NASA JSC RGO Test Equipment Data Package Principal Investigators: Juliet Kovach-Ham, Kathryn Ann Stevens, Leticia Isabel Ortega Ellen Ochoa Learning Center, Cudahy, CA Haile Ucbagaber, Alice Shum Charles T. Kranz Intermediate School, El Monte, CA NASA Mentor: XXXXXX Contact Information: XXXXXXXX [email protected] Cell: (xxx) xxx-xxxx Viscosity of liquids observed in Zero-G, 1-g, and 2-g Flight Dates: Flight Week, April 22nd – May 1st, 2010 Overall Assembly Weight (lbs): Experiment Apparatus, 6 lb Wide RGO Glove-box, ~150 lb Total Experiment Weight = ~156 lb Assembly Dimensions: Equipment Orientation Requests: All experiment equipment will fit within a Reduced Gravity Office crate for take-off and landing (2 ft x 2 ft) During flight experiment will be contained in a RGO supplied glove box, Wide RGO Glove-Box 52.07 cm X 66.04 cm X 88.9 cm (20.5 in X 26 in X 35 in) NONE Proposed Floor Mounting Strategy: 2 floor bolts for camera pole support Floor mounting of RGO glove-box (wide version) Velcro experiment components to glove box interior. Gas Cylinder Requests: Overboard Vent Requests: Power Requirement (V and I) Free Float Experiment: NONE NONE NONE No Flyer Names: PI, Flyer #1: Juliet Kovach-Ham Flyer #2: Kathryn Ann Stevens Flyer #3: Haile Ucbagaber Flyer #4: Alice Shum NASA Mentor: Jeremy Hart Alternate Flyer: Leticia Isabel Ortega Doc. Version 1.0 2.0 Date February 18, 2010 April 15, 2010 CHANGE RECORD Process Owner/Ext. Jeremy Hart / x30001 Jeremy Hart / x30001 2 Description Initial Release Added Hazard Analysis table Table of Contents Flight Manifest .......................................................................................................................4 Experiment Background .........................................................................................................4 Experiment Description ..........................................................................................................4 Equipment Description ...........................................................................................................6 Structural Analysis..................................................................................................................7 Electrical Analysis ..................................................................................................................7 Pressure/Vacuum System Documentation Requirements .......................................................7 Laser Certification ..................................................................................................................7 Parabola Details and Crew Assistance....................................................................................8 Institutional Review Board .....................................................................................................8 Hazard Analysis Report ..........................................................................................................8 Tool Requirements ...............................................................................................................10 Photo Requirements .............................................................................................................10 Aircraft Loading ...................................................................................................................10 Ground Support Requirements .............................................................................................10 Hazardous Materials .............................................................................................................10 Materials Safety Data Sheet .................................................................................................10 Experiment Procedures Documentation ...............................................................................10 18.1 Equipment Shipping to Ellington Field ............................................................11 18.2 Ground Operations ...........................................................................................11 18.3 Loading .............................................................................................................11 18.4 Pre-Flight ..........................................................................................................11 18.5 Take-off/Landing...............................................................................................11 18.6 In-Flight Procedures .........................................................................................11 