Simon Vrhovec -

Simon Vrhovec
Ulica Vena Pilona 14
6000 Koper
+386 40 263 827
[email protected]
Academic Degree
➢ 2010: Bachelor of Engineering in Computer and Information Science (University of Ljubljana)
Karate Degree
➢ 2008: 4th degree black belt (T. Tokuhisa)
➢ 2007: 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree black belt (M. Tanaka; JKA)
➢ 2005: 3rd degree black belt (T. Tokuhisa)
➢ 2002: 2nd degree black belt (T. Tokuhisa, B. Stanivuković, G. Milenković; ITKF)
➢ 2000: 1st degree black belt (T. Tokuhisa, B. Stanivuković, G. Milenković, B. Hostnik; ITKF)
➢ 2011: Slovenian Award for Sustainable Development
Award received for the bachelor thesis “Resistance management in IT projects” and two resulting articles.
➢ 2011: Trimo Award
Award received for the bachelor thesis “Resistance management in IT projects”.
Work Experience
University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security (Ljubljana)
➢ 2014 – present: Teaching Assistant
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science (Ljubljana)
➢ 2015 – present: Collaborator
➢ 2014 – 2014: Teaching Assistant
➢ 2010 – 2014: Junior Researcher
➢ 2008 – 2010: Student Work
Sports and Cultural Association Panta Rhei (Koper)
➢ 2013 – present: President
Karate academy Amaterasu (Ljubljana)
➢ 2013 – present: Chief Instructor
Karate club Kensei (Litija)
➢ 2008 – 2010: Guest Instructor
Tokuhisa Takashi karate dojo (Ljubljana)
➢ 2003 – 2008: Assistant Instructor
Journal Article
➢ Vrhovec, S. L. R., Hovelja T., Vavpotič, D., & Krisper, M. (2015). Diagnosing organizational risks in
software projects: Stakeholder resistance. International Journal of Project Management.
➢ Vrhovec, S. L. R., Trkman, M., Kumer, A., Krisper, M., & Vavpotič, D. (2014). Outsourcing as an
Economic Development Tool in Transition Economies: Scattered Global Software Development.
Information Technology for Development. doi:10.1080/02681102.2013.874316
➢ Vrhovec, S., & Rupnik, R. (2011). A model for resistance management in IT projects and programs.
Electrotechnical review, 78(1-2), 73–78.
➢ Vrhovec, S., & Rupnik, R. (2011). Model obvladovanja odpora pri projektih in programih IT.
Elektrotehniški vestnik, 78(1-2), 73–78.
➢ Vrhovec, S., & Rupnik, R. (2011). Obvladovanje odpora pri projektih informacijskih tehnologij. Uporabna
informatika, 19(1), 24–37.
Conference Proceedings
➢ Hovelja, T., Breznik, L., Krisper, M., Ocepek, D., & Vrhovec, S. L. R. (2013). Predstavitev sodobnega,
dinamičnega, ekspertnega informacijskega sistema za razvoj cloveških virov. In N. Schlamberger (Ed.),
Informatika v javni upravi 2013 : publikacija s prispevki konference IJU 2013, 9.-10. december 2013,
Kongresni center Brdo pri Kranju (pp. 1–4). Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia: Slovensko društvo informatika.
➢ Vrhovec, S., Trkman, M., Krisper, M., & Hovelja, T. (2013). Ravnanje z organizacijskimi težavami pri
razvoju programske opreme v globalnih podjetjih. In A. S. Sitar, R. Rozman, J. Kovač, & M. Rašković
(Eds.), Organizacija in ravnateljevanje globalnih podjetij: usklajevanje v različnih kulturah (pp. 127–139).
Ljubljana: Društvo Slovenska akademija za management, Ekonomska fakulteta & Fakulteta za
organizacijske vede.
➢ Trkman, M., Vrhovec, S., Vavpotič, D., & Krisper, M. (2013). Defending the need for a new global
software approach: a literature review. In P. Biljanović (Ed.), MIPRO 2013: Mipro proceedings (pp. 219–
222). Rijeka: Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and
➢ Vrhovec, S., Hovelja, T., & Krisper, M. (2011). Obvladovanje psiholoških in socioloških tveganj pri vpeljavi
novih tehnologij. In PIES 2011: posvetovanje informatikov energetikov Slovenije (p. 104). Portorož,
➢ Vrhovec, S., & Krisper, M. (2011). Določanje prioritet projektom v portfelju IT z upoštevanjem odpora pri
uveljavljanju sprememb informacijskih sistemov. In R. Rozman, M. Mihelčič, B. Rusjan, J. Kovač, A. Stare,
& K. K. Mihelič (Eds.), Ravnanje s spremembami v podjetjih, zavodih in javni upravi (pp. 35–44). Brdo pri
Kranju, Slovenija.
