ACHIEVEMENTS IN GREEN SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR THE GAS CHROMATOGAPHIC DETERMINANTION OF ORGANIC ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS Agata Spietelun1, Adam Kloskowski1, Michał Pilarczyk1, Jacek Namieśnik2 1Department of Physical Chemistry of Analytical Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry Gdańsk University of Technology G. Narutowicza Str. 11/12 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland Tel: (058) 347 1010 E-mail: [email protected] 2Department 1 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia FURTHER CHALLENGES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY accurately monitoring the state of the environment and the processes taking place in it determining an wide range of analytes, often present in trace and ultratrace amounts in sample matrices with complex or variable compositions need to introduce to analytical practice new methodologies and equipment in order to comply with the principles of sustainable development and green chemistry 2 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia (SHORT HISTORY) GREEN CHEMISTRY 2003 the GREEN CHEMISTRY INSTITUTE (EPA) came into being in the USA. It fosters contacts between governmental agencies and industrial corporations on the one hand, and university research centres on the other 1997 IUPAC Working Party on Green Chemistry founded 1996 1995 Paul Anastas coined the term GREEN CHEMISTRY in the ‘Green Chemistry Program’, inaugurated by the US EPA in 1991 the first national conference devoted to GREEN CHEMISTRY took place in Poland – EkoChemTech’03 the first international GREEN CHEMISTRY symposium took place an annual award was established for achievements in the application of GREEN CHEMISTRY principles 1991 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia GREEN CHEMISTRY PRINCIPLES of GREEN CHEMISTRY (P.T. Anastas, J. Warner, Green Chemistry. Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998, p. 30) PRINCIPLES of GREEN CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY (N. Winterton, Green Chem., 3, G 73 (2001)) PRINCIPLES of GREEN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (P.T. Anastas, J.B. Zimmerman, Design through the Twelve Principles of Green Engineering, Environ. Sci.Technol., 37, 5, 94A-101A, (2003).) 4 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia GREEN CHEMISTRY ‘Green chemistry, is the invention, design and application of chemical products and processes to reduce or to eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances’ P. T. Anastas, J. C. Warner, Green Chemistry: Theory and Praktice. Oxford Science Publications, Oxford (1998) GREEN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY-GAC ‘The use of analytical chemistry techniques and methodologies that reduce or eliminate solvents, reagents, preservatives, and other chemicals that are hazardous to human health or the environment and that also may enable faster and more energy efficient analyses without compromising required performance criteria’ H. K. Lawrence, Green Analytical Methodology Curriculum,2,Curriculum Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia 5 PUBLICATIONS ON GREEN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 200 Ourestimation estimation Our Cumulative number of publications 250 150 100 50 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2011 Year of publication 6 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia GREEN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY- GAC solvent-free sample preparation techniques green solvents and reagents reduced scale of analytical operations application of agents enhancing the efficiency of specific operations reduced time delay in obtaining reliable analytical information reduced professional exposure of analytical chemists 7 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia EVALUATING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES TOOLS: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)1 Eco- Scale2 Eco-Compass3 Consoli, F., D. Allen, R. Weston, I. Boustead, J. Fava, W. Franklin, A. Jensen, N. de Oude, R. Parrish, R. Perriman, D. Postlethwaite, B. Quay, J. Séguin and B. Vigon., ‘Guidelines for life cycle assessment: A ‘Code of practice’, SETAC, Brussels and Pensacola, 1993. 1 Aken K., L. Strekowski, L. Patiny, EcoScale, a semi-quantitative tool to select an organic preparation based on economical and ecological parameters, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2, 3, 2006. 