_________ SAMPLE ONLY te ELECTIONS ‘, Financial Return for Candidate Summary of Financial Activity “% NOVA SCOTIA Form 2-3 Elections Act Section 229 and 230(1)(b) (Please print) Candidate Name Charles Smith Electoral District Halifax Area Date 15-Dec-13 Party Affiliation (if any) SectIon 1: Income & Transfers In xxx Party Non-cash Cash Monetary 2,300.00 4: - Fundraising Revenue Form 5-i Contributions in Kind & Discounts I ransters rrom “arty Form 2-3A & Iiecwrai uistrict ssociauons 510.68 Form 2-38 — 20,000.00 Form 2-SC 5,000.00 Form 2-3D - Proceeds from Loan or Line of Credit Other Income (specify)* 10,025.68 Total Income & Transfers Section 2: Expenses & Transfers Out 37,325,68 I Non-election Expenses 6,891.68 Fundraising Expenses Form 5-1 Election Expenses Transfers to Party & Electoral District Associations Payments on Loan or Loan of Credit Interest Benefit on Loan or Line of Credit 9,634.00 Form 2-3F 3,000.00 Form 2-3C 5,000.00 Form 2-3D 10.68 Form 2-3D Other Expenses (specify) Total Expenses & Transfers 24,525.68 Net Excess (or Shortfall) 12,800.00 Auditor’s Report Attached (circle one) No Declaration I declare, to the true and correct best of my knowledge and belief, that the information contained and is in compliance with the Elections Act. Signed at Signature of Official Agent include anticipated amounts to be received from Elections Nova Scotia Form 2-3E in this Form is complete, ,Nova Scotia on 15 —CC — —— ELECTIONS Last Name Doe Smith Jones Smith Doe First Name John Mary Tom Steve Mary Halifax Area Electoral District Date 10-Sep-13 30-Sep-13 8-Oct-13 26-Sep-13 15-Sep-13 Charles Smith Candidate Name (Please pnnf) w,“%NOVA SCOTIA N5 Civic Address 123 Main Street 456 Main Street 256 Any Street 85 Oak Street 12 Oak Street Elections Act Section 230(1)(c) & (e) - Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax — — — — — Postal Code B3J 3C8 B3i 3C8 B3J 308 83J 4X2 B3J 4X5 xxx Party 15-Dec-13 Subtotal Total contribu ions less than $200 not listed above Total: enter on Form 2-3 Party Affiliation (if any) Date Financial Return for Candidate Statement of Monetary Contributions & Fundraising Events SAMPLE ONLY 200.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 350.00 1,800.00 500.00 2,300.00 Ama Form 2-3A Henry Interest Benefit 6-Oct-13 Jones Henry 10-Aug-13 First Name Description Last Name Office Space for Aug 10 to Sept 6 Smith Halifax Area Electoral District Date Charles Smith NOVA SCOTIA Candidate Name (Please pnnt) “% )r ELECTIONS Total: enter on Form 2-3 510.68 10.68 Halifax B3J 4X8 222 Main Street 500.00 B3J 3C8 Halifax 856 Any Street Amount Postal Code xxx Party Party Affihiat n (if any) Community 15-Dec-13 Date Form 2-3B NS Civic Address EIectins At 5ertion 240 & 248 Financial Return for Candidat Statement of Donations in Ku d SAMPLE ONLY SAMPLE ONLY ) “ ELECTIONS Financial Return for Candidate Form 2-3C Statement of Transfers to & from Registered Party & Electoral District Association NOVA SCOTIA Elections Act SectIon 213, 214 & 230(1)(d) (Please pnnt) Candidate Name Charles Smith Electoral District Halifax Area :‘ 10-Aug-13 l$a,e of Entity Transf Date 15-Dec-13 Party Affiliation (if any) xxx Party ..‘‘ xxx Electoral District Association 20,000.00 Total: enter on Form 2-3 Date 7-Oct-13 Name of Entity Transferred to 20,000.00 Amount’.