JRC – JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE ORGANISATIONAL CHART – 1 October 2014 Director-General (Brussels) Vladimír ŠUCHA Deputy Director-General Ispra Ispra 2. Safety and Security Georg PETER 3. Assets and Logistics Antonios KOLETSOS Ispra Brussels Adviser for Scientific Development Peter CHURCHILL Ispra 1. Nuclear Decommissioning Thomas KIRCHNER 4. Maintenance and Utilities James GRAY 5. Site Planning and Development François AUGENDRE Includes the Central Intellectual Property Service of the European Commission Seville 7. Climate Risk Management Frank RAES 8. Sustainability Assessment Constantin CIUPAGEA Seville Seville Seville Seville 4. Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Economy Jacques DELINCÉ 5. Sustainable Production and Consumption Luis DELGADO SANCHO Seville 5. Systems Toxicology Maurice WHELAN 6. Innovation Systems Analysis Margareta THEELEN acting Brussels Ispra Ispra Ispra Ispra 8. Sustainable Transport Alois KRASENBRINK 3. Information Society Ioannis MAGHIROS Ispra 7. Renewables and Energy Efficiency Heinz OSSENBRINK Ispra Petten 6. Digital Citizen Security Jean-Pierre NORDVIK Ispra 6. Energy Technology Policy Outlook Efstathios PETEVES Ispra 5. Land Resource Management Alan BELWARD Ispra Petten 5. Security Technology Assessment Neil MITCHISON 4. Nanobiosciences Hermann STAMM Ispra 5. Nuclear Reactor Safety Assessment Brian FARRAR acting 2. Knowledge for Growth Xabier GOENAGA BELDARRAIN Ispra 4. Monitoring Agricultural Resources Neil HUBBARD 3. Molecular Biology and Genomics Joachim KREYSA Ispra Petten 4.European Laboratory for Structural Assessment Artur PINTO VIEIRA 1. Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transport Antonio SORIA RAMIREZ Ispra Ispra 4. Innovative Technologies for Nuclear Reactor Safety Peter HAEHNER 2. Public Health Policy Support Ciarán NICHOLL Ispra Ispra 3. Forest Resources and Climate Guido SCHMUCK Ispra Petten Petten Petten 3. Maritime Affairs Alessandra ZAMPIERI 11. Resource Management Seville Vincenzo CARDARELLI Ispra 3. Energy Security, Systems and Market Marcelo MASERA 1. Chemical Assessment and Testing Maria Pilar AGUAR FERNANDEZ Ispra 2. Global Security and Crisis Management Delilah AL KHUDHAIRY J. IPTS – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Seville) John BENSTED-SMITH I. IHCP – Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (Ispra) Krzysztof MARUSZEWSKI Brussels Brussels Ispra Ispra 2. Air and Climate Elisabetta VIGNATI Ispra 1. Water Resources Giovanni BIDOGLIO 6. Digital Earth and Reference Data Alessandro ANNONI Karlsruhe 5. Nuclear Chemistry Jean-Paul GLATZ Karlsruhe 5. Standards for Food Bioscience Franz ULBERTH 2. Energy Conversion and Storage Technologies Marc STEEN Karlsruhe 4. Nuclear Fuel Safety Joseph SOMERS 1. Financial and Economic Analysis Francesca CAMPOLONGO Karlsruhe 4. Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards Willy MONDELAERS 1. Site Management Marc STEEN acting Karlsruhe 3. Materials Research Rudy KONINGS Adviser Peter PÄRT Adviser Gerald VOLLMER Karlsruhe 3. Knowledge Transfer and Standards for Security Philip TAYLOR 10.Resource Management Petten Josephina PIJLS Karlsruhe 2. Safety of Irradiated Nuclear Materials Vincenzo RONDINELLA H. IES – Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Ispra) Maria BETTI G. IPSC – Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (Ispra) Stephan LECHNER F. IET – Institute for Energy and Transport (Petten) Giovanni DE SANTI Ispra 8. Nuclear Security Willem JANSSENS Geel 7. Nuclear Safeguards and Forensics Klaus LÜTZENKIRCHEN 2. Standards for Innovation and Sustainable Development Hendrik EMONS Geel 6. Actinide Research Roberto CACIUFFO 1. Site Management and Radiation Protection Ralph MAIER Geel 1. Site Management Marc WELLENS Geel 9. Resource Management Karlsruhe Jacqueline RIBEIRO Geel 8. Resource Management Geel Doris FLORIAN Petten Karlsruhe E. ITU – Institute for Transuranium Elements (Karlsruhe) Jean-Paul GLATZ acting Ispra Brussels C. Ispra Site Management (Ispra) Dan Claudiu CHIRONDOJAN Brussels Adviser for Evaluation and Scientific Integrity Pieter VAN NES Brussels Ispra Ispra Brussels 3. Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (*) Giancarlo CARATTI di LANZACCO 01. Internal Audit Stanislav DRAPAL Adviser for Policy Support Pierre NICOLAS Ispra Brussels Ispra Brussels Ispra Brussels Geel Ispra Brussels Brussels Brussels 2. Foresight and Behavioural Insights Xavier TROUSSARD Principal Adviser for Generation IV Thomas FANGHÄNEL Ispra Brussels Geel D. IRMM – Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (Geel) Elke ANKLAM Brussels 7. Information and Communication Technologies Bartel MEERSMAN Ispra 5. International, Interinstitutional and Stakeholder Relations Ulla ENGELMANN 6. Legal Advice Carina Røhl SØBERG 1. Econometrics and Applied Statistics Andrea SALTELLI Brussels 4. Nuclear Safety and Security Said ABOUSAHL 5. Finance and Procurement Iain FORMOSA Assistant to the Director-General Margarita NIKOLOVA Adviser for Research and Innovation Policy Support ……………….. Brussels 3. Resource Efficiency, Sustainability and Health Jens OTTO 4. Budget, Accounting and Competitive Activities Jacques VAN OOST Brussels 2. Planning, Evaluation and Knowledge Management Giacinto TARTAGLIA Assistant to the Director-General Olivier EULAERTS Brussels 3. Recruitment and Training Ilze BALTMANE Assistant to the Director-General Jean-Philippe GAMMEL Brussels Brussels 1. Economy, Growth, Safety and Security David MAIR Ispra 2. Human Resources Marc WILIKENS Brussels Brussels Ispra Adviser for Economic Growth and Competitiveness Jocelyne GAUDIN Brussels Brussels Brussels 1. Organisational Development Marinus STROOSNIJDER Ispra Brussels Adviser for Bio-Economy Guy VAN DEN EEDE Adviser for Public Tendering and Compliance Eric FISCHER Brussels Head of Task Force "EXPO 2015" Giancarlo CARATTI di LANZACCO 6. Communication Geraldine BARRY * Vladimír ŠUCHA acting B. Resources (Brussels) Jean-Pierre MICHEL Brussels (Brussels) A. Policy Support Coordination (Brussels) David WILKINSON
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