Welcome to the NFU Conference 2012 The annual conference for the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU) is the main arena for debate and academic interchange among development researchers in Norway. This year's conference jointly organized by the Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO) and Noragric/Norwegian University of Life Sciences - aims to bridge and promote dialogue between development and climate research. The conference focuses attention on the perspectives and responses of local populations to climate change, resource extraction and growth driven economic development. As such the conference aims to study and discuss how local people deal with the impacts of environmental changes, and highlight the way in which climate change merges with other development challenges. This focus on local people relates to all countries, not just the Global South. It is with this background that we propose to discuss in this conference whether policy interventions can be made more responsive to local livelihoods requirements, the different values, needs and rights of vulnerable populations. Overall the conference aims to explore and discuss how new models for policy and governance can be made more responsive to the inter-linkages between climate change, development and local actions. Practical information for Speakers All panel speakers are requested to have their presentations in a USB so that they can deliver it to the NFU Student Assistant of the specific room just before starting the panel session. We will immediately copy the presentation in the desktop of the main computer while the chair begins introducing the session. Rooms 12, Via and Forum have speakers and a microphone for Skype connection. All rooms are equipped with a computer and with a good Internet connection accessible at all times. In case of having a presentation in another program than Microsoft Power Point, we please ask you to notify the NFU Team beforehand. All plenary speakers should have already given their presentation to the NFU Logistic Team before the conference had begun. We request all chairs to keep time and to prevent panel sessions to go over time. There will be one Student who will be attentive at all times with the panelists. The name of the student is shown in the program. The student in charge of your session will contact each panel presenter. Each panel session is 90 minutes long. There are three to four panelists on each panel session; therefore, each presentation should be about 20 minutes long so that there could be a 30 minute discussion at the end. The chair of each panel session will decide how to use the time and lead the discussion. NFU Organizing & Student Assistant Team Members of the NFU organizing & Student team can be identified by the red strip on the top of their name badge; student assistants will wear an easily identifiable NFU T-shirt. There will be a student assistant in each room at all times who will be responsible for the session and informing the organizing committee of any important matter. Please feel free to ask any question at any time. In case of needing anything more specific the registration desk will also have people at all times. Direct phone number to registration desk: 400-76563. Map of rooms for the panel sessions Size of the rooms: • Forum Room, plenary room for max. 150 people • VIA Room, parallel room for max. 50 people • Room 10, parallel room for max. 50 people • Room 7, parallel room for max.30 people • Room 12, parallel room for max.15 people About the Dinner The dinner is included in the registration fee. It will be served at the CIENS cafeteria building during Monday evening, as stated the conference program. In case of having any specific dietary needs please let us know with time. About the Hotels In case of needing any assistance for a hotel, please contact the NFU Logistic Team at the main hall. The following are the hotels which the conference had direct contact with: • Rica Holberg Hotel_ Tel: (+47) 2315 7200. Holbergs plass 1, 0166 Oslo. • Thon Hotel Spectrum_ Tel: (+47) 2336 2700. Brugata 7, 0186 Oslo. Photo Exhibition