White Hills Primary School No. 1916 16 Plumridge Street (PO Box 6002) White Hills, Victoria 3550 Week 22 Thursday, 24th July Jeudi 24 Juillet Term 3 Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September th Week 23 Monday 28th July Monday 28th July Tuesday 29th July Tuesday 29th July Friday 1st August Week 24 Monday 4th August Monday 4th August Tuesday 5th August Tuesday 5th August Thursday 7th August Thursday 7th August Week 25 Monday 11th August Monday 11th August Tuesday 12th August Tuesday 12th August Wednesday 13th August Thursday 14th August Thursday 14th August Week 26 Monday 18th August Monday 18th August Monday 18th August Tuesday 19th August Wednesday 20th August Wednesday 20th August Wednesday 20th August Week 27 Monday 25th August Tuesday 26th August Tuesday 26th August Wednesday 27th August Friday 29th August Friday 29th August Week 28 Monday 1st September Tuesday 2nd September Tuesday 2nd September Friday 5th September Friday 5th September Week 29 Monday 8th September Monday 8th September Tuesday 9th September Tuesday 9th September Tuesday 9th September Wednesday 10th September Thursday 11th September Friday 12th September Friday 12th September Week 30 Monday 15th September Monday 15th September Monday 15th September Monday 15th September Tuesday 16th September Tuesday 16th September Wednesday 17th September Friday 19th September th Headlice check 9.30am Gr 3 Bike Ed 2.30pm-3.30pm Gr 3 Bike Ed 12.30pm-1.30pm Prep-Getting Ready for School 6.30pm Last Day for Subway Orders by 9.30am Headlice check follow up 9.30am Gr 3 Bike Ed 2.30pm-3.30pm Gr 3 Bike Ed 12.30pm-1.30pm Prep-Getting Ready for School 6.30pm Gr 6 Werribee Zoo Payment Due 4pm Walkathon – Subway Lunch Prep Major Excursion Payment Due 4pm Gr 3 Bike Ed 2.30pm-3.30pm Gr 3 Bike Ed 12.30pm-1.30pm Gr 6 - Werribee Zoo 7.30am-5.00pm Gr 3-6 ICAS Maths Competition Prep - Ballarat Wildlife Park 8.10am-4.00pm SC Finance Meeting 5.30pm Gr 4 Bike Ed 11.30pm-12.30pm SC Curriculum/Environment Meetings 6.30pm SC General Meeting 7.00pm Gr 4 Bike Ed 2.30pm-3.30pm Gr 6G & 6R Eaglehawk SC Transition Day Gym payments due 4.00pm today Division Basketball Prep-1 GymProgram9.30am-1.30pm Gr 4-6 GymProgram9.30am-1.30pm Gr 4 Bike Ed 2.30pm-3.30pm Gr 6B & 6M Eaglehawk SC Transition Day Gr 2-3 Gym Program 9.30am-1.30pm Read for Australia (whole school) 11.00am Prep-1 Gym Program 9.30am-1.30pm Gr 4-6 GymProgram9.30am-1.30pm Gr 4 Bike Ed 2.30pm-3.30pm Father’s/Special Person Day Stall Gr 2-3 Gym Program 9.30am-1.30pm Prep-1 Gym Program9.30am-1.30pm Gr 4 Bike Ed 11.30pm-12.30pm Gr 4-6 Gym Program9.30am-1.30pm Gr 4 Bike Ed 2.30pm-3.30pm Gr 3 Camp Payments due today 4.00pm Multi Age Cultural Day SC Finance Meeting 5.30pm Gr 2-3 Gym Program 9.30am-1.30pm Gr 2 Melb Aquatic Centre Payment 4pm Prep-1 Gym Program 9.30am-1.30pm Gr 4 Bike Ed 11.30pm-12.30pm SC Curriculum/Environment Meetings 6.30pm SC General Meeting 7.00pm Gr 4-6 Gym Program9.30am-1.30pm Gr 4 Bike Ed 2.30pm-3.30pm Gr 2 Melbourne Aquatic Centre Gr 2-3 Gym Program 9.30am-1.30pm Term 4 Monday 6 October - Friday 19 December th th th Wed 8 –Fri 10 October Wed 8th –Fri 10th October Monday 13th October Wednesday 29th October th th Gr 3 Camp to Camp Currumbene Gr 4 Camp to Maldon Regional Athletics Bendigo Cup Day Holiday Phone: 54430799 Fax: 54437222 email: [email protected] Website: www.whitehillsps.vic.edu.au At White Hills Primary School we provide students with skills to be lifelong learners. We are a community which caters for academic, physical, social and emotional needs, preparing our students to contribute productively to an increasingly globalised world. Parent Opinion Survey: Random Sample The use of opinion data as a measure of school performance is a very important step towards making our school the best it can possibly be. The Department of Education requires all schools to conduct annual and anonymous opinion surveys for staff, students and parents. We use this information to inform and direct our plans for school improvement. As in previous years, the Department of Education selects a random sample of parents to complete a survey. Next Monday, 28th July randomly selected families will receive the Parent Opinion Survey. If you receive a survey, could you please complete and return it in the sealed envelope to the office before next Friday, 1st August. Walkathon: Thursday, 7 August th The school Walkathon will be held next Thursday, 7 th August and is one of our major fundraisers for 2014. Information and sponsorship forms have been distributed to families this week. Children are encouraged to collect donations/sponsorships leading up to the day. Children will be able to order a Subway lunch and order forms will also be sent home. Subway lunch orders will close on Friday, 1 st August by 9.30am and no late orders will be accepted. 