Curriculum Committee Minutes September 11, 2012 Los Angeles Southwest College

Curriculum Committee Minutes
September 11, 2012
Los Angeles Southwest College
Meeting attended by:
Absent from meeting:
Tangelia Alfred; Stephanie Brasley; Elmer Bugg; Darren Ciffarelli; James
Hicks; Tamura Howard; Patrick Jefferson; Reggie Morris; Angelica Ramirez;
Zakerias Dammena; Kristine Wright; Glenn Yoshida
Catherine Azubuike; Lashawn Brinson; Shauna Carter; Al Cowart; Phillip Jones
Thomas; Neil Mantena; Kimberly McBride; Celeste Phelps; Marian Ruane;
Roxanna Sanchez; Trudy Walton; Shelley Werts;
Vacant: ASO Student Representative; Academic Senate President
Minutes submitted by:
Agenda Topics
1:00 pm -2:00 pm (Meeting began a 1:15 )
SSEC 309
A. Ramirez
Agenda Topic #1: Call to Order
By Kristine
Wright @ 1:15
Agenda Topic #2: Welcome & Introductions
Welcome to first meeting in Academic year 2012-2013. Introductions done. Announced
New meeting schedule: 2nd Tuesday @ 1pm & 4th Thursday @11am
Duration: 7
Agenda Topic #3: Approval of today’s agenda and minutes from May 24, 2012 meeting
Add: “ESL DE addendum was tabled” & Remove Lisa Ford from committee list- Dr. Alfred
is her replacement.
Committee discussed the need for minutes to reflect discussion and resolution/action for
each item on agenda.
M&P after corrections listed above
Duration: 7
Agenda Topic #4: ReportsNONE- Scheduled for Next meeting
Duration: 0
Agenda Topic #5: Old Business---
approx 10
ECD routing
If routing has glitch, EMAIL K. Wright ECD with status report. She can correct routing
For all courses being ARCHIVED, please forward signed original “Course Archive
Request Form” to K. Wright ASAP via Campus Mail or drop off at SSEC 216N.
K. Wright has a number of ECDs to route through system and will work on that this
month, including CC approved courses ASL 3 (reinstate), SOC 4 (new), PSYCH 92 (new)
and many COR updates.
Curriculum Committee Minutes, 9-11-12
J. Hicks is now in system as Business department chair
P. Jefferson is now in system as Curriculum Dean
P. Jones-Thomas is in system as Acting Senate President
Discussion Process
a. ECD Routing change is needed so that Personal Dev outlines are rerouted from BEH
chair to Counseling Chair.
b. In the next 2-3 weeks, items pending on K. Wright’s ECD queue from Spring/summer
should be cleared.
c. R Morris brought up Child Dev pre-reqs which are pending and that there are
discrepancies between catalog and ECD.
d. Committee discussed the need for catalog to be updated and uploaded online ASAP
with accurate information for students and counseling staff.
e. Committee discussed Catalog Rights and whether change of Prerequisite would impact
students who have older catalog rights. Students’ grandfathered rights mean that as
long as the student retains his/her catalog year, they are not subject to changes in
prerequisites (i.e. prerequisite used should be the one in place during the student’s
catalog year). The committee discussed how, Dept chairs would determine what
catalog year apply to individual students. The consensus was to refer students to
Agenda Topic #6: New Business
a. CORs and Compliance – discussion and action item
 See CORslist_f12.xls (emailed)
 Program viability studies – see spreadsheet
approx 45
DE Form – discussion and action item- TABLED PENDING DE committee response.
 New form to expedite process
 Need all DE classes updated.
 Form emailed and attached.
Discussion Process
 Issue: We need to determine what % of classes are offered as DE (Distance Education)
courses at the college as a whole and in program level.
 K. Wright previous to meeting sent out a list of DE classes through 2010.
 K. Wright reviewed minutes from 2011/2012 and only Eng 21 had a DE addendum
approved. K. Wright also reviewed Etudes for a list of possible DE classes
 T. Howard indicated that if class has an Etude resource site or other web material, then
these are hybrid classes and should have a DE addendum.
 If you students do not do any work online, if instructor is posting handouts, syllabi,
materials online and students need to sign in to access content, then class is considered a
hybrid and should have DE addendum.
 Committee discussed that using this definition would make over 80% of our classes
Distance Ed.