➢ Vrhovec, S. (2010). Obvladovanje odpora pri projektih IT. BA Thesis. University of Ljubljana.
Academic Activities
Reviewer for Journals
➢ International Journal of Project Management (ISSN 0263-7863)
Proceedings Manager
➢ IEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (IEEE RCIS 2014)
Reviewer for Conferences
➢ 10th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB & IS 2012)
Invited Academic Presentations
➢ Managing resistance to IT change in enterprises. Presentation at Vienna University of Economics and
Business. Vienna, Austria, 13 February 2013
Action planning for implementation of IT strategy of Slovenian Railways for the period 2014-2017
➢ 2014 – 2014: University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Railways
■ Analysis of IT department personnel structure and organization. ■ Review of IT department personnel
knowledge and competencies. ■ Development of personnel structure for implementation of strategic IT plan.
■ Development of IT department establishment plan.
eDKES – Dynamic expert system for competence development and related projects
➢ 2011 – 2014: University of Ljubljana, Kopa
■ Analysis of end user requirements. ■ Specification of employee searching business process. ■
Development of system architecture. ■ Analysis of competence frameworks for IT field (e-CF, EUCIP). ■
Specification of professional profiles. ■ Development of competence tests. ■ Design and development of
competences map. ■ Review of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods. ■ Use of tools Archi,
DEXi, and Orange. ■ Use of enterprise architecture notation Archimate.
KC CLASS – CLoud Assisted ServiceS
➢ 2012 – 2012: University of Ljubljana, XLAB, Andrej Marušič Institute
■ Specification of service requirements for web and media store support. ■ Development of high-level
service architecture for web and media store support. ■ Specification of generic interfaces and service
requirements for web and media store support. ■ Specification of key data structure transformations.
eVŠ – Records and analytical information system for higher education in Slovenia
➢ 2011 – 2011: University of Ljubljana, MVZT, RRC
■ Development of technical and functional specifications. ■ Planning of test organization. ■ Development of
test specifications. ■ Development of test scenarios. ■ Testing.
IT project management methodology
➢ 2011 – 2011: University of Ljubljana, ZPIZ
■ Co-authoring the IT project management methodology.
Automation of business process “Public labour”
➢ 2010 – 2011: University of Ljubljana, ZRSZ, IBM Slovenia
■ Development of enterprise architecture. ■ Analysis of Slovenian electronic storage of documents
legislation. ■ Use of enterprise architecture notation Archimate and tool Archi.
Slovenian electro-distributors' information system renewal
➢ 2008 – 2010: University of Ljubljana, Informatika, Elektro Ljubljana, Elektro Maribor, Elektro Celje, Elektro
Gorenjska, Elektro Primorska
■ Benchmarking the tools for project and portfolio management (PPM). ■ Analysis of PPM tool integration
with existing systems. ■ Planning of stakeholder communication. ■ Communicating the course of renewal. ■
Co-authoring the renewal action plan. ■ Establishing a web portal dedicated to the renewal. ■ Analysis and
assessment of renewal organizational risks. ■ Specification of professional profiles and roles. ■ Co-authoring
the software development methodology. ■ Design of project document templates.
DACHS '09 symposium website
➢ 2009 – 2009: University of Ljubljana, Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, Hagenberg Campus, Bern University of
Applied Sciences, Deggendorf Institute of Technology
■ Development and editing of symposium website.
Information Security Assurance in the Digital Age, MSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Fall 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Special Topics in Cybersecurity, MSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Fall 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
IT Governance, MSc (University of Ljubljana)
➢ Spring 2013/2014: Teaching Assistant
➢ Spring 2012/2013: Teaching Assistant
Security, Privacy and Trust in Mobile Systems, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Spring 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Information Security: Management, Standards and Digital Identity, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Spring 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Informatics in Criminal Justice and Security Studies, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Spring 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Information Systems in Criminal Justice and Security, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Spring 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Information Systems in Criminal Justice and Security, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Spring 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Informatics Planning and Management, BSc (University of Ljubljana)
➢ Spring 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
➢ Spring 2013/2014: Teaching Assistant
Technical Security, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Fall 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Information Assurance, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Fall 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Information Security, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Fall 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Information Security, BSc (University of Maribor)
➢ Fall 2014/2015: Teaching Assistant
Information Systems Development, BSc (University of Ljubljana)
➢ Spring 2013/2014: Teaching Assistant
Electronic and Mobile Business, BSc (University of Ljubljana)
➢ Fall 2012/2013: Teaching Assistant
➢ Fall 2011/2012: Teaching Assistant
➢ Fall 2010/2011: Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Information Systems, BSc (University of Ljubljana)
➢ Fall 2010/2011: Teaching Assistant