October 16, 2014 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 5130 Riverside Drive, Chino, CA 91710 4:00 p.m. – Closed Session 7:00 p.m. – Regular Meeting October 16, 2014 AGENDA • • • The public is invited to address the Board of Education regarding items listed on the agenda. Comments on an agenda item will be accepted during consideration of that item, or prior to consideration of the item in the case of a closed session item. Persons wishing to address the Board are requested to complete and submit to the Administrative Secretary, Board of Education, a “Request to Speak” form available at the entrance to the Board room. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact the Administrative Secretary, Board of Education, if you require modification or accommodation due to a disability. Agenda documents that have been distributed to members of the Board of Education less than 72 hours prior to the meeting are available for inspection at the Chino Valley Unified School District Administration Center, 5130 Riverside Drive, Chino, California, during the regular business hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. I. OPENING BUSINESS I.A. CALL TO ORDER – 4:00 P.M. 1. Roll Call 2. Public Comment on Closed Session Items 3. Closed Session Discussion and possible action: a. Conference with Legal Counsel – Pending Litigation (Government Code 54956.9 subdivision [a]): Johnson V. Chino Valley Unified School District (EEOC Charge No. 480-2014-01910) (Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo) (10 minutes) b. Student Discipline Matter (Education Code 35146, 48918 (c) & (j): Expulsion case 14/15-03. (10 minutes) c. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (Government Code 54957): (45 minutes) d. Public Employee Performance Evaluation (Government Code 54957): Superintendent. (45 minutes) e. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Government Code 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: James Na and Charles E. Dickie with unrepresented employee, Superintendent. (45 minutes) I.B. RECONVENE TO REGULAR OPEN MEETING – 7:00 P.M. 1. Report Closed Session Action 2. Pledge of Allegiance I.C. PRESENTATIONS 1. Student Showcase: Walnut ES 2. After School Programs 3. Employee Retirement Recognition 4. Special Recognition: Brenda Dunkle 5. Richard Gird Educational Hall of Fame Ribbon Cutting The proceedings of this meeting are being recorded. Regular Meeting of the Board of Education October 16, 2014 I.D. COMMENTS FROM STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE I.E. COMMENTS FROM EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVES I.F. COMMENTS FROM COMMUNITY LIAISONS I.G. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with Board Bylaw 9323 Bylaws of the Board – Meeting Conduct, please: a) limit remarks to three minutes (total for all remarks); b) if a topic has been covered, limit remarks to new points; and c) please contact the Superintendent’s Office for procedures regarding complaints against employees, or see the Administrative Secretary, Board of Education, for the form. I.H. CHANGES AND DELETIONS II. ACTION II.A. ADMINISTRATION II.A.1. One Percent (1%) One-Time Off Schedule Payment to All Current Unrepresented Employees Recommend the Board of Education approve a one percent (1%) one-time off schedule payment to all current unrepresented employees employed between August 1, 2014, and August 31, 2014. Motion Second Preferential Vote: Vote: Yes No Restructure of Certificated/Classified Management/Confidential Salary Schedule Recommend the Board of Education approve the proposed restructure of the Certificated/ Classified Management/Confidential Salary Schedule effective July 1, 2014. Motion Second Preferential Vote: Vote: Yes No Page 1 II.A.2. Page 2 2 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education II.B. HUMAN RESOURCES II.B.1. One Percent (1%) On-Schedule Payment and One Percent (1%) Off-Schedule Payment to All Employees of the California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chino Chapter 102 Recommend the Board of Education approve a one percent (1%) on-schedule payment and a one percent (1%) off-schedule payment to all employees of the California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chino Chapter 102. Page 5 October 16, 2014 Motion Second Preferential Vote: Vote: Yes No Motion Second Preferential Vote: Vote: Yes No III. CONSENT III.A. ADMINISTRATION III.A.1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 2, 2014 Recommend the Board of Education approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 2, 2014. Page 7 III.A.2. Page 14 III.A.3. Revision of Bylaws of the Board 9223—Filling Vacancies; and Bylaws of the Board 9230—Orientation Recommend the Board of Education approve the revisions of: a) Bylaws of the Board 9223—Filling Vacancies, and b) Bylaws of the Board 9230—Orientation. Page 22 Revision of Bylaws of the Board Exhibit 9323.2—Actions by the Board Recommend the Board of Education approve the revision of Bylaws of the Board Exhibit 9323.2—Actions by the Board. III.B. BUSINESS SERVICES III.B.1. Warrant Register Recommend the Board of Education approve/ratify the warrant register, provided under separate cover. Page 27 III.B.2. Page 28 III.B.3. Page 32 Fundraising Activities Recommend the Board of Education approve/ratify the fundraising activities. Donations Recommend the Board of Education accept the donations. 3 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education October 16, 2014 III.C. FACILITIES, PLANNING, AND OPERATIONS III.C.1. Purchase Order Register Recommend the Board of Education approve/ratify the purchase order register, provided under separate cover. Page 36 III.C.2. Page 37 III.C.3. Page 39 III.C.4. Page 42 III.C.5. Page 45 Agreements for Contractor/Consultant Services Recommend the Board of Education approve/ratify the Agreements for Contractor/Consultant Services with Forte Payment Systems, Child Development; NJA Therapy Services, Special Education; CA Association for Supervision of Curriculum and Development, Professional Development; and approved contract to be amended with Therapy Mantra Inc., Special Education. Surplus/Obsolete Property Recommend the Board of Education declare the District surplus/obsolete and authorize staff to sell/dispose of said property. property Resolution 2014/2015-20 for Authorization to Utilize a Piggyback Contract Recommend the Board of Education adopt Resolution 2014/2015-20 for authorization to utilize a piggyback contract. Notice of Completion for Bid 13-14-10, Rebid HVAC Replacement at Canyon Hills JHS Recommend the Board of Education approve the Notice of Completion for Bid 13-14-10, Rebid HVAC Replacement at Canyon Hills JHS. III.D. HUMAN RESOURCES III.D.1. Certificated/Classified Personnel Items Recommend the Board of Education approve/ratify the certificated/classified personnel items. Page 47 III.D.2. Page 53 New Job Description for Coordinator, Linked Learning Recommend the Board of Education approve the new job description for Coordinator, Linked Learning. III.E. STUDENT SERVICES III.E.1. Student Expulsion Case 14/15-03 Recommend the Board of Education approve the student expulsion case 14/15-03. Page 60 III.E.2. Page 61 School-Sponsored Trips Recommend the Board of Education approve the following school-sponsored trips: Walnut ES; Canyon Hills JHS; Ayala HS; and Don Lugo HS. 4 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education III.E.3. October 16, 2014 Page 63 Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31, 2014 Recommend the Board of Education adopt the proclamation for Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31, 2014. IV. INFORMATION IV.A. FACILITIES, PLANNING, AND OPERATIONS IV.A.1. Page 65 Cash Management Program Recommend the Board of Education receive for information the report on the cash management program. IV.B. HUMAN RESOURCES IV.B.1. Revision of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 4112.2 Personnel—Certification Recommend the Board of Education receive for information the revision of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 4112.2 Personnel—Certification. Page 71 IV.B.2. Page 83 New Board Policy 4316 Personnel—Management, Supervisory and Confidential Recommend the Board of Education receive for information the new Board Policy 4316 Personnel—Management, Supervisory and Confidential. IV.C. STUDENT SERVICES IV.C.1. Williams Settlement Legislation Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary for July Through September 2014 Recommend the Board of Education receive for information the Williams Settlement Legislation Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary for July through September 2014. Page 85 V. COMMUNICATIONS BOARD MEMBERS AND SUPERINTENDENT VI. ADJOURNMENT Date posted: October 10, 2014 Prepared by: Patricia Kaylor, Administrative Secretary, Board of Education 5 ACTION ADMINISTRATION CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent SUBJECT: ONE PERCENT (1%) ONE-TIME OFF SCHEDULE PAYMENT TO ALL CURRENT UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES =================================================================== BACKGROUND On October 2, 2014, the Board ratified the Tentative Agreement with the Associated Chino Teachers, which provides for a 3% salary increase for the 2013/2014 school year, and a 4% salary increase for the 2014/2015, and that “unit members employed between August 1, 2014 and August 31, 2014, shall receive a one (1) time off schedule payment which will be 1% of their salary schedule cell as of August 31, 2014.” Additionally, it is anticipated that on October 16, 2014, the Board will ratify, in a separate agenda item, an additional 1% salary increase for classified employees for the 2014/2015 school year retroactive to July 1, 2014, pursuant to Article 12.1.4 Equity Compensation Package of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, as well as a 1% onetime off schedule payment to classified unit members employed between August 1, 2014 and August 31, 2014. Therefore, the Superintendent is recommending a 1% one-time off schedule payment to unrepresented employees employed between August 1, 2014 and August 31, 2014. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve a one percent (1%) one-time off schedule payment to all current unrepresented employees employed between August 1, 2014, and August 31, 2014. FISCAL IMPACT $187,421.00 to the General Fund. WMJ:pk October 16, 2014 Page 1 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent SUBJECT: RESTRUCTURE OF CERTIFICATED/CLASSIFIED MANAGEMENT/ CONFIDENTIAL SALARY SCHEDULE =================================================================== BACKGROUND For many years, the District’s current pay structure for certificated and classified management has been out of alignment given the level of responsibility and authority relative to the inner workings of the organization. Specifically, certificated directors and tier-one classified directors fall below high school principals on the salary schedule despite the fact that these directors guide and oversee site administrative functions, dependent on the area of expertise. A restructure of the certificated and classified management salary schedule is being proposed in order to reflect appropriate oversight within the organization through pay strategies, while gaining a salary edge to recruit and maintain qualified administrators. Additionally, there are two positions listed on the classified management salary whose duties and responsibilities are out of alignment and are included in this restructure. The new salary structure is provided in bold while the salary structure to be deleted is lined through. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve the proposed restructure of the Certificated/Classified Management/Confidential Salary Schedule effective July 1, 2014. FISCAL IMPACT $197,652.00 to the General Fund. WMJ:pk October 16, 2014 Page 2 CHINO VALLEY UNIFED SCHOOL DISTRICT Certificated Management Salary Schedule 2014/2015 RANGE POSITION DAYS 14 Principal, High School 225 15 Director Access and Equity Alternative Education Assessment Elementary Curriculum Human Resources Professional Development Secondary Curriculum Special Education Student Support Services Technology Principal, Junior High 226 Director, Health Services Principal, Elementary 226 215 18 Principal, Adult School/Boys Republic 225 19 Principal, Buena Vista Continuation 215 21 22 Asst. Principal, High School Asst. Principal, Jr. High Asst. Principal, Buena Vista/CVLA Coordinator Assessment Behavior Intervention Child Welfare and Attendance Elementary Curriculum Secondary Curriculum Special Education Asst. Principal, Elementary Program Specialist Psychologist Behavior Intervention Psychologist 16 16A 17 23 24 26 28 28B STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 114,075 120,710 121,855 123,683 117,836 125,538 125,718 127,604 121,520 129,518 129,620 131,564 125,363 133,538 210 205 102,048 103,579 104,356 101,179 102,697 105,458 107,040 100,362 101,867 95,872 89,891 105,515 107,098 107,901 104,630 106,199 109,041 110,677 103,732 105,288 99,121 92,941 109,003 110,638 111,468 108,073 109,694 112,648 114,338 107,159 108,766 102,411 96,030 112,465 114,152 115,009 111,538 113,211 116,233 117,976 110,565 112,223 105,676 99,082 117,074 118,830 119,721 114,984 116,709 119,839 121,637 113,992 115,702 108,946 102,152 226 97,894 101,237 104,561 107,908 111,255 205 205 195 200 88,781 83,171 82,385 89,064 91,832 85,663 85,200 92,107 94,839 88,236 88,008 95,144 97,870 90,880 90,806 98,168 100,905 93,606 93,617 101,207 215 * Lined through indicates deleted salary * Bold indicates new salary Longevity Certificated Management 15 Years of Service $1,489 20 Years of Service $2,978 25 Years of Service $4,469 30 Years of Service $5,959 Board Approved: 4/17/14 Effective: 7/1/14 REVISED: October 16, 2014 Page 3 CHINO VALLEY UNIFED SCHOOL DISTRICT Classified Management/Confidential Salary Schedule 2014/2015 RANGE 15 POSITION DAYS Director Business Services Maintenance, Operations, & Construction Purchasing Risk Management & Human Resources Technology Director, Nutrition Services Director, Transportation 261 261 23A Director, Communications 261 26B 27 28 29 29A 29B 31 31A Coordinator, Information Services/CSIS Accounting Manager Occupational Therapist Behavioral Health Clinical Program Supervisor Behavioral Intervention Specialist Behavior Intervention Program Supervisor Assistant Director, Nutrition Services Construction Coordinator Facilities Planner Child Development Coordinator Driver Supervisor Maintenance & Operations Supervisor Payroll Supervisor Secretary to Superintendent* Admin. Secretary, Board of Education* Duplicating Manager Behavior Intervention Counselor Behavioral Health Counselor Administrative Secretary III* After School Grant Funded Manager Personnel Technician* Finance Technician* Operations Manager, Nutrition Services Administrative Secretary II-A* Administrative Secretary II-B* Administrative Secretary I* 16 31B 36 37 38 38A 38B 39 40 41 42 43 45 STEP 1 STEP 2 10 Years of Service 15 Years of Service 20 Years of Service 25 Years of Service 30 Years of Services 3% 5% 7% 9% 11% STEP 4 STEP 5 114,075 120,710 117,836 125,538 121,520 129,518 125,363 133,538 104,041 107,576 111,132 114,663 119,361 261 261 221 248 220 255 261 261 97,893 104,041 85,200 85,200 80,562 82,385 73,083 84,710 78,562 78,562 101,236 107,576 87,753 87,753 83,315 85,200 75,580 87,605 81,235 81,235 104,563 111,132 90,387 90,387 86,060 88,008 78,071 90,491 83,910 83,910 107,908 114,663 93,096 93,096 88,797 90,805 80,553 93,369 86,604 86,604 111,257 119,361 95,889 95,889 91,546 93,617 83,046 96,259 89,277 89,277 261 261 78,562 68,247 81,235 70,562 83,910 72,896 86,604 75,217 89,277 77,556 261 76,806 79,486 82,185 84,727 87,342 261 220 248 261 230 261 63,572 78,562 56,394 63,572 72,198 56,871 66,221 65,728 81,235 58,307 65,728 74,362 58,806 68,511 67,890 83,910 60,225 67,890 76,594 60,760 70,842 70,087 86,604 62,174 70,088 78,892 62,697 73,041 72,248 89,277 64,091 72,248 81,258 64,631 75,294 261 261 261 63,097 59,930 54,247 65,281 62,019 56,132 67,525 64,115 58,021 69,619 66,117 59,826 71,743 68,150 61,665 * Indicates Classified Confidential Lined through indicates deleted salary Bold indicates new salary Longevity Classified Confidential STEP 3 Longevity Classified Management 15 Years of Service $1,489 20 Years of Service $2,978 25 Years of Service $4,469 30 Years of Service $5,959 Board Approved: 4/17/14 Effective: 7/1/14 REVISED: October 16, 2014 Page 4 HUMAN RESOURCES CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Grace Park, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Lea Fellows, Director, Human Resources Richard Rideout, Director, Human Resources SUBJECT: ONE PERCENT (1%) ON-SCHEDULE PAYMENT AND ONE PERCENT (1%) OFF-SCHEDULE PAYMENT TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (CSEA) CHINO CHAPTER 102 ================================================================== BACKGROUND On October 2, 2014, the Board ratified the Tentative Agreement with the Associated Chino Teachers (A.C.T.) which exceeded the percentage increase given to CSEA employees. Pursuant to Article 12.1.4 Equity Compensation of the CSEA’s Collective Bargaining Agreement, it is recommended that the Board of Education approve an equity distribution for all CSEA unit members as follows: 1. Salary schedules shall be increased by one percent (1%) effective retroactive to July 1, 2014. This reflects a total salary increase of three percent (3%) effective July 1, 2014. 