreza
streets was presumably launched at the same time.
prostoru za eno legijo s pomožnimi enotami. Teza o utrjenih pravo-
In the past, similarities between the orthogonal layout of Augustan
kotnih mestih kot neposrednih preslikavah taborskih tlorisov je danes večinoma opuščena. Po mnenju italijanskega raziskovalca Carla
0 10
Tloris kolonije Augusta Praetoria
kotu mesta. Skozi obzidje debeline okoli
Ground plan of the colony of Augusta
4–5 m. Both the amphitheatre and the
Salassorum (današnja Aosta), ustanovljene
1,9 m s kvadratnimi vogalnimi stolpi s
Praetoria Salassorum (present-day Aosta)
theatre were situated inside the city walls,
l. 25. pr. n. št. v široki alpski dolini v
stranico 9 m in poligonalnimi vmesnimi
founded in 25 BC in a wide Alpine valley
occupying the city’s north-eastern corner.
bližini sotočja rek Buthier in Dora Baltea,
stolpi so vodila štiri glavna vrata, od
close to the confluence of the Buthier
Four main gates led through the city
na križišču cest Eporedia–Alpis Graia
katerih so imela vzhodna – porta
and Dora Baltea Rivers, at the junction
walls that were approx. 1.9 m thick and
in Augusta Praetoria–Alpis Poenina–
pretoria – tri odprtine in notranje
between the Eporedia–Alpis Graia and
had square corner towers (with a side 9 m
Lugdunum. Pravokotno obzidano mesto
dvorišče (stanje raziskav l. 2011;
Augusta Praetoria–Alpis Poenina–Lugdunum
in length) and polygonal towers situated
cities of northern Italy and the layout of Roman fortresses often led to
z merami 727,5 x 574 m (razmerje 1 : 1,2)
Soprintendenza per i beni e le attività
roads. The rectangular walled city with a
between them. The eastern gate – porta
the conclusion that colonies were built on sites previously occupied by
in skupno površino 41,76 ha je imelo
culturali, Ufficio beni archeologici).
size of 727.5 x 574 m (ratio 1 : 1.2) and a total
praetoria – featured three apertures and
64 pravokotnih insul enotnega modula
surface area of 41.76 ha consisted of 64
a small inner courtyard (the state of
75 x 57,5 m. Forum je zavzemal prostor
rectangular insulae of a uniform module
investigations as at 2011; Soprintendenza
4 insul severovzhodno od križišča glavnih
of 75 x 57.5 m. The forum took up the area
per i beni e le attività culturali, Ufficio
mestnih ulic. Širina glavnega karda in
of four insulae to the north-east of the
beni archeologici).
dekumana je znašala 9,46 m, ostalih ulic
junction of the city’s main streets. The
pa 4–5 m. Amfiteater in teater sta stala
width of the main cardo and decumanus
znotraj obzidja, in sicer v severovzhodnem
was 9.46 m, and the width of other streets
50 m
Študija tlorisa Emone v rimskih merah.
Območje znotraj obzidja je merilo v
dolžino 517,19 m ali skoraj 350 rimskih
korakov (passus/P = 1,48 m), v širino pa
429,2 m ali 290 P (razmerje 1 : 1,2), kar da
skupno površino 22,27 ha ali 88,27 jugera.
Insule v osi sever–jug so bile praviloma
široke 34 P ali 50,32 m, z izjemo dveh širših
nizov, ki sta omejevala glavni kardo (okoli
62,5 m ali okoli 42 P). Manj enotni moduli
širin prečnih nizov so segali od 26 P ali
karda in dekumana v večjem delu poteka
najverjetneje nista bistveno presegali
širine večine ostalih ulic (okoli 11,84 m ali
8 P). Forum, zasnovan v razmerju stranic 1
: 2 (43 P : 86 P), je zavzemal širino treh insul
severozahodno od križišča obeh glavnih
ulic (po Plesničar Gec 1999).
Study of Emona’s ground plan in Roman
units of measure. The territory inside the
city walls had a length of 517.19 m or nearly
350 Roman paces (passus/P = 1.48 m) and
a width of 429.2 m or 290 P (a ratio of 1:
1.2), which means a surface area of 22.27
ha or 88.27 iugera. The insulae situated
along the north–south axis were usually
34 P or 50.32 m wide, with the exception
of two wider rows delineating the main
cardo (approx. 62.5 m or approx. 42 P). Less
standardised width modules of transverse
rows ranged from 26 P or 38.48 m to 36 P or
53.28 m. The width of the main cardo and
decumanus (in the large stretch of their
respective courses) most probably did
not considerably exceed the width of the
majority of other streets (approx. 11.84 m
or 8 P). The forum designed with the sides
in the ratio 1 : 2 (43 P : 86 P) took up a width
of three insulae to the north-west of the
junction between the two main streets
(from Plesničar Gec 1999).