-r 2 xxx Electoral District Association 3,000.00 lotal: enter on Form 2-3 3,000.00 _________________________________________________________________________________ SAMPLE ONLY ) )((ii ELECTIONS Financial Return Candidate Loan Credit NOVA SCOTIA Form 2-3D for or line of EIectIon At senlon 218(3), 218(4) & 230(11(3) (Please pñnt) Candidate Name Charles Smith Electoral District Halifax Area 15-Dec-13 Date xxx Party Party Affiliation (if any) Name & Address of Lender Henry Jones 125 Main Street, Halifax, NS B3J 3X2 Name(s) & Adress(es) of Guarantor(s) & Amount of Guarantee(s) Nature of Transaction Date Proceeds 10-Sep-13 Loan to Charles Smith campaign 6-Oct-13 Payment to Charles Smith campaign Net Payments 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 : 0.00 Total: enter on Form 2-3 Date Description of Calculation Henry Jones interest from Sept 10 to Oct 6 (26 days) Original Amount of Loan Loan Balance Outstanding Loan Interest Rate Bank Prime Interest Rate 5,000.00 Bank Prime Interest Rate (a) 5,000.00 Interest at Loan Interest Rate (b) 0.00 Interest Benefit (a-b) - 10-Sep-13 5,000.00 0.00 0.00% 3.00% 10.68 0.00 10.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total: enter on Form 2-3 10.68 - - (note can extend up 107 days after Salary Paid Salary Paid 06-Oct Candidate 06-Oct Official Agent 05-Oct Smith, Jill 11-Sep ENS 15-Oct KPMG 23 24 25 26 Enter totals on Form 2-3 Audit fee Nomination fee Salary Replacement 30-Sep Basebell NS Reimbursement for expenses Registation fee for baseball tournament 21 05-Oct Offlical Agent 20 Food & alcohol for meet & greet Signs from previous election Lunch during canvassing New shoes Bank fees Interest benefit (record on form 23B only) 22 28-Sep Jones, Tom 19 2009 Signs are Us 04-Oct Volunteers 17 18 06-Oct Jones, Henry 08-Oct CIBC 14 30-Sep Candidate 07-Oct Candidate 13 16 Candidate breakfast 07-Oct Comfort Inn 12 15 Candidate cost for overnight stay 06-Oct Comfort Inn 11 Candidate’s use of own vehicle Supplies for election night party Thank you for support Ad 09-Oct -Ialifax Herald 08-Oct NSLC Cake for meet & greet - 15-Se1’ Superstore 07-Sep Bell Aliant 23-Sep Various election for close up purposes) Communications Sept 7- Oct 8 Clerical staff Sept 7 Oct 9 Signs & posters (30% put up before election call and remaining after) 15-Aug Signs are Us Brochures (50% used before 20-Aug Brochures are Us election call and remaining after) Mileage reimbursement for use of vehicle to put up signs 08-Sec Jones, Ted 10-Aug Smith, Henry 07-Sep Smith, Henry OfficespaceAug 10-Sept6 (record on form 2-3B only) Office space Sept 7 Oct 9 10 7 6 5 3 4 1 2 Expenditure 0.00 20.00 5.00 350.00 200.00 50.00 45.00 16175.68 241 68 20000 200.00 20000 2000.00 50.00 102.00 300.00 45.00 200.00 5.00 500.00 652.00 1,000.00 200.00 ?,450.0O 170.00 50.00 200.00 220.00 55.00 50.00 87.00 12.00 12.00 200.00 75.00 75.00 350.00 20.00 75.00 250.00 3,491.68 191.68 200.00 2000.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 350.00 3,400.00 400.00 75.00 ,,i-t,nn 400.00 600.00 A vertising 17 Non-Election Non-Election expenses Pm expenses writ period Writ period and post Personal Exp of Candidate Other Functions Travet P blicltyl 800.00 52.00 100.00 500.00 Worker Remuneration Headquarter Expenses 3000.00 500.00 Contributed Services ‘000.00 250.00 Discounts (including used signs) 10000.00 600.00 100.00 Uncontested Expenses 500.00 Unpaid and Paid Election Expenses 16 15 14 13 12 xxx Party 1&Dec-13 1 Description of Expenditure 10 9 Payee Name 8 Date of 7 8) Doc # 6 4 3 2 1 5 Party Affiliation 1 (if any) Halifax Area Electoral District ( Date EleclionsAct Section 229 Election and NonElection Expenses for Candidate Form 2-3E Charles Smith Non CASH Expenses SAMPLE ONLi Candidate Name (Please pnnt) SCOTIA ELECTIONS I,“% NOVA SAMPLE ONLY )ke’ ELECTIONS “ Financial Return for Candidate Summary of Election Expenses NOVA SCOTIA Form 2-3F Elections Act Section 229 (Please ptnt) Candidate Name Charles Smith Electoral District Halifax Area 1 Date 15-Dec-13 Party Affiliation (if any) Headquarters Expenses xxx Party 652.00 2 Worker Remuneration 1,000.00 3 Publicity/Advertising 7,450.00 