2. All unit members who were in paid status in the month of August 2014, shall receive a one (1) time off-schedule one percent (1%) salary payment. The District has conferred with CSEA to determine the distribution of the difference of compensation packages for equity distribution as required. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve a one percent (1%) on-schedule payment and a one percent (1%) off-schedule payment to all employees of the California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chino Chapter 102. October 16, 2014 Page 5 FISCAL IMPACT $371,000.00 to the General Fund associated with a one percent (1%) on schedule payment and $374,000.00 to the General Fund associated with a one percent (1%) off schedule payment to all CSEA employees. WMJ:GP:LE:RR:jaf October 16, 2014 Page 6 CONSENT ADMINISTRATION CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION October 2, 2014 MINUTES I. OPENING BUSINESS I.A. CALL TO ORDER – 5:00 P.M. 1. Roll Call President Na called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Education, Thursday, October 2, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. with Blair, Cruz, Dickie, and Na present; Orozco arrived at 5:08 p.m. Administrative Personnel Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent Norm Enfield, Ed.D., Deputy Superintendent (absent) Sandra H. Chen, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services (absent) Patricia M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent, Student Services (absent) Grace Park, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Gregory J. Stachura, Assistant Supt., Facilities, Planning, and Operations 2. Public Comment on Closed Session Items None. 3. Closed Session President Na adjourned to closed session at 5:00 p.m. regarding a student discipline matter; a readmission matter; public employee discipline/ dismissal/release; and public employee performance evaluation, Superintendent. I.B. RECONVENE TO REGULAR OPEN MEETING – 7:00 P.M. 1. Report Closed Session Action President Na reconvened the regular meeting of the Board of Education at 7:00 p.m. The Board met in closed session from 5:00 p.m. to 6:44 p.m. regarding a student discipline matter; a readmission matter; public employee discipline/dismissal/release; and public employee performance evaluation, Superintendent. Superintendent Joseph left closed session at 6:35 p.m. No action was taken that required public disclosure. October 16, 2014 Page 7 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education October 2, 2014 2. Pledge of Allegiance Richard Rideout, Director of Human Resources, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Gil Misquez, Associate Pastor, Living Waters Church, Chino, gave an invocation. I.C. PRESENTATIONS 1. Employee Retirement Recognition No presentations were made. I.D. COMMENTS FROM STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Absent. I.E. COMMENTS FROM EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVES Todd Hancock, A.C.T. President, said he is grateful for the vote result on the new Tentative Agreement and that an overwhelming 902 members voted (72% of membership) and 92.9% voted yes; said those 92% showed confidence in the A.C.T. leadership and bargaining team and that there is a hope and promise for the beginning of a new era; said it seems that we are trying to go 100 miles per hour and that we should go the speed limit and do things right (in reference to the many new areas that face teachers); said many great things happen in the classroom from being rested, valued, and having good morale; said that teachers who feel overwhelmed are not as effective in the classroom; asked to explore ways to support and give teachers the time they need; and closed by speaking about the imminent death of one of his good friends. I.F. COMMENTS FROM COMMUNITY LIAISONS None. I.G. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Pamela Feix addressed the Board regarding the AVID program: and Robin Williams addressed the Board regarding long-term substitutes at Cattle ES. I.H. CHANGES AND DELETIONS The following items were read into the record: Item III.D.1., Human Resources, Certificated Personnel, under Hired at the Appropriate Placement on the Certificated Salary Schedule and Appropriate Credential for the 2014/2015 School Year, added the name Michelle Schemp, math teacher, Chino Hills HS, effective October 3, 2014; and Classified Personnel, the item was yellow-sheeted. 2 October 16, 2014 Page 8 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education October 2, 2014 II. ACTION II.A. HUMAN RESOURCES II.A.1. Public Hearing and Ratification of the Tentative Agreement Between the Chino Valley Unified School District and the Associated Chino Teachers President Na opened the public hearing regarding the ratification of the Tentative Agreement between the Chino Valley Unified School District and the Associated Chino Teachers at 7:21 p.m. There were no speakers, and President Na closed the public hearing at 7:21 p.m. Moved (Dickie) seconded (Blair) carried unanimously (5-0) to ratify the Tentative Agreement between the Chino Valley Unified School District and the Associated Chino Teachers. III. CONSENT Irene Hernandez-Blair pulled for separate action Item III.A.2. Moved (Blair) seconded (Dickie) carried unanimously (5-0) to approve the remainder of the consent items, as amended. III.A. ADMINISTRATION III.A.1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 18, 2014 Approved the minutes of the regular meeting of September 18, 2014. III.A.2. Amendment to the Committee for the Arts Bylaws Moved (Blair) seconded (Orozco) carried unanimously (5-0) to approve the Amendment to the Committee for the Arts Bylaws. III.B. BUSINESS SERVICES III.B.1. Warrant Register Approved/ratified the warrant register. III.B.2. Fundraising Activities Approved/ratified the fundraising activities. III.B.3. Donations Accepted the donations. III.B.4. Legal Services Approved payment for legal services to the law office of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo. 3 October 16, 2014 Page 9 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education October 2, 2014 III.C. FACILITIES, PLANNING, AND OPERATIONS III.C.1. Purchase Order Register Approved/ratified the purchase order register. III.C.2. Agreements for Contractor/Consultant Services Approved/ratified the Agreements for Contractor/Consultant Services with Michael W. Ammermon, Business Services; Jennifer Jeffries, Ed.D., Superintendent; Edgenuity, Alternative Education. III.C.3. Surplus/Obsolete Property Declared the District property surplus/obsolete and authorized staff to sell/dispose of said property. III.C.4. Resolutions 2014/2015-18 and 2014/2015-19 for Authorization to Utilize Piggyback Contracts Adopted Resolutions 2014/2015-18 and 2014/2015-19 for authorization to utilize piggyback contracts. III.D. HUMAN RESOURCES III.D.1. Certificated/Classified Personnel Items Approved/ratified the certificated/classified personnel items, as amended. III.D.2. Rejection of Claim Rejected the claim and referred it to the District’s insurance adjuster. III.D.3. New Job Description for the International Student Program Counselor Approved the new job description for the International Student Program Counselor. III.D.4. Student Teaching Agreement with Pepperdine University Approved the student teaching agreement with Pepperdine University. III.D.5. Revision of Board Policy 1312.3 Community Relations—Uniform Complaint Procedures Approved the revision of Board Policy 1312.3 Community Relations—Uniform Complaint Procedures. III.E. STUDENT SERVICES III.E.1. Student Expulsion Case 13/14-43 Approved the student expulsion case 13/14-43. III.E.2. Student Readmission Case 13/14-19 Approved the student readmission case 13/14-19. 4 October 16, 2014 Page 10 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education October 2, 2014 III.E.3. School-Sponsored Trips Approved the following school-sponsored trips: Borba ES; Dickson ES; Glenmeade ES; Liberty ES; Oak Ridge ES; Magnolia JHS; and Chino Hills HS. III.E.4. New Course: Accelerated Grade 8 Mathematics Approved the new course Accelerated Grade 8 Mathematics. III.E.5. Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant 2014/2015 Application for Funding for Don Lugo HS Approved the Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant 2014/2015 application for funding for Don Lugo HS. IV. INFORMATION IV.A. ADMINISTRATION IV.A.1. Revision of Bylaws of the Board 9223—Filling Vacancies; and Bylaws of the Board 9230—Orientation Received for information the revision of Bylaws of the Board 9223—Filling Vacancies, and Bylaws of the Board 9230—Orientation. IV.A.2. Revision of Bylaws of the Board Exhibit 9323.2—Actions by the Board Received for information the revision of Bylaws of the Board Exhibit 9323.2— Actions by the Board. IV.B. DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT IV.B.1. New Administrative Regulation 3511 Business and Noninstructional Operations—Energy, Water and Natural Gas Resource Management and Conservation Received for information the new Administrative Regulation 3511 Business and Noninstructional Operations—Energy, Water and Natural Gas Resource Management and Conservation. V. COMMUNICATIONS BOARD MEMBERS AND SUPERINTENDENT Sylvia Orozco said she agreed with James Na’s request to look into the AVID program concerns; spoke about a solar project at Chaffey Joint Union HSD; said that Southern California Edison is offering 30 scholarships, valued at $40,000.00 and payable over four 5 October 16, 2014 Page 11 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education October 2, 2014 years to high school students, specifically for those students who hope to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) related fields, and asked Superintendent Joseph to pass the information on to all high school seniors; commented on the phone blasts regarding forums on Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced State Assessment, but requested a district-wide calendar to avoid conflicts with other District activities, which will be beneficial to parents; spoke about being kind to people because one does not know what people are going through; and spoke about the passing of Chino icon and historian Phyllis Outhier, who passed away at the age of 89. Charles Dickie reminded everyone that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and encouraged everyone to get checked. Andrew Cruz announced that the Let It Be Foundation is holding a fundraiser on October 24 at Fitness after Dark in Chino Hills; read from a study (Brookings Report) conducted regarding a superintendent’s impact on student achievement, and what has the most influence on student achievement; and closed by thanking teachers and staff at Chino HS for making sure a student was safe and secure. Irene Hernandez-Blair sported her Chino Hills HS t-shirt, and thanked Principal Brenes; praised the creative floats displayed at the homecoming game centering around an Alice in Wonderland theme; thanked the Chino Valley Fire District staff member Massiel De Guevara for making arrangements and the intimate open house for special needs students of the District; said Saturday, October 11 is the official open house, but that she believes the true open house occurred when they opened its doors to the special needs students; thanked Chino Councilmen Glenn Duncan and Tom Haughey for raising money for transportation for our students to attend the Los Angeles County Fair; apologized for the mishap that occurred this year due to a lack of transportation; said that for many CVUSD students it is the only opportunity they have to attend the fair due to various family priorities; apologized to teachers and staff for having to break the news to students the day before the fair that they could not go (due to the lack of transportation); said that next year we have to make it right; addressed the situation involving Ayala HS, and indicated that she has received emails, phone calls, and social media posts stating various sides of the situation along with an array of opinions; said she was disheartened when she was told that hazing is a “right of passage” for our teenagers, and doesn’t know when violence became a right of passage; opined that inflicting bodily harm at any level is not a right; said to the students that were “hazed” that she is sorry it happened to them, and that the outcome does not provide for a safe and positive school climate. Andrew Cruz made additional comments regarding Ebola and how to respond to a possible outbreak; and closed by stating that the two greatest commandments are to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” 6 October 16, 2014 Page 12 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education October 2, 2014 Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Dr. Grace Park introduced new administrators: Tracy Gutierrez, assistant principal at Ayala HS; and Rachel Pittman, assistant principal at Chino HS. Superintendent Joseph announced that beginning Monday, the District is holding four parent nights on Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced State Assessments; announced upcoming parent meetings regarding the Local Control Accountability Plan review; and closed by noting the early adjournment time. President Na reaffirmed that hazing and bullying is not allowed, and never will be allowed, in the District; spoke about the incident in Moore, Oklahoma involving a beheading by a Muslim convert; said it is our duty to teach our children that our freedom is not for free; said their job and future is important not only for them but for everyone and as a nation; said the real danger is evident and getting closer; said he speaks to site principals and shares ideas and thoughts and gains much knowledge; and closed by reading “Do It Anyway” written by Mother Teresa. VI. ADJOURNMENT President Na adjourned the regular meeting of the Board of Education at 7:49 p.m. in memory of Julie Salas and Valerie Zavala, Chino HS students. ____________________________ James Na, President ____________________________ Andrew Cruz, Clerk Recorded by: Patricia Kaylor, Administrative Secretary, Board of Education 7 October 16, 2014 Page 13 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent SUBJECT: REVISION OF BYLAWS OF THE BOARD 9223—FILLING VACANCIES; AND BYLAWS OF THE BOARD 9230—ORIENTATION =================================================================== BACKGROUND California School Boards Association periodically issues technical revisions to make non-substantive changes in sample policies, administrative regulations or board bylaws based on renumbering of laws, changes in the coding of cross-referenced policies, or similar corrections in notes, legal references, management resources or crossreferences. However, from time to time, changes occur that are relatively minor, affect the text of the sample material, but it is not necessary to reissue the entire policy because the changes are limited, such as the case of the presented bylaws. This item was presented to the Board of Education as information on October 2, 2014. New language is provided in UPPER CASE while old language to be deleted is lined through. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve the revisions of: a) b) Bylaws of the Board 9223—Filling Vacancies, and Bylaws of the Board 9230—Orientation. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:pk October 16, 2014 Page 14 BB 9223(a) Bylaws of the Board FILLING VACANCIES Events Causing a Vacancy A vacancy on the Board of Education may occur for any of the following events: 1. The death of an incumbent. (Government Code 1770) 2. The adjudication pursuant to a quo warrant to proceeding declaring that an incumbent is physically or mentally incapacitated due to disease, illness, or accident and that there is reasonable cause to believe that the incumbent will not be able to perform the duties of his/her office for the remainder of his/her term. (Government Code 1770) 3. A Board member's resignation. (Government Code 1770) A vacancy resulting from resignation occurs when the written resignation is filed with the County Superintendent of Schools having jurisdiction over the District, except where a deferred effective date is specified in the resignation so filed, in which case the resignation shall become operative on that date. A Board member may not defer the effective date of his/her resignation for more than 60 days after he/she files the resignation with the County Superintendent. Upon being filed with the County Superintendent, a written resignation, whether specifying a deferred effective date or otherwise, shall be irrevocable. (Education Code 5090, 5091) 4. A Board member's removal from office, including recall. (Elections Code 11384. Government Code 1770) 5. A Board member's ceasing to be a resident of the District. (Government Code 1770) 6. A Board member's absence from the state for more than 60 days, except in the following situations: (Government Code 1064, 1770) a. Upon business of the school District with the approval of the Board. b. With the consent of the Board for an additional period not to exceed a total absence of 90 days. In the case of illness or other urgent necessity, and upon a proper showing thereof, the time limited for absence from the state may be extended by the Board. October 16, 2014 Page 15 BB 9223(b) FILLING VACANCIES (cont.) c. For federal military deployment not to exceed an absence of a total of six months, as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the California National Guard. If the absence of the Board member for this purpose exceeds six months, the Board may approve an additional six-month absence upon a showing that there is a reasonable expectation that the member will return within the second six-month period, and the Board may appoint an interim member to serve in his/her absence. If two or more members of the Board are absent by reason of these circumstances, and those absences result in the inability to establish a quorum at a regular meeting, the Board may immediately appoint one or more interim members as necessary to enable the Board to conduct business and discharge its responsibilities. The term of an interim member appointed in these circumstances shall not extend beyond the return of the absent Board member or beyond the next regularly scheduled election for that office, whichever occurs first. 