POST ENUMERATION SURVEY OF 5%SAMPLE CHECKING OF DISE DATA MAJOR FINDINGS 2008-09 Human Resource Development Department Government of Sikkim PREFACE Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is an Endeavour to provide, relevant and quality elementary education for all children in the 6 to 14 age group by 2010. It has been formulated to meet the ever- increasing quality based education at the elementary level all over the country. SSA creates an opportunity for promoting social justice through basic education. It also calls for active participation of the local community in the management of schools to usher in a sense of belongingness among people. Keeping these things in mind, we in the State of Sikkim are in a similar pursuit to live up to this goal. Upholding the essence of this holistic approach towards elementary education, the State Govt. of Sikkim launched the scheme in 2000-01. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in Sikkim was launched in a phased manner. In the first phase in 2000-01 SSA was implemented in the West District. Subsequently, SSA was extended to the remaining three districts of North, South and East. Over the years, the State Project Office at Gangtok and District Project Offices has implemented various SSA activities so as to give to our beautiful state, quality education to one and all. The SSA report on 5 % Sample Survey Data 2009 has been prepared with an intention to serve as a valuable future reference document. Agency conducted Survey: Wok Gagriti Club, South Sikkim Name of Investigators: Mr Mahendra Pradhan Mr Dhurba Chettri Year for which the PES is conducted: 2008-09 Survey Month: August’09 No. of District taken as 5% Sample Survey: Name of Districts selected in the sample: 2 West East Gaylsing Gangtok The lists of school are prepared below for the Survey of the two districts: WEST DISTRICT & EAST DISTRICT SL NO 1. NAME OF SCHOOLS (SCHOOLS FOR WHICH DATA WAS FOUND AVAILABLE) PRIMARY SCHOOL, BOM RESHI P S, RAMIDHAM SS SCHOOL, SREEBADAM HS SCHOOL, BONGTEN 2. 3. 4. BLOCK RESHI SAMDONG SREEBADAM BONGTEN SAPONG 5. PS SIMBOLEY MANEYBONG 6. HS SCHOOL, MUKRUNG MANEYBONG 7. PS JHAKRI DHUNGA GITANG KARMATAR 8. LP SCHOOL, BARUL SINGTAM GITANG KARMATAR 9. SS, UTTAREY MANEYBONG 10. PS, SOM BONGTHEN SAPONG 11. PS, GITANG GYATEN KARMATAR SL NO NAME OF SCHOOLS BLOCK 12. PS, BULLUNG (SCHOOLS FOR WHICH GATYANG 13. LP SCHOOL, BOOM DATARINCHENGONG WAS FOUND AVAILABLE) 14. SS SCHOOL, KALUK KALUK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. JHS, MAJHITAR JHS , RALAP JHS , RANGPO DUGA DUNGDUNG RANGPO BAZAR SS SCHOOL, TADONG SAMDUR JHS , PACHEY PAKYONG JHS , PAKYONG PAKYONG HS SCHOOL, SIRWANI SIRWANI SENIOR SEC SCHOOL, MAMRING MAMRING JHS , GANCHUNG TOJA PS, LOWER BURTUK BURTUK GIRLS SR. SECONDARY, GANGTOK DEORALI H S SCHOOL, BHOGHARI GAGTOK –A JHS , BURTUK UPPER BURTUK SECONDARY SCHOOL, SICHEY GANGTOK JHS , UPPER SEYARI TATHANCHEN WARD RESHI-2 U. SAMDONG SREEBADAM-5 BONGTEN-4 SIMBOLEY-1 L. MUKRUNG-1 JHAKRIDHUNGA-1 GITANG KARMATAR4 BANDUKEY-3 SOM BUSTY GITANG-4 WARD BULUNG-4 BOOM-1 KALUK-4 MAJHITAR RALAP RANGPO TADONG PACHEY PAKYONG SIRWANI MAMRING-2 GANCHUNG -1 L. BURTUK DEORALI BHOGHARI UPPER BURTUK SICHEY KOPIBARI DETAILS OF REPORTING: 1. School Location: Most of the Schools are located at rural areas of West and East Sikkim. 2. School Particulars: The following particulars were furnished after the 5% Sample Survey for the two districts. a. Staff Details b. Facilities in School c. Student Enrolment for the session 2009 d. Attendance details of the Teacher and Student during the Survey period e. Grade wise annual examination details of last academic year f. Details of records, maintenance, mid day meal. 3. Attribute pertaining to Principal/ Head Masters/Mistress to the Investigation. Major findings/Analysis: Accordingly as of last year, this year also the team decided to make a 5% Sample Survey Project by selecting 30 schools out of 585 schools of East and West districts. The selected schools of different categories and levels covered for East and West districts and which included all ranges of schools like Primary Level to Senior Secondary Level. During the visit of all the 30 schools we collected information on the filled prescribed format. We found different information related to School Building Structure, its infrastructure, facilities provided to the schools, Staff of the schools, Enrollment of the students their attendance, and grade wise examination. The details of above are mentioned below in details. The information filed in the DISE data about various school location and its particulars furnished were matched with our information found in the period of survey. The details of the schools have been mentioned below on the table accordingly District, Ward, Block and Rural categories for East and west District:- Staff Analysis As per the table below generated from the data collected by Wok Gagriti Club we can come to the conclusion on the following points: a. Shortage of staff: According to our survey from the West and East District here we found that the still there are shortages of staff in various schools in the West District. b. Excess of staff: In other hand we found that there is Excess of Staff in some schools like SS School Kaluk. c. Attendance of staff: During the survey period we found that the staff of the Schools is mostly 100% and in some schools it was 61% to 90%. d. Midday Meal Cook: It is found that there are still in some schools like LP school Barul, PS Jhakri Dhunga, PS Simboley etc has no Mid-day meal cook but in some schools they have appointed up to 4 cook this may be because of high enrolled students. e. Non Teaching Staff: There are still shortage and excess of non teaching staff on HS and SS. f. Database unavailability: We found that in some school we did not get available data as we required since HM/Principal were out of School Premises during the day of survey. Facilities in School There are various facilities provided to the schools which are listed below for the reference and comparison for the current academic session. 