TITS 03EGON BZTtrgyxs owraws. To th tew la Bearntag, wear a roan- . leoanee or Mae, Wash tke boson of yoar eiotbet Is scalding nan, ' ""BPWW WHMHt .... .. .. Vaudeville Bult for M.OOo damage . from the Consolidated Railway com pany for personal Injuries alleged to hav bean racalvad Novcmbar 1, 104, haa bean filed In tha aUta circuit court by S. P. Colllna. It la aliased that tha piaintirr waa thrown from hla Beat on a wagon whlla croeaing tha ferry at Vanoouvar and that hla left knee and rortiana . "spencer ;,wr-jaal- XJay appear aa at cJiPMlnedPmarQ, y ana Ben torneye for Colllna. - ' rrrrr-roB- f mtlng At lta regular 1 A High-Gra- piana xor offering prise to women making tha baat crlt-"WP.P' Iclsms of advertisement published on riven day. , Tha meetlne- - will be held In tha board of trad room and one of in feature will be a display of etere-opuoon news snowing th work of ex pert ad writer.- -:J '1 a-- t Apananmt krtil PurUaad. glm la . White :.n for permanent ' guesta. fireplaces In every suite. Fin Jhrrul est accommodation, table and Lowest rate for th aplendld rvlo. Electric elevator aervtc day. and night. Gas and ectrlo IWrhta throughout th building. Orflce, lk rare parlor and din. on ground flnor. Steam heat, telephone and not and cold water In vary room. Six car line pas th door and 10 minutes' walk to business center. Po room and reservations pvly premises, x ring np TsL Beat. SftL A flnooet horn Sale of a prominent New York manufacturer's smple line AU the newest and prettiest garments, gowns, drawers, skirts, cortetcovera and chemlae only thing Dainty trimmings, fine materials, well made and finished wrong with the underwear is that most of the lot Is slightly mussed from handling-- It won't last long at time prices, so you had better plan to coma early if you want to share in these bargains ; ,Vomen's cambric and nainsook Drawers, made with wide flounces trimmed in laces, embroideries, tucks, insertion. beadines and nbbonsrfitte3"waistMndsTi preat variety, all sizes; grand values at: $1.25 Drawers, at the pair. 73$ $1.50 and $1.75 Drawers, the pair. 08 $2.50 and $3.00 Drawers, the pair. $1.59 $3.50 Drawers, at, the pair. . .$2.10 $5.00 and $8.00 Drawers, the pair. $2.89 ii E 3000 ptectt of beautiful Urtdermuslins Included in thlt great Thanksgiving By ATS. Monroe. ' ' Oia DROVH s4 satgaoaMawtbawmBrtekAvawt Assert i Manufacturer's Sample Lines 3000 Pieces at Low Prices de 5een in Portland Stores tomorrow ' f giving Sale of Sample Undermnslins -- nigni th Admen's leagu will oonalder . tori he MMer ; slnply "iall broke an I" tike f ilber. we luat "nans around all darl Half tbe time we're feeling like a partly puenea Larry, what has sua ye f swart The" only star that's left as l ear laandry annul ana gay, Asd Its alar of clad and lormw tlrla: But wnea we think of Larry, boys, ear hair keeps turnuiff grey, Asd all tbe world around as fairly whirls. PK10H LATJNPaT -- t. :...-TsL Mala MS. Seosnd sad Cohimbla. The Injunction cured by Ooslin A Atamblett restraining tha Pence com pany from constructing a flume across thair ' property ,nar Llnnton haa been dissolved by Judge Bears In th etate circuit court. It waa innonnoiit Inter that the" fclaintlffa had Drought a ault in tne Washington county circuit court. moat of the )aa4 in dueatlon being In 1SC3. ? - .. NOVEMBER 83, 6-Dut- t tM tb etmoepher aboat .yea be ef Meek. EstdIUb kua. Staf t a bale or two of enttaa Is rear ear. Let there be day of steaming wkea eseb Helllg... bamaa heart is aai "Tke Sign f the Crass" . te Dakar. ....Joba BitaDolla In "The Middlemen lis meekly creep like Insects ea tbe , jLoiplre. ........ ."Hack' Baa Boy' eartai "Toe Signlr c U Four" Let It sot be said ef Fertile d that a alngls mto.... Star and t' .......-Eolnvari is U1, Let as craclfy tbe very thought of Birth viKleltle HiUm ........... , Oran ' School and Collojjo Pennants for Decorating Parposcy PiUov Tops; Etc. Lengths, All Colors "Perrins" Real French Kid Gloves, 1 3 and 1 Drape Tc;:cr '.ToiVD abat DAILY JOURNAL. "POUTCAND, "TUESDAY 'EVENING." ol-a- nt m Underskirts By A. .8. Monro.' 14tk and jSTiU- -. Waablnftoa ur food agitators ana Between th to wioht. TOMoaaow moirr. the baotsriologlst on is reduced to a WUae Baaett'a.aWiaima Inaau, of cambrics and lawns, wide stat of nervous Indecision as to just what on dar eat, or whether one dare in embroidery and flounces trimmed eat anything at all; It's a question laces, edgings and insertions, clusters conslowly to be better whether twr of tucks,-beadinand ribbons; fitted or to starve to death. sumed by Ail ia reaay zor th Ladles' Aid so A healthy fenns waistbajids and separate . embroidered tn Is a visit found reaction ciety baaaar, which la to b held at to the Friedman ; Packing company'a and lace trimmed dust flounces. Grand Grace church tonight and tomorrow where th most sanitary condi night. Admission will bo free to all, marketseem values as .follows: prevail. Mr. to Friedman tions dui insia young ladles and- old will has th largest hyglenlo counter on th to $1.75 Petticoatg, each. Q8 aerv refreshments and aelr- ef-p- Ucoast, where meat Is .kept In a ana tancy worn, a baaaar at the Pao.iio '8t Lawrenc system cool by perfect of a condition $2.50 and $3.00 Petticoats, ea.$1.63 pariah church opened last ing pipes; he also has a large cooling-rooWomen's Corset Covers, made of very mgnc where his meat Is properly aged $3.50 and $4.00 Petticoats, ea.$2.79 fine cambric and nainsooks, trimmed in beat possible condition and, What la very probably . the largest under the arrangements, ; to these scientific fine laces,, embroideries, tucks, beading $6.00 Petticoats at, each. turnip vr raised in this state was added $3.59 brought to Portland Monday by F. C. there is such a general appearance of and ribbons ; blouse fronts : $7.50 Petticoats at, each. Meyer of thla city. The turnip waa cleanliness and freedom from flies and .$3.98 raised by W. F. Uassa of Ivory HUt othsr Insects that fear is banished and $125 to $1.75 valuest on sale, ea. 08 $8.00 to $10.00 Petticoats at, ea.$5.G8 Washington eounty. It ia of th Strap-le- one can leave the plac and go hom Women's fine cambric and nainsook variety and is II pounda in weight. to a porterhouse steak meal with a In circumference it measured II tnchea. feeling of confidence aa tor th result Gowns, made high neck and long sleeves; $2.50 to $3.00 values, on sale, ea.$1.79 $15 to $18.50 Petticoats at, ea.$9.08 low, round and square neck with short CE. Fields. A. M. Weatrem and John In the aam building with Mr. Fried t aa sse. soe, roe,c tf. . Great Jot of women's Chemise, made .. A. Hankie, appraisers of the estate of man's Third street market la the Barnes Women's short white Underskirts, eals Selllaf at 1 ; trimmed in fine " embroideries, uiim Tuaais. sleeves trimnainsooks, ueorga N. Hange, have files of fine cambric and report market; which has recently changed and nainsooks, of cambrics trimmed made tucks) riblaces, beading, insertions and in tha county court showing that the