I BBB ^ rt>wt;V;*w.w*.y,i^jw : ISHHSHH^'''*HHH'''''iHHHHBHBBPB"lllii'IP^ '•<;-:-^ #7 ^••^•^••^•••^.^^ ThePeoplesBant OF Hammonton, N. J. Thiee per 'cent wtetest paid on tinxe deposits. Clean-up Week Normal School for Ha'mmonton „ TheOne^tpre /Agent for Gould's Complete Capital, .:> - $«>,OGO Spray Pumps Snrplos and _ ^__ and Fixtures. ( Undivided P5«£i^ $89,000 • Begins next Tuesday. Aud don't forget that On Wednesday night. Ren.i Rider and Cbas. Kendall oTtbe U..S; Steamship VOklaho ma" were home on shore leave Their time -' expiring last week, about thirty of their young frtends gathered one evening :to bid them farewell, at the hrfme 6f"Ge6. W. Bassett. The rooms were dtj-orated. flags, souvenirs of the sea, aud pholos.ftom the Navy. They had a.good time, of course. ' They.Say that the,boys took with them two or three candidates for the Navy VoL65 IE Is an exceptionally good illustration of a most attractive shoe yfor"•• . ^ spring—Regal through and through \ . and backed by the great Regal,institution. Possibly you will see other shoe pictures that please you—other -shoes 'that look "as well in the windows, . But today more than ever you need to go tack of the picture, bads, of ihe window dis* play. aind who makes it • . .. What We offer yon fa this store te a wide selection of Regal Shoes, with all the Tepu~ tation and va/uei^/v/ntf of the Regal Shots Company behind them and us. ''. You will get aound leitheta and honest workman- ' •blp In these Bhoci, vilaei that can't b« dnplioited «tj oar price* in the market today—»nd «s to Stylo, yoa WiU get lii« •otartMt the aeoioa can thow. L -On! sale at ftEOITFOB't'S Shoe Store,~Hammonton From a Comfy Bed to on Icy Room B-U-RrR ~ NUke* ono *UT«r to think of It It's hard enough under ordinary conditions to cravl from -winder those nice varm covers, but to have to dress In a room when the thermometer Is dovn around freezo—shivers and shake's—B-U-R-R. Don't do it What's the *use when It's so easy to make that room warm and comfortable? :i GET A Vulcan Odorless Gas Heater The Ford car makes its apf>eal ,«o you in appearance as^eli as for service. Large radiator and enclosed fan,' streamline Lood, crown fenders^eulire black finish, uickel triminiiigs, ^ up-to-date in all reqiirrements for liandsonie appearfijice^and Serving the people the world over as a njoney-'sav'iifg, 'time-saving, labor-slaving utility. • It is surely .yonr necessity. Tlie Ford .car in just as useful on the farnras'it is in the citv : juht as necessary to the butinos man as it ia to the professional'man; More necessnr'y to every man than ever before. Low purchase price and very econotnichl to operateand ui:iintniii. _\Vhy not investigate ? •• Touring. Carv-$36o>; Ruua- • bout. ?345 ; Coupelet, ^505 ; Town Car, $595; Sedan, ~ #645,A f. o. b. Detroit. . Order your ciir now, to insure prompt delivery. BELLEVUE GARAGE, Inc. E. A. CbRBERY, President. Wm. B. Phillips ' Attorney .• . - at .-1 I»aw .• •. • Charles Davenport Contractor & Builder I I-Jitlm«l<!« Kurnliilinl nn All Kind* ' All Work (llvufi IToinnt mut Careful . Allfiitlun. <i| Work. Local phone. Pcnch St. Hammonton/ Hammonton Trust Co. 8.J.B. Bank Brotl^rs ery Remarkable Shoe Values I jOale oFWomen's and Misse's' Silits at Lower Prices. Selected from our regular stock, and . marked at quick selling prices. From the great big stock of Footwear we have on hand, you are able to select just what you want, and be fitted right. Our prices are based upon purchase prices df many months ahead1; yes, in many ^cases a-year ahead, which means a great big saving to you. Women's and Misses' Suits That were. $15, $14 and $13.50, marked down to $10. .Among them you will find sheppard's plaids, navy blue, brown, mustard, gray, and mixed goods ; materials are serges, cassirneres and gaberdine. Women's Shoes at $2 and $2.6 Women's and Misses' Suits Hammonton Gas Co. Funeral Director SEEDS PLANTS BULBS Sheriff liqrtlctt andCoinmitmloner ftaiiticmnn have an drawn ilio Mny urymen,—(hour from Hainiiionton icing «n foilowH: Orainl—McHHtH, M, K. Hoycr and K, II. Dank ; I'ctlt—McMHrH. Chart. I'llllng, W , J . Coggey, Anton 1'lc/, and CluiH. K, Ncluon. J DREAR'S 0ARDEN BOOK FOR JO17 Hammonton. - N. J. - —*n& That _were $'1800 and $1^.50, marked down to $12.50,—navy blue,, brown, 'gfe"eu, mixed shades, and black. ' Totxhw with iiiWul null"*' Ifilocnwllon for ih« •«•«««». , C«ll ttr W>lt« tor • copy-FREK HENKYA.PREER 714-K> Chestnut StJHiila. ; ' _ r> Women's $26 Suits at $18. •Exceptionally fine models—in green and neat velour checks. Women's and Misses' Suits at $6.50. Worth up to $15. 'Navy blue, black and mixed goods. . New,Waists at $1. Large figured designs ; also plain white. Men's 15 cent Linen Collars at 6% c '.-. each. This is what it will cost you if you take advantage of this special sale and buy a dozen linen collars at 75 cts. per di zen, instead of waiting and paying. 15 cts. each. We have all sizes on h^nd, from 141016, and quarter sizes. Men's Shirts at 68. cents taj Or three for $2. Made of good material. newest stripes, French cuff ; sizes 14 to 16. Men's Shirts at 85 cents. Value, $i and $1.^5 ; of repp cloth and percales ; well made. Ptit in a supply while the price is low. BANK - BEOTHERS' - STORE MlHtt Julllh AndcrHon cnicriuinrd n party of her Ilaininontoi) frlendH, at her houie oil tUntea Avenue, Atlantic C|ty, liml Monday. The fninlly will return to Ilaminonton thin week. JOHN ?RA£OH Twelfth St., bet. Railroads Locol Phone Hfla- Hell 47-; !_. For Home time, the Navy Lengut; have hud their flng dittplnyed over Monfort'n More, nnd now intend to attach n Navy League pcnnnt to the name titan". i The P. O. S. of A. will tfivc n |l tmioker and package purly next Monday evening. A matter of iiitcrem will l>c tnkuu up, and nil members are ujged to attend, The jin pi In in Magnolia School have collected and noli) IICWHPHPITM enough to purchuHC records lor the vlctrola In Minn Itrnwnli'c'tt room and pictures for MiHft Grlflith'H room. Have It connected to your gas Jet. .Then 10 minutes before gettlng-UR-tlmo, Jump out of bed. llgrjt the heater, • pull down the windows and crawl back In bed., Lay there In comfort for 10 minutes. By that time your room's aswarm as toast. Sound* good don't It? Call at our office and let us show you this wonderful heater. <• t Bmbalmer / Antomobtlo i *""~~'Funoralu, Pension Day, next Friday. S. S. Lewis, many years ago a Town cleaniug-up week begins Well-known resident and merchan of Hamraonton, died on Monday next Tuesday. I5th. at his home, Booihbay The Board of Trade meets next ! April HarbprfcJWMaine, aged 72 years, I^T-oesday-evening.—---— after prolonged illness. Women's Shoes at $3 and $3 j|0.. -Independent F.rs Company will Helen, the ten-year-old daughter Dull calf, patent colt, and vici ; lace-Sod | meet next Wednesday evening. of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R.Wescoat, button,; Cuban or Louis beel, alto k w heel.. Grape and other streets are bene- died on Wednesday morning from1 fitting by Bellevae excavation. .heart.trouble, following diphtheria. T?hese are $4 and $5 shoes under to-day's Hammonton Loan Association She was a lovable child, and all market prices. Come and get them here at ' who knew- her mourn with the [•meeting next Thursday evening. afflicted family. $3 Have you read Ian Hay.'s much Eleven applications for-«nn and {talked of book, "Pip"? At the tavern arrtT'boy-lePsN. 1licenses will Library. COM. Women's High Cut Lace Shoej; be read at the meeting next Wed; The Board of Education holds its nesday evening, at which time At $3 aud $3.50; in dull calf, high or | regular, meeting next Wednesday protests, charges and recommendalow heel. Can't duplicate these for less than J evening. tions will be heard. $4 or $4.50. Will sell all we have on hand Miss May F. Hoy t is visiting her Little.Ha-Ha Council is to have at $3 and £3.50 I sister, Mrs. Somers Feniniore, at an "Experience Social," Monday I Riverside. evening next, in Red Men's Hall. George Eckhardt is running a ( Admission, 10 cts. Come and hear Women's Shoes at $4.50, $5, $6. I good looking auto.-truck on his how the ladies earned their dollar. Dull calf and vici. We can't duplicate Refreshments served. p. I meat route. these for the prices we are selling them for. Mr. S. T. Twomey celebrated On Wednesday, the one I his- eighty-third birthday on Mou- plan took effect in all the higher grades of Hamrnontpn schools, and | day, April ajrd.. New Pumps. The Board of Health report that in the suburban schools. — from Up to the minute in style. A wide I there are no cases_of contagious eight o'clock to one,—in order that pupiln may engage in garden and assortment here for wide or narrow feet. Our I diseases in town. farm work. prices, $2.50, $3, $3.50, #4, $4,50 Regular meeting of the Class in First Aid wi'l wet ai -ITT; -- • ' " • ' Civic Club next Tuesday, afj* C n i - C l u b Hall next Monday, at in the Club House. Complete line of White Footwear, — Shoes three o'clock. Bring onp of the and Pumps, —in canvas, nubuck, kid. • May's Landing Water Power following bandages,—i inch wide, 1 Company will have a grand flag three yards long; 2% in wide, five | raising this afternoon. yards long; 3 inches wide, »""•? It is our advice to buy your footwear *• The Rod and Gun Club are to yards long. from the stock we have on hand now ; have a benefit at Eagle Theatre on On May sth, Dr. Elln M. Anderyou will greatly benefit by it. Thursday evening, May loth. W3I1 will give n practirnl talk on Mr. and Mrs. John Jeniuon, Jr., first aid work'. Let us welcome are rejoicing over the birth of a her with a full lion He. She is well known to many here, (hi* |I»<IM> con, on Thursday; April a6th. her home town. Locnl nlivttfciant Loot for "The Undertow," by will help the First Aid Chimes, on Kathleen Norris, at the Civic Club dates to be niinounced. ^ Library. . . COM. Mrp, Clmrles A. .Smith,.formerly: - Geo.- W. Dodd, Superintendent a resident here for many yunrw, at the Water Works, ID ill in the Jefferson Hospital, suffering from active in the W. C. T. U. and the PROGRAMMK M. K. Church, died nt her home in an intestinal dinorder. CollingHWooil, on Monday lout. The, County Convention of the Her remains were brought here for EAGLE tei Week of W, C. T. U. will be held In the burinl on Thursday, Rev. Kverett APRIL 30 Methodist Church, Hammonton, vnnDrlghl h a v i n g rhurgc of the THEATRE service. next Thursday, May 3rd. r 51-519 Federal St.. Coindfcn and " \Ve carry ft complete line of parts-lor repairing Ford automobiles, and ctni do vour work in firbt-clutis niaiintr, prmiptly, aud . at a moderate fair price. : Haniinotiton, N. J. HAMMONTON PAINT ' When you buy a Ford car you also bny,. Ford service. No. 17 Bank Brothers Special lot in button and lace ; patent—^ colt and dull calf; also cloth- top. These shoes, under to-day's prices, are $3 and $3.50 grade ; here now at $2'and $2.50 Fire Insurance First Class Shoe Making and Repairing On* twenty-are per rear. HAMMONTON, N. J., SATURDAY, APEIL 28, 1917 should be his nearest and "dearest. These results are not the exception ; they are the usual result o habitual indulgence ; and the occasional or moderate drinker gradually falls to/the level of the lowest. /e have lived more than three-score-and-ten years, in differen 'states, observed all phases of this liquor business,.and drinkers in every degree, and to-day we staud—uiOn. •- fitmly opposed than ever to the | nefarious traffic. These are some of the reasons why w^ advocate total suppression-o King Alcohol's court, everywhere, beginning in Hammouton, where the disastrous effects of the business are daily becoming more evident. No man has a right to sell rum. It is the only line of trade whicb confers no benefit upon its patrons, and whicb sooner or later reacts upon its promoter, and brings .its woes upon him and his. Lakeview Greenhpuses L. FERRARA Do not lei me Float from their stores. Of the long'category of \things forbidden,, men have ventured t legalize, or license but one,—the manufacture and sale of spirituous an malt liquors, the most insidious crime in the list, and the prolific paren of the rest. , We are opposed to this business in its every form ; and why ? . Because it is '3f no benefit to mankind,—does not increase hi happiness, his usefulness, his desirability as a citizen. On the contra ry, the use of liquor lowers a man.'s vitality, saps his strength, destroy Two per c«ut tute-rest al demand accounts having daily balance of $1000 or more. tm' e1 • • Seine people Pujjllahera and Printers. - Help for Farmer* During the National crisis, the tiiajorily are thinking of trencher lii reality, there is an urgent cat! tor volunteers—; boys from 14 to iH, for- actual service for their state . . . Safe, JlfippsitJoxesJ*^ Rent ;lie production of'staple cropsi It s hoped that farmers' will plant M. L. Jackson, President arger areas to staples, ai|d depend -W.'J. Smith, Vice- Pres't ai. tiese boys, under supervision, VV. R. Tillon, -Cashier. htip them on the farm: • The Fruitall" . Doerfel, Asst. Cashier The Stite Commissioner of EduDIRECTORS Is extremely simple in cation has stated that boys: Who M. L. Jacksou J . A. lesign. It will supply two lesire to work at home, or on t<ome C. F. OsRood George-Elvins eads of hose, aud two nozzles, other farm,- providing they have VVm. J. Smith J- C. Anderson and all working parts are of heir''parents* consent, 'iniiy do so, iid receive full credit for 'studies Sara'l Audeison . W. R. Tilton >rass. u school. John G. Galigiie Cbas. Filtinj; Win. L: Black. 'rice, puurp^only, $8.2*5 cash. Thfe Supt.. of Schools, who is uiity,. Recruiting • Officer, with )irector of Vocational Schools and lis four assisiauts, prepared a set The f resolutions, whicu have been "Misty Jr." dopted by the Hammonton Board if Education, authorizing enlistMade of brass lent of boys from 14 to i8 iu the Central Ave., Hammonton. or aluminum. Agricultural Dmsiou of the Junior ndustrial Army of New Jersey, Large assortmeiit of Price, 60 cents. nd provides for tile' appointment f a committee to take charge of Palms. House Plants. s work ; also a Recruiiingofficer 'Electro Brand" Arsenate of i" enlist and place Wy8.~ •:_•._At a meeting'called By County Funeral Designs " Bordo Lead Supt., and held in public school Id fresh flowers, wax or metal Mixture. buildiug, the' following were ap)ointed to serve on the Supervisory "Micro," Committee for Hammonton. /These WATKIS & NICHOLSON ,/ ' a d r y dust. were approved by the President ol Florists and Landscape Gardener. he local Board of Education. " I*"6'Belll-w • A. J. -Rider, Chti man ; T.C. Our SIvins, ex-of£cio; C. C. Small, Sporting W. R. Tilton, Mrs. Chas. Fitting. A. H. Phillips Co. Mrs. L. H. Parkhurst, Rev. W. J. Cusworth. . Goods It is^expected that this CommitDepart-; ee will assume full charge of the garden movement for small boys, / . merit r . •—and the work of enlisted boys.^ MONEY They will attend to transportahas aii as^ortsox. ion and accommodations of 'the rnent oif goods >oys, the efficiency of their work ; jrovide for payment of the boy:, to please . • merest citizens in this patriotic movement, and encourage contrieveryone. Bartlett BulMitiR, - 1 Atlantic City mtious. For these branches, subidiary committees may be appoiutBase Ball Supplies. Fire Insurance al Coal. d. Farmers Hre asked to get in ouch ' with . the local' recruiting Tennis Supplies. The Cumberland Mutual fficer, W. B. McDougall, in his Special price given to teams. fiice oi*er Ranere's garage. He Fire Insurance Company _ ^ ill be there Saturday morniiig, Will insure your property at less nd Wednesday from 4 to 5.30. coat than others. Reason: operat'g IRVIN I. HEARING The on plans may be then considered, expenses light : no loading 01 Hardware, Paints, and Sporting Goods nd applications for help be regfepremium for profits ; sixty-peveu ered. Boys desiring to enroll may Bellev'ue Ave. • Phone 843 years of satisfactory service. 'Cash all at the office, as above. . surplus over ;$ 100,000. Boys aud farmers must realize For luutlculnri. ie« hat this is a serious proposition, MOTORISTS! WaytendDeFuy.Afll, rfarrmonton,N.J. ind that both should do all in their x>wcr to make it a success in this Cor. Second uid Cherr? Street' Read This Over Carefully! ection. Besides boys from this oculity, there will be boys availaThe largest hammer that ever a le lx>th from Atlantic City and ilncksmith swung does not deliver xissibly from Camden, t^> aid in a blow ns heavy as those your tires he work of caring for crops and iu i ;et hundreds of limes in n few , lA first-rln-'s House Paint them. M.' luj'i'dred miles,of travel. \Vell recommended. ._ ..... • That cotton fabric and rubbei nil atancl up under such puuishnciit is rem irknble when you think Sold by JOSEPH I. TAYLOR >fit. A blacksmith will, trll you that Autn.and CarrinKe Painting, he temper of stci-l cun be spoiled Capital, $100.000 Auto Tops Ke-covered and Kepaired >v loo much henl. Little wonder i llvu lluit even » fe.v (legrc'Crt too Surplus, 9H,OOO niicli in llu- vulrmii/.iiiK pilH will Furniture Re-fnii«he(l. uin a tire by curhoni/.iiiK the colon Thi^ results in -i tire ilmt Second mid Pleasant Sis., •inin.it htaud the poundiiiK ol' dully Three pr cent on Time Accts, 't;«miii"iitoii, N . J. ervicc By i lie exeluuh'c Miller method it vuK'uiilxiu^, nil tin- fnm-nlialh Safe DeptreilfBoxes ire relniiiod In the o/llon fabric. I'lio imtivf tough noun and resiliency I.iile of Mi w York C'ily >!' tlicrubbur iit(- kept intact. Doth Insurance olltin nnd rubber uri: welded into nijiK'cil miU:ii^i.- u n i t . Miller gcared-lo-ihc-road tread niuls arc never spoiled In the upMoney to Loan on Mortgage >llciulon. Tlu:y come to you brimul of mile iiHlHcle, and with 100 ci-ni power to'ri-HlHt nml endure, i'lic blown of the road affect them W. H. Bernonouse almost us little an the hummer eclrt the anvil. Fire Insurance Hundreds of molorlslH found Work at Sulinfiictory 1'rlce filler rcpnlrH nnd re-treiula to be Strongest Companies 'iiiUiful long.dlutuncc perforinenJ in Lowest Rates Kubbi-r HeclH n Specinliy 1916, You, too, can eutablltfU mllenge One Triul will make M und reduce your tire ex- Conveyancing, you H Cnntomcr by haVlng your tires repaired NotarvPnhHc, •. i . >iid rr-lrcud by the Miller method CoimnisHioncr of Dccda In 1917. L. FERRARA Wrltt; or phono nnd we will cull Ilannuoiiton. for, and deliver u|l work, Wo •jiii Hcllevue Ave, Ktinrnntro nil work. Next to 1'nlacc Theatre Miller Tire Repairing, Tlatiiuioiitoti, Now Jerncy Vliielnnd, N, J, Inquire IW. S. Turner, '* -JBell Phone isa-j ''"' Why is it ? Boston Sample Shoe Store Go Where you Will Return uncl tell where you found More Prompt and Efficient Telephone Service MrH, Melinsn C. Si-lley, widow MONDAY. . . World . . Lillian Tucker, in of the lute ,Hurry I1. Selley, 11. S. 1 "Kvldence," N., died in Philadelphia on Friday And Pnthe NCWH. InHt, after lingering Hlncm. Her Than yon enjoy ut home remaiiiH were brouglit to IliiininonIs now open for business, toh for burinl, on Tuesday, She UESDAY . . . Paramount . . wns a unlive of Maine, l>ul came with n full and complete 1'iiiinic Wurd, In At your Service Night and Day, here with her parents HO'OII after "For the Defence." line of .sample the Civil War. Slu- IH mir v iv<"l l> v \ r icli)i Moore, In a daughter, MrH. Marie A. K r o i i l , "The Sleep Walker." Hammonton Telephone &Yol. Co ORDERS BY PHONE and n HOII, Albert V. \V. Seller, " f | Shoes for the Family Are ris faithfully; -.uul jiroinptNew York. WEDNESDAY . . . World . . 1 ly filled a.s tlio.se j^iven in Alk-i l l r i i d y , in A. J. RIDER, Pros't and Manager. Attention I Thin IH firnl i o | i i i h i i c At the lowest prices pcr.sun. In f'ict, ninny of our "I.a'\'lf DC Do!lino.' in dlnrlpllne. To this e n d n l m i \ \ r uddrew yon. The country, rail.".. customers .seldom conic. The Hoy ScoutH of Anieiii*«)havr THURSDAY . . . Metro . . near otir store. 