CABCHARGE AUSTRALIA LIMITED RESULTS PRESENTATION Year Ended 30 June 2012 Group Performance Highlights • Revenue of $192.4m, up 4.2% on PCP • Reported NPAT of $60m, up 30.0% on PCP • Normalised* NPAT of $68.7m, up 12.3% on PCP * excluding impairment charge (FY 12) and ACCC settlement (FY 11) • Reported earnings per share of 49.7 cents, up 30.0% on PCP • Dividend - Final dividend of 18 cents per share (fully franked) taking full year dividend to 35 cents, up 16.7% on PCP • Cash Flows - Strong operating cash flows of $69.9m • Balance Sheet - Continued strong balance sheet with net debt of $115.3m at 30 June 2012 with net debt-to-equity ratio at 36.0% (FY11: 40.4%) 2 Group Financial Performance ($m) FY11 FY12 Revenue 1 Expenses 2 EBITDA Depn & amortn EBIT Net interest Discount on acqn Profit before tax Income tax NPAT (excl. associates) Equity accounted net profit of associates NPAT 184.5 (116.2) 68.4 (12.5) 55.9 (6.4) 49.5 (18.3) 31.2 14.9 46.1 192.4 (114.6) 77.8 (13.0) 64.8 (7.1) 2.6 60.3 (19.7) 40.5 19.4 60.0 EBITDA margin 3 EBIT margin 3 Effective tax rate (%) 37.0% 30.3% 37.0% 40.4% 33.7% 32.7% 4 Change over PCP 4.2% 13.7% 15.8% 29.8% 30.5% 30.0% 1 Excludes interest income and discount on acquisition 2 Includes impairment charge on investments in associates of $8.7m (FY12) and ACCC settlement costs of $15m (FY11) 3 Calculation excludes equity accounted net profit of associates 4 Higher effective tax rate due to one-off items 3 Cabcharge Payment System FY12 turnover =$1,051m – an increase of 1.7% from $1,033m in FY11 Turnover by category ($m) Effective Service Fee rate 459 425 400 423 438 198 169 149 137 123 408 450 456 473 490 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 Bank Issued Third Party CAB a/cs 9.0% 9.1% 9.2% 9.2% 9.2% FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 Turnover growth (FY 12 v FY 11) by category Turnover growth (vPCP) 11.9% CAB a/cs -10.2% 3.5% 2.9% Third Party 1.7% -1.9% -3.7% Bank Issued 3.7% FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 4 Taxi Services Taxi Services Revenue ($m) • Revenue increased 7.6% to $90.0m from $83.6m • Fleet growth over the past year: - NSW: increased by 250 cars - VIC: increased by 151 cars NSW Network Fleet VIC Network Fleet 5 Business Segments Contributions 2012 2011 Bus & coach services 19% Taxi related services 81% Bus & coach services 15% Taxi related services 85% Taxi related services include Cabcharge Payment System and taxi operations (before one-off items). 6 Associates • ComfortDelGro Cabcharge (CDC) – CAB = 49% • • • • • • NPAT contribution was $17.8m, compared to $13.2m in FY11 (up 34.4%) The increase in contribution was due to growth in route services and the efficiencies from the completion of the Integrated Network Route Planning Services in the Metropolitan Sydney and the Hunter Valley Operations as well as the Victorian Bus Operations CDC‘s FY12 key financial numbers: Revenue (100%) = $350m ($317m in FY11) EBIT = $70.8m ($58.8 in FY11) Profit before tax = $51.1m ($37.8m in FY11) CDC’s balance sheet at 30 June 2012 remains solid, with net Debt (excluding bus fleet financing) to Equity Ratio at 6% (30 June 2011: 15%) Bus fleet = 1,562 at June 2012 (1,548 at June 2011) CityFleet (UK) – CAB = 49% • • • • NPAT contribution was $1.7m, same as FY11 UK market continued to be difficult UK Operations continue to be profitable but materially impacted by the strong Australian Dollar CityFleet Group’s balance sheet continues to remain strong, with no external borrowings 7 Outlook • Anticipate growth in use of Cabcharge products through marketing campaign aimed at potential new account holders and Gift Card promotion through 500 retail outlets. These initiatives are designed to both increase sales and expose the Cabcharge brand and products to new markets. • Expected additional taxi payments turnover growth from other cards as consumers enjoy the convenience of contactless cards over cash. EPAL due to commence issuing debit cards with contactless technology through the banks in 2013. • Fareway Plus production commenced which will lower engine replacement costs and open up new commercial opportunities through potential downloading applications. • Our reputation for payments software development is reaping rewards through EFT Solutions winning significant projects with external clients; signing of memorandum with China UnionPay and successful re-tender for Queensland Government Taxi Subsidy Scheme contract based on contactless card expertise. • Continued growth in Taxi Services with acquisition of Yellow Cabs in Adelaide. • UK to experience another year of difficult business conditions. • Contribution from CDC to increase in the coming year as a result of the full year impact of new services, growth in passenger demand and the planned acquisition of Deane’s bus operations. • Opportunity for CDC to tender for additional bus contracts in any area governments offer open tender processes. • Exciting opportunities for potential acquisitions and continuation of our diversification strategy. • Strong balance sheet provides flexibility in relation to future growth initiatives and acquisitions. 8 Disclaimer The material contained in this document is a presentation of general information about the Cabcharge Group’s activities current as at the date of this presentation. It is provided in summary and does not purport to be complete. You should not rely upon it as advice for investment purposes as it does not take into account your investment objectives, financial position or needs. These factors should be considered, with or without professional advice, when deciding if an investment is appropriate. To the extent permitted by law, no responsibility for any loss arising in any way (including by way of negligence) from anyone acting or refraining from acting as a result of this material is accepted by the Cabcharge Group or any of its related bodies corporate or their respective directors, employees and consultants. 9
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