hands, being now operated by O. F. Announcementtxtraordinary in fine embroideries, laces, tucks, beading med in very fine laces, embroidery etatu haa property valued at 11.100. bons; full width and length. Grand asfrom New England, and Mr. plain ribbon; beading and and tucks, consisting chiefly of real estate In Kllburn. . C. R. Davis, a Portland resident of sortment and matchless values at these and ribbons: . Eaat Portland, trimmed skirts. Four grand bargains Mmi, rara,jrhlr majtkst haa under "': , . a prices: gone a tnorougn course or renovation $125 to $1.75 values, on sale, ea. 89 at the following prices : C. J. Owen, formerly managing editor and presents an appearance equally as $1.50 to $2.00 Gowns, on sale,-ea- . of the Evening Telegram, la In Port- attractive as. th other. Only fruit 08? $2.50 to $3.50 values, on sale, ea.$1.98 $1.00, $1.25 Chemise at, each.. 79 land visiting hla daughter. Mrs. Joseph s.nd fowls are handled no meatsand WILL NOT APPEAR $2.50 Gowns, $3.00 sale, on to O'Connor. H leaves for Norfolk. Vir$2.25, $2.50 Chemise at, each.. $1.33 ea.$1.39 turkeys, finer string of chickens. ginia, Thursday to look after James- geas, Sole Portland agents for La Grecque etc., never tempted tbe shopper. SUNDAY NIGHT $4.50 $6.00 Gowns, sale, on to town exposition concessions In which ha Th watchword her $3.00 Chemise on sale at, each. $2.18 ea.$3.08 Corsets and tailored Undermuslins la cleanliness. 1 Interested. Fowls are killed each day for that day's ' $6.50 to $9.00 Gowns, on sale, ea $4.98 Second Floors . AT THE HUUC THKATUX $4.50, $5.00 Chemise at, each. . $2.47 sales, and eold ' storageproduct s a re Flowering Bulbs Hyacinths, tulips, not letpapr Pelarefl ghgagemeats offered to home consumers. The fin Ftt get So!, narcissus, orocua and all Holland bulbs array Oregon-groV- n apples repeats of Lsoacavsll and His rsaw OrcbsMM Bat should be slanted at one. Da vmi the atory of Oregon productiveness with A COMPLETE STOCK OF SKINNER'S CELEBRATED SATINS IN ALL GRADES AND AT LOWEST PRICES realize how easily they can be grown? pleasing floods have reiteration. The Bend for our Illustrated and descripWILL APPEAR off all California fruits, but the tive catalogue, or phone Main 473. Port- shut markets hav not suffered, as tbe Ore-gu-n MONDAY AFTERNOON in "Zagg" land Seed Co., Front and Yamhill eta. supply Is adequate. MONDAY NICHT in "PagBaccr Ed. Strange, owner of a aaloon at W owe much to modern Inventive Crosby and Holladay streets, who waa genius, Parehssers ef Boadsy atfht tickets Jo t packacon ToatoV Corn 20 Pint bottl Boiled Ctdor but I doubt if. from an artlatl arreated by Policeman Burchell for standpoint, eaa al at. Flakes Quart bottl Boiled Cldsr. . . . .SOf th asms tickets Meaday sfie- .S54 w owe as much to any - keeping; open after-- business hour, ie-l- b. ok dry aTTanulaUd. Postum or Flaprun, other-ndevice as to the piano player; th cans van camp a Boup Sugar on at. 94.80 S can one Is employed 25 Beats mem selling for ketb sfteraasai aad ' for when a really good and wag fined fit. , . , , and Sardln. .254 10 dry lb, ...$1.00 t10 --os. MustardQueen vrnulatd... we can all become as familiar with th evening. famous bottl a Frank' Dllvs....54 muslo of th masters as ws hav been It has been decided that for accom with IH-lThe finest Table Linens the Old World produces will Mlr pkr. Layer Ralalna. .. .504 Mocha and Java Coffe. th Uth an torments of ' th Tha HJI1X TIUMUC Mate a. th modation of th traveling public tha of- - amateur Wsahlogtoa New citron at 40o aTrade, on ssJ at 244 Clay A Sherman, At student be found on . rices or in general passenger depart Co,' piano hous there la to be found, Peal or THUBSOAT, Oranr 1 lb. Royal Baklnr Powder. .40t mnAT, SATTRDAT KiaBTg. 