Yngve Monfelt, Stockholm University, [email protected]
Information technology applications have to be
adapted for meaningful dependable social mind to
mind communication needs and purposes concerning
strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT)
risks. For successful adaptation it seems to be
important to dichotomize the mechanistic equipment
participation in communication from analogous
social understanding of the conveyed meaning
intention. The first step towards this objective is to be
aware of the meanings in and interrelations between
below chosen keywords. The second step is to note
that information is a subjective situation and a
context dependent interpretation of meaning in a
sensationally interpretable message or signal. The
third step ―and a function dependability
conditioning― is to, among a lot of expressed
meanings, effectively select the appropriate ones to
be controlled and audited in a life cycle management
objective perspective. For that any executive
manager has to relay on the very basic and in a
policy express ―perhaps forgotten or redefined―
contents of the six cited keywords. The main aim of
this essay is to release thinking from sensational or
imaginary meanings of the six keywords, and anchor
them as close as possible to the responsible
managers´ reality. The approach aims for complexity
reduction through ‘good will’ variety integration in
order aspects to override ‘bad will’ or ‘do not care’
Keywords: Knowledge, Information, Data, Message,
Communication, Adaptation
A lot of messages about facts or behaviors are
available on or via the Internet. With contextual a
priori knowledge these will be accessed and informed
for subjective meanings as a base for decisions and
aimed effects. The main problem is to find the kernel
or origin and hence achieve a sustainable —and
manageable— common sense of what is wanted to be
controlled and audited for life cycle management:
‘…When competing hypotheses are equal in other respects,
the [Occam’s (c. 1285–1349) razor] principle recommends
selection of the hypothesis that introduces the fewest
assumptions and postulates the fewest entities while still
sufficiently answering the question. It is in this sense that
Occam's razor is usually understood. To quote Isaac
Newton [1643—1727], "We are to admit no more causes of
natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to
explain their appearances. Therefore, to the same natural
effects we must, so far as possible, assign the same
causes."’ [1]
The Essay Characteristic Intentions
This essay intend to focus on some information
system applications of which depend on artificial
components and emphasizes factors that may
facilitate their implementation as a complexity
decreasing enabling system. These implementations
causes cultural, ethical and legal changes which have
to be accepted and “can be or can have” rules for
maintained dependability (DPY) [1] within the
system’s decided requisite variety width (RQW) and
life cycle ―including retirement― perspective
(LCP). The tasks are about "shall be or shall have"
protection of the conditional statement dependent
system’s ability to adapt the RQW requirements per
authorized role to be "is or has" in parity with the
SWOT-Risk, account (ACT) and audit (AUD)
management (MGT) capabilities.
Dependability is Ability Conditioned
The aim of this essay is to point out what meaning
syntaxes have in mechanistic system contexts such as
how information and data communication technology
(DCT) affects the system as such. These systems are
composed by human developers and requested by
themselves or by other human real —instrumentally
qualitative— satisfaction needs; i.e., quality of
service (QoS). For that the DCT has to be adapted for
its communication —enterprise communication
architecture (ECA)— purpose through exchange of
measurement messages (MSG) and hitherto relative
or absolute evaluation scale. Absolute scales are
compounds of elementary computable physical
quantities; e.g., electric charge, time, distance, mass,
acceleration and energy (temperature or entropy).
These quantities are found through reduction or
deduction analysis of holistic views to its parts which
may be integrated through induced synthesis to
alternative wholes. The physical quantities are —like
a thunderstorm sensational lightly and loudly events
or occurrences— energy quanta that propagate
through some appropriate physical media and impact
the human senses of which sensitivity is situation
“A group of researchers headed by Benjamin Bloom
defined in the early fifties [1956] a cognitive taxonomy,
which is based on six hierarchical levels:
1. Knowledge ―the ability to memorize and recall relevant
information (facts, procedures and concepts [contextual
cognitional associations]).
access (ACS) right, in parity with its ATH role, to the
AST. The actions will be accounted (ACT) with
respect to incidents (ICI), quality of service (QoS)
performance and rule compliance (LAW). The ACTs
have to be audited (AUD) for updating of the PCY.
