DatabaseDesign & ApplicationsSampleQuestions 4 I The rows in a tableare called a. fields. b. events. c. columns d. records. 2. A _ a. b. c. d. is a collectionof programsto managea databasefor severalpeople. DBMS library designer group of entities. _are properties a. Grouos b. Switchboards c. Attributes d. Cables for recovering the databasein the eventthe 4. _ and recoveryservices,whichare mechanisms databaseis damagedin any way, areamongthe featuresthata DBMSshouldfurnish. a. Control b. Backup c. Information d. Data 6 The processof makinga copyof the databaseis calleda(n)_ a. security b. integrity c. recovery d. backup copy. 6 . DBMSsprovidesecurityusing a. views. b. All the answersare correct. c. encryption. d. passwords. Databasereouirements a. are constant b. seldomchange c. remainstable change d. constantly overtime. in a DDBMSis whereusersat differentsitesuse and modifycopiesof a database transparency _ withoutknowingthattheyare copies. a. Replication b. Object c. Fragmentation d. Location FBLA CompetitiveEvenfs Sfudy Guide 2008-2010 B3 9. One of the reasonsfor archivingis to a. improvesecurity. b. decreaseoerformance. integrity. c. improvedictionary d. savediskspace. 10. MainframeDBMSoftenare accompanied by a separateentitycalleda _, catalog. a. datadictionarv b. program c. reolicator d. macro whichactsas a super 11. Whena tablecontainsinformation abouta person(e.9.,name,address,telephonenumber)in multiplerecords,thisis called: a. data backup b. dataredundancy c. data restoration d. dataverification 12. Whendataabouta personare storedin a tableor listin severaldifferentrows,the mostserious oroblemis: a. datamay not be consistent in all records in creatingreports b. the difficulty c. datamay be in differentfontsand numberformats d. the recordsmay be of differentlengths 13. Whichof theseis not an importantrestriction for a well-structured table? a. Eachrecordshouldbe unioue. b. Columnsmustcontainconsistent data. c. Cellsmustcontainsinglevalues. d. Cellcontentsmustnot repeatin a column. 14. Whichof the followingis not trueaboutprimarykeys? a. Primarykeyscannotbe null. b. Primarykeysare usedin foreignkey relationships. c. Primarykeysmustbe unique. d. Primarykeysmustbe a singleattribute. 15. SQL is an abbreviation for a. none of the answersare correct b. Structured QueryLanguage. c. SelectQueryLanguage. d. SimpleQueryLanguage. 16. Whichtypeof join allowsunmatchedrowsto appearin the resultof a join operation? a . O P E NJ O I N b . O D DJ O I N c . O U T E RJ O I N d . I N N E RJ O I N 1 7 . I n S Q L ,t h e a. WITH b. LIKE c. PART d. FOR keywordwillallowyou to selectrecordsbasedon partialvalues. FBLA CompetitiveEvenls Sfudy Guide 2008-2010 84 1 8 . G i v e na c o n d i t i o n : W H E RLEn a m e= ' J o n e s ' A N DZ I P = 4 3 3 0 1 lf someZIP valuesare equalto 43301,then: a. somerecordsfor'Jones'willdefinitely be returned b. somerecordsfor'Jones'may be returned c. only the first indexedrecordin the tableis returned d. no recordsfor'Jones'willbe returned 19. Combining the activities of severalindividual usersand allowingthemto sharea commondatabase provides benefitin the recording, manipulation and reporting of information. a. insignificant b. greater c. equal d. lesser 20. <imgsrc="" alt="3973.PNG"> Usingthe aboveimage,what is the relationship betweenBookand Author? a. many-to-one b. many-to-many c. one-to-one d. one{o-many 21. Most studentsneed to completeseveralcoursesin orderto graduate.Likewise,most coursesare takenby manystudents.This indicates a. thereis a one-to-many relationship betweenthe two. b. thereis a one-to-one relationshio betweenthe two. c. thereis a many-to-many relationship betweenthe two. d. thereis a complexmultiplerelationship betweenthe two. 22. ln the diagramabove,facultyteachmanycourses,but if it is alsocommonto havea COURSEtaught by severaldifferentFACULTY,thenthe diamondshapeshould reflecta _ relationship. a. recursive one-to-manv