254 lraonbasket Washed Pis; NOVEMBER 22, 23. 34. ment or the Harfiman lines will be on 10 lbs. yellow or whit corn-me- al 254 floor, well away from tha . gPKSAX-FBlCaLATlNEB BATCBDAX. aspt open durtnr th noon hour. Here notsth ofsecond prices. -low Camp's or Blu Label on Van JVa sal at 25 moatrichly trt"trafflo, -- Orhm - or after on of th chief clerks will be ofl elegant music-rooat, Catsup, bottl.,........ ssrk 1Mb. .204 of exas an set aside ROBERT EDESON Thegntire stock greatly outy irom II to 1 o'clock. Whol Wheat Flour at 254 234 C. aV B. Malt Vlnemtr department An clusive player-pian- o IN TBI Snider" Cocktail Cataup ean Amaxon Peaches I 25 204 seat expert himself at will demonstrator ': A paper entitled "Baptist Progress on during Qt. ean Rip Olive. ......... ,304 o Carnation Cream.; 25 I ctni th Pacific Coast" waa read bv Dr. a beautlftit KnabAnsu-player-pianI pkg. VI to for Stron2heartM Pioneer Cream 25 t1 cns 354 J&'adawarth at tha regular weekly west and produce such music as moit of us An n a a 1 --Thanksgivingran Minced Clams 2rat Baker' Unsweetened Chop. . . .354 lJ only from ing or the ctaptlst Pastor's association. have Imagined could come Cocoa 'Bakera can Plneappl esny, fi.oo,w . l. tm: raiiery, sue. I lb. ean Tlcr 154 .204 th skillful touch of a mas ten These a, M M . 11 W .t In progress Sale now rLu. . QhirardeUT . 104 wnicn ltwaa neia in tna T. M. C A. can Coeoa bWMwr TaM can Blsckberrles. .MM ff.rfM im., Vf W room ar always open to the public, aembty-haSony, tu TBe: entire gallery, SOo. yesterday. on sal at, par eaa can Assorted Jams, 1....2&4 ...204 and any ntoslclan who holds that th . .204 tiOwnny4 Fancy can Bleached Seedless Coco.. HemstitchedJ)ainikTahle Cha.. five, high-schg 54 190t All Mllcher Herrlnf..f 1.15 students who plajrrproflucea onjy meonanicai roueic 1 parka yea for ths 2 yards long, aflla 1S0T. " were suspended some time ago for par- ahould visit them and see for himself Baker Theatre. Orecoa enTheatre Corn, 1 cans.... 25c Fancy Main I cana Custard Pumpkin Co 254 Knabe-AeluenNapkins at one with dozen least ticipating In a Class rush are heck In tha th to 1 and Shrimps, can priced. Syrup Maple kind All low Most Bevalar theatre m Perttaad. Th to th great regular $6.50 values. match, their classes today, having been rein ables one to give expression at, . on aal rsmoos Company. Roods' each. Stock Baker All canned of at kinds 104. 204 ' masterpiece.. All thla week g. S. WliUrd's Seinn Tke on sala at, , per stated by tn school board. saving price. Phon Exehsng 4.- -J I pks. Seeded Raisins. .254 We4erfal drama. set...,-"What moistens the lips, what a Tour Eyes Examined Free. We are K n.iff "I ' Brightens tha ey. ' Uatlass Batarday. A r; till selling eyeglasses at 11.00. A perHemstitched Damask Table , What brings back th paat Hk fect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co.. BBo. SB. SOet asarlseSL 1R SSa. Braoln. 2yi long, Seta Cloths yards Th rich pumpkin pie." gext week Boyt' "A Tempers )eweirs ana optlolana, lit Sixth atreet Tawa." with one dozen Napkins to nothing! assuredly Mr. $7.50 And match, Nothing, retrular values. steamer Jessl Harkin for Camas, lly Cut Glass Blu and 'Wnit nasnougai and way tendinis dallv ax Swtland, of "Swetland'a" confection.... 