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
38,48 m do 36 P ali 53,28 m. Širini glavnega
military camps. B. Saria believed that this principle applied to Emona,
prometnega vozlišča in teritorialne nadzorne točke, kot razlog za iz-
too, on account of both the orthogonal layout with a quotient 1.2 and
biro taborskega modela pri njihovi gradnji pa je izpostavil psihološke
the size of the pomerium which corresponds to the area taken up by
učinke, ki so v smislu podobe reda in discipline, vpete v geometrizem
one legion including the auxiliary units. Today, the theory suggesting
vojaške prakse, delovali tako na prebivalstvo zasedenih območij kot
that fortified square towns are a simple replication of camp ground
na same koloniste. V trenutku urbanističnega projektiranja Emone je
plans has mainly been refuted. The Italian scholar Carlo Carducci be-
bila vsekakor še vedno aktualna tudi vojaška funkcionalnost izbrane
lieves that Augustus’ colonies of northern Italy notably played the
mestne zasnove. Poleg obzidja, ki je osnovna značilnost italskih mest
role of a transport hub and a control point. Moreover, Carducci point-
do Avgusta, izhaja obrambna sposobnost naselbine iz rastra ulic in nepozidanega pasu med zunanjimi nizi insul in obzidjem, ki je omogočal
Obzidje z vrati in stolpi
ter obrambnimi jarki
City walls including gates and
towers as well as defensive ditches
ed to psychological implications as the rationale behind the practice
Mestno obzidje v skupni dolžini okoli 1950 metrov z masivnim
According to Schmid, the city walls in a total length of approx.
of building towns modelled on military camps. Such towns, with an
vkopanim in zidanim temeljem širine 4,2 m ter stopničasto nad-
1,950 m with a massive dug-in masonry foundation of 4.2 m in width
hitre premike vzdolž vseh front morebitnega napada.
image of order and discipline stemming from the geometrism of the
gradnjo z 2,4 m široko pohodno ploščadjo se je po Schmidu me-
and a stepped superstructure with a 2.4 m wide wall walk were pre-
V Ljubljanski kotlini doslej niso bili ugotovljeni sledovi rimske ze-
military practice, exerted an impact on both the inhabitants of the
stoma ohranilo do višine 4,5 m, prvotno pa je bilo domnevno vi-
served up to 4.5 m in some places. Their original height presumably
mljiške razdelitve (divisio agraria), ki je bila glede na rimsko prakso
conquered lands and the colonists themselves. However, at the time
soko med 6 in 8 m. Prvotnega števila stolpov trenutno ni mogoče
ranged between 6 and 8 m. It is presently impossible to determine
skoraj zagotovo izvedena sočasno z ustanovitvijo kolonije oz. naseli-
urban plans for Emona were being drawn up, the military functional-
zanesljivo določiti. Poleg štirih glavnih mestnih vrat, zavarovanih
the original number of towers with certainty. Apart from the four
tvijo mesta in bi se morebiti kazala v še obstoječih ali že zabrisanih
ity of the selected city layout was still vitally important. Apart from
s po dvema stolpoma, sta imeli po Schmidu vzhodna in zahodna
main city gates protected by two towers each, the eastern and west-
potekih mlajših komunikacij oziroma parcelacije na zemljevidih in
city walls, which are a basic trait of Italian cities up to the time of Au-
stranica po šest stolpov v razmikih okoli 81 m (merjeno od sredine
ern sides had – according to Schmid – six towers each, situated at
katastrskih načrtih iz 18. in 19. stol. Pozornost raziskovalcev od P. Hit-
gustus, the settlement’s defensive capacity stems from its grid plan
stolpa), severna in južna pa po pet stolpov v razdaljah od 63 do 65 m,
intervals of around 81 m (measured from their middle lines), while
zingerja naprej je bila usmerjena zlasti na prostor Ljubljanskega polja,
and the clear belt situated between the outer rows of insulae and the
skupno torej 26 stolpov (sl. 171). Ostanki stolpa, ohranjeni v vogalu
the northern and southern sides had five towers at intervals from 63
ki z evtričnimi rjavimi prstmi na prodno-peščenih rečnih nanosih še
city walls which facilitated rapid movements along all fronts of a pos-
stavbe samostana uršulink, nakazujejo, da Schmidova domneva o
to 65 m, which amounts to 26 towers in total (fig. 171). The remains
danes pomeni eno najrodovitnejših območij v širši regiji, pred priho-
sible attack.
140,55 m dolgem presledku (interturrium) brez stolpa v sredinskih
of the tower preserved in the corner of the building of the Ursuline
dom Rimljanov pa ga je verjetno v veliki meri preraščal mešani listna-
No traces of the Roman land division (divisio agraria) have so far been
tretjinah severne in južne stranice ni pravilna in da je imelo ob-
Convent indicate that Schmid’s assumption about a 140.55 m long
ti gozd bukve in hrasta. Najverjetnejše izhodišče oziroma os rimske
identified in the Ljubljana Basin. Judging by the usual Roman prac-
zidje prvotno skupno najverjetneje 28 stolpov. Od teh so bili štirje
interspace (interturrium) situated in the central thirds of the north-
razdelitve tega zemljišča na kvadratne centurije s približno 710 m dol-
tice, it was most probably accomplished at the time of founding the
gimi stranicami in površino 50,6 ha (400 kvadratnih aktusov), kakršna
colony or of the inhabitants moving into the city. The division might
še danes zaznamuje velike dele Beneške in Furlanske ravnine ter bolj
perhaps be inferred from the course of more recent communication
razgibano zaledje Pule in Zadra, ali manjše ploskve zemljišča z osnovo
lines (either still existing or already blurred) or from the land allot-
v aktusu (actus quadratus = 35,52 x 35,52 m = 1.265 m ) oziroma jugeru
ment evident from maps and cadastral plans from the 18th and 19th
(iugerum = 2 kv. aktusa) je križišče glavnih mestnih ulic oziroma točka
centuries. Starting with P. Hitzinger, scholars were chiefly focused on
na osi glavne ceste Emona–Celeia tik zunaj severnih mestnih vrat.
