: In this activity,you will practicehow to: 1. formata modifiedblockstyleletter. 2. re-create an informalthankyou letter. Whenwritinga thankyou letter,therearea few simplerulesto follow.The objectiveisto keepthe style casualyet sincere.Try to let yourpersonality showthroughin yourwritingandchoosewordsthat demonstrate youwill composea thankyou letteraddressed and sincerity. confidence In thisactivity, to Abercrombie and Fitch andformatit into a modifiedblockstyleletter. ---r ---t 1. Opena NEWdocumentin Word. -: -. -: -. -! -l Note:Unlessotherwisestated,the font shouldbe setto TimesNewRoman, the font sizeto 1 2p o i n t . 2. Setthe pagemarginsasfollows:Top Right,and Bottomto 1'j to 2",Left, 3. Inserta headerthat includesthe activitynumberandtitle leftaligned,andyournameright aligned.Type the headerin allcaps. -l -! -. -|. -. 4. Seta leftalignedtab at 3.25'j 5 . ReviewFigure23-1to reference the properformatand partsof a modifiedblockstyleletter. 6. Usingthe handwrittenletterprovidedin Figure23-2,composea thankyou letterin a -t yourhomeaddress modifiedblockstyleletterformat.Type asthe returnaddress,the current -. -. datefor the date,andyourfull nameasthe sender's name. proofreadthe documentfor spelling, grammar, 7. Carefully andaccuracy. 8. Savethe documentasTHANKYOU. = -t = -= = -: -_a --a 9. Printthe documentif requiredby yourinstructor. 10.Usinga blueor blackpen,signyournamein the signature blockof the letter. Figure23-1:Sampleof a ProperlyFormattedModifiedBlockStyleLetter tr5 123 Sender street Retumaddress SenderCity,SS 12345 ;..."",*" December14,200711 (-- 1I lt 1I Name Recipient lnsideaddress Title Recipient's (-Street 123Recipient RecipientCity,RS 1234511 1I DearRecipient:fl fl sarutation .t-- Hereis an exampleof a modifiedblockstyleletter.Usea modifiedblockstylewhenyou wantto writea lessformalletter.Startby settinga lefttab at the centerof yourpageat close.lf you the returnaddressandcomplimentary 3.25"so thatyoucaneasilyposition be surethatyourtop marginis setto 2'. All othermargins are notusinga letterhead, 1".fl shouldbe setto lt andquadruple Justbelowthe returnaddress,typethe currentdate,withoutabbreviations, type the and inside address the after space Double inside address. spaceto the "Ladies or "Good and Gentlemen" name,use lf youdon'tknowthe recipient's salutation. Next,doublespaceto thestartof the bodyof the letter.The for the salutation. Morning" andhasoneblanklinebetweenparagraphs.fl is single spaced bodyof the letter 1I close.Usean doublespaceto the complimentary Finally,afteryourlastparagraph, "VeryTrulyYours." "Sincerely," "Thank or You," such as close complimentary appropriate your typed nameso that and close Leavea quadruplespacebetweenthe complimentary andspellcheck youmaysignthe letterwithblueor blackink.Alwaysbe sureto proofread yourletterbeforeprintingandmailing.tf fl Truly,fl tr\ ' f l Yours 1I 1I Complimentaryclosing (_Signatureblock <t_- Sendeis nameltide Sender'sName l_Sender'sTitle(if applicable) Figure 23-2 A b e r c r o r n b i z& F i f c h 63ol Fifch Path t r J e wA l b a n l , o H 1 3 O 5 1 D eo,rlA r. ft b erc rorrnb i e : : 1 Recentllr I visited one of lohr rtorer and I wanled fo sa1 fhank 1on. I ann11 1ea6 old and absol,^tel1love fo shog. Voting €or clrus rajerlafives is conningtngsoon and : I a',nrea.lll hoging fo r^rinin fhe best-dressedcategorl. lF I do win, I have fo give a l o r na n d l o n r s l o r e a l I o f f h e c r e d i f . I a l r , n o saf l w a l s r ^ s el o h r s f o r e t o r i n s g i r a f i o n a a and direcfion in grntfing togefher nn1ornff,ts. a { fl1 exgerience lrut Trnesdal af lottr Cleveland sfore hru letf a r.ner.norable .a a inngressionin l'n1 r.nind. I gnrchrued the enfire otnf$f 1oa had teaf,nred in fhestore window and it r^rru^ hu.gehif. Alt of nn1triends were ruking where I gof fhe oqf6f. a 4 a a a 0nce again, I have fo give olo^a",d 1o,nrsfa€Fcredif. Thel helged me wifh eve(I tiffle defail. Thel cven toqnd the TzrFeclhair accessorlfo cornnglefe fhe gertecf o.^tfrf. a a a a a a Yo.^have creafed fhe r,nosfexfraordinarl clothing sfore tor geogle h^1 age. I wo,"ld venf'^re fo sa1 fhaf ftbercronnbie and Fifch is b1 far fhe besf sfore cafering fo teens fhese da1s. 6eca.,^seo€ fhat, I gersonalll wanf fo fhank will lef 1oa. I lorn know how | ,'nade otnf wifhstngerlalives a.r Joo^ ru I 6nd ogrf. Nish r,ne[,^ckt a \orrl Trr^l1r t a a Yo.r AJarrne
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