Preliminary program The organizers are not responsible for the content of papers. Special characters have not been converted for internet publishing. The country, displayed next to the names of authors, is the country of the first author. In some cases authors are coming from different countries. 08.09.2014 14:20 Invited lecture 1 No. 101 08.09.2014 14:20 Nuclear energy, an energy for the future Christophe Behar - France 08.09.2014 15:00 Nuclear energy and society No. 201 08.09.2014 15:00 Nuclear Industry and European BSS Helena Janžekovič - Slovenia No. 202 08.09.2014 15:20 New Thinking Imperative in the International Partnership: toward the strengthening the backend for small nuclear programs Andrejs Dreimanis - Latvia No. 203 08.09.2014 15:40 New Training Experiments at the JSI TRIGA Mark II Reactor Luka Snoj, Sebastjan Rupnik, Anže Jazbec - Slovenia 08.09.2014 16:20 Severe accidents No. 301 08.09.2014 16:20 Iodine Benchmarks in the SARNET2 Network of Excellence Tim Haste, Mirco Di Giuli, Gunter Weber, Sebastian Weber - France No. 302 08.09.2014 16:40 Application of Thermal Hydraulic and Severe Accident Code SOCRAT/V3 to Bottom Water Reflood Experiment QUENCH-LOCA-1 Alexander D. Vasiliev, Juri Stuckert - Russian Federation No. 303 08.09.2014 17:00 Influence of Zirconium Oxidation on Steam Explosion Energetics Matjaž Leskovar, Vasilij Centrih - Slovenia No. 304 08.09.2014 17:20 Study of the Ruthenium Transport in the Primary Circuit in Case of a PWR Severe Accident Séverine Planteur, Marie-Noelle Ohnet, Olivia Leroy - France No. 305 08.09.2014 17:40 Analysis of CABRI-BI1 loss-of-flow experiment using ASTEC-Na Alain Flore Y Flores, Vaidas Matuzas, Luca Ammirabile – Netherlands 09.09.2014 08:30 Invited lecture 2 No. 102 09.09.2014 08:30 Finnish approach for synergistic effects of research, reliability and safety in nuclear energy Rauno Rintamaa - Finland 09.09.2014 09:10 Multiphysics No. 401 09.09.2014 09:10 Analysis of Thermalhydraulic Fluctuations in Trillo NPP with CTF/PARCSv2.7 Coupled Code Agustin Abarca, Marina Garcia-Fenoll, Teresa Barrachina, Rafael Miró, Gumersindo Verdú - Spain No. 402 09.09.2014 09:30 Neutronics and Thermal-hydraulics Study on Maximizing In Situ Utilization of U-233 in the ThU5-fueled HTR-PM Bing Xia, Fu Li, Chunlin Wei, Fubing Chen - China 09.09.2014 09:50 PSA No. 501 09.09.2014 09:50 Evaluation of dependency of human errors in PSA Jan Prochaska - Slovakia No. 502 09.09.2014 10:10 Benefits Of Robustness Analysis - Robustness Case Studies in European NPP´s Peter Schimann - Germany 09.09.2014 10:50 Reactor physics No. 601 09.09.2014 10:50 Evaluation of the efectiveness of a simple GFR2400 heterogenous control rod design Stefan Cerba, Branislav Vrban, Jakub Lüley, Vladimir Nečas - Slovakia No. 602 09.09.2014 11:10 Verification of Power Distribution of real fuel loadings in WWER-440 reactor Branislav Vrban, Gabriel Farkas, Ján Haščík, Jakub Lüley, Vladimir Nečas, Peter Urban - Slovakia No. 603 09.09.2014 11:30 Simulation of the NPP Krško startup core with CASL core simulator, VERA-CS Fausto Franceschini, Marjan Kromar, Dušan Ćalić, Andrew Godfrey, Jess Gehin - USA No. 604 