204 Bollevue Ave. adopted the Hlognn, "livi'iv Scout I ' l M i u - i H X. Dunhmaii and to teed a noldler I" Tin- local They have come to know t h a t IH-verly Hiiyne, tu Old Post office stniicl WANTED troop hnve, through the kindiu-w llii-ir phone orders w i l l all be "A Million a M i n u t e . " of \V. 1,. H l n r k , reeelvod a plot of To learn on sewing machine And Comedy I'lcpairdtu-SH, properly attended to. ground, nnd lire t i l l i n g It under Paid while learning. the direction of Mr. MrDoiigiill, Pay.t|.s u visit,— Slmll we cull yon up every the Vocational School IiiHtructvn, FRIDAY . . I'" i he . . Steady work. morning, to m;c what you 1'rrdcrlok Wurd, In Any contribution)*, In the line of It w i l l puy yon ! need for. the day f "KliiK I.enr," fiood pay. fertiliser, in in m re or nioiiry, will be and I'nih Comedy, , Yon urc nlwuyn wurc to jji'l the greatly Jl|>pt,<;datcd. Got behind AARON DRESS OO. beat (|iiallty al tho the boyn. ' Thin In for their profit, Jackfion'a Building. lowcNt price, here. SATUItDAY . . . Pnrninounl . . phyhlc.ully and econoinieally, an Coiihtaiii-i' Collier, In well BM a patriotic euti-rprlHc. The ' "Code of Mnicla Olay." Both Phonos Hoy Scont Troop IH a roiiuminlly Simons Bakery Ilurton IHilmcii Travel I ' l r l m e WORDS organization, and Hollcltii youi HUJI( I I I I.KMH and Comedy, port. So HIT M A H T K H . llolli Phoiicn. ^^ if vcc delivery A. J. REHMAN 20 GIRLS Autos to Hire I —— 2O lOc j Ruberton^sjlflarket j I;;; , 1 DEVICE INSTANTLY CUBES .' :. ', -; SUNtiAX $011001. LESSON \ '1'pWOKTH JIEAGDE others, regardless of anything a man CUBIOUB FATAL DISEASE Can do. Many of his social shifts, most v- 0 ._-, ''> Fo> Aprtt &9, 1911 ••" ' ' . - - • ' : For April 29,1911 i of his mental, and all of his moral are An eminent surgeon', connected with due to his own device. But the now a world-renowned cllmlc, has develop- . JESUS. WELCOMED Ag'klNG , LOP.-SIDteD CHARACTERS A lady and hor little daughter wore alignments In his physical life, a few HE ADJUSTMENTS ed an apparatus for treating personsJohn 12*12-28 .', 1 Cor. 12: 15.-19. , of (he Boclaj, such as suffering, and walking through a fashionable stroot Golden Text^-Blessed Is ho that afflicted with cardiospasm, which ef-; when they came to a portion strewn "Readjustments." The text was tho filial one at death aTe Inevitable. cometh in the name of the Lord, even Thore Is, Uowevcr, this glorious with straw, so as to deaden the noise , And how many, are' therf who take 'octs a cure so suddenly that to tho- th« Kfngr;of Israel: • John 12:13. Irom I. John 111.: 2: "And it Is not any pains at all to make sure 'that .ayinan it appears t llt'tto 'Bhfert of yet manifest what we shall be." t r u t h : Because we arc now God's chil- of vehjcles passing a certain house "What's that for, mama,?" said the heir views of spiritual truth are miraculous. CardiOBpasm Is a disease;, It was necessary that for once tne , This text is flanked by two slgnlfi- (Iron, freedom is nover denied, us. san' dand as-cpmpr^henslvelaa PCB-. ii_whlch_a: contraction: occuM_ttl. the •people should 'seo Jesus ae -their trdechild. .cant statements. .On one flank a tre- !. The .fact of the readjustment may. lie replied! "Why, the aible? I» It not. a fact that the great point whore the esophagus joins the King. This day of recognition and of The mother memlous affirmation —"Behold, now beyond our control, the spirit in majority of church members are quite tench. -Normally when food enters triumph, had been foretold In prophecy lady In that house has had a little we are the children of God." On the which it is made rests with us. atisfled to bolUsve what their church he lower portion of' the esophagus a and was essential- to tho rounding out other flank a glorious promise--" We " Sometimes the new shift may be baby girl seht her." )ollcves, SIT to disagree with their muscular ring, previously, .closed, re- of the life of Jesus. It was necessary The child th&Hcht a moment, looked shall be like Him. f«r we ahall see accepted cheerfully, but always courthe quantity of'straw, and said: ohurch whenever they feel like it, axes and allows the ^ood' to enter tho that He should pass through, all the Hlni as He Is." And In the center the agcoualy. When the blow has fallen. at "Awfully well packed, wasn't she. without taking tho trouble to try and stomach. In this disease it does not different phases of .human experience " words of our Icxl. The thought a man should not be expected to mama ?"—Everybody's. find out for themselves what God open up normally and the food is re- through which, it was possible to pass ' would seem to be about this: Being «'<>me up smiling. Hut he may show alned above the ring. In some cases without sin. would have them believe? what we are (children of God), wo Ills face again with .courage marked But although He entered Jerusalem What Is .the reason of this marked a huge pouch is formed by, the acYoung man (looking over hotel negis" Let the wind blow shnJI become more than we arc (like In its every line. ndifference on tho part of professing cumulating food, while the patient at the /head of a triumphal procession t.er)—I aee that Joshua Crawfish, of Him) when a readjustment takes cold and* furious; let 1110 rums mu and was loudly acclaimed as King, It Christians? Tho answer to that ques- slowly starves to death. place in our HVPR. This gives us the In torrents; let tlic clouds rumble Crawftshvllle, Is stopping here. Where The. device which treats the disease does not seem likely that He could ion Is right at hand: it is caused by can I find him? He's an uncle of theme for tin- morning. "The Road- and Hash; he can toss his head back, he teaching that it does'not matter so successfully is an expanding dlla- have had any feeling of exultation, for Justments in Life as "Suggested by and bare-hla forehead to tne elements mine. ^yell He knew tjiat thg mimVwhlch.-Wns what a man believes or does not be- or, which, after being. Inserted Clerk—I think you will find .hlmjn_ with the courage of one who lias God Readjustment." contfacte'dTpSiStr Is""Qistended with "flnWtWg°Hallelulan! on'S'unduy would lovefas long "asThe lives ri'gStT "fiie elevator. He's been'riding up and As used iii ordinary "speech the "in" ffimseT That doctrine, which, has been veiy water to a point where it paralyzes bo shouting Crucify! on-Friday. word often Implies growth. A busi- phllosopKy of life Is the more snlvel- down all the forenoon. Yet He must have experienced; a jenerally adopted, overlooks -the fact the muscle. A single treatment, or, iioss concern. It is said, because of tho ling, the "always smile" or the "aln rare Instances, a few treatments, feeling of deep job, because 'He was .hat a man's beliefs are the basis on A dime museum proprietor heard of rapid -growth of its business, finds it ways whimper." Neither finds any whlch-Jjis-eharacter is built, and If completely relieve tha condition. No able to look forward beyond that necessary to effect a readjustment, warrant in Scripture and both are a man who claimed to be 123 years of his beliefs are lop-sided his character pain accompanies the use of the dlla- awful Friday to the next Sunday, when age. He Journeyed to see him and He would rise from the tomb In reol ~ Sometimes llio word implies change false to'life-at its best, or and no anesthetic is given. will necessarily become lop-sided. For triumh, with His great ,work fully acapart from growth. A business makes another thjng. remember that, was quite satisfied with the proofs of Solomon said, "Wisdom la the princomplished. And beyond that. He WUH a readjustment because of a shift in being what we are, it follows that age. HOW SEDALIA WAS NAMED" cipal t'hlng; therefore get wisdom; yea "How would you like to get one hunablo to look forward to the grand conconditions. A department of the bus!- what we do is not.unto ourselves. If with all thy getting, get anderstandness Is closed; another is opened, we nre children of God, then we are dred dollars a week and have nothing ng." (Prov. 4:7.) The world says, A reader of The Companion who summation,- when "He shall see of the ["members of a family; and family con- to do but sit on a platform and let the •Mbhey is (he principal thing: there- was Interested in our account of th,e travail of His soul and shall be satisSimply change. fied." "But are there such readjustments nections are/ deep -and far reaching, people see you?" get money." No mah can serve way the town of Rolla, Missouri, got "I'd like It all right, but Td have to fore We read tliat It was "for joy that in'our personal lives? Of course there All this means that when a readjusttwo masters. No man can\have two ts name, has asked us if we can tell 1s prowth. This the Scripture empha- ; ment is made In our own lives, some- get father's consent." . :he' origin of that other attractive was set heford Him" that Jesus "enchief aims in life. The man who "Great Scott! You don't mean to sizes. There Is, and must be, change, j thing of a change Is made in all life. adopts Solomon's advice and strives name, Sedalla. It happens that we dured, the cross, despising the shame." This is one explanation for the grip tell me your father Is alive—where Is above all things to obtain divine wis- can; and our readers will agree that (Isa, 53:11; Heb. 12:2.) But It was Rxperience makes this evident. • that Jesus has on the thought of the he? Here?" he circumstances surrounding the no selfish joy to which He looked for- ( Some of Life's Readjustment*) "Certainly. He's upstairs putting dom, and to Be guided byjt, will de- naming of Sedalla were ho less curious ward. It was the joy 'of meeting with ' There are the physical readjust world. There is an "east window survelop a well-rounded character. The innumerable host of His ransomed ments. These begin" early in life, and Prise" In Him. He is never reached, grandfather-to bed." man who, seeks to possess money, or than those out of which grew' the the arid glorified followers, and the exthese early ones are profoundly slg- ' His thoughts for man are always In any other material advantage, as his name of Rolls, Little Bess, (all out of breath I— primary object In life will necessarily The city of .Sedalla was both founded ceeding joy with which He will set nificant. The philosophers declare excess of man's actions. He Is conthem before the presence of His Fatncr that the chilo\ learns, more that will stantly demanding readjustments In Mamma, we—we saw an Indian! develop a lop-sided character. (See and'named by Gen. George R. Smith, without blemish (Jude 24, 26.) • be useful in the years before six than ) our civilization. He will .some day • Mamma—Indeed! What did it look Mat. 6:33; 7:24.) And th<s rule ap- who- was a distinguished citizen ol The raising of Lazarus was much ' settle the questions of labor and war like?" during" the years of the. Civil in the remaining years of its life. plies with equal force to any false lllssourl nf th/> n*u most mupi Impr^aalvp iiiUJicomvtf ni i iu.—lull HCEtH^ Little Bess—Like a bundle of deas-that-a—man—may-adopfc W f r l\Pd tl"> r«r|fwla Imm/'dlntpry hfij- the 'and other questions of life. He is the There are social readjustments normal.llfe as it moves forward must nymg goal or our humanity. Ana ny- blankets with a head on-oae end. for* and after that..struggle.___H«J?as. of Jesus, and many of the people of Virginian by birth and a Kentucklan Jerusalem wero present, and saw make new alignments^ It moves from ing goals demand new alignments, .for . A GIKL -MINING EXPERT "It is not yet manifest what we shall >y upbringing; as a young man he Lazarus come out of his tomb at the Mrs. Hendricks—Bertie, your mother the parental into the college circle. ., Jjimq »" Missouri ..-and, .settled—at cc^mand_af_JfiflUs.__TJiejt_wBnt home is_ calling you. After four years It moves out of the ™"Berfl(e'~Teas"er^Yes'm^ F know It. ing expert in the world. Her name corgetown, which is three miles full of wonder, and talked with every<-ollege"into tne " busTness""cTfcIeT A7 body'they met about the astonishing day comes when it stands with an- THE SACHET OF KIUIIT LIVING But I guess- she don't want- me very was Nellie Cashman, and for years north of the present city of Sedalla. thing that had happened, and a great rle was .prominent both in politics and bad. . other and assents to the words of the she followed up all the new camps Mrs. Hendricks—She's called ' you and passed judgment on mines, aa jusiness, and was instrumental In many people flocked to Bethany from minister that make them one. Later For a general rule of-conduct.here to see the .wonderful the building of the Missouri Pacific Jerusalem the sound of an infant's voice is heard IB a first rate motto: Make your life. seven times already. well as staked out and developed Bertie Teaser—Yes, I know; but claims for herself." Miss Casbman Railway from St. Louis to Karfsas City Prophet, and also to see the man who" that makes three as one. It is now Do not let it be made for you. If you during the fifties of»the last century. had been dead and was alive again. the family circle. The years pass and accept this, you will grow month by she hasn't yelled "Albert" yet. did hot go much on style, wearing The popularity" of Jcsns had become He could not induce hla fellow the day comes when the doctor ap- month in fearless, constructive abilr heavy shoes and plain clothes, but townsmen to make the necessary effort so great that the priests felt they must "Teacher, may I study arithmetic?" pears; the anxious hours follow, tlie ity, and you will become what each she was. an attractive girl, being a Lo have the railway pass through get rid .of Jesus'In some way, and they "You're too young to study arith- good talker and evidently well read. curtains . are» drawn, a pilgrimage to living human .being is meant to be, Georegtown, and foreseeing that that even talked of getting rid of Lazarus the "silent city" Is made.' This is an- a creator of life and ideals. It metic, little .boy." When she came to Tucson she was would condemn the village to decay, also. (See verses 9-11.) In -fact, it "Please let me!" -^ other circle, that of suffering'. means, that you will strengthen your about seventeen years old, and Kept WUH -the resurrection of Lazarus that "No. What do you want, to study house for her brother, who worked In he bought a larg* tract of land bealde put a fighting edge, on the hostility of There are tire intellectual readjust- nerve and face life buoyantly and the railway tracks and laid/out a town arithmetic for?" ments. The.se are less apparent but with courage. the mines. He used to bring hpjne the "priests to Jesus, and brought about "I want to learn to keep.ii base ball samples of ore, and thus she became site there, from which, Ifa^ course of Hla crucifixion; because they felt that none the less real. An earnest life ,, Fear and tfmidity are breeders of time, has •score." faces the years with Its mind open, a mistakes, frailties and failures in the quite an expert in determining their of Sedal«: the time hud come when they must desire to know the truth, and a will- 'world; so pick up your courage — value. The miners were surprised When it came to furnishing a name either acknowledge Him or be disUmpire (to his wife)—1 believe I to find that she was such a good for the new settlement, Gen. Smith credited before the people unless they ingness to be loyal to the truth as whatever '-stock of. It you liaye— In known. It reads, it converses, It ob- both your hands and add to it month 'should like some griddle cakes for guesser, and kept bringing her ore determined to christen It Sedvllle In could In some way put an end to His serves and It acts. From these angles by month. Face life and say: "I don't supper tonight, my dear. until one day she shut down on them honor o.f his younger daughter Sarah, miracles and turn tho minds of the Umpire's wife (fVom, the kitchen truth makes its appeal. Sometimes it expect you to be a path of roses, but BUI. Wiggins discovered the Excel; whose pet name" In the family clrclj people against Him. They said among Is new truth that speaks; more often <vhat IH the worst ,yoii can do? Kill not long after)—Batter up! slor Mine, and having, apparently was "Sed." . One of his friends, Mr. themselves, "I/o, the world has gone i t - l a an old truth with a fresh voice.' me? Well, dea.th Is no more than the •• 'struck I t I c h . " came to Nellie for Joslah Dent, "of St. Louis', suggested after Him." "I want you to understand that I'm advice. Quickly enough the life learns that open door to a bigger adventure! Out Ho knew that lie was to win that "vlllq" was a commonplace a big gun here," «nld a Hiiporcilloua truth Is even marshaling Its forces in Deny me the gji'ttcr and gaiety that "I've had nn offer to sell," fluid, he termination, and that aedalla would His Kingdom on tho crosn. Ho knew new formations. I see around me?. These the mere hotel clerk to a g.uest, with whom he 'and I dunno as 1 oughter. What do bo a moro beautiful and unsual name. that It would only be possible for Him • wan quarreling. There are moral readjustments. Imublea that break when I grasp Qon, Smith approved of the' sugges- to llvo In splendid Isolation on car'.h you think?" "Therefore I'll discharge you," said The (Physical,, social and Intellectual them. Make mo suffer? T.liat Is the I think," said Nemo', slowly, "tha1 tion, and Sedalia camo officially Into until earth hud learned tho lesson shifts Involve the moral. In life, how- greatest means to a bigger conscious- the proprietor, who camo upon the the Information Is worth something being when ho and his famll/, tho that true victory IH won through Hiibever, there Is a deeper shift necessary.. ness and a higher understanding of scene as the figlitlng began. first Inhabitants of "the now town, nilHxlon nnd nolf-abnogatlon. Kvon His to you.'1 In some It Ms less marked than In life. What, O Life! In the worst you "What do you menu?" nuked Bill moved thither In 1859. —Youth's Com- own loved disciples aftor throe yearn Lady—Those berrlCB look very largo In great surprise. of close Intimacy with Him had not others, for somo are "not far from the can do for me? panion. been able to outer at all Into real kingdom." But most of us need to "I mean." said Nellie, flrmly. "that "If you can sup my courage, break nnd ripe. Little boy (who IH 'selling berries I tern tired of putting money In your nymputhy with Ills truo character. make something of a journey. Some, my buoyancy, hound me into a hole, KEEP IIP TO THE MAHK They loved and reverenced Him but alas, have made a reservation, but then, Indeed, you hove done tho worst Tor the first time)—Yen, m u m ; the llt- pocket and none In mlno.", "No woman can afford to lot hor thoy could not understand Him, so never really hoarded the train. An Hut that lies In tho realm of my own tlo green ones are all underneath. "Oh, f HOC!" mild Bill, quickly earnest man who takes the covenant rhoonlng! To tho Innt I will chase nnd_ That's tho way tho IIOHH HXCH 'om up "Well, horo'ii a hundred dqllarn. Now system become run down If It be In that In a vory true HOIISO He wun alone ovon whon In company with Ills host her power to koop In health." vows of the Christian life quickly llndH not be chimed; to the llnal brouth, l" every morning. what In the Excolnlor worth?" Thin In warning advice «lvon a com- friends. "Kxc"opt a grain of wheat the old foundations tumbling beneath will stand up after every knock-oflt "If thlH IH a fair sample," sale AnxloiiH Mamma—Llttlo Dick IH up- Nolllo promptly, "you had bettor tnko paratively young nnd succraaful fall Into Iho ground and illo It abldeili_ him. There will be a shift In the con- blow; to tho end of tho way, 1 shall by ItHulf alone." llo know that to bo Kir of' gravity of his will. Habits may bo game, following up my own Ideals, Htiilrn, crying with the • toothache. the first fair offer for tho mlno, am toucher by a famous doctor. Practical Papa—Take him around noil out." "But how can I »pano mynolf whon truo by tho oxpcrlorire of Hln own have to ho broken., Associations more making my llfo ait f want It. The wholesome muni bo formed. The whole problem of dealing with tho l.i tho ddntlst'fl. "I'm offered fifteen HiouHund dol my uuccoas hero and In other -cities lonely llfo,. Hut Ho know that Hln AnxloiiH Mamma I hiivon't any lura." depends upon how much ot uolf I death and resurrection and nflf-onIllhle will Icavn the parlor tabla and world ilapanilB upon courage; upon tho ~ Hlou would Klvo the world nn ontlroly glvo?" rest open on tlio table in hla own couTage which starts out by naylng, money. "Take H, by all moaiiH," Practical Papa- You won't nood any It In tho cry of tho mother; tho now conception of grontnoHH. room. Prayer will coaso to bo more 't will make my llfn;' upon a firm doHo (lid.take 11 nnd. (\vontrt provoc There aro.yletm .which aro moro do-, Krottn of tho an*loun father ; tho spur word» _nnd become the- hungcr-of