the Ljubljana Plain which, due to its eutric brown soils on gravel and
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Carduccija je za Avgustove kolonije v severni Italiji značilna vloga
sand alluvial deposits, today still accounts for one of the most fertile
areas in the wider region. Prior to the arrival of the Romans, it was
most probably overgrown by a mixed deciduous forest of beech and
oak trees. The point of departure in the Roman division of this territory into either square centuriae with approximately 710 m long sides
and an area of 50.6 ha (400 square actus) – such a division is today still
characteristic of major portions of the Venetian and Friulian Plain as
well as the more varied hinterland of Pula and Zadar – or smaller plots
based on actus (actus quadratus = 35.52 x 35.52 m = 1,265 m2) or jugerum
(iugerium = 2 square actus) was the junction of the city’s main streets,
i.e. the point in the axis of the main road connecting Emona and Celeia
just outside the northern city gate.
Severno emonsko obzidje
The northern city walls to
zahodno od uršulinskega
the west of the Ursuline
samostana tik pred
Convent just before their
rušenjem (MGML)
demolition (MGML)
Severna jarka (MGML)
Two northern ditches
Kloake so bile v spodnji polovici, okoli 1 m
globoko, vkopane v večinoma neprepustne
finozrnate peščene, meljaste in glinaste
sedimente, s čimer je bila preprečena
nevarnost okužbe vode v vodnjakih. V
širši zgornji del vkopa je bila nabita glina,
Dna kloak so bila
pridobljena pri izkopu, s katero so prekrili
večinoma tlakovana z
tudi obok kloake. Kloaka pod dekumanom
opekami – laterkuli,
F na lokaciji NUK II. (ZVKDS OE Ljubljana)
s katerimi so lahko
natančno sledili
projektiranemu nagibu
In order to prevent contaminated water
in wells, the lower halves of sewers (i.e.
around 1 m deep) were dug into the mainly
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Sewer bottoms were
and clayey sediments. The clay obtained
usually made of paving
during the related digging was packed into
tiles – laterculi – which
the wider upper part of the pit. Similarly,
facilitated close
it was used to cover the sewer’s vault. The
compliance with the
sewer running underneath decumanus F at
planned inclination
the NUK II site (ZVKDS OE Ljubljana)
plošč, spodkopati oz. prebiti fasadne zidove
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
impermeable fine-grained sandy, silty
J na lokaciji Šumi je lepo razvidno,
prve faze. Zaščitne raziskave na Gregorčičevi
Pokrovi s čepi, locirani v
da so z vkopom za kloako presekali
ul. konec l. 2013 so, nasprotno, pokazale, da bi
bližini križišč mestnih
najdeni pretežno novci, kovani pod Kaligulo
in Klavdijem. O tem, da sodi njihova gradnja
v drugo stavbno fazo, priča tudi dejstvo, da
so morali pri napeljavi kanalizacije iz sosednjih insul, ki jo tipično sestavljajo dno iz
vzdolžno položenih tegul ali zidakov (later-
Na posnetku preseka cestišča dekumana
starejša cestna nasutja in sedimente.
Kloako, močno poškodovano zaradi
culi), zidani stranici in pokrov iz kamnitih
bila kloaka pod dekumanom I morda lahko
poznorimskega vkopa, so tesno zadelali z
zgrajena že v tiberijskem obdobju. O mo-
glino, preostanek vkopa pa zasuli z drugim
žni gradnji dela centralne kanalizacije že v
materialom. Sledilo je nasipanje cestnih
nasutij. (Arhej)
The cross-section of the roadway of
prvi stavbni fazi morda pričajo tudi vnaprej
predvideni, a neizkoriščeni prepusti kanalov
ulic, so omogočali
odstranjevanje blata
s cestišč ter čiščenje
in nujna popravila
samih kloak. Pokrov na
dekumanu J med insulama
iz insule XVa.
decumanus J at the Šumi site depicted
Kloake z notranjo višino 0,6–1,8 m in širino
Lids with plugs situated
here clearly shows that the trench dug
0,7–0,9 m imajo dno iz opečnih tlakovcev (la-
close to street crossings
for the sewer cut through earlier road
embankments and sediments. The cloaca
terculi), stranici in polkrožen obok iz klinasto
severely damaged by digging a late Roman
oblikovanih lomljencev pa so zidani (sl. 221–
trench was tightly plugged with clay, with
223, 235). Stranski kanali se iztekajo v kloake
the rest of the trench being backfilled with
other material. The depositing of road
surfacing material followed next (Arhej).
