Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS INFORMACIJSKO KOMUNIKACIJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Študijski program Study programme and level Letnik Academic year prvi first Študijska smer Study field Inženiring in vozila Engineering and vehicles Vrsta predmeta / Course type obvezni / obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: VS - 4 Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar 45 Sem. vaje Tutorial 5 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 40 ECTS 6 Prerequisits: None. Content (Syllabus outline): Content of the lectures Introduction to Information and communication technology Defining computer science and information science Defining, types and basic concepts of information system Role of information system in organization Role of IT systems in engineering Basic concepts of IT systems Hardware Vsebina predavanj Uvod v predmet Samost. delo Individ. work 90 Predavanja / slovenski / slovenian Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovenian Vsebina: prvi first doc. dr. Ljupčo Krstov Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Ni pogojev. Teren. vaje Field work Semester Semester Opredelitev računalništva in informatike Opredelitev, vrste in osnovni koncepti informacijskega sistema Vloga informacijskega sistema v organizaciji Vloga sistemov IT v inženirstvu Osnovni koncepti sistemov IT 1 Strojna oprema Programska oprema Razvojna programska oprema Telekomunikacijska oprema Vgrajeni sistemi IT Internet stvari Varnostna, pravna, etična in moralna vprašanja uporabe sistemov IT Vsebina vaj Razvojno okolje MATLAB Spremenljivke, vektorji, matrike Grafika in MATLAB Programiranje Sekvenca, Selekcija, Iteracija, Kombinacija s poudarkom na kontrolne zanke Skripti in funkcije Aplikacije v inženirstvu. Software Development software Telecommunication equipment Embedded IT systems Internet of Things Security, legal, ethical and moral questions of IT system usage Content of the exercise: Development environment MATLAB Variables, vectors, matrix Graphic and MATLAB Programming Sequence, Selection, Iteration Combination with the emphasis on control loops Scripts and functions Applications in engineering. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: 1. Krstov, L., Krstov, M. (2014). MATLAB, Skripta, FINI, NM 2. Krstov, L. (2015). Sistemi IT , Študijsko gradivo za predmet IKT, v pripravi, FINI, NM 3. Petrišič, J. (2013). Uvod v Matlab za inženirje, FS, UL, 3. Natis Priporočljiva literatura in viri/Recommended literature 1. William Palm III. (2010). Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers. 3rd Edition. McGrawHill: New York, NY pri 2. S. Cetinkunt. Mechatronics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007. Pripo3. 4. Revije, ki pokrivajo predmetno področje 2 Cilji in kompetence: Objectives and competences: Predmet zagotavlja študentom konceptualno razumevanje sistemov IT z vidika inženirskega procesa in inženirske vloge v organizaciji. Ponuja opredelitev in razložitev osnovnih konceptov računalništva, informatike, informacijskih sistemov in sistemov IT, z izhodiščnim vhodom digitalnimi podatki. Namen predmeta je, da študenti pridobijo teoretično osnovo in praktične izkušnje pri uporabi sistemov IT za podporo inženirskega procesa, s tem pa zagotoviti okolje za razvijanje sposobnosti in veščin analitičnega in kritičnega razmišljanja za reševanje kompleksnih logičnih inženirskih problemov pri drugih predmetih. Predmet jim zagotavlja vsebino, znanje in izkušnje za razumevanje in obvladovanje trenutnih sistemov IT ter jih pripravi za prihajajoče tehnologije zlasti vgrajenih sistemov IT. The lectures on information and communication technology are intended for students to conceptually understand IT systems from engineering process’ and engineering roll in organization’s point of view. They also offer determination and explanation of basic concepts of computer science, information science, information systems and IT systems, with the starting input digital data. The purpose of the course is for students to gain theoretical basis and practical experience with the use of IT systems for engineer process’ usage, by that also enable the environment for developing abilities and skills of analytical and critical thinking for solving the complex logical engineering problems regarding other courses. The course enables them the contents, knowledge and experience for understanding and mastering current IT systems and to prepare them for future technologies especially Embedded IT systems. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Intended learning outcomes: Po zaključku predavanj, vaj in izpolnjenih vseh drugih obveznosti bodo študenti sposobni: razložiti temeljne koncepte računalništva, informatike, informacijskih sistemov in sistemov IT, razložiti strukturne elemente sistemov IT, razložiti bistvene vplive sistemov IT na posameznika, organizacije in družbo, razumeti spremembe, ki potekajo na delovnem mestu in pri delu inženirja ter so posledica uporabe sistemov IT, osnovnega razumevanja, kako uporabljajo inženirji sisteme IT za reševanje inženirskih problemov, razumeti temeljne koncepte programiranja, uporabljati MATLAB za razvoj, implementacijo in testiranje algoritmov, logično uporabljati znanje v programskem okolju MATLAB in prepoznati varnostna, pravna, etična in moralna vprašanja, ki postajajo kritična zaradi razširjenosti sistemov IT. Post done lectures, exercises and fulfilled all other obligations the students will be able to: Explain basic concepts of computer science, information science, information systems and IT systems. Explain the structural elements of IT systems. Explain essential influences of IT systems on individuals, organizations and society. Understand changes occurring on working place and in a work of an engineer and are the consequence of IT systems’ usage. Understand basically how engineers use IT systems to solve engineers’ problems. Understand basics concepts of programming. Using MATLAB for algorithms development, implementation and testing. Logically using the knowledge in development environment MATLAB. Recognizing security, legal, ethical and moral questions that are becoming critical because of the wide range of IT systems. 3 Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja, obravnava primerov iz prakse, razprava. Frontal lectures, case studies, discussion. Laboratorijske vaje, programiranje v razvojnem okolju MATLAB, vizualizacija programske kode, domače naloge. Poseben poudarek je na sprotnem študiju in na samostojnem delu pri domačih nalogah in vajah. Načini ocenjevanja: Programming in development environment MATLAB, visualization of program code, home works. The emphasis is on continuous study and on autonomous and independent work at home works and exercises. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt): Assessment: Type (written exam, oral examination, coursework, project): domače naloge, (pogoj za pristop k izpitu) pisni izpit 30% 70% homework, (obligatory requirement before examination) written exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: KRSTOV, Ljupčo. Model of core knowledge for information systems undergraduate course in business schools and faculties. Pedagoš. obz., 2010, letn. 25, št. 1, str. 123-142. [COBISS.SI-ID 513076855], [ JCR, WoS] KRSTOV, Ljupčo, BUKOVEC, Boris. Informatizacija in debirokratizacija: dokončna odstranitev ali potrditev Maxa Webra. V: PINTERIČ, Uroš (ur.), ŠINKOVEC, Urša (ur.). Informacijska družba :multidisciplinarni pogledi : multidisciplinary approaches. Nova Gorica: Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije, 2008, str. 51-77. [COBISS.SI-ID 512959607] KRSTOV, Ljupčo, ŠINKOVEC, Urša. Relations between business strategy, business models and e-business applications. V: AURER, Boris (ur.), BAČA, Miroslav (ur.). International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, September 12-14, 2007, Varaždin. Conference proceedings. Varaždin: Faculty of Organization and Informatics, 2007, str. 123128. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024016193] KRSTOV, Ljupčo, KRSTOV, Ana. Organizational routines, standard operating procedures and rules as key risk factors in implementing ERP systems. Strategic management, 2007, Vol. 12, 3/4, pp. 32-36. [COBISS.SI-ID 512946551] KRSTOV, Ljupčo. Razvoj računalniških aplikacij z uporabo objektno orientiranega programskega jezika "Odyssee". Organ. kadri, 14.X.1994, 27, št. 8, str. 767-778. [COBISS.SIID 76385024] 4
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