09.09.2014 11:50 Small Subcritical Molten Salt Reactor for Minor Actinides from LWR Spent Fuel Incineration in Closed Fuel Cycle Pavel Alekseev, V. Nevinitsa, Anatoly Dudnikov, P. Fomichenko, Yu. Titarenko, V. Batyaev, K. Pavlov - Russian Federation No. 605 09.09.2014 12:10 Computational study of neutron screens performance considering different absorbing materials Nefeli Chrysanthopoulou, Gregory-Kyriakos Delipei, Panayiota Savva, Melpomeni Varvayanni, Nicolas Catsaros – Greece 09.09.2014 14:00 Research reactors No. 701 09.09.2014 14:00 Fuel Burnup Calculation in ITU TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor by Using Monte Carlo Method Mehmet Türkmen, Üner Çolak - Turkey No. 702 09.09.2014 14:20 Measurements of the in-core neutron flux distribution and energy spectrum at the TRIGA Mark II reactor of the Vienna University of Technology/Atominstitut Marcella Cagnazzo, Christina Raith, Mario Villa, Helmuth Böck - Austria No. 703 09.09.2014 14:40 Thermal power calibration of the TRIGA Mark II reactor Žiga Štancar, Luka Snoj - Slovenia 09.09.2014 15:00 Poster session No. 204 09.09.2014 15:00 Improving nuclear literacy through e-communication: the “eWorld” web project Melita Lenošek Kavčič, Mojca Drevenšek - Slovenia No. 205 09.09.2014 15:00 Nuclear Communication Divide Drago Kos, Marko Polic, Nadja Železnik - Slovenia No. 206 09.09.2014 15:00 Travelling Exhibition Fusion Expo Tomaž Skobe - Slovenia No. 207 09.09.2014 15:00 Nuclear Power Plant Krško 2 Action Plan Žiga Arnšek, Tomaž Ploj, Jože Špiler - Slovenia No. 208 09.09.2014 15:00 Public Opinion about Nuclear Energy – Year 2014 Poll Radko Istenič - Slovenia No. 209 09.09.2014 15:00 Public opinion and nuclear energy: INPRO methodology and recent findings in the open literature Rolando Calabrese - Italy No. 210 09.09.2014 15:00 Experience of Foreign Specialists Training Based on Training Programs for Inspection Personnel of Regulatory Body Anna Kazakova, Yury Kapralov, Elena Kosheleva, Anna Ionova - Russian Federation No. 211 09.09.2014 15:00 Regulatory oversight of activities following the discovery of damaged fuel assemblies during the Krško NPP outage 2013 Tomaž Nemec - Slovenia No. 212 09.09.2014 15:00 Sensitivity analyses to support determination of emergency planning zones around the nuclear power plant Andrej Stritar, Barbara Vokal Nemec, Michel Cindro - Slovenia No. 213 09.09.2014 15:00 Regulatory Review of the second Periodic Safety Review of the Krško NPP Davor Lovinčič - Slovenia No. 214 09.09.2014 15:00 ALARA in Practice Matjaž Koželj - Slovenia No. 215 09.09.2014 15:00 Bid Technical Evaluation Process for JEK 2 Project Aleš Kelhar - Slovenia No. 306 09.09.2014 15:00 Spatial Distribution of Hydrogen in NEK Containment Davor Grgić, Tomislav Fancev, Siniša Šadek, Vesna Benčik - Croatia No. 307 09.09.2014 15:00 The New STRESA Tool for Preservation of Severe Accident Experimental Data Produced in the European Commission Patricia Pla, Ghislain Pascal, Jorge Tanarro - Netherlands No. 308 09.09.2014 15:00 Analysis of Stratified Steam Explosions Matjaž Leskovar, Vasilij Centrih - Slovenia No. 309 09.09.2014 15:00 Simulation of THAI