Sample Tasks for the 10 Indistar Areas Code IE08 Indicator The principal spends at least 50% of his/her time working directly with teachers to improve instruction, including classroom observations. 1. 2. Sample Tasks 3. 4. 5. IF08 Professional development for the whole faculty includes assessment of strengths and areas in need of improvement from classroom observations of indicators of effective teaching. 1. 2. Sample Tasks 3. 4. ID10 The school leadership team will meet with school staff to discuss the role of the team in setting expectations, conducting walkthroughs and providing instructional feedback to staff. The team will facilitate a review and discussion of the characteristics of effective instruction based on research. The team will review examples of walkthrough instruments and assist the staff with revising or creating a walkthrough form and schedule for conducting walkthroughs. The principal will share results of ongoing walkthroughs on a monthly basis with staff. The principal will facilitate discussions of results/impact of PD, identify areas of strength/growth and areas for PD. The principal will insure PD is provided in the areas of need. The principal will monitor changes in instructional practice in the areas of PD in subsequent analysis of walkthrough data on a monthly basis with school staff. The school leadership team will identify teachers with exemplary practices based on walkthrough results. The principal will utilize these staff in planning and delivering monthly PD for all teachers in areas of need identified from walkthrough results. The school leadership may also identify teachers in need of more intensive PD/support bases in their walkthrough data. The school’s Leadership Team regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs. 1. Sample Tasks The school leadership team will meet with school staff to discuss the role of the team in setting expectations, conducting walkthroughs and providing instructional feedback to staff. The team will facilitate a review and discussion of the characteristics of effective instruction based on research. The team will review examples of walkthrough instruments and assist the staff with revising or creating a walkthrough form and schedule for conducting walkthroughs. The school leadership team will review teachers’ lesson plans and provide feedback using an established standard/rubric. The school leadership team will implement a schedule for walkthroughs that will enable two visits for each teacher on a monthly basis. The principal will attend grade level/team meetings on a monthly basis to facilitate discussions of curriculum, assessment and instruction. The principal will share results of ongoing walkthroughs on a monthly basis with staff. The principal will facilitate discussions of results/impact of PD, identify areas of strength/growth and areas for PD. The principal will insure PD is provided in the areas of need. The principal will monitor changes in instructional practice in the areas of PD in subsequent analysis of monthly walkthrough data. The school leadership team will meet with each grade and content area to identify assessments (DRA, PALs, BMAs, AIMSWEB, etc.) that will be used to measure student progress and identify students in need of interventions for reading and math. The team will determine cutpoints for placing students in tiers 1-3. The team will identify staff to manage the data for each grade and content area using Excel or other software. 1 Code Indicator 2. 3. 4. 5. IID11 Instructional Teams review the results of unit pre-/post-tests to make decisions about the curriculum and instructional plans and to "red flag" students in need of intervention (both students in need of tutoring or extra help and students needing enhanced learning opportunities because of their early mastery of objectives). 1. 2. Sample Tasks 3. VA10 2. 3. VC01 The school leadership team will meet with each grade and content area to identify unit/benchmark assessments that will be used to measure student progress and identify students in need of interventions for reading and math. The team will determine cutpoints for placing students in tiers 1-3. At the end of each quarter, the school leadership team will convene data meetings with each grade and content area to analyze the assessment data and place students into tiers. Students assigned to tiers 2 and 3 will be assigned specific interventions that are aligned to specific standards and skills based on the students’ needs. Students in tier 1 will be assigned interventions to enrich their understanding of the content (from proficient to advanced). The instructional teams utilize the results of the unit/benchmark assessments to review/revise their curriculum and instructional plans based upon the needs of the students. Lessons that resulted in high levels of proficiency will be identified as exemplary lessons, while lessons that did not produce the desired results will be studied and revised based on teacher discussions. Teachers create effective classroom discussions, questions, and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning. These include strategies for gathering information such as on-the-fly, planned, and curriculum embedded assessments. 1. Sample Tasks At the end of each quarter, the school leadership team will convene data meetings with each grade and content area to analyze the assessment data and place students into tiers. Students assigned to tiers 2 and 3 will be assigned specific interventions that are aligned to specific standards and skills based on the students’ needs. The school leadership team will meet with staff to discuss the role of the team in setting expectations, conducting walkthroughs and providing instructional feedback to staff. The team will facilitate a review and discussion of the characteristics of effective instruction based on research. The team will review examples of walkthrough instruments and assist the staff with revising or creating a walkthrough form and schedule for conducting walkthroughs. The principal will share results of ongoing walkthroughs on a monthly basis with staff. The principal will facilitate discussions of results/impact of PD, identify areas of strength/growth and areas for PD. The principal will insure PD is provided in the areas of need. The principal will monitor changes in instructional practice in the areas of PD in subsequent analysis of walkthrough data on a monthly basis with school staff. The school leadership team will provide PD for staff on the use of evidence of student learning to guide instruction. The leadership will assist teachers in developing daily and weekly assessments that are aligned with the curriculum and lesson plan and the format of the interim/benchmark and summative assessments. The school leadership team will review teachers’ lesson plans and provide feedback on their embedded formative assessments using an established standard/rubric. Principals will collect data on teachers’ use of formative assessments from walkthrough data and observations of data meetings to plan for ongoing PD for teachers. Teachers use evidence of student learning as feedback to adapt and differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the different students. 