SDS In-Depth Assessment Joe Sample Widgetco

SDS In-Depth Assessment
Joe Sample
November 8th, 2011
Joe Sample
Mr. Sample has undertaken a battery of psychological and cognitive assessments with
the goal of determining his strengths and potential weaknesses in relation to the Widget
Maker position at Widgetco. Additionally, Mr. Sample’s results were compared to a job
profile for the position in order to estimate his likelihood of success on the job. The
composite score used to determine the overall match between Mr. Sample’s
assessment results and the identified job requirements is called the Baseline Score.
Baseline Scores range from zero to 100 with high scores indicating a better overall fit
between the person and the position. As a general guideline people who score 60 or
better are considered to be a good fit for the position in question. It is important to note
that a person’s Baseline Score should be considered with other relevant information
(e.g., work history) before making a final decision.
Baseline Score (Widget Maker): 77
Mr. Sample’s Baseline Score of 77 indicates that he has the core requirements
necessary to perform the role of Widget Maker at Widgetco. This is the best single
indication of probability of success in this role. The scores used in the calculation of the
Baseline Score include measures of general problem solving ability and measures of the
"big five" personality dimensions. A detailed accounting of these results is included in
the following pages.
Note that questions regarding the content and interpretation of the information
provided in this report should be addressed to Dr. Stang.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
SDS In-Depth Assessment
Problem Solving Results
Results on three problem-solving scales – Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and
Logical Reasoning – are summarized in the graph below.
Numerical Reasoning
Numerical Reasoning relates to a person's ability to solve problems involving numbers or
to see patterns in data. Mr. Sample scored at the 95th percentile, indicating that he has
superior numerical reasoning skills compared to the general population. He is likely to
solve most problems involving numbers easily and quickly.
Verbal Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning relates to a person's mastery of verbal skills, including reading, writing
and speaking. Mr. Sample scored in the 80th percentile on this scale, indicating he has
better verbal reasoning skills than 80 percent of the population. He is likely to be a skilled
communicator and problem solver. His score also implies that reports he prepares -both written and oral -- will be well thought out, organized and easy to understand.
Logical Reasoning
The Logical Reasoning dimension measures the ability to define complex problems and
situations clearly and objectively; apply sound logic and reasoning when analyzing
information; and readily identify subtle and obvious information needed to enhance
decision making. Mr. Sample' percentile score on this scale is 80. This score implies that
he is likely to have excellent critical thinking skills, and that he will excel at tasks involving
complex analysis and decision-making.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
SDS In-Depth Assessment
Big 5 Inventory (Personality Fit Index)
The Stang BVI measures five overall dimensions of personality. These dimensions have
been extensively researched and construct validated1. Each of the five dimensions is
divided into a number of related facets. Each facet and overall domain score is
reported on a one to 99 percentile scale with scores at or above the 65th percentile
expressed as “high,” scores at or below the 35th percentile expressed as “low,” and
scores in the middle range expressed as “average”. It is important to note that
personality trait scores cannot be interpreted fairly without considering the job in
question. An 85th percentile score in extraversion, for example, implies that a candidate
is more outgoing than all but 15 percent of the population. For some positions, such as
sales, this score may be beneficial, for others, such as computer programming; it may
be detrimental or irrelevant. Also, it is critical to note that personality traits are a
reflection of behavioral tendencies, but they are often overridden by the situation. If an
achievement-oriented but mildly unassertive person is put into a leadership role
requiring them to assert themselves in order to be successful, they will typically do so.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
items and norms were adapted from the International Personality Item Pool
Extraversion is a measurement of how socially active or engaged a person is. Extraverts
will usually be described as social, assertive, talkative and active people who enjoy
others and readily seek out large groups or gatherings. They will have a tendency to be
comfortable in social situations and may prefer to work in teams, and are likely to take
on a leadership position when doing so.
Introverts, on the other hand, are typically described as quiet, reserved, and willing to
let others take the spotlight. They may be viewed as “shy,” but, in reality, they simply
prefer to be alone or in the company of smaller groups of individuals. In work situations,
they may prefer working alone to participating in team projects.