5T (Trewartha) Student Led Conferences Postponed Due to unexpected circumstances, Mr Trevor Trewartha is away this week, and most likely next week as well. Student Led Conferences that had been organised for this Friday and next Wednesday have been postponed. 5T parents will be advised of an alternative date and time when Trevor returns. A note was sent home to all 5/T families yesterday. Chocolates Due Back Tomorrow Chocolate money is due back tomorrow Friday, 25 th July. See Parent Club News below for further details. Wet Clothing: Parents Phoned With the spate of wet weather, there are areas of the school yard that are quite damp. Classroom teachers remind children to stay away from puddles and wet areas. We have cordoned off certain areas and duty teachers are keeping children away from these spots. The office stock of clothing is limited and is not for the purpose of changing children who are wet and muddy. If your child is wet or muddy we will phone you to bring dry clothes to the school. We appreciate your support in encouraging your children to stay dry at school. Educational Maintenance Allowance: 2nd Instalment Eligibility date for the 2nd instalment of EMA is from Monday, 14th July. New parents to the school who are eligible, and existing parents who have now become eligible who weren’t at the beginning of the year, will need to apply before Friday, 1st August 2014. Application forms are available from the office. Please supply a copy of your healthcare card and driver’s licence with your completed application form. If you are no longer eligible for EMA please contact the office so that the EMA system can be updated. Gym Program Gym notes have been sent home to parents last week. Gym starts Monday 25th August. Payment of $28.00 is due by Wednesday, 20th August. Transition Prep teachers will be visiting pre-schools to get to know the children enrolled at our school for 2015. If you have not yet completed your enrolment form we ask that it be returned to the school office as soon as possible so that your child can be visited. Parents or older siblings can pick up enrolment forms from the school office or Mrs Ellis. School Nurse Visit Our School Nurse, Leona Evans, will be visiting our school over three weeks from Monday, 18th August. Leona will offer vision and hearing tests for Prep children if requested by parents. This service is free and we encourage all parents to consider having their child’s vision tested as each year at least 2 children have been assessed as needing glasses. Parents can request to attend the assessment or make an appointment with Leona to discuss any queries they may have about their child’s health, development or behaviour. Even if you don’t wish your child to be seen by the School Nurse, the form sent home this week must signed and returned to your child’s classroom teacher. All forms for the School Nurse must be returned to school by Friday 1 st August. If you have misplaced your form please see Mrs Ellis for another. Parents with children in other grades can also ask for sight and hearing assessments for their child during this time. Please see Mrs Ellis for further information Keeping Kids Safe Part 2 From an article from "Parenthood" by Robin Barker. Using the Internet. Internet safety is now a major concern, particularly the possibility of children being lured and groomed by paedophiles on the internet. Other safety issues include cyber-bullying, children posting unsuitable personal images and giving out identifiable information to strangers. Here is an internet safety checklist from NetAlert. *Talk to your family about the importance of staying safe online and the need to have an internet safety plan at home.*Keep the computer in a public area of the house so it's easier for you to supervise. * Make sure you have safety software installed on your computer .NetAlert can give you advise on what to choose. *Discuss the benefits and risks of going online with our children and reassure them that you're there to help if they get into trouble. *Create an internet-safety contract with your children and set up house rules for internet use. Teach your children to make the right decisions and increase their responsibility levels as they get older. Getting Ready For School Nights Our popular Getting Ready for School Nights will be held on Tuesday, 29th July (Maths and Social) and Tuesday, 5th August (Language). These nights are designed to assist parents of children who start school next year to prepare their child for school. The nights run from 6.30pm-7.30pm in the Grade 6 rooms, with childcare being available both nights in the Prep rooms. Further information concerning these nights can be obtained from Mrs Ellis. Lost Property There is a large amount of lost property in the box located near the office. Most of these are unnamed. Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly named, especially jackets, as the students tend to take them off whilst playing outside. If unnamed items are left in the lost property box for more than 4 weeks, they will be given to the sickbay or charity. Canteen: No Slushies During colder weather slushies will not be available in the canteen until further notice. Congratulations to our birthday children It’s Not Okay to be Away Children should attend school every day unless they are ill or have a valid reason for being away. For example, a child’s birthday is not a reason for being away from school. Studies show that children with more than 20 days of absence in a school year are seriously at risk in their learning. They miss so much work and are not able to keep up with their peers! If your child is absent for more than a day, please call the school and advise the classroom teacher of the reason. Our school’s policy is for the classroom teacher to phone the parent after more than one day of unexplained absence. When your child returns to school, please send them with a signed written note, explaining the reason for the period of absence. Your support with regular attendance is appreciated. Mr Damien Jenkyn Principal Alison Byron - Wellbeing Officer Hi, I’m Alison Byron and I’m the Wellbeing Officer at White Hills Primary School. My role is to ensure the students feel safe and happy within their life, which then allows the students to do their very best in class. I work with individuals and small groups of students on many facets of life such as social skills, protective behaviours, study skills, understanding feelings, dealing with conflict, bullying and challenging behaviours, just to name a few. I also assist teachers and families with strategies for individual students. I am very passionate about working as a team to get success for our children. I have a long history in primary teaching as well as teaching children with intellectual disabilities and children on the Autism Spectrum. The days I work are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If you would like to have a confidential discussion with me, please ring me at school on 54430799 on one of these days to make an appointment. Music / Drama News Choir The choir is continuing to meet on Mondays at 3.00pm and we are working on a program of new and known songs for our next concert. It is planned to have the choir visit an aged facility late in Term 3 and perform for the residents. I will be sending home permission notices soon and these will need to be returned to school ASAP. We will also require some parent helpers to help with supervision on the day. Drum, Keyboard And Singing Lessons There are still positions available for lessons in drums, keyboard and singing. If you wish to have your child begin lessons, the costs are approximately $18 – $20 for a half hour lesson and a note should be sent to the office with music lessons written on the front. Lessons are taken by professional teachers on either Tuesday or Friday. Please note, if there is sufficient interest then singing lessons will commence term 3. Mr Vern Wall Music / Drama Teacher Parents’ Club & Fundraising News Next Meeting Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 6th August at 9.15am in the staffroom. Chocolate Fundraiser: Due TOMORROW Friday 25 July th Thank you to the families who have returned their chocolate money. Please note that money and or chocolates are due back Friday 25th July. We have extra boxes available if you have sold and brought back the money for your first one. Walkathon: Thursday, 7th August We will be offering Subway lunch on this day. Subway lunch orders were sent home this week and are due Friday 1st August 9.30am – No late orders accepted Father’s / Special Person’s Day Stall: Friday, 5th September Father’s Day is fast approaching and we are seeking donations. All families are asked to please donate a gift to the value of $2.00 per child, and drop them into the office ready for our stall. Some gift ideas could be: chocolates, socks, hankies, pens, notepads, mugs, tools, plants and we welcome any new ideas, etc. Items must be new. Please note that all gifts will be sold at $2.00. If you are able to help on the day of the stall, please contact the office. School Fair: Friday, 7 November 4.30pm-7.30pm th We have commenced working towards our School Fair and are currently asking for donations from local