SIOUX FALLS CATHOLIC SCHOOL CORPORATION 2013/14 Tuition & Fees Contract Complete all sections, read Tuition and Financial Assistance Conditions on reverse, and sign to accept financial responsibility. Student and Household Information Grade entering 2013/14 School Year: Gender M / F: Student ID: School: Student’s Name: Student’s Address: (City, State and Zip) Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian E-mail: Parent/Guardian Phone: Work or Cell Cell/Land line/Work - (circle one) Parent/Guardian E-mail: Parent/Guardian Phone: Work or Cell Parent/Guardian Address If different: (City, State and Zip) Parent / Guardian Name: Parent / Guardian Address: (City, State and Zip) MAIN Contact Phone: Household 2: (Only if Applicable) Parent / Guardian Phone: Parish: Parent / Guardian E-mail: Cell/Land line/Work - (circle one) Thanks to the generosity of the Sioux Falls Catholic Parishes who donate 50% of their ordinary income to SFCS, your tuition costs are automatically reduced by 25%. Saint Mary Elementary School - Preschool - Grade 6 ANNUAL CASH RATES Catholic (inside SF) Catholic (outside SF) ANNUAL CREDIT CARD RATES Catholic (inside SF) Non-Catholic Catholic (outside SF) Non-Catholic $2,810.00 $3,210.00 $3,735.00 $2,923.00 $3,339.00 $3,885.00 1/2 Day Kindergarten 2,610.00 3,010.00 3,535.00 2,715.00 3,131.00 3,677.00 1/2 Day Kindergarten + 1-2 days “K Our Way” 2,710.00 3,110.00 3,635.00 2,819.00 3,235.00 3,781.00 Band Fee (Grades 5 & 6 only, if applicable): 150.00 150.00 150.00 156.00 156.00 156.00 Elementary Book Fee: 85.00 85.00 85.00 89.00 89.00 89.00 All Day Kindergarten - Grade 6 Sub Total $ $ $ $ $ $ Saint Mary Preschool and Extended Learning Please indicate your schedule** Age of Child (on or before Sept. 1, 2013) : 3 Yrs 4 Yrs M Jr. Hi Fives Hi Fives SAMPLE Morning Afternoon M T W TH F PK PK PK PK PK EL EL Total number of half-days 1. Preschool / EXL Tuition Cash Credit Card 7 2. STRETCH Before and After School Care Cash Credit Card 1 half-day $460.00 $479.00 ***Before School 1-2 days $400.00 $416.00 2 half-days 920.00 957.00 ***Before School 3-5 days 1100.00 1,144.00 3 half-days 1,380.00 1,436.00 After School 1-2 days 1100.00 1,144.00 4 half-days 1,840.00 1,914.00 After School 3-5 days 1,575.00 1,638.00 5 half-days 2,300.00 2,392.00 ***Before/After School 1-2 days 1,540.00 1,602.00 6 half-days 2,760.00 2,871.00 ***Before/After School 3-5 days 2,000.00 2,080.00 7 half-days 3,220.00 3,349.00 PLUS Annual ONE-TIME STRETCH FEE: $10.00 $10.00 8 half-days 3,680.00 3,828.00 9 -10 half-days 4,140.00 4,306.00 Sub Total: Revised 2/12/2013 F Total number of half-days: Please select the one: 4-5 yr olds TH Afternoon Preschool Class 3-4 yr olds W Morning Please mark the corresponding days with a “PK” for preschool and /or “EL” for extended learning. 5 Yrs T $ $ Sub Total: ***Program options may vary from site to site. Yearly Total (Tuition plus STRETCH) $ $ Please Complete SIDE 2 *Please Complete and return this form to your school office by 2/28/2013 SIOUX FALLS CATHOLIC SCHOOL CORPORATION 2013/14 Tuition & Fees Contract Forms Request Family Discount Form (o Three or more students, K-12 OR o Four or more students, 1 PK and 3 or more K-12) I will apply for Tuition Assistance online at (Grades K-12) Please mail me a paper copy of the Tuition Assistance forms in o English or o Spanish Foundation Scholarships available online at (file TADs Application by April 15, unless otherwise indicated) PAYMENT PLAN OPTIONS - Select OneV One Payment: cash or check due by August 20th, One Payment: credit card charged on August 17th Two payments: cash or check due by August 20th & January 20th Two Payments: credit card charged on August 17th & January 17th Ten auto-pay bank withdrawals August – May (1 or16 – circle one) Ten credit card charges* August – May (charged on the 17th of each month) st th V All Preschool payments are due / withdrawn / charged on the 1st of the month (payment required prior to the month of attendance). Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card Number: Expiration Date: If making 10 auto-pay bank withdrawals, please attach a VOIDED check. Responsible Party Name: Relationship to Student: I agree to the terms and conditions listed on this contract . SIGNATURE: Please Complete the following only if different than Primary Guardian: Address: E-mail: Phone: Date: Date: Tuition Payment and Financial Assistance Conditions: 2013 - 2014 School Year A. SFCS maintains one billing account per student, into which charges for regular tuition, fees, optional programs (Stretch, Achievement Academy, Drivers Ed, and Summer School), and Extra-Curricular fees are entered. B. The Tuition Agreement is a legal contract with SFCS that must be signed by a Responsible Party upon enrollment; SFCS requires that only one person sign as Responsible Party to the contract. The Responsible Party is the person that receives the monthly billing statement, the person who is required to make payments (other individuals may place payments on the account, but would not be considered the Responsible Party), the person with whom SFCS personnel communicate regarding