Document 279838

Class 5
Sample Questions
Syllabus & Sample Questions
Class 5
Reading Section: Unseen Passage, Making Meaningful Comprehension, Paragraph and Story, Precis Writing
Writing Section: Description Based on Facts, Jumbled Words/Sentences, Establishing Relation, Dialogue
Completion, Informal Letters/ Formal Letters, Notices, Messages, Story Writing, Paragraph Writing.
Grammar Section: Identification and Uses of : Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Adjective,
Conjunction, Article, Tense, Voice, Determiners, Types of Sentences, Modals, Reported Speech, Error
Detection, Subject And Predicate, Use Of Possessive, Subject Verb Agreement, Usage of Words and Sentences
General English: Synonyms/Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Identifying Odd One Out, One Word for
Many Words, Correct Sentences and Spelling of Words, Establishing Relation
Read the following comprehension and answer the questions:
In America most children enter the public education system around ages five or six. The American school year
traditionally begins at the end of August or the day after Labour Day in September, after the traditional summer
recess. Children are assigned into year groups known as grades, beginning with preschool, followed by
kindergarten and culminating in twelfth grade. Children customarily advance together from one grade to the
next as a single cohort or "class" upon reaching the end of each school year in late May or early June.
The American educational system comprises 12 grades of study over 12 calendar years of primary and secondary
education before graduating and becoming eligible for college admission. After pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten, there are five years in primary school (normally known as elementary school. After completing
five grades, the student will enter junior high or middle school and then high school to get the high school
diploma. The U.S. uses ordinal numbers (e.g., first grade) for naming grades rather than the cardinal numbers
(e.g., grade one) frequently used in Canada and Australia. Typical ages and grade groupings in public and
private schools may be found through the U.S. Department of Education. Many different variations exist across
the country.
When does the American school year traditionally begin?
(A) At the end of August
(B) After Labour Day in September
(C) After traditional summer recess
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
How many grades are there in the American educational system?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 10
(D) 12
(E) None of these
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Erudite Olympiad Foundation
Direction: In question 3: Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence.
Is the / biggest manifestation /in the world /the Internet / democracy / of.
(A) The internet is manifestation of democracy the biggest in the world.
(B) The internet is the biggest manifestation of democracy in the world.
(C) The internet is the biggest democracy of manifestation in the world.
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Direction : In question 4: Find the Synonym of the word written in Capital Letters.
(A) Curious
(B) Agony
(C) Careless
(D) Serious
(E) None of these
Fill I, II, III, IV with P, Q, R and S to make a meaningful comprehension:
The cinema of India ___________I__________, including the cinematic culture of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat,
Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal.
Indian films came to be followed throughout South Asia and the Middle East. The cinema_____________
______II__________as 1,000 films in various languages of India __________III________. Expatriates in countries
such as the United Kingdom and the United States continue to give rise to international ________________IV______.
P : as a medium gained popularity in the country as many
Q : consists of films produced across India
R : audiences for Indian films of various languages
S : are produced annually
Choose your answer from the given options:
(E) None of these
Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb:
People love to _________-I_____the traffic rules which is illegal. Thousands of people in India
_________II_________every year in road accidents. Most of these road accidens _______III______place
because of the violation of traffic rules.
(A) I-violated, II- are killed, III- takes
(B) I-violate, II- is killed, III- take
(C) I-violates, II- are killed, III- take
(D) I-violate, II- are killed, III- take
(E) None of these
In question 7 a sentence is given. Write the parts of speech of the words given in the sentence.
The soldiers fought bravely in the battlefield.
(A) Soldiers: Adjective, Fought- Verb, Bravely-Adverb, Battlefield- Noun
(B) Soldiers: Pronoun, Fought- Verb, Bravely-Adverb, Battlefield- Noun
(C) Soldiers: Noun, Fought- Verb, Bravely-Adverb, Battlefield- Noun
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Class 5
Sample Questions
(D) Soldiers: Noun, Fought- Verb, Bravely-Adjective, Battlefield- Noun
(E) None of these
Direction : In question 8, fill in the blanks with suitable articles.
________ man whom we met at the mall was very amicable. There was ________small girl with him who
seemed to be _______unique person.
(A) I - the II - a III - an
(B) I - the II - a III - a
(C) I - a II - a III - an
(D) I - the II - an III - a
(E) None of these
Direction: In question 9: Find One Word Substitution for the given sentence.
Science of earth’s crust and the interior strata is called _____________.
(A) Geography
(B) Geology
(C) Biology
(D) Botany
(E) None of these
Which sentence(s) is/are grammatically correct?
I : Staff is working in the field.
II : He is the man who loves drinking milk.
III : The teacher always teach us very seriously.
IV : Ten kilometre are a long distance.
V : He learns computer now.
(A) IV and V
(B) II and IV
(C) I
(D) II
(E) All of these
1. (D)
6. (D)
2. (D)
7. (C)
5. (B)
10. (D)
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