Mr. Sample’s score on Extraversion is average, indicating he is neither a
subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. He likely enjoys time with others
but also time alone.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Extraversion Facets
Friendliness: Friendly people enjoy the company of others and readily
seek them out. They will typically make friends easily, feel comfortable in
social situations, and appear open and approachable. People with low
scores on this facet should not be perceived as unfriendly, but they may
have a tendency to be more withdrawn and are not likely to approach
other people without encouragement. Mr. Sample’s level of friendliness is
Gregariousness: People scoring high on this scale find being around
other people exciting and fun. They enjoy large crowds and big parties.
People scoring low on this scale will tend to find big groups
overwhelming and usually prefer smaller gatherings. Mr. Sample’s level of
gregariousness is low.
Assertiveness: A high score on the Assertiveness scale indicates both a
willingness and a desire to assume leadership positions or to take charge
of situations. Assertive people will tend to be vocal, directive and
forward. Unassertive people are usually described as quiet, unassuming
and willing to let others take control. Mr. Sample’s level of assertiveness is
Activity Level: High scorers on this scale tend to be busy, on-the-go
people who take on multiple activities or responsibilities. Low scorers will
tend to adopt a more relaxed, laid back pace, and are likely to have
fewer irons in the fire. Mr. Sample’s activity level is high.
Excitement Seeking: Excitement seekers crave thrills and are often bored
without a high level of stimulation. They are likely to be described as fast
moving, and tend to enjoy being the center of attention. Low scorers will
not seek out the spotlight and will possibly be overwhelmed by excessive
hustle and bustle. Mr. Sample’s level of excitement seeking is average.
Cheerfulness: The Cheerfulness scale is a measurement of a person’s
tendency toward feeling and expressing a wide range of positive
emotions. High scorers will generally be described as happy, optimistic
and outgoing. Low scorers do not necessarily experience negative
emotions, but they are far less likely to appear outgoing or upbeat from
day to day. Mr. Sample’s level of cheerfulness is high.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Agreeableness is largely a measure of a person’s interpersonal skills. Highly agreeable
people will tend to place a greater value on getting along with others. They will tend to
be sympathetic and helpful, and fully expect that others will be as well. Agreeable
individuals tend to get along well with others and usually achieve a certain degree of
popularity; however, they may value cooperation so much that they are unwilling to
take a stance that will portray them in a negative light or damage their popularity.
Disagreeable people are usually viewed as being focused on themselves. They are
often dubious of other people’s intentions and therefore less likely to reveal information
about themselves that could be used against them.
Mr. Sample’s high level of Agreeableness indicates that he has a strong
interest in others' needs and well being. He is likely to be pleasant,
sympathetic and cooperative.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Agreeableness Facets
Trust: Individuals with high levels of trust assume most people are honest
and forthright whereas individuals with low levels of trust are more likely to
believe other people are deceptive or have ulterior motives. People with
low levels of trust can be difficult to win over. People with high levels of
trust may be naïve, but generally likable. Mr. Sample’s level of trust is high.
Forthrightness: People with high forthrightness scores are sincere and
genuine. They see no reason for deceptive behavior and believe the
same is true of others. They will tend to be open, frank and honest. People
at the opposite end of the spectrum could be referred to as “covert.”
They may be concerned that others will use information against them and
will, therefore, disclose less. Covert people are likely to misrepresent
themselves if it serves a purpose. Mr. Sample’s level of forthrightness is high.
Caring: A high score on the caring scale indicates a person is genuinely
concerned with the needs of others and gets a sense of satisfaction out of
helping out. While this may be viewed positively, it also comes at a price if
priorities are not carefully evaluated. High scorers on caring are likely to be
viewed as considerate and helpful. Low scorers on this scale are less
interested in helping others and are likely to view requests for help as
impositions. Low scorers will have less trouble doing difficult but necessary
tasks such as cutting staff members who are not performing effectively. Mr.
Sample’s level of caring is high.
Cooperation: Highly cooperative people will tend to value getting along
with others more than being right or getting their way. They will usually
avoid conflict and are likely to defer to others rather than engage in an
argument. Low scorers are more likely to be seen as forceful or aggressive.
Mr. Sample’s level of cooperation is low.