businesses for prizes and activities. If there are any families in our school community who have a business and can help out with donations of vouchers or items, can you please leave them at our school office. Your assistance is very much appreciated. Parents Club & Fundraising Committee Prep News Shoes for Junior School Children With the wet weather, in an attempt to protect our carpets, children with muddy shoes have been removing their shoes when they come to school, after recess and lunch times and placing them on a trolley near the door. This requires teachers to tie children’s shoelaces several times a day. If your child is unable to tie their own laces and you need to buy them new shoes please consider purchasing pull on boots or shoes with velcro that your child can put on and take off by him or herself. Please name all shoes. Term 3 Integrated Unit Our Term 3 unit of work will focus on Indigenous Australians and the importance of Australian animals in their culture. You may like to look for books, pictures, DVDs or information on the Internet about Indigenous Australians and Australian animals and bring them along to school to share with us. Prep Excursion To Ballarat Wildlife Park As part of our study of Indigenous Australians and Australian animals we will be visiting the Ballarat Wildlife Park on Thursday, 14th August. The bus will leave school promptly at 8.30am and return to school at approx. 4.00pm. Children will need to be at school by 8.10am on this day. As the cost of our major excursion is not covered by the pre-payment of minor excursions, the total cost of our Ballarat excursion for all Preps will be $34.00. In line with our school excursion policy, this excursion must be paid for by Monday, 11th August. Late payments will not be accepted. Please do not send any money until the full details are sent home. This excursion, as with our camping program, is designed to develop independence and resilience in our children. A permission form with final details will be sent home towards the end of July. Four parents will be able to assist us on this day and children will not be placed in a group with their parent. Under DEECD regulations no toddlers will be able to come on this excursion. Parents interested in attending are asked to see a Prep teacher. Parents coming must have a Working with Children Card. The form for this can be obtained from the Bendigo Central Post Office and costs approx $10 for a photo. A volunteer can commence work in a school when they provide a receipt as proof they have applied for a Working with Children Check with the Department of Justice. This card is valid for 5 years, transferable between volunteer organisations and free of charge for volunteers, but cannot be used for paid employment. For further information please see Mrs Ellis. Language Hint For The Week When you are reading your child a bed time story ask questions about the book you are reading like“What can you tell me about the story from the picture?” “What do you think will happen in the story?” Pupils Of The Week Congratulations to Mitchell L, Shaylee B, Alira T and Dustin M, our Prep pupils of the week. All these Preps are enthusiastic in class and showing organisational skills at school. Prep Perceptual Motor Program (P.M.P.) PMP sessions will recommence next Monday. We look forward to seeing our great helpers at 2.30 pm. A new roster has been sent home last week to those parents that assist us with PMP. If you would like to help and you are not on the roster, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher. Grade 1/2 News Student of the week 2R Tobias G – For his efforts to improve his reading skills. 2B Lachie A - For being a fabulous, caring class member. 2W KristenT – For a fantastic start to term 3. Keep up the enthusiasm and dedication. 2S Bethany K – for going above and beyond with her learning and completing extra homework tasks without being asked. 1P Ashton M – For working hard on his handwriting, making sure he completes lots of work in writing time. 1CK Taj R – For his excellent work in maths. 