v Ljubljani
za farmacijo
Sodelovanje v EU projektih
Stanislav Gobec
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za farmacijo
Ljubljana, Slovenia
[email protected]
EUR-INTAFAR ("Inhibition of new targets for fighting antibiotic
resistance", n°512138)
Integrirani projekt je potekal od 1.1.2005 do 30.06.2010 v okviru 6.
Okvirnega programa.
16 partnerjev, 6 evropskih držav, koordinator Univerza v Liegu.
Skupna vrednost projekta 11.2 mio Euro.
Višina pridobljenih sredstev za Fakulteto za farmacijo je 645 000 Euro.
Summary of the objectives
The project aims at a better understanding of the physiology and
biochemistry of bacterial cell morphogenesis and peptidoglycan
biosynthesis. On this basis, compounds will be designed to interfere with
these processes. The active compounds will be developed as leads in
the discovery of new antibacterial agents directed against new targets.
List of participants
Jean-Marie FRERE (Coordinator) – Liège University (B)
Bernard JORIS (WP5 Leader) - Liège University (B)
Tanneke den Blaauwen – Amsterdam University (PB)
Didier Blanot (WP4 Leader)– CNRS (F)
E.J. Breukink (WP3 Leader) – Utrecht University (PB)
Andrea Dessen (WP1 Leader)– Institut de Biologie Structurale, CNRS (F)
Thierry VERNET (WP2 Leader) Institut de Biologie Structurale, CNRS (F)
Waldemar Vollmer – Tübingen University (D)
Regine Hakenbeck – Kaiserslautern University (D)
Michel Arthur – Université de Paris VI (F)
Ian Chopra – Leeds University (UK)
Jean-Pierre Simorre - Institut de Biologie Structurale, CEA (F)
André Luxen – Liege University (B)
Christopher Schofield – Oxford University (UK)
Yves Le Merrer – Université René Descartes, Paris (F)
Stanislav Gobec – Ljubljana University (SI)
Lek, d.d. – Ljubljana (SI)
ProtNeteomix –Nantes (F)
Kronologija prijave:
-1997 prvi stik in začetek sodelovanja (D. Blanot)
-1999-2001 prva bilaterala Proteus
-2001 prva skupna publikacija
-2004 prijava na razpis za IP v 6.OP
-2005 začetek izvajanja projekta
Značilnosti prijave:
-Priključitev k že obstoječemu konzorciju z zgodovino skupnih EU projektov
-Slovenija kot nova članica EU zaželen partner pri prijavah
-Sodelovanje Leka kot industrijskega partnerja
ORCHID ("Open Collaborative Model for Tuberculosis Lead
Colaborativni projekt poteka od 1.1.2011 do 31.12.2014 v okviru 7.
Okvirnega programa.
11 partnerjev iz 9 evropskih držav, koordinator GSK Tres Cantos
Skupna vrednost projekta je >10 milj. Euro (EU prispevek 5.4 mio Euro)
Višina pridobljenih sredstev za Fakulteto za farmacijo je 680 000 Euro.
Summary of the objectives
The ORCHID alliance (Open Collaborative Model for Tuberculosis Lead
Optimization) brings together TB expertise from academia, government
research centres, non-for-profit organizations and small biotechnology
companies with funding from the EU's Seventh Framework Programme
for Research (FP7). Under the leadership of the pharmaceutical
company GlaxoSmithKline, more than 25 scientists worldwide will pool
their expertise to investigate the potential of three different areas of
research, all of which have shown potential activity against TB.
The 12 partners that make up ORCHID are:
•The University of Birmingham – Birmingham, UK
•Univerza v Ljubljani – Ljubljana, Slovenia
•Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) – Nantes,
•Global Alliance for Tuberculosis Drug Development - New York, US
•Nanologica AB – Stockholm, Sweden
•Cellzome AG – Heidelberg, Germany
•Universite Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris, France
•Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) – Lausanne,
•The Federal State Scientific Institution Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research
Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology - Saint Petersburg, Russia
•Federal State Institution Saint Petersburg Research Institute of
Phthisiopulmonology of the Federal Agency for High Technology Medical Aid Saint Petersburg, Russia
•Institut Pasteur Korea – Bundang gu, Korea
•GSK Tres Cantos Medicines Development Campus- Madrid, Spain
Kronologija prijave:
-Brez prejšnjega sodelovanja s koordinatorjem, vendar visoka aktivnost
FFA na področju predkliničnega razvoja protibakterijskih učinkovin
-Vabilo koordinatorja prijave (GSK) 4 mesece pred rokom na priporočilo
enega od partnerjev (2009)
-2011 začetek izvajanja projekta
Značilnosti prijave/projekta:
-“Centralizirana” prijava GSK
-Prevzem “neuspelih” internih projektov GSK z namenom skupnega
reševanja problemov
-Korporativni način vodenja projekta
- Visoka vrednost sofinanciranja
Neuspele prijave na EU projekte:
ERC 2x
CP 2x
ITN 4x