2 3 “Home Sustainability Assessment”, 8 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia DIFFERENT LEVELS OF EVALUATING THE GREEN CHARACTER OF ANALYTICAL ACTIVITIES Comparative evaluation of the environmental impact of: solvents and reagents; agents enhancing efficiency of analytical work; analytical instruments and whole protocols used for the same purposes; whole analytical laboratories of course working in the same area. 9 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia NO SAMPLE PRETREATMENT BEFORE ANALYSIS NECESSARY AN IDEAL SOLUTION BUT: • only a limited number of such techniques! • new ones are not to be expected in the near future 10 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia KNOWN TYPES OF DIRECT MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Potentiometric techniques (ion-selective electrodes- ISE) Flameless atomic absorption spectrometry (in a graphite cuvette) Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP) Neutron activation analysis (NAA) X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) Surface analysis techniques (AES, ESCA, SIMS, ISS) Immunoassay (IMA) 11 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia SOLVENTLESS (SOLVENT‐FREE) SAMPLE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES preconcentration of an analyte to a level above the limit of detection of the measuringmonitoring instrument removal of interferents, which may affect analyte identification and determination simplification of the sample matrix 12 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia CLASSIFICATION OF SOLVENT‐FREE SAMPLE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES SOLVENT-FREE SAMPLE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES Application of stream of inert gas as extractant Solid phase extraction techniques with thermal desorption: Membrane extraction techniques Static Headspace analysis (S-HS) Purge and Trap (PT) Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry (MMS) Dynamic Headspace (D-HS) Closed Loop Stripping Analysis (CLSA) Membrane Extraction with Sorbent Interface (MESI) Cryotrapping (CT) Gum-Phase Extraction (GPE) Hollow Fibre Sampling Analysis (HFSA) Inside Needle Dynamic Extraction (INDEX) On-line Membrane Extraction Microtrap (OLMEM) Inside Needle Capillary Absorption Trap (INCAT) Membrane Purge and Trap (MPT) Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) Pulse Introduction Membrane Extraction (PIME) Headspace Sorptive Extraction (HHSE) Semi Permeable Membrane Devices (SPMD) Open-Tubular Trapping (OTT) Thermal Membrane Desorption Application (TMDA) Coated Capillary Microextraction (CCME) Passive permeation dosimeters+thermal desorption Thick Film Open Tabular Trap (TFOT) Thick Film Capillary Trap (TFCT) Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) Supercritical Fluid Extraction SFE 13 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia POSSIBLE APPLICATION OF SUBCRITICAL WATER AS AN EXTRACTANT DIFFICULT NON-POLAR EASY POLAR PCB PAH Organohalogen pesticides Monoterpenes Triazines and organonitrogen pesticides Explosives (HMX, RDX, TNT) Phenols, amines 280oC 100oC S.B. Hawthorne, A. Kubatowa, Hot (subcritical) water extraction, in: Sampling and sample preparation for field and laboratory collective work, edited by J. Pawliszyn), Elsevier, 2002, pp. 587-608 14 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia IONIC LIQUIDS – SOLVENTS OF THE 21ST CENTURY IONIC LIQUIDS are salts containing: • an organic cation; • an anion (usually inorganic). Terminology •room-temperature ionic liquid (RTIL); •non-aqueous ionic liquid; •molten salt; •liquid organic salt; •fused salt 15 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia INTERESTING AND PROMISING PROPERTIES OF IONIC LIQUIDS at room temperature these salts are liquids; dissolve both inorganic and organic compounds; are thermally stable: their boiling points are high, often > 350°C; usually immiscible with water; are non-volatile (very low vapour pressure at 25°C); dissolve catalysts, especially complexes of transition metals; without simultaneously damaging the walls of glass or steel reactors 16 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia ANALYTICAL APPLICATION OF IONIC LIQUIDS Extraction techniques A promising extraction medium Gas chromatography stationary phases (independently or as an addition to silica beds) Electrophoresis Non-aqueous solutions Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography Buffer solution modifier Mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS, ESI-MS) Spectroscopic techniques (UV,IR) solvents with good solvation properties for both polar and nonpolar compounds Electrochemical techniques (sensors) important properties: - high electrical conductance, - wide electrochemical window, - chemical and thermal stability, - low vapour pressure Atomic spectroscopy (ICP-AES) Enhances sample nebulization 17 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia SOLID‐PHASE DYNAMIC EXTRACTION (SPDE) PRINCIPLE: analytes are accumulated in the polymer coating of the inner needle wall by pulling in and pushing out a fixed volume of air to be sampled, through the gas-tight syringe for an appropriate number of times within a fixed time. The vapour pressure flowing over the accumulating phase layer is continuously renewed. The trapped analytes are recovered by thermal desorption and analysed by GC or GC-MS ADVANTAGES: Rapid and efficient sample enrichment Interfaces with any CombiPAL System, controlled by all major GC/GC-MS 18 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia INSIDE NEEDLE DYNAMIC EXTRACTION (INDEX) 19 SOLID PHASE NANOEXTRACTION (SPNE) PRINCIPLE: Makes use of the strong affinity of PAHs for gold nanoparticles IMPLEMENTATION: Liquid samples (water) of volume ca 500 μl (!!!) are mixed with a colloidal solution of gold. This is followed by the quantitative binding of PAH analytes to the surface of gold nanoparticles, which are then removed in an ultracentrifuge FINAL DETERMINATION TECHNIQUE: HPLC-FD (fluorescence detector) DETERMINATION OF PAH ANALYTES IN WATER POSSIBLE AT THE PPB-PPT LEVEL H.Wang, A.D. Campiglia, Anal. Chem., 80, 8202-8209 (2008) Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia 20 SOLID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION (SPME) Construction: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Plunger Barrel Injection needle Inner needle Coated fused silica fibre 21 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia Principles of SPME 1. direct‐immersion SPME 2. headspace‐SPME Operation steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Imerison of the needel in the sample Exposition of the fiber Extraction of an analytes Retraction of the fiber Introduction of the fiber to injection port Desorption of analytes Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia MILESTONES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPME SOLID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION (SPME) first paper on concept of SPME 1990 HEADSPACE SPME (HS-SPME) - Analytes are sampled from headspace above the sample, particularly useful for analysing the composition of solid samples or samples containing matrix constituents and in the extraction of very volatile analytes 1993 COOLED COATED FIBRE SPME (CCF-SPME) - approach improving extraction efficiency by heating the sample and simultaneously cooling the SPME fibre. The temperature is easily controlled by cooling the fibre coating from the inside with a coolant and by altering the core diameter of the arrangement 1995 IN-TUBE SPME - the extraction phase is immobilized as the inner coating of the needle or part of the chromatographic column. Analytes are retained in the extraction medium during a few draw/eject cycles of the sample, or extraction takes place following a one-off filling of the needle 1997 FIBRE-IN-TUBE SPME - polymer core is inserted into the capillary of the in-tube SPME arrangement. The core reduces the capillary volume, but the surface area of the sorbent is not reduced 2000 SOLID-PHASE AROMA CONCENTRATE EXTRACTION (SPACE) - the SPACE rod is fabricated from stainless steel coated with an adsorbent mixture (mainly of graphite carbon) fixed on the head of a closed flask, where it adsorbs the aroma for a given time 2004 MEMBRANE-SPME (M-SPME) - physical separation of the two phases with a membrane impermeable to both of them or by immobilization of the extracting agent in the membrane pores 2009 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia 23 MAIN DIFFICULTIES WITH THE ISOLATION OF POLAR COMPOUNDS low affinity compounds of extraction coatings for polar the polar coating may partially dissolve in the polar sample matrix limited number of commercially available fibre coatings for the isolation of polar compounds 24 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia THE CONCEPT OF M‐SPME SPME: • simplicity • short extraction time • solventless • automation • GC compatible • in-situ sampling Membrane techniques: • physical separation • selectivity • broad range of solvents M-SPME A. Kloskowski, M. Pilarczyk, J. Namieśnik, Anal. Chem., 81, 7363 (2009) 25 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia SCHEME OF M‐SPME FIBRE 1) silica fibre 2) polar retaining medium (50μm coating of PEG) 3) non-polar membrane (90-100μm coating of PDMS) 26 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia 0 75 KPEG/Water >> KPDMS/Water s a m p l e P D M S m e m b r a n e p o l y e t y l e n e g l i k o l e g l a s s r o d analyte concentration Principles of extraction in M‐SPME ~175 ~200 distance from rod axis [m] Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia SORBENTS IN M‐SPME PDMS PEG ‐ non‐polar ‐ polar ‐ gum‐like or liquid‐like