1.49t. each . Turkey Bets, oonslstlnc ef IS tela 11T. Klltea W. Besawa. Maaega. cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street ary parlors, haa shown an appreciation Qlaa 1 platBon Bon Dishes at. platea Cut Fisyhig the Baeter and Basd Bbnw Oaty. a ocx at i p. m. of human nature In choosing the above Wedaseaay aad Saturdavi tnnl.kt klaUaees ...... each tS.OO at valu ter; finishing S1.94 S6. to lv 37 th line from Whlttler Damask Table Hemstitched -the ireek rnnslest t all la taxes 4ll Ollv Turkey Ptckl Dishes Glass Seta Cut Whit Blu VT. a. M. Wells has returned from touch to hla beautiful "pumpkin" 'win and It oanedles. Seta Cloths 3yi ysrds long, plat-at, each and 1 Plat 1.94 the pmtt and will be found at hla office dow. usually suggest "Pmupklns" ruaa saw soy. one dozen Napkins to match, -tar; recular 110.00 valu; special $2.15 Cut . Glass Vtnagar Cruet. as usual, nesiaenc phone Eaat 115, A eeraesa of Uosbter, Ttve aaOV arla.L rather crude and clumsy surrounding, . regular $9.00 patterns, each best aal at .$7.05 $t.00 Cut Glass Mayoonala Dishes. but this royal pumpkin which would Best weak I "lad Large 81s Decorated 8 em oak B values, Malarkey hav moved to certainly be a prise winner at an agriGemmans up Turkey each . values Platter; th 84.69 kingly In special...... Commonwealth building. at, In U4T stat ahow, rests Same cultural Glass Calary Dishes. pnone, to 11.50 844 $1.7Saoh Cut th midst of downy silk draperies of . &wt. Clark' Begi, Os d Fancy China White Linen Teadotha Extra Special Value in .'.....87.72 hlawnxo14etj.hueJidlmpled her and XSha Qlaa res;. $1.00 Water Bottles, Cut Gam Sets; Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street, thereby the most unique and dainty Ill vsJ.fl7.85 great 36mTiesiqTiare7lia:ndome"Ttyles, grand bargains anortmentr '. each . ii Zeward aTeweO bbn-bo- n Eetar lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunch. Oa. boxes, pleaaantly f4.69 $4.00 values, 3.26 each. at $3.00 values, 2.44 each. regular $27.88 valuea; apeclal at, $.(0 Cut Glass Carnation Vase. ami aieBsw. . for late November souvenirs hinting at -gov. eg each $5.00 values, IS. 4.08 each. Aom OU CoTsalla the best safety erml dinners and luncheons. est . Week : $70 values, 6.45 each, 85.14 22.47 aur aad ' f HavUand China Dinner $100 Cut Glass Fruit Baskets. Kr. sad Kn. BJi " ""u laaonna rnon jast Til. Napkins, Traycloths, Hemstitched Sets Allover Table Teadoths, , . . .Os. TruesdeU. gold rose decoration, pink each 170 811.9 Set, window at A most attractive XaaeU Serf. tswlaa's Doilies, Scarfs entire stock at greatly reduced prices for Thatiks- Water Sat. , Sllrer-Plate- d on, knoba and handles; special For Quality, Quantity and Qulckneas. Third street la that of tbe Haines Tea -"Asat Advl.' est giving Linen Sale. All Table Damasks, Sets, Cloths, etc, reduced. au b aurria- - restaurant. valu at 98.92 922.SO j- Store. Dolt babies Just th sis that tha little tots love to hug In their arms are Zt. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ea- r. Maro.ua m. suspended at short Intervals across th glass front with th interesting Carl Jones for reading. tth and Wash. entire legend In th center J hat these dome Bxonrrag JforatBiB itv will be given away with purchase of a OlUett Crets Salary. nound or more of coffee on th twenty- THREE YEARS TO THOMAS "For this is th oiympla. Wash.. Nov. 10. PRESIDENT IS Sign state sixth of November:away" Th Immadlat Process for th removal of wrinkles, smallpox pit, H supreme court by vote of t Th not with "a