Hydrogen Deflagration Experiments with Upward Flame Propagation in Homogeneous Atmosphere using ASTEC Severe Accidents Code Ivo Kljenak - Slovenia No. 310 09.09.2014 15:00 Simulation of Hydrogen Deflagration Experiment Including Initial Turbulence Sensitivity Test with Fluent Computational Fluid Dynamics Code Tadej Holler, Marko Matkovič, Ivo Kljenak - Slovenia No. 311 09.09.2014 15:00 Development of the Post-Accident Strategy after the Nuclear or Radiological Accident Helena Janžekovič, Andrej Stritar, Darja Slokan Dušič, Marjan Tkavc, Barbara Vokal Nemec Slovenia No. 312 09.09.2014 15:00 SARNET benchmark on Phébus FPT3 integral experiment on core degradation and fission products behaviour Mirco Di Giuli, Tim Haste, Regis Biehler - Italy No. 313 09.09.2014 15:00 Pressurized Water Small and Medium Reactor (SMR) Modelization and Severe Accident Analysis using ASTEC code Mirco Di Giuli, Marco Sumini - Italy No. 314 09.09.2014 15:00 Transition boiling modelling in the MC3D code Mitja Uršič, Renaud Meignen, Gabrijela Ikovic - Slovenia No. 403 09.09.2014 15:00 Optimization of an integrated neutronic/thermal-hydraulic reactor core analysis model Antonios Mylonakis, Melpomeni Varvayanni, Dimokratis Grigoriadis, Panayiota Savva, Nicolas Catsaros, Alexandros Clouvas - Greece No. 404 09.09.2014 15:00 Coupling the ATHLET3.0 and the KIKO3DMG multigroup 3D kinetic code developed for the fast spectrum Gen4 reactors György Hegyi, Andras Kereszturi, Pataki István, Ádám Tóta, Kiril Velkov, Ihor Pasichnyk, Yann Périn - Hungary No. 405 09.09.2014 15:00 Peach Bottom Low Flow Stability Analysis with TRACE/PARCS Gómez-Zarzuela Consuelo, Teresa Barrachina, Agustin Abarca, Rafa Miró, Gumersindo Verdú Spain No. 406 09.09.2014 15:00 A new coupling CFD/Monte Carlo neutron transport scheme, Application to a single fuel rod problem Romain Henry, Iztok Tiselj - Slovenia No. 503 09.09.2014 15:00 Overview of Fire PSA and supporting software Peter Simurka - Slovakia No. 504 09.09.2014 15:00 Analysis of Possible Flooding of Industrial Site Zaporizhia NPP at Joint Impact of a Beyond Design Basis Earthquake and a Tornado in a Pond Cooler Volodymyr Skalozubov, Igor Kozlov1, Victor Kolykhanov, Anton Mazurenko, Tetyana Gerasimenko Ukraine No. 505 09.09.2014 15:00 PSA analyses of mitigation strategies for extreme external events Blaže Gjorgiev, Andrija Volkanovski - Slovenia No. 506 09.09.2014 15:00 Assessment of Loss of Offsite Power Initiating Event Frequency Marko Čepin - Slovenia No. 606 09.09.2014 15:00 Determination and validation of fuel cooling with the use of isotopic factors Dušan Ćalić, Marjan Kromar - Slovenia No. 607 09.09.2014 15:00 Modeling of PWR Biological Shield Boration Using SCALE6.1 Hybrid Shielding Methodology Mario Matijević, Dubravko Pevec, Krešimir Trontl - Croatia No. 608 09.09.2014 15:00 Uncertainty Analysis in Reactor Physics Modeling in the Framework of UAM-Benchmark Using SERPENT and SCALE-6.2 for Transport Calculations and TSUNAMI and SAMPLER for Cross Section Perturbation Antonia Labarile, Nicolás Olmo, T. Barrachina, Rafael Miró, Gumersindo Verdú - Spain No. 609 09.09.2014 15:00 Windows interface environment