b. one-to-one c. many-to-one d. many-to-many 23. A reportrequiresdatato be arrangedalphabetically by Lname.Whichof thesestatements will providethatarrangement? a. SELECTLname,Fname,PhoneFROMStudentARRANGEBY Lname; b. SELECTLname,Fname,PhoneORDERBY LnameFROMStudent; c. SELECTLname,Fname,PhoneFROMStudentORDERBY Lname; d. SELECTLname,Fname,PhoneARRANGEBY LnameFROMStudent; 24. Changingthe nameof a fieldin a table(e.9.,SSN becomesStudentlD) requiresthat a. the data in thatfieldmustbe reentered. b. reportsthat previously usedthe fieldmustbe modified. c. the nameof any relatedfieldsmustalsochange. d. the datatypeof the fieldmustbe changed. querywill: 25. A reportthat is basedon a parameter a. first ask for a valuethat is to be usedfor the oarameter permissionsby the user b. requirecreate/delete c. run the reportand then ask for a valuethat is to be usedfor the oarameter d. ask for the nameof the oarameter FBLA CompetitiveEvents Study Guide 2008-2010 B5 26. When rowsare grouped,_ a . o n el i n e b. one or morelines c. multiplelines d. nolines of outputis/areproducedfor each group. 27. A nullvalue in a field a. is preferredover the use of genericvalueslike:N/A. b. increasesthe accuracyof data storedin the field. c. decreases the complexity of mostqueriesusingthe field. d. inevitably leadsto questionsaboutwhat it means. 28. A tablethatcontainsduolicaterecords a. probablyhas no established index. b. probablyhas a weak primarykey. c. probablyhas a defectiveforeignkey. d. probablyhas severalsurrogatekeys. 29. A one{o-manyrelationship betweentwo tableswillrequirethat 'many' a. the tableon the sidecan haveno candidatekeys. b. a foreignkeywill be placedon the 'many'sideof the relationship. c. the tableon the 'one'sidewill haveonlyone field. d. no foreignkeywill be necessary in the relationship. 30. Aftera tableand indexesare in indexes a. None of the answersare correct. b. can be added c. will not improveperformance. d. cannotbe added. FBLA CompetitiveEvenfs Sfudy Guide 2008-2010 B6 DatabaseDesign& ApplicationsSampleProductionTest Instructions test. You havesixty(60)minutesto completethis production A new recordstorecalledMusicfor Less sellsnew CDs as well as pre-ownedCDs. Individualscan trade in theirgentlyusedCD'sfor crediton newlyreleasedCDs or otherusedalbums.The storeloses CD and storeclerkscannot businesseachyear becausecustomerscomein lookingfor a particular quicklylocatea CD or even verifyif the CD is in stock. willallowthe easy lookup of any CD by The storyownerthinksthata databasethattracksinventory artist,genre,songor title.In thatway,clerkscan quicklylookup the answerto customerquestionseither on the phoneor whentheyvisitthe storyin person. Procedure:A new or used CD will be loggedinto inventoryas it is receivedby Musicfor Less.All tracks on the CD will be loggedas wellas the genre,songtitlesand typeof CD. Typesof CDs will include greatesthits,or collection. CD Genreswill includerock,pop,R and B, jazz,funkand compilations, alternative. Assumptions: . CDs purchasedduringthe businessday willautomatically be removedfrom the databaseby a systemto be developedlaterin the project. separatepoint-of-sale . A trackon a CD is the uniquecombination of an artistsinginga particular songon a particular CD. . A songcan be on morethanone CD, an artistcan singon morethanone CD . A CD can containmorethanone artist . EachCD, Track,Artistand Songwill havea numericaluniqueidentifies FurtherInformation: CD Title Genre AcousticSoul RandB John Maver The Breakthrouoh Number Type in Stock 2 Collection Pop 5 Soul 10 Collection Collection Songs Artist Intro Video Promises BrownSkin Waitinoon the Worldto Chanoe I Don'tTrustMvself Belief Gravitv The Heartof Life N o O n eW i l lD o IndiaArie lndiaArie EnouohCrvin AboutYou P u r eF u n k Testimonv Funk RandB z Be WithoutYou Comoilation Fire BrickHouse Car Wash K u n oFu Fiohtino Mr. Biq Stuff Collection TheseEves The Heartof the Matter