hii» torniliiutloii".UTbeYu creator "otclrcum-: inonny. The tootlincho will Htop lie- Hint Nolllo.WIIH right, f(|'r« you got thoro. which koopn tho college Btudcnt a,t th» Mructlvo than HOlflHliiio.Ba -or nolf-conmini for communion with God. All Htanc.iiN rntlior than a victim." trodnoHH—hut Ihnrn In no vlco thai in luw<l of tho cltJJfl. ililH Scripture makes clear. Life must TIIH SKKIH.KHN I'r'.KMr.HMON It IH a ntrungo paradox, but tho How can I npAre my hoaltb and put moro unprofitable. It In tho revorno Mrn. DumHoy (appourlng at tho ho horn anew. Man Hball become a t r u t h , thai you will he Iho rlr.hor for of flolf-danyliiK low, which In tho only ('Ulna IIIIH dovolopad a HOCI||OKH |ier In my boat workT now creirturo In Jeuun Christ. There what IIIIH boon takun from you of your buck door) -Johnny, run down lo Mr. Hlnimon of oxqulHlta flavor for drying It Hoomd foolUh to BOO a doctor Hourco of roul joy, tho only quAllly miiHt l)n a rit-uil-jiiHtmiint, for "It IH own volition'. Jiint In no much IIH you Hmllli'H and gft mo a vomit cuko, Johnny (wltliouT^lookliif; up from piirponun, mid, lurgo orolmrdn uro l< whon you think you nro moroly tlrod Hint given laming Hutlnfnctlon. not yet manifest what wo Hhnll bo." uro lirnvti anniiKh l<> IOH " y° llr " ft)i "Whoro I am, thorn filial I nlno Mr ^' There In tho Ihml readjustment. you w i l l Hud you havii II only bigger, lil« KII mo of Holltulro nmrlilenl—You bo noon 111 full hourlng, havliiK booi from overwork. Any mochnnlo will fell you that tho norvant bo," Could anyone lujftn for told mo not to nllr mil of tlio yard to- planted with thin nnd In view Tin IH llfo'H- climacteric Hhlft—tho trunnfnrmcd. ilrlinl pnrnlnimnn IH rnlnod In ninombli w»y to koop machinery In order In lo any higher honor or grantor joy than moment whon the. iiplrlt Blips out of Tlinro IH mi npllaph mi » lomlmtono dny, unil I uln'l ii-Koln' lo. n ilrloil UK In look ami <unli< and In tighten ovory iiorow ovor t «o ofton; to bo, alwiiyn with ChrlntT Whn.t pot.and away from ih« body, and tlio which Iho growl ICngllitli palnlor WnttH Muinimi Jano, I wlHh you would ilrlcid UK, In look mul (unlo and In oil ofton, that thoro may bo no frlo- Hlblo run no can nnyono Imvo for unxboily IH laid awny, A pornon IH very iniulo Into u niolto for « plot urn of hinivlly con!od w l l b n Inyor of llm tlon; thon run carefully nnrt undor- Icity IIH in tho future If bo IH mini Hint Hwoop up llio room; I am HO tlrod. much attached to bin body. In n i h < > death of'ii rich man. It n n y n : Chrlni will bo with him ulwayn whllo Juno ( p e l i i l u n t l y | Ob, I can't do KHipo Hiigar Whon Ibo f r u i t IH ripe ntnndlngly to pot bout reiiuUi. deeper uoimo t h a n I HI uiiilorntuiulH It "What ho navort ho lonl. horn, und that ho will bo nlwayn with Don't allow . anytliinit to booomo but before u boKlnn in noflon, 111" poolII. '• In part of him. II,. may fuel It un a What ho giivo ho hiitli " "aontod." Koop Iho gormii of dl«ionn« Chrlnt boroiiftor? (Hoe Mat. 28:20 and .liiiio'rt Kulbor Then iiwoep II down, IIIK In tripped off mid llio f r u i t In liiuiK Imrdon, ho may ultimo II, mid Hpoult Ii In llm hiw of llfo. Llfo frooly John 17:24.) on nllclin In dry In llio nun nnd wind moving by intolllgent luiHlntnnco. unil bo quick nbout II rillglltly of It. Hut It IH not it (tlvou roboiindN and onrlohoH Ilia "it any man Horve Mo, him will My Tlio Hllokn iinoil aro ntrlpH of bum ploaHiint momonl In llfo whon a hu- Ilko lovo. or rrlniidnhlli, or klndiioBH, Knthor honor." Horvlco In tho KroalAN (HJI-TIMK TKI.KPHONK 'I'ruvolor (to nnmU boy) ('an you boo plorcod t h r o u g h (llo conlor •^tlu initii bmly ID t?lv<m biiuk lo mirth. Yul nr dinrllp. ont thliiR that innn can do. Tho raollo I IKI 11 mo COIIIOH whon din nplrlt, tho An wo l l i l n k , no itro wo. II wo Kill mo how far I mu from Htiiinp- pornlmmnii Hnvornl W«O|IH urn ilovol Thoro urn not no many now thing" of llio I'rlnoo of WalflH Id, "I Borvo," 9nl In Hie d r y l i i K prnroHH, lifter wlild nolf, I»H«H (ho llouli and K"<»< forth w n n i o l i f e i l i l n l i l i i K ulHMil niifoly mid lown? liny Abotil I w o n t y - f n u r IbniiHund, Iho p e r n l n i n i i i n n uro covered with mat miller Iho HUH an people nuppono. and llio I'opo calln hliunolf "norviiH illnmnlMHllnit. A. 'now iiuont fitf ihu l i n r n n n n l K U l n n , wo nri> apt to liocomo HIIK mid u l l o w e i l to (Mini, iliirlnK wliUil Tho tolopboim ban Ibo criiillt of boInK nnrvorum" (a wirvnnt of Monrants.) nlim hiiiulr'iid mllon nplrll boKliiM. ' No moro will thlnRS-ho liiinr, wr«lohii<l mlHorn of llfo, hlilluK l>roco«n Iho u r u p n niignr IH fonnod un iinllro novolly, yol Ilnliorl llooke, Tliono mottoH oxpronn llm noblont form Travulor - IinpOHHlblo! l u i i c h n d w i l l ) Iho llnKoni, HOIIIII|H h»mrd inn unnlonn Inmniiro. hut If wo Klvo In t h e h l n l n r y nf Ibo dried ponilni t w o bumlroil nnd odd yonrn ago, of ambition. (Hoo Mai, 20:2o-2R.) Hoy I menu If you hoop on llm way w i t h Iho onrii, IhliiKH HOOII with tin) f r c o l v and with lilgli roiiniKO. w« M i n n Ihoro Iii an Intor'nntlng d«ivolop wrolo; you're n<iliiK If you t u r n urniiml mul nyiiH Whuro w i l l Ilia Hplrlt go? Will iTiialo homily nnd hlippliHMn, "I Imvo by a dlntomloil . wlro pro- TOO COMMON TO UK WORTH HlfOII men I Mliion Iho drying of purnlm KO baek II'H only abniil u mllu, M tin fn-i. from Hi" HiullH of npucn mid l u i l n mid frlondlliKinn mul nouiid lo u vory connldarabln inonii hun bnoniiii) nn linportant Indun Him ii my (if IlKhC niovo from plnnal faroh mul liiKiyiuil, liopitful h u m a n bo U l t l e r<nil-li<nul(Hl Mllio Ounoy got a. Donor Now, my l i t t l e nmii, you f r y , It In ovldnnt, Dial mimo muni In dlnlmioo In mi inntiuil, or with nn in plnni'i? Or In iioimv dlHtnnt ntur IIIKH all iiliinil n h HoomliiKly i|iilck u motion IIH that of Job an nlllco boy for tlio pronlilont of will II inltn up HH itbod'o? Will It bn Hn for a niaxlin of llfo Hiln: MuHo luku thlu nitiillcliui mid 1 will Mm you fniiud wblob would prnlnr.t l.hu tr<>< I l K h t ; anil Ililn not only In a nlrnlnht u Im'Ko Wontorn rntlwny. Aftor ha fniin oxtromt' cold. Tho (lliinoHo linvi Kixiil ulKhl burr and Riinil morning your llfo Do mil Inl It bn iiiailn for llvo noiiln. YOUIIH A m n r l i ' n You lulie II viinr- dlnmiviirnil u wild iintlvn pomlinmoii lino, or illrert, bill In oiio bfliidnd In hiKl boon upon tho job uorornl dayn, i b u r n ? Whon dm nioniiuit of dnimr- y(iu, Horn In VUJUT 'liumlM H |iivroi they KIWII a form lo fill out with Ilin mmiy niiKloH," l i i r n comon, run KII itiiKaKoniont bo t h a i linMillnii(1llTo|jTT'l n Hfo on l l n iiiilf, uml 1 w i l l KII ynu live l e i i l n hel w l i l i - b Imurn iionloi-1 mid In mil nf Horn WIIH Ilin I n v e n t i o n of tho tolo- "I'ornonal llocord." foctoil by rolil, mid upmi t h i n lh«>! Inr. Illllllii lo IIH.el Mm lnVOll IIIKIH In IIOIIIO w u y in I m i i i i i r l a l l t y Tim l)o|lnou|i>i Wlwui yomiK Mllto cnmo to iv l>«rK,rufl tlio pnridiniiinn with Ibo IIIIIH phono rlKhl In liuml, no lo uponlc, only f u r .iiwiiy rniiliu or llKht anil Invo? llnnlio dlil nut follow up thfl loud. Ho Iliiulur piiniKnipli tluit nald, "lluvn Touchor Whnl Komlnr in Klrl'' Tliiino mi' mil iniimly Hpoculiillvo K i - i i l l f y l i i K rimnlln, Iho world bud In wall two ojmlnrlun you any vlnlblo niarltn for MontlflcuDn you Ililnli of bobwbllo nn u HIIIIK llrlKhl' Hoy Hniiiollmou romlnlnn I|||OH|'|(IIIM, They tiro drop, bird? rrobnbly not; bill. Ill" Ohio A (loviirnnionl roporl clnliim llm for Iho n O m l r n b l o luntniinoiit whlflh tlon In cnflo of iiiir.ldout or dmilh?" ho mul nniiiotIlium nenloi iliinnllonn linn iloul wllli llfo UN porfrom bin eluilr nnd runhcxl oror Timelier Humph 1 When In n K'rl Iho conl of living dropped (ino pot nil yen no lillli'll of Ii lllmvllll y'n Hull) lo- rono homillly A rouiljiinllimiil. will tiikn I.uKlnlaliiro IIIIH docldod that ho In, In u mirror noar by, to Klvo hlmnolf ilny cnnl d u r i n g tho pant yonr. (ilnco. All l h n l v l l w i l l Inviilvo IH not f r a n k l y horai|tto, knowliiK H'al ho ouln nunlor «ninlor7 n Kimornl InniiiX'llon, Thon lio roIf ll did, It droppoxl v"TY "Khtly l l r l u h l Hoy When nbn'ii plnyliiK IUK K n o w n , fur "II In nut yol omnifont iiiiiirinoiin iiuniborH of d o n t n u M l v n In InriM'd to bin link nnd wroto nji hln TIM: i;iuTOii'H necln, II wlnlM'ii lo proled him per mul In "II " Wo illiln'l ln'iir III w h n l Wo nlmll ))"•" mmwor lo (ho pornoiml i|iiorr, "Nothinnnoiilly by unnlliiK »vor him llio llonr Miiku Ibo l(omljiiNliii<<n|H .Mm l l l e l i H (ili'n vllliiKo poop I'vo IIIK "xoiipl frooltloii." A w i ' l l - U m i w n profonnor nlalon llm A n u r l l c l e on i m l r l l l i n i n foniln nnyn; li'or inio HiliiK, n-ini'inlior, wlmt wn lirniiil m i i n l l o of Ibo biw brmiHlil you Ililn horn Hirkny fur (Irooli In Hie ImrituNl IniiKU" "Tlinro In iiboul nn niuoli noiirlnhmont lire, "llnlinlil, wo u r n now Iho ohllD n l i y m n n ' H Him A moimo linn fullClirlnliniin, Mlnlor HcnM)K«. llroil of dull " Thin Illlpllnn mi iillnriul ' I'nmiioiiH l.uwyiir NOW, nlr. iiimwor In u quiirl of poiinul'i ml thorn In In mul llm diiiHlnnl lo for«ei nn Inln tho milk. VllliiKo Kdllnr Ono of your own, or Wo fiivnr lonlnlnll""! <" llil'im polllidn of ndwk." iiltllllilo hy Iho Chrliilliiii ID Ilin nlilfln me iirninplly. Who wan promint whin Ilin. Mollmr Did yi|(i Inko It oiitT Orlonun tho miirrloil wonioii 1o lulli nnlhliiK mil u plunlur.lmii, .lltuT N.IIW Illll nn KHivy nOllllliK III IllH llfo Hnnio of tlli'lil riimo iin your IIOHO WIIH pullodT liny No; I luivn thrown tho c u t . I n , Tlyion-l'lcuymio. iiK, lihil nn linnli llm linxt (I rook. , I ' l n i n i l f f ( p r o m p t l y ) -i w"11 I ho niHiill of n mnn'ii own I n l l l i i l l v o ; PULPIT TOPICS WIT AND c&.jrrie thzvnsooner he Expected htafMtimut Cartoon O- fC V.270 SVJRE.-HE TOOKIT RIGHT OUT <«i*v IMPROMPTU BULLFIGHT ured six feet one .and a half inches and danced round, to keep his relative staple.. To unfasten the door I gener- at me. Kor an animal of his size ne j long tension, and then they would lose and weighed one hundred and eighty j position, as if,, he we're the referee. ally knocked the hook up with the could turn with astonishing quickness. 1 strength rapidly. pounds. Hard work, and play that wus. At laat'the battle began to swing In handle of the pitchfork. He mad'e me think of the cow pony | Twice I tried to throw the bull by. BomctlniOH harder than the work, baa | UVor of i)1(.ki chiefly necuuse nis. ail1 bad no sooner got the hook into j that the cowboy said could turn on a j jerking his head suddenly when his tougjiened, my muscles. My Hpeclalty versary became so angry that he llio staple than I heard a rumble from dime' and have a nickel to spare. I feet hit the wet places, but .each time wan catch-aH-catch-can wrestling, and was almost crazy; shutting bis eyes,: Duke nnd, turning, saw him lower II!H It is easy to joke about It now, bu» he foiled me. Then I tried to turn all wan grlnt that come to my mill. .1 the bull would rush blindly at the '' head -and start for me full tilt, It was far from seeming funny to me his nose Jilgher and to threw him as E HAD moved out to Mlnne never refused to wrestle any man that other. Once, when Duke was charg-1 He was not more than ten feet away while It. lusted. Kvcry'tlme 1 bowed a cowboy throws steers—bulldogglng, challenged me, regardless of his ago, sota In 1862. .When we hoi Ing, Dick shifted his position just | u'n(1 j |,ad mtle t i m e ' t o dodge. In my back to let one of those sharp they call it"; but his neck was too been there ten years and Hlze and ability. There was no form a little; the Instant that Duke's head \ , uct| i sloo',| Mn u n t i l ne waa w l t h l n horns pass my stomach nervous fear strong for me to twist It any further, . 1 had reached (ho age ol of athletic sport practiced In life woods went p n s t , t h e Htecr swung and caught l o u r reet ot m c; then I turned"quickly Kent u sharp pain through my body. nnd I went 'back to my former methnineteen we had sixty-five acres un that I did not try, but, because 1 was tl.« hull olffguard. .Dick had. him then J ol, H i e ' b u l l s of my feet and bowod I was afraid that he would strike with ods. . • der the p!6ugh and were fairly pros rather heavy, I^iievor could run or where he wanted him, with bin horns 1I1V buck. Three times more I tried unsuccessa Hldelong HWlnp of htx head and catch porous. As my brothorn loft homo to jump well. My brother Will mild Hint against the otuor's neck, and in a n , He Wt?iu past me so close, that one (me full in the abdomen.* fully to throw him by a sudden Jerk I waa, n draft-borne build; It wan true begin llfo for themselves, more duties Instant ho Imd whirled tho bull half i,orn caught l n my half-buttoned • In quick xucceaslon he made 'half u on his neck. Then I managed to got tell UKmy lot, until at last I had all t h a t I did draft-homo work mom of round and was at him In bin most ' w ,,iatcoat- uml ripped two -buttons off. <!o£cn rushes at me, uml I escaped him .to, tnrn In the opposite direction, the lime. . tho'care of tho live utock. vulnerable..spot, the flank. AH |I|H head hit the pont at the side them by offorU that wet my 'face with and us ho revolved I watched until ' About ton o'clock I heard HOUIK|H of 1'liked to numo nil the unlmuln It was all ovor except the snouting; ( n l (ho door u redounding thump, I pernplrutlon and niado my logs begin bin feet hit'the ^wef plank. At that Among tho cattlo there was Ono-Horn- trouble In tho ynrd, I bad junt picked (hen, for Dick chimed Duke round Iho | uprung behind lilni lo get him by the to, feel the Htraln. infltant, summoning every ounce of u board for tho bottom of tlio ninn- yard at bin hem pace until I turned | tall, strength ln.,n)o,..,.l,g,avo a tremendous fd Cherry, u cow that knew more nly up I realized that, If I did not do gomcKor. when I heard Duko "nwoar," an : tho bull I n t o (ho studio nnd shut the ' nut I wan not qiillo quick enougn. tricks than a circus mule. Ilughorn vo'ry soon to end tho bull's attacks. Jerki The'i'b»jirBS'feet' »Upped a Illtlo. Dulny got her' name from the fact I called It. That rumbling IIIIRH Ilooo- donor. . , \:: MO llo whlrlod whirled to tlio Iho rl right HO nwlftly that in one of his I gave "another quick Jerk and they tunm ha would new-out that her liornn, which came out in uh! .1110:1111 wnr. Propping tho board flew-out Hldowisc, HIIIOWIBC, and with aa cranh A wavo of my hum! In front of l>u|k he nlmOHl rornoreiI mo. and I just catch mo. AH ho riiHhed at front and made n level circle until the I mil to tli.e door to HOC what bad din- I WUH UH o'niiugli to Htop him, and bo Htoill {niunuKCil to dodge Ii bin riiAh'by. thTowI leaped us far to ono side ass" 1° r"o 11" ' "° 8trUCk tho noor on llls sl(le' turbed him, and found him with, hln , points worn not more thafl four Inches loft HO ilial I struck but I had (o wait until ho WOK dose " ' '; I dropped across his head nnd held M iIIIl l whllo I wont up to him and lool}-, !ng mynolf to tho le apart, reminded mo of the ''plnchcrn' buck lo mo, bin bend down and bin oil him ovor for Injuries There w_nH I on my. bunds, My foot doncrlbcil a boforo I leaped, or ho would havo fol- him down while I wheezed and palitcd. lioofn noiidliiK tlio dlrl up ovor bin tin largo booMcx. The othcrn all hail I cnmo up nearly lowed mo HO quickly that I should not At Innt, when I coulrt breathe naturonly niio, unil Unit WIIH nioroly ' a , half circle nnmwi, t(H>, but 1 Hliall mention only Imck In u nbowor. Hcrutch, wblcb b o - b u d got whon he • (wlco niy loiiKth from (ho bull. ' have hail time to recover' for bin ally, the bull hod ceased to strugglo Tliootlior cnttlo wtro muring at him the threii Htccrn -Dick, Judfto and nnd rage..-'. When ho had entirely connIn wonder I could not inuko out wlmt knocked Ibo foi'd ruck ovor with n i I' trloil to riiHh In Iho buy hole, but charge, llnrnoy- and th» Ini?:.' Duku Tlmolliy. Imil miKorod lilm u n t i l I notlcod Dick. HWlng of IllH hoavy hips. ed bin'angry bellowlngs, I- rose-from i bofnrn i ciiulil roac,b U Duko 'bad He turned thlu lime a llttlo quickhis head and climbed over tho manAflor pi'lllng Dick for M momonl 1 put I inudo u half t u r n and wun Dick WUH tall anil rod, with th<> Iho Hloor; hi' Hoemod to know w h n l er than before, and aguln 1 had to shift ger nnd lay 'down on the loose buy iimnneru of u goiitnlninn. JudK,u hud ti Iho trouble wan, mid WIIH evidently u ropo on. Duko anil load him lo an- thai Hide, of (fib Htitblo lit fulf rtpeed. white fiico and » look of ulmonl hit proparo'l for HOIIIO warllko domoiiHtru- oilier Htublo, wbnro 1 could lonvo him Dodging to the l«ft, I inudo a quick Ilko a boxer and-bow my buck an hln In t h e . barn; ^my arms, ached, from Head through . ..swept - ,,. v under • my- breast. .the IOHK strain nnd my kneos tromHod iinlll lio nnd repented ,of hln nlim. turn and wan behind him. I tried to _., map nolomnlty. llarnuy WUH black and tlnn from Duko Thl« tlmo I did not recover us I 8 hould ,,|e(1 under mo_ Duko roi)e to h,B font whjta; ami hu WUH iilwayx roady lo tl Vrt nnd ii fid bis It tu nhouldor uli/tn Ifl/lt* hit Ii I* «vi*( ' side, uf/tA ' " . . " - ' . " -" *• • " ' : • • • ' -i • • - • _ • _ • - i. . ' - . - - - . llo wun hnlfwiiy noroHH Ibo yard, I fiiHlonod llio door nn tin* Innldo with Kt't n. grip ou hla "tall, hut WUH HO far " avo my IlKhl unythliiff tli^-woro hair. H|H muling t|uar.lorlnn; but at Hie next nil iron hook that I had In punh down trom HiiccuedlnK t h a t 1 vory nearly I Rrnnpod for his neck with 1 ' both wulkod over to tlio bnck of the'iibhlo nnd ntood nhnklng bin head and blowb«lllR«nin<-y did mil nxtond to tho i hulloiifi.o from Duko ho liirnoil u n t i l M n n r l l y |u order (o niiiko ll 'enter Hie ran On I!|H liornn IIH Xo whipped rn'liml inmlii, UH the only thliiR w i t h i n ruach, Ing gront bronthn of relict; ho doomed human family, howovor, for he would ho fiiced h i m , iiltliniiKh bo n l l l l bold r mi mlsnml my K 'l>; my body whlrlod IIH Kind to bo dono with' Jho'strain us lot, mo walk up to him anywhere In IllH boail high unit Inokoil more din turn, nnd ,1 foil heavily on | | W U H Ihu woodH and rldn him homo. I nani- Klintoil limn miKry A K i i l n llio dorp nlde. Aftnr I hail rocovorod from tho oxi'il him one iliiy aflnr I had HCOII Him llooo-ulil ciinie from Dulie; Ibo bull I bud nn l i m e to rlMo, for tho InHI, orllon,« I went out of tho bnrn ami whip a mtlKlihor'H »l«ur t h a t wan half WIIH p l a i n l y w o r k i n g hlinttolf up In (lie v l l h un n i i K r y hollow, t u r n e d HWlfl.