dav w give babies FOR ROBBERY to 1, SCULLY birthmarks, scars, superfluous hairs, etc Scientifically removed with B HOUOg' lima, BHBRLOCK how H A that a writ of mandate should be half a pound of tea." thia BEIfSATIOBAA out th use of surgery or electricity. granted to compel the state auditor to ever. It is interesting to not the way 1CBLODBAXA Manicuring. Scalp, Faolal Treatment and Hair Dressing. B I.t 4 ACTS. GIVEN RECEPTION Tbe eoFaLt (Speelrl Dlspeteb I up Claypact, a moving complete Issue warrants In payment of a Medicated ar treatment facial Third FREE. house 5 business Th salary of H. p. on-let- t, street even aa they ar spreading out Dall.. Or., Nov. 10. James th expert engineer employed by in every other direction. One who ha Kelly and Thomas Scully hav had a IS. Week ef rvwe stat SeBC .nw- pinnmi rnmmiesinn. not taken a walk out Third lately would lnr trial in tha 'circuit court on a B JfVMsMtat be surprised at th new building, new cbarg of robbery from th person. A Mrs. W. J. Honeyman Is Honored snucAToivoois. Arms and general air of anterpria and verdict was returned acquitting Kelly by Members of the Local g growth along thla street for many and convicting Scully. Judge Bradshaw e Tsesday, Thanday, Bararday sag Ifatta "business disblocks from tha Y. W. A. C. years In th to Scully Sunday at S 80. frlcea. 10 aa4 Sue. I .err thre sentenced trict" in the supposed center of th erastng at S:1S. rrtcss, I Or. ane aad Sua. tsach-howas Girls, W arreated Kelly Women School acaln and E for penitentiaryTrad ; eultur proand Besot-Tecity. seat tor all Daprfonaaaee by fesslonal course. by th city marshal, charged with havBBBlCATOZ.OOZn1. Beat Weeb"Tn UTTU imnaTXA- .Mrs. W. J. Honeyman. retiring presipractice. ALDER engaged In an4 criminal B School 394 STREET. Oflic ing Th been Montgomery GO TO COURT TO Mme. Madeline dent of th T. W. C. A., waa given a a tr-i a v reception night FREE 1 Moving laat at the association O I CAM ntAi rooms. Sixth and Oak atreet. Th reLinn Wood A Olattos Take for a TklaC. ception was preceded by a dinner given YOUNG SILVERTONMAN appemlag la a aTtrewtoaur. by the resident member of th assoSteam heat Is needed In th store TWniCAIi CTTXTTmal, MUIUM Bte Mam Via Kaad. at rooms occupies oy now Martin, t ciation. GAMBLING FOR FINED aty Testament. Baal'HARRY Th apeaker were Introduced by Mis druggists, at 121 Washington arrest, and UHLMAN. sure TOTTB MOraT d provided, McCorkle, mat win Constance secretary, it general make to ATI Boomer, (ieneral AdvrtlMa Business TRADE SCHOOL "' (Special DIspstck t The, Josmal.) v who acted as toastmlatres. th druaalsts commenced a ault in th Mr. 1111. Phon Mala td Morrison. FOR WOMEN Sllvarton, lr.. Nov. 10. Claranc AND And wear th good while paying OIRLS. Sarah Whltesld, Miss Helen Ssxton state circuit court yesterday afternoon 1:10 to S:I0 Every Kvenlng HOME CULTURE AND PRO- Day paid high tribute to Mr. Wright, th young man arrested last whereby they secured an injunction refor them. - A watch or diamond Mis and He who loses money loseg FEBSIONAL COURSE. . Investment- la a. naible on, be- Honeyman and spoke feelingly of the week In company with William Hunter, straining rrancls E. Kelly, owner of th you can turn A DIAMOND The Immediate process for re- charged with gambling, haa been found much. But he who loaea rau building, and O. W. Waterbury from Influence exercised by her. excellent INTO MONK r any old tin moral of wrinkles, smsllpox pita, shutting off th At the reception which followed th guilty