7. A Board member's ceasing to discharge the duties of his/her office for the period of three consecutive months, except when prevented by illness or when absent from the state with the permission required by law. (Government Code 1770) 8. A Board member's conviction of a felony or any offense involving a violation of his/her official duties or conviction of a designated crime resulting in a forfeiture of office. (Government Code 1770, 3000-3003) 9. A Board member's refusal or neglect to file his/her required oath or bond within the time prescribed. (Government Code 1770) (cf: 9224 - Oath or Affirmation) 10. The decision of a competent tribunal declaring void a Board member's election or appointment. (Government Code 1770) 11. The making of an order vacating a Board member's office or declaring the office vacant when the officer fails to furnish an additional or supplemental bond. (Government Code 1770) 12. A Board member's commitment to a hospital or sanitarium as a drug addict, dipsomaniac, inebriate, or stimulant addict by a court of competent jurisdiction, in which case the office shall not be deemed vacant until the order of commitment has become final. (Government Code 1770) October 16, 2014 Page 16 BB 9223(c) FILLING VACANCIES (cont.) 13. A failure to elect when either no candidate or an insufficient number of candidates have filed to run for a Board seat(s). (Education Code 5090, 5326, 5328) Timelines for Filling a Vacancy When a vacancy occurs, the Board shall take the following action, as appropriate: 1. When a vacancy occurs less than four months before the end of a Board member's term, the board shall take no action. (Education Code 5093) 2. When a vacancy occurs four or more months before the end of a Board member's term, the Board shall, within 60 days of the date of the vacancy or the filing of the member's deferred resignation, either order an election or make a provisional appointment, unless a special election is mandated as described in item # 3 below. (Education Code 5091, 5093) 3. When a vacancy occurs from six months to 130 days before a regularly scheduled Board election at which the position is not scheduled to be filled, a special election to fill the position shall be consolidated with the regular election. The person so elected shall take office at the first regularly scheduled Board meeting following the certification of the election and shall serve only until the end of the term of the position which he/she was elected to fill. (Education Code 5093) Eligibility In order to be appointed or elected to fill a vacancy on the Board, a person must meet the eligibility requirement specified in Education Code 35107. (cf: 9220 - Governing Board Elections) Provisional Appointments When authorized by law to make a provisional appointment to fill a vacancy on the Board, the Board shall advertise in the local media to solicit candidate applications or nominations. The Board shall interview the candidates at a public meeting, accept oral or written public input, and select the provisional appointee by a majority vote. (cf. 9130 - Board Committees) (cf. 9323.2 - Actions by the Board) October 16, 2014 Page 17 BB 9223(d) FILLING VACANCIES (cont.) Within 10 days after the appointment is made, the Board shall post notices of the actual vacancy, or the filing of a deferred resignation, and the provisional appointment. The notice shall be published in the local newspaper pursuant to Government Code 6061 and posted in at least three public places within the District. (Education Code 5092) The notice shall contain: (Education Code 5092) 1. The date of the occurrence of the vacancy or the date of the filing of, and the effective date of, the resignation. 2. The full name of the appointee. 3. The date of appointment. 4. A statement notifying the voters that unless a petition calling for a special election pursuant to Education Code 5091 is filed in the office of the county superintendent within 30 days of the provisional appointment, it shall become an effective appointment. The person appointed shall hold office until the next regularly scheduled election for district Board members and shall be afforded all the powers and duties of a Board member upon appointment. (Education Code 5091) Appointment Due to Failure to Elect When a vacancy occurs because no person or an insufficient number of candidates have been nominated (i.e., a failure to elect), and a District election will not be held, the Board shall appoint a qualified person to the office. This appointment shall be made at a meeting prior to the day fixed for the election and the appointee shall be seated at the organizational meeting as if elected at the District election. (Education Code 5328) (cf. 9100 - Organization) When an appointment is being made because of a failure to elect, the District shall publish a notice once in a newspaper of general circulation published in the District, or if no such newspaper exists, in a newspaper having general circulation within the District. This notice shall state that the Board intends to make an appointment and shall inform persons of the procedure available for applying for the appointment. (Education Code 5328.5) The procedure for selecting and interviewing candidates shall be the same as the procedures for "provisional appointments," as specified above. October 16, 2014 Page 18 BB 9223(e) FILLING VACANCIES (cont.) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 5000-5033 Elections 5090-5095 Vacancies 5200-5208 Districts governed by boards of education 5300-5304 Elections 5320-5329 Order and call of election 5340-5345 Consolidation of elections 5360-5363 Election notice 5420-5426 Cost of elections 5440-5442 Miscellaneous provisions, elections 35107 Eligibility of board members 35178 Resignation with deferred effective date ELECTIONS CODE 10600-10604 School district elections 11381-11386 Candidates for recall GOVERNMENT CODE 1064 Absence from state 1770 Vacancies: definition 3000-3003 Forfeiture of office 3060-3075 Removal other than by impeachment 6061 One time notice 54950-54963 The Ralph M. Brown Act PENAL CODE 88 Bribery, forfeiture from office UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 18 704 Military medals or decorations ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINIONS 58 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 888 (1975) Management Resources: CALIFORNIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS Filling a Board Vacancy, rev. December 2010 WEBSITES California School Boards Association: www.csba.org California State Attorney General's Office, Quo Warranto Applications: ag.ca.gov/opinions/quo_warranto.php Chino Valley Unified School District Bylaw adopted: August 17, 1995 Revised: May 7, 2009 Revised: April 5, 2012 REVISED: October 16, 2014 Page 19 Bylaws of the Board BB 9230(a) ORIENTATION Board Candidates Orientation The Board of Education desires to provide Board candidates with orientation INFORMATION that will enable them to understand the responsibilities and expectations of Board membership. The Superintendent or designee shall provide all candidates with general information about school programs, District operations, and Board responsibilities, AND COUNTY ELECTION OFFICIALS’ CONTACT INFORMATION. (cf. 9200 - Board Members, Limits of Authority) (cf. 9220 - Governing Board Elections) (cf. 9270 - Conflict of Interest) The Board encourages all candidates to attend public Board meetings during the period of their candidacy. Candidates have the same access as members of the public to District staff and information. (cf. 1340 - Access to District Records) (cf. 9011 - Disclosure of Confidential/Privileged Information) INCOMING BOARD MEMBERS Upon their election, incoming Board members shall be provided a copy of the Brown Act and informed that, pursuant to Government Code 54952.1, they must conform to the Act's requirements as if they had already assumed office. The Superintendent may provide incoming Board members with additional background and information regarding the District's vision and goals, operations, and current challenges in areas that include, but are not be limited to, student achievement, curriculum, finance, facilities, policy, human resources, and collective bargaining. (cf. 0000 - Vision) (cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District) Incoming members are encouraged to attend board meetings and review agenda materials available to the public in order to become familiar with current issues facing the District. Incoming members also may, at District expense, attend workshops and conferences relevant to their individual needs or to the needs of the Board as a whole or the District. October 16, 2014 Page 20 BB 9230(b) ORIENTATION (cont.) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 33360 Department of Education and statewide association of school district boards; annual workshops 33362 Reimbursement of expenses; member of school district board GOVERNMENT CODE 54950-54962 The Ralph M. Brown Act, especially 54952.1 Member of a legislative body 54952.7 Copies of Brown Act to Board members Chino Valley Unified School District Bylaw adopted: August 17, 1995 Revised: May 19, 2011 REVISED: October 16, 2014 Page 21 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent SUBJECT: REVISION OF BYLAWS OF THE BOARD EXHIBIT 9323.2— ACTIONS BY THE BOARD =================================================================== BACKGROUND Board policies, administrative regulations, and bylaws of the Board are routinely developed and revised as a result of changes in law, mandates, federal regulations, and current practice. Bylaws of the Board 9323.2 Exhibit—Actions by the Board has been updated to reflect new law (AB 97, 2013), which repealed Education Code 17583, including the requirement for a two-thirds vote of the Board to transfer excess local funds from a deferred maintenance fund under certain circumstances. List of actions requiring a four-fifths vote of the Board was expanded to add resolutions related to District borrowing. This item was presented to the Board of Education as information on October 2, 2014. New language is provided in UPPER CASE while old language to be deleted is lined through. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve the revision of Bylaws of the Board Exhibit 9323.2—Actions by the Board. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:pk October 16, 2014 Page 22 E 9323.2(a) ACTIONS BY THE BOARD Actions Requiring More Than a Majority Vote Actions requiring a two-thirds vote of the Board: 1. Resolution declaring intention to sell or lease real property (Education Code 17466) (cf. 3280 - Sale, Lease and Rental of District-Owned Real Property) 2. Resolution declaring intent of Board of Education to convey or dedicate property to the state or any political subdivision for the purposes specified in Education Code 17556 (Education Code 17557) 3. Resolution authorizing and directing the Board president, or any other presiding officer, secretary, or member, to execute a deed of dedication or conveyance of property to the state or a political subdivision (Education Code 17559) 4. Lease for up to three months of school property which has a residence on it and which cannot be developed for district purposes because funds are unavailable (Education Code 17481) 5. Temporary borrowing before receipt of fiscal income, if implemented pursuant to Government Code 53820-53833 (Government Code 53821) REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY BORROWING PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE 53820-53833, TO PAY DISTRICT OBLIGATIONS INCURRED BEFORE THE RECEIPT OF DISTRICT INCOME FOR THE FISCAL YEAR SUFFICIENT TO MEET THE PAYMENT(S) (GOVERNMENT CODE 53821) 6. Upon complying with Government Code 65352.2 and Public Resources Code 21151.2, ACTION TO RENDER ordering city or county zoning ordinances inapplicable to a proposed use of the property by the District (Government Code 53094) (cf. 7131 - Relations with Local Agencies) (cf. 7150 - Site Selection and Development) (cf. 7160 - Charter School Facilities) 7. Resolution to transfer excess local funds from a deferred maintenance fund when state funds are insufficient to match local funds being held in the deferred maintenance fund (Education Code 17582, 17583) October 16, 2014 Page 23 E 9323.2(b) ACTIONS BY THE BOARD (cont.) 7. 8. WHEN THE DISTRICT HAS For districts with an AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE ( ADA) of 2,500 or less seeking AND SEEKS to add SITUATE a community day school on an existing school site, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661) 8. 9. WHEN THE DISTRICT IS ORGANIZED TO SERVE ONLY GRADES For K-8 districts (and no higher) seeking AND SEEKS to add SITUATE a community day school on an existing school site, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661) 9.10. WHEN THE DISTRICT DESIRES For districts desiring to operate a community day school on an existing school site to serve ANY OF grades K-6 (and no higher GRADES) ON AN EXISTING SCHOOL SITE, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661) (cf. 6185 - Community Day School) 10.11. Resolution of intent to issue general obligation bonds with the approval of 55 percent of the voters of the district (Education Code 15266) (cf. 7214 - General Obligation Bonds) 11.12. Resolution of intent to issue bonds within a school facilities improvement district with the new approval of 55 percent of the voters of the school facilities improvement district (Education Code 15266) (cf. 7213 - School Facilities Improvement Districts) 12.13. Resolution to place a parcel tax on the ballot (government Code 53724) 13.14. Resolution of necessity to proceed with an eminent domain action and, if the Board SUBSEQUENTLY desires to use the property for a different use than stated in the resolution of necessity, a subsequent resolution so authorizing the different use (Code of Civil Procedure 1245.240, 1245.245) Actions Requiring a Two-Thirds Vote of the Board Members Present at the Meeting: 1. Determination that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the District's attention after the posting of the agenda. If less than two-thirds of the Board members are present at the meeting, a unanimous vote of all members present is required. (Government Code 54954.2) October 16, 2014 Page 24 E 9323.2(c) ACTIONS BY THE BOARD (cont.) 2. Determination that a closed session is necessary during an emergency meeting. If less than two-thirds of the Board members are present, a unanimous vote of all members present is required. (Government Code 54956.5) (cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices) (cf. 9321 - Closed Session Purposes and Agendas) Actions Requiring a Four-Fifths Vote of the Board: 1. The eExpenditure and transfer of necessary funds and use of District vehicles PROPERTY and OR personnel to meet a national or local emergency created by war, military, naval or air attack or sabotage, or to provide for adequate national or local defense. (Government Code 53790-53792) (cf. 3110 - Transfer of Funds) 2. RESOLUTION FOR DISTRICT BORROWING BASED ON ISSUANCE OF NOTES, TAX ANTICIPATION WARRANTS, OR OTHER EVIDENCES OF INDEBTEDNESS, IN AN AMOUNT UP TO 50 PERCENT OF THE DISTRICT’S ESTIMATED INCOME AND REVENUE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF THE PORTION NOT YET COLLECTED AT THE TIME OF THE BORROWING (GOVERNMENT CODE 53823-53824) 3. 