1. Status of building 2. Type of school Building 3. Number of Blocks in school 4. Condition of Classroom and other rooms available in the school 5. Availability of Electricity in the School 6. Common Toilet available in the School 7. Separate Toilet available for Girls 8. Separate Toilet facility available for Staff 9. Condition of boundary wall in the School 10. Source of Drinking water facility in School 11. School Playground 12. Computer facilities 13. Seating arrangement for children in school From the above listings we surveyed and generated a table to compare the DISE Report to provide feedbacks: EAST DISTRICT TABLE WITH INDEX: WEST DISTRICT TABLE WITH INDEX: TABLE INDEX: 1. Status of building: Almost 97% of School Buildings are Government Buildings and we found some of the school buildings are under construction. 2. Type of school Building: out of 100%, 53% of school building are Pucca, 37% of buildings are semi Pucca an 10% of schools are still kuccha 3. Number of Building Blocks in school: there are 32 Building Blocks in West district on 5% Sample Survey and 42 Building Blocks are in East during the sample survey. Therefore in gross we find 74 Building Blocks in West and East District on selected schools for survey. 4. Condition of Classroom and other rooms available in the school: The condition of the school is around 76% of the classroom is in good condition as we found in the data. 13% of the school classroom is in need of minor repair rest of the classroom is fully damaged which require major repairs. 5. Availability of Electricity in the School: When we visited in 30 schools and query for the electrification we found 63% of schools have been fully electrified and 37% of the school is yet to be electrified. Simultaneously, comparison of the rural and urban schools of the two districts we found rural schools are left out for electrification. 6. Common Toilet available in the School: during the survey we found the data that 17% of the school have still common toilet in both districts. The conditions of the toilet are not good. 7. Separate Toilet available for Girls: 83% of the school have separate toilet for girls. 8. Separate Toilet facility available for Staff: after the survey, 63% of schools have their separate toilet for Teachers and 37% of the schools have no separate toilet. 9. Condition of boundary wall in the School: according to the data of the survey 64% of the schools have no boundary wall in the school. 33% of the school has barbed wire fencing and 13% of school has Pucca but broken boundary. 10. Source of Drinking water facility in School: Source of drinking water facility in school on the selected school for 5% sample survey, we found data of 100% of the schools have tap water as the source. 11. School Playground: for the playground data 57% of the schools have their own playground and 43% of school has no playground. 12. Computer facilities: we collected the data that the 50% of the schools have computer facilities from 1 set of computer to 18 sets of computer. 13. Seating arrangement for children in school: 96% of the school have good seating arrangement and 6% of school has lacking furniture which are totally broken/damaged. Student Enrolment Here we collected data for the last year to compare the enrolment of the students. Given table below provide us the details of total enrolment of the school. The enrolment is categorized into repeaters and Disabled. Table of the Student Enrolment for the East Schools as on 2008. Table of the Student Enrolment for the West Schools as on 2008. The following table gives us the detailed information regarding the category wise enrolment of the West District Session 2009. The following table gives us the detailed information regarding the category wise enrolment of the West District Session 2009. Presence of Students on the day of Survey: Besides asking about the total number of teachers posted in the school, we also observed and recorded the number of students present on the day of survey as given in the table above on the basis of category wise. The total enrolled students of the SC, ST, and OBC of the east district were 10026 and 9945 respectively. As the data were collected for SC, ST, OBC other General students were left out since the requirement of the department as up to above categories. The presence of the students we quite good as we seen around 93% of the students were present during the day of survey. Here we could not show the figure since the general categories and MBC students are not in this data. Grade wise Examination Details for which annual Examination is conducted for the last Academic year (2008). If we see grade wise passing percentage of Grade –V it is 90% of the total students of the west district and 64% of the Grade VIII. Here we find that the passing percentage of East district was 74.44% and 81.10% respectively. It is noted that the passing percentage of the Grade –V of West District is much better than that the east but the passing percentage of Grade –VIII is vice versa. For the current year the data has been collected and the examination was ongoing process. Thus, we derived only the enrolled students for both Grade and categorized to SC and ST. Attributes pertaining to the Principal/Head Teacher towards the Investigation: 1. Initially the reaction of the Head of the schools we overall if we say were good. The support we got is really appreciable in this regards. Though in some cases it was noticed that the Head of the Schools were busy in school co-curricular activities. So in this case we faced a bit problem to collect the data as required for 5% Sample Survey. In some schools the Head of the Schools were not present since they were out of station for official jobs. 2. The availability of the data was in average. No systematic updating and maintenance of records we found. In some schools the records of school like Enrollment, Passing percentage, Highest Scorer and Staff details were shown in the chart which we find the easiest way to grab the data. But in some schools there were no proper maintenance of Register too which make us delay on collecting records and data. 3. The Attendance of the schools was found updated every day. But the total summary of absence, present and leave was not found in some schools for the ending of the month.
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