and fined ISO and costs. When birthmarks, scars, superfluous Row V Martin allege mat they hav Mis Carlotta Parker and Mis Hunter haa hla trial th sam evidence sight loses tiL dinner. -week hairs, etc., scientifically removed , $20 at 50c a Delta Watson gav interesting talks on which convicted Wright' will be Introbeen tenant of th building for th last u without th of surgery or 10 yeara. their lease having expired th live and works of many famous duced against htm. (SO at $1.00 a week electricity. Optical Co. Manicuring, acalp, Jnlv t. They stat that they then took artists. Several vocal selections were faolal treatment and hair dress. jaflva-yeaLl- a on the iroundfloor 100 at 2 a wett. and so on Pasaona Oper, Company Op s. rendered fey- - M Is - Margaret Bekker. t be -Ing. Ji n. DUB ACK. Optom trtar.T- ..' and the basement and mat neat ta suporatlon. Mrs 4 4erMt ier1at MiK. : :: :.r0rotatt teacher tit th New Orleans), Nov. 20. Th famous S70 Alder.' ' plied to tha entire building from th Moor rendered a cornet aolo. Paoa poin ISIS. opens lta heating plant In th basement. It la alMrs. Honeyman waa presented' with San Oarlo opera company j" cper leged that Waterbury clalme to hav a season bearhandsom th ranch oak at Amarlcan weathered dk, MEDICATET CLATPACT, a com. acquired the heating plant from Kelly ing an Inscription in silver. Th pre hous in. thla city tonight. Madame Dirsw Baiav vur4ivttr gewelsr aad Optlolana, , v plete facial .treatment. Schumann-Hslnwaa made by Mrs. J. p. Mor Lillian Nordlra, Madam and threatens to shut .off Row AV Mar sentation 11 m matter. hvhenVauCaWMf ST. gan, chairman of th social commltt. Alice Nielsen and Oluaepp tin's heat unless restrained by an order Office and School ' Mow Judga Bears Issued a . 'w. Included In th company. on behalf or. tn r of the court A. I the time to bay Mr. .AT0N'S RtiiABitCiA5ifif Nami j emporary injunction and an order to Honeyman will be preslilent of the T. Their season will take them a far west ... Christmas Piweatav... Oreaon,Wjihmaforrfrmr, fruit a" - " Tt(M MOsTTOOtCiaT, directing Waterbury Kelly Oregon to aa W. Francisco, Portland, and them C. Vancouver A. foe Th San and Idaho.' eye Sited fer eye laeeae 11. fl ', t t ' , Tea potato ih .u appear tomorrow morning and show la .. eaatirn presidency .of th Portland association and Seattle, and place 394 Alder St , Cor Tenth Opm avealag VaUl O'Oloak. KL'h-AC:.UCTC1Y y - Mr. Canada and New England also will be C cause why th Injunction gbeuld sot be will filled temporarily e, n- - pt, r mad permanent. Jam Falling, Included la th general tour. . , .j r,rn. ' , ' g r- ..... ' i Theitre WTen's-fine-hite-ndersWrts,"-m- ! ..... af ' aaa j LEONCAVALLO . I - Finq GroceriesPhone Exchange 4 Fine, New Table Linens pk,.20 The Entire Stock at Reduced Prices e b. five-fing- er iC ...3? sale b. E reduced . COMEDT-DBAJf- ther Sr-g- - -- Vi-l- b. b. H-l- b. b. H-l- b. ool Set--Clo- a, b. 55.28 ri empireltheatre: ' ' Specials in the Basement Store is::..$6.48: on-sal- Beml-Poreela- r.......:.. itff v Qf . c. Hand-Embroider- ed . f t ..1.76 Hand-Painte- GRAND f f 100-Pl- f UYRIC THEATRE innuiinniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiniiiiinii jfle-eld-ed ZA MORA CAUFfMAN ' - Za MoraCauffman "The I STAR MME. MADELINE, LINNWOOD one-tim- tm of jhe Four" THEATRE Polly and m r"i. w Utl rx-- iiwnimmiiiHiiinnninnnmiiinnnmiiii r-- Pictures -- Mm ht. . Portland -- fREE! A1etzger& Co. in nznt k. yr t Cam-pana- c rl T b. l.m , . . . . -,- ,
© Copyright 2025