 T Howard suggested curriculum committee request definition of what classes qualify as
Distance Ed classes so that definition can be used.
 T Alfred read definition of Distance Education found in DE manual
Curriculum Committee Minutes, 9-11-12
“Distance education is defined, for the purpose of
accreditation review as a formal interaction which uses one or
more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are
separated from the instructor and which supports regular and
substantive interaction between the students and instructor,
either synchronously or asynchronously. Distance education
often incorporates technologies such as the internet; one-way
and two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed
circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics,
satellite, or wireless communications devices; audio
conferencing; or video cassettes, DVDs, and CD-ROMs, in
conjunction with any of the other technologies.
 Committee discussed that Substantive change is it required if we consider all classes
with interaction using technology. Almost all classes in 21st century would be hybrid/
Distance Ed classes based on technology enhancement.
Action Items
 Curriculum committee recommends that DE committee define hybrid, DE, and
technology-enhanced courses. As well as provide examples of these. K. Wright will
contact DE committee.
 Committee will also review what other colleges in our district do.
Stand Alone Certification – discussion and action item.
Discussion Process
 KW sent relevant information via email prior to meeting. Committee was asked to
review materials sent.
 Summary of information is that we “can’t have stand alone classes.”
 When a new program is developed, classes need to be developed before hand. These
classes are considered stand alone at first but need to show that program/major in being
developed at same time for them to be approved.
 Journalism classes need to have journalism program created.
 DC already submitted paperwork to create program.
 M/P -Committee trained and approved signing of certification.
Action Items
 Committee should review materials sent via email.
 Committee trained and approved signing of certification.
NEW COR Active sheet – discussion
Discussion Process
 Department chairs and Deans need to review your areas carefully and determine
whether COR need to be updated.
 CORs should be updated each 5 years.
 Each dept chair and dean also received a report showing status of COR for courses in
each area. Red on report list indicates classes that need updating.
 Some may still be pending on ECD
 This is a title 5 compliance issue. Classes with outdated COR should not be offered.
EVP previously indicated classes would be pulled from schedule.
 Reviewed COR updating and ECD approval process with Chair Hicks. T. Howard and
Curriculum Committee Minutes, 9-11-12
C. Wright offered to walk J. Hicks through process.
Action Items
Review and update COR
Review report and if you identify courses that are not being currently worked,
inform K Wright so they can be removed form Curriculum list (esp 2008/2009
pending items.)
PHYS ED to KIN – discussion
 See list emailed prior to meeting
 All CORs in this area need to be updated.
 Per K. W right all PE COR are archived. ECD not showing any active PE
classes. Classes being kept need to be copied and changed to KIN discipline.
 Question: If conversion taking place Fall 2013, will this result in scheduling
problems in Spring 2013?
SPEECH to COMM – discussion – TABLED
 See list
 All CORs need to be updated.
TMCs – discussion item
 See relevant email for information.
Discussion Process
 T. Alfred emailed samples. 9 pages are required for TMCs. We can not
develop new degrees but instead need to develop approved TMCs and
courses required.
 Chairs should review and produce TCMs and get them signed. Submit to Dr.
Jefferson so that they can be approved. All courses have been previously
developed somewhere in district so it should be easy to follow.
 CalStates are not going to take students unless they have transfer degrees
 Currently Alfred is writing emails for students indicating that students meet
requirements but college does not have transfer degree.
 80% of degrees need to be transfer degrees by Fall 2013
h. Repeatability – discussion item
 See attached list.
Discussion Process
 District is going to clear all repeatability so that no classes will be
repeatable. Classes can be leveled and show different objectives for each
level. This deed to be done so that it can take effect by Fall 2013
Curriculum Committee Minutes, 9-11-12
Agenda Topic #7: Resources
a. Curriculum page – when will new website be launched? Information pending.
b. Angelica is now responsible for CC mtg minutes. Will Angelica also update
website? No. Information pending.
Agenda Topic #8: Announcements
a. Lunch – if committee would like to have lunch brought in for meetings, a
collection fund will be started. K.Wright will send an email with details.
Agenda Topic #9: Public Speakers
approx 1
approx 1
Duration: 0
Next meeting
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Time: 11:00am
Place: SSEC 309
Meeting adjourned at 2:35 P.M.
CC approved: 9/27/12
Curriculum Committee Minutes, 9-11-12