50–100 cm nad dnom; široki so med 30 in 50
cm ter visoki do 50 cm. V južnem delu mesta
so bile zaradi barjanskega značaja zemljišča
made it possible to remove
mud from roadways as
well as to clean and repair
the sewers themselves. The
lid at decumanus J situated
between insulae XXXV and
Prosperity and
reconstructions of the
late Roman period
Utrditev imperija, ki so jo prinesle socialne, upravne in gospo-
The consolidation of the Empire brought about by the social,
darske reforme cesarjev Avrelijana (270–275), Dioklecijana (284–305)
administrative and economic reforms carried out by the emperors
in Konstantina Velikega (306–337), so slabile državljanske vojne med
Aurelian (270–275), Diocletian (284–305) and Constantine the Great
vzhodno in zahodno polovico države, spopadi med cesarji in številni-
(306–337) was undermined by the civil wars between the eastern and
mi uzurpatorji ter gospodarska kriza in obubožanje prebivalstva. Od
western halves of the state, conflicts between the emperors and nu-
zadnje tretjine 4. stol. je imperij ogrožal naraščajoči pritisk zunaj nje-
merous usurpers as well as the economic crisis and impoverished
ga živečih germansko-nomadskih ljudstev Alanov, Gotov in Hunov, ki
population. From the last third of the 4th century on, the Empire was
ga nista zadržala niti okrepitev obrambnega sistema s stolpi, trdnja-
under growing pressure from the Germanic nomadic peoples living
vami in zapornimi zidovi (sl. 250) med Reko in Čedadom (Claustra Al-
outside its borders, i.e. the Alans, Goths and Huns. The pressure could
pium Iuliarum) niti naseljevanje barbarov na rimskih tleh v zameno za
neither be withstood by improving the defence system consisting of
Utrdbe, komunikacije in
5 km
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Razcvet in
celovite prenove
poznorimskega časa
20 km
pomembnejše naselbine
prostora v poznorimskem
obdobju (IzA ZRC SAZU;
izdelala: M. Belak)
Forts, communications
poznorimsko obdobje / Late Roman Period
Major late Roman sites
grobišča / necropolises
preseljevanje ljudstev / Migration Period
poznorimska najdišča
in the central part of the
6.–7. stol. / 6 –7 Cent.
Ljubljana Basin (drawing
the late Roman period (IzA
posamezne najdbe /
individual finds
v osrednjem delu
Ljubljanske kotline
by: A. Gaspari)
ZRC SAZU; executed by:
utrdbe / fortifications
and more prominent
settlements in the southeastern Alpine area during
M. Belak)
naselbine / settlements
(izdelal: A. Gaspari)
opravljanje lokalnih obrambnih dolžnosti v sklopu federatnih enot.
towers, forts and barrier walls (fig. 250) and stretching between Rijeka
Med literarno dokumentiranimi osebnostmi, ki dokazujejo vitalnost
and Cividale (Claustra Alpinum Iuliarum) nor by the barbarians settling
Emone tega obdobja, vemo za profesorja – jurista Flavija Simplicija, ki
on Roman soil in return for discharging local defensive obligations as
je bil svetnik v štabu guvernerja Etrurije (l. 365), nato guverner Numi-
foederati. One of the literarily documented persons bearing witness to
dije (370) in naposled (374–375) vicarius urbis Romae. Kot civilnopravni
how vital Emona was in the period under consideration is the profes-
sodnik za prekrške, v katere so bili zapleteni senatorji, je padel v nemi-
sor and lawyer Flavius Simplicius, who served as the consiliarius of the
lost cesarja Gracijana in bil usmrčen.
governor of Etruria (365), the governor of Numidia (370) and eventu-
Dinamično obdobje 4. stol. in prvih desetletij 5. stol. so v Emoni zazna-
ally rose to be (374–375) vicarius urbis Romae. Acting as a civil law judge
utrdba / fort
movali zazidava stranskih vrat in obnova obzidja, generalna prenova
deciding offences in which senators were implicated, he fell into dis-
cesta / road
cestišč, popravila in dopolnitev komunalne infrastrukture ter celovita
grace with Emperor Gratian and was put to death.
naselbina /
of a cartouche ornament, the renovation of the forum is roughly dated
to the early 4th century. It is therefore not impossible that the funds for
Marmorna glava moškega
A marble male head from
z začetka 4. stol., najdena
the early 4th century
v polnilu zahodnega
discovered in the material
mestnega jarka, morda
filling the city’s western
Tloris poznorimskega
Ground plan of a late
pripada celopostavnemu
ditch. It might have
kopališkega kompleksa
Roman bath complex
kipu cesarja s kakega
belonged to a full-body
z večjimi bazeni in
featuring large pools and
javnega prostora v mestu
sculpture of an emperor
telovadnicami južno
exercise areas to the south
cation. In the highly charged atmosphere, Licinius’ associate Senecio,
(NMS; foto: T. Lauko)
from a certain public space
od glavnega dekumana,
of the main decumanus
izkopanega v l. 1996–1999
unearthed in 1996–1999 as
probably a Norican dux, had all of Constantine’s statues and images at
v okviru raziskav lokacije
part of excavations at the
NUK II site (MGML)
in the city itself (NMS;
photo by: T. Lauko).