18.7 Post Flight .........................................................................................................12 18.8 Off-Loading.......................................................................................................12 Bibliography .........................................................................................................................13 3 1.0 Flight Manifest The flight team consists of 5 educators (Juliet Kovach-Ham, Kathryn Ann Stevens, Haile Ucbagaber, Alice Shum, and Leticia Ortega), and the NASA Mentor (Jeremy Hart). Each flight team member will fly one flight day, with the exception of the alternate flyer (Leticia Ortega). On flight day 1, Jeremy, Juliet, and Kathryn will fly. On flight day 2, Haile and Alice will fly. Jeremy Hart has flown on 7 previous reduced gravity flights (2 on the KC-135, 3 on the C-9B, and 2 on the 727). 2.0 Experiment Background This experiment is being flown as part of the NASA Explorer Schools Program, an agencywide effort to support mathematics and science education at the middle school and elementary school level. The experiment was designed by the students at the Ellen Ochoa Learning Center and the Charles T. Kranz Intermediate School both located in the Los Angeles, CA area. The experiment will be flown on the NASA aircraft by their teachers and NASA mentor. The purpose of involving students in the Reduced Gravity program is to allow them to perform scientific research in a real laboratory setting where results cannot be easily predicted. By experiencing the process of unique experiment design, hypotheses, and testing, students will be encouraged to further their academic pursuits in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Participating in the Reduced Gravity program will inspire the next generation of explorers as only NASA can. 3.0 Experiment Description This experiment will observe fluids of various viscosities and densities and how these fluids interact with each other in varied gravity environments including 1-g, 2-g, and microgravity. Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s internal resistance to flow or a measure of fluid friction. Fluids with high viscosity flow more slowly than fluids with low viscosity. The density of a material is defined as its mass per unit volume. At 1-g and at specific temperatures, the viscosity and density of fluids have constant values. In addition, at 1-g fluids with different viscosities interact in a predictable way. This experiment will observe how the behavior of liquids with various viscosities and densities is impacted by changes in 4 gravity. The expectation is that the fluid properties will remain the same, but the experiments will differ in the varied gravitational environments. By timing the movement of a steel ball bearing through fluids of different viscosities, students can determine the relative viscosity of the fluids, i.e., the faster the ball bearing moves, the less viscous the fluid. Students ran twenty trials at 1-g for each test fluid where the ball bearings were dropped from the top of the tube to the bottom and timed (Figure 1). Each ball bearing is dropped simultaneously by removing a set of magnets which hold them at the top of the tubes (see Equipment Description, Figure 2) The trial times were averaged to get the duration of travel of the ball bearing (Table 1). Fluids have been ordered from least to most viscous with water being our control fluid. Figure 1 – Experiment Setup Table 1 – 1-g Results Fluids Density D=m/v V= 35 ml 0.99g/ml 1g/ml 1.03g/ml A v e r a g eS t a n d a r d Time Deviation Corn Oil 0.5 sec Water 0.3 sec Dawn Soap 1.5 sec Water 2% + karo 98% 1.07g/ml 5 sec Water 2% + Honey 98% 1.44g/ml 9 sec Karo Syrup 1.36g/ml 12.7 sec Honey 1.46g/ml 49.5 sec 5 0.12 sec 0.08 sec 0.43 sec 0.6 sec 1.1 sec 1.56 sec 7.06 sec A second identical test setup will be used to observe how two of the test fluids of different densities mix. The separation of the two fluids will be observed at 1-g and the ball bearing experiment will also be performed. This portion of the experiment is intended to observe how fluids with different viscosities and densities mix in varied gravitational environments. Each experiment will be repeated onboard the aircraft during both microgravity and 2-g portions of the flight. The hypothesis is that the ball bearing will be stationary in microgravity and its motion will accelerate in the 2-g environment. For the mixing experiment, the hypothesis is that the fluids will take longer to settle in the microgravity environment and shorter in the 2-g environment. During the flight, all experiments will be videotaped for further analysis. 