XSUN-2013 for NEA transport and sensitivity-uncertainty computer codes TRANSX-2, PARTISN and SUSD3D Slavko Slavič, Ivan Kodeli, Vladimir Radulović - Slovenia No. 610 09.09.2014 15:00 Evaluation of the Point Kinetic Model of NEK in APROS Tadeja Polach, Ivica Bašić, Luka Štrubelj - Slovenia No. 611 09.09.2014 15:00 Scale 6.1 evaluation of the effective cross sections of a LWR assembly-reflector model with application to the NEA TMI-1 PWR Benchmark Federico Rocchi, Marco Sumini, Antonio Guglielmelli - Italy No. 612 09.09.2014 15:00 Reactor Physics Analysis of the Krško NPP by JSI and Westinghouse Marjan Kromar, Fausto Franceschini - Slovenia No. 613 09.09.2014 15:00 Fluence Rate Benchmarking of the Stochastic Neutronic Code ANET Thalia Xenofontos, Gregory-Kyriakos Delipei, Panayiota Savva, Melpomeni Varvayanni, Jacques Mailliard, Jorge Silva, Nicolas Catsaros - Greece No. 614 09.09.2014 15:00 VENUS-2 MOX Core Benchmark Analysis using MCNP5 1.40 with JEFF 3.1.2 and ENDF/B-VII.0 nuclear data sets Gregory-Kyriakos Delipei, Panayiota Savva, Melpomeni Varvayanni, Nicolas Catsaros - Greece No. 615 09.09.2014 15:00 A platform for the validation of nuclear data based on the ASPIS series of experiments in the SINBAD database Alberto Milocco, Andrej Trkov, Ivan Kodeli - Italy No. 704 09.09.2014 15:00 MARIA Research Reactor Thermalhydraulic Calculations With RELAP5 Code. Eleonora Skrzypek, Krzysztof Gomulski, Maciej Skrzypek - Poland No. 705 09.09.2014 15:00 Calculations to support design and installation of the DT Converter in TRIGA Mark-II Aljaž Kolšek, Luka Snoj, Patrick Sauvan - Slovenia No. 706 09.09.2014 15:00 Validation of the neutron and gamma flux distributions in the JSI TRIGA reactor core Gašper Žerovnik, Tanja Kaiba, Anže Jazbec, Sebastjan Rupnik, Loic Barbot, Damien Fourmentel, Luka Snoj, Jean-François Villard - Slovenia No. 707 09.09.2014 15:00 Determination of Computational Bias for Sub-critical Configuration of VR-1 Jakub Lüley, Stefan Cerba, Ján Haščík, Branislav Vrban, Vladimir Nečas, Jan Rataj - Slovakia No. 708 09.09.2014 15:00 Physical Analysis of Thermalization in Thermal Column Irradiation Position Aljaž Kolšek, Luka Snoj - Slovenia No. 709 09.09.2014 15:00 Comparison of Measured and Calculated Reactivity Worth of Control Rods in a TRIGA Reactor Vid Merljak, Andrej Trkov, Igor Lengar - Slovenia No. 710 09.09.2014 15:00 Kinetic Simulation of Control Rod Reactivity Worth Measurement in a TRIGA Reactor by the Rod-Drop Method Vid Merljak, Andrej Trkov - Slovenia No. 711 09.09.2014 15:00 Analysis of neutron flux and reaction rates of TRIGA research reactor using Monte Carlo code Serpent Dušan Ćalić - Slovenia No. 805 09.09.2014 15:00 MCNP calculations in connection to the decommissioning scenario Amine Bouhaddane, Gabriel Farkas, Vladimír Slugeň - Slovakia No. 806 09.09.2014 15:00 Modeling of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Concrete for Filling Trenches in Radioactive Waste Management Ilija Plećaš, Dalibor Arbutina - Serbia No. 807 09.09.2014 15:00 Development of technology of decontaminating beryllium from spent nuclear reactor blocks in order to regenerate material or