2. Comprehension ―the ability to understand the meaning
of [signals, messages as] information and to translate the
knowledge into a new context.
Information of Messages is a Subjective Task
3. Application ―the ability to use the knowledge [information ↔ gained knowledge] (facts, methods, concepts) in
different and new situations.
4. Analysis ―the ability to identify various components
and find hidden information (meaning or logic) embedded
in them.
5. Synthesis ―the ability to combine several components
and to build a new product or idea. Draw conclusions or
predict based on different areas.
6. Evaluation ―the ability to compare and subjectively assess the value of different approaches.” [2]
Dependability has to Be Authorized and Audited
The current essay is a step towards adaptation (APT)
of the Controlled Information Security (COINS)
14 Layered Framework [3] context. See below
Figure 1 for the enterprise (EPR) entity (ETY) four
state analogy model; EPR {EXE, QoS, ECA, DCT}
where EXE| executive decision, QoS| recognized and
information security (ISC) classified ability assets
(AST) for quality of service (QoS) in the mission
performance, ECA| the ability to communicate the
QoS and DCT| the mechanistic rules for automated
data processing (ADP) including the manual (MDP)
ditto and transports.
Supposedly, the APT control objective context is for
information security (ISC) in mind. ISC is
conditioned by audit (AUD) of confidence (COF),
integrity (ITY) and availability (ABY) in abilities;
i.e., quality of service (QoS), assets (AST).
Information: “the communication or reception of
knowledge or intelligence [1]” is, for the actual
context, enough motivated in Skovira [4]. But,
decades of unawareness, in informatics disciplines to,
when implementing the mechanistic applications,
dichotomize these aspects from social ditto, for real
social analogous communication. That focus on
efficiency means, instead of effectiveness for user’s
―what to do― communication objectives, represents
a systematic fault; i.e., the ubiquitous inherent cause
to accuracy bias error. Also, there is inefficiency
because of imprecise or fuzzy 'information' or
'communication' ―how to do― related attributes.
Supposedly, slump conditioned precision faults
causes confusing friction errors in related accuracy
dependent efforts to achieve objective focused
mission processes in some RQW defined
environment holistic context.
To change the view is to change a worldwide cultural
influence. It is a hard task to achieve because of
possible; e.g., Kafkaesque rigidity in behavior and
unawareness of Machiavellian characteristics when
implementing conditional statements. So, it will be
better to respect the circumstances in any particular
“True” or “False” characterizes mechanistic aspects.
“May be” has to be added to the social characteristics
resulting in two bit combinations instead of one bit
ditto. For reducing the uncertainties, it will be need to
relay on meanings in an open, universal and easy to
access terminology meanings instead of some
particular culture influenced ditto.
Control, Audit, Security and Protection Legend
Available abilities (ABY) are system functional
qualities as assets (AST) to, on executive’s (EXE)
behalf, be managed (MGT) through authorizing
(ATH) any authentic (AUT) identity (IDY) because
of the enterprise (EPR) SWOT-Risk evaluation
assurance level (EAL) based policy (PCY) and its
communication architecture (ECA) role with respect
to need to know requisite variety width (RQW)
cognition (COG) and its situational behaviour (BEH)
dependability (DPY). Each IDY has to be assigned
Ignorance: ”the state or fact of being ignorant: lack of
knowledge, education, or awareness [1]”, belong to a
class fault of which may ―like other human needs
and ergonomic RQW limitations― by some actor
influence cause intentional or unintentional erroneous
misunderstanding incidents, of which, if not properly
managed, can escalates to failures and risks.
There are Opportunities and Threats
There may be hesitations about what the information
science is about [5], but without doubt it includes
implementation of conditional statement based
artifacts for controlling its environment. Hence it is a
question of how to manage and maintain the [6] LCP
dependability. A step for that may include qualities as
in [7, 8 and 9] about, personnel factors, consensus
and human capital.
Table 1 may represent a rule to begin with when
estimating risk in conditional statements situations.