2 Code Indicator 1. Sample Tasks 2. 3. VC02 Teachers use feedback to respond quickly to students’ learning needs. This includes on the spot changes during a lesson (when it is obvious students are not understanding), as well as anticipating where students might struggle and planning ahead to address those needs. 1. Sample Tasks 2. 3. TA01 2. 3. TA02 The school leadership team will meet with each grade and content area to identify assessments (DRA, PALs, BMAs, AIMSWEB, etc.) that will be used to measure student progress and identify students in need of interventions for reading and math. The team will determine cutpoints for placing students in tiers 1-3. The team will identify staff to manage the data for each grade and content area using Excel or other software. At the end of each quarter, the district will send each school a spreadsheet with demographic and assessment data for their currently enrolled students. At the end of each quarter, the school leadership team will convene data meetings with each grade and content area to analyze the assessment data and place students into tiers. The school uses a tiered, differentiated intervention process to assign research-based interventions aligned with the individual needs of identified students (the process includes a description of how interventions are selected and assigned to students as well as the frequency and duration of interventions for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students). 1. Sample Tasks The school leadership team will provide PD for staff on the use of evidence of student learning to guide instruction. The leadership will assist teachers in developing formative assessments for during the lesson that are aligned with the curriculum and lesson plan and the format of the interim/benchmark and summative assessments. The school leadership team will provide PD for teachers in using results of formative assessment to make adjustments to instruction during the lesson. Principals will collect data on teachers’ use of formative assessments from walkthrough data and observations of data meetings to plan for ongoing PD for teachers. The school uses an identification process (including ongoing conversations with instructional leadership teams and data points to be used) for all students at risk of failing or in need of targeted interventions. 1. Sample Tasks The school leadership team will provide PD for staff on the use of evidence of student learning to guide instruction. The leadership will assist teachers in developing daily and weekly assessments that are aligned with the curriculum and lesson plan and the format of the interim/benchmark and summative assessments. The school leadership team will provide PD for teachers in using results of formative assessment to make adjustments to instruction on a weekly or daily basis. Principals will collect data on teachers’ use of formative assessments from walkthrough data and observations of data meetings to plan for ongoing PD for teachers. 2. 3. The school leadership team will meet with the staff at the beginning of the school year to identify individual, small-group and whole-class interventions that are research-based and aligned to specific standards and skills that will be assessed during the school year. The interventions will include methods and strategies that allow for differentiation for students’ needs using different formats (mini-lessons, Do Nows, homework, tests, etc.). The interventions will also include guidance on the frequency and duration for each intervention. At the end of each quarter, the school leadership team will convene data meetings with each grade and content area to analyze the assessment data and place students into tiers. Students assigned to tiers 2 and 3 will be assigned specific interventions that are aligned to specific standards and skills based on the students’ needs. After the interventions have been assigned to students, the school leadership team will create an implementation schedule for each grade and content area. The implementation schedule will allow for interim assessments during the quarter to assess student progress and make adjustments to the 3 Code Indicator implementation schedule. TA03 The school uses a monitoring process (including a multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to review student intervention outcome data and identifies “triggers” and next steps for unsuccessful interventions) for targeted intervention students to ensure fidelity and effectiveness. 1. 2. Sample Tasks 3. The school leadership team will establish guidelines for assessing growth on the assessments and the process for students to exit and enter the tiers. The team will include staff with expertise with ELLs and students with IEPs to consult on decisions, insuring that the needs of all students are met. The school leadership team will maintain an Excel spreadsheet or similar tool to monitor the interventions (the Research Office will assist with this step). The school leadership team will facilitate monthly meetings with grade and content area teams to document whether students whether students have received the planned interventions. At the end of each quarter, the school leadership team will convene data meetings with each grade and content area to analyze the assessment data and revise the placement of the students into tiers accordingly. Students that remain in tiers 2 and 3 from the previous quarter will be assigned DIFFERENT interventions that are aligned to specific standards and skills based on the students’ needs. 4
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