4 Travel 170.00 5 Campaign Functions 220.00 6 Other 55.00 7 Personal Expenses of Candidate 87.00 Subtotal 8 Discounts: example, rent paid less than market price 9634.00 500.00 9 Contributed Service 10 Disputed Claims 11 Other Total Number of Electors on the List of Electors 11,797 Maximum Election Expenses Permitted Official Agent (please print) SU C 5 n 10,134.00 63,427.70 Signature ne This completed form shall be posted on www.electionsnovascotia.ca within 10 days of receipt, in accordance with the Elections Act Section 229(4). SAMPLE ONLY ) “% ELECTIONS Financial Return for Candidate Candidate’s Balance Sheet NOVA SCOTIA Form 2-4 Elections Act Section 230(11(a) (Please print) Candidate Name Charles Smith Electoral District Halifax Area 15-Dec-13 Date Party Affiliation (if any) xxx Party Assets 3,124.32 Cash 10,025.68 Accounts Receivable Other Assets Total Assets (a) 13,150.00 Liabilities 350.00 Accounts Payable OverdraftlLoan (Form 2-3D) Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Surplus/(Deficit) (Form 2-3) 350.00 12,800.00 Opening Surplus (if applicable) Total Liabilities & Surplus/Deficit (b) Note: A must equal B This includes anticipated election expenses reimbursement, nomination fee reimbursement & audit fee tariff reimbursement. 13,150.00 ** SAMPLE ONLY , ELECTIONS ‘ Report Respecting Tax Receipts NOVPt SCOTIA Form 2-5 for Candidate £ietion At Saction 235 (Please punt) Candidate Name Charles Smith Electoral District Halifax Area Date 7-Nov-13 Party Affiliation (if any) xxx Party All receipts are to be accounted for. Unused receipts are to be returned to Elections Nova Scotia Returning Officer. - Part I I have received the following Tax Receipts from Elections Nova Scotia: IDate Signature: Signed by the official agent of the Candidate: Receipt Numbers starting from 500001 15-Sep-13 500050 Part 2 I have issued, canceled or have on hand the following Tax Receipts: Receipt Numbestarthg from Issued To 15-Sep-13 500001 500002 30-Sep-13 500003 500003 8-Oct-13 500004 500004 Canceled or Voided Receipt Numbers starting from To . 500005 7-Oct-i 3 Unused 500005 Receipt Numbers starting from To 500006 500050 Declaration L( 5 I am the Official Agent of iCYS of declare that CVc-v I declare, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the Information contained In this report is complete, true and accurate and is in compliance with the Elections Act. Date Date 1’.csi —L3 Signature of Official Agent Signature of Returning Officer SAMPLE ONLY Financial Return for Candidate Form 2-6 Notification of Disposal of Excess Contributions EIection Act SectIon 232 ue within one month following receipt of candidate’s eleion expenses reimbursement. — Due with two mohts following date candidate expenses were filed, if no re-imbursement is payable. (Please pnnt) Candidate Name Chailes Smith Electoral District Halifax Area Date 6-Mar-14 Party Affiliation (if any) xxx Pady Income: A = Reconciled Bank Account at time of return B = Reimbursement from Elections Nova Scotia C = Costs 3,124.32 10,025.68 1. Auditor’s fees in excess of amount reimbursed 2. Bank_charges 3. Payment of invoices subsequent to filing of report 350.00 4. Repayment of loans 5. Costs associated with recount C D = = Total Costs 350.00 A+B-C Excess Contributions Issued 12,80000 Excess Contributions returned to: / 7 LY ECCCd Thl54ciC Name of Electoral District Association for the candidate who is representing the party. Name of Registered Party if no Electoral District Association established. Minister of Finance for the Province of Nova Scotia. No Excess Contribution I declare that all outstanding invoices have been paid. Signature of Official Agent Date
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