- rnmn back with n rope nnd a hnnl nKulnan |I|R IIH ho. I WIIH Hiiro lid wim IlKhtlUK pitch. FOWD Inwunl mo. Illfl Kl-uul head WHH wnnd club nbout Iho nlzo of a bnni IrlHh. I run bui-k lo KOI n o l u b from the a i r l y ovur my body, mul In un agony ball bal. With thono In bund I outer Dukv Timothy WIIH'II Hirim-yciir-nlil broken Hiirnpn, hnl round n o t h i n g e x >f ilonporallon I roacboil fur bin nnn- oil Ibo Htulile, drnvo Duko Into n cor liiirhnm. l»rK« for hln IIKO and f u l l of enpl u I n p e r l i i K (ilnco of one Inch him rllii wllli my I-IK.IU linml mid clnned nor and put tho ropo,on bin hornn llfo. lln Iniil (ho Hprhmy walk nf n her iiboul f n u r fool IOIIK AH I rncoil HAND5 ny loft band on one nf bin hnnm. Then I lod him nut Hiroiif,-,)) Hie yurd ilour nnd bin bond WIIH up hlKh nil tho buck' In tho yard I rimllr.od Him It I folt my t h u m b uml two llngorn m n j fill nf cultlo and off In tbo oilier ntable 11 inn- iiii'r|>t whim bo wun Knizlnn or wun n vory lnudei|iinlo wonpnn, bin II nlo bin nonli-lbi, anrt, wllli u lioavo whoro hu romnlnod u n l l l wo Hold h i m i linllitnKliiK. H" WIIH u liaiiilnomu anl- wun nil thai I could KOI In n Inirrv liul look ovory ounce nf KtreiiKlh Hint n inonHi Inter 1 WUH nm norrv lo iinil, nml I WIIH vnry proud of him. I nbiiutoil 10 Duko In nil offnrt lo ncni'e bud, I punhuil bin none up and nt 1,00 him K,I. Yniilb'H Compunlon llo hud niivnr Hhiiwn n iilKn of uitly illll iiwiiy from D i c k , but Iho b u l l look ll:o name lime pulled down tho horn l.iiiHHir In mo nr In my f a l l u ' r , mul II for Hie H l n r l l i i K wnnl mid In UK,"'! Whim hln bend WIIH III llio bent poul "Whnl aro ynur ohui-K,on, iloctnr?" wu IhnuKlii III"' pxrfoi'lly "nfiv iirloiinlv at bin fno. Dlok'n bond drop l i n n Hint I h l n inuiit'iivor guvo II ho "Tlifoo dollniii n vlnll." Olio liny In Ilio full I bail IIUKIIII llm pod I Ik n a llnnh, mnl I nuw Ibo muncloH oniild mu uno, bin linrnn on mo, uml "Well, wo dou'l you In cnmo on u Job of rolHillilliiK llm nuuiKi'i'M mill >n bin llilHhn roll mid knot lliimniolvon bo roiiKhl luird (n frno blnmolf 1 vlnll, hut J n n i in n l u v ton or flftnoii Htiilln In tin' IOIIK Htiililo thai look up m ho mot llio imil Hiiiiuroly k n o w I h n l (bin wun t h e crucial mnHid unllro wiml iilili' of our burn Tbi' I know Hint I hud no Imnluomi HI Hint moiil nnd rniiiilved Hull I would no! luinbor wan pllml up iiKulmil lln> nurlli mlx-il|> w i t h nucli u wnnpnii, mul nn relax Him i;rlp w h i l e I hud any Mr if I blcyelor Did you ov.or rldo Hid, mid l«n nil o|iiin Hour iiboul I dropped ,11 mid run for ii p l l d i f o r k . HlroiiKjh In mo, Duko heaved bin nock Ihroii^h Iho Him i' of Varui'pnlT Iwnlvo.imil wldn by f i f t y fool IOIIK,' 1'lioro wan none In the nlublo, uml Ibo uml dlamped bin foot, uml nil llm while ' Heenlnl blcyi'lor YOH; wont through liliiuhu'l • iivnr and « III!In will. i n l y oniMn nl^lil wun up on Ibo b u y blow bin hi'oulh ovor mo Ilko u hot I her" hint ntmmnl. ThroiiKh tho upon ilnur In I h u 1 iiiiulli now, lUlmin foul abnvo mil r-'rimi Iho hlnnl n-oiii u furmioo. l''0'Hi lilnyrlo'r''' I/Id 'you ov«r rldo Hill Of lll« Hliiblo I riiulil IKIII Illy rnllli' iiiiiiiiln fi'inn Iho yuril I kiinw Hint Iho 1 n l n u K l o i l In my k n e n n , nnd ill lincii Mini niuoli rlnliiK Krmind? In ^ilin i'iiw yuril, buny wll)i KHHI) looil i i K K l " wun hocoinltiK innro f n r l n u n , h u l l ilriiKKoil lllo l i n l f w u y urrnun Hoonnd hlcyc'lllr Y e n ; |o(n of ll. II 6( llinn'liy hay unil I'oninliilliH mil I ImiTlnil buck In Iho ijoorwuy In K t a h l o ; I b o n I rnnii to one Unco cnmo up mid ntrucli iuo ulumi nix h u n I wim wlilnllliiH i'» I worlioil, file I nn how Ibo hull In fared d one f n i i l , nliiKKorod In bnlb reel dred Union. wiui »ii hltppy "'< » llu > "r uliioli'i'ii Tho I w n boiinln woro vory n v o n l y d limn; on w h i l e Ibo iTeuhllc M W I I I I K nilllll lie Ah noiin II" I Imd lllilnbi'il mil,'boil, mul I heir fool woin ploiiKh ' hack nnd f o r l b . M i i n d n v nclinol l o i t d h u r - - A n d t f m my wurlt I wan H"!IIK liinilliiK unil nn HiroiiKli Ibo d u m p noil of tlio yard I had I w Inled bin lioud b n l f w i i v 1'iiihoi of Ibo iirndlKnl noil foil on bin my biiui'l wii.t I l K h l nl llm |ii-on|iin'l ''Iral ono would |(o| llm u i l v u n t i i K n uml rnilinl. mill hold II urriinn nn Ion mick mul wopl. Now, why did bo Kiilhor hud u l l u w m l I w u ibiyii for lln> heil Hio other Dick pinilioil Ibo b u l l I b l K h , I Imd In hour ilnwn w l l b all wnopT nlplilr work, uml wun w l l l l n n in lu> llnoli iiHalnnl II,e onnt fom'o, iuid Ibon my nl relish un bin rlichl burn lo keep Tni|lniy -~.—~—:-Illi) liavii f u r l n y m i l f "II Hin I l i i i n ,l1iul D u k e KOI Dick lo nllppliiK. mid foreoil bin linit I In Hial pnnlilim llouml nnd ymi'il'woiip^ I'OO^IH' you foil on your I coiilil iiiivn on II I Imil llmiroil Iliul h i m iilmonl, iioronn In llm wont foneo round wo w h i r l e d nn Ibo wel plunlin; I I'milil do lllo wWli'ln ii <lny mid " Tkoy ll|ipei) over Iho lend mull mid n( Ilinoi wo KO| on l l i o ,lrv MnorliiK h a l f ; iilid I rotild Knl moro f u n (nil Ilin w a t e r bum-oil), nmuidiod a briinn e x t In ilio ( h n y n m w , only lo n w i n n lll 1 y,)u I l k o of lull' 'i '1'>y In <" " wnoOH Iliiin mnnli p n l l u m l klinnliod i l n w n n your I,nek til Iho mul Jerk to Ibo wel purl lliv'ilrkumr llm uviiruKi' boy of tivditv iMiuld''Kot In Illllt'lhul win IryliiK to eronn Ihu ynril. 1 ilUI mil (turn lot KII hln nono or hln but thoro Tlio rmlt'of llio n i l l l e wiilcbiHl I h u nix, linril' for n "nocoml, but I know Minttli'lng Mi I >YIII> lilimnvil w l l b i» |I|K lim|y l(lbi| Muhl.i wllli An nnii'li Inliirent n u t . i l l i l ; 1 muni eml Hie iilrnnille noon, for my II. Tlio noenml »c( lukon .plncii two hlroiiK ninn«lo" nml with woll-nliili llnrnoy wiilKoil up milII bin bond wun In the hollow n f l h o olbnw , |ironniiHy y,onrti' 'H\o Unit, and llio family linrfwl h i m l l b . Al Uml tltm' I incur.- w i t h i n two fool nf Hie bolllKoi'onln h/iy wimlil b o f l h to I r e n i l d e rrnm Ibo Imvo llm numo norvnntl W OSEC? TO BUT THIS IS HOV HE DID Clocks Watches Jewelry / South Jersey^ Republican ', NOTICE is hereby Riven that a pub-' Ddmenleo Felmo, Mnln road. Santo p'Agostino,' Main road. lie hearing of tiie IJcente Committee of . P. .Lucas,. Main road. Town Council will be held J n ' Council Chan. Pinto,' Plymouth rond. HOYT * SON,' PUBLISHERS Antonio Pinto, Second Kt. . Chambers on Wodnewlay evening, May Orvtlle K. Hoyt William O. Hoyt Charles C. Demnreo, Second ijt. 2nd, 1017, at 8 o'cloqlf.rfor the purpose 1 Antonio Demnreo, Pleasant st. dubaorlotlon I'rlco: 81.25 per venr. tl.OO In Atlantic County. Throe cent* per copy, nf* ooimlclcrinR protcBtH, remonstrances Frank TomaHcllo, Main road. Qn Kale at ofllce. find at Woll'0 Newfl Itoom ' or rocoinnii'iiilntiiiiiH on the nnder-mcnRocco De Marco, Pine road. Advortldlnc Ifatei on application. Local Phonea.—532. 833. 1083. Antdnlo Belcrato, Main road, tloncd n|>i>llentlons for licenses. Llecnac Committee, Town Council, APPLICATION OF JOHN 0. SMITH SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1917 PBTKIl TELL, for a renewal of inn and tavern li. ' r ,_._, i Chairman. cense, known as "Hotel (Columbia." • corner of Twelfth street anil' West End the following pomes on APPLICATION OP ANTONIO avenue, with Recommendation: Our Slogan : A Bone-dry United States by July 1st. : FIN'TO for ail iun and tavern license Freeholders' Fred: Prledley, Eleventh »fc for .promUcH known an "Q'Donnell Adam Helser, Eleventh st.. Huilding," corner of' Bellevue avenue Wm, R. .Oauiitt, 'J>lne st. ' IN EVERY CITY AND TOWN in Jhe country, citizens are and Ecgllnrbor road, with the follow- John B. Dunkle. 425 Central ave. names on Freeholders' RecommenLewis Foster, Eleventh st. urged to display the American Flag in their place of business, iii'/ dation: Albert J. Rchmtinn.-Elcvpnth nt. and either on their flag-staff or in the window, at home. .1. \*. -O'Donncll, Eel, imd B. H.- road. MST G7~Zoa, 17 Woodman ave. G. H. Naylor, Grape st. James D. Watt, Grand st. Already, Haimnohton is adopting this commendable sign of patriotism, CharlcH C. Demarco, 2d st. P. A. ColaHurdo, Orchard nt. G"orge Lnca, 3d nt. • loyally to country, and approval of her actions. ' John-'R. Naylor, Twelfth st. John I). MnRtie, North 2(1 at. J. V. Baker, Kighth'st. " Michael Mazzeo, , . i . . . Pasqual* Ciraolo, A. Di FranclsciT, Pratt Bt. There is a difference of opinion between Town Council and the -T. G. CTolaaurdo, Columbia road A. Cessato, 3d at.'" Frank Pullia, Twelfth street FraultC. MalnRone, liroadwny. Overseer of the Poor, Jatnes V. Baker. Mr. B. is holding a County Antonio Oe Marco, Pleasant st. APPLICATION OK JAMKS PINTO, position, and is out-of-town week-days, and sometimes at night. The John Di Francisco, Walnut st, for a renewal of inn -and tavern li• Gaetuuo Clfo, 12th nt. cense for premises known as "Pinto** complaint is made that he \s not here when wanted, which might prove J. Vinccnzo Baglino. Plymouth road. Hotel," situated on Middle road, witb' Post Office Building, South Second St. .,. If. Kubbn, Washington Bt. serious at times. Recognizing that he carinot~give full time to the local John the following names on Freeholders' Aiituniii Slseone, Chew road. Recommendation : position, he has volunteered to conduct its affairs without pay. Council Frnnk Lemlln, Jacob Bt. A. N. Capelll, Middle road. Antonio Cappuccio, Valley ave.William Sorrcntino, Middle road. contends t h a t a crtntinua'I paid service'is needed ; and we believe that if Varallo, Middle roud. APPLICATION OF JOHN D. GIA- ' Frank they will get together and .talk things over, an arrangement can be made COMO Antonio Penza, Middle road. for renewal of ion and tavern Churlos Penza, Middle road. isi> for premises known us "Central that will be satisfactory to all concerned. JunieH Ciprinno, Ijasln road. Hotel," corner of Orchard street ' and liinnsi Pinto. Basin road. Egg Harbor road, with the following Mr. Burgan-has been trying to secure an extension of the city mail nnmex Filippi Rodoffi. Middle road. on the Freeholders' liecomW. E. Balkenhol. Elymouth road. deliveryVon Central Ave., from Park Ave. to Alfred Reed's place. It uieiidutlon: J. Cammorato,, Middle road: John T. Kelly, Central nve.. Lawrence Renzi, Plymouth road. was refused, at first, but Mr B. persisted, and his arguments, with the John F. Raker, French st. David A. Pcrna, Middle road. K. W. McGovern, 2d at. aid of Senator Marline and Congressman Bacharach, won » victory, and Domenioo 'Tonmsco, Middle road. H. F I'MRiill. Central nve. Sabuto Capperccco, Middle road. the extension has been granted'. Michnol K. Boy'er, Bellevue ave. Rosntio Mielino, Middle road.H. C. Bender, IJellevue ave. Rump and Sirloin Steak . . 32 c. Fancy Veal Cutlets . . . . 34 c. Antonio Biffalo. Middle road. Samuel B. Raqks, Bellevue ave. We agree with Councilinen Mcllvaine and Mclntyre, that too much Filici Pinto, Middle road. Top of Round Steak . . . 30 c. Best Loin Veal Chops . . . 30 c. Joseph A." Baker, French Bt. Bottom of Round Steak . 25 c. Nice ShoVders of Veal . . . 24 c. care cannot be taken iii placing gasoline tanks. The ordinance was John Diliier. 2d Bt. APPLICATION OF ' B E N J A M I N ttcorife F. Mclntyre, 4th st. ' FOGLETTO for a renewal of botLean Stewing Beef . . . . 16 c. Fine Breast of Veal . . . . 22 c. wise in its provisions, but does not cover enough territory. The locating Howard C. French, Pleasant Bt. tler's, licenxe for premises on Egg Har20 c. Good Stewing Veal . . . . 20 c. of huge tanks, either above or below the surface, alongside of or near to Best Cbuck Roast. . . Calvin Mnthis, Washington st. bor road, between Bellevue avenue and Calves' Liver. . . . .' . .300. 22 C. William Ostermnnn. Pleasant «t. Prime Rib Roast Orchard Htreet, with the following' frame buildings, while they might not endanger tiiein, would-give the C. Mii-ru'l. Egg Harbor road. » names on Freeholders' ItecouimendaJoseph Hotly, Washington Ht. tlonn : Underwriters an excuse for raising insurance rates in that locality. We Matteo Rhbbo. Horton.st. a APIM.ICATION OF LOUIS L. Harry I re compelling pur local dealers to live up to the law ; why,not treat PURCHASE for rene.wal of Inn and 28 c. Nice Lean Pork Chops. . . 30 c. Legs of Spring Lamb Ricci, Railroad ave. the big fellow? the same ? tavern litvasi' for premises known as Clyde W. Smith, Second at. 24 c. Loin of Pork for Roasting . 28 c. Shoulders of Lamb . •'UalciKh-m-the-Piues," situated on the Joe Pinto, Sei-ond st. •« 35 c. Lean Side Pork . . . . i . 24.-C. Best Loin Chops . , . There is a proposition which will be hard on Young America .KKK Ilnrhor. rond. with the- fullowing Joseph S. Mort, Washington, st. niinu-H on Freelmlders' Recommenda20 C. Small Fresh Hains . . . . 28 c. Lean Stewing Lamb . John Ordile. Second st. unless he looks at it in the right light,—to cut out all fireworks on the tion : Antonio Olivo, Third st. 2O C. Lean Small-Shoulders . . . 26 c. Breast of Lamb . . . J. A. Bureau, Cejitrnl nve. . Fourth of July.—as the powder will be-nee'ded for war. This is. a wise 30 c. • Hurry M.''Hank. Hellevnr ave. , Pigs Head or Pigs Feet . ,. 10 c. Lean- Lamb Chops . Hobert Picken, (Central ave. move, and we believe every patriotic person will endorse it. Use plenty School Boys Enlisting (or Farm Work. SiRniuud Ojerkis. Central ave. of bunting about your premises, work in your gardens, and attend B. P. (Ji'ay, Central ave. The new movement started by Kiigene V. Coggey. Orchard at. exercises in Hammonton Park. • ' / the Governor, to have school boys< .1. K. Mntner, 3d Ht. A. J. King, Vine st. enlist in the "Junior Industrial You may think that a protest from you will have no effect ; yet Samuel I.itke, Vine st. Array of New Jersey''," is meeting (J. H. Parkhnrst, Main road. your place is at Town Hall next Wednesday night. • • • • • 12 c. Lunch Roll Frankfurters. . . . . . 25 c. Charles K. Nelson. Central ave. with good response in some sections George F. Nicholson, Central ave. 12 c. Boiled Ham . % Ib Liver Pudding . . . . . 18 c. of the County. The well-informed Next week, every property owner and tenant will try to make his M. I... Rubertson, Bellevue ave. 12 c. Meat Loaf . . #lb Blood Pudding . . . . r8 c. realize the seriousness of the situaArthur G. Lewi*. Egg Harbor road. front and back yards look better than those of their neighbors. Burn 30 c. John C. Anderson. 2d Bt. ' Pure Pork Sausage Ham and Beef Bologna . 25 c. tion, and the imperative need for everything possible, dispose of that pile of ashes as best you can ; but 12 C. Meaty Scrapple/- . . Regular Hams 28 c. APPLICATION OF APOt'ST more farm' help to enable fanners the other rubbish—tin cans, old shoes, etc.,—place at the curb\for the STttKHTtB for renewal of inn and tnv- to produce more staple food ' pro20 C. Pigs Feet Souse . , Boneless Bacon Strips . 36 c. vru licvnso lor preiiiises knuwn a* "Fair- ducts, for which tb> re yi" be a town wagons to haul away. view Hotel," corner of Fnirvlew avenue and Main—road, -with th«—fnllnwitiR- greaUdemandr-due-lo- the-present incirj~^oui.niittee" hasT plans .and specifications about ready for nnnieH on Frecholdwa' Ucconiincnila- war situation. • Local 1041 the new hose truck soon to be advertised for. It should be one ton or tion: Parents should realize that the George Ituggerio, Main road. hoys enlisting for this work are A, T. D'AgoHtlnn. Main road. more in capacity, to accommodate a 'half-ton of hoxfe and a dozen men Where Quality and Economy Meet Antonio Berenato, Mnln road. only a little below the military age, when necessary. • • fAntonio X. I'ulin. Falnvlew avr. and hence should be' impressed Antonio Tdina.scllo. Fulrvlew uve. with the idea that this is their form Snlvntor Hereunto, Fnlrvii'w ave. Read what the Law and Order Committee has to say in regard lo ThiiiuiiN Creamer. Fulrvlew ave. of patriotic service to the nation, in bicycles on the sidewalk's. Dnmeiilco Scogllo. Falrvlew nve. a great crisis. The boys 'should Antonio D'AgiiBtlno, Kalrvlew ave. Joe G. D'AKostino, Pine roud, realize thqt they are enlislinj* for N. T. U'Agostluo, Fiirvlow ave. serious service, and to render thin Frank Tomaiiello, Main road. service must be willing to do real Frank Jacobs. Banln mail. N. Tomasello. I'jne roail. \vork on farms. Those boys who It. G. romunello. Pine roud. do productive farm work, either on I'. Lucas, Main roud, their own (firms or on other farms, P. I'etri'ccu, Ilellevi^e avr. • luued every Saturday moraine ' • . .Entered Iri Hamrnontiin Poit-Offlce u «ecobd-clmM mhttcr by • tfalf-a-Cent-a-Word Column Main road. LICENSE APPLICATIQNS^ _. Joe,TomanolIo, A. BnpoHlto, Main road. • No ctmrrej leu than ten cenu. ISaeb (Inure. mltUI. »nd name count* oO»word. Double orlce chtrxed (or l»r«fr type. *730 All ndvi. nhould. be In bolore Thundny noon, II poMlble. Uoleia purtleii tinvo »n account with u«.thor will not wnlt (or • bill (neceulUtlnR our adding portage to It) but ronill promptly, either In caMh or one Mid two cent utatupi. No adv. ol an7 lort will be IniertM between new* Item*. Chassis $665 Repair Work a Specialty. ». o. b. ToMo Deliv<Ji"y Wagon Real Estate Work Called For and,Delivered/ OK ftent,— three ploia ol ground, to any who with to nine truck. Mrs. a. I. llemshuuao. Central Ave. fOR Sale.— House, eight room" and batb. • . P i n e outbuildings, on three large lotB. Uan be used •< two-lain llrhnuse. Tope, . . . ^corner Fleaoanriind Monroe Ave. IVR Acre Poultry Karm fnraale, cor. Klist . fload and Fllteenth Street.. ' _ _ _ - • ' Mn. J. S. Mlllor. Roiedale. onjrrt. .Houseolilx roomi at the Lake, corner ol Pleaiant Mllln Koad and tlammonton'Avenue. Apply to Mrs. A. K. Drake. Buy It on Guaranty Tim* Payment* All repair work and engraving: done by myself. F 13WHouii' (or Hale or rent. Will soil below — •""""" N. Second Street. T-IOUSK For Rent. »U rooms, all convon '••i lencoB. 812 per month. Inquire »t or next, door, 234 Washlnston St. ere Lot tor Bale, on Fifteenth Street, Rosednler Mrsr T. STMIller. HOICE Dulldlni r/)U on South Paclcard St. C Ittst building locution In town. Price very reasonable. Charlea Davenport. Agent, Peach Street. TpWENTY-Flve Acre Farm lor gale, sultnblo ^ lor poultry, truck, fruit, and cranberries. For terms. Inquire of Edwin Jones. 703 llnddon Ave., Colllncflwood. N. J.. or Win. U. Hoyt. Republican Dlllce. LGVKN Room House to rent, corner of E Pleaxant and llorton Street, all conveniences. U. B. Andrews. . _ . nd-a hall Acre Farm for sale or rout. Inquire of J. W. Roller, Hammonton. WO Houses for rent—all conveniences. T -J. 8. Mart. PURNISHED House for rent. Address by *• letter. "Housekeeping." Republlonn Ofllce. Five rooms, batb. and every convenience. D. s. BELLAMY; Local- Phone 841 Jeweler. Why Pay More ? Don't judge the quality by our prices. Prime Native Beef Hoine Killed Pork Home Dressed Veal Bros. Cash Market Lose Anything ? Then Advertise. DEiCOLIGH ELECTRICITY FOR ANYONE-ANYWHERE Here's a letter-from a local user o/DELCO-LIGHt \ DELCO.LIGHT ,.v -vv»v Is a complete electric plant designed to furnish light and power to farms, c o u n t r y home*, oummcr cottage*, yachts, houseboat*, rural stores and churches. ll bclicra Uvlni condition* and p«jr» (or ItMll. DELCO-LIGHT Simple— Durubfc BATTERY Thick lAi' ' ft" Your Delivery—i.^rco CT Motor-Wagon? XThic'i i.5 vl-'J inost p - . ,".,nc-_ . 'i.e.'1' ^id '.fi'/.r •: hid S'.o <:"/• And if iJ-3 ..'-. co:': c T c. r^.oi:r va^on that has prove a i.^.J clur.-.Lllr.j t!oc!:, let U3 suggest a sirnpb way to overcome tliat difficulty. Sell-your horsfe and wagon. The outfit will probably bring you enough to make the first payment required for an Overland Delivery Wagon, purchased under the Guaranty Time Payment Plan. After the first payment the motor wagon Royal Eleotrio Co., in I. JAOK8ON liniiiiiioiilon, • N. J. =i 9)'."- • .-*» 9> 5-="- -~~-i Hammonton Trust Co. Capital, $100,000 inny he enrolled in the Agricultural Division of the Junior Industrial Army of New Jersey ; and if they/ Surplus. ai4,OOO render nn'tisfnctory service, will at \ its completion receive a certificate of honorable discharge, signed by Three pr cent on Time Accts. the Governor. Th.e well-informed farmer also realizes the need for plenty of food crops,,and also realizes that plenty Safe Deposit Boxes of Inbor is necca»ury. They should do thi-ir part by hiring boys to help them in ruining these crops, instead Insurance of neglecting to plant because John "ffjtyi Itoseilale. of the labor shortage. Applicntioim Harry fYlmlMiiy, Itiuwlak. a/e already coming in from local Walter I'. Hakley, Maple nt, nd out-of-town boys for work. Money to Loan on Mortgage APPLICATION OF JOHHPII CAM . I'KII.IA for u renewal ul Inn and tnv J'anncrH should notify the Kecruitirn license, for the premium known *» Jng Officer, \V. H. McDougall, in 'Ilolj'l I'nlnii," corner of Thirteenth bin office over Ranere'a garage, BO To Farmers : itreel ami Kgg llnrloir ronil. with thi 'nllmvtiiR iinineit on Krerholdem' Heo- that he cim supply their ueeda an I linvc received another iiiiinendiilloii: far an rxwsihlc. Joiwiili I'luxl, North "Id Kt. carload of Fnrmern must realize that their Horbert Hill, Hellevne ave. service to the flag in in production llnriiiirdu I'lxil, Homerby »t. Chemical Lime Carl" Ilarbato, l.'lth st. of food, Hoys nin»t realize tluit Nleola Horenalo, l.'lth st. their d u t y IH nsslntuncc. Tlie boyn Such an you have been titling Plarldo TomariHIo, L'llh nt. Frank Jacobs, Hecond road. are not experienced men, neither for Spray Oulscppn ( « ) Campnnella, Hill nt. are the furin condilloiiK alwoyt* n« Giovanni II. Ordlle, l.'lth »t. nice (in those ut home in town. H. E. Spear, Mntteo Ordlle, l.'lth nl. Paolo Cull, l.'llh st. liucli IIHIH! mnkc siicrlficcH for the Sole Agent Palmer Lime Co, Nleola Mltleherl, tilth, nt. flag, and do it ungrudgingly. Nlelt Ordlle, tilth "I. Local Phone, 741, lintmnonton Farmers mid boyb nhotild consult Frank Itrtimi, l.'llh M. John ( x ) Fnrnlo, 1,'llh nt, with the recruiting officer, or else APPLICATION OF C 1| A It L W H efficient service cunnot be rendered, DR. J. A. WAA8 riCN/.A for u renewal of holt lor'• Help cannot be securud or placed Irennn for |irnmlsen at corner of PnnH' where needed until it lt> known who morn avenue uml Wont lOnd •renuii,' with the following nnnirn on Frrrhold- in recruiting mid who needs farm rn' Itccommeiidatlon i labor. Do it now while it In still Dcllevne A cnue, Ilpnimoaton John G. Hmlth, Twelfth nt. early. • . . . AuKiint Hlrchle, Main rond. Jnmen Pnlmer, Valley nvn. 1'onr new members were delected ' Philadelphia and HarnntMton JoH..jt;nmjil«llii, Thlrtnenlli st, at the lust meeting of thcSupcrvisAmfrnw J, Jannell, Twelfth nt. ing Ooinnilitcc. to help in the work. llrogln (X) Itagllno, Chew rond. AUTO EXPRESS Olias, A, Ilinonnlle, Valley nr«, The following in a complete lint of Jniiirn ItnliertniiK, Valley nvr. the committee : Gulneppe HiK'co, Vallny nve. Round trip dally, Ordcrn received Frank lUnclll. 