renovating public edifices were provided by Constantine himself. This
is indirectly confirmed by the events accompanying his conflict with
his co-Emperor Licinius which occurred soon after Diocletian’s abdi-
Emona removed. These events led to the outbreak of the war in 316,
which ended with Constantine’s triumph in the Battle of Cibalae (present-day Vinkovci). These events might be connected with the 38 cm
The dynamic period of the 4th century and of the first decades of the
5th century in Emona saw the walling in of the side gates, renovation
of the city walls, extensive roadway renovation, repaired and enlarged
utilities infrastructure and comprehensive rebuilding of the existing
structures as well as new building development in nearly all insulae.
Although their intended use was partly changed from private to public, their original city planning design was left unchanged. According to several indicators datable to the late Roman period, individual
buildings were abandoned and pulled down, unused parts of insulae
were turned into gardens or two insulae were merged into one (e.g.
XV and XVa). The fact that fenced courtyards or gardens in individual
kljub delni spremembi namembnosti iz zasebne v javno ne posegajo
building areas were extended into the area previously occupied by the
v staro urbanistično zasnovo. V poznorimsko obdobje sodi tudi več ka-
perimeter road running along the city walls indicates the need for en-
zalcev opustitve in rušenja posameznih stavb, sprememb opuščenih
hanced security in addition to that provided by the walls.
estrih / mortar floor
delov insul v vrtove in združevanja dveh insul v eno (npr. XV in XVa), o
Emona’s rise in prominence as a border town is further reflected in
glina / clay
povečani potrebi po iskanju varnosti v zavetju obzidja pa govori tudi
the renovation of the forum, which is archaeologically documented by
mozaik / mosaic
širjenje ograjenih dvorišč oz. vrtov posameznih stavbnih četrti na
the painted ceiling inside the arcades and by the fact that insula XXI was
cesta / road
prostor povezovalne ceste ob obzidju.
converted into a public bathhouse. Based on the stylistic characteristics
pločnik / pavement
Plesničar (1988)
Plesničar (1963, 1990, 1996–1999)
Prostor vzhodno od
The room situated to the
velikega bazena v insuli
east of the large pool in
XVII je bil tlakovan z
insula XVII was paved with
brušenim maltnim
a ground mortar floor
estrihom s primešanimi
containing black stones
črnimi kamni in kosi
and brick chips. The wall
opeke. Spodnji pas
paintings consisted of
stenskih poslikav
pale-rose lower areas
prinaša bledo rožnato
splashed with green,
površino, oškropljeno
black and red drops. The
z zelenimi, črnimi in
upper area featured a row
rdečimi kapljami, zgornji
of Pompeian red panels
pas pa niz pompejansko
partitioned with column-
rdečih polj, predeljenih
like elongations from the
s stebričastimi izvlečki
lower band (MGML).
spodnjega pasu. (MGML)
10 m
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Schmid (1910)
adaptacija stavbnih kompleksov in novogradnje v večini insul, ki
Public latrine situated in
severovzhodnem vogalu
the north-eastern corner
insule XVII (MGML)
of insula XVII (MGML)
Palmetast motiv na stenski
Palmette motif in the
Mozaik iz zadnje faze
Mosaic from the last phase
poslikavi kopališkega
wall painting of the bath
insule XVII (MGML)
of insula XVII (MGML)
kompleksa v insuli XVII
complex in insula XVII
Ostanki hipokavsta in
Remains of a hypocaust
kopalnic iz poznorimske
and bathrooms from the
faze insule XXX (MGML)
late Roman phase of insula
Vzpon pomembnosti Emone kot obmejnega mesta se odraža tudi v
high bronze head of a man of mature years discovered in the southern
prenovi foruma, ki je arheološko dokumentirana s poslikavo stropa
stretch of the western defensive ditch which was dated by Ložar to the
arkad in preureditvijo insule XXI v javno kopališče. Glede na slogovne
time soon after 300 AD (fig. 252).
značilnosti kasetnega ornamenta, ki prenovo foruma okvirno datirajo
The period after Constantine saw a marked increase in heated rooms
v začetek 4. stol., ni izključeno, da je sredstva za obnovo javnih zgradb
and thermal facilities, both in private parts of insulae and in those
prispeval sam Konstantin. Posredno to potrjujejo dogodki ob njego-
whose presumed function was a public meeting place (e.g. XXI and
vem sporu s sovladarjem Licinijem, do katerega je prišlo kmalu po
XXXII). One of Emona’s major recreational and entertainment com-
Dioklecijanovem odstopu. V napetem vzdušju je dal Licinijev pristaš
plexes was located in the area of insulae XVII, XLVI and XXVII in the vi-
Senecio, morda noriški dux, v Emoni odstraniti Konstantinove kipe in
cinity of the eastern gate (fig. 254). The unearthed remains datable to
podobe. To je bil neposredni povod za izbruh vojne l. 316, ki se je kon-
the late 4th or the early 5th century include remarkably well-preserved
čala s Konstantinovo zmago pri Cibalah (Vinkovci). Z omenjenimi do-
buildings featuring exercise areas, heated rooms along with furnaces,
godki bi bila lahko povezana 38 cm visoka marmorna glava moškega
heating channels and hypocausts, pools and cisterns made of hydro-
zrelih let z območja južnega dela zahodnega obrambnega jarka, ki jo je
phobic lime mortar mixed with crushed bricks, atriums provided with
Ložar datiral v čas kmalu po l. 300 (sl. 252).