1T Keely N – For working quickly and staying focussed on her work. 1M Tyler C – For showing improvements in his listening skills. No peanut butter in lunches Parents this is just a reminder that White Hills Primary is a nut free school. There are children in our area, and in the school, who are anaphylactic to nuts. Please do not use peanut butter or Nutella when making lunches for your child as this has potential health risks for others. Star gazing night Grade 1’s will be holding a star gazing night available for the whole school community to attend on Monday 1 st September. This will be in line with their integrated unit ‘Our Place In Space’. More details to come. Learning Portfolios Please ensure all learning portfolios are bought back to school as soon as possible. Classroom teachers need them back to start organising term 2 items to showcase. Spare track suit pants and socks Just another reminder that due to the weather, our school yard is very wet and muddy, we are asking parents, if your child is prone to falling over or getting a little dirty during the day, could they please be sent to school with a spare pair of track suit pants and socks in their school bag to change into. The office has limited clothes for children to change into if they do fall over. Thank you for your help with this matter Junior School Teachers Grade 3 News Student of the Week 3/W- Xavier D for the great start to your new school. Great to have you in our class. 3/N- Devon C we just love the new attitude and all of the completed work. This semester looks brilliant! 3TH- Madi L for working extra hard to improve her handwriting. Well done Madi! Bike Education Bike Education began this week with an excellent response from all of those students involved. A huge thank you to all parents for the effort which was put into preparing your children for the session by making sure bikes and helmets were at school and ready for the sessions to begin. Please remember that grade 3W will be split over Monday and Tuesday; please check your note to see when your child requires their bike at school. Just a reminder to those students wearing the skate helmets, please make sure they fit well and if they are lose, please add the extra pads to ensure a secure fit. A huge thank you to the parent helpers. Premier’s Reading Challenge A reminder that the challenge finishes at the end of August. Keep reading your books and remember to put your reading logs in the red box outside rooms 11 and 12 so that books can be entered on the website. Camp payments A reminder that camp payments are due to be paid by Tuesday 9th September. Later in the term camp meetings will take place with the students. Medical forms have gone home and it would be appreciated if they could be returned promptly by Friday 1st August. If your child has a medical issue or it you have a concern, please don’t hesitate to come and see your classroom teacher. Jets Gym Jets Gym begins on August 29th. Keep your eye out for session times which will be coming home soon. Walkathon Will take place on Thursday7th July to Lake Weeroona. Subway lunch orders have been sent home and need to be returned to school by Friday 1st August. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Grade 4 News Students of the week 4G Ricki Lee W- For her very detailed procedural writing and her focus on completing learning tasks. 4K Zane W- For his dedication and improvement with his spelling. Great Effort Zane! 4CR Joe W- For his maturity and assistance to others in the room. Camp Medical Notes Camp medial notes were sent home last Friday. Please fill them out and return them to school as soon as possible. All medical notes must be back to school by the 1st of August. Please send medical forms to classroom teachers to be checked off not the office. Congratulations to our birthday children Bike Ed Bike Ed will be commencing in the second half of this term. Bike check lists will be coming home shortly so please start checking over bikes and helmets. More information to come. Super Science- Famous Scientist Rotations Yesterday, students in Grade 4 completed 3 rotations looking at scientists that have changed the world we live in. This was a small taste of what is to come in our super exciting unit ‘super Scientist’ Here are some snapshots of the afternoon! Middle School Teachers Grade 5 News Students of the Week Congratulations to the following students for receiving the award for last week. Riley M for being an excellent buddy to the new students in our grade. Riley C for the effort he is making with his reading and the way he is self-correcting. Aiden H for a positive start to the term. Welcome back to our second week into Term 2. As usual, we have a busy term starting this week with our football and netball teams competing against other schools. We also have gym this term so keep that in mind for payment. All Learning Portfolios should have been returned by now. There are a couple of outstanding Lit. Circle novels that were not returned at the end of last term. Could they be returned so other groups of students can read that set of books. The school Walkathon sponsorship forms have been sent home as well as an order form for Subway lunch on that day, if you choose to have it. It is a good opportunity to get sponsorship in the wider community as