'P' in the table may represent a provider and 'Q' may
represent a quality of service (QoS) requesting
Table 1. SWOT analyze of the conditional statement.
Peer to peer
Fundamental Statements
A [Shannon] Theory of Communication:
“… The fundamental problem of communication is that of
reproducing at one point either exactly or approximately a
message selected at another point. Frequently the messages
have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated
according to some system with certain physical or
conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of
communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem.
The significant aspect is that the actual message is one
selected from a set of possible messages. The system must
be designed to operate for each possible selection, not just
the one which will actually be chosen since this is unknown
at the time of design. ... [10]”.
Weaver [11]:
“… Relative to the broad subject of communication, there
seem to be problems at three levels. Thus it seems
reasonable to ask, serially:
LEVEL A. How accurately can the symbols of
communication be transmitted? (The technical problem.)
[Data Communication Technology (DCT)]
LEVEL B. How precisely do the transmitted symbols
convey desired meaning? (The semantic problem.)
LEVEL C. How effectively does the received meaning
affect conduct in the desired way? (The effectiveness
problem.) [A mission performance Quality of Service
(QoS) issue]
... The word information, in this [Shannon] theory, is used
in a special sense that most not be confused with its
ordinary [mind to mind] use. In particular information must
not [in the Shannon theory context] be confused with
meaning. … [10]”
FRISCO [12]:
‘"There is a growing concern within IFIP WG 8.1 about the
present situation, where too many fuzzy or ill-defined
concepts are used in the information system area. Scientific
as well as practice-related communication is severely
distorted and hampered, due to this fuzziness and due to the
Figure 1: A molecular communication model: EPR {EXE, QoS, ECA, DCT}
frequent situation that different communication partners
associate different meanings with one and the same term.
There is no commonly accepted conceptual reference and
terminology, to be applied for defining or explaining
existing or new concepts for information systems" [12]’.
Meaning in the keywords are interrelated, but almost
often not concisely defined how with respect to the
contextual situation. ‘Information’ and ‘Communication’ are commonly used for both of social meanings
and technological applications of these.
That fuzziness or imprecision increases complexity
confusions and hence increases uncertainty and
contradicts the real meaning of ‘information’. To
handle increasing complexities is treated as managing
availability in classes of a living system's [13] output
quality attribute values like resources, assets etc.
abilities for controlled authorized and accounted
access. But it has to be done with protection means to
ensure the system's RQW dependability and, on
conditional statement based, risk evaluation in mind.
The Evaluation Approach
The approach is to relay on the Shannon [14]
example for a communication theory application on
basis of discrete Markoff (Markov) processes and
hence Bayesian conditional probability principles
The #6 keywords have to be adapted together for a
mission enterprise constituting an enterprise system
(EPR) entity ―A or B in Figure 1― based on an
executive’s policy of mission intentions. Supposedly,
the 'S' has four states: EPR {EXE, QoS, ECA, DCT},
where EXE| executive decision, QoS| recognized and
information security (ISC) classified ability assets
(AST) for quality of service (QoS) in the mission
performance, ECA| the ability to communicate the
QoS and DCT| the mechanistic rules for automated
data processing (ADP) including the manual (MDP)
ditto and transports.
The ‘EPR’ has #42 = 16 performance possible
Table 2 states to change among for RQW- harmony
adapted to the dynamic environmental events (EVT).
The sum of column j ∈{1, 2, 3, 4} probabilities on
each row i ∈{1, 2, 3, 4} is = 1.
If for a moment, the process is in state #i then which
is the probability pij for chancing to state ij |#i ≠ #j or
remain in state ij |#j = #i?
Table 2. EPR1 {EXE, QoS, ECA, DCT} flow
exe ∈EXE, qos ∈QoS, eca ∈ECA, dct ∈DCT
The control (CTR) strategy is to decide (DEC) a
policy (PCY) about what ‘ought to be’ and what ‘can
be’ achieved and audited (AUD) through tactical
‘shall be’ done and accounted (ACT) what
operationally ‘is’. With the respect to RQW
according to Table 1 SWOT-Risk conditions.