impluvia made of limestone from Podpeč and toilets. The nature of the
Bronze vessel featuring
Bronasta posoda z
a relief decoration from
reliefnim okrasom iz
insula XXXV (MGML; photo
insule XXXV (MGML)
by: M. Paternoster)
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Javna latrina v
Obdobje od Konstantina naprej je zaznamoval tudi izrazit porast
complex is confirmed by a number of gaming
ogrevanih prostorov in termalnih naprav, tako v zasebnih delih in-
chips and dice as well as coin hoards and indi-
sul kot v tistih z domnevno funkcijo javnega zbirališča (npr. XXI in
vidual coins, totalling several thousand lower
XXXII). Eden večjih emonskih rekreacijsko-zabaviščnih kompleksov
denomination coins. A large public latrine
je bil ugotovljen na območju insul XVII, XLVI in XXVII v bližini vzho-
in the north-eastern corner of insula XVII is
dnih vrat (sl. 254). Izkopani ostanki sodijo na konec 4. ali v začetek
worth mentioning (fig. 257).
5. stol. in obsegajo izjemno dobro ohranjene stavbe s prostori za te-
Late Roman Emona was characterised by the
lovadbo, ogrevanimi prostori s kurišči, kanali in hipokavsti, bazeni
use of the Moravče sandstone, with the major-
in cisternami iz hidrofobne apnene malte s primešano zdrobljeno
ity of sarcophagi and suspensurae (piers) of hy-
opeko, atriji z impluviji iz podpeškega apnenca ter stranišči, značaj
pocausts being made from it. Also typical was
kompleksa pa potrjujejo najdbe številnih igralnih žetonov in kock
the secondary use of funerary architecture el-
ter skupne in posamične najdbe več tisoč novcev nižjih nominalov.
ements (including the monuments from the
Okenska rešetka iz
Mozaik iz prostora 65 v
(po Schmid 1913)
prostora 24 v insuli VI
insuli X (po Schmid 1913)
Window grill from room
early 3rd century) for repairing sewers (they
Mosaic from room 65 in
24 in insula VI (from
insula X (from Schmid 1913)
Schmid 1913)
were often covered with parts of fences or
tombstones, e.g. the stele of Tiberia; fig. 263),
building floors and impluvia (e.g. stelae of L.
Posebno pozornost vzbuja velika javna latrina v severovzhodnem vo-
such as was also discovered in insula XXVII. Insula XII also yielded a 7.5
Exoratus from insula III) as well as for mak-
galu insule XVII (sl. 257).
m long lead water pipe with an oval profile composed of several parts.
ing suspensurae (e.g. two grave plot boundary
Za poznorimsko Emono je značilna uporaba moravškega peščenjaka,
It was used to supply water to a trough in a courtyard situated in the
stones from insula III). Two novelties include
iz katerega je izdelana večina sarkofagov in suspenzur (stebričkov)
central part of the insula.
additional reinforcement of the subsoil base
hipokavstov, ter sekundarna uporaba elementov grobne arhitekture
Also datable to the late Roman phase are the majority of docu-
under the foundations of load-bearing walls
(vključno s spomeniki iz začetka 3. stol.) pri popravilih kloak, ki so jih
mented wall paintings which in some places survived up to 2 m high
using a thick grid of small timber piles (insula
neredko prekrivali z ograjami (sl. 263) ali nagrobniki (npr. stela Tiberi-
(figs. 253, 255) and mosaic floors featuring monochrome and poly-
XIII; this construction principle has also been
je), pri gradnji tlakov in impluvijev (npr. steli L. Kancija Fida iz insule
chrome geometrical motifs (fig. 256). The expressiveness of three-
reported with regard to the wall of the build-
XIII in Galija Eksorata iz insule III) ter za suspenzure (npr. dva mejnika
dimensional scenes of the late 1st and the 2nd century frescoes gave
ing in the area of no. 37 Krakovska ulica) and
grobne parcele iz insule III). Nova sta dodatno utrjevanje podlage za
way to two-dimensional solutions. The ceiling frescoes in the room
the use of conglomerate when constructing
temelje nosilnih zidov z gostim rastrom manjših lesenih pilotov (in-
containing one of the two pools (piscinae) making up the public
wall foundations and water well rims, par-
sula XIII; ta način gradnje je sporočen tudi pri zidu objekta na območju
thermae situated in insula XXXII (built prior to the mid-4th century)
ticularly those of modest execution. Insula
Krakovske ul. 37) in uporaba konglomerata, ki je bil namenjen zlasti
feature a typical decoration of rectangular cartouches with circular
XII, which was fully investigated by Schmid,
gradnji temeljev zidov in vencev vodnjakov, praviloma skromnejše iz-
connecting links executed in the Pompeian-red on a white surface.