store it for a long time V. Chakin, A. Posevin, Alexej Stengach, Stanislav Vesnovskiy - Russian Federation No. 808 09.09.2014 15:00 Optimization of the Vrbina LILW Repository Preliminary Design Boštjan Duhovnik, Janja Špiler - Slovenia No. 809 09.09.2014 15:00 DECOMTEC Group as a Russian Integrated Approach in Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning Natalia Shepotenko, Konstantin Yushitsin, Sergey Bekhtev - Russian Federation No. 810 09.09.2014 15:00 The Solidification of Liquid Radioactive Waste – New Technique and Knowledge Applied in Institutional Waste Management in Slovenia Marko Kostanjevec, Simona Sucic - Slovenia No. 811 09.09.2014 15:00 A global used fuel solution (Closing the nuclear fuel cycle for a utility or country with a limited fleet and no confirmed new build program) Peter Breitenstein, Cecile Evans - France No. 907 09.09.2014 15:00 Code-to-code comparison of the VVER 440/V213 containment response to the DBA Ján Kubačka, Peter Juriš, Martin Gajdoš - Slovakia No. 908 09.09.2014 15:00 Simulations of condensation induced slug formation and slug acceleration in partially filled elbow shaped geometry Jure Oder, Matej Tekavčič, Iztok Tiselj - Slovenia No. 909 09.09.2014 15:00 RELAP5 analysis of Krško nuclear power plant abnormal event from 2011 Andrej Prošek, Marko Matkovič - Slovenia No. 910 09.09.2014 15:00 Supporting Deterministic T-H Analyses for Level 1 PSA Slavomir Bebjak, Tomas Kliment - Slovakia No. 911 09.09.2014 15:00 Steam Generator Modeling in Apros Klemen Debelak, Tadeja Polach, Ivica Bašić, Luka Štrubelj - Slovenia No. 912 09.09.2014 15:00 Modeling of Low Pressure Injection System of NEK in computer code APROS Jure Jazbinšek, Ivica Bašić, Luka Štrubelj - Slovenia No. 913 09.09.2014 15:00 Uncertainty study of a SBLOCA using DAKOTA code. Application to a nuclear power plant TRACE5 model Andrea Querol, Sergio Gallardo, Gumersindo Verdú - Spain No. 914 09.09.2014 15:00 Capability of TRANSURANUS code to reproduce LOCA integral test results Oleksandr Lisovyy - Italy No. 915 09.09.2014 15:00 TRACE Three Dimensional Pressure Vessel Model Development for Krško NPP Ovidiu-Adrian Berar, Andrej Prošek, Borut Mavko - Slovenia No. 916 09.09.2014 15:00 Simulation of flooding waves in vertical air-water churn flow using Neptune_CFD 2.2.0 code Matej Tekavčič, Boštjan Končar, Ivo Kljenak - Slovenia No. 917 09.09.2014 15:00 Dynamic Simulation of NEK Reactor Coolant Pump with Best Estimate Full Scale Model in APROS Dejan Slovenc, Samo Fürst, Ivica Bašić, Luka Štrubelj - Slovenia No. 918 09.09.2014 15:00 Upper plenum temperature calculations: comparison of TRANSURANUS with a 2–D model under steady–state conditions Rolando Calabrese, Arndt Schubert, Paul Van Uffelen, Luka Vlahovic, Csaba Gyori - Italy No. 919 09.09.2014 15:00 Investigation of coolant temperature fluctuations circulating in the primary circuit of VVER440 reactors Sándor Kiss, Sándor Lipcsei - Hungary No. 920 09.09.2014 15:00 Numerical simulations of a turbulent flow in a fuel assembly Blaž Mikuž, Iztok Tiselj - Slovenia No. 1005 09.09.2014 15:00 Historical Review of Exposure due to the C-14 Discharges from the Krško