part of the school’s fundraising for the year. Chocolate money or unsold chocolates are due back this Friday. Grade 5 Teachers Grade 6 News Students of the week Bradley S – For his well-written procedure on how to feed his dog. Jesse H – For settling in well to White Hills Primary School. Isaac Griffin – For his excellent work on transformations in maths last week. Caitlyn Colquhoun - For always setting high standards in her learning. Homework Due: Every Thursday Morning As parents and families are aware, all Grade 6 classes receive homework every Thursday and is due the following Thursday morning. Please continue to support your children with this by developing a weekly homework and reading routine, and helping them with any parts they may find more difficult. Lit Circles Due: Reading to be completed by Fridays Last week each student chose their first book for this term. Each week they will be required to read up to a page that each group has agreed on. Please take the time to discuss your child’s book with them to further develop their understanding of the book. Learning Portfolios Due: Now A reminder to parents and families that the Learning Portfolios were sent home with students at the end of last term. Please take the time to go through your child’s work, sign the portfolio and return them back to school as soon as possible. Werribee Zoo Excursion Due: Note and payment due 7/8/2014 Your child should have received an information note and permission slip last week regarding the grade 6 excursion to the Werribee Zoo on the 12th of August. Please ensure the permission note is returned and money paid by the due date so your child does not miss out on this wonderful learning opportunity. Walkathon Due: Sponsorship forms & money - 7/8/2014 Subway lunch order forms – 1/8/2014 On Monday notes went home for one of our major school fundraiser. Please remember to bring both these notes in by the due dates. Chocolate Fundraiser Due: 25/7/2014 Please remember to bring back any unsold chocolates and the money from the chocolates that have been sold by tomorrow. Weeroona Enrolments Due: 8/8/2014 On Monday our students were visited by Sarah Davis and two students from Weeroona College. They were here to give our grade 6 students a further insight to the day to day running of a secondary school. Our students had the opportunity to practise using the combination locks for their lockers and how to read the fortnightly calendar. Students were also given their enrolments forms and language selection forms. These are to be mailed to Weeroona College by 8/8/2014 in the envelope provided. Eaglehawk Secondary Visit Due: Notes due back – 20/8/2014 All of the grade 6 students will be visiting Eaglehawk Secondary College in August. While we understand that most of our students are not enrolled to attend Eaglehawk, we believe it is a great opportunity to have another insight to the running of a secondary college. Students will be transported there and back by bus and there will be no cost for the students. An information note was sent home last week with details about this visit and the permission note is due back by the 20/8/2014. Sports Teams Well done to the girls football team, netball teams and the boys football team that represented our school this week. Upper School Teachers Sport News Girls Footy On Tuesday, 18 grade six girls made the trip out to Junortoun to play football. As the day progressed it was great to see the girl’s skill develop. The girls mastered the art of tackling and from their faces they thought it was the best part of football. We won 2 games for the day and only losing the other games by a couple of points. Lily B kicked our only goal for the day. It was excellent to see the girls conduct themselves with great enthusiasm and sportsmanship in all games. Just a reminder that if any girls wish to further the football skills the Bendigo Women’s Football League are conducting a free come and try five week program starting on Friday 25th July. Kate Potter Boys Footy The weather held off for a wonderful day off football at Junortoun. Before I mention the actual football results I would like to congratulate the team on their excellent behaviour and attitude on the day. It was a pleasure to attend the carnival with these boys. All of the boys played well as a team, helping each other out and working well to achieve excellent results. We had 5 wins and two losses on the day, losing to eventual finalist St Therese’s and St Francis. Wins were against Spring Gully, St Monica’s, St Joseph’s, Strathfieldsaye and Kennington. Ethan A, Dylan E, Jackson G and Fletcher W each had some stand out games. All players played well across the entire