yielded as many as 12 hypocausts of the “late
vedbe. V insuli XII, ki jo je v celoti raziskal Schmid, je bilo ugotovljenih
The most prominent mosaics of Emona are a group of 14 late Roman
period” and a remarkably large number of
kar 12 hipokavstov »pozne dobe«, nenavadno pa je tudi veliko števi-
black-and-white mosaics that were attributed by B. Djurić to a local
sewers; in some places, drainage outlets into
lo kanalov; izlivi dovodnic v kanale so bili včasih pokriti z rešetko iz
workshop active in the mid-4th century. The mosaics typically have
sewers were covered with grates of lead sheet,
svinčene pločevine, kakršna je bila odkrita tudi v insuli XXVII. V insuli
a black border framing the white centrepiece with an ornamented
XII je bila odkrita tudi 7,5 m dolga svinčena vodovodna cev ovalnega
field featuring a geometric pattern in the middle. The group is fur-
preseka, sestavljena iz več delov, ki je dovajala vodo v korito na dvori-
ther broken down into mosaics whose motifs of the central panel
šču v osrednjem delu insule.
are conceived as two-dimensional and those in which geometrical
V poznorimsko fazo sodi večina dokumentiranih stenskih poslikav,
patterns are intended to create the illusion of dynamic three-dimen-
mestoma ohranjenih tudi 2 m visoko (sl. 253, 255), in mozaičnih tal z
sional surfaces (fig. 261).
dvo- ali večbarvnimi geometrijskimi motivi (sl. 256). Motivi na fre-
A special decoration of dwelling spaces is attested in insula VII, which
20 m
skah opuščajo impresivnost risarsko zasnovanih prizorov s konca 1. in
was situated in Emona’s south-western corner. During the earliest
iz 2. stol. ter prehajajo v ploskovite rešitve. Stropne freske iz prostora
phase, the central courtyard was enclosed by a peristyle featuring a
z enim od dveh bazenov (piscinae) javnih term v insuli XXXII, zgraje-
wooden colonnade resting on masonry bases. Lining the colonnade
nih pred sredino 4. stol., kažejo tipično dekoracijo pravokotnih kaset z
were commercial premises, storerooms and residential quarters of
okroglimi povezujočimi členi v pompejansko rdeči barvi na beli pod-
the insula in which three heated rooms were identified by Schmid. The
rooms were fitted with colourful wall paintings and stucco involv-
Insula VII. V poznorimskem
Insula VII; in the late
obdobju so bili okoli
Roman period, the central
osrednjega dvorišča
courtyard was lined with
razporejeni gospodarski
commercial premises and
lagi. Med emonskimi mozaiki zavzema posebno mesto skupina 14 po-
prostori in shrambe, v
storerooms, whereas the
južnem delu pa razkošno
southern part included
znorimskih črno-belih mozaikov, ki jih je B. Djurić pripisal lokalni de-
ing egg-and-dart decorations and palmettes. A fragment capturing a
okrašeni stanovanjski
lavishly adorned dwelling
lavnici, delujoči v sredini 4. stoletja. Mozaike označuje črn okvirni pas,
female hand also survives. One of the rooms was paved with a black-
prostori (po Schmid 1913).
spaces (from Schmid 1913).
ki obdaja belo osrednjo ploskev s sredinskim ornamentalnim poljem
and-white mosaic, the other with bricks laid in a herringbone pattern
geometrične sheme. V okviru slednjega se skupina deli na mozaike, pri
(opus spicatum).
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Cantius Fidus from insula XIII and of Galius
the area of the courtyard of insula XV a couple of years prior to Schmid’s
opremljena soba je imela rdeč obtalni pas, oškropljen z rumeno in
excavations. A special feature of this time is a bearded herma made of
črno, nad njim pa je bila siva ploskev, predeljena z rumenimi in zeleni-
“crystalline limestone” unearthed by Schmid in the corner of insula VI
mi progami. Tla je tvoril izvrstno ohranjen črno-bel mozaik s kvadra-
close to the guard stone and dated to the 4th century. As regards im-
tnim sredinskim poljem, v katerem je prikazan motiv koncentričnih
ported stone types which might have been adorning a private bath-
krogov in sferičnih trikotnikov, v vogalih pa so upodobljene dvoročaj-
house, the valuable verde antico from the Peloponnese is mentioned,
ne posode – kantharosi z bršljanovimi viticami.
albeit not explicitly among the finds of the most recent Emonan
Zelo visok bivanjski standard in razkošna opremljenost zasebnih pro-
phases. Writing a report on the discovery of a thermal complex at the
storov v zadnjih emonskih fazah utemeljujeta domnevo, da sodita v
construction site of the Grammar School in 1872, A. Gvajc argued that
obravnavano obdobje tudi dve celopostavni ženski figuri v nadnarav-
the mosaics were made of black “marble” from Lesno brdo and a white
ni velikosti iz italskega marmorja, katerih odlomke je odkrila lastnica
Istrian stone, whereas the Styrian white marble from Köflach and the
M. Hern med različnimi zemeljskimi deli na območju dvorišča insule
Carrara marble of the bradilio fiorito type were used for constructing
XV nekaj let pred Schmidovimi raziskavami. Posebnost tega časa je
the heated rooms of the baths.