We invite you to see the photo exhibition in the hallway next to Forum Room. The photos are from Owen Logan (Aberdeen U.) and John-Andrew McNeish (Noragric, UMB), as part of their last two projects about politics of oil and energy. Part of this exhibition will be shown at the Oil Museum in Stavanger and at the National Museum in Scotland. Short Film Einar Braathen (Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, NIBR) will present his film: ‘Before The Party – Rio de Janeiro and the preparations for the Olympics 2016”. It will be presented during break between 14:15 and 14:30 on Tuesday on Forum Room. Afterwards, for anyone who is interested, there will be a short discussion in Room 7. The conversation will be centered on the use of film in development research projects. ‘Before The Party’ presents the current discussions regarding the preparations for the mega sports events in and around Rio de Janeiro. It targets a wider audience interested in global issues, Brazil, urban development, and the mentioned mega sports events. It is complementary to the findings from current research project named “Politics and policies addressing urban inequality” in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil (NIBR). Other Important Information Please be aware that after 16:30, the only way to exit the Parking Area of the Oslo Innovation Center building is by the use of an especial identity card that only the NFU Organization Team has. There will be one person attentive to attend anyone who would like to exit. There are two accounts for Internet access, the first one works better in the hallway and the second one works better in the rooms. Please use the following username and password for each one: 1. Hallway_ Username: gjest. Password: 77gjest77 2. Inside the rooms_ No username, just choose correct net "fpmeet". Password: 48fpmeet3694 Conference Program Monday, November 26th Time Description Room 08:30 – 09:00 Registration Main hall 09:00 – 09:30 Opening Session Welcome and introduction: Cecilie Mauritzen (CICERO); Villa Kulild (NORAD); Håvard Haarstad (NFU) Asuncion St. Clair (CICERO) & John-Andrew McNeish (Noragric) Forum Room Student responsible: Brian Willet Plenary I.- Challenges for Development in a Finite Planet 09:30 – 10:30 Keynote speaker: Ken Conca (Washington U.). Beyond the Rio era: Peace & human rights as foundations of a sustainable future Chair: Asuncion St. Clair (CICERO) Forum Room Student responsible: Brian Willet Coffee Break Panel session 1.- (11:00 – 12:30) Panel 1A (1) - NFU Permanent Panel “REDD+: Local Perspectives on a Global Initiative” (click here) Discussant: Sjur Kasa (CICERO) Mariel Støen & Kristin Rosendal (SUM & IØR). Joseph Perfect (Noragric, UMB). Rhetoric From PES to REDD? Emerging actors, alliances versus Practice: Governance challenges in the and conflicts in Colombia and Costa Rica. context of REDD in Tanzania. Student responsible: Raxy Gomes Forum Room Desmond McNeill (SUM) & Arild Angelsen (IØR, Cecilie Hirsch (SUM/UMB). Contestations over UMB). REDD: the unfolding (or unravelling?) of an forests and climate change policies in Bolivia. idea. Panel 1B (2) 11:00 – 12:30 “Sustainable Cities – for whom? Visions and Realities” (click here) Discussant: Guro Aandahl (NIBR) & Gilmar Mascarenhas (State University of Rio de Janeiro) Einar Braathen (NIBR). ‘Marvellous City’ for Trond Vedeld, Wilbard Kombe, Clara Kweka, whom? Rio de Janeiro and the Sustainability Siri Hellevik. (Ardhi U. & NIBR). Governance, Games. urban planning and climate resilient cities in Africa. Trond Vedeld, Ndeye Mareme Ndour, Adrien Coly, Siri Hellevik (Gaston Berger U. & NIBR). Berit Aasen (NIBR) & David Jordhus-Lier (UiO). Flood risk management and urban governance. What role for slum upgrading in the The Case of Saint Louis, Senegal. sustainable city agenda, some paradoxes. Panel 1C (3) “Himalaya Climate Change Adaptation Programme” (click here) Chair: Asuncion Lera St. Clair (CICERO) Tor Halfdan Aase (UiB & CICERO). Can Himalayan Nina Holmelin. (CICERO). Adapting to farmers adapt to climate change? uncertainty through farming flexibility in Himalaya. Asbjørn Aaheim (CICERO), Karianne de Bruin (CICERO). An economic analysis of adaptation to Petra Tschakert (CICERO), Armando Lamadrid climate change in the HKH region: a micro-macro (CICERO), Bob van Oort (CICERO), Asuncion linkage. Lera St.Clair (CICERO). Conceptual and Methodological Reflections on Vulnerability Assessments: A Comprehensive Focus on Inequality and Capacity for Change. Student responsible: Paula Wangberg Via Room Student responsible: Sadhana Rana Room 10 Panel 1D (4) Student responsible: Manish Khadka "Natural Resources and Adaptation to Climate Change " Chair: Suzana Augustino (Noragric) Augustino, S (SUA) & Eriksen, S (Noragric), Makonda, F.B.S (SUA), Gillah, P.R (SUA), Ishengoma, R. (SUA), Migunga, G.A (SUA) and Shemdoe, R.S (ARU). Linking national policies and non-timber forest products for climate change adaptation in Tanzania. (click here) Jennifer West (CICERO & UMB) Interactive vulnerability in agricultural development: smallholder-estate dynamics in Tanzania’s Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor. (click here) Room 7 Ola Tveitereid Westengen (SUM). The role of Ingrid Nesheim (SUM). Wild Food plants and genetic resources and seed systems in vulnerability to climate change adaptation. (click adapting to climatic stress. (click here) here) 12:30 – 13:15 Lunch Student workshop “Scientific Publishing for Young Scholars” Facilitator: Knut Nustad (UiO) Cafeteria Room 12 Student responsible: Aabhushan Karki Panel session 2 (13:15 – 14:45) Panel 2A (5) "Climate Change discourse, rights and the poor" (click here) Student responsible: Raxy Gomes Chair: Asuncion St. Clair (CICERO) Jakie Dugard & Ana Alcaro (SERI & Witwatersrand U.). Why can’t we be friends? Environmental and socio-economic rights in the courts. Kjersti Fløttum & Øyvind Gjerstad (UiB). The role of poverty and social justice in South Africa's 'national climate change response white paper'. Forum Room Patrick Bond (Kwa-Zulu Natal U.). Water rights, Siri Gloppen & Catalina Vallejo (CMI). Redclimate, ‘environmental services’ and post- Green Lawfare? Climate Change Discourses in neoliberal strategy from Johannesburg to Rio+20: Courtrooms. A critique of liberal NGO and neoliberal Green Economy narratives. Panel 2B (6) Student responsible: Paula Wangberg “REDD+ & Grassroots Perspectives” Chair: Desmond McNeill (SUM) TBC Temu BJ, Abdallah JM & Kessy JF (SUA). Local communities’ tradeoffs in the implementation of REDD in Lindi rural district, Tanzania. (click here) 13:15 – 14:45 Silayo, D.A (SUA), Kajembe, G.C (SUA), Mutabaz, K.J (SUA) & Massawe, F (SUA) and Vatn, A (Noragric). REDD+ piloting in Tanzania. Field experiences from Kondoa and Rungwe district pilots. (click here) Mshana, JS. (SUA); Katani, JZ. (SUA); Chamshama, SAO. (SUA); Malimbwi, RE. (SUA); Zahabu, E. (SUA); Eid, T. (Noragric); Bollandsås, OM (Noragric). Estimation of biomass and C stocks for Pinus patula grown in Sao Hill Forest Plantations (SHFPs), Tanzania. (click here) Via Room Hans Morten Haugen (Diakonhjemmet U.). What Role for Human Rights in CDM and REDD+ Projects? (click here) Panel 2C (7) "Grassroots Perspectives & Development" Chair: Darley Jose Kjosavik (Noragric) Trond Vedeld (NIBR), Guro Aandahl (NIBR), Line Barkved (NIVA), Isabel Seifert (NIVA), Karianne de Bruin (CICERO), Armando Lamadrid (CICERO). An analysis of extreme risks, vulnerabilities and community-based adaptation in drought-prone areas of the Jalna district, Maharashtra, India: introducing a pilot study. (click here) Marianne Karlssson (Noragric) & Kelman (CICERO). An historical exploration of shifting livelihoods in coastal Belize. (click here) Sunetro Ghosal & Darley Jose Kjosavik (Noragric). Power to the gods: Critical ethnography of a large cat god’s interface with modernity in western India. (click here) Student responsible: Sadhana Rana Room 10 Ana Maria Vargas (Milan, U. & Lund U.). Poverty reduction and urban development: A successful case of empowerment for informal vendors in the city of Bogotá. here (Vargas) Student responsible: Aabhushan Karki Panel 2E (8) “Transforming Gender in Contemporary India”, first panel. (click here) Discussant: Pamela