GoodMournino PrivatePartv There'sHope FBLA CompetitiveEvents Study Guide 2008-2010 l n d i aA r i e l n d i aA r i e John Maver JohnMaver JohnMaver John Maver John Maver M a r yJ . B l i g e MarvJ. Bliqe M a r vJ . B l i q e M a r vJ . B l i q e OhioPlavers Commodores Rose Rovce CarlDouolas Jean Kniqht ndiaArie ndiaArie ndiaArie ndiaArie ndiaArie 87 Job 2-Database and Table Greation 1) Createa new databasenamedCD Inventoryand createthe Artist,Song,CD and Track tables. from the entityrelationship diagramsaboveto assistwith the creationof the Use the information tables.ldentifythe appropriatedata typesfor eachfield.Save each table. betweentables. the relationships 2) Establish from the tableabove 3) Populatethe tableswith the information Job 3-Songs by a ParticularArtist Query In orderto betterassistcustomerswho hearda songon the radioand wantto purchasethe CD on which it appears,salesclerksneedto be ableto type in a songnameand findthe Artistand CD on whichit appears.In thiscase,a customerhas phonedto finda CD withthe song"BrownSkin".Createa queryto showthe songtitle,artistname,CD nameon whichit appearsand the numberin stock. 1. Createthe querydescribedabove 2. Runthe queryand printthe results Job 4 of 70'sfunk.The customerwould Anothercustomerhas droppedby the storeto searchfor a compilation liketo havea printout of all the songson a CD that meetsthiscriterionso she can takewith herfor purposes. of thisgenre.Displaythe Createa querythatfindsall CD thatare compilation comparison Name[s]of the CD, all songsand artistson the CD. 1. 2. 3. 4. Createthe querydescribedabove Runthe queryand printthe results Use the queryas the sourceof a report. Printthe resultingreport. FBLA CompetitiveEvenfs Study Guide 2008-2010 89 AnswerKeY CyberSecuritY 1) A 2JB 3) A 4) D 5) C 6)B 7)B e)B 10) B 11 B 12 D 13 14 B T5 B T6 B 17 B D 19) 20) c DatabaseDesign& ApplicationAnswer Key 11) B 1) D 12 2)A 1 3 t) 3) c '14 D 4) B s)D T5 B 16 c 11 B 7) D T8 B 8) D ts B rJ) L) 2 0 10) n DesktopPublishingAnswcr KeY 11)A 1) r) 12) A 2)^ 13) C 3) C 14) C 4l n 15) B 16) B 6) A 17) B t) B 1B) D 8) C 19) B 9) B (: 1 0 )A "o) EconomicsAnswer KeY 11)n 1) C 12) C 2) Il 1 3 )D 3) ^ 1 4 )D 4)C 1 5 )C D 5) 1 6 )B u) D 1 7 )D 7) c 1{J)C 8) rl 1 9 )A 9) l) 20) B 1 0 )A u) B AnswerKeY EntaePreneLlrshiP 2)B 3) B ,1) B s) D 6) A 7) C 8)B 9) A r 0 )B |) 12) c 13)B 15 D c 17 B 1S B 2A C FBLA CampelitiveEvetltsStLtdyGLtide2a08 2014 21) C 23) A 24J D 25) B 27) 28) 29) 30) B A D A 21) 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 c D C B t) a B B 21) C 22) C 23) C 24) B 25) B 26) A 2/) B 2ti) A 29) n 30) I 21) A ? 2 )D 23) B 24) B '25)A 26) ll 27) B 28) B 29) B 30) c 21) B 22) A 23) B 24) A 25) D 26) C 27) A 28) A 29) D 30) B 240 DATABASEDESIGN& APPLICATIONS PRODUCTION ANSWERKEY DatabaseDesign & Applications AK-Job 1 CD TRACK id PK id FK cd_id FK arlist_id FK song_id title gcnre num stock ARTIST SONG PK id title FBLA CompetitiveEvents Study Guide 2008-2010 PK id llalTle 255 DatabaseDesign & Applications AK-Job 2 CD TRACK TRACI( SONG TRACK ARTIST d litle num-ln-:lrrl 'a/ iJ ,t,rd 'I i!/ -rtiJl-rd Jcr'l rd 1. i,/ a/ 1 tI I d FiTiE FBLA CompetitiveEvents Study Guide 2008-2010 256 DatabaseDesign & Applications AK-Job 3 2 J o h nh l a y e r 3 Cthio Flayers AcouslirSoul R andE 20 Cc'ntinuunr Ferp - 1 0T h eE r e s k t h r oSurru l 4 l l F u r eF r n k Furrk 5[ Teslimnny R ;nd E ll f,0ilecltDn c r l i e c ti o n cIllE[t]on compilrtirn rollertirn ge.o'ds look Utid$ lfip 'j.-.. -..... ......|),)..i.!"..:-.i::...--i:-*:: n t ro 1Ll4 'i\iirrtrng0n llrE 1/!/!rldlo fh.rnle lLl5 | drnl Trr:t lfiy:elf 1 lE Belrei 10I Grrrity I t l B T h P H s ; ' d o 1L l e 109 No ftre V,lrl Do 11 0 E r r u g l l r i r n 1 1 1A L i u t Y o u 111 Ee I,"'1hlulY!u 1 1 - JF i r e ll4 FnrL Hruse 1 1 i C : r rl , Y ; : h I 1E l',rn! l- u Frghl ng I 1/ hlr P'ig 51uff 11E T f E s e E y e s I 1! 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