2. Resolution FOR DISTRICT BORROWING, between July 15 and August 30 OF ANY FISCAL YEAR, to borrow funds of up to 25 percent of the estimated income and revenue to be received by the district during the fiscal year from apportionments based on ADA for the preceding year (Government Code 53822-53824) 4.3. Declaration of an emergency in order to authorize the District to include a particular brand name or product in a bid specification. (Public Contract Code 3400) (cf. 3311 - Bids) Actions Requiring a Unanimous Vote of the Board: 1. Resolution authorizing and prescribing the terms of a community lease for extraction of gas. (Education Code 17510-17511) 2. Waiver of the competitive bid process pursuant to Public Contract Code 20111 when the Board determines that an emergency exists and upon approval of the County Superintendent of Schools. (Public Contract Code 20113) October 16, 2014 Page 25 E 9323.2(d) ACTIONS BY THE BOARD (cont.) Action Requiring a Unanimous Vote of the Board Members Present at the Meeting: 1. Private sale of surplus property without advertisement in order to establish that such property is not worth more than $2,500.00. Disposal of surplus property in the local dump or donation to a charitable organization requires the unanimous vote of the Board members present to establish that the value of such property would not defray the cost of arranging its sale. (Education Code 17546) (cf. 3270 - Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies) Chino Valley Unified School District Revised: August 17, 1995 Revised: July 17, 2003 Revised: September 8, 2011 Revised: March 21, 2013 REVISED: October 16, 2014 Page 26 BUSINESS SERVICES CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Sandra H. Chen, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Liz Pensick, Director, Business Services SUBJECT: WARRANT REGISTER ===================================================================== BACKGROUND Education Code 42650 requires the Board to approve and/or ratify all warrants. These payments are made in the form of warrants, and the warrant (check) form is approved by the County Superintendent. All items listed are within previously budgeted amounts. There is no fiscal impact beyond currently available appropriations. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve/ratify the warrant register, provided under separate cover. FISCAL IMPACT $4,134,834.95 to all District funding sources. WMJ:SHC:LP:wc October 16, 2014 Page 27 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Sandra H. Chen, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Liz Pensick, Director, Business Services SUBJECT: FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES ===================================================================== BACKGROUND Board Policy 3452 Business and Noninstructional Operations – Student Activity Funds and Board Policy 1230 Community Relations – School Connected Organizations require that fundraising activities be submitted to the Board of Education for approval. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve/ratify the fundraising activities. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:SHC:LP:wc October 16, 2014 Page 28 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT October 16, 2014 SITE/DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY/DESCRIPTION DATE Discovery Science Center Ticket Sale Membership Drive Donation Drive 10/25/14 10/25/14 - 6/9/15 10/25/14 - 6/9/15 Halloween Gram Sale McTeacher's Night 10/17/14 - 10/31/14 10/23/14 The Habit Family Night Out Movie Night Book Fair Cash 4 Shooz Father/Daughter Dance Jack-In-The-Box Family Night Out 10/22/14 10/23/14 10/30/14 - 11/7/14 10/31/14 - 11/28/14 11/14/14 11/18/14 Hats Off For Cancer Catalog Sale Fall Family Fun Night 10/17/14 10/20/14 - 11/7/14 10/24/14 Jog-A-Thon 10/28/14 Birthday Banner Sign Sale 11/1/14 - 6/9/15 Breakfast With Santa 12/13/14 GATE AdvoGATE AdvoGATE AdvoGATE Chaparral ES PTA PTA Glenmeade ES PTA PTA PTA PTA PTA PTA Hidden Trails ES ASB PTA PTA Liberty ES ASB - 4th & 5th Grade Marshall ES PTO Newman ES PFA October 16, 2014 Page 29 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT October 16, 2014 SITE/DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY/DESCRIPTION DATE Popcorn Sale 11/3/14 - 11/14/14 McTeacher's Night 10/14/14 Chick-fil-A Family Night Out Chipotle Family Night Out 11/19/14 1/13/15 Active Sock Sale Bowl-A-Thon Spring Concert Refreshment Sale 11/5/14 3/4/15 5/19/15 Weekly Yogurtland Days Monthly Pieology Days Event Concessions Mountain Mike's Pizza Day Haunted House 10/17/14 - 5/31/15 10/17/14 - 5/31/15 10/17/14 - 6/15/15 10/30/14 10/31/14 Jog-A-Thon Pledge Drive 11/4/14 - 11/19/14 Student Artwork Note Card Sale 10/17/14 - 10/27/14 Shoe/Clothing Collection Drive 10/17/14 - 6/1/15 Oak Ridge ES PTA Rhodes ES PEP Club Rolling Ridge ES PTA PTA Canyon Hills JHS AVID Music Club Music Club Ramona JHS Science Club Glee Club Science Club Band Boosters Musical Theater Club Townsend JHS PTSA Woodcrest JHS Renaissance Ayala HS Grad Night 2017 October 16, 2014 Page 30 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT October 16, 2014 SITE/DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY/DESCRIPTION DATE Flannel Pants/Socks Sale Scrip Gift Card Sale Change For A Cure Bracelet Sale California Pizza Kitchen Day Pieology Family Night Out AP Review Book Sale Bruxie Waffles Days Fish-O-Licious Days Bruxie Waffles Days Fish-O-Licious Days 10/17/14 - 6/9/15 10/17/14 - 6/10/15 10/17/14 - 6/14/15 10/20/14 - 10/24/14 10/27/14 11/5/14 11/5/14 11/17/14 & 12/15/14 11/19/14 & 12/17/14 1/19/15 & 2/16/15 1/21/15 & 2/18/15 After School Snow Cone Sale After School Fridays French Café After School Snack Sale After School Snack Sale 10/17/14 - 11/20/14 11/1/14 - 5/1/15 11/3/14 - 11/7/14 1/26/15 - 1/30/15 Donation Drive Dr. Phil Show Taping Frostbites Family Night Out Pieology Restaurant Family Night Out 10/17/14 - 10/27/14 10/20/14 10/22/14 11/5/14 Zombie Walk Maze 10/18/14 Ayala HS (cont.) Girls Basketball Boosters Grad Night 2016 Football Boosters Students Against Sexism Football Boosters BAC Boosters National Honor Society Football Boosters Football Boosters Football Boosters Football Boosters Chino HS Renaissance French Club French Club French Club Chino Hills HS Homies for Homeless AVID Operation Smile Green Academy Club Don Lugo HS ASB October 16, 2014 Page 31 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Sandra H. Chen, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Liz Pensick, Director, Business Services SUBJECT: DONATIONS =================================================================== BACKGROUND Board Policy 3290 Business and Noninstructional Operations - Gifts, Grants, and Bequests states the Board of Education may accept any bequest or gift of money or property on behalf of the District. All gifts, grants, and bequests shall become property of the District. Use of the gift shall not be impaired by restrictions or conditions imposed by the donor. Approximate values are determined by the donor. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education accept the donations. FISCAL IMPACT Any cost for repairs of donated equipment will be a site expense. WMJ:SHC:LP:wc October 16, 2014 Page 32 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT October 16, 2014 DEPARTMENT/SITE DONOR ITEM DONATED APPROXIMATE VALUE Alto Saxophone Baritone Horn $100.00 $100.00 Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Music Program Charles E. Dickie Charles E. Dickie Hidden Trails ES Rebekay Baylus Jennifer Berk Myra DeArmas Chris Doan Connie Duong Amy Fulerson Wei Gao Kristin Gomez Rebecca Guzman Virginia Hau Linh Hoang Sunny Koo Song Le-Dinh Alison Lee Hannah Lee Maryann Lee Miran Lee Ronald Lee Carolina Liang Yvonne Luna Steven McManus Tammy Mendoza Chi Nguyen Hyunhee Oh Kristine Onishi Nima Patel Carolyn Song Josephine Steins Fuyang Wang October 16, 2014 Page 33 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT October 16, 2014 DEPARTMENT/SITE DONOR ITEM DONATED APPROXIMATE VALUE Hidden Trails ES (cont.) Wei Wei Amanda Xu Wei Xu Chia Yoh Grace Chin Ann Chung Priti Mistry Yaling Yang Jenny Yee Target Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $367.79 Cash Cash $140.00 $202.79 Cash $1,000.00 Cash $642.97 Cash Cash Cash $50.00 $100.00 $112.50 Cash $291.35 Newman ES Jose L. Guerrero Target Wickman ES Wickman PTO Cal Aero K-8 Preserve Academy Flight Crew Canyon Hills JHS Tavera Family Minita Patel Gateway Fund Raising Service, Inc. Magnolia JHS Target October 16, 2014 Page 34 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT October 16, 2014 DEPARTMENT/SITE DONOR ITEM DONATED APPROXIMATE VALUE Townsend JHS Townsend PTSA Cash October 16, 2014 Page 35 $192.30 FACILITIES, PLANNING, AND OPERATIONS CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Gregory J. Stachura, Asst. Supt., Facilities, Planning, and Operations SUBJECT: PURCHASE ORDER REGISTER =================================================================== BACKGROUND Board Policy 3310 Business and Noninstructional Operations – Purchasing requires approval/ratification of purchase orders by the Board of Education. A purchase order is a legal contract between a district and vendor, containing a description of each item listed and/or a statement to the effect that supplies, equipment or services furnished herewith shall be in accordance with specifications and conditions. Purchase orders represent a commitment of funds. No item on this register will be processed unless within budgeted funds. The actual payment for the services or materials is made with a warrant (check) and reported on the warrant register report. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve/ratify the purchase order register, provided under separate cover. FISCAL IMPACT $1,535,076.35 to all District funding sources. WMJ:GJS:ljt October 16, 2014 Page 36 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Gregory J. Stachura, Asst. Supt., Facilities, Planning, and Operations SUBJECT: AGREEMENTS FOR CONTRACTOR/CONSULTANT SERVICES =================================================================== BACKGROUND All contracts between the District and outside agencies shall conform to standards required by law and shall be prepared under the direction of the Superintendent or designee. To be valid or to constitute an enforceable obligation against the District, all contracts must be approved and/or ratified by the Board of Education. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve/ratify the Agreements for Contractor/Consultant Services. FISCAL IMPACT As indicated. WMJ:GJS:ljt October 16, 2014 Page 37 STUDENT SERVICES SS-1415-123-Forte Payment Systems. To provide merchant account for parents to pay child care tuition fees online. Submitted by: Child Development Duration of Agreement: October 17, 2014 – June 30, 2017 SS-1415-124-NJA Therapy Services. To provide occupational therapy services. Submitted by: Special Education Duration of Agreement: October 17, 2014 – June 30, 2017 SS-1415-125-CA Association for Supervision of Curriculum and Development. To provide professional development. Submitted by: Professional Development Duration of Agreement: October 17, 2014 – June 30, 2017 FISCAL IMPACT Contract Amount: $0.55 per transaction Funding Source: Fun Club APPROVED CONTRACT TO BE AMENDED SS-1415-030-M1-Therapy Mantra Inc. Submitted by: Special Education Duration of Agreement: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Original Agreement Board Approved: June 26, 2014 AMENDMENT Amend contract amount per revised rate sheet to add occupational therapy services at $80.00 per hour. October 16, 2014 Page 38 Contract Amount: Per rate sheet Funding Source: Special Education Contract Amount: $50,000.00 Funding Source: Title II CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Gregory J. Stachura, Asst. Supt., Facilities, Planning, and Operations SUBJECT: SURPLUS/OBSOLETE PROPERTY =================================================================== BACKGROUND The Board of Education recognizes that the District may own personal property which is unusable, obsolete, or no longer needed by the District. The Superintendent or designee shall arrange for the sale or disposal of District personal property in accordance with Board policy and the requirements of Education Code 17545. Lists of surplus items are emailed to the Facilities/Planning Department to be placed on an upcoming Board agenda. After Board approval, items may be picked up by District warehouse or a liquidation company for public auction. Proceeds of the sale are deposited into the General Fund. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education declare the District property surplus/obsolete and authorize staff to sell/dispose of said property. FISCAL IMPACT Increase to the General Fund from proceeds of sale. WMJ:GJS:ljt October 16, 2014 Page 39 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SURPLUS/OBSOLETE PROPERTY October 16, 2014 DESCRIPTION BRAND I.D./SERIAL DEPT/SITE Coffee Maker Fax Machine 1700 projector Bookcase Computer File Cabinet File Cabinet File Cabinets (3) Printer Smart board Storage Cabinetry Student Chairs (30) Student Desks (30) Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer speakers (3) Cords Drive Drive Drive Electric Stapler External Hard Drive Keyboards (11) Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Bunn Panafax 3M N/A Apple N/A N/A N/A HP N/A N/A N/A N/A eMac Power Mac 5500/225 Power Mac 5500/225 MacIntosh 55 iMac iMac Power Mac G3 MacintoshLLC MacintoshLLC MacintoshLLC MacintoshLLC MacintoshLLC Custom Built Solutions N/A Miscellaneous cords Apple 5.25 Drive Apple 5.25 Drive Apple 3.5 Drive Optima45 LaCie N/A iBookG4 iBook iBookG4 iBookG4 CWTF216115 38056 N/A 19700 N/A A01170 16837 N/A 5G78CIHIMIN N/A N/A N/A N/A 21714 30977 30979 N/A C07218 37668 XB8211VZCTA A25314 A25302-04481 A25327-04455 A25326 A25241 20975 N/A N/A KHL9912 KE71948 Y810l4U N/A N/A N/A 21735 N/A 21734 N/A Supt. Office Supt. Office Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Eagle Canyon ES Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS October 16, 2014 Page 40 DESCRIPTION BRAND I.D./SERIAL DEPT/SITE Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Overhead Projector Overhead Projector Overhead Projector Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer Printer System Saver Computer Computer Projector Projector iBookG4 iBookG4 iBookG4 iBookG4 Gateway Flatscreen ViewSonic Flatscreen Mac Color Display Mac Color Display Dell Apple Monochrome 3M1700 3M1700 3M1700 Apple ImageWriter II Apple ImageWriter II Apple ImageWriter II Apple ImageWriter II Apple StyleWriter II EpsonStylusColor777 EpsonStylusColor777 HP Deskjet 895cxi HP Deskjet 960c HP Deskjet 970cxi HP Deskjet 970cxi HP Deskjet 970cxi HP Deskjet 990cxi Dell Photo 922 System Saver IIGS CBS CBS Epson Epson 21740 19325 21739 19306 KUL8015B0044189 A2W042602070 A25364 A25373 D3644520 T107102 170110768 170112828 170112848 A21985 A21992 A25656 A21990 Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Woodcrest JHS Townsend JHS Townsend JHS Townsend JHS Townsend JHS October 16, 2014 Page 41 CD317XW75M8003G/A 37803 37805 35477 MY22G1B3F0 SG99F1V263 C07413 C07412 15634 CN-0J4229-48734-53K-C4B8 E827EG7A2S6000 14751 22217 39032 30682 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Gregory J. Stachura, Asst. Supt. Facilities, Planning, and Operations SUBJECT: RESOLUTION 2014/2015-20 FOR AUTHORIZATION TO UTILIZE A PIGGYBACK CONTRACT =================================================================== BACKGROUND Public Contract Code (PCC) 20111 requires school district governing boards to competitively bid and award any contracts involving an expenditure of more than $84,100.00 to the lowest responsible bidder. Notwithstanding PCC 20111, PCC 20118 and Administrative Regulation 3311(g) state that without advertising for bids and upon a determination that it is in the best interest of the District, the Board may authorize District staff by contract, lease, requisition, or purchase order of another public corporation or agency, to lease data-processing equipment, or to purchase materials, supplies, equipment, automotive vehicles, tractors and other personal property for the District in the manner that the other public corporation or agency is authorized to make the leases or purchases from a vendor (piggyback). Alternatively, if there is an existing contract between a public corporation or agency and a vendor for the lease or purchase of personal property, the District may authorize the lease or purchase of personal property directly to the vendor under the same terms that are available to the public corporation or agency under the contract. Staff requests approval of Resolution 2014/2015-20 to provide authorization for the District to utilize the California Participating Addendum No. 7-14-70-03 (Utah WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement No. AR608) contract with Aruba Networks, Inc. c/o Accuvant to purchase networking software, security products and appliances, LAN switches and wireless devices, services and management through the piggyback contract. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education adopt Resolution 2014/2015-20 for authorization to utilize a piggyback contract. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown. WMJ:GJS:ljt October 16, 2014 Page 42 Chino Valley Unified School District Resolution 2014/2015-20 Authorization to Utilize the California Participating Addendum No. 7-14-70-03 (Utah WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement No. AR608) to Purchase networking software, security products and appliances, LAN switches and wireless devices, services and management through the Piggyback Contract WHEREAS, the Board of Education (Board) of the Chino Valley Unified School District (District) has determined that a true and very real need exists to procure networking software, security products and appliances, LAN switches and wireless devices, services and management for the District; WHEREAS, the State of California currently has a piggyback contract, California Participating Addendum No. 7-14-70-03 (Utah WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement No. AR608), in accordance with Public Contract Code 20118 with Aruba Networks, Inc. c/o Accuvant that contains the materials, supplies, equipment and/or other personal property the District currently requires; WHEREAS, the board of education of a school district, without advertising for bids, if the board has determined it to be in the best interests of the district, may authorize by contract, lease, requisition, or purchase order of any public corporation or agency, including any county, city, town, or district, to lease data-processing equipment, purchase materials, supplies, equipment, automotive vehicles, tractors, and other personal property for the district in the manner in which the public corporation or agency is authorized by law to make the leases or purchases from a vendor; WHEREAS, the board of education of a school district is required to make a determination that a purchase and/or lease through a public corporation or agency is in the best interests of the district to take advantage of this exception; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the District to authorize the purchase of networking software, security products and appliances, LAN switches and wireless devices, services and management through the piggyback contract procured by the California Participating Addendum No. 7-14-70-03 (Utah WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement No. AR608) contract. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Board hereby finds, determines, and declares as follows: Section 1. Determination re: Recitals. All of the recitals set forth above are true and correct. Section 2. Determination re: Purchase through Other Public Agency. Pursuant to Public Contract Code 20118, that authorizing the purchase of networking software, security products and appliances, LAN switches and wireless devices, services and management through the piggyback contract originally procured by the California October 16, 2014 Page 43 Participating Addendum No. 7-14-70-03 (Utah WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement No. AR608) contract is in the best interests of the District because there is volume pricing that can be used to reduce the District’s overall price. Section 3. Authorization. The Board hereby authorizes the acquisition of networking software, security products and appliances, LAN switches and wireless devices, services and management in accordance with Public Contract Code 20118 through the piggyback contract originally procured by the California Participating Addendum No. 7-14-70-03 (Utah WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement No. AR608) contract. Section 4. Other Actions. The Superintendent or his designee are each hereby authorized and directed, jointly and severally, to do any and all things and to execute and deliver any and all documents which they may deem necessary or advisable in order to consummate the purchase, sale, and lease, and otherwise to carry out, give effect to and comply with the terms and intent of this Resolution, and that any and all such prior actions by the District’s Superintendent, or his designee, are hereby ratified by the Board. Section 5. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective for the term of September 24, 2014, through May 31, 2019. APPROVED, PASSED, AND ADOPTED by the Board of Education of the Chino Valley Unified School District this 16th day of October 2014 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: I, Wayne M. Joseph, Secretary of the Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the Resolution passed and adopted by said Board at a regularly scheduled and conducted meeting held on said date, which Resolution is on file in the office of said Board. _____________________________________ Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent Secretary, Board of Education October 16, 2014 Page 44 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Gregory J. Stachura, Asst. Supt., Facilities, Planning, and Operations Michael J. Chapko, Director, Maintenance, Operations, and Construction SUBJECT: NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR BID 13-14-10, REBID HVAC REPLACEMENT AT CANYON HILLS JHS =================================================================== BACKGROUND On June 12, 2014, the Board of Education awarded Bid 13-14-10, Rebid HVAC Replacement at Townsend JHS and Eagle Canyon ES to Keystone Builders, and Canyon Hills JHS to Allison Mechanical. On September 4, 2014, the Board approved Change Order 1 to Allison Mechanical in the amount of $11,267.00. All contracted work at Canyon Hills JHS was completed on August 26, 2014. Contract summary is provided below. Original Bid Amount $485,100.00 Approved Change Orders $11,267.00 Total Contract $498,367.00 10% Retention Amount $49,836.70 Documentation indicating satisfactory completion and compliance with specification and Division of the State Architect (DSA) requirements has been obtained from the following individuals: Shehzad Bhojani, Principal, Canyon Hills JHS Dante Garcia, Construction Manager, Vanir Construction Management, Inc. Jason James, DSA Inspector of Record Bill Childress, Construction Coordinator, Maintenance, Operations, and Construction Michael J. Chapko, Director, Maintenance, Operations, and Construction On June 12, 2014, the Board approved Resolution 2013/2014-35 to determine and find the Bid 13-14-10, HVAC at Townsend JHS, Canyon Hills JHS, and Eagle Canyon ES project to be substantially complex and to increase the statutory minimum retention amount from 5% to 10%. October 16, 2014 Page 45 Staff recommends approval of the Notice of Completion for the Canyon Hills JHS portion of the bid. The final retention payment of 10% of the value of work done under this contract shall be made 35 days after the Notice of Completion is recorded with the County Recorder. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve the Notice of Completion for Bid 13-14-10, Rebid HVAC Replacement at Canyon Hills JHS. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:GJS:MJC:ljt October 16, 2014 Page 46 HUMAN RESOURCES CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Grace Park, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Lea Fellows, Director, Human Resources Richard Rideout, Director, Human Resources SUBJECT: CERTIFICATED/CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL ITEMS =================================================================== BACKGROUND Board approval of personnel transactions is required by Board Bylaw 9324 Bylaws of the Board - Minutes and Recordings and Education Code 35163. Included are new hires based on need, which includes replacements, growth, and class size reduction. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve/ratify the certificated/classified personnel items. FISCAL IMPACT All personnel assignments are within the approved staffing ratio for the appropriate school year budget. WMJ:GP:LF:RR:jaf October 16, 2014 Page 47 CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL HIRED AT APPROPRIATE PLACEMENT ON THE CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE AND APPROPRIATE CREDENTIAL FOR THE 2014/2015 SCHOOL YEAR NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE STEELE, Azusena DUNN, Carmen CALLAHAN, Bonnie FELLOWS, Amber DUNCAN, Michael CASTRO, Marco CIFUENTES, Corrine O’MALLEY, Kimberly GRIER, David Elementary Teacher SDC Teacher RSP Teacher Science Teacher Biology Teacher Math Teacher Math Teacher RSP English Teacher Auto Tech Teacher Chaparral ES Glenmeade ES Wickman ES Cal Aero K-8 Ayala HS Chino HS Chino HS Chino HS Boys Republic 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 APPOINTMENT – EXTRA DUTY – DEPARTMENT CHAIR CACHO, Debra ALLINGHAM, Susan CAREW, Kimberly HAUCK, Debbie DOYLE, Ashley K-1 Grade Level Chair Dept. Chair Science Dept. Chair Eng/Read/LA Dept. Chair Eng/Read/LA Agriculture Advisor Country Springs ES Canyon Hills JHS Canyon Hills JHS Canyon Hills JHS Don Lugo HS 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 DELETE – EXTRA DUTY – DEPARTMENT CHAIR SOHNS, Michelle HUNT-GIERUT, Debbie MALEY, Michael ROSENDAHL, John K-1 Grade Level Chair Dept. Chair Science Dept. Chair Eng/Read/LA Photo Advisor Country Springs ES 10/03/2014 Canyon Hills JHS 10/03/2014 Canyon Hills JHS 10/03/2014 Chino HS 10/03/2014 APPOINTMENT – EXTRA DUTY – FALL AKER, Carol BOOTH, William WALKER, Carri MONTGOMERY, Sarah (NBM) HALL, Perry (NBM) BOUNDS, Kaci (NBM) VAZQUEZ, Alberto AREA, Dianne MESERVE, Judith STRYCULA, Bill Intramural Sports (G) th th 7 & 8 Gr. Girls Basketball (G) Intramural Sports (G) Color Guard (B) Band (B) Color Guard (B) Soccer (G) 7th Gr. Girls Basketball (G) 8th Gr. Girls Basketball (G) 8th Gr. Boys Basketball (G) PLASCENCIA, Emmanuel (NBM) Boys Soccer (B) October 16, 2014 Page 48 Canyon Hills JHS Canyon Hills JHS Canyon Hills JHS Canyon Hills JHS Magnolia JHS Ramona JHS Ramona JHS Townsend JHS Townsend JHS Townsend JHS Ayala HS 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL (cont.) NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Ayala HS Ayala HS Chino HS Chino HS Chino Hills HS Don Lugo HS Don Lugo HS Don Lugo HS Don Lugo HS 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 APPOINTMENT – EXTRA DUTY – FALL (cont.) PLASCENCIA, Emmanuel (NBM) Football (B) RYU, Anna (NBM) ANGULO, Alex VEAZIE, Jordin (NBM) ARTEAGA, Grisalda (NBM) GORDON, Rebecca HOLLYFIELD, Myla JUAREZ, Marcos (NBM) URABE, Brian (NBM) Band (B) Wrestling (B) Band (B) Cross Country (B) Choir (B) Girls Basketball (G) Boys Soccer (G) Wrestling (G) APPOINTMENT OF CERTIFICATED SUBSTITUTES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 15, 2014 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015 AGUAYO, Valerie COCKS, David GARCIA, Olga GOMEZ, Cecilia GRAY, Angenette HSU, Jack KAYLOR, Jamie MARSH, Nathalie MEAD, Debra SMITH, Janet SOLORIO, Antoinet STOEHR, Conchita TERRY, Christopher VALENCIA, Lydia October 16, 2014 Page 49 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL HIRED AT THE APPROPRIATE PLACEMENT CONFIDENTIAL/MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE NAME ON THE CLASSIFIED POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE FROM: Administrative Secretary IIA – Confidential (GF) 8 hrs./261 contract days TO: Administrative Secretary III – Confidential (GF) 8 hrs./261 contract days Office of Deputy Superintendent 10/17/2014 FROM: Maintenance III/ Equipment and Repair 8 hrs./261 contract days TO: Maintenance Supervisor 8 hrs./261 contract days Maintenance & Operations PROMOTION RODGERS, Sharon COSTA, James Office of Deputy Superintendent 10/17/2014 Maintenance & Operations HIRED AT THE APPROPRIATE PLACEMENT ON THE CLASSIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT MANSOUR, Lisa URELL, Mary MALDONADO, Krystal DA ROCHA, Marco GUZMAN, Lastelle MOHLMAN, Janice SHELTON, Lola CALDERON, Ileana Nutrition Srvcs. Asst. I (NS) Cattle ES IA/Childhood Ed. (CDF) Dickey ES-SOAR Nutrition Srvcs. Asst. I (NS) Marshall ES Custodian I (GF) Wickman ES Nutrition Srvcs. Asst. II (NS) Ayala HS ASB Student Store Clk.(GF) Chino HS Nutrition Srvcs. Asst. II (NS) Chino Hills HS Account Clerk III (GF) Business Services 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 FROM: Elem. Library/ Media Center Asst. (GF) 3.5 hrs./177 work days TO: Asst. Principal’s Secretary (GF) 8 hrs./213 work days 10/17/2014 PROMOTION KELLY-FERNANDES, Erin October 16, 2014 Page 50 Newman ES Chino Hills HS CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL (cont.) NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE PROMOTION (cont.) LUJAN, Mark FROM: IA/Sped/SH(SELPA/GF) Newman ES 10/17/2014 VALENCIA, Patricia FROM: Bilingual Typist Clerk I (C) 4 hrs./201 work days TO: Typist Clerk II (GF) 8 hrs./201 work days 10/17/2014 6 hrs./181 work days TO: Behavior Intervention Special Education Aide (MH) 6 hrs./190 work days Walnut ES Walnut ES CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENT CIULLA, Linda PARKS, Samantha FROM: IA/Sped. (SELPA/GF) Borba ES 5 hrs./181 work days Oak Ridge ES TO: IA/Sped. (SELPA/GF) 5 hrs./181 work days 10/17/2014 FROM: IA/Childhood Ed. Oak Ridge FC 10/17/2014 (CDF) 3.75 hrs./180 work days TO: IA/Childhood Ed.(CDF) Butterfield Ranch FC 3.1 hrs./180 work days FROM: IA/Sped. (SELPA/GF) Chino HS 5 hrs./181 work days TO: IA/Sped. (SELPA/GF) Wickman ES 5 hrs./181 work days 10/17/2014 BUTTERLY, Lupe IA/Biling.-Bilit. FROM: 3 hrs./150 work days TO: 3.75 hrs./150 work days 10/17/2014 TAPIA, Susan Bilingual Clerk Typist (NS) Nutrition Services FROM: 3.75 hrs./181 work days TO: 8 hrs./181 work Days SANHAMEL, Jill INCREASE IN HOURS October 16, 2014 Page 51 Cattle ES 10/17/2014 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL (cont.) NAME POSITION LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Pest. Appl./Grounds Equip. Operator II (GF) Maintenance 12/31/2014 RETIREMENT MOLOSKY, Joseph (17 years) APPOINTMENT OF SHORT TERM EMPLOYEES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 24, 2014, THROUGH DECEMBER 30, 2014 BADIOS, Noemi IA/Sped./Collaborative Litel ES APPOINTMENT OF CLASSIFIED SUBSTITUTES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2014, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015 BATTERBEE, Summer BELLONIO, Lisa CONTRERAS, Esmeralda GRANT, Lori LEON, Belen SANDWELL, Nancy TORRICO, Mayra (504) = Federal Law for Individuals with Handicaps (ACE) = Ace Driving School (ASB) = Associated Student Body (ASF) = Adult School Funded (ATE) = Alternative to Expulsion (B) = Booster Club (BTSA) = Beginning Teacher Support & Assessment (C) = Categorically Funded (CAHSEE)= California High School Exit Exam (CC) = Children’s Center (Marshall) (CDF) = Child Development Fund (CSR) = Class Size Reduction (CVLA) = Chino Valley Learning Academy (E-rate) = Discount Reimbursements for Telecom. (G) = Grant Funded (GF) = General Fund (HBE) = Home Base Education (MM) = Measure M – Fund 21 (MAA) = Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MH) = Mental Health – Special Ed. (NBM) = Non-Bargaining Member (ND) = Neglected and Delinquent (NS) = Nutrition Services Budget (OPPR) = Opportunity Program (PFA) = Parent Faculty Association (R) = Restricted (ROP) = Regional Occupation Program (SAT) = Saturday School (SB813) = Medi-Cal Admin. Activities Entity Fund (SELPA) = Special Education Local Plan Area (SOAR) = Students on a Rise (SPEC) = Spectrum Schools (SS) = Summer School (SWAS) = School within a School (VA) = Virtual Academy (WIA) = Workforce Investment Act October 16, 2014 Page 52 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Grace Park, Ed. D., Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Lea Fellows, Director, Human Resources Richard Rideout, Director, Human Resources SUBJECT: NEW JOB LEARNING DESCRIPTION FOR COORDINATOR, LINKED ================================================================== BACKGROUND Job descriptions are a statement of duties, qualifications, and responsibilities associated with a particular job. It is a matter of standard practice to modify and/or create job descriptions as new positions become necessary, jobs evolve, and responsibilities and duties change. Additionally, changes in organizational structure, student needs, and other factors require the revision of existing positions to support the District’s mission of increased student achievement. This job is outlined in the LCAP and is dependent upon the award of the California Career Pathways Trust grant. It is recommended this job description be approved to better serve the goals and objectives of the District as they relate to educational and instructional achievement. Approval of this item supports the goals identify within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve the new job description for Coordinator, Linked Learning. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:GP:LF:RR:jaf October 16, 2014 Page 53 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT POSITION DESCRIPTION ___________________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Coordinator, Linked Learning REPORTS: Director, Secondary Curriculum DEPARTMENT: Student Services CLASSIFICATION: Certificated Management FLSA: Exempt WORK YEAR: 226 days ISSUED: SALARY: Range 23 ___________________________________________________________________________ BASIC FUNCTION: UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF SECONDARY CURRICULUM, THE COORDINATOR OF LINKED LEARNING WILL WORK CLOSELY WITH DISTRICT LEADERSHIP, SITE ADMINISTRATORS, TEACHERS, POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT, AND COMMUNITY PARTNERS TO DEVELOP, COORDINATE, AND MANAGE A SYSTEM OF COLLEGE AND CAREER PATHWAYS - SMALLER LEARNING COMMUNITIES THAT BLEND COLLEGE PREPARATORY ACADEMICS WITH RIGOROUS CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION COURSES INTO AN ENGAGING PROGRAM OF STUDY CENTERED ON A CAREER THEME. THE LINKED LEARNING PATHWAYS INCLUDE A ROBUST WORK-BASED LEARNING COMPONENT THAT CHALLENGES STUDENTS TO APPLY THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN AUTHENTIC, REAL-WORLD CONTEXTS AND THAT BRING COMMUNITY PARTNERS AND THE DISTRICT TOGETHER TO ACHIEVE THIS GOAL. PATHWAYS MUST ALSO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE PERSONALIZATION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES TO ENSURE THAT STUDENTS ACHIEVE AT THEIR HIGHEST POTENTIAL AND ARE PREPARED FOR COLLEGE, CAREER, AND CITIZENSHIP. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: INCUMBENTS MAY PERFORM ANY COMBINATION OF THE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS SHOWN BELOW. THIS POSITION DESCRIPTION IS NOT INTENDED TO BE AN EXHAUSTIVE LIST OF ALL DUTIES, KNOWLEDGE, OR ABILITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CLASSIFICATION, BUT IS INTENDED TO ACCURATELY REFLECT THE PRINCIPLE JOB ELEMENTS. E = ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Coordinator, Linked Learning Page 1 of 6 October 16, 2014 Page 54 ADMINISTER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PLAN FOR COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS THROUGH THE LINKED LEARNING INITIATIVE. (E) COLLABORATE WITH DISTRICT AND SITE PERSONNEL IN PLANNING, IMPLEMENTING, MONITORING, AND EVALUATING CAREER-TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS, BUDGETS, FACILITIES, AND RESOURCES. (E) COLLABORATE WITH DISTRICT AND SITE ADMINISTRATION AND PATHWAY LEADERSHIP TO DESIGN AND PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES THAT SUPPORT PATHWAY PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT, INTEGRATED CURRICULUM, PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT, AND INCREASED STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. (E) ATTEND AND FACILITATE PARTICIPATION OF DISTRICT AND PATHWAY TEAMS IN ONGOING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. (E) WORK WITH DISTRICT DEPARTMENTS TO SUPPORT PATHWAY TEAMS IN DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING EFFECTIVE SUPPORT STRUCTURES AND INTERVENTIONS FOR STUDENTS ENCOUNTERING ACADEMIC AND/OR SOCIAL CHALLENGES. (E) COLLABORATE WITH DISTRICT DEPARTMENTS AND SITE ADMINISTRATORS TO DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT A PROCESS FOR PATHWAYS RECRUITMENT AND MATRICULATION FROM MIDDLE SCHOOLS THAT ENSURES STUDENT CHOICE AND EQUITABLE ACCESS FOR ALL AVAILABLE PROGRAMS. (E) COLLABORATE WITH DISTRICT DEPARTMENTS TO SUPPORT THE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA TO MONITOR STUDENT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF A-G COLLEGE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS, MATRICULATION TO COLLEGES AND POSTSECONDARY TRAINING, AND EFFECTIVE ENGAGEMENT IN WORK-BASED LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES. (E) COORDINATE THE EVALUATION OF PROGRAMS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH SUPPORTING AGENCIES TO SUPPORT LINKED LEARNING PATHWAY QUALITY AND EQUITY OF ACCESS. (E) PLAN AND COORDINATE EFFORTS TO ENGAGE STUDENTS AND FAMILIES IN COLLEGE GOING CULTURE, SPECIFICALLY SUPPORTING THEM IN ACADEMIC PREPARATION, COLLEGE APPLICATIONS, AND SECURING FINANCIAL AID FOR POST- SECONDARY EDUCATION AND TRAINING. (E) PERFORM RELATED DUTIES AS ASSIGNED. (E) Coordinator, Linked Learning Page 2 of 6 October 16, 2014 Page 55 OTHER JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FUNCTIONS AS AN EFFECTIVE MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT TEAM AND SERVES AS A MEMBER OF THE DISTRICT MANAGEMENT ADVISORY TEAM. ENCOURAGES SCHOOL PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY PARTICIPATE IN SCHOOL-RELATED FUNCTIONS SUCH COMMITTEES, FUND RAISING, ACTIVITY PLANNING, ETC. MEMBERS TO AS ADVISORY CARRIES OUT A PROGRAM OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS TO FURTHER AWARENESS OF THE DISTRICT AND SITE EDUCATIONAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES, AND ACHIEVEMENT STRATEGIES. MAY PLAN, ORGANIZE AND IMPLEMENT A SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM BASED UPON SPECIFIC GOALS AND TARGET POPULATIONS. MAY PARTICIPATE IN THE DISTRICT'S TEACHER/ADMINISTRATOR RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, LICENSES, AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: EXPERIENCE: A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL FULL-TIME CLASSROOM TEACHING AT THE SECONDARY LEVEL PREFERRED AND EXPERIENCE TEACHING AND/OR SUPERVISING CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND/OR INTEREST-THEMED COURSES AND PATHWAYS. EDUCATION: MASTER'S DEGREE FROM AN ACCREDITED INSTITUTION OF HIGHER LEARNING; ADVANCED STUDY IN THE FIELD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, INCLUDING THE AREAS OF ADMINISTRATION, SUPERVISION AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT. PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. CREDENTIAL: POSSESSION OF A VALID CALIFORNIA TEACHING CREDENTIAL; POSSESSION OF A VALID CALIFORNIA CREDENTIAL AUTHORIZING SERVICE AS AN ADMINISTRATOR. OTHER LICENSES, CERTIFICATIONS, BONDING, AND/OR TESTING: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I-9 FORM COMPLETION TB TEST CLEARANCE CRIMINAL JUSTICE FINGERPRINT CLEARANCE MUST POSSESS A VALID CALIFORNIA DRIVER'S LICENSE DURING THE COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT. MUST BE INSURABLE AT STANDARD RATES Coordinator, Linked Learning Page 3 of 6 October 16, 2014 Page 56 AND MAINTAIN SUCH INSURABILITY DURING THE COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: KNOWLEDGE OF: FEDERAL AND STATE LEGISLATION AND TRENDS AS IT RELATES TO CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION RELEVANT EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND AN UNDERSTANDING OF RESEARCH AND DESIGN THEORIES, TECHNIQUES, AND OBJECTIVES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND OPERATIONS WITH REGARDS TO COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS AND THEIR IMPACT ON CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES OF BUDGET PREPARATION AND CONTROL VARIOUS MODERN TECHNOLOGIES USED IN TEACHING AND LEARNING INTERPERSONAL SKILLS USING TACT, PATIENCE AND COURTESY ABILITY TO: EXHIBIT WELL-DEVELOPED PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION WORK EFFECTIVELY IN A MULTI-ETHNIC SETTING WORK INDEPENDENTLY AND/OR IN A TEAM SETTING APPLY APPROPRIATE RESEARCH DESIGN IN A SCHOOL SETTING COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY WITH STUDENTS, STAFF AND COMMUNITY PROVIDE LEADERSHIP AND DIRECTION TO ASSIGNED PROGRAMS ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN COOPERATIVE WORKING RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS PERFORM A VARIETY OF SPECIALIZED AND RESPONSIBLE TASKS ANALYZE SITUATIONS AND DETERMINE APPROPRIATE AND TIMELY ACTION MOTIVATE STUDENTS AND STAFF MAINTAIN RECORDS PLAN, ORGANIZE, PRIORITIZE MEET SCHEDULES AND DEADLINES BE FLEXIBLE EXERCISE CONFIDENTIALITY WORKING CONDITIONS: Coordinator, Linked Learning Page 4 of 6 October 16, 2014 Page 57 ENVIRONMENT: THE WORK ENVIRONMENT CHARACTERISTICS DESCRIBED HERE ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE AN EMPLOYEE ENCOUNTERS WHILE PERFORMING THE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF THIS JOB. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS MAY BE MADE TO ENABLE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES TO PERFORM THE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS. GENERAL OFFICE ENVIRONMENT AT A SCHOOL SITE OR AS ASSIGNED OCCASIONAL WORK IN OUTSIDE WEATHER CONDITIONS DEMANDING TIMELINES USUAL WORK IN LOW TO MODERATE NOISE LEVEL SUBJECT TO FREQUENT INTERRUPTIONS AND DAILY CONTACT WITH STUDENTS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 4 AND 18 YEARS, AND THEIR PARENTS PHYSICAL ABILITIES: THE PHYSICAL DEMANDS DESCRIBED HERE ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE THAT MUST BE MET BY AN EMPLOYEE TO SUCCESSFULLY PERFORM THE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF THIS JOB. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS MAY BE MADE TO ENABLE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES TO PERFORM THE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS. USE OF VOICE TO EXCHANGE INFORMATION IN PERSON AND ON THE TELEPHONE USE OF CLOSE AND DISTANT VISION, COLOR VISION, PERIPHERAL VISION, DEPTH PERCEPTION AND THE ABILITY TO FOCUS HEARING ACUITY FOR CONVERSATIONS AND OTHER SOUNDS SITTING, STANDING, WALKING, STOOPING OR BENDING OVER HANDLING, GRASPING AND FEELING OBJECTS; REPETITIVE USE OF DOMINANT HAND; FINE DEXTERITY WITH BOTH HANDS; GROSS MUSCLE USE OF ARMS AND LEGS CRAWLING, CLIMBING, REACHING OVERHEAD-ABOVE THE SHOULDERS AND HORIZONTALLY, CROUCHING, KNEELING, AND BALANCING PUSHING OR PULLING, LIFTING OR CARRYING, INDIVIDUALLY OR WITH ASSISTANCE 10 TO 25 LBS HAZARDS THE HAZARDS DESCRIBED HERE ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF THOSE THAT MAY BE ENCOUNTERED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF THIS JOB. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS MAY BE MADE TO ENABLE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES TO PERFORM THE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS. EXTENDED VIEWING OF COMPUTER MONITOR WORKING AROUND AND WITH OFFICE EQUIPMENT HAVING MOVING PARTS Coordinator, Linked Learning Page 5 of 6 October 16, 2014 Page 58 I HAVE READ THE ABOVE POSITION DESCRIPTION AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH THEREIN. I HEREBY ACCEPT THE POSITION OF COORDINATOR, LINKED LEARNING AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE REQUIREMENTS AND DUTIES SET FORTH. I WILL PERFORM ALL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY. ______________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE) ________________________ (DATE) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, THE CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL PROVIDE REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS TO QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES, AND ENCOURAGES BOTH PROSPECTIVE AND CURRENT EMPLOYEES TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL ACCOMMODATIONS WITH THE DIVISION OF HUMAN RESOURCES. Board Approved: Coordinator, Linked Learning Page 6 of 6 October 16, 2014 Page 59 STUDENT SERVICES Chino Valley Unified School District Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Patricia M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent, Student Services Stephanie Johnson, Director, Student Support Services SUBJECT: STUDENT EXPULSION CASE 14/15-03 =================================================================== BACKGROUND The Board of Education has established policies and standards of behavior in order to promote learning and protect the safety and well-being of all students. When these policies and standards are violated, it may be necessary to suspend or expel a student from regular classroom instruction. Expulsion is an action taken by the Board for severe or prolonged breaches of discipline by a student. Except for single acts of a grave nature, expulsion is used only when there is a history of misconduct, when other forms of discipline, including suspension, have failed to bring about proper conduct, or when the student's presence causes a continuing danger to him/herself or others. A student may be expelled only by the Board of Education. The Board shall expel, as required by law, any student found to have committed certain offenses listed in Education Code 48915. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the recommendation of the Expulsion Hearing Administrative Panel, it is recommended the Board of Education approve the student expulsion case 14/15-03. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:PMM:SJ:lmc October 16, 2014 Page 60 Chino Valley Unified School District Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Patricia M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent, Student Services SUBJECT: SCHOOL-SPONSORED TRIPS =================================================================== BACKGROUND The Board of Education recognizes that school-sponsored trips are an important component of a student’s development and supplement and enrich the classroom learning experience. School-sponsored trips may be conducted in connection with the District’s course of study or school related social, educational, cultural, athletic, school band activities, or other extracurricular or cocurricular activities. Resources will be identified and established at the school site to assist economically disadvantaged students in obtaining funding for field trips and, in some cases, student travel. Field trips that require overnight stay or are in excess of 250 miles (one way) require board approval. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve the following school-sponsored trips: School-Sponsored Trips Date Site: Walnut ES Event: Science Camp Place: Twin Peaks, CA Chaperone Ratio: 110 students/10 chaperones plus camp counselors at 10:1 ratio Site: Canyon Hills JHS Event: East Coast Tour 2015 Place: New York, NY Chaperone Ratio: 22 students/8 chaperones Fiscal Impact February 10-13, 2015 Cost: $230.00 per student Funding Source: Parents April 6-11, 2015 Cost: $2,299.00 per student Funding Source: Parents October 16, 2014 Page 61 School-Sponsored Trips Site: Ayala HS Event: KSA Basketball Tournament Place: Orlando, FL Chaperone Ratio: 10 students/2 chaperones Site: Don Lugo HS Event: Officer Retreat Place: Riverside, CA Chaperone Ratio: 7 students/2 chaperones Date Fiscal Impact December 17-21, 2014 Cost: $1,222.00 per student Funding Source: Parents October 18-19, 2014 Cost: $5.00 per student Funding Source: Parents FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:PMM:lmc October 16, 2014 Page 62 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Patricia M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent, Student Services Laurel Mullally, Ed.D., Director, Health Services/Child Development SUBJECT: PROCLAMATION FOR OCTOBER 23-31, 2014 RED RIBBON WEEK, ======================================================================== BACKGROUND The Chino Valley Unified School District supports Red Ribbon Week and encourages its students and staff to participate in drug prevention education activities, making a visible statement that we are firmly committed to a drug-free and alcohol abuse-free community and lifestyle. The attached proclamation is a means of recognizing the District’s support of the official Red Ribbon Week scheduled for October 23-31, 2014. Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country. Red Ribbon Week serves as a vehicle for districts, communities and individuals to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of our children through a commitment to drug prevention and education and a personal commitment to live drug-free lives with the ultimate goal being the creation of drug-free America. Approval of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education adopt the proclamation for Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31, 2014. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:PMM:LM:lmc October 16, 2014 Page 63 Chino Valley Unified School District Proclamation Red Ribbon Week October 23-31, 2014 WHEREAS, alcohol and other drug abuse has reached epidemic stages in the United States; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that community members launch visible substance abuse prevention education efforts to reduce the demand for drugs; WHEREAS, Californians for Drug-Free Youth, Inc., is coordinating the California Red Ribbon Campaign in cooperation with the National Red Ribbon Campaign to offer our citizens the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to drug-free and alcohol abuse-free lifestyles; WHEREAS, the Red Ribbon Campaign will be celebrated in every community in America during Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31, 2014; and WHEREAS, business, government, law enforcement, schools, religious institutions, service organizations, youth, senior citizens, military, sports teams and individuals can demonstrate their commitment to drug-free and alcohol abuse-free, healthy lifestyles by wearing and displaying red ribbons during this campaign. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of the Chino Valley Unified School District does hereby support October 23-31, 2014 as Red Ribbon Week, and encourages its students and staff to participate in drug prevention education activities, making a visible statement that we are firmly committed to a drug-free and alcohol abuse-free community and lifestyle. __________________________________ Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent Secretary, Board of Education October 16, 2014 Page 64 INFORMATION FACILITIES, PLANNING, AND OPERATIONS CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Gregory J. Stachura, Asst. Supt., Facilities, Planning, and Operations Sandra H. Chen, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services SUBJECT: CASH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM =================================================================== BACKGROUND The investment objective of the cash management program is to earn a higher rate of return on its assets than alternative short-term investment. Additionally, the program is customized directly to the District’s needs and provides the District with better control of its funds than a pooled investment program. As of June 30, 2014, the District’s cash management accounts are in compliance with the District’s written and approved investment policies. Consideration of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education receive for information the report on the cash management program. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:GJS:SHC:ljt October 16, 2014 Page 65 October 16, 2014 Page 66 Ending Cash & Securities w/Accrued Interest @ Market 6/30/14 Plus: Accrued Interest & Unrealized Gains Ending At Cost Balance Subtotal Less: Miscellaneous Fees Less: Management Fees Subtotal Plus: Increase (Decrease) in Principal Value Plus: Interest / Dividend Earnings Beginning At Cost Balance Less: Accrued Interest & Unrealized Gains Beginning Cash & Securities w/Accrued Interest @ Market 7/01/2013 $4,436,501.59 $31,977.46 $8,488,575.91 $111,748.37 and is not, therefore, actual payout to the District. **Gross yield on county investment pool. Does not include admin. costs * Net yield includes all costs and management fees. 1.24% 0.40% ** 0.37% Portfolio Yield at Cost County Investment Pool Yield on 2-Year US Treasury Note $20,523,209.52 $227,232.04 $20,295,977.48 $87,006.77 $275.14 $86,731.63 $334,876.97 ($6,645.75) $341,522.72 $20,048,107.28 $81,798.35 $20,129,905.63 Total 2.02% * $7,454,406.19 $83,506.21 $7,370,899.98 $31,579.46 $163.30 $31,416.16 $119,709.55 ($6,854.65) $126,564.20 $7,282,769.89 $11,351.47 $7,294,121.36 Fund 01/93 General / Cafeteria Total Rate of Return at Market $4,468,479.05 $19,011.00 $36,416.31 $8,600,324.28 $6.00 $105.84 $0.00 $208.90 $19,005.00 $67,957.54 $147,000.98 $36,310.47 $4,387,555.05 $8,377,782.34 $67,957.54 $22,302.07 $48,144.81 $147,209.88 $4,409,857.12 Fund 25-9815 Capital Facilities $8,425,927.15 Fund 25-9813 Capital Facilities Cash Management Program -- July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT October 16, 2014 Page 67 Insured CD's 0.00% Agency Bonds 0.00% US Treasury Notes 0.00% Money Market Assets 1.20% Commercial Paper 0.00% Corporate Bonds 98.60% Mortgage & Asset-Backed 0.20% Market Sectors 06/30/2014 Chino Valley Unified School District Comparison of Annual Returns San Bernardino Co. vs. Cash Management Fiscal Years 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 County Investment Pool Returns CVUSD Cash Difference Management $ 8.66% 9.58% $196,650 8.05% 11.00% $652,774 6.87% 11.53% $677,588 6.07% 9.56% $506,751 4.86% 6.87% $223,981 5.43% 8.65% $297,214 5.01% 7.01% $186,920 5.01% 7.31% $164,219 5.10% 7.22% $160,083 5.10% 5.80% $92,636 5.48% 5.80% $60,976 5.98% 6.53% $78,974 4.13% 5.62% $222,903 2.85% 4.86% $307,440 1.61% 1.25% -$57,188 1.95% 1.97% $0 3.41% 3.52% $17,937 4.64% 5.45% $134,088 4.50% 5.27% $135,253 2.46% 2.48% $0 1.35% 3.83% $280,219 0.99% 2.81% $348,641 0.51% 0.39% -$23,687 0.61% 1.78% $233,027 0.40% 2.02% Cumulative Difference October 16, 2014 Page 68 $326,424 $5,223,822 October 16, 2014 Page 69 October 16, 2014 Page 70 HUMAN RESOURCES CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Grace Park, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Lea Fellows, Director, Human Resources Richard Rideout, Director, Human Resources SUBJECT: REVISION OF BOARD POLICY AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION 4112.2 PERSONNEL – CERTIFICATION ================================================================== BACKGROUND Board policies, administrative regulations, and bylaws of the Board are routinely developed and revised as a result of changes in law, mandates, federal regulations, and current practice. Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 4112.2 Personnel – Certification are being revised to reflect updated laws and current district practice. New language is provided in UPPER CASE while old language to be deleted is lined through. Consideration of these items supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education receive for information the revision of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 4112.2 Personnel –Certification. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:GP:LF:RR:jaf October 16, 2014 Page 71 All Personnel BP 4112.2(a) CERTIFICATION The Board of Education recognizes that the District's ability to provide a high-quality educational program is dependent upon the employment of certificated staff who are adequately prepared and have demonstrated proficiency in basic skills and in the subject matter to be taught. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that persons employed TO FILL in positions requiring certification qualifications possess the appropriate credential, or permit, OR OTHER CERTIFICATION DOCUMENT from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) AND FULFILL ANY ADDITIONAL STATE, FEDERAL, OR DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE POSITION. authorizing their employment in such positions. (cf. 4111/4211/4311 - Recruitment and Selection) (cf. 4112.21 - Interns) (cf. 4112.22 - Staff Teaching English Language Learners) (cf. 4112.23 - Special Education Staff) (cf. 4112.5/4312.5 - Criminal Record Search) (cf. 4113 - Assignment) (cf. 4121 - Temporary/Substitute Personnel) (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education) (cf. 6200 - Adult Education) All teachers of core academic subjects shall meet the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act. (20 USC 6319, 7801; 5 CCR 6100-6125) When a credentialed teacher or intern is not available, the District may request that the CTC issue a short-term staff permit, provisional internship permit (PIP), visiting faculty permit, emergency permit, or credential waiver under the conditions and limitations provided in state or federal law. When requesting a PIP, the Board shall approve, as an action item at a public Board meeting, a notice of intent to employ the applicant in the identified position. (5 CCR 80021.1) Before requesting a visiting faculty permit or emergency permit, the Board shall annually approve a Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators as an action item at a regularly scheduled public Board meeting. (Education Code 44300.1; 5 CCR 80026) The Superintendent or designee MAY shall provide ASSISTANCE AND support and guidance to non-credentialed teachers in accordance with law to ensure the quality of the instructional program. He/she also may provide assistance and support to staff holding preliminary credentials to help them meet the qualifications required for the professional clear credential. October 16, 2014 Page 72 BP 4112.2(b) CERTIFICATION (cont.) (cf. 4131 – Staff Development) PRIORITIES FOR HIRING BASED ON UNAVAILABILITY OF CREDENTIALED TEACHER THE SUPERINTENDENT OR DESIGNEE SHALL MAKE REASONABLE EFFORTS TO RECRUIT A FULLY PREPARED TEACHER FOR EACH ASSIGNMENT. WHENEVER A TEACHER WITH A CLEAR OR PRELIMINARY CREDENTIAL IS NOT AVAILABLE, THE SUPERINTENDENT OR DESIGNEE SHALL MAKE REASONABLE EFFORTS TO RECRUIT AN INDIVIDUAL FOR THE ASSIGNMENT IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: (EDUCATION CODE 44225.7) 1. A CANDIDATE WHO IS QUALIFIED TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENROLLS IN AN APPROVED INTERN PROGRAM IN THE REGION OF THE DISTRICT 2. A CANDIDATE WHO IS SCHEDULED TO COMPLETE PRELIMINARY CREDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS WITHIN SIX MONTHS AND WHO HOLDS A PROVISIONAL INTERNSHIP PERMIT (PIP) OR SHORT-TERM STAFF PERMIT ISSUED BY THE CTC THE BOARD SHALL APPROVE, AS AN ACTION ITEM AT A PUBLIC BOARD MEETING, A NOTICE OF ITS INTENT TO EMPLOY A PIP APPLICANT FOR A SPECIFIC POSITION. (5 CCR 80021.1) 3. AS A LAST RESORT, AN INDIVIDUAL WHO HOLDS AN EMERGENCY PERMIT ISSUED BY THE CTC OR FOR WHOM A CREDENTIAL WAIVER HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE CTC PRIOR TO REQUESTING THAT THE CTC ISSUE AN EMERGENCY PERMIT PURSUANT TO ITEM #3 ABOVE OR A LIMITED ASSIGNMENT PERMIT WHICH ALLOWS A FULLY CREDENTIALED TEACHER TO TEACH OUTSIDE OF HIS/HER AREA OF CERTIFICATION WHILE WORKING TOWARD AN ADDED OR SUPPLEMENTARY AUTHORIZATION, THE BOARD SHALL ANNUALLY APPROVE A DECLARATION OF NEED FOR FULLY QUALIFIED EDUCATORS. THE DECLARATION OF NEED SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD AS AN ACTION ITEM AT A REGULARLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC BOARD MEETING, WITH THE ENTIRE DECLARATION OF NEED BEING INCLUDED IN THE BOARD AGENDA. (EDUCATION CODE 44225, 44225.7; 5 CCR 80023.2, 80026, 80027, 80027.1) THE DECLARATION OF NEED SHALL CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN INSUFFICIENT NUMBER OF CERTIFICATED PERSONS WHO MEET THE DISTRICT’S SPECIFIED EMPLOYMENT CRITERIA FOR THE POSITION(S) AND THAT THE DISTRICT HAS MADE REASONABLE EFFORTS TO RECRUIT INDIVIDUALS WHO MEET THE October 16, 2014 Page 73 BP 4112.2(c) CERTIFICATION (cont.) QUALIFICATIONS SPECIFIED IN ITEMS #1-2 ABOVE. THE DECLARATION OF NEED SHALL ALSO INDICATE THE NUMBER AND TYPE OF EMERGENCY PERMITS THAT THE DISTRICT ESTIMATES IT WILL NEED DURING THE VALID PERIOD OF THE DECLARATION OF NEED, BASED ON THE PREVIOUS YEAR’S ACTUAL NEEDS AND PROJECTIONS OF ENROLLMENT. WHENEVER THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF PERMITS NEEDED EXCEEDS THE ESTIMATE BY 10 PERCENT, THE BOARD SHALL REVISE AND RESUBMIT THE DECLARATION OF NEED. (5 CCR 80026) WHENEVER IT IS NECESSARY TO EMPLOY NONCREDENTIALED TEACHERS TO FILL A POSITION REQUIRING CERTIFICATION QUALIFICATIONS, THE SUPERINTENDENT OR DESIGNEE SHALL PROVIDE SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAW TO ENSURE THE QUALITY OF THE INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification The Board encourages District teachers to voluntarily complete the requirements for the advanced certification awarded by seek additional certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards which demonstrates advanced knowledge and teaching skills. The Superintendent or designee shall inform all teachers about the program and how to acquire the necessary application and information materials. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT AND THE DISTRICT BUDGET, the Superintendent or designee may provide release time, fee support, a stipend upon completion, or other support to teachers participating in the program. contingent upon funding. Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 8360-8370 Qualifications of child care personnel 32340-32341 Unlawful issuance of a credential 35186 Complaints regarding teacher vacancy or misassignment 44066 Limitations on certification requirements 44200-44399.1 teacher credentialing, especially: 44250-44277 Credential types; minimum requirements 44300-44302 Emergency permits 44325-44328 District interns 44330-44355 Certificates and credentials 44420-44440 Revocation and suspension of credentials 44450-44468 University internship program 44830-44929 Employment of certificated persons; requirement of proficiency in basic skills October 16, 2014 Page 74 BP 4112.2(d) CERTIFICATION (cont.) 56060-56063 Substitute teachers in special education CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 6100-6126 Teacher qualifications, No Child Left Behind Act 80001-80674.6 Commission on Teacher Credentialing UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 6319 Highly qualified teachers 7801 Definitions, highly qualified teacher CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 34 200.55-200.57 Highly qualified teachers 200.61 Parent notification regarding teacher qualifications COURT DECISIONS Association of Mexican-American Educators et al.v. State of California and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, (1993) 836 F.Supp. 1534 Management Resources: COMMISSION ON TEACHER CREDENTIALING PUBLICATIONS CL-667 Basic Skills Requirement CL-856 Provisional Internship Permit CL-858 Short-Term Staff Permit 13-01 Hiring Hierarchy in Education Code 44225.7, Coded Correspondence, January 30, 2013 Subject Matter Authorization Guideline Book, 2012 Supplementary Authorization Guideline Book, 2012 California Standards for the Teaching Profession, 2009 The Administrator’s Assignment Manual, rev. September 2007 WEBSITES Commission on Teacher Credentialing: www.ctc.ca.gov Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Credential Information Guide (for employers’ only): www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/cig”>:www.ctc.ca.gov”>: www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/cig National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: www.nbpts.org U.S. Department of Education: www.ed.gov Chino Valley Unified School District Policy adopted: November 16, 1995 Revised: April 1, 1999 Revised: March 23, 2000 Revised: November 4, 2010 REVISED: October 16, 2014 Page 75 use Certificated Personnel AR 4112.2(a) CERTIFICATION VERIFICATION OF CREDENTIALS Registration The Superintendent or designee shall verify that each employee in a position requiring certification qualifications possesses a valid CERTIFICATION DOCUMENT credential or permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Such verification shall occur not later than 60 days after the commencement of employment or the renewal of a credential. (Education Code 44857) (cf. 4112.21 - District Interns) (cf. 4112.22 - Staff Teaching English Language Leaners) (cf. 4112.23 - Special Education Staff) (cf. 4121 - Temporary/Substitute Personnel) (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education) (cf. 6200 - Adult Education) The Superintendent or designee shall maintain records of the appropriate certification of all employees serving in certificated positions. (cf. 3580 - District Records) (cf. 4112.6 - Personnel Records) Basic Skills Proficiency Test The District shall not initially hire A PERSON IN A POSITION REQUIRING CERTIFICATION, on a permanent, temporary, or substitute basis, a certificated person seeking employment in the capacity designated in his/her credential unless that person has demonstrated basic skills proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics or is specifically exempted from the requirement by law. (Education Code 44252, 44252.6, 44830) The District may hire a certificated EMPLOYEE teacher who has not taken a test of basic skills proficiency if he/she has not yet been afforded the opportunity to take the test, PROVIDED THAT HE/SHE The employee shall takeS the test at the earliest opportunity. THE EMPLOYEE and may remain employed by the District pending the receipt of his/her test results. (Education Code 44830) Out-of-State Credentials An out-of-state prepared teacher shall meet the basic skills requirement within one year of being issued a California preliminary credential by the CTC unless he/she has completed a basic skills proficiency test in another state or is otherwise exempted by law. THE DISTRICT SHALL DEVELOP A An out-of-state prepared teacher applying to the CTC for a one-year nonrenewable credential pending completion of the basic skills October 16, 2014 Page 76 AR 4112.2(b) CERTIFICATION (cont.) requirement shall pass the District's basic skills proficiency test, which SHALL BE is at least equivalent to the District test required for high school graduation, FOR PURPOSES OF ASSESSING OUT-OF-STATE PREPARED TEACHERS PENDING COMPLETION OF THE BASIC SKILLS REQUIREMENT. (Education Code 44252, 44274.2; 5 CCR 80071.4, 80413.3) (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf. 6146.2 - Certificate of Proficiency/High School Equivalency) (cf. 6162.5 - Student Assessment) Any person holding or applying for a “designated subjects special subjects” credential which does not require possession of a bachelor's degree shall pass A the District proficiency test in lieu of meeting the state basic skillS PROFICIENCY requirement. (Education Code 44252, 44830) The District shall charge a fee to cover the costs of developing, administering, and grading the District proficiency test. (Education Code 44252, 44830) Short-Term Staff Permit The District may request that the CTC issue a Short-Term Staff Permit (STSP) to an QUALIFIED applicant who meets the qualifications specified in 5 CCR 80021 whenever there is a need to immediately fill a classroom based on unforeseen circumstances, including, but not limited to: (5 CCR 80021) 1. Enrollment adjustments require the addition of another teacher 2. Inability of the teacher of record is unable to finish the school year due to approved leave or illness 3. The applicant’s need for additional time to complete preservice requirements for enrollment into an approved internship program 4. Inability of the applicant to enroll in an approved internship program due to timelines or lack of space in the program 5. Unavailability of a third-year extension of an internship program or the applicant’s withdrawal from an internship program THE SUPERINTENDENT OR DESIGNEE SHALL ENSURE THAT THE APPLICANT POSSESSES A BACHELOR’S OR HIGHER DEGREE FROM A REGIONALLY ACCREDITED COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY, HAS