Supposedly in the Figure 1 ―of which ideas mainly
are found in references [16, 17, 18]― RQW includes
fourteen layers as is applied in COINS [3]. These are
in top-down order seven social layers; 7SoL {SWOTRisk, Culture, Ethic, Legality, Management,
Organization, Adaptation} adopted from [17]. The
seven Open System Interconnection (OSI) technical
layers constitute the ‘DCT’ ↔ 7TeL).
The 'DCT' applications have to be adapted (APT) for
Authorized (ATH) identity (IDY), INF| information,
DAT| Data, MSG| message with an aimed meaning
related with some requested QoS-effect}. Without
distinct definition of the 'ACT' elements, there will
with tacit knowledge eventualities or skepticism
because of no recognizable criteria be at least #24
=16 dynamic uncertainties instead of #4 static
certainties to handle.
The above conclusion is an example of 'MSG' flow
with some meaning(s) for some entity (IDY) having
enough ability to recognize the contextual situation;
i.e., has accurate peer to peer authority (ATH) or
One meaning may be that the 'EPR' will be an
administrative 'DCT'-problem the probability for
'EPR' being in 'DCT'-state will be relatively high
for most of the performance time (t) and hence cause
dependability risk for 'EPR' to survive in its
environment. That conclusion is an example of
gained knowledge [19], relatively to a priori ditto,
and hence 'INF' for the authorized interpreter of the
The above conclusion may be expressed by the
almost ignored Langefors’s [20] formula:
I =i (D, S, t) with meaning that I| information is a
subjective function conditioned by i| as the
interpreters ability to recognize the meaning in D|
data from the S| the system context on t| time of the
∗ #ACT ∗ #CLS ∗ #DCT ↔ 16 ∗ 4 ∗ 3 ∗ #DCT ↔
192 ∗ #DCT. With undefined ACTs there will be 16
∗ 16 ∗ 3 ∗ #DCT control categories. Then the
complexity, to be RQW-adapted, dependability
(DPY) managed (MGT) and assessed, is conditioned
by the appropriateness in the ‘EPR’s flow
probabilities and the #DCT applications.
So the effect of ‘INF’ is the interpreter’s (IDY) action
(ACT) behavior (BEH) of which, in its 'EPR'
physiological and psychological environmental
(EVT) context, has to be accounted (ACT) for
feedback and compliance audit (AUD) purpose and
policy (PCY) revisions. Furthermore, according to
Langefors [20], any ‘MSG’ expresses the composer’s
subjective meaning based on what phenomenon is
observed. So it is impossible to inform another entity.
It is only possible to orient another entity trough
‘MSG’ including ‘DAT’ with its contextual relation
attributes and then observe the entity’s response
behavior (BEH) effect.
Responsibility in Parity with Role Authority
In Calvasina and Ramaswamy [21] are the reasons
for quality in data and responsibility motivated. Here,
in the current context with |DAT as quantified
attribute, the principles may suit the classification of
‘QoS’ assets for confident ‘ECA’ actions for ‘MSG’
to be expedited with authorized (ATH) accredited
(ACR) ‘DCT’ equipments by authorized (ATH)
role performers (IDY).
The actions creation of ‘MSGs’ have to be
accounted (ACT) for DPY control purpose. If
assuming that the ‘DAT’ are classified for three
decision levels, as well as roles (IDY) are, then there
will be three classes (CLS) of roles (ROL) to
authorize (ATH) and account (ACT) for access
(ACS) right behavior (BEH) per ‘DCT’ application.
Avoidance to define ‘INF’ for any context has to be
audited (AUD) as avoidance of responsibility in
parity with authority (ATH). ‘INF’ can never be in
ones hands, but ‘MSG’ can be for; e.g., in ‘DCT’
supplies of which implementation has to be
accredited (ACR) with respect to the ‘EPR's mission
risk policy (PCY) based on SWOT {Strength,
Weakness, Opportunity, Threat} evaluation for some
trustworthy conditional statement dependent future.
The #control categories, on basis of SWOT-Risk
policy (PCY), are, with defined ‘ACT’, at least #EPR
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