Document 276448

V: Video
EC: Evidence Collection
Introduction to the units
Which of the photographs that you were shown
can you still recall afterwards?
What do you recall about them?
Paired activity followed by a plenary.
What makes a photograph good or great?
On the projector screen, flash up examples of great
photography from the 19th century through to the
present day.
Images for discussion
Resource checklist
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Unit 19, Learning aim A: Investigate painting practice
Unit 10, Learning aim A: Investigate and explore the creative use of mobile devices in art and design
Unit content
Links to other units – general note
Through the creation of practical work for a purpose, any assignment will have some relation to Unit 5.
Wherever learners explore contextual aspects in their assignments, there will be links to Unit 6 or Unit 8.
Where any aspects of careers are investigated in assignments, there will be links to Unit 9.
LA: Learning Aim
PS: Presentations Slides
AS: Activity Sheet
Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments.
Duration of lessons: 1 hour
Guided learning hours (GLH): 90
Unit 19: Photography Briefs, and Unit 10: Using Mobile Devices in Art and Design
Combined scheme of work
Photography pathway
Links to other
BTEC First Art & Design
Teaching and Assessment Pack
How working on location
with mobile devices can
help to develop your ideas.
How to use photographic
equipment safely and
How to use photographic
How to use photographic
techniques to control
images in response to a
photography brief
Developing and refining use
of techniques, equipment
and processes.
Unit 19, Learning aim A:
How mobile devices can
help working with others in
different ways to develop
creative ideas
Using mobiles to take good still pictures
Problem of selection/editing
Interchangeable lenses
Chemical printing processes
Large format
Digital SLR equivalent.
How and where to download (to centre network, to
learning platform, to social network)
The centre’s mobile phone policy, including why it
is in place.
The importance of backing up work at home
Demonstration of digital camera equipment, and
discussion of:
Demonstration of SLR film camera:
Learners choose their best shots of each and put them
together to make a story..
Intro to Assignment 1: Photograph one two three:
an object, a person, a place..
Learners try out different cameras in small groups and
share best photos with class. Discussion of the
features that the best photographs are comprised of.
How to prevent techniques from obstructing
progress on location
Introduce plan for location visit.
Introduce learners to different types of cameras (SLR,
mobile, compact) and ‘ease of use’.
© Pearson Education Ltd 2012. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
How mobile devices and
mobile techniques can be
used creatively in art and
Unit 10, Learning aim A:
Unit content
Photography pathway
SLR film camera
Large screen/projector
Resource checklist
Unit 3 LA B
How to explore and
examples of 2D
work by designers,
artists and
How artists,
craftspeople and
designers use
techniques and
processes for
different effects.
different 2D art,
craft and design
Unit 3 LA A
How 2D visual
language is used in
different ways in 2D
How to use 2D
processes and
Exploring how
elements are
created, modified
and refined.
Unit 1, LA A
Explore selected
specialist pathways.
Links to other
BTEC First Art & Design
Teaching and Assessment Pack
Unit content
Limitations of storage space.
How large (in memory space) does an image need
to be if it is to be useful on this course?
Identifying and recording
formal elements
Modifying, refining and
reviewing own work.
Unit 19, Learning aim B:
Present work – discuss use of formal elements,
composition, focus, blurring, exposure and colour.
Further practise of taking, downloading and reviewing
photographs. Record progress. Select pictures. Create
story through simple cut and paste.
Interim review of formal elements evident in
photographs taken.
Practise taking, downloading and reviewing
photographs for Assignment 1.
© Pearson Education Ltd 2012. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Unit 19, Learning aim B: Record formal elements using photography
Photography pathway
Resource checklist
Selecting and using
specialist materials,
techniques, equipment
and processes.
Knowing how formal
elements can be
recorded using
specialist materials,
techniques, equipment
and processes.
Unit 1 LA B
Recognising what
formal elements are
and how professionals
use them in their
specialist work.
Could also relate to
aspects of Unit 4 LA
C; Unit 7 LA A, LA
Links to other
BTEC First Art & Design
Teaching and Assessment Pack