How to add prospective members to your group

How to add prospective
members to your group
If someone wants to join your organization, as the primary contact you
should receive an email notifying you that there is someone waiting to
be approved. You will only be notified once for each person who
requests to join, so it’s important that you are checking regularly to
make sure that you are approving potential members.
To approve someone take the following steps:
Log in to
Once you log in it will take you to your Home Page… Go to your
organization (if you have more than one organization, go to the one
which the email indicated that you had a “pending member” for.
“Hover” over the Membership box and select “Prospective Members”
Please note that “Prospective Members” are students who are
requesting to join your group… “Pending Members” are students who
YOU have asked to join the group, and are waiting for their reply.
You will then go to a page with Pending and Perspective group
members… Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click the little
green r this will add the person as a member of your group.
Great Job! You added a member to your group! Want to go above and beyond
and assign your group members their titles?! Of course you do!
After you approve the potential member, you will be taken to a screen
that allows you to assign a position to the new member of your group.
Now simply select the positions that you would like that person to
hold, officers can hold multiple positions… If you choose “primary
contact” the person will be on our mailing list as the primary contact…
Primary contacts are very important and should be updated so that
our office knows who to get in touch with if we have questions for the
group. You can have more than one primary contact.
For the purposes of this tutorial I made Jason the 2nd Financial Officer
as well as the Secretary.
You’re doing great! Want to go ABOVE “Above and Beyond”? You can actually
send out emails requesting students to join your group… This is a great feature,
because instead of relying on your officers to log-in and request to join the group,
you can just send them all one message at once… At any point you will be able to
log-in and see who has accepted/rejected your “friend request”.
Click “Back to Membership Roster”
Scroll all the way down and just start plugging in the emails… Not sure
what your officer emails are??? Just go to and search
“people”… Or if all else fails you can always try to get their contact
info on FaceBook
As always, give us a call, come in or shoot us an email and our staff
is more than willing to help you with any questions that you have
about your Hopkins Groups page… We hope that you use this page
as a resource to inform students about your group… If you have
any ideas for other power point tutorials that you think would be
useful please let us know, we are always looking for new ways to
make being in a group easier and more fun for our students!