bradata herma iz »kristalastega apnenca«, ki jo je Schmid odkril ob vo-
Fostering a strong interest in the remains of artisanal activities, in
galu insule VI pri cestnem odrivaču in jo datiral v 4. stoletje, med uvo-
particular metalworking, Schmid dedicated an exhaustive part of
ženimi vrstami kamna, ki je nekoč verjetno krasil zasebno kopališče,
his monograph about Emona to the industrial sections of insulae in
pa se omenja dragocen zelen porfir (verde antico) s Peloponeza, čeprav
which workshops, warehouses and storerooms were identified. The
Sekundarna uporaba
Secondary use of
Izkopavanje sarkofagov
Excavations of
elementov pokopališke
individual elements of
pri Metalki na Ajdovščini
sarcophagi near the
ograje za popravilo
a grave-plot fence for
marca 1971 (MGML)
Metalka building at
kloake pod dekumanom J
repairing the sewer under
Ajdovščina in March 1971
decumanus J (MGML)
Poznorimski skeletni grob
214 s severnega grobišča
na območju med Trdinovo,
Pražakovo, Cigaletovo
in Slovensko c. pripada
katerih so motivi osrednjega polja razumljeni dvodimenzionalno, ter
The interior finishing of the late Roman dwelling spaces is well dem-
mozaike, katerih geometrične sheme skušajo ustvariti iluzijo plastič-
onstrated by insula X which had a well-preserved entrance on the east-
ki ga večina pridatkov
no razgibane površine (sl. 261).
ern side. A double-wing door with a threshold of 1.56 m by 45 cm led
umešča v 4. stol., je bil
Posebna dekoracija stanovanjskih prostorov je izpričana v insuli VII,
through a narrow entrance hall paved with hexagonal brick tiles into
ki je stala v jugozahodnem vogalu Emone. V najmlajši fazi je osre-
the courtyard featuring a water well. A sandstone Corinthian capital
dnje dvorišče obdajal pokrit hodnik z lesenim stebriščem na zidanih
bears witness to the courtyard decoration. The walls of dwelling spac-
podstavkih, ob katerem so se vrstili gospodarski prostori, shrambe in
es were painted with striped motifs. Many fragments of lime stucco
stanovanjski del insule; v njem je Schmid ugotovil tri ogrevane pro-
with egg-and-dart, palmette and astragal patterns along with a mas-
store. Ti so bili opremljeni z barvito stensko poslikavo in štukaturami
caron were discovered. The room displaying the most exquisite finish-
z jajčnim nizom in palmetami, ohranil pa se je tudi fragment z upo-
ing had a red skirting board, sprinkled with yellow and black. Above it
area enclosed by Trdinova
dobitvijo ženske roke. Eden od prostorov je bil tlakovan s črno-belim
there was a grey plane partitioned with yellow and green stripes. The
ulica, Pražakova ulica,
mozaikom, drugi pa s tlakom iz opek, postavljenih v vzorcu ribje kosti
floor consisted of an extremely well-preserved black-and-white mo-
(opus spicatum).
saic with a square centrepiece showing a motif of concentric circles
Ureditev stanovanjskih prostorov poznorimskega obdobja ponazarja
and spherical triangles. The corners were occupied by mugs with two
tudi insula X, ki je imela na vzhodni strani dobro ohranjen vhod. Čez
set handles – cantharoi with ivy tendrils.
1,56 m dolg in 45 cm širok prag z dvokrilnimi vrati se je stopalo skozi
The very high housing standard and lavishly decorated private spac-
ozko vežo, tlakovano s šestkotnimi opečnimi ploščicami, na dvorišče.
es typical of Emona’s last phases make it reasonable to suggest that
Tu je stal vodnjak, o okrasu dvorišča pa priča korintski kapitel iz pe-
the period under consideration also produced the two over-life-size,
ščenjaka. Stene stanovanjskih prostorov so bile poslikane s progasti-
full-body female figures made of Italian marble whose fragments
mi motivi, odkrili pa so precej odlomkov apnenega štuka z jajčastim,
were discovered by the owner M. Hern during various earthworks in
bogatejši ženski. V grobu,
najden tudi sesterc cesarja
Trajana Decija, kovan v
l. 249–251 (po Plesničar
Gec 1972, t. LX).
Late Roman inhumation
grave 214 from the
northern cemetery in the
Cigaletova ulica and
Slovenska cesta belongs
to a well-off woman. The
grave which, according
to the majority of grave
goods, is datable to the
4th century also yielded
a sestertius of Emperor
Trajan Decius minted in
249–251 (from Plesničar
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
Rimsko obdobje . The Roman Period
palmetastim in astragalnim vzorcem ter obrazno spako. Najbogateje