MET THE BASIC SKILLS October 16, 2014 Page 77 AR 4112.2(c) CERTIFICATION (cont.) PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT UNLESS EXEMPTED BY STATE LAW OR REGULATIONS, AND HAS SATISFIED THE COURSEWORK/EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN 5 CCR 80021 FOR THE MULTIPLE SUBJECT, SINGLE SUBJECT, OR EDUCATION SPECIALIST STSP AS APPROPRIATE. (5CCR 80021) When requesting issuance of an STSP, the SUPERINTENDENT DESIGNEE District shall submit to the CTC: (5 CCR 80021) OR 1. Verification that THE DISTRICT it has conducted a local recruitment for the permit being requested 2. Verification that THE DISTRICT it has provided the permit holder with orientation to the curriculum and to instruction and classroom management techniques and has assigned a mentor teacher for the term of the permit (cf. 4131 - Staff Development) 3. Written justification for the permit signed by the Superintendent or designee The holder of an STSP may be assigned to provide the same service as a holder of a multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist credential in accordance with the authorizations specified on the permit. (5 CCR 80021) Provisional Internship Permit BEFORE REQUESTING THAT THE CTC ISSUE A PROVISIONAL INTERNSHIP PERMIT (PIP), THE DISTRICT SHALL CONDUCT A DILIGENT SEARCH FOR A SUITABLE CREDENTIALED TEACHER OR INTERN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, DISTRIBUTING JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS, CONTACTING COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT CENTERS, AND ADVERTISING IN PRINT OR ELECTRONIC MEDIA. (5 CCR 80021.1) (cf. 4111/4211/4311 - Recruitment and Selection) WHENEVER A SUITABLE CREDENTIALED TEACHER CANNOT BE FOUND AFTER A DILIGENT SEARCH, THE SUPERINTENDENT OR DESIGNEE MAY REQUEST THAT THE CTC ISSUE A PIP TO AN APPLICANT WHO POSSESSES A BACHELOR’S OR HIGHER DEGREE FROM A REGIONALLY ACCREDITED COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY, HAS MET THE BASIC SKILLS PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT UNLESS EXEMPTED BY STATE LAW OR REGULATIONS, AND HAS SATISFIED THE COURSEWORK/EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN 5 CCR 80021.1 FOR THE MULTIPLE SUBJECT, SINGLE SUBJECT, OR EDUCATION SPECIALIST PIP AS APPROPRIATE (5 CCR 80021.1) October 16, 2014 Page 78 AR 4112.2(d) CERTIFICATION (cont.) WHEN SUBMITTING THE REQUEST FOR A PIP, THE DISTRICT SHALL PROVIDE VERIFICATION OF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: (5 CCR 80021.1, 80026.5) The District may request that the CTC issue a Provisional Internship Permit (PIP) to an applicant who meets the qualifications specified in 5 CCR 80021.1 whenever a suitable credentialed teacher cannot be found after a diligent search. The District shall verify all of the following: (5 CCR 80021.1, 80026.5) 1. A diligent search has been conducted for a suitable credentialed teacher or suitable qualified intern as evidenced by documentation of the search. The search shall include, but not be limited to, distributing job announcements, contacting college and university placement centers, and advertising in print or electronic media. 2. Orientation, guidance, and assistance shall be provided to the permit holder as specified in 5 CCR 80026.5. The orientation shall include, but not be limited to, an overview of the curriculum the permit holder is expected to teach and effective instruction and classroom management techniques at the permit holder's assigned level. THE PERMIT HOLDER ALSO SHALL RECEIVE GUIDANCE AND ASSISTANCE FROM The Superintendent or designee shall assign an experienced educator WHO IS A CERTIFICATED DISTRICT EMPLOYEE OR A CERTIFICATED RETIREE FROM A CALIFORNIA DISTRICT OR COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION AND WHO HAS COMPLETED AT LEAST THREE YEARS OF FULL-TIME CLASSROOM TEACHING EXPERIENCE. to guide and assist each permit holder. 3. The District shall assist the permit holder in developing a personalized plan through a District-selected assessment that would lead to subject-matter competence related to the permit. 4. The District shall assist the permit holder to seek and enroll in subject-matter training, such as workshops or seminars and site-based courses, along with training in test-taking strategies, and shall assist the permit holder in meeting the credential subject-matter competence requirement related to the permit. 5. A notice of intent to employ the applicant in the identified position has been made public. The District shall submit a copy of the agenda item presented at a public Board OF EDUCATION meeting which shall state the name of the applicant, the assignment in which the applicant will be employed including the name of the October 16, 2014 Page 79 AR 4112.2(e) CERTIFICATION (cont.) school, subject(s), and grade(s) that he/she will be teaching, and that the applicant will be employed on the basis of a PIP. The District also shall submit a signed statement from the Superintendent or designee that the agenda item was acted upon favorably. 6. The candidate has been apprised of steps to earn a credential and enroll in an internship program. The holder of a PIP may be assigned to provide the same service as a holder of a multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist credential in accordance with the authorizations specified on the permit. (5 CCR 80021.1) Visiting Faculty Permits The District may request that the CTC issue a visiting faculty permit authorizing an individual to teach in departmentalized classes if he/she has at least three years fulltime teaching experience at an accredited postsecondary institution, possesses a master's degree in a subject area closely related to the subject he/she proposes to teach, and meets other qualifications specified in law. In such cases, the District shall provide the CTC with both of the following: (Education Code 44300.1) 1. Annual documentation that the District has implemented a process for conducting a diligent search that includes, but is not limited to, distributing job announcements, contacting college and university placement centers, advertising in local newspapers, and participating in job fairs in California, but has been unable to recruit a sufficient number of certificated teachers to teach the subject matter that the visiting faculty member proposes to teach 2. The Board-adopted Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators based on the documentation set forth in item 1 Credential Waiver Long-Term Substitute Emergency Permits If a teacher who has completed a teacher preparation program is unavailable for an assignment, the District shall make reasonable efforts to recruit an individual for the assignment in the following order: (Education Code 44225.7) 1. A candidate who is qualified to participate in and enrolls in an approved internship program in the region of the District 2. A candidate who is scheduled to complete preliminary credential requirements within six months and who is provided orientation, guidance, and assistance by the District October 16, 2014 Page 80 AR 4112.2(f) CERTIFICATION (cont.) If an individual who meets the criteria specified in item 1 or 2 above is not available to the District, the District may, as a last resort, request from the CTC a credential waiver or an emergency permit for the assignment of an individual who does not meet those criteria. (Education Code 44225.7; 5 CCR 80023, 80026) AS NECESSARY, the SUPERINTENDENT OR DESIGNEE District may request THAT THE CTC ISSUE an emergency permit authorizing resource specialist PERMIT, EMERGENCY TEACHER LIBRARIAN SERVICES PERMIT, EMERGENCY crosscultural language and academic development PERMIT, (CLAD), OR EMERGENCY bilingual AUTHORIZATION PERMIT. or teacher librarian services. (5 CCR 80024.3.1, 80024.6, 80024.7, 80024.8) In order to request an emergency permit, the District shall annually submit a Boardapproved Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators on a form provided by the CTC, including certification that the District has made reasonable efforts to recruit a fully prepared teacher for the assignment. (Education Code 44225.7; 5 CCR 80023, 80026) The Superintendent or designee shall provide any first-time recipient of an emergency teaching permit with an orientation to teaching which, to the extent reasonably feasible, shall occur before he/she begins a teaching assignment. THE SUPERINTENDENT OR DESIGNEE MAY VARY THE NATURE, CONTENT, AND DURATION OF the orientation to MATCH THE AMOUNT OF TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED BY THE EMERGENCY PERMIT teacher. The orientation shall include, but not be limited to, the curriculum the teacher is expected to teach and effective techniques of classroom instruction AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT at the assigned grade-level span. The emergency permit holder also shall receive guidance and assistance from an experienced educator who is a certificated District employee or a certificated retiree from a California district or county office of education and who has completed at least three years of full-time classroom teaching experience. (5 CCR 80026.5) (cf. 4117.14/4317.14 - Postretirement Employment) Emergency Substitute Teaching Permits The District may employ For day-to-day substitute teaching, at any grade level, THE DISTRICT MAY EMPLOY a person with an emergency substitute permit issued by the CTC PROVIDING THAT: with the following restrictions: 1. A person holding an emergency 30-day substitute TEACHING permit, or any valid teaching or services credential that requires at least a bachelor's degree and completion of the CBEST, shall not serve as a substitute for more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year. He/she shall not serve as a October 16, 2014 Page 81 AR 4112.2(g) CERTIFICATION (cont.) substitute in a special education classroom for more than 20 days for any one teacher during the school year. (5 CCR 80025, 80025.3, 80025.4) 2. A person with an emergency career substitute teaching permit shall not serve as a substitute for more than 60 days for any one teacher during the school year. (5 CCR 80025.1) 3. A person with an emergency substitute TEACHING permit for prospective teachers shall not serve as a substitute for more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year and not more than 90 days total during the school year. (5 CCR 80025.2) 4. A person with an emergency DESIGNATED SUBJECTS 30-DAY substitute TEACHING permit for career technical education shall teach only in a program of technical, trade, or vocational education and not serve as a substitute for more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year. (5 CCR 80025.5) Before employing a person with an emergency substitute permit pursuant to item #1 or 4 above, the Superintendent or designee shall prepare and keep on file a signed Statement of Need for the school year. The Statement of Need shall describe the situation or circumstances that necessitate the use of a 30-day substitute permit holder and state either that a credentialed person is not available or that the available credentialed person does not meet the District's specified employment criteria. (5 CCR 80025, 80025.5) Chino Valley Unified School District Regulation approved: November 16, 1995 Revised: March 23, 2000 Revised: October 21, 2010 Revised: September 8, 2011 REVISED: October 16, 2014 Page 82 CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Grace Park Ed.D., Asst. Superintendent, Human Resources Lea Fellows, Director, Human Resources Richard Rideout, Director, Human Resources SUBJECT: NEW BOARD POLICY 4316 PERSONNEL - MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISORY AND CONFIDENTIAL ================================================================== BACKGROUND Board policies, administrative regulations, and bylaws of the Board are routinely developed and revised as a result of changes in law, mandates, federal regulations, and current practice. Board Policy 4316 Personnel - Management, Supervisory, and Confidential has been written to reflect Education Code 45113 that allows the Board of Education to prescribe rules and regulations governing the personnel management of the classified service. New language is provided in UPPER CASE. Consideration of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education receive for information the new Board Policy 4316 Personnel – Management, Supervisory and Confidential. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:GP:LE:RR:jaf October 16, 2014 Page 83 BP 4316 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISORY AND CONFIDENTIAL PROBATIONARY/PERMANENT STATUS EMPLOYEES NEWLY HIRED FOR REGULAR POSITIONS IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE NOT INCLUDED IN THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT SHALL BE CONSIDERED PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES UNTIL THEY HAVE SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED ONE YEAR OF PROBATIONARY SERVICE. THE YEAR OF PROBATIONARY SERVICE COMMENCES ON THE EMPLOYEE’S FIRST DATE OF SERVICE IN THE POSITION AND ENDS 12 MONTHS FROM THAT DATE. IF THE EMPLOYEE IS SCHEDULED TO WORK LESS THAN 12 MONTHS, THE 12MONTH PERIOD WILL CONTINUE TO RUN DURING THE EMPLOYEE’S NON-DUTY DAYS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROBATIONARY PERIOD EXTEND BEYOND THE 12 MONTHS. UPON SATISFACTORILY COMPLETING THIS PERIOD, THEY SHALL BECOME PERMANENT CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES OF THE DISTRICT. THE SUPERINTENDENT OR DESIGNEE MAY DISMISS THE EMPLOYEE AT ANY TIME, WITH OR WITHOUT CAUSE, DURING THE INITIAL PROBATIONARY PERIOD. PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ENTITLED TO A HEARING OR ANY OTHER DUE PROCESS IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR DISMISSAL. PERMANENT EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE DESIGNATED PROBATIONARY PERIOD IN A JOB CLASSIFICATION AND ARE PROMOTED TO A HIGHER CLASSIFICATION OR SUPERVISORY POSITION SHALL BE CONSIDERED PROBATIONARY IN THE NEW POSITION UNTIL THEY HAVE SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED 12 MONTHS OF SERVICE IN THAT POSITION. A PERMANENT EMPLOYEE WHO ACCEPTS A PROMOTION AND FAILS TO COMPLETE THE PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOR THAT PROMOTIONAL POSITION SHALL BE EMPLOYED IN THE CLASSIFICATION FROM WHICH THE EMPLOYEE WAS PROMOTED. (EDUCATION CODE 45113.) COMPLETION OF THE PROBATIONARY PERIOD IN ANY PROMOTIONAL POSITION IS SUBJECT TO THE SAME CONDITIONS UNDER THIS POLICY AS COMPLETION OF AN INITIAL PROBATIONARY PERIOD. Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 45113 Rules and regulations for the classified service in districts not incorporating the merit system. CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD APPROVED: October 16, 2014 Page 84 STUDENT SERVICES Chino Valley Unified School District Our Motto: Student Achievement • Safe Schools • Positive School Climate Humility • Civility • Service DATE: October 16, 2014 TO: Members, Board of Education FROM: Wayne M. Joseph, Superintendent PREPARED BY: Patricia M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent, Student Services SUBJECT: WILLIAMS SETTLEMENT LEGISLATION QUARTERLY UNIFORM COMPLAINT REPORT SUMMARY FOR JULY THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2014 ==================================================================== BACKGROUND In accordance with the Williams settlement legislation, Education Code 35186 states that the Superintendent or designee shall report summarized data on the nature and resolution of all Williams related complaints to the Board of Education and the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools on a quarterly basis. Williams related complaints are complaints specific to 1) insufficiency of instructional materials, 2) unsafe facilities, or 3) teacher vacancy or misassignment. The report shall include the number of complaints by general subject area with the number of resolved and unresolved complaints. These summaries shall be publicly reported on a quarterly basis at a regularly scheduled board meeting. Consideration of this item supports the goals identified within the District’s Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education receive for information the Williams Settlement Legislation Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary for July through September 2014. FISCAL IMPACT None. WMJ:PMM:lmc October 16, 2014 Page 85 Williams Settlement Legislation Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary For submission to school district governing board and county office of education. District Name: Chino Valley Unified School District Quarter covered by this report: July 2014 – September 2014 Please fill in the following table. Enter 0 in any cell that does not apply. Number of complaints received in quarter Number of complaints resolved Number of complaints unresolved Instructional Materials 0 0 0 Facilities 1 1 0 Teacher Vacancy or Misassignment 1 1 0 CAHSEE Intensive Instruction and Services 0 0 0 Totals 2 2 0 UCP Contact: Title: Patricia M. Miller Assistant Superintendent, Student Services Board Submission: October 16, 2014 October 16, 2014 Page 86
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