'riilrt.'pnlli nl. MCHHIU, A, J. Rider, W, R. Tiltou, God, Moncarello, Valley uve. by Hell I'lioue 37-J-4 W. J>^u»worth, C, C. Small, T.C. Peter J, lleck, lOgic Ilnrliiii- riiail. Klvlns, Mayor, I/. M. 1'arkhurat, Philadelphia Office, ma Market St. A. M. Cnniiurcfo, Main ronil, I'lminale Vrelei'lu, Wiinhlnicton hi, ('.. II, 1'urkhurHt, (^)arlon I'lltlrig, Truck leaven Philadelphia office Frank /iiilllotto, Wnnlilnilon nl. Miibhart KlvliiH; Mm, Chtt. I'ittlng, Jmnon Plnlo at one o'clock p, in. Mm, L, H. 1'nrkhurnt. kl'IM.KJATION OF (1, OAMMOUAT- \Tlio next meeting will he he|d in Prompt Ucllvcrlcw '('<) (or Ixiftler'n HiTfiHe for iiitmlirii on Main Vo«d, n«arly »|ipo«lt« lUiln rum), tllo Vocatlonul School 'room on thn following iim neH on tliu 1'rtiti- TuCmlay evening, May ut. At eight Gardiner Brothers o'clock. DENTIST API'MCATION OF I'KTKH J IIKCK for rciirwaliof Inn anil tavern license for premises knifwn ns "Hani' monton Hotel," rorner of KKK Harhoi i-ond and Vine street, with Ihr following names on Freeholders' Ili-cominendn tion: Anton I'lez, Central ave. SI. C. CappniTlo, H. .'Id si. H. T. (lo.lfr.-y. K. II. rond nnd Hell. C. R HI nek. ,'ld and Pleinunt MM. Kdwnrd Maker, Da Conta. K. W. Hlrlcklnnd, Morton A Orchard Peter Kllnjteiihi'rg. .'M st, lUrry M. 1). Mtlle, :id nt. W. H. Turner. Hellevue nv«. John Monre, i'-'tli st. W. J. Klllott, Mr., Ilamnmnton. !3 y-::r3 cr.d-you'cs'n put it to work at one*. 'J;ia/^.v-lva remaining monthly time pay: v;r.ts v:".'. '.cn^c cacy. T':; extra earnings of 1..1.; r:jz':-.- \v^^bn alone c'.:ould soon amount t j more than enough toteover them. After that your c:rtra profits can be put in the bank. Overlands arc 'the excess value Delivery Wagons, because they share in the economies of The Willys-Overland Company's enormous production. Come in and let us show you this practical work wagon and the advantages of the Guaranty Time Payment Plan. Rooms for Rent. PUKNISHBD Rooms lor rent. 211 Orchard Rtrnot. M«.J.S. Hoed. Street. . Office Rooms lor rent. WO T Godfrey Office Building.April 1st. Bellevue Ave. and Kg'g Harbor Rd. C P T. ^nere Hammonton Auto Station Local Phone ' The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Qhio City Dressed Lambs Burk's Specialties Ihey beat anything I ever tried" v Ifaouftcturcn of OvcxUnd Bod Willys-Knight Automobile* « __„ nr(rn apnrtmnnt In my home. 3rd and Peach. Seven rooms and batB. and three rooms In third story. • All conveniences. A. L. Jackson. 'IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIMIBI Miscellaneous $2.50 to NEW YORK * And Eetura^ On Sunday, May 6th Visit Your Friends. ' .* . ' ' See : The famous Aquarium, Bronx Zoo, Brooklyn Bridge Statue of Liberty, Grant's Tomb, Metropolitan Museum, Central JPark, and numerous otherLpoints of-iuteresl. Special Train Leaves Pleasntitville, 7.09 a in. ' I'"t?K Harbor. 7 22 n.'m. Haiiimonton, 7.37 a. m. \Viii.slo>v Junction, 7,41 a. nf. Reluming, leave New York— ' 231 d Street, 7.50 ]). in. Liberty Street, 8.00 p. m. Children between 5 & 12, Half Fare TAKE THE READING A L.L. - American" Strawberry/ Wants,— first ^ Jersuy berries at Wblte House Ust year. SO c. a dozen vigorous plants. *pANSY Plants. In bud and bloom, six for a •*• tiunrter. Also nil veget«blu ulants. H. dchaumberg. Twelfth 4 Grand Sts. TK You H»y Rnlance. 8131. on handsome Bell Phone 68 •*• Upnitlit urana I'luno. used 9 weeks, It Is yours. The Ulbbs Piano Co., 71-73 Main Street. Sprumfleld. Mass. 12 S. Boulevard, - Vineland, N. J P\O Vou Want Automobile.Service T If .so. ^ we can accomodate you. Call a.t tbe Hammonton Cundy Kitchen for llio lirrern liroiiiurii. Local phone B42 : Hull. tt-w. • ICufildence. local phone 647. pnosT-t'rool Cabbage Plants—another lot In A ubout Tuesday. .Sueclul line Dlniitu ordered. 10 c. dozen. 50 cts. Hundred. Thus. It Lielker. Up! Rake Up I And drop postal to Wernur,-i'welfth Street, who will remove—your— tlu—caus.—'ashes,—aud-other 1'lowlne and cultivating done, ut Keep tlierETuntli they Ret from nine rubblsh. prlcuu. to twelve pounds, and sell them reasonable p UIIDI.SH Hauled Away : also plowing and AN - general icniu work done, reasonably. At Fancy Prices. Drop postal to .los..Sauioro, 3vu.>ud ^ioat" r\ON'T Walk I Take a Jitney. Call up local After being caponized, a capon Is ^ phone tiOl. Short or long trips. Carofu* Wm. Uiterinauu. handled like any of your other driving. tip I Clet your rags, paper, old metal fowls. Does not get tough with f"»I.KAN ^^ tilt:., together, then call me up on the phone. You will bti aurprlsud at whni you g«jt age; becomes quite docile, and fur the old Junk thai you had Intended ourtlug away. UtrinT, the J u n k Mini, only puts on fat. Jlell72-J. Ixjcal, IIu. 218 Washlniton St. Low prices per head. Special figures AITOMP. iJltiriclry,—<1. T. MottA Co. Itoiigh A dry ; Iron ami starched uxtra chareu. on quantities. Mall orders promptly attended to. Hell i>honi)6<-J. Hammonton. N. J. VfUNlCV to IXJMI on llrst nii.iltaco. L. B. WINKLER, Box 386, Hammonton "i W. u. -niton. A UTOH To Hire. I.onvo calls at Krliiim u rs. ** I^>cal plionu 5H4. .lolin I.. Myeid. Hull phone 41-J. llosldence. local riiH. B. STROUSB Dr. Arthur D. Goldhaffc Veterinary Hospital James W. Cottrell, Hammonton Justice of the Peace Wanted. Notary Public Commissioner of Deed:) \\7ANTKU to Iletil—stori-rooin—on llclliivue vv Avenue—iHmdeiulon \*>l lnti-r tlmn June 1st. What have ynw In oiler T Addr«an "Store." llupiiblliiBii illllce. • VIOItYONK Head tho adv. (in "i-nponlilim" on pane olio. It will IntiTnal you. and bring you montiy II you aro H l»u. llamnumtnn Automobile Tires Save 50 per cent on Tire bills. Factory to yon prices—save middlemen's profit. Postal will bring special Hose for Spraying / Blue Stone Puiir; Gr.-cn Field Sprny Pumps SHI{KIIM''.S SAI.I'.. (KormnrUol ll«ram*ntiu|) I.orul Phono Hf>7 vH, Harrows, CtiltivutorH f-'mul Gimlen Tools M i l d VillC Silt. Hammonton, ?T. J. in stock. Come in and let us play it for you. -•a LIVENQOOD t)HT,—hunch ol keys, attauhnd to tiluok lol>, ••> with gold tmuklo. I'luann li-ivn i>i »>" Itepiibllcan olllce. Mr vlr\iici ul a writ ol llorl lni'lo» to inn lrtxitrtt, Uiuod out ol thr Atlnntlii I'oiinnon I'lvailOiMiit. will lio mil, I al iiiilillo VKiidiin tin W K U i N K M H A V . TIIH MI\'IKI;:NI'M KAY O f MAY, N I N K T I C K N I I I ' N D I I K I I A N I I HKVKNTMI'.N. at two o'clock In thr niirriiiitiii nl iinld day, In lh« ('nun II. HUH NII, .Ml. Hwnuit l>'luor (luaralili>« Trim MiilldlliK. In Ihn Ollr ul A l l a l l l l n l ' l t X , fiMllity <il A l l a i i l l n a n d H t a l n i i l Now .liiriuy, All thai mirlnlii IIICIMMIT imrvi'l olliMnl Nliu. at* In tluiTiiMii I'lul i>l l.ninlliivlllr, TnwiKlilp ol llueiin VUl«. i l i i i i n i r nl Atlnntlii and main ol Now Jurmiv, lMiiin«li>d and iti)«orll>cd aa lollow*. lo wll i Express, Hauling and Moving as we have^just the one you want The Jeweler D. J. SAXTON & 00. D. N. HURLEY VictorJVlctrola now,^ Lost and Found V\/ANTi:l>,-« reliable ynun» IIIAII tn rar« v * lor lawn aud Irani Co run nuiuinuhlio. Apply to A. .1. Illilcr. Wanted at.Ileiiulillimn l im,ie. N.J Why not buy that r For BrpomS, See our Window . . 60, 60, 65; and 76 cts. . Jello— Kukono— A layer cuke with cocoa nut Hun not advanced In price, One of the DCven Ward although Kclutinc In much higher. U-iiiK vuriftli-H. Try It next time. A Still the ttUndnrd, denser I'. 10 cts, per package cuke in a cur ton, 12 cts. each KranKlln.itrviii A! (In* ilUtanmiil ouu huiidrnd Seeds— ml lilly loci rt.iiiiln'iiKtwanlly Iriiiu Iroiit I In A full Hue of package nccdn iilerxMitlun vrllli lh« Hoiilln<iiiilnrly uliln ul lowur Hir«tit i ami llu'iion liiiiiiidlnn rtlnm fur your garden. Ucniiri and |>CIIH nalil nidi! n( Krallkllll MUi'iil HullllirailH anlly llnillllllll* In Ihn Sulphur W. L. BLACK puUL,TUY—bougbl and wild. John 1. I'rloo. *• Ixical ptioini 1001. Keiipii-W. KNIEBm BROS., I.oi-k llox 63, • Hatuiuoitinii. Nozzle nnd Sprayer Fixtures Sold at Black's Live Stock Help Wanted. l;ntimiiU*H funiinlicd. Arseuntc of Lend m> E prices. Complete atock on hnnd. Paperhanglng, Painting, and Graining i^m ^ No. 8 Horse Hoe and Cultivator does a greater variety ^— -,^. of work and does it more thoroughly than any other,, .cultivator ever made. It has stronger, better construction/~~Its -depth regulator and extra-long frame make it steady-running; Adaptable to deep or shallow cultivation and to different widths. IS other styles of one-horse cultivators—various prices. No. 4 Planet Jr Combined. H31 r.nd Drill Seeder, Wheel-Hoe, Cultivator &irJ Plow docs theSvork so quickly, easily end thoroughly that it pays for itself in a single season. Sows all garden seeds (in drills of hills) plows, opens furrows, and. covers them, hoes and cultivatez all through the season. Stop in and-see them. "o. 4 Caponized! Atco, N. J. Seasonable Items at Elvins' Store Planet jr farm ancl £arclen -iTnpIements get high praise from users because they produce bigger, better crops with'less work. Their quick, easy, telling results are the product of over 45 years actual farming and manufacturing experience. Planet Jr tools last a lifetime—every one fully No. 8 Is guaranteed. Have Your Young Cockerels (lodfrur ItulMtnK A large percentage of sales of CASE AUTOMOBILES are made to persons who can afford to buy any car they wish, irrespective of price. "I have been using Planet Jr Horse Hoes for several years," writes C. R. Mote, Carrolton, Ga., "and they beat anything I ever tried. I just can't get along-without them." Muiith\yp<torlr uliln ol Steero— A cuhc makes a cup ot in hulk. We recommend' 'Kiuly bouillon, Alno very Imndy to lino Hoiitl|Wi<iiwKrdly oiln liniidrvd nnd Illiy lout ' l a r<|tiiaiiiile, 12 cuhcn In Under anil »iiU|riit tu Ihf innidllliiii niiinlni MorniiiK SUr" 1'enti for the flrnt In flavoring fjravlcH, with thn laml llml nn Inilldlnii nl any k i n d a \m\, •lull tiu mi salil Inii.t w i t h i n i n t n t r lent (mm |)luntliiK. Illly l«t i Kinl lying nl rlnht «ii«li'« thiTnlo liUuiKraiiKUuritriirl i anil thai llirllty IrtnN sh >|| (K. itlanipd mid iiialniitlnril •limit lorly l«ol «imrl In the Him t'»IM>ll*h<ii1 |.ir«hn|Mirp«>««oltw>l'l ItaiikllnHlri'iii imrallul wild •"<« twulvu l«*l Inim UK mill >lil<i.. Hnlnrnl an Ui« |>rut»M» ul l>o|ialo I'vlruiiviiii and taken In «»<iull(ma«,0.« milt 1,1 NVIIIIaui •''. (Union and to txi »u\4 uld hr by . .lONKCII II, JIAln 1.KTr, Nli.rllT. t, IIAH1 l)i>le<1 April II, HIT, •iiiiiAM U> Jo^k*, Atlurnfr, I'r'n f, pi,i.;Ki 25 cts. per quart 30 conta M. L. Jackson & Son Plartf Roller ilP /*,^Xt uncertain critters?' the . old 'man drawled. "Dempacy pus/hod her for all she was wUth, mean-in' to make, a ,blg Bale'.'some day; that's .what'fid was workln' for all tho while'/'"' • That was-on Monday. On Thursday a ' flhort, dark-complexioned, sharpeyed maa drove into the Pettls yard and Inquired for "milch cows and JielijerB coming two." Although ..Mr: Pettls was away, tho stranger Insisted on going flown to the pasture -and looking the herd over; and Joey noticed that he quickly singled out tho Dempsuy cow and asked many pointed questions about lier. The boy answered as discreetly as he could. ' ' "I'll be through hero again ' I n ' ' a week or ten days." the man said, as he was preparing to leave. "You tell your father that, If I shouldn't «ei what I wanf over in the next county, I'll make him a good offer for that tawny yollow one in his herd; I like Alao in this trenhuent there wiis n! les. «ut, moot of these visitors bod prenmjson taughC which the potter took great po»ed naturally the presence of a greencare .to emphasize to all of her clients.. house with lt« glaring glaw'.anrt. lonK The plants could be nursed quite as benches .of black earth and pnthn of well 'in their own ho,mes If but the deconcrete, the usual, hothouse, where sire to know ho.w were awakened In plants' aro .fed and watered with tho greatest efficiency and forced to live - their owners. And no the potter went ' to the women'* homes and talked wltli ,(or. -.forced ''to dfe ultimately, aa the them about their plants and told thiMn caBo'may bo). ' a» that she knew, A few mootlngs But not' so •••the.Ropottcry." Upon were held at which she gave talks «n.l appronchlnr It appeared to be Juat a explained how the plants In the houxv house, and upon entering It wa« Just a l4 The potter was so enthusiastic, abnul details, such as more windows- tban the plants and their little individual habits I any.idea what he'd ask, do .you?" usual house, and the tact . tlmt the "I'm pretty sure he Wouldn't sell at rooms on tho ground floor were mainly and manners, and she talked MO posi- I all," Joey replied, and th.on, on second furnished with plant stands and wicker tively about their place and meaning furniture, tho bouse wiui nri ordinary thought, added, "He might, though. I'll In the homes, that her clients were unhouse, though It stood by, itself at the tell him what you said." consciously, but quite conclusively, edge of thu town.In the Ice of a group Deacon Pettls confirmed Joey's first made to feel that a bouse would be n of oak trees. barren thing Indeed without ferns and conjecture. "If she proves as good as Tho reason for finding things ^so inpalms and primroses, or other plant* I ex'pceted she would, I want her stead of otherwise is very logical, as the that have been tamed'and house-train-, myself," he said, when the boy gave Potter herself explained:— " ed. And many a conscience was prickhim the buyer's message. "If she The beat and moisture conjHVlons of ed into action over memories of plantM a house are In most co«es , the various and Individual decision was that have passed. The women soon doesn't I won't try to palm off a bad and in the Winter time particular reached that It was a Jokr, It was one aereed that plants were no longer a bargain on anyone else." Kven plants that have lived for that deserved some Investigation, for ID "Ke went from here right ov«r to "care," but an Interesting game to bu time and 'become accllmafed to the nearly every house there stood Rreehplayed, a game that related their Mr. Hempatead'a," Joey ran on. "I house atmosphere and Its changes must, paper-wraped and ribbon-bedecked minds from the nervous tenulon of life. climbed ,up into the loft over the be nursed with care and .jjiven indl-** plants nhnwlnc wonfnlly »vlripnl »flgnn '•" -••--• arid watched. He didn't vidual and sometimes very special at"Don't get excited, Silas. This :S of desertion' and premature age. very necessary oine ' In the neighbor- look:<at any/ cattle, either. He Just between you and me, and it shanH go. tention. How much more necessary I t . hood, no less so than that of the plumb_ "The Repottery" very cleverly chose talked 'a long while with Mr. Hempis, then, "to wotrh' the plants thai, hnve a- time shortly after Christmas to send er. She nurHed the crippled, boarded any furth«r--by my telUng It. .Pwouldn't Just come from U hothouse where they ' the temporarily homeless, and furnish- stead in th^ y«fd and then drove off. out Its announcements, having In mind believe It for a spell,—!• didn't want havo most probably been fed and forced that then was ,tho p'artlcular time when ed general Instructions to 'every one. I believe Mr.~ Hempstead is the man to believe It.—hut the boy kept, talkplants would~ab<mnd In the many homos ~ to the point of-exhaustlon, and are In a 8he%3tarted. and developed a work tlmt who wants the cow." . ing, und I thought it wouldn't,do any condition to wilt under the slightest of the grateful receivers of Christmas .she loved." and Incidentally was-earning Deacon Pettis smiled Indulgently. harm to watch. I most wish I hadn't, sign of. neclect or ill-treatment and glftn. With a keen Insight the potter a living. " — "You have a* rather active imaginasometimes-will wilt anyway. Silas! I most -wish I didn't know anyknew that at the exact moment when tion, Joseph. You must be careful not thing about IL" So the idea of taking the plants to these little circulars reached the vari. ' to let it run away with you, though." the potter's "home Instead of to'a greenous houses the several inmates would "I just*put it'Up for ajoke," Hemphouse "Was to give the plants every, But suspicions are easier to raise be .knitting their brows over the probthan to allay; they kept Joey awake stead replied, with a -forced laugh, "I lem of what to do next with their CfUtt-~ "chance of life and at the same time keep themaccustomed to the sune atdying' plants that were but a short time I that night, and, 'tossing restlessly saw Dempsey'call her away from tho mosphere that they would probably ago so lovely, and sadly realizing that from' side to side he thought of Silas rtst to! feed her one day wheiyi was continue to live In. Otherwise. If they they were helpless to save one green ' Hempstead and the Dempsey cow. up •there, and—and .I got t^ade were' sent to a greenhouse they werr 'leaf from speeding to Its Inevitable Hempstead wanted her—Joey took that whether'a man'confd call ner ' nto likely to grow weak and fade dlrectb doom —an Indecent burial tn the ash can. for granted. And he was trying to this little corner here with a slop they were returned to house condition!. • • • cheapen -her value, and thus, get yier mess. I only meant'to take you down O THE curious little- circulars fell at a low price. The boy grew so In- a peg or^two. I'm willing to settle in Into fertile soil, and produced, onu for'tl^e fun I've .had." dignant at the thought that he sprang Imrd'cash. o f ' I hone occurrences that rarely occurs "There's lng to settle with,_nie, out of bed and drew on his clothes when advertising matter Is »ent out to paused a moment. vlklt home.". And It was not entirely in the dark; after listening a moment Silas." "I wouldln't have come up here toidle curiosity thm sent a tnUl of visi; at the upj>er landing of the stairs he tors to "The Rcpottcry" ildrlnjr the stepped down into the .kitchen and out night, only I was,afraid Joseph would ferret it out ton- himself. I had the succecdlntt days. If they had drawn into the sultry summer night. any conclusions at all before setting notion I'd rather He. n^ver knew how It does'fit Sound T HK Vomen In ii certarn conunun.ty were surprised ono .day by receiving a most curious artverti»i.nicnt in their mornlne mail. As nearly as- I can remember the thing read _^.,m>thin T In thla'manner:— _defihite amount asaixned to each day. There are any number of time and X THK SPRING a young man's mbor-sa,vlrig devices on the niiirk«'t tofancy turns to thoughts of. love," day, anu every woman, in charge of n home should have as many us -possibly ( and KO does a young girl's, unless K n e ' f s married. In the latter -event her at her disposal, that Is if she cares to thoughts, but not her fancy, moijt be relieved of much of the physical llkc'ty turn to cleaning house. However. discomfort attending the use of the this task need not be regarded^as such less up-to-date n ppllancea. a nuebear by the modern housekeeper, "I can't afford -to In- extravagant and if she plans her work systematically, spend so much for an outlay of brushes, and in equipped with efficient brush etc.," remarked a housewife In mod< omiiinations and dirt eradicntors." erate , clrcumstttn"es. The Q\& rule. "Begin at the bottom "I suppose." answered her Mister, who and so up," IB usually a good one to was ol(l<?r and wls^r. "that you can follow, but when It conies to digging a better afford to save, and work yourwell, or cleaning a house, It Isn't a self to death to make life easier for bad idea to work in the opposite direrUHV second "Mrs. Brown," -Uon. She wan right; It should never be A woman who cleans her living room considered extravagance to invest a one day and her top floor the next. reasonable amount of inoney for the the 'rent In float about, there is a sterl shouldn't be sin-prised to find she has conservation of one's energy. wire framo which presses tlie wrjole her first day's 'work to do over analn. * -• • cloth down on the floor and makes every Many articles, whose usage Is doubtNK of the moat essential of the Inch of it effective for cleaning, inful. are stored in the attic during the cleaning devices Is a mop. Not stead of requiring the hands to be placed Winter, MO there Is usually more rub- the kind they used In Egypt In the time In water every time the mop IB wrung bish to" be brought from there 'than of Prraraoh.andfSiobody knows how lonK out a, patent device wrings the cloth an ' from any other part of the house. It before, but one of the new Idea kind, an dry as desired nnd then automatically Js wise to £lear oin this room first easy wringer mop. Instead of a r woodcn . spreads it over the frame in a proper and then work Uowm..ml. All the work " crousplece which presses the cloth position for use. It Is not only wollehould be carefully planned, .and a down at one little spot only and leave* ariaptrd for wiping floor*, hut In an «*- Emily Mdnihan U O r el lent thing for cleaning walls and windows. This mop is especially useful 1( one \Vlsiies to use scalding water, or with A strong solution of lye. The oil and water mops with the adjustable handles are as popular and practical as ever. I t IK no-longer necessary to KO down on the hands and kneen to operate ft scrubbing brush, if one with a long handle equipment In n^od. With this » SM T « SI1IKUIA>' HLKKPINd "Someone Has to Darn His Socks" pie say, "Oh. unynrit 1 c u n » d i i r n . ' ' No, I n YOf HI-S. "Arinind the Map" anyone cannot. , AH In e x c i y t h l i i K . thert* lust year'.' 