Modesty: Modest people are generally viewed as humble and selfeffacing. This is not necessarily due to a lack of self-esteem; in fact, it is just
as likely to be a result of the person thinking it is unbecoming to be
boastful. Those people scoring low on the modesty scale are more likely to
be viewed as immodest or even arrogant. Mr. Sample’s level of modesty is
Sympathy: Highly sympathetic people are concerned for the well-being of
others and feel genuine pain over human suffering. They will generally be
viewed as kindhearted and generous. People scoring low on the
sympathy scale consider themselves more rational and objective. Low
scorers may be viewed incorrectly as callous or uncaring. Mr. Sample’s
level of sympathy is high.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Conscientiousness is largely a measure of self-control. Highly conscientious people are
organized, strong-willed, determined, and planful. Sometimes called “prudent,”
conscientious people will tend to be viewed as cautious, wise and intelligent. They will
generally be reliable and easy to supervise, but they may also be stiff, overly rule
oriented, and resistant to change.
Low scorers on the Conscientiousness scale are more likely to act on impulse, put off
planning, and take a more laid back approach to work and goals. They may be
viewed as unreliable or lacking in ambition, but they will also tend to be more flexible
and able to roll with the changes.
Mr. Sample’s score on Conscientiousness is high. He sets clear goals and
pursues them with determination. He is likely to be regarded by others as
reliable and hard-working.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Conscientiousness Facets
Self-Efficacy: People high in Self-Efficacy have confidence in their ability
to get things done. They believe they have the skills and dedication to
accomplish tasks effectively and to excel in their endeavors. People
scoring low on this scale are less confident and generally do not believe
that there is a strong correlation between effort and success. Mr.
Sample’s level of self-efficacy is high.
Orderliness: A highly orderly person is well-organized and tidy. They will
tend to keep lists, make plans, and have a clear place for each of their
possessions. Low scorers are more likely to be disorganized and messy.
Mr. Sample’s level of orderliness is high.
Dutifulness: Persons scoring high on the Dutifulness scale are scrupulous
rule followers and feel morally obligated to fulfill promises. They are likely
to be viewed as ethical, and will almost always do what is expected of
them. Low scorers are more likely to feel confined by regulations and
may be viewed as irresponsible and unreliable. Mr. Sample’s level of
dutifulness is high.
Achievement-Striving: Achievement-Striving individuals have a desire to
set and meet difficult goals. They are likely to have a strong sense of
direction. Extremely high scorers may be viewed as single-minded or
obsessed with their jobs. Low scorers may be viewed as lazy or willing to
do just enough to get by. Mr. Sample’s level of achievement striving is
Self-Discipline: Self-Discipline is a measure of determination and
persistence. People scoring high in this area have the ability to begin and
finish even the most mundane tasks. Low scorers are more apt to
procrastinate and become distracted, and may fail to complete
projects they do not find interesting. Mr. Sample’s level of self-discipline is
Cautiousness: Cautious people will plan their actions and carefully plot
out their courses. They will tend to act deliberately and thoughtfully. They
are likely to be described as reliable and steady but may also be viewed
as fearful. Low scorers will often do or say whatever comes to mind
without considering the outcome. They are likely to be described as
direct and unfiltered. Low scorers may also be viewed as unreliable. Mr.
Sample’s level of cautiousness is high.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Neuroticism identifies individuals who are prone to some form of distress. High scorers
may have a tendency toward feelings of anxiety, anger, self-consciousness or even
hostility. High scorers are more likely than most to have a negative outlook and will have
difficulty dealing with pressure or adversity. While this may make them difficult to work
with at times it can also be motivating if their worries are centered on getting work
done. Low scorers are more likely to be even keeled and positive from day to day. They
are not likely to become frustrated by most situations. In some cases a low scoring
person’s calmness can be viewed as apathy.
Mr. Sample’s score on Neuroticism is low, indicating that he is
exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable. He does not react with
intense emotions, even to situations that most people would describe as
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Neuroticism Facets
Anxiety: People who score high on the Anxiety scale tend to be fearful,
nervous and pessimistic. They are more likely than most to feel as though
something bad is about to happen. Conversely, people with a low score
on the Anxiety scale are more likely to be calm and unafraid. Mr.
Sample’s level of anxiety is low.