NPP Milko Križman, Matjaž Stepišnik - Slovenia No. 1006 09.09.2014 15:00 Passive Heat-removal Systems Peter Schimann - Germany No. 1007 09.09.2014 15:00 Post-Fukushima Assessment of the AP1000® Plant Bryan Friedman, Jake Glavin, Adam Malinowski, Phillip Mathewson - USA-Pensylvania No. 1008 09.09.2014 15:00 Quality Assurance Oversight of Important Plant Functional Areas Igor Fifnja - Slovenia No. 1009 09.09.2014 15:00 Evaluating the Conditions and Impact on the Reactor Vessel of Thermal Shock Volodymyr Skalozubov, Igor Kozlov1, Victor Kolykhanov, Gennadiy Oborskiy, A.A. Hudyma - Ukraine No. 1010 09.09.2014 15:00 Neutron noise analysis in the NPP Krško Marjan Kromar, Bojan Kurinčič, Urban Simončič - Slovenia No. 1011 09.09.2014 15:00 An Installation Company Role within the Reactor Vessel Closure Head Replacement at Krško NPP Franc Škrabec, Frank Courtney - Slovenia No. 1012 09.09.2014 15:00 Autonomous Mobile Robots for Deep and Shallow Hydrodynamic Treatment of Concrete and Metal Surfaces Zdenko Kovacic, Matko Orsag, Borislav Balac, Stjepan Flegaric, Kristijan Brkic, Ante Mamic - Croatia No. 1013 09.09.2014 15:00 RJET – 111: Autonomous Mobile Robot for Water Intake Channel Maintenance in Power Plant Cooling Systems Matko Orsag, Zdenko Kovacic, Stjepan Flegaric, Kristijan Brkic, Borislav Balac - Croatia No. 1101 09.09.2014 15:00 Treatment of Inconel alloy from COMPASS tokamak with O2 and H2 plasma at high temperature Alenka Vesel, Aleksander Drenik, Miran Mozetič, Marianne Balat-Pichelin, Jan Stockel, Jozef Varju, Radomir Panek - Slovenia No. 1105 09.09.2014 15:00 Towards a theory of collisionless-discharges with imbalanced global charge-outfluxes Nikola Jelić, Leon Kos - Austria No. 1106 09.09.2014 15:00 On the Role of the Source Term in a Fluid Model of the Sheath Formation in an Oblique Magnetic Field Tomaž Gyergyek, Jernej Kovačič - Slovenia No. 1107 09.09.2014 15:00 PIC Simulations of an Ion Energy Analyzer Tomaž Gyergyek - Slovenia No. 1108 09.09.2014 15:00 Sensitivity and Uncertainty Pre-analysis of the FNG Copper 14 MeV DT Benchmark for Fusion Relevant Cross-Section Validation Ivan Kodeli, K. Kondo, A. Klix, Ulrich Fischer, M. Angelone - Slovenia No. 1109 09.09.2014 15:00 Visualization schema for fusion data structures Leon Kos - Slovenia No. 1110 09.09.2014 15:00 The influence of nitrogen co-deposition in mixed layers on deuterium retention and thermal desorption Anže Založnik, Sabina Markelj, Iztok Čadež, Primož Pelicon, Corneliu Porosnicu, Cristian Lungu Slovenia No. 1111 09.09.2014 15:00 Fabrication and characterization of W-based composites Saša Novak, Aljaž Ivekovič - Slovenia No. 1206 09.09.2014 15:00 Automated Motion of the Forerunner Mobile Manipulator Over the Tube Sheets Tomislav Tomašić, Andrej Jokić, Ante Bakic - Croatia No. 1207 09.09.2014 15:00 Strain gradient crystal plasticity approach to modelling micro-plastic flow and localisation in polycrystalline materials Igor Simonovski, Tuncay Yalcinkaya, Leon Cizelj - Netherlands No. 1208 09.09.2014 15:00 Uncertainties in Fatigue Life Assessment of Pipes due to Random Thermal Loads Oriol Costa Garrido, Samir El Shawish, Leon Cizelj - Slovenia No. 1209 09.09.2014 15:00 DFT study of uranium and plutonium oxides in gas phase: structures and thermodynamic properties Marta Cerini, Giuseppe Dia, Elena Macerata, Eros Mossini, Marco Giola, Mario Mariani, Carlo Cavallotti - Italy No. 1210 09.09.2014 15:00 Development of the probe for the Ultrasonic examination of tube butt welds with tube wall thicknesses less than 8 mm Leonardo Trupinić, Nikola Pavlović, Renato Hohnjec - Croatia No. 1211 09.09.2014 15:00 Fuel-coolant chemical interaction in LFR systems: a preliminary thermodynamic approach Maddalena Negrin, Eros Mossini, Elena Macerata, Marta Cerini, Marco Giola, Mario Mariani, Laura Pellegrini - Italy No. 1212 09.09.2014 15:00 Formation Enthalpies estimation by a semi-empirical approach for chemical considerations in Lead-cooled Fast Reactors Alberto Tosolin, Elena Macerata, Eros Mossini, Marta Cerini, Marco Giola, Mario Mariani - Italy No. 1213 09.09.2014 15:00 The corrosion behaviour of dissimilar steel weld due to synergy of several effects: Field case study Marjan Suban, Robert Planinc, Borut Bundara, Robert Cvelbar - Slovenia No. 1214 09.09.2014 15:00 Multiscale Simulations Of The Load Path Change By Different Hardening Laws In The Framework Of Crystal Plasticity Zhengxiang Chen, Leon Cizelj - China No. 1215 09.09.2014 15:00 High Sensitivity Ultrasonic NDE Method for Early Detection of Creep Damage in Alloy Steel Steam Systems in Power Plants Marko Budimir, Channa Nageswaran, Liudas Mažeika - Croatia No. 1216 09.09.2014 15:00 Development and Testing Richard Manipulator for NDE Applications Michal Pöschl - Czech Republic No. 1217 09.09.2014 15:00 The Fatigue Evaluation of Surge Line Submitted to Thermal Stratification from Measured Outside Wall Temperatures Younjung Kim, Sunyeh Kang, Geeseok Kim, Hyunmin Kim - South Korea 09.09.2014 16:40 Radioactive waste and decommissioning No. 801 09.09.2014 16:40 Organizational Concept for Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning Natalia Shepotenko, Konstantin Yushitsin, Sergey Bekhtev, Maxim Silaev, Ekaterina Sokolovskaya Russian Federation No. 802 09.09.2014 17:00 A Well Established System for the Dry Storage of Spent Fuel Skrzyppek Juergen, Fopp Stefan, Michael Koebl - Germany No. 803 09.09.2014 17:20 Safety relevant issues for LILW repository, Vrbina, Krško municipality Nadja Železnik, Vladimir Lokner, Ivica Levanat - Slovenia No. 804 09.09.2014 17:40 Natural and Engineering Barriers – the Safety Concept Basis for LILW Repository in Vrbina, Krško Sandi Viršek, Tomaž Žagar - Slovenia 10.09.2014 08:30 Thermal-hydraulics I No. 901 10.09.2014 08:30 Mitigation Strategy for Extended Blackout Power Condition Andrej Prošek, Andrija Volkanovski - Slovenia No. 902 10.09.2014 08:50 Development of the Original Technology on the Natural Circulation of Liquid Metal Coolant in Fast Reactors Kyungha Ryu, Sang Hyuk Lee, Jaehyoung Kim, Byoungmin Ban - South Korea No. 903 10.09.2014 09:10 Analysis of CET and PCT during a SBLOCA. Application to a scaled-up model. Andrea Querol, Sergio Gallardo, Gumersindo Verdú - Spain 10.09.2014 09:50 Thermal-hydraulics II No. 904 10.09.2014 09:50 Best