day. Well done to Mitchell M, Ben H, David C, Jackson W, Jordan B, Bailey E, Pat C, Kaden B, Isaac G, Callum S, Blair B, Corey M, Sam L, and Connar P. Look in next week’s newsletter for a photo Stewart Scoble UNIFORM SHOP CANTEEN ROSTER Friday, 25 July Anne McCrabb Catherine Hester Heather Veitch Wednesday, 30 July Janelle Purtill Friday, 1 August Nicole Logan Terri Massese Belinda Martin Helpers to arrive at 12.30pm All orders are to be written on a large paper lunch bag, (NO ENVELOPES), one per child please. Lunch bags are available for 10 for 60c or 10c each, with lunch orders and will be sent home. Urgent Reminder: If you are unable to assist with canteen duty, please arrange a swap or inform the office so that a replacement helper can be arranged. Mrs Helen Williams, Canteen Manager Friday, 25 July Tuesday, 29 July Friday, 1 August 2014 Opening Times Tuesday 9.05am – 9.35am and Friday 9.05am-9.35am Second hand items are available to buy at the uniform shop. Please note that any unsold 2 nd hand uniforms will be given to families in need or used in sickbay if not sold after 3 months. Team Leaders Julie Sens, Leigh Taylor and Kim Engi Orders can be left at the office anytime Julie Sens, Leigh Taylor and Kim Engi SICK BAY ROSTER Friday, 25 July Friday, 1 August Bev Harrison Diana Robertson Please collect linen from the office NEWSLETTER ROSTER Thursday, 31 July Thursday, 7 August Heather Veitch Terri Massese Belinda Martin Pattica-Anne Agnew Office Staff Please arrive 2.30pm Community News Golden Square Cricket Club Junior Registration Night To be held on Friday 1st August 2014 at My Jet Oval (Wade St) Clubrooms 5.00pm – 6.30pm. Players from U/10 – U/18 are encouraged to come along. If you or anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to email the club on [email protected]. Your assistance with this is very much appreciated. Paul Scullie Secretary L UB BOLD is hosting an information evening How to Colour your World? - Irlen Dyslexia Syndrome and Perceptual Disorders Irlen Syndrome is a perceptual problem that prevents an estimated 10 – 15% of the population from being able to read and learn efficiently. Individuals with Irlen perceive the printed page and sometimes their environment differently. Irlen tinted filters worn as glasses or coloured overlays, reduce or eliminate perceptual difficulties and light sensitivity Do you have a student or a child that: Has difficulty reading print, numbers or musical notes? Has the print on the page shift, shake, blur, move, double or disappear? Has trouble reading letters, numbers or musical notes or words in groups? Has trouble judging distance accurately or depth accurately? Find out how the Irlen method may help them to improve their reading accuracy, comprehension and speed. When: Tuesday, 12th August Time: Arrive 7:00pm for a 7:15pm start. Finish 9.30 pm Where: Salvation Army Hall, Gravel Hill Centre; 65- 71 Mundy St Bendigo (located next to the railway line). Cost: $10 per family/tertiary student $35 Professionals (Certificate of Attendance available) Registration: Complete the registration form at www.bold.org.au. Ring Tracey 5434 3922 or email [email protected] or [email protected] NTO THE DRAW Girls Football Junior Girls “Come and Try” Program that we will be running out at Dower park, Kangaroo Flat starting on Friday 25 th July. The program is open to any girls 9-12 years old and is completely FREE. The program will run for 6 weeks (starting on Friday 25th July) from 4.30 – 5.45pm The girls will get to play games and have fun. Teenage Girls Things you should “totally” know - bio-psychosocial look at mental health during the adolescent years including: – A framework for understanding what might be going on for her. Shona Innes, Senior Clinical & Forensic Psychologist 499 Hargreaves Street (Corner Myrtle & Hargreaves Sts) Daytime: Saturday 23 August 11.00am-12.30pm or Evening: Wednesday 20 August 6.30-8.00pm Cost: $45 Limited places available. Phone Irene or Alicia 5443 2284 or email [email protected] to secure your place with a payment. Information Session for Parents on how to be CyberSmart at Weeroona College Bendigo Date: Time: Where: RSVP: Cost: 7th August 2014 6.00pm (runs for approx 90 mins) AT.Dingle Performing Arts Centre, Weeroona College Bendigo. 28th July 2014 on 54432133 or email Sarah Warburton on [email protected] FREE Bendigo to Murray River Railway 1864-2014 Book Launch Sunday 27 July 2014, at the Huntly Memorial Hall, 10.15am welcome, 10.30am unveiling of photomontage, book launch and sales followed by a light lunch. Free Event RSVP Sunday 20 July to Esma Turner 0429488237 or email [email protected]
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