Anger: High scorers on the Anger scale are easily annoyed or irritated
and will have a tendency to lose their temper more quickly than low
scorers. A high score on the anger scale is not necessarily an indication
that the person will express their annoyance; rather it is a measure of how
likely they are to feel angry. Assertiveness, agreeableness, emotionality,
and self-discipline all play a part in how anger is expressed (or whether or
not it is expressed). Mr. Sample’s level of anger is low.
Depression: A measure of a person’s tendency to feel sad,
uncomfortable or blue, high scorers on the Depression scale may have
difficulty feeling inspired. Low scorers are generally free from depressive
feelings. Mr. Sample’s level of depression is low.
Self-Consciousness: People scoring high on the Self-Consciousness scale
are highly sensitive to the opinions of others. They will have a tendency to
feel uncomfortable as the center of attention and will prefer the
company of close friends to a party full of strangers. Low scorers will
usually be unaffected by situations a self-conscious person would
consider uncomfortable. They will generally be at ease in most social or
business situations. Mr. Sample’s level of self-consciousness is average.
Immoderation: High scorers on the Immoderation scale have a relatively
more difficult time controlling cravings and resisting temptations. They will
often be described as having a well-developed capacity for enjoyment,
but taken to an extreme it can also be self-destructive. Low scorers are
better able to control their urges and will rarely over-indulge. Mr.
Sample’s level of immoderation is low.
Vulnerability: A high score on the Vulnerability scale indicates a general
susceptibility to stress. High scorers will often describe themselves as easily
overwhelmed, unable to deal with stress and prone to panic. Low scorers
are more likely to remain composed and confident, even in high stress
situations. Low scores will also bounce back more quickly after failure or
rejection. Mr. Sample’s level of vulnerability is low.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Openness to Experience
Openness to experience measures a person’s interest in seeking out experiences for
their own sake rather than for financial gain or getting ahead in the workplace. High
scorers will tend to be curious and creative. They will usually have a deep appreciation
for art and music, will care deeply about the aesthetics of their surroundings and their
work products, and will often adopt an intellectual style. Other people are likely to
describe the Open individual as creative, free-thinking, and “smart” (regardless of their
true problem solving skills).
Low scorers will tend to have less abstract interests. Their thinking will generally be more
straightforward and to the point. They are more likely to be described by others as
practical and down-to-earth. Their curiosity is typically centered on areas that have
near term applicability.
Mr. Sample’s score on Openness to Experience is average, indicating he
likes tradition but is willing to try new things. Others describe him as being
well-educated but not an intellectual.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems
Openness Facets
Reverie: High scorers on the Reverie scale have vivid imaginations. They
may find the real world too ordinary and boring, and will therefore spend
a good deal of time lost in fantasy or daydreaming. Low scorers are
more inclined to be satisfied by the things going on around them. While
at work, low scorers are relatively more likely to be focused on the work
at hand. Mr. Sample’s level of reverie is high.
Artistic Interests: Individuals with high Artistic Interests have affection for
art and a keen appreciation for aesthetics. They enjoy museums, poetry,
music, and looking for beauty in everyday structures. In the workplace,
they are likely to be concerned with the appearance of their office
space and with their work products. Low scorers are generally not as
sensitive to appearance and will spend more time worrying about
content. Mr. Sample’s level of artistic interests is high.
Emotionality: People with high scores on the Emotionality scale are
aware of their own feelings and empathetic toward others. They will tend
to express themselves openly. Low scorers are less likely to expose their
feelings. Mr. Sample’s level of emotionality is high.
Adventurousness: Adventurous people are excited about new
challenges and enjoy a variety of activities. They are not likely to do
something in a particular way simply because it is the conventional
method. High scorers may also become easily bored and often perform
best in fluid, changeable work places. Low scorers will prefer familiarity to
change and will have a tendency to stick to traditional, “proven”
methods. Mr. Sample’s level of adventurousness is low.
Intellect: Intellect is a cognitive style, not an indication of intelligence.
Highly intellectual people will tend to be creative, enjoy abstract
thoughts and ideas, appreciate the arts, and philosophical and
theoretical discussions. Although it is not a measure of cognitive ability,
others usually perceive intellectuals as being bright. Low scorers, on the
other hand, will prefer more concrete and practical ideas. Mr. Sample’s
level of intellect is average.
© 2011 Stang Decision Systems