state ‐ gum‐like or liquid‐like state ‐ thermostable to around 300°C ‐ thermally resistant ‐ chemically neutral ‐ low melting point ‐ flexible ‐ high value of dielectric constant ‐ known values of partition coefficients ‐ known values of partition coefficients 28 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia ABSORPTION VS ADSORPTION ADSORPTION artefact formation incomplete desorption strong catalytic interactions of adsorbents ABSORTION analytes are retained by dissolution analytes can be desorbed at moderate temperatures analyte decomposition can be ruled out non-specific interactions between analyte and sorbent 29 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia PRELIMINARY RESULTS ‐ phenoles Compound 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2-Chlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 2-Nitrophenol 4-Nitrophenol Pentachlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Linearity range (µg/L) 15-1500 3-300 3-300 3-300 10-1000 15-1500 3-300 15-1500 15-1500 10-1000 2 R 0.9953 0.9936 0.9987 0.9921 0.9963 0.9898 0.9945 0.9937 0.9914 0.9932 LOD (µg/L) M-SPME PA 7 43 15 9 110 81 9 150 83 61 50 530 120 110 950 680 60 1800 740 440 A. Kloskowski, M. Pilarczyk, J. Namieśnik, Anal. Chem., 81, 7363 (2009) 30 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia PRELIMINARY RESULTS – VOC’s COMPOUNDS obenzene (CB) p‐xylene (p‐X) o‐xylene (o‐X) isopropylbenzene (isoPB) n‐propylbenzene (n‐PB) 2‐chlorotoluene (2‐CT) 4‐chlorotoluene (4‐CT) t‐butylbenzene (t‐BB) sec‐butylbenzene (sec‐BB) 1.3‐dichlorobenzene (1.3‐DCB) 1.4‐dichlorobenzene (1.4‐DCB) LOD (ng/l) PEG/PDMS DVB/CAR/PDMS 0.23 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.08 0.08 0.12 0.13 0.41 0.33 0.24 0.27 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.23 0.12 0.37 0.37 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia ADVANTAGES OF M‐SPME Low cost; Good mechanical properties, extremely stable thermally; Improved extraction efficiency; Possibility of adjusting selectivity of sorption based on high dielectric constant of PEG; Analytes retained by dissolution; Analytes can be desorbed at moderate temperatures; Extraction time is considerably shorter than that required with a solid polymer Outlook: Possibility of utilizing highly polar materials as sorbents Opportunity to overcome the difficulties with extracting polar analytes from polar media 32 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia RECENT PUBLICATIONS ON GREEN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY M. Tobiszewski, A. Mechlińska, B. Zygmunt, J. Namieśnik, Green analytical chemistry in sample preparation for determination of trace organic pollutants, Trends Anal. Chem., 28 (2009) 943. A. Kloskowski, M. Pilarczyk, J. Namieśnik, Membrane solid-phase microextraction – a new concept of sorbent preparation, Analytical Chemistry, 81 (2009) 7363. M. Tobiszewski, A. Mechlińska, J. Namieśnik, Green analytical chemistry : theory and practice, Chem. Soc. Rev., 39 (2010) 2869. A. Spietelun, M. Pilarczyk, A. Kloskowski, J. Namieśnik, Current trends in solid- phase microextraction (SPME) fibre coatings, Chem. Soc. Rev., 39 (2010), 4524. M. Urbanowicz, B. Zabiegała, J. Namieśnik, Solventless sample preparation techniques based on solid- and vapour-phase extraction, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 399 (2011) 277. 33 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia DEPARTMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL FACULTY GDANSK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Analytical Chemistry This lecture can also be found on the homepage of the Department of Analytical Chemistry 34 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia EUROPEAN MASTER IN QUALITY IN ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES‐ EMQAL 35 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia The exploitation of white cabbage for phytoremediation and biofumigation of soils (AGROBIOKAP) Priority axis: Action: Sub‐action: 1. Research and development of novel technologies 1.3. Support for R+D projects carried out by scientific institutions on behalf of industrial companies 1.3.1. Development projects Recommended subsidy: 3 391 950,00 PLN Project deadline: 01.07.2007‐01.07.2013 CONTACT Gdansk University of Technology, Chemical Faculty G. Narutowicza 11/12 Str., 80-233 Gdańsk phone/fax: 0048 58 347 26 25 e-mail: [email protected] Project co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund in a framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia MEMBERS OF MY RESEARCH GROUP 39 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 40 Green Chemistry 2011 Innovations, 04-07.12.2011, Melbourne, Australia
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