4.0 Equipment Description o 2 experiment setups (rack, fluid filled tubes, and base), Figure 1 o Weight (795 g each) = 1590 g (3.5 lb) o Dimensions (each), 31 cm X 5 cm X 14 cm (12.2 in X 2 in X 5.5 in) o 1 stopwatch, Figure 1 o Weight = 36.5 g (0.08 lb) o Dimensions, 8 cm X 6 cm X 2 cm (3.1 in X 2.3 in X 0.8 in) o 1 Ruler with magnets, Figure 2 o Weight = 18.2 g (0.04 lb) o Dimensions, 23 cm X 3 cm X 0.5 cm (9 in X 1.2 in X 0.2 in) o 1 video camera o Weight = 1090 g (2.4 lb) o Total Experiment Weight = 2.73 kg (6.0 lb) o RGO glove-box (wide version) o Weight = ~68 kg (~150 lbs) o Dimensions, 52.07 cm X 66.04 cm X 88.9 cm (20.5 in X 26 in X 35 in) 6 o Mass of all combined is ~70.7 kg (~156 lbs) Figure 2 – Ruler with attached magnets The six preformed bottles will be hot glued to a rack and will be filled with the following fluids: corn syrup, water, honey, liquid soap, vegetable oil and a mixture of corn syrup and water, Figure 1. Inside each bottle a 1.11 cm ball bearing will be placed. The rack will be set in a holder that will enable it to rotate. Six magnets will be super glued to a plastic ruler and placed at the base of the holder, Figure 2. 5.0 Structural Analysis All materials will be stored in a Reduced Gravity Office (RGO) crate for takeoff and landing, and the experiment will be contained within an RGO glove-box during parabolic flight. Structural analysis of the glove-box was performed by the RGO office. 6.0 Electrical Analysis The digital video camera will use batteries, and therefore no aircraft power is needed. 7.0 Pressure/Vacuum System Documentation Requirements No pressure or vacuum systems are being flown as part of this research. 8.0 Laser Certification No lasers are being flown as a part of this research. 7 9.0 Parabola Details and Crew Assistance No special parabola requirements exist. We are expecting 30 zero-G parabolas, one lunar parabola, and one Martian parabola. 10.0Institutional Review Board No human subjects are being used for this research. 11.0Hazard Analysis Report HAZARD SOURCE CHECKLIST Enumerate or mark N/A __N/A___ Flammable/combustible material, fluid (liquid, vapor, or gas) __N/A___ Toxic/noxious/corrosive/hot/cold material, fluid (liquid, vapor, or gas) __N/A___ High pressure system (static or dynamic) __N/A___ Evacuated container (implosion) __N/A ___Frangible material __N/A___ Stress corrosion susceptible material __N/A___ Inadequate structural design (i.e., low safety factor) __N/A___ High intensity light source (including laser) __N/A___ Ionizing/electromagnetic radiation __N/A___ Rotating device __N/A___ Extendible/deployable/articulating experiment element (collision) __N/A___ Stowage restraint failure __N/A___ Stored energy device (i.e., mechanical spring under compression) __N/A___ Vacuum vent failure (i.e., loss of pressure/atmosphere) __N/A___ Heat transfer (habitable area over-temperature) __N/A___ Over-temperature explosive rupture (including electrical battery) __N/A___ High/Low touch temperature __N/A___ Hardware cooling/heating loss (i.e., loss of thermal control) __N/A___ Pyrotechnic/explosive device __N/A___ Propulsion system (pressurized gas or liquid/solid propellant) __N/A___ High acoustic noise level __N/A___ Toxic off-gassing material __N/A___ Mercury/mercury compound __N/A___ Other JSC 11123, Section 3.8 hazardous material __N/A___ Organic/microbiological (pathogenic) contamination source __N/A___ Sharp corner/edge/protrusion/protuberance __N/A___ Flammable/combustible material, fluid ignition source (i.e., short circuit; under-sized wiring/fuse/circuit breaker) __N/A___ High voltage (electrical shock) __N/A___ High static electrical discharge producer __N/A___ Software error or compute fault __N/A___ Carcinogenic material __ 1 ___ Other: Liquid leakage 8 Hazard Number: 1 Title: Liquid Leakage Hazard Description: Each container will be filled with 35 ml (1.2 oz) of liquid (corn syrup, water, honey, liquid soap, vegetable oil and a mixture of corn syrup and water). The total amount of liquid will be approximately 420 ml (14.4 oz). Hazard Cause(s): Failure of liquid containment Hazard Control(s): 1. Each liquid container will be tightly sealed and leak checked per-flight 2. Liquid containers will be additionally contained within the RGO glove-box 3. In the event of leakage additional containment will be provided by re-sealable plastic bags. HAZARD CAUSE EFFECT Sev/Prob CONTROLS RAC Liquid leakage Failure to Release of non- IVC5 Glove-box contain liquid toxic liquid into containment and cabin backup sealable plastic bag. VERIFICATION 1) Check containm ent prior to flight. 