Price (UiO) Sirpa Tenhunen. (Helsinki U.). New Media, Mediation and Social Change: Mobile Technology and Gender in Rural India. Elida Jacobsen & Geeta Patel. (UiO & Virginia University). Space, Place and Number: The Politics of Location and the Case of the UID. Tanja Winther (SUM). The Introduction of Electricity in the Sunderban Islands, India: Conserving or Transforming Gender Relations? Coffee Break Room 12 Coffee Break Panel session 3 (15:00 – 16:30) Panel 3A (9) “Resistance to Environmental Interventions”, first panel. (click here) Discussant: George Holmes (University of Leeds) Chairs: Tor A. Benjaminsen (UMB) Connor Cavanagh (UMB/York University, Canada) & Sayuni Mariki (UMB), Hanne Svarstad (NINA), Tor Tor A. Benjaminsen (UMB). The Art of Resisting A. Benjaminsen (UMB). Elephants over the Cliff: Green Governance: Linking Cases from Mali, Explaining Wildlife Killings in Tanzania. Tanzania, and Uganda. Hanne Svarstad (NINA) Helga Lerkelund Faustin Maganga (Dar es Salaam U.). Resistance to (NINA/SUM) & Tor A. Benjaminsen (UMB). The BINGO-Sponsored Conservation in Tanzania: tourism success case of Kilimanjaro National Park: Insights from Participatory Management of Water, The identification and explanation of a local Forest and Wildlife Resources. counter-narrative of exclusion. Student responsible: Raxy Gomes Forum Room Student responsible: Paula Wangberg Panel 3B (10) - NFU Permanent Panel “African Politics and Development”, first panel (Click here) Chair: Lise Rakner (UiB); Discussant: Morten Bøås (Fafo) Kathleen M. Jennings (Fafo). “Living in Congo Lovise Aalen (CMI), Aslak Orre (CMI) & Ragnhild versus Living Congo”: Peacekeeping and the Muriaas (UiB). Consolidating dominance: Bypassing of the Local. decentralization in Africa revisited. Randi Solhjell (NUPI). Theorizing the Congolese & Øyvind Eggen (NUPI). Politics without ‘politics’. Zairian statehood. Via Room Panel 3C (11) "Adaptation and Development Approaches " Chair: Hans Nicolai Adam (Noragric) 15:00 – 16:30 Anna Marie Nicolaysen (UConn.). Adaptation to Climate Change through Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation among Small Farmers in India. (click here) Christian Webersik, Hanne Jørstad, Sven Åke Bjørke (Agder U.). Moving Beyond Climate Conflict: Climate Change Adaptation and its Limitations in Malawi. (click here) Bethelhem Legesse Debela & Stein T. Holden. (HH-UMB). Impact of Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program on Livestock Accumulation and Children's. (click here) Student responsible: Sadhana Rana Room 10 Hans Nicolai Adam (Noragric). India’s MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) and Climate Change – A Conceptual Exploration. (click here) Panel 3D (12) "Policy Making & Climate Change" Chair: Solveig Aamodt Bjarne Sivertsen and Scott Randal (NILU). Institutional building related to air pollution and climate change issues in developing countries. (click here) Mira Käkönen, Kamilla Karhunmaa, Otto Bruun, Hanna Kaisti, Visa Tuominen and Jyrki Luukkanen (Turku U.). Integrating climate mitigation and development cooperation in the least carbon emitting countries: Co-benefits or diversion of aid? (click here) Student responsible: Manish Khadka Room 7 Solveig Aamodt (CICERO). Comparing climate change mitigation policy processes in the BASIC countries. (click here) Panel 3E (13) “Transforming Gender in Contemporary India”, second panel. (click here) Discussant: Pamela Price (UiO) Amita Sahaya (WWHI). The Gendered Politics of Migration. Sunita Kaistha (University of Delhi). Aspirations of Young Urban Women – The Contemporary Scenario. Ingvild Jacobsen, Darley Jose Kjosavik and Ingrid Nyborg (Noragric). The Hidden Violence against Women: Challenges and Obstacles in Responses to Domestic Violence in Neoliberal Kerala, India. Room 12 Student responsible: Aabhushan Karki Coffee Break Plenary II.16:45 – 17:45 17:45 – 18:45 19:00 – Nordic planning committee "Presentation of report on Nordic Development Research" Chair: Knut Nustad (UiO) Forum Room NFU General Assembly Forum Room NFU Conference Dinner CIENS Student responsible: Brian Willet Student responsible: Brian Willet Tuesday, November 27th Time Description Room Plenary III.