Estimate Calculation and Uncertainty Evaluation of LBLOCA of APR+ Considering New Safety Features Young Seok Bang, Sweng Woong Woo, Min Jeong Hwang, S.K. Sim - South Korea No. 905 10.09.2014 10:10 Instantaneous Heat Transfer Characteristics of Multiple Impinging Jets Martin Draksler, Boštjan Končar, Leon Cizelj, Bojan Ničeno - Slovenia No. 906 10.09.2014 10:30 NEK Small Break LOCA Simulation by APROS code Tadeja Polach, Miha Lenič, Ivica Bašić, Luka Štrubelj - Slovenia 10.09.2014 11:10 NPP operation No. 1001 10.09.2014 11:10 Krško NPP 2nd Periodic Safety Review Lessons Learned Aleksandra Antolovič, Bruno Glaser, Ivica Bašić, Ivan Vrbanić - Slovenia No. 1002 10.09.2014 11:30 Capacity and Reliability of Slovenian Transmission Grid in Light of a Future Reasonable Production Increase from Krško NPP Units Pavel Omahen - Slovenia No. 1003 10.09.2014 11:50 Deploying Experiments to Support Internal Hazard Management Harri Tuomisto - Finland No. 1004 10.09.2014 12:10 ATHLET/KIKO3D results of the OECD/NEA benchmark for coupled codes on KALININ-3NPP measured data György Hegyi, Andras Kereszturi, István Trosztel - Hungary 11.09.2014 08:30 Invited lecture 3 No. 103 11.09.2014 08:30 The European Fusion Roadmap Francesco Romanelli - United Kingdom 11.09.2014 09:10 Fusion No. 1112 11.09.2014 09:10 Laboratory Experiments of Ammonia Production in Plasmas of H2 – N2 Mixtures Aleksander Drenik, Rok Zaplotnik, Gregor Primc, Miran Mozetič, Anže Cigoj - Slovenia No. 1102 11.09.2014 09:30 TRIGA Irradiations of Mn foils and TLD as Potential Tritium Production Monitors for Fusion Applications Ivan Kodeli, Vladimir Radulović, Darko Kavsek, Władysław Pohorecki, Tadeusz Kuc - Slovenia No. 1103 11.09.2014 09:50 Characterization of the neutron field for the JET torus Igor Lengar, Luka Snoj, Aljaž Čufar, Brian Syme, Paola Batistoni, Sean Conroy - Slovenia No. 1104 11.09.2014 10:10 Hydrogen atom recombination study on W by vibrational spectrometer in differential pumping mode Anže Založnik, Sabina Markelj, Iztok Čadež - Slovenia 11.09.2014 10:50 Nuclear materials No. 1201 11.09.2014 10:50 TEM Foils Preparation from Irradiated Austenitic Stainless Steel -An applied methodology to attain 1mm samples Hygreeva Namburi, Petra Bublíková, Vít Rosnecký, Jan Michalička, Eliška Keilová, Jan Kočík, Miroslava Ernestová - Czech Republic No. 1202 11.09.2014 10:50 Impact on Neutronic Calculation of Thermomechanical Expansion of Reactor Vessel Internals Cecile-Aline Gosmain, Sylvain Rollet, Michel Tommy-Martin, Isabelle Rupp, Jean-Luc Flejou - France No. 1203 11.09.2014 11:10 K/J value estimation of specimen containing dissimilar metal welds Igor Simonovski, Oliver Martin, Gangadhar Machina - Netherlands No. 1204 11.09.2014 11:50 Applying Methods of Functional Electrophysical Diagnostics and Nondestructive Testing in Inner-Reactor Tests of Uranium Nitride Vitaly Surin, Ekaterina Ryabikovskaya - Russian Federation No. 1205 11.09.2014 12:10 Extended Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Approach for Neutron Irradiated Austenitic Stainless Steels Samir El Shawish, Leon Cizelj - Slovenia
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