c QXYFUME®12 STERILANT-FUMIGANT GAS ACTIVE INGREDIENT ETHYLENE OXIDE 12% BY WEIGHT INERT INGREDIENT DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE 88% BY WEIGHT DANGER! NONFLAMMABLE LIQUID AND GAS UNDER PRESSURE. HARMFUL IF INHALED. CAUSES EYE AND SKIN BURNS. • DANGER! CANCER HAZARD AND REPRODUCTIVE HAZARD. • OTHER POSSIBLE DELAYED HEALTH EFFECTS may be nervous system injury. chromosomal changes. and cataracts. • EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE may be nausea, vomiting. diarrhea. numbness. weakness, loss of muscle coordination. dizziness. drowsiness, convul· sions. loss of consciousness. irritation of lungs. delayed lung injury (fluid in lungs). breathing dif· ficulties. blisters on skin. allergic skin reaction. PEL: 1PPM·TWA (ETHYLENE OXIDE) (OSHA-29CFR1910.1047) FIRST AID: IF INHALED. remove to fresh air. If not breathing. give artificial respiration. If breathing is dif· ficult. give oxygen. Call a physician. IN CASE OF CONTACT. immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing con· taminated clothing and shoes. Call a physician. Aerate. wash or clean contaminated clothing and discard leather goqds. LEAK: Evacuate area and keep personnel upwind. Use self· contained breathing apparatus and protec· tive clothing. and shut off leak if without risk. FIRE: Use water spray or fog nozzle to keep cylinder cool. Move cylinder away from fire if without risk. ODOR: Ether·like at high concentrations. Do not breathe gas. Do not get in eyes. on skin or clothing. Store and use with adequate ventilation. No part of the cylinder may be exposed above 125°F (52°C). Close valve when not in use and when empty. Use in accord with tag attached to valve. IN EMERGENCY: Call CHEMTREC 800-424-9300. c BEFORE USING OR HANDLING THIS PRODUCT YOU MUST ALSO READ AND UNDERSTAND LINDE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET FORM L-3499 AND MSDS FORM L-4799. FOR HOSPITAL AND INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY This product contains Chlorofluorocarbon-12. Classified by Underwriters' Laboratories. Inc. as to fire hazard only. Oxyfume' 12 Sterilant·Fumigant. The product supplied liquefied under pressure is non·flammable at ordinary temperatures. but at higher temperatures (ignition temperature 463°C. 865°F). ·is capable of forming weakly combustible mixtures with air. which do noi propagate flame throughout the mixture. Control No. 998P. DOT Shipping Name: Compressed Gas N.O.S. UN1956 IMO Shipping Name: Compressed Gas. Toxic. N.O.S. UN1955 EPA Reg. No. 10330-5 CAS: 75-21-8 (Ethylene Oxide) EPA Est. No. 10330- CAS: 75-71-8 (Dichlorodifluoromethane) BATCH· Union Carbide Corporation Linde Division, Danbury. CT 06817 MADE IN USA ·}H~UNDE . eUlllOllCMMllf 00 NOT REMOVE THIS LABEL Body Label, STB-0200 4 SPECIALTY GASES STB·0200 (7/87) c OXYFUME® ) Neck Label, STN-0220 o o DONOTREMO...ETH/S7iI\G OXYFUME<I:!'12 L·14·102 STERILANT-FUMIGANTGAS ACTIVE INGREDIENT-ETHYLENEOXIOE12% BY WEIGHT INERT INGREOIENT-DICHLORODIFWOROMETHANE 88% BY WEIGHT ) OIRECTIONS FOR USE n is • viaIaIIon 01 FedeIaI Law to use this product in a manner inconsIsIonI with Its labeling. 10 be used only by peraons 8lCJ*1en<:ed in OXyIume-12 gas _ _ and 1umIgaIlon, or by persons LIICIet dir8cI sup8Msian 01 penocno who antexpertenced In 0xyIum"'12gass1llriliZIItion and 1umIgaIIon. U. cnIy In accon:Ianc:e wIIh directions lJIIIIn onlhis tag and Iha safIIy p!8C8Utlons I1stad 0II1he body fabel. See ammt Unlcn C8rbIde Corporaticn, Unde DIvisIcn, ~ Sa/aty DaIa Shea!. Form L-4799, and safe practices _ L·3499fer additional saIoty information. GENERAL INSTRI.ICTIONS 1. ThIs cylinder is equipped with an eductor tube and is designed to cIacharga liquid. 2. The apptIIIdmaIa vapor ~ eocar1ad by this gas mbdure wi! be eopsig (414kFa) at70°F (21.1 0 C)whlle liquid is present. IIapar pressure wiI be " - If t8mpnIure Is below 70°F (21.1°C); f1IIPItH ~ is IIbcMt 7D"F (21.1°C). 3. Cylinder must be In uprfrt4posi1icnwhenclscharging. Cyf'llIder IIIU8I be II8CUIIId to ~ IaIIng over. 4. Dischatge ...... outlet Ja pI'OIIided wiIh a CGA 510 connection which I\8S Iefthand th.-.Remove p!otedive 111M plug wid make .... valwllIweads are undamaged. Do not at1aCh 0rdinary pipe fttllngs to this 1IlIMI. 5 . lJIelMl8l(~IIIunInum)tIttingoandplplngorTefton·lined tubing. c:apaIIIe 01 wi1hstanding Iha ~ to be enoounteI8d. inIIIaII pI8I!JUI1I relief device whenlliqIicI can be trapped ~ vaIws. EthyIone-prcpyiene rubberand IeIIon are suit· able materials fer gasIreIs. 8. Open ~ _ by turning handwheeI countan:Iod<wis. Newr UII8 a _ or other 'S\18111g8 deVice to open or close cytInder valve. 7. Replace vaMo plug tlgltly in vaMo outlet before rstuming contalner to IqlpIier. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Stant accordng to instructlcns provided on label and this tag. Rehm cylinder to supplier. STERlUZRlON 1. use Oxy:ume" 12 only in sWiIiZIOf!I designed lor use with 12'1& by W8igIII Ethylene Oxide and 88% bywelght Dichlcrodlffuoro. methane (Re!IIgnnt 12). 2. Use 0xyfI.vne-121n accordance with c:irectionssuppliad by the : . . SPECtALTYGASES atBrfflmr II'I8I1UfIIcU8r 3. SI8riz8r Iernper'Sft and ~ inftUance both exposure time and Ethylene Oxide concenttaIlon. The variation d type and quantiIy d IIIIIIariaI to be sIer1IIzed, how packed, size 01 Union Cetbida CorpotaIion UndeDMsion Danbury, Cannec:Iicut 06817 Copyright ® 1987 Union CarbIde Corpot.tion L·14·102 3187 20M Prit1tedInUSA STT-0200 (Confinued on bade) ) Tag, STT-0200 (Sack) Tag, STT-0200 (Front) 5 1~
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