billing/financial assistance issues, and the person who would be legally responsible in the event of default. If a person other than the Responsible Party (ex-spouse, grandparent, or other unrelated individual or entity) desires to also assume financial responsibility, he or she may sign a Payment Plan Contract and remit payments according to an agreed-upon schedule. C. In order to qualify for the Catholic rate, families must be registered members of a Catholic Parish in Sioux Falls. The Non-Sioux Falls Catholic rate applies to families registered at Catholic parishes outside of the city of Sioux Falls, and the Non-Catholic rate applies to all other families. Parish enrollment is verified annually. D. Responsible parties may choose Annual (Cash, Check, or Credit Card), Semi-Annual (Cash, Check, or Credit Card), or 10-Month (ACH & Credit Card only) payment plans. Final balances will be withdrawn (charged) in May for ACH and Credit Card customers unless an approved Payment Plan is on file in the Business Office. Finance charges accrue on the unpaid balance at 18% per year, or 1.5% per month. A $30 fee is charged to accounts for return payment items. A Responsible Party is allowed two ACH or credit card cancellations during the year before alternate payment method must be chosen. Cancellations to ACH/credit card payments must be in writing. E. Charges for preschool and other optional programs are charged and required to be paid in advance, prior to the month of attendance. SFCS reserves the right to remove students whose accounts for preschool and other optional programs become delinquent at any time. F. P articipation in extra-curricular programs may result in additional fees posted to the billing statement and due according to the chosen payment plan at the rate communicated by the program director, regardless of whether a signed Addendum is on file. G. If someone other than the Responsible Party enrolls a student into a program causing an unauthorized draw from the Responsible Party’s account, amounts drawn will be refunded to the Responsible Party and the student will be withdrawn from the program until such time as the Responsible Party agrees to the charge or until such time as the extra charge is paid. H. Changes to billable programs made after filing the original Tuition Agreement must be made in writing on an Addendum Form and signed by the Responsible Party. Prorated adjustments to accounts are calculated as a ratio of the number of days enrolled over the total regular school days in the year, multiplied by the annual program rate. Adjustments are made only upon adding, changing, or withdrawing from a program. There are no adjustments for illness, vacation days, or other days not attended. Special circumstances may apply. I. If the Responsible Party desires SFCS to consider tuition assistance for his or her account(s), he or she must complete a TADs Financial Assistance Application, available either online or by requesting a hard copy from the Business Office. The Business Office is responsible for distributing financial assistance, based on need and fairness of distribution, to families who apply each year. TADs applications from the Responsible Party only are eligible for consideration. All financial assistance, including the work program, is only applied toward tuition balances. In the event of early withdrawal or changes in attendance after the date of award, awarded amounts are prorated to the date of withdrawal/change. Financial assistance awarded to members of a family is not transferrable to other families. There are no cash refunds for work performed or grants applied in excess of account balance. J. SFCS Certificate Rebates are available for credit to a specified tuition account, at the direction of the purchaser, once annually in the spring. There are no cash refunds for unused Certificate Rebates. K. Failure to make tuition/fee payments according to the payment method chosen on the Tuition Agreement may result in restrictions in participation in academic and/or extra-curricular programs, testing, ability to participate in graduation or other recognition ceremonies, and access to report cards, diplomas, official transcripts of grades, and student portals in Infinite Campus. Students whose accounts become delinquent may be removed at any time. L. If accounts become delinquent, SFCS may request a Responsible Party to sign a Payment Plan Contract containing additional terms. M. If accounts remain delinquent at the end of first semester, students will not be allowed to return unless a Responsible Party signs a Payment Plan Contract and makes an approved down payment. Accounts must be paid in full prior to admittance to each new school year. N. Siblings of students who graduated or withdrew owing a balance are not permitted to attend until those accounts are paid in full or recovered from the collection agent. The School reserves the right to refuse re-admittance. Revised 2/12/2013 Please call 605-575-3367 or 605-335-6557 for questions regarding tuition billing and financial assistance.
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