'rh6s».: of you who . i±s.s J dlfJ need no .reminder of is a point of elllclency which not. ev«?ry v Tootste's lit lie nong. "Some One linn GUI' cutt rt^ich. To darn well you muni 'tioi lo Darn Ills Socks," but those of make no l i u m p H ; It must I'*' dono i l K h t . yon who illi! not m-e the show might th«T«» intiKt bn.nn holes or piillliiK. Darnlu Inn Is to mi- like nccond i t n t u r c . I comb*. Int'Tcnicd In what I am going Hiiy conri'rnlnt; -thin little creator**. 'menceil by d a t n l n K th« ""ne <»f my Now, Tootiile Was a plain, Htmplo, onfather and brother for llvi- c«ntH n pnlr, and 1 made u b u u t l l f t y cctilH a wc»;U. iitinnnilnK Klrl, whose only uccompllshMy cuHtornccH noun IncreaMfd. for living 1111-111 and, In fact, whose only knowlnext was a widower rind hlH bachelor ••I|K<'. centered about the truth tb&t HOD. AH alwuyn U with »uch, the <iu«*~ xninc OIIB lm» got to darn bin nocks. tlon of darned «ucku wan of vital lmI low often do we hear of marital trouportancc, und I wan hulled w i t h exbles nrlslnu out of nothing elne hut this wry fiuino tblng—hla nocks full of Jiolen, uberant Joy from both the inluuto I w h i c h hln butler half refilBen ,lo dam, < uuido my proposition, They both agreed to pay mn ulRht And, if In n np»ll of remorne she rrCOIIIH a pair. With tlieno four cuntoniI f n t s ua much an to cover poor Aduni'M ruekii with lumps willed actually urn tM«, I rontlntiod for HOIIIO time, a h f t n l u t e ly content with tny cumlnuH, Then ono lillmer producing:, tile poor complainant <1uy I dooldt>d In inaltn morr; why h« In bound to agree very emphatically rrntrnt w i t h whut I wntt K'Htln^T Ttiun .Hint she should. no"t itnrii hln, nnckn, 1 roused Hit- Int'-ritrtt of all my frlomtn Having arrived at Ihln niiine, wbut In und aci|iiiilntunci's and noon had Ih" lo be done? Hurnly In llic.no hard times nflltthtiorhnnd runvatiflod w i t h t h e nunin or high prices It In terrible, extravof each and cvury mule l l v i n K ncarliy nRaiicu to throw a w u y un unalcaa nocks w r i t t e n In red lit It. Then I u n i t t i > Practlcnllv • new iind only In need of n \ F l H l t , I i i c v n r h a i l mirh lu<'U never I tin I fow piilchr« I have Hta(c*.i1 the con* mirh H u l l n f n c t l d i i . You Hiirely hiivn not dltlonn. I'ufir Adam In In iln»|mlr. What forKoltcii how you h n v f t do<iKcd iln- l/i'x la to lie done? What did Tnnlnlr do7 collect t i l , for' the n i l i n i l n yuu pm-ml vnl Hbe look ii)M>n her nhonldttrn tliti m-lflihn cninliiK up |n" i m v c m c n i you and munn IhlnK. Tlmlii cainii Inn, bur lit" llin whole family nudilrrfly wtirn out. another In I lie name Htrnltii; idin could Thnro wnn noun of ( h u t wltli -inc. Thotin durn, w h y n u t ? who hud thouRht they wnr« out r e t u r n ]| wnn from Tnnl/4!'' I Hot my t i k n p l r i i ctl iis (julcU nn u wllili wlHMi l h n > heniil (Ion. I, lllio ToiilMr, could d u r n Illdi of my l ill DM) oil, I luid t h e r'{i-u|»»i rill Inn Tootsl*-, I mol w l l h inuny ninjli d»'n|n>rof f v o r y w l f o In I In- < l l r i i r l < t u n d t|m t\\«te coiiultlenn n n t h a t la w h l > t i l l i n t urn uitft \ cry i M'n mini UK above Admit found h l m n n l f N o w . pen H A T - f u t u r e referred to nhov* Ifl now my present un<l wltli t h i n ( h r l v I n K biiHlnoHM I arranyo l>> work In an exact system which wor'tH (ike t l i l H . Since most po.ople luive their washing done on Monday, I rail lor Tuesday for th« nocktt. Thin ctmnuqirf nil the morning. I wrap utich I n d l v l d u * a l ' N sockn In a Heparate buntllo. lain:! It. nitirkliiK the nunibor of palrn and Hie hlndn and colors. WorltltiK at my own IclHurr. r have the Mockn n-iidy to i n turn by Saturday morning. Nu mie hnr any charK" nccount. t ' p n u t h c l i i t ' t u r u they pay me miven rciitM n pair. My only oxtii>nHrirt are needier* und Iliread t h e rest I clear net. At prcMi-nl I have ahniit t h i r t y cuntomern— men n n l > , HP t h e r e Ih li-nH work In tnen'n hnsc. since t l i « y tin- only half Llui Hlxe tif th<>He of l h i < women. Kroni 50 centu a week my earnliiK^ hnvti increnned u n t i l iliry nrv now t"'.0() u W r k uiul mimotlmeh more, Of rourmi I cotilit uinltii more, by m1/irKliiK I h n number- <if mnloniern, hill T nllice I W l f t h to l l r V U l r no more t l i m i lt> I t , I am content with w h u l I rniiltc. I t IH n nice way for a Klrl in m a k e nt'ono^ U t t r expcnnnH arn imihlni; at all, h''i tiniti In hor own and t h e work In nurr); not hunt. In c n n c l i i d i h u , I l u i \ i < a won of t h a n k H to offer Tuoinle f < i r hei* inndl wolfontu nuunentlon, i U K r e n u l m o t u t u l ) with her, don't you, t h a t nonirom* hU 1 Hot to darn hln mx'kn'' An 1 nil \vltl netMlIn and t h r n a d In ni>' hand. 1 oflcr. catch myiolf h m m u l i i K l l i u i naiiin mfniln iirnl T wotidrr Dun If u f t e r all hud Tootnlc I'ticelvei) nn t i i m i l l u n t u t r n from (ho Hoo|( Of Kliow|r<lt;iv PIN-MONEY MIRRORS r <)W T H A T curved n i t i m i n ,n< lielcl I n hlith favor, llin K i l l w M l i CIIIVIT l l n K n i n may i l i n n " M l i IH'olll n n , I n n for n l o i « nf I n K i i l l l l l l V A mil- I l l u i ' l l l« l,e ilmill'eil r i t n l r r i I l l l l I'nl n n i l i l i i H (.nil n n , I n ii wide v n r l n i y to I'hiiunu f m i n ,ind alinm*! n l w a y n w a n i n llin i onn i n n ' ! arfiird. Tlmt i l l ' l o u a t , Iind heeii my nwii e x p o r l u n r e , Krrnoli (nlrrTIn, .l,i|niii<<nti luei|iier mlrrom, Column! n i l r i u i n , l limited at In vliln, UnilIIIK Hi" i n . ' H i HIM'", w i t h o u t exi'i'iiilnii. f a r lii'yiiinl m > i n e n i i n fill' l i l l l l i i r n ul'.'ii l Ilkit , l i i i i r n and I n l i l n n nlid iithl'l ,,rlh l,.i, nn i l ill, wllliiinl. Thuy u l n n, M i l l I U , .1 h m u r v In IIH llldl|lK*it .1. W i l l , l l n i l , t e l l , tun,, ,,r,i«e nf |n||l!ri|( thn I n n l , Ilir n n l n h l l l K IIHI...I I,, ,i |iiirlll'* I ' l l l n l l l H I l l l l I'm ii ni'e uiuiiniiUIr '^Ulvliif. ,111,1V I I I ' n l m l i l e fllfi'\t\Hfl, M |l tin! I,, nth,. I,, eiiliiy I'l I I.,', III Ilie (-Vi'IllniC lieli. "Ill b"r linrnnir ' htm l°"l" »"ll un nll«' »•- nhi. In iine nf llnlne Kill" wr> nil liluiiv ii f e w "f Iliuiii' Wl.ii Inin up llnilr IHiMi',, ill „ iii-wllii' ImH, cnn't tell II linllMlIK lien,lie ri'iilll II nrillllict Illlllll, nnd tile llini.|iuriil,|.i friiin tlli-lr lirotlini''rl tiinl client. Thin mean In ,.,,i jnu llnillilr Kill (I dlill'l ||>M| nil luuul-, in ve,l Inli- n, I'll ale mil,I,, hy |>|.|||i|e Illll' her, 1 dniilil If nlie tiiiM iinoiy iluidlcnlna)- lulil lnu llnil nn n tlillil nhe nlwayn whlltled. HI,,, 11111,1,' lin,iin n'nd whlMUm nnd dnlln' elinltn nn,I niivlliinu , Ine thai eiiinn Into Mel viivy Ill-nil HIM Ihenil Ihlnun wen, nev ill' men rf nl nl lie, ,|,I,M' nhe w i n Itt'il MlllllllV III tnnliii, I ,,n,| n i , \ e i hud IMI,| u I l l l t l ' eln l i e ) ,il M I I C n l m i n i llVr. tlll'l 1,1,.,) liiinlrn IIIIIIM-, III it i l n i n i l l v (Jllilnil, 'nil,I K i n i i M l l n i m .I.IIMI i\ . eoiiiM'ii |iii.|i|rn.,iit Ht(i \»\>, '. ,| ' "Win. nntlien lli.'iuV" | t i ' i i l i i i i M l . i i i ,in> **ho|f a i i i i ' I h l n In llin nKei'iM*''tbnl r nil* li'nmill III hel Ilie I'lllll Inn > c i u n nnii Innl Iind mil IM'I il I In her l InlllllK lenniinn, nnd then nhe VVInlei II liter liilned nn eve.lllor e l n n n n l K I I ' l y fill "flnilli.l I l l M M t n . ( I I I " Mllfl W f l | l | C l l II ( I l l i r e r l l e l n e l l . n n d nil ..lie mud le Hi ' Ii inn *. I "he Illll.h,.,I nl hi,in. In ^H' l.Hi|i_!ji( In ii r n r m l ni whom niix ,,i,lil ln-i w i n k M <'li«m|iiii (irlran Iliaii llmiti. r l m r H i ' i l In nlurrn Tliln frli'ml h i i t i i i i l i l niiiiT nri l o i n , mill llnully Ilir i l i i ' i i n h i ,.r nffi'iliu; lii'r win i,u In ||H> iilmlih » • • I I K iilii m i n i f y H i n t li.'i i . n m i n l i i l n r lirl III III lint In ll" n l l r i . / . i i l I I I . mill nhn In ••lilllinillinlli' ill",in Hi. m u l l ||lir tnolt in.' i l n w n In IMT ' w i n III u"in" In UK 'iinllfiiiiiil i.iii HIT uf tlli< i i ' l l u i . M h i ' i i . rilii Imii n i i i ' i i nil Inn in.in ii "Diii'ini'l II In In' .in""mil n l i l l i • I lu.hril I n l "In ilu I h l n nml "f lining ' rllin liuifflii'il in in'' mill iiliunl, hi'i' liiuirt "N'llllliiH l u l l >i „ I i i , I l l l , I !')•• mill u K I I I I , Ii w i l l ) liinln, 'tin, i t M n l v i ' i i ' i l " I t ' i i funin vim I l i u m 'ml n i i i i i n wniiii'ii I ' l l l l ' l i ' i ' M l I ' l l ii n u l l "n I l u ' Ii"".I 'I lull n J i l n t lii'iiinlin I h i - v i i i u . - i ( i l i u ' l l i ' o , IliiVr;!' iln I l i l i l n.irl nr I h l i i H i i f I ' l i i n i n , I n i l l l . n n i i l i > l i i l » i i i nl.' > ' i t r v l i i H , v w l l h u ninlli'. Him mm m l l n l i i ' nlillll)' Inn llnil, von l i i n i w , I ilim I f i m i n u l I n nhn (in I i l n n ' l i . v r i i i iimpiin* liiv nwll iti'nliinii, I Ililir I l l i ' l n n l n i l K l l I fnnll II lilinll. l'l|*-v ... linn Hi" iiliniilrm n u l l n f I l i l i m n , I n n . -.I,., l i r n l l i i l n l , "I I l l l n l i lli.^'ii, T floor may be cleaned In a very abort rovers to knock off or any mixing to lime onu-wUh little exertion by clipping bo done, and the work may be accomthe brush into a p a i l - o f warm w a t e r , plished without soiling the hands or before using. ' clothes. Tho radiator duster IB a very handy ' A little refrigerator brush at' Jlftecn brush to. have. It Is made so that It cents may be found quite handy for will fit Into the narrowest places, such cleaning the pipes und out-of-the-way as under radiators, or between the rungs places. In a chair back. This, like most of the new brushes, is chemically treated and A small stiff bristle bru^r* with a handle Is 6*f a re at assistance in. .clean' does not spread the dust. There Is also Ing the bathtub. One of trio newest an arched wire brush which Is very good and best lavatory brushes in-made wflh . for cleaning radiators. a, curved handle. The wire-friction A long-handled lamb's wool brush Is hopper mop In one of the most sanitary Just the thing for cleaning walla und the than can be used. tops of pictures that are out of reach. The mattress brush IB another useThis same ' lamb's wool brush come* ful assistant. Us Miff brlstien with two with a short handle nnd Is splendid for row of tufts leave, no, trace of dual (lusting furniture. No automobile owner along the edges or the crevices of the should he without one of thes«e. If he maltreat. wan.ts tlie «i*atK In h i s - c a r lo he free If the cellftp- is to be whitewashed it from dust. • will bo found that a cum el's hair brush A full-end dust brush Is fnr more Is the best to use. satisfactory tban tbo old kind ns It Step ladders arc built with an extenddoesn't allow the dust in tbo corners ed platform on which to real the • to escape'. bucket. Thta eliminates the danger of Fifty cents is well Invested In a modt i l t i n g and an unexpected Spring ern atove-pollahlhg outfit. A tube of shower. polish Is' Inserted In the handle of the The curtain stretcher IB imllnpenaablc^ brush, an opening allowing the thumb and in spit* of the ncarcliy -of wood to press , when ' applying. With this one • ran be bought at a reasonable . clever device It la quite an easy task prlct. to clean the- stove. -There are no fltlcky WIT AND HUMOR A snow-bound Siberian village In the full l i g h t ' O f day looks ubout a<< desolate and uninviting a human Toucher—Willie, define "stability." "What aro you doing now. Jlnkn?" haunt aa you can well Imagine, but Willie (promptly)—Taking care of "liaising chickens." "Ah. I seo! I'll'have to got a lock to the traveler who entenr It Jit night, for my hon-houeo." Teacher—Wrong. after a long day of sledging agalnnt Wllllo (Btoutly)—'Tlan't wrong! I tho wind, KB chccrVcHH In overwhelm- do It every day! A llttlie girl, on' her visit t'o tiro Ing. i country for tho firm time, an exchange Hrookhanovor a very plounTeacher—Wlmt's tho difference he- ' relates, hod novcr neon a cow before, ' n n d aftor watching the milking proant Hpot, sayri Mr. HiiHHCtt Dlgby In twecn un elephant and a flea? Smart Hoy—An elephant c«n can got cess conn with eyes eycH full of uatonlshnient. Through Siberia. Kvery llttlo window but a lien can't get clephiintH. drew near, and placing hor hand on blazed out Itu warm welcome. Hero tho cow's nlilu, exclnlmod, and there I caught tho glint of u "Why, Hho'n. chnrk f u l l of I t , Ihii'l braHH Humovur on a tublc with u knot | "Fatlrtr," nald tho lad, "1 grant you of people Hitting round It. CuHCiulim , Your parental right lo whalo, o[ HpurkK pointed from chlmno'yn. ' Hut ero you begin proccadlnlln, 1'leane remove tho nhlngle null." City Man -I nhould t h i n k you would Mon'H volcari nine to accompany the Iind life very dreary, • hraylngn and hlcullngn of an aceorA nvwHhoy who had neon up u nlalrVlllugor—lleru! 1 Jitnt tell you thin dlan. We Htopped at u two-Hlory log cot- way got n fall coming down and In a very UveJy place for Ita nlre. City Man—I Hhould not nuppone from luge, tjuppor wan a lmni|iiol of noup, reached thu landing all npreud out potatoan, infill, broad und milk. There and much tlu> wornu for wear Mo Uu- looka of thliign a n y t h i n g nrnr hnpWUH no gnoHt room here; HO I went wan ulMiiit lo got up u wall, when u /unod here, gentleman "topped Into the door nnd Villager—Thut'n whore you're mlfto hod with Iho rent of the f a m i l y nald: akon. Why, It ain't two wookn nlnco men, women and children. "Hold on, hoy! Mow iiiuch'll you WM hail an enllpno of tho moon. Uolng to hod In u Blberlnn peuHunt.'H hut In a nltnplo n.iiller. Von lake a Not lo holler?" Diiuahl M'0'Uld;i un elder of thu kirk blanknt or two, cocoon yonrnclf in YOH." : anil u nlrlct Hahbiiliirlan, won pur-t thonv^n^'^io^'.'" on the floor and K" Well, Ililn here, In worth al leant I li'tilarly nevoro upon Handy • ................. / ........ ....... ..... tm'fUeep there mid Hum. Them urn no lii'drooinn, no lieiln. You do not h a i r a dollar, b u t l/cilng It'n cimh down ! for hln nhortcomliiKn. That worth). \ dlnrohu. Men, women anil chlldrtm and nobody laugluxl at mo, we'll ni>y ' who hail hln 'loubln IIH' to th« oldnr'h' Hlt.c/irlty, tletnrnilncd lo g«t nren with I'liln anil doM, i^l.lclieiiH, ilticlin and lirinou, CVIIH.H. thankiM), sir." him at (ho llrnt opiwrtunlty. ItirknyH, lie down rfldn,'!>>' nlilo. The Mm. Do DORK" "Id you lnl(e I'nlrr A nkllflil angler, he one day caphint portion lo I r i i i r l n niacltn pint) loK« l it red an extra good banket of trotil, Illlo Ihe nlove lo IIH fill lent captivity. to Hc.hnol, Jeremiah? Mr DII HoggHM- I un. did An u x c u l l e i i t ami roalovml to priinonl a purt of hln Then he e x H i i g u l H l i e n Ihe lamp, ami mintlior day In ovor, Hoinullmm then. "'•"'ml »»«' |H' ""'""" Tho ncholarn cutuli to. tho older, Tho gift. ImvliiK will he u bench, a' pair of chiiHtrt or n are moilelH of deporliiuinl, tho curric- beon d u l y nccopleil, Iho w i l y Handy re ulchK In Ihe wall lo nerve an u couch, u l u m In llrnl-i'iilnn and tho |irof(mnoi- marked, cnHimlly: Al UniHl Hint In (lie "Hut, older, I clciin forgot lo liliillIIon•-*h" llHh worn caught on Hun Hriiiiilinother ,of ,1110 liouiuiliold oxer I'eler ( w i t h a g r o a n ) You, ought day." •' ' ' ' (•Illl,n Ule prerogative of nleeplng oil In havn nlliyed aboui an hour and "Wool. Hatlily," roliirnml the other. Ihe Iliil, whitewashed lop of Ihe hrlch neen how lie nlriick me Ka/.lng eiiKi»rly 'at Dili contonlii of the nlevo, lia/'arilotiii tin llin I iniiy n-eetii. IniHkol, "1 (Iliuiii think that U In lite Hill In t h e greal majorlly of ciiiinn Old Mm l l e i . l l y Did yon lu'iir how f a u l t p' ll.io Irotil." everyone, with n line democracy, Iloacon Hrown In g l l l l n ' o n 7 n l i n r n n Ihe Moor, ' O l d Mr l l n u l l y I heered lie took a (lllen Ho you've got a pout In the I round t h a i tile I h l n b l a n k e t w i l l ) I'elnime Ililii ninrnln' b a n k , eh? I Hu|i|iiine It. wan pnrly which I wan provided did not do imirli Old Mrn I Inn I i v ( w i t h a n i g h I Inward nofleillilK Ihe hnrd tirli'li Door, W e l l . I hope I t ' l l do t h e piinr null! lieentine you linnw Iho manager, Man-In I ' u r l l y Unit, and partly he nnd i i u l l r l n n a pile of liny In the cor food, lint I h a i n ' t i n t i c l . f i t l l l i III th.'in i'iiiiw> he dlilt.'i know mo. nnr, w i t h i. couple of ililekn rnnlliu* n o w f n n n l i , i l tneilli'liion nil II, I linked If I i n l K h l I n k e noinn to ( ' o u t i n o l ( c r o n n - e i i i i n l n l n g riMnplalliiiinlte i n y n o l f a tuiucli The fiunlh Kiiinl M n i h e r l i i n i u d l y I V,,n J o h n pill llin mallet up for dubiilii, T h f n c i.U' won the i i M i i l l i i K prl/.e In ni'lmol am I Wan l l i n dofendant'ii ulr when wnn n i.olnv illmmnnlon. The i l i n - h n ('nine l.i'te . J o h n n y n n d lidl M i " he pi inn Ineii to mnri'y yon perfectly nerloiin, or one of liwlly and Joiiillar wnko, H i i t i K x I e d tnOii' I'Oinforliihlv I n l n l l r o w n how you won the |M'l/,e'' ,lly'f Ihe In.v ami n n r v e y e d me w i l l , f l ' l u h l J o h n n i e Oh, I look II liaiidn d o w n ' Compliilniiiil If you plirane, ulr, II i i n l i l l l l k l i l l t . h o n l l l l l v h'llf a w h i l e one I l l l l v WnfTlen gol ll Tor rei.illn' Hood nf the women n.eoiiii'ill lo l a k e n.y l l ' i l l . i),,,, I l i l n v e i l n i a r l . l e n for II n i l ' won wan nn riifri.ul w i t h him r u n n i n g Inn Initidn UiroiiKl. II. hill e v e n l u i i l l y idle I'lvjillt.Illlidl inUI n (| iiiiaiiliiinun ilerlnloii wan given a g n l i n i l me The d licit n t u n m i l t h e i r liemln Mlderly Inily ( n u v e r n l y ) - Young " A r e ihimV eggit f r o n h ? " iiiider Iholr wlngn unit wuildlci! off l i n v i . iliiin, are you n |.eni|liuln| or nil o|illin"Yen, inlnn Tlwy would In Hit' land of Nod, w h l l o I had to i n linen laid I l l l t o m o r r o w I f liiiiln'l Inl T » l n n iiiviii'lf lii t h e lil'lrldi Yoiilh'n Yiiunu Noltbur, | am ' " ninilii a i i i l n f i i k o a n d l i n n a n I ' M r u ut " ihrT Ylirt UV'.Wn'uatt" n' •"« """»«'"" -• f -i:.rii. ..S"r-^ m"'-- %;; 14; i!hkiiAiiiiiJilj Assistance Has at Last Arrived. If you >ro the pessimistic possessor or any pale and lethargic plants, and havo on Interest In resuscitating their present leafless-lives, take heed of this little notice.' For a small consideration I will remove these Indolent plants to my hospital, and Inject a serum of everlasting green into their incapacitated stems that will create a condition of permanent "relcaf." The plants will be returned to you in a luxuriant state of growth, accompanied hy pertinent, directions for their future core. A. Grtcnleaf.Plant, ••The Rcpottcry." Evergreen Avenue, LlveoakJ. The wording of this circular was 'so ridiculously diftVrent from the usual advertisement Illicit mlKht have seemed more nr less of a Joke to tho*e practical minded ladles had it been an advertisement setting forth the merits of a lialrpln or a vacuum cleaner. B u t . Instead, »lnc«,it concerned plants, which- are~'»o' little' understood that they 'partaka •t.rriewhat of the mysterious. It ^waaX read a second time by nearly all. and •tfidt"' Wdy -it citl•' Replied his "~ ne<it S It was after one o'clock;"the clock struck, Just before he got' out of bed. it was. It wouldn't do a boy like him A yellow moon hung low in the west. any good, and It might do him barm. Joey followed the pole-fenced lane 'o It's bad to^ lose our faith in men. tho pasture-bars. Noiselessly letting Silas—next- thing to losing our faltn down one bar -Joiey crept through in God. seems to me." "Of course 1t—It won't happen A little less than three years before, awful price to pay. I wonder If it's so bushes round the fences. You take a The uneven field was flecked with u tattered, dust-covered urchin, "with that big milkers do shrink up from look when you drive thenkdown, Joey. patches, of moonlight and black agaihi," Hempstead growled sheepishbristly red hair and an earnest, ex- ono day to another. I wonder If Mr. Some cattle have a great hankering shadows' and as he went the boy kepi ly. "As I' say, it was only a Joke, but I went too far. I see it would 'Plosive manner of speech, had pre- Pettis knows about it." for that kind of rubbish. Take along well within shelter of the bushes. H mcbbe look ugly if the story got out." The Dempsey cow had been making the hatchet und cut down anything found the cattle near the "east -line, got that Dempsoy !Honted himself at the-Pettls farm? "It won't get out, Silas." said Mr. and hid himself in*a, dumb of under dldnt' he, Joey?" j house, and asked for supper . and a a local reputation fore two years, but Pettls; "If you want the .cow for what night's lodging. He told a pathetic Jc«ey found a single clump of choke- growth a little beyond them. Tho boy addressed UH story of childish years spent .In u shio laid no claim.to princely pedigree; For a time tlie spice of adventure I paid, you come up to-morrow and get Indeed, the reputation rested chiefly clierry bushes at the farther end of Joey was coming down "home." live months of 111 treatment kept Joey open-eyed nml watchful [Tier. I think that's the -beat way. the pasture, but there wore no tracks on what Dempsoy had said about "big tlvo high stops of Fenby a mail who "took him out on trial," Then, by degrees, his lids grew That'll put the- whole matter Into your In the soft ground round them, and messes" and "rich mllk."