2) Ensure glovebox seal prior to flight. 3) Ensure presence of backup containm ent (plastic bag). DISPOSITIO N Sev Prob RAC IVD6 12.0Tool Requirements No external tools will be brought on-board the aircraft other than those necessary to attach the camera pole to the floor of the aircraft. 13.0Photo Requirements 1) One still photographer is requested for flight documentation on both flight days. 2) One videographer is required to document the activities on both flight days. 3) No S-band downlink will be required 4) One hands-free camera pole will be required for a video camcorder. 14.0Aircraft Loading 1) Experiment equipment will be hand carried onto the airplane. 2) The equipment will be stowed in storage crates for takeoff and landing, therefore the loading requirements will be those currently required to load the crates and RGO glove-box. No more than a forklift or lifting pallet is anticipated. 3) Total weight of the equipment in the storage container will be approximately 6 lb. 15.0Ground Support Requirements An electrical outlet will be required to charge the digital video camera. 16.0Hazardous Materials There will be no toxic, corrosive, explosive or flammable materials used in this research. 17.0Materials Safety Data Sheet N/A 18.0Experiment Procedures Documentation The information presented in this section of the Test Equipment Data Package will describe all of the procedures involved with operating the experiment at Ellington Field. 18.1 Equipment Shipping to Ellington Field It will not be necessary to ship equipment to Ellington Field; experimenters will bring equipment with them. 18.2 Ground Operations The digital video camera must be charged prior to flight. All equipment can be set-up on a table within the Ellington Field Hangar for ground operations. 18.3 Loading Equipment will be loaded onboard the aircraft and fit within a Reduced Gravity Office crate. Experiment will be hand carried onto the aircraft. 18.4 Pre-Flight Securely mount camera pole to the floor of the aircraft. Secure RGO glove-box to the floor of the aircraft. Prepare the glove-box for experiment by adding Velcro attach points for the experiment hardware. 18.5 Take-off/Landing All equipment is in stowed in the Reduced Gravity Office crate for take-off and landing. 18.6 In-Flight Procedures 1) After takeoff, un-stow experiment equipment from crates a. Camera b. Experiment setup (x2) c. Stopwatch d. Ruler with magnets 2) Remove digital video camera and mount on the camera pole already in place 3) Remove and mount experiment setup to the floor of the glove-box using Velcro 18.6.1 Experiment 1, Homogonous solutions, - In-Flight (10+ trials, 0-g and 2-g ) 1) Start or un-pause the video camera 11 2) Start stopwatch 3) Remove ruler with magnets to allow ball bearings to drop to the bottom of the tubes (or float freely) 4) Observe ball bearings behavior 5) Reset experiment by returning the ruler to the tubes thus attracting the ball bearings 6) If necessary, rotate the tubes 180 degrees so the ruler and ball bearings are at the top. 7) Return to step 1 for next trial 18.6.2 Experiment 2, Mixed density layered solutions, - In-Flight (10+ trials, 0g and 2.g ) 1) Observe mixing of liquids of different densities over multiple parabolas to determine if mixing will occur due to changes in the gravity observed during flight 2) Start or un-pause the video camera 3) Start stopwatch 4) Remove ruler with magnets to allow ball bearings to drop to the bottom of the tubes (or float freely) 5) Observe ball bearings behavior 6) Reset experiment by returning the ruler to the tubes thus attracting the ball bearings 7) If necessary, rotate the tubes 180 deg so the ruler and ball bearings are at the top. 8) Return to step 1 for next trial 18.7 Post Flight Experimenters will ensure that all equipment is stored properly for landing. The digital video camera will be disconnected and stored after each flight day. The experiment setup and related equipment will be stored in the hangar between flights. 18.8 Off-Loading At the end of the flight week, equipment in crate will be off-loaded in the same manner as was loaded pre-flight, and experimenters will bring experiment hardware back with them to their school. 12 19.0Bibliography 13
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