^ ton'H Htorp, with a lug a midnight" IMght, and three wcoks of heavy, and once or twice he caught own hands, and no questions naked." ho was convinced tho cattle bod not urown-papor parcel un- aimless' wandering on country roud'J. That same evening Joey stood 'be"I'll do it," Hempstead declared himself dropping off into a doze. Again bcun thoriQ. Once more his .suspicions der hlfl arm and .with a newspaper side Mr. Pettls and watched Mrs. stoutly. "I'll-be up soon'a I get tho Deacon Samuel Pottln listened to tho and again he drew up his cramped turned In other directions, and not projecting from the pocket of bis coat. recital, put a few soft-spoken ques- Pottlg measure the "night's milking" chores done. - H Is tho best way If— lie halted with u jerk, and turned u tions, surveyed the nowHcomor ovor from the new cow. ' . unnaturally they fnntoned on Silas knees with a resolute Jerk, but It In 'f you're willing to sell." — Hempstead. doubtful whether he would have held much'frocklod face toward the men "There's eight quart* and that much "Yes, I'm willing to sell." hln horn-bowed spectacles, nodded "Ho wanted the Dempsey cow," Jooy out for long if something had not who »tood by tho hitching rail. over," she announced, tipping up the Jooy raised his head a moment "Yoe, Blr,—yos, air, ho did." When unilorstundlngly at Mrs. I'ottls, who tin measure to show tho surplus. "I reasoned, "He's bragpcd that sho happened. later, nnd watched a. blackflgurqmovnodded ussentlngly In respomte; und wasn't worth tho moncyiMr. Pettls paid An odd cooing sound came to his anyone put a question to Joey ho aldon't know but whut I filled uome of for her. Don't seem's1 If he'd snpak drowsy ears and brought him wide- HK across tho moonlighted pasture, ways stopped that way, 11x0(1 the MUCH Ihiin Jooy ninth found a homo. Per- JJiom a llttlo full." "I'll never lot on—I know a thing," Into tho pasture and milk hor, hut- awake. Tho next Instant tho Dompsey t loner with his oyon an If lin wen haps that partly accounted for Joey s 10 whispered softly.—Youth's Corn"That'B a» much OH I expected," Mr aiming: at n target, and then "nhp unflinching loyalty to Deacon. 1'uttln, PottlH Huld In u sutlHllod tone. '|Sho'a but If this keeps, up I'll llnil out, If— cow swished through, tho brambles to union. ll It takes u your. It wouldn't be a his right, and ho heard her feet clatoff" the answer with explOHlv*' en and for the fact that his heart fairly off grans now for twenty-four plinsla. "You, Hlr, wo wont after her Hcctliod with Indignation as ho re- liourH, and nlie's In a HtriinKO place. I mite of use saying any such thing to tering among the loose stones of Sllau called HlliiH llcmpnteud's remark about "I should think," exclaimed a Mr, Pot tin. He's no good hlmnolf he Hompstoad'H tumble-down wall. hint night." thought Td koop her In tlvo yard a day wouldn't behove anyone did a mean a "fool and hln money," ravukir, "that you could mako good For u, full minute Joey sut thorn, "I always reckoned that Dumpauy 1 "He'd llta in nmko tolhn t h i n k that,' or two, t i l l Hho got womml, but shu's trick If ho naw In with hln own eyes. ' dazed and bewildered; then, almost no of these trama hy living a little would glvo Lu, If ho got u price to mi! cjulot. I'm going to turn hor out with Afffeir that morning the Dempsoy forgetting hln .caution, he ncrumhled tvay out of town?" him," Btevi) lluldwln commented "Hhu Joey said lo himself "He'd -he'd di tint otheru to-morrow." "No, guv'nor; none of yer Jerrycow appeared Intent upon redeeming, across toward tho briiHh-llrued fence, Htood an oven hundred tho lunt I a n y t h i n g ho could to make It HOCIII no. Joey foil reuHHiired, and ' h o foil ullt IIOIIHOS for mo." hoard. B'pomi likely tho deacon !>«'- He'd (lo II all t h e ipilrker, loo, 'caiine oven more relieved tho next evening, her reputation. The milk yield aston- It wlin not etmy lo llnfl a gup In tho "Why?" queried Iho traveler. lelind oven Mr. PottlH; and whon tha hiiBhes, hut Jooy painfully forced hln he wanted her Illinnolf. Ilo'n just that torofj. that a .llttlo, didn't ho?' when tho Dninpnoy cow gave, a quart pnundagn of butter, churned sopanu<o-1 way through a tangle of blackberry "Well, hint year we took,.a houoo k i n d of a man." Tjio boy nodded. "Yen, nlr, I t h i n k Jiwiy would have Ilkod to niporl more; on tho following morning nun ly for a week, got abroad In Iho iiolgh. canes, and peered out. Ho could not out t h a t way. Tho boards of tho floor lin did. They nay she'n great for milk w h u l he hud heard IIH noon an ho hollered hor porfonnuni'o Htlll further, borhood through Mrs. Pollln It canned uco much, for tho llttlu corner wan wore BO wide apart that the groan niul butter.' und nho kxipt up that liberal yield,'with Tho la«t remark WUH .|OH| In thu rcurlicil home, and lo udd thuroto hln slight variations, for a week. Jilhn no Illtle comment. Deacon Pot I In was nhut, In by a Hcrotm of aldern anil UHod to come up through the crevlce'a, ruing dlnctinnlon round the h l l c h l n g own angry rollccUonn, but Mr. I'd tin Dutnpnoy had boantod of larger monHon, not given to bonstlng, but whenever w h l l o birchen, hut ho could hear plain- und me wlfo lined to mow It every Ihe Dempsey cow wan mentioned to ly the nolny nlobberliig of iv cow's llpn morning,; then tho Dowers took to Ilu rail. Jooy did not wait to l l n t e n ; hut dlnroiiragod t h a i nort of l l i l h K hut Mr. 1'ettln neemod HtitlHllod, nnd hlnio ho mnlled coinplucenlly,' and over "nlop feed." and the uninlHlaknlilo coming up, and the landlord put thu an ho trudged off toward tho nhed had pernlHlonlly refnnud lo i|unri'el Jooy'H fount of "nhrlnkltiK up" (•lieerfillly conllrmo-il nil reporln Ihut play of milk on tho hollom of un e m p t y rent up becntiHO hi) mild wo hud a garwlioru ho hud Uift tho home, a few w i t h Sllim Hioinpnlend, evon wluvi gradually mihsldad, a Thon, ono morn- had not grown beyond their original pall. At that moment u familiar Hgum ilun!" Sllun'n cut lie hud made havoc of n HonlonccH came to hlu onrn. ing, thn (U-ucoti cnnio In with a half- dlnuinnlons. nlrodo ncros's u ImtMir-llghteil corn-ir " 'A fool anil hln money am noi.n field of young corn, or when he had II11 od paid, nnd Iho boy'n Then a necond nhrlnkage ranii'. and of tho Hhuilud spot, and Joey ganped I.Idle Margie had walked a long imrteil,'" Hllan Ilmnpntoad "aid. w i l l I n m i l l l n g l y deimniileil "lino fenite" of revived. came to nlay. The tnornluK m i l k i n g ll wan Deacon Pottln. illnlunco with her papa. Ho thought u growl under hln. puffed-out llpn, Jooy Ihe linpregnahlit ,klnd Unit he 111 in HI-If "1 (lonf underntand It at all." thn On llnil occiinloi. tin, fulled nuildoiily by t w o or lhrei< (iiuirln, "(looil morning, Hllan!" he heard the Hhe WIIH too fur awuy from homo to lh« growl without looking never btilll furiner admlltod, sflratchInK hln head. Imrk, "A cow IB u cow—thnt'H my Lniicon had rather nharply nlloncod 'Three (|tiartn, or mono, nhorl from and Unit wunt on for u week or more. deacon nay In a voice t h a t , although It know j u n t where nhe wan, unit to tent face WIIH firm, wan un giuillo and kindly an hor knowledgti linked: l<Uw. Hmno are Imllor, of courno, ami Joey whon he began lo make caustic \vlui4 we got yei-Jonlay mornliiK 'I Mr Pel I In Mali) little, bill hln "Marglo, do you know where you nome not no good, hut there ivln't n [•oinmonin on the ofl'iindliiK nelghhor. Iho young cattle ran In Iho nntuo lluld nhowrf'd perplexity. Jooy broached thu wlum It had ofTored a honui In u home"Thill's rallier an ugly word, Jonuph, niibjei't of n "night milker" again, hut lenn waif throe yearn before life?" lumdred dollam Innlde tho hide of Iho I'd t l i l n l i t h e r e niluht hu u nucker Iho deacon would not llnleti, and n'ter 0 line of a man old enough to he your Then came the clatter of a falling "Yon, papa '' liiMit of '«m, Thono groat milkers folks. grandfather," lie had tmld. " M r , llnmp- unoiiKnt 'em, but (hoy don't. We've thai tho IM») kepi, hln n i i n p t i ' l o n n lo pall, and a medley of dlninayed ex.bru|t; about I They glvo n hlg "Well, where are you?" levin had any nnch trouble before I claiuallonn. lilmnelf. ntotid him bin iiuiiullarltlon, |o ho sure, <>m> day and shrink up the "On the nldewalli." lon'l iindernland ll lit all," (hin n i g h t a f l e r the lioime had be"Shaved prntty clono to iho hiiiidrml nil HO have all of un. To-morrow we'll "If Ji a i n ' t the young enltle, Mr mafk on tho nffor you inndn for 'nr, Ix that fence behind 'ho nwaiup lot, c l l l n , could II he mii'h a t h i n g an - come (|lilel he nllpped mil nl Ihe hack no t h a t tho ciittlo won't Hot ovl'r II ilooc and n p e n l w'vernl h o i n n lu t h e illiln'l yo, Hllun?" IIH a n y l i o d y ' n m i l k i n g hor lu Iho llolil?" l.iiHlnro; but bin vigil "'»" f r t i l i l o H n 'Dint wan llalilwtn'n good-nn.liiroil. igiiln. Il'n niiltl, you know, thai good .loey vet.lured In nuggent. und t w o bourn before diD'Hghl ho re Yfc\S AKI i Toi.0 HER. hnntarlng volco, hut It wau thn Innt Ine fiiiuieii mako good ivulKhhorn, ami "Aiiyhody?" Deacon I'eltln put turned, uleepy ami lnMinlcil I WON'T MA,R(5^ \\fja Kiio'iH there'n HOIIIO t r u t h lu I I . " rnmark Jo»y hoard, for UM< Intightiir I CiCTTA n l r o n g emphimln on Iho "body," IIH If nexl n i o r n h i K the Deinpnoy WHOLE -- Oil, S "Hut whul uuu will ll ho to III ourn t h a t n e t t l e d Iho mailer at once and of tho IIHIII drnwnuil Hllim lldmpHtond'n MY Kritmbllng rujolndor, nnd, Joey had ill- 1'ottin, whim thoro aro pliuwin In forever "No, of I'oiu'iie not. Hho iftxy lourhi'il her lowenl murk t l t u n far ' — - - - OH IIVOAH mi'iiHiiriMl nix nml ono already backed old nrnuinu out of tho 1 In ( l y i n g .Hal. to Iho KrounilT" Jooy hold up li'-r m i l k ; HOIIIO cown do." qtiurU. ' lad) linked. "Ho won't hlllld 'em you nh od and nturtod for homo, "Von k n o w whut f a t h e r alwayn nnld , "Hho w a n n ' l inlllied lanl n i g h t , I l i i i i ' For t w o ynarn "tho Dnimpnny cow" liniKv ho wiui'l," doiil' you, Hum?" M r n . 1'ollln put In. bud noon n familiar phrnno on HKI llpa "Well, we'll do our liart, aiiylinw ' "lie nald llnil a lienvy milker nlwiiyn Mitre," Joe nald lo hlmnelf right II. ore mom all I h e lime, and Ih iir fjl» fnnnnrn 'nf thn nalKhhoi'hood, hu il(!acon hail ropllod. had her KOOI! dayn and hor poor onen ami Jooy Inwl frci|ii(intly hoard thoin The fiie* Hull, nil or hln rolnri. from That'll why he never had nuicli f a i t h wholo of 'em were l y i n g down, qulel IIH could he.'V dlnnunH hor Kood iiiinllllnii ai\il mint- IMI village t h a i afternoon, ,looy He lined lo nay t h a i moil An If |o ('(mill-ill hln coticliiiiloit. t h e irtont oil the prUyi l l m l ' l>"Hi|WHy iiHkon lopped In Ihe yard and ^ook a pi'i> who lirap'Kcil iilinu nhoul h a v i n g u 'great evening m i l k i n g nhowed n for hor A Iniiidrnd dollarn nonmisl otiKcd and I'i'lltciil Htirvny of the cow for m i l k ' id.on' t h e pull one day mi nlmoht fnliuloiiH iitiln lo .fooy, and llemi.hey cow, iihoweil pliilnl; the In t h e «<,i,|i ninl nllppod round ( h e loo; Unit had no) occurred before, bill II Impponod neveral tin. en i l u r l m i the olliorn thoiighi II M lar^o iiftin to "|mi chiinnel In whleh liln t h i n i K l i l n wore linrli way I n t o llin hoi.no Iho noil " n e x t fort nlK III. Into A <<ow," Thai an milnml HO hlg)\|y rilnnliiK. '''I'" llempiiiiy cow wan a "I've heard Um vnrv niiine t h l n g l " "Hho'n not doing a n y w l i e r i valued mlKhl provo falno lo li"r ropu- liilld-limiiunrnd n n l n i a l , w i t h a Joey broke mil e x p l o n l v e l y . "The men latlon hy "Klvlng it big monH onn day f a w n colored coat I hat luelokened nonio down al Ihe more were lullilng about w e l l an iibo did," Mr, Pellln Inld (Ireeit, who, i coming. ovor one noon and nhrliilcliig up tho IMIX!" had nnvor Jornoy blood In hor; nliti hllnkad ll one m o r n i n g Mr I l"iM|>nlimd nald iiciiiirnxl to Jony hnforo. And Htnvn' hiKlly al Joo, anil If nho worn imklnn a Kl'enl m i l k e r wan likely lo nhrlnlc borrow a hue. Inquired ciiminllv nhoiti liitldwIn'H WUH llin flrnt Intlnm- why nho Hhould ho rontrti'ted lo n dlot ill. -give a lot more one day t h a n nho II. e Dninpney cow, "I'm going, lo I r v feeding bnr n I l l l l e grain, iiml nee If lloit lin had had thai Hllan lliMiipntond of dry hay on nnel. u brlKl.l and niiiiiiy did a n o t h e r " nhe won't plch up. Tho panlureii are -ono nf Diiiu'iiii I'lillln' n«ar«nl nolgn- day In Juno, "Well, I doii'l know." nald Mr I'o/tJiorit, and DM) only iroublonomo onn "Him, i"-'v>rfriillcli and nine." Joey loin "Thai might he (I necmn morn heller t h a n they've bivu. In yearn, anil ' h a d liunn.'nlyly bidding for tho Dump- leclilod, nlt'oiiliiH hor nhapiily mirk. oiinoiiiil.il> lo me, t h o u g h , that the cow Ihe olliorH liaven'l fallen off any I miy cow. Hill a hundreil dollarn nmiinn like an linn liivm irroppliiK noinn w l h l - c h o r r v im'l nee Into II at. nil." "Tlionu i i x t r y gooti cnwn aro kliul of THE DEMPSEY COW •:ijj' I The PeoplesBank Town Council Meeting. Normal School for Hamniontan! May Day Fete Regular session on Wednesday evening, with all the members Attention! "or* present. Hammontofi, N. J. W. J. Vernier's bill, $88 60, for Due warning having been given expenses incident to bouse connec(altho i ': . u-quired by law) tion contract which could not be all p. !•...•'.» i - Mig bicycles or motor carried put. By vote, $13.18 paid Capital, - - $50,OOO cycles on any sidewalk in the Town for bond was refunded ; balance declared illegal by Solicitor. Surplus and ui. •< -vill be arrested o H. Repairs to track at Pack were Undivided Profits, $69,000 W tin:!' iir:ordered, for May-Day Fete.. Engineer submitted profile map ; t i n - effect have III!nnd estimated cost of installing a • •j"!ar Police, and storm sewer to drain lands near the Three per cent interest paid been appointed lor the Littlefield ice plant, the Gas bouse, on time deposits purpose. and over to Orchard Street. The Two per cent interest allowed on Reading Co. will be asked to fulfill y :•-. Town oimcil, demand accounts having daily their pledge to do part of the work. JOSEPH PIZZI, Chin. balance of $1000 or more. Atco having asked for refusal of Law and Order Committee. old chemical engine, sent a check for $50 on account, balance to be Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent April 27, 1917 paid May ist. Solicitor will be asked-4yhelheiuve^canJ.selLwithout M. L.Jackson, President advertising same. ERE Is an exceptionally good illustraplay. ' You Want to know the slgoo itself W. J. Snrnii, Vice-i res't By a vote of four to three, Texas tion of a most attractive shoe for and who makes it. W. R. Tilton, Cashier Oil Company was refused permisspring—Regal through and through What we offer you in this store is a wide Wni. Doerfel, A*st. Cashier sion lo erect overhead tanks on and backed by the great Regal institution. selection of Regal Shoes, with an the repuWashington St., adjoining frame DIRECTORS Possibly you will ece other shoe pictures tation and value-giving of the Regal Shoe: l)'uiIdiiiRs. Solicitor will draw^up M". L. Jackson J . A. \Vaas that please,you—other shoes that look as Company behind them and us. an amendment to Ihe ordinance, C. F. Osgood George Klvins well in the windows. You wilt g*t Bound leathers and honest workmanmaking First Road the southern ship In these shoes, v«la«a that can't be duplicated »t Win. J. Smith J . C. Anderson But today more than ever you need to go limit, instead of the Rending. our prices in the market today—and •> to Style, you Sam'I Andeison \V. R. Tilton tack of the picture, back tf the window dis* will get the smartest the season can show. Committee was authorized to John G. Galigne Chas. t i t l i n g ascertain cost of running a 4-iiK-h Win. L. Hliick. water main from Washington St. to Thirteenth, with hyJrant near Homeway Co. buildings. Two sets of "hydrant gales," to each of which two lines of hose can be attached, either oue independent of the other, were ordered, to cost -Central Ave., Hammonton. about twenty-five dollars each. Having purchased "a large safe] Large assortment ot lor assessors, Properly Committee found it necessary to place supports Palms, House Plants, under th'e floor in Collector's office, Cut Flowers', which was ordered" done. Dr. Mcllvaine's bill for services Funeral Designs to poor, and not approved by the In jresh flowers, wax or metal Overseer, referred to Solicitor. AMONG THE CHURCHES.. All those making sewer connections on upper Bellevue were direct- Sunday and week-night services. WATKIS & NICHOLSON ed to puddle and pack the earth Florists and Landscape Gardener. when filling, and to do same before First. M. E. Church. . digger comes along. Engineer was ' 10.30 a. m.f preaching, on the '*tix»i P>v.Tirl»l. Bell 1-w authorised to enforce this. Permit subject of temperance. A congreWalter J. Vernier Ford car m'akes its appeal .lo yon in appearance as well'as fo»r for excavating must be given by gational vote will be taken in service. Large rndiaior and enclosed fan, strenmline hood, crown ' A. H. Phillips CO. Clerk or Engineer. relation to National Prohibition fenders, entire black finish, nickel trimmings,—: up-lo-datej itt a'lll A twenty-four inch storm sewer during the period of the war. ' " requirements for handt>oiue appeaiance—and serving the people th'e was ordered, to drain new Packard 12 m , Sunday School. .win-Id over as a nioney-^avinjj, .time-saving, labor-saving utility.. Street and vicinity, up Bellevue to 3.3o,p.tn., Junior League. It Is surely your necessity. The Ford car is just as useful o'n-thfc Fourth, to cost $1600. The huge 7.30, Preaching. Registered farm as it is in the city ; just as necessary to the business man •*• power shovel will be used for excaTopic, "A Wise Choice." it is to the professional niun. More necei-sary to every man.thijuai MONEY - . Hammomon, N.J. vating, saving the Town.much of ever before. Low purchase price and very economical to operatfB Hammonton Baptist. Church. FOR the--cost." This will replace-the and m n i n t a i n . \ V h y n o t i n v e s i i g a t e ? TourHig Car, $360 ; Runs-- , Local Phone qo4 10.30, Morning service. proposed sewer, to cost about bout, S345"J Couptlet, ?5i-5 ; Town. Car, $395; Sedaw, ?«4S,—' j MORTGAGE LOAN'S Thetne, " W h a t -Manner of thousand dollars. f. o. b. Detroit. Interest on the $i7,f-oo refunding Christians Ought We to Be?" -i'or children, -"1'lie Governorbonds was ordered paid,— MOTORISTS I • Order your car now, to insure prompt delivery. la m., Bible School. Bartlett Building, - Atlantic City Adjourned at 10155.; 6.30 p.m., Curisiian Endeavor. , -When you buy a Ford car you also buy Ford service. ' 'Read This Over Carefully ! Topic, "Missions in Latin AmerFire insurance at Cost. The May-Day Fete. \\'e carry a .complete line of pnrts (01 repairing Ford automobile*, ica." Leader, Mrs. G. K. tilrguse. The largest hammer that ever a and can do vonr work in fi^t-clus^ uiaiuiti, pumplly, »udl 7.30, Evening worship.-Theme, The hearty co-operation of every The Cumberland Mutual locksmith swung does nut delivei at a moderate fair price. ' , . "branded Ingrales." resident ot Hamnionton is earnestly blow as heavy as those your tiresFire Insurance Company Thursdi^, 7.45 p.m Prayer and requested to make May i z t h a Will insure your property at less ;et hundreds of times in a few memorable day in the history of prai»e cost than others. Reason: operat'g undred miles of travel. That cotton fabric and rubber. our town, Kev. Geo. li. Guille, of Chicago, expenses light ; no loading 01 Prof. E. J. Goddard has done E. A. CORDEEY, President » an stand up tinder such punishwill give a course ot bible lectures premi&rh for profits ; sixty-seven splendid work in behalf of the ment is remarkable when yon t h i n k years of satisfactory service. Cash athletic end of the program ; and in Haniiuoiitou, beginning Sunday, .fit. May '3th, tu 20111 inclusive, to be surplus over £100,000. A blacksmith will tell you- t h a i the greatest gathering of athletes held in the Presbyterian Church, For particulars. MO ever witnessed in Atlantic County Charles Davenport he temper ot steel CHIP be spoiled alu-rnooiitt at 3.00, and eve'gsut U. Wm. B. Phillips Wayland DePuy.Afll, Hammonton, N.J. y too much heat. U t i l e wondei is assured. Contractor & Builder The Song committee,— Messrs. Mr. Guille is u well-known Bible Cor. Second and Cherry Hired" lien that even H few dearie* loi. Attorney - at - Law teacher, a man ot experience and Kutlmalrii Knrtilnlictl <>n All Kind! W. R Seely, J. A. VVaas and H. nuch in the vnloaniziiiK pils will ol Wiitk. power, and is connected with the All Work Olvrii l>rf«ni|ti nnd Careful Hauiniontori, N. J. uin a tiro by ciirbuni/.iux the vot C. Doughty,—have prrfected ar- work ol the J-vxlen^uni Dept.-ol the Aiii'iillnn. )il This results in ;i lire i h a i rangements which insure, a festival Moody Bible I n M i u i t e of 'Chicago. l<ocnl phone. Tench St. lUmmontorv S'7-5") Federal St.. Cainden annot stand the pounding ol daih sure lo he appreciated «Si He is well-worth hearing, and all The ' ' M a y Queen" portion of ervice. are coulially n u l l e d lo uueiid A flrnt-clnss Mount; Pnint Hy the exclusive Miller method the program wil) l>u h i g h l y pictuJOHN PRASCH. well recoinniended. t vulcaniz)!!)-, all Hie essential)- resque and pleasing. W. H. Bemshouse In view of the fact that members re retained i n tin: c-diinn f i l i r i c . Presbylerian Cliurch. 'he native toughness and resiliency of the Slate Board of KdUcation 10.30 a.m. Preaching by Rev. Fire Insurance • Sold by JOSEPH I. TAYLOR and f the rubber ure kept i n t a c t Both will be invited to intend, ihe com- J. F. nliaw, morning and evening. mittee would greatly appreciate >lton and rubber are welded i n t o i 2 in. tSun(Uy he. lool. Strongest Coinpanifs it if every householder, and every Auto and Cumuli- P a i n t i n g , ru£K<'d mileage u n i t . 7,00)1,111., V. P . S . C . Iv. service. business: house, would lic-iiulify and Lowest K a i M i l l e r ge.ired-tD-tlie-road iread 7 30, preaching by Mr. Copp. A u t o Tops Re coveted and Repaired Automobile ITunorftJa; mid* arc ni-vei M|>oiU-d in the up dfcorntv in honor of Ihe occasion, Oonvuyancing, Chi'JHtian Soience Society. licalinii. Tuey come tn yon liritti- in fact, for the entire week follow-' I'lirnitnre Re-finiHhed. Services, Sunday, 1 1 a . m . and il of inile iiHirft'lc, a m i w i t h loo ing "clean-up week." Twelfth St., bet. Railroad* " Notary Public, Tuort. H D i d . K I C K . Wednesday, H p.m., in Civic Club er cent power to resist .ind endure. Local Phone Hy2. Hell 47-.) Sec'y Mi»y-I)ny I'ete Committee. M a l l . he blows of the road allcct tlu in Second and I'lcimnnt Sin., most an l i t t l e an I , a: iiaininei Hammonton, - N. J. lliiiniiiontuii, N . J. Miiiiiinonlon Si. M a r k ' r t C h u r c h , ffectit Ihe a n v i l The Home Garden. . Third Sunday after Hauler. l l u n d r e d h of n i u l n i i M n fonti<'i Morning Prayer, 7.10 ; Holy I i l U - r rop.iirn a n t l re I K M < | H to bt- /Much haH been written about I t h f n l IOIIK iliMHlu'f perlomieih III iiiiling tile farmer ; but the IOWIIM- Communion, y ^ o ; I.ilnny and initii II)M<> needs help. C u l t i v a t e Holy Communion al 10,30 ; SunI.alr of New York C i t y Y o n , loo, I 1-Mulilinli mileage your back yards, (-row vegetables day School, 1 1..),1; ; I'A'eninj; l n r e V n i i i I lie- ex- to In.' mien fri-rth and caiined for Prayer, 7.30, •furdh iiinl n e xAtI w i n t e r , Tluitu' who have idle K V D I I I t i n H i < piiired IK* SS. P h i l i p and JiinieM ( M a y i ) . 1'iine by hn imil In or about town clioiild be wll- Mor ing Prayer u.nd Holy Communnl le t r e n d by I he M i l l e r im-lhod bind i 11)17. W K <to hiiveniK-li ground c u l t i v a t e d ion, 700 ; livening Plrtyer. W r i t e or phone ami we w i l l rail >)• it will be in better condition for A I I - S o i i l ' H Church-- U i i l v e i M i i l i H t . «, ami d e l i v e r all woi k . We it ; und the owner cnii nhow hin M o r n i n g uervicc al u o'clock. uiminlee n i l work . pntrioiimn by per m i l t i n g nomc needy i i a.m., Kev. T. VV, Illiiiiin, of pitrly to line the ground. M i l l e r Tin- U e | > u i i l i i K , Viiicliind, N . J . 1'repitre your ground thoroughly, Philiidelphln, will preach. Siindny School nl 13 in. lertlll/.e, and utte good need. An I n q u i r e W, S. T u r n e r High Clnm, \Voik 7.30 |), in. "Know Your Town" hour u day In the buck yard garden O l S u l l n f a c l o r y 1'riee will yield u wonderful return In •School" nlKht. Mr. W, K. Hccly ,vll| Hpenk on "The Town, I n l e l l i hciiltli luul vegetables K t i l i l i r i l l r r l n a Sperially Tliohe who have land lliul they /•in and Wine." would like lo huve planted by Home Out-' Tiiul will m a k e one who him no hind, nlionld nollfy yon 11 Ciihltiiner Un-Clulmoil olliee or Mr. McD H Lakeview Greenhouses REGAL On &aie • • -. ut SrONF'OKT'S'Shoa^. Store;. Hammontpu . % Fire Insurance 'LUMBING & HEATING Contractor BELLEVUE GARAGE, Inc. HAMMONTON PAINT Funeral Director Embalmer L. FERRARA fe. First Class Shoe Making and Repairing *.-/ to''-' • POLISHES L. FERRABA The following Irllerrt leniiiilicd At C. C. U b m r y , Kox Heneh'it latent book, " Rainbow 'n Kml." *• uneiilleil for In the llannnonton I'iiu- new liiinpH add to the looktt PoHt OlI'u-c on Wcdiicmlny, A p r i l of the piitM-oflicn building f r o n t . Mr. JAIMVH 11, Mnrrny I.coii .Mart wan home from St. l.onlrt thin week. LOUIH J, L A N O I I A M , 1' M •it t \ llcllevnc Avc. N e x t ID I'liluce Thfiitie Haiinnoiitoii, New Jemey Phone in-} . , T ;T ., • -f • •• i, • -«,^ •• " .11 ,..'.'".''J.'i, ;.'.,','..U. • iJTl •,';;<i>',-Ui*k.> A JB^^auajfej^ n Combination* (?••«« ">d liquid] Black—White-Tan Buffalo. N. Y. of N«w York. Inc. QUICK-HANDY-LASTING " Next Saturday. Mr. Councilman : See the. program Eo you want your In'our-next issue. Boys to become gutter Three ocnta per oopr. VoL 65 Drunkards ? Then act. HOYT & SON, Publlahera and Printer*. On* twentr-flte p*rr«ar. HAMMONTON, N. J./ J3ATURI5AY, MAY 6, 18l7 No. 18 : * May-Day was ushered in ..by a The ten license applications were ^ . heavy thunder-storm. referred to Town Council, and Workingmen's Loan Association be acted on Wednesday'iiight. meetii)g_next Monday night. The Grand Army and other patRegular meeting of .Town Coun- riotic orders will attend Mei Sutjday services in- the Methodist cil next Wednesday evening. Church, on the 26th. Howard Wescoat. from State The "Hammonto/i Bird L.-^ College, was home for a few days. tnet-and-'organized-on—MxindayTaT] ^~T""WnifreTBralte and! wifesmdlifile the home of J. A. Wilson. The •son visited Hammonton relatives objects of the club are to extend 'very handsome new Suits last week. . We show the most complete line of Straw hospitality to the wild birds, to for Women and Misses, at Mrs., Robert McKeone and two acquire greater knowledge of bird HatSi It includes all the newest shapes in children, from Virginia,-are visiting' life of this vicinity, and to create sennit and fancy weave straw ; astonishing: low prices. her parents. a public sentiment'in favor of bird Also Panama Hats . The Rod and Gun Club will protection and bird study. The New Sennit Hats at $i, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 Don't fail to come in and see them • have a benefit at Eagle Theatre on following officers were elected: President," J. A. Wilson ; Secretary At $2..150, new weave Straw 'Hats, especially next Thursday evening. • and Treasurer, Grace S. Oakes ; for young men Ernest M. Jacksun''aird family Official Guide, Morton Crowell. Suits that were $13.50, $14 and $15, are have rented Wm. O. "Hoyt's resiPanama Hat^ at $3, $3.50 and $5 ' ' repriced to $10. Sport and- tailored suits, of The paper Mill at Pleasant Mills dence, on Maple Street. serge, gaberdine and tweeds, in navy blue, ' is about to resume operations. Mr, Capt. S. C. Loyeland has a fine McKeone expects to use thousands black, sheppard checks, — in mustard and The Right Kind of new high-power auto,—a Marmon, of tons of salt hay, from which to apple green. which his friends admire. Clothes for Men. < manufacture an excellent quality Wayland DePuy has returned of paper. This is not an experiYou don't have to be "regular" size figure to Women's and Misses' Suits from the hospital, where he was ment, as be has samples of a simibe correct!}' fitted here. If you are tall under surgical treatment. lar product, made years ago, still That were $16.50 and $18 are.repriced and sleuder, with long arms and legs", .. . R. L. Rubertone will protect the in good condition ; and be believes to $12.50,—only one of a kind. A great head slightly forward ; and if so you are ' front of his market with wire screen that his improved methods will opportunity for those who will be here first. which will enclose all space under enable him to do still better. And in good company,—Mr. Lincoln, Patrick Semi-tailored and sport st3'les,— mostly of think of the inexhaustible supply the permanent awning. * Henry, Thomas Jefferstn, were all men of raw material^. gaberdine and serge,—blue, black,'mustard of this type. Are you a browser ?• The library and apple green. On Memorial Day, May 3oth, invites you to spend an hour or so The point is this : That we have here with your book friends Wednesday tli£ Band will play in town Irom 8.30 to 9.00 a.m.. At 9.00 sharp, assembled' tfie biggest collection of afternoon and Saturday eve. * Group 1. autos and trucks will start for the Men's Clothes we ever had, and can . Dr. Ella Anderson will give an Uakdale Cemetery. Singing will be fit any figure. Closing out Women's and Misses' Suits address on Symptomology in the rendered by the girls, an address by at $6.50,— were $10, $12.50 and $15, mostly Parish House, this evening at' eight Rev. W. J. Cusworth, prayer by The tailoring is of the best, the cloth, is blue and black. Plain tailored. o'clock. Every one is invited to Rev. W. H. Gardner, firing squad tested, every garment is guaranteed, and the attend. * . volleys, and P. O. S. of A. service price.l It w i l l - r e a l l y pay you to see the The annual Mothers' Day 'union and decoration of graves. Return. wonderful values.we have at $10, $12.-,o, $15.Women's Spring Coats at $7.50. service will be held in All Souls ing to Greenmount, the same pro$16.50, and Si8. Piuch-backs, form-fitted Church on Sunday^evening, i ^ t h , gram will be followed, excepting ' Black and blue serge ; belted style modeis, and conservative styles. Rev. W. J. Cusworth preaching that Rev. E. vanDright will speak. the sermon. The materials are blue, black and gray Wash SlfirtS,—Remarkable Value. AMONG THE CHURCHES. . serges,, cassimeres, worsted, Scotch t weeds, Free trips to the tropics, north and fancy mixed goods. or south pole, and several other Sunday and week-night services. We put on sale a shipment of. Wash places you never heard of. All Skirts at $i. These goods are just received these may be obtained at Civic First M. E. Church. from the factory ; made of gaberuine ; pocket Trousers. ~ -Club library. * ' 10.30 a. m., preaching. trimmed with contrasting colors. ,_ 12 m., Sunday-School. N.'Ri-Zelley and wiferwith their Men's-Work -Trousers-at $1.25, ;^ $1.50 value for $~t 3.30 p.m., Junior League. daughter, Mrs. Simon Holzscbuh, and $2 *• good strong material, well made. 7.30, Preaching. her husband and two children, nil from Paulsboro, were in HammonWash Skirts at $1.25, $i 50 and $2. Newest Dress Trousers at $2.50, Hammonlon Baptist Church. neat worston over Sunday. styles and splendid values 10.30, Morning service. . 'teds and ca.ssimeres. The First Aid Class will meet on Theme, ".The Baptist Position.' JMonday, three o'clock. Dr. Hurt For the children, "The Dead New Shauntiing Silk Skirts just in. Extra Good Dress Trousers at $3 50, $4, and Dr. Cunningham will give Skunk." practical talks on the work. Do and $5 ; serges, worsteds, cassimeres. Communion service. not miss this, as it will be a "treat.* 12 in.. Bible School. New Middy Blouses at J r a n d $1.25 6.30 p.m.. Christian Endeavor A rally of ihe A t l a n t i c County K a h k i Trousers at $i and #1.25 Topic, "Love." - Leader, A. F. Christian Endenvorers will be held Nemo Week. next Tuetsday evening at 7.45, in W. Kublack. .Extra heavy K a h k i Trousers at 7.30, Evening \{orr>hii>. Tlanit, the Baptist Church. Kev. J. W. A special corset arid #1.75 for every figure, Let Weiss, Southern Vice-President, 'Cluisiianity—a Religion of Joy." us tell you the good features about NJ mo Tuesday eveu'i;, A t l a n t i c C o u n t y will speak. Corsets. Christian Endiiivur Jtaliy. The Odd Fellows have accepted Boys' Knee Pants. Thursday, 7 .(Sfim , I'rayer , i i i i i Nemo Corsets at $2, $3.50 and #4 « number of new mem tiers, ant praise service, followed l>y business ' Special at 50 cents. propose 10 i n i t i a t e them in goo( meeting. stylo next Wednesday n i K ^ t , will, the aid of a good learn fiom Miiy't Kev. Cieo. M C i t i i l l e , of , Landing. will K've a course of Hihle lectures Mr. and Mrs. Thos. K. Weseoui in M a in moil t u n , he^i l i n i n g Sunday; tei|der heartfelt t h a n k s ID friviuh May i ,jlh, to Julh nu-lunive, .to be who, by llie «ifl of flovveiN ami l|\ held in the I'lesbyieiian Church,. k i n d words written and spoken, afternoons at .(.on; and eve'gsat K. nianifcMeil s y m p a t h y w i t h ilu-m.in Mr. ( i i i i l l e is ii well - k n o w n Itilile leuelier, n man of experience anil I'KOC.KAMMK their recent allliclion. power, ami in romieflcd w i t h the Mr. W, K. Perry han received a \vnrk of ihe K x i e i i M l i H i I H ' | i t . i > l the EAGLE Wcok of handsome K"l'l lorki-l, w i l l ) peiui> Moody Ililili- l i i i t i l u l r of Chicago R e t u r n and tell where yon f o u n d mid diamond Helling, from the Prn- He IM v^tll w i x l l i I U M M I I K , and all THEATRE More Prompt and Efficient (U'ntul 1 until mire Company, of are cordially i n v i t e d i n i i l t e i i d these which Ml. P. in an iiHHJstant mipcr meetings. i n l e i i d e n l . On A p r i l 2nd he comMONDAY . . . World . . pleted IIIH t w e n l i e l h year in employ I'rchbylerian ^ h u r e l i , I l i i l l i i i i o k I l l i n i i , in x of the company. in. V a, m. 1'ieiu'hinK by K e v . ^~ "The Ivory .Snulf llnx, W. Ii. S m i t h . And I'ntlic NewH, T h a n you enjoy at home Big line of I J m. S u n d a y School. THE HOMlj GUARD 7.DO p. m , , V. 1'. S. C. 1C. sieiviiT. TUESDAY . . . P a r a m o u n t . l'°(illo\vliig the example of all White Canvas Shoos At your Service Night and Day. 7. ,11', pi'fiifhiiiK l>y M i . S i n i l h . John Itanyinore, In rilli'tt mid lar'ntr IOWIIH, Ihr vmiii); Kev. deo. Iv. ( i u l l l e , (lexl Sunand Pumps. "I, <mt llriih^r men of Hiiminonloii me i - l r c i i l n l i n g X'iclot Moore, In . papeih for HlKiintnrcH for Ihe forma " l i e r.ol There After A l l . C h i i h i i i i n Si'it'iuv- So (ion of a company of iiblr Imdicil Also large variety of Hamnionton Telephone ATol.Co ORDERS BY PHONE Seiviivji, .Sunday, i men, lo lie drilled by mi a r m y olli am Arc ;is f a i t l i f t i l l } ' and jirotuptTennis Shoos eer mi cvrinlii evenlngn eiu'h w e e k , \ V e d n r m l u y , H p . m . , in C l u l ) WEDNESDAY . . . World . . ly l i l l i ' d ;i,s lliii.st: given in A. J. ItlDEIt, Pros'! and Mannoor. fur tlie dofeiiHC of the knvn. A H a l l . 1' I l l l l r i ' M N e l m i l l , ill and Oxfords. ('(iininitlec WIIH appointed liy I lie C I M H I . I n f'let, uiuiiy of our "Wind Happened nl as, " P. O, vS. of A., who, with Ihe uid SI, M a r k ' s Clinroli. 1 M I I i r l l i Sunday idler rti.stoiiior.s sulduiu conic of leu InmllerH, art: expected In Walter J. Vernier Al j; i eat money n u v i n g priccn Prayer, 7, 10 Hoh THURSDAY . . . M d i o , . roll tip a llht til live hundred. "* lUMir our .store. M a l i e l T u l i i i f e i i o , in l.iliuiy u n d A public meeting will bo held in (.'oiiiiiiuiiliin , 7. _ They l i a v c coino to know that "Snow Illrd," mid P. O. vS. of A. Hull next Friday Holy Coiniuiinlon ivl1 KI..VI ; Sun Starting1 Saturday Si'liool, u..}, rlu-ir pliono orders will all bo " l i i n - k M i.-f I l i u - l i M , " Comedy lll^ht, wlicn npeaker« will be on tlay Contractor (to-day), wo will glvo £tmild to eiill^hleu all IIH to Ihe I'niyei, 7.,v>. l)i(>lKM'ly attended to, object tif the nioveinent, All men FRIDAY l'» i lie . . those famous Yellow All SonTn C h u r c h — l l n l v c i w i l i M . (ilmlVM llulette, in helWCCII Hlxteeii und n l x l y will be Slnill we cull yon up every " M e i v l f c al 11 o'clock. Trading Stamps. I l i u n n i o i i t o n , N. J. weloomo, "Her New Y o i k , " m o r n i n g , to see. what you i i n in , mibjei-l, "Work of ||uThe piuid'H lire In the liumlii of Holy hpil und I ' n l l i Coincily. need for the iluy ? i-ii I I'hoiic <>o,| 'McHHru, Huynioiiil I.oclilniid, CluyCome » m l nee IIH, find M|IV1 . ,n im ,.y S n i u l u y Si'liiinl at i j i n . You iue nlwnyti Miiro to j;i:t lluton K, Sclllllll, ( i r o i K « ' ( l . l l a r l e y , SATUIIOAY I'ainiiioiinl . . liCHt i|iiallty ut the 7,30 |> in., f o u i l l l iidilienn Oil tllloo Herbert C, Doughty, T, II. Delkei, Know Vinii Town" rn'ilen. t h e H i i / e l I l n w i i , In lowest juice, here. . Dr . DR. J. A. WAAS Frank A)iplef;ale, NlfholiiiiCiiNliiiii, "The S a l f M l a d y , " Antnnlo Plnln, lilnu-i A. P i l c n l l e y , ChiU'leH C n i i i i i n ^ l i i i n i w i l l upeaU on H i i i l o u I lolmcH Tuivol ricllile, "The Town Clean M i n i S u n i l i i i y . " 204 Bollovuo Avo. JiimeH J,. White. \ iiiul Comedy. « H e a l t h uljjhl, Old I'o.st-office Ntuud llellevue A eniie, Iliimnloiilon llolh PJuincn, Free delivery Bank Brothers Bank Brothers ~ IflewStfaw^Hats. •^^^^•"•^^B"»««»^B«»««««^^»^™™^^^B«««^^B"«»»»^»««^»^»«^B»™l™^^B™^^B™«^^^B«»^B»^»™»™««™«^»««»»«^^S»* BANK - BROTHERS' - STORE 'MAY 7th Boston Sample Shoe Store Go^Where you Will Telephone Service PLUMBING & HEATING DENTIST Rubertono's Marmot
© Copyright 2025