“NGOs and REDD: experience from the field” (click here) Keynote speaker: Signe Howell with Masters students: 09:00 10:30 – Silje Jahre Frotvedt (Paraguay) Monica Husum Nilsen (Ecuador) Christian Bull (Bolivia) Ingvild Andersen (Tanzania) Sara Hansen (Indonesia) Jørgen Lenes Tinderholt (Indonesia) Journals’ editorial board: “Forum for Development Studies” Convener: Øyvind Eggen (NUPI) Forum Room Via Room Student responsible: Brian Willet Student responsible: Manish Khadka Coffee Break Plenary IV.- Climate Justice 10:45 – 12:00 Keynote speakers: Patrick Bond (KwaZulu-Natal). Finding Climate Justice routes beyond global governance. & Pablo Solon (Global South). <<Title not defied yet>> Chair: John-Andrew McNeish Forum Room 12:00 – 12:45 Lunch Cafeteria Student responsible: Brian Willet Panel session 4 (12:45 – 14:15) Panel 4A (14) “Recovering Power from Energy? Exploring the Social Fissures of Carbon Democracy” (click here) Discussant: Cecilie Mauritzen (CICERO) John-Andrew McNeish (Noragric). Recovering Power from Energy. Helge Ryggvik (UiO). The Norwegian Oil Industrial complex and the climate debate. Student responsible: Raxy Gomes Forum Room Kolya Abramsky. (IAS-STS). A Class Approach to Renewable Energy: Emerging Conflicts and Strategies for Struggles. Student responsible: Paula Wangberg Panel 4B (15) “Environmental Governance in Latin America ENGOV” (click here) Chair: Kristi Anne Stølen (SUM) Benedicte Bull (SUM). Muddling through: elites, development and environmental governance under the Funes government in El Salvador. Eivin Hanche-Olsen (SUM) & Joaquin Zenteno Hopp (SUM). The soy lords: An investigation of the soy elites in Argentinean agriculture. Via Room Monica Amador (SUM). The quest for the black El Dorado: Asian business interests and the extraction of Oil and Mining in Colombia. Mariel Støen (SUM). Sleeping with the enemy? Private sector, development cooperation and payment for environmental services in campesino lands in Nicaragua. Panel 4C (16) - NFU Permanent Panel “African Politics and Development”, second panel. (click here) Chair: Louise Aalen (CMI); Discussant: Øyvind Eggen (NUPI) 12:45 – 14:15 Svein Erik Helle, Lise Rakner & Ingvild Aagedal Skage (CMI & UiB). Electoral mobilization in Uganda and Zambia: The role of the urban/rural divide in electoral authoritarian politics. Morten Bøås (Fafo). Youth agency in ‘violent life worlds’: survival, control and escape in the Mano River Basin. Student responsible: Sadhana Rana Room 10 Lise Rakner (UiB). Taxation, elections and populism: The salience of taxation in Zambian election campaigns 2001-2011. Student responsible: Manish Khadka Panel 4D (17) "Local Organizations & Sustainable Development" Chair: Peter Andersen (UiB) Arve Hansen. (SUM). Consumption, Development and Sustainability: Exploring the Links. (click here) Elin Selboe (UiO). Together we are strong”: Women’s associations and savings groups in Dakar, Senegal. (click here) Room 7 Leif Martin Haugen (Tromsø U.). INGOs and the Structure of an Emerging Global Community: A Case Study of WWF International. (click here) Anna Milford (NILF). Co-operative or coyote? Choice of sales channel for small scale coffee producers in Chiapas, Mexico. (click here) Panel 4E (18) “Transforming Gender in Contemporary India”, third panel. (click here) Chair: Pamela Price (UiO) Amirita Nandy (WWHI). Outliers of Indian Womanhood: Morphing the Picture? Dagrun Kyte Gjøstein (SUM). Female Community Health Workers in Rural Rajasthan: Negotiating Women’s Changing Kinship and Gender Roles? Romit Chowdhury (CSSSC). Family, Femininity, Feminism: ‘Structures of Feeling’ in the Articulation of Men’s Rights in India. Coffee Break & Short film in Forum Room: ‘What goes on in Rio de Janeiro’ Student responsible: Aabhushan Karki Room 12 Coffee Break & Short film in Forum Room: ‘What goes on in Rio de Janeiro’ Panel session 5 (14:30 – 16:00) Panel 5A (19) “The Politics of Climate Change Adaptation and Development in Africa & Asia” (click here) Chairs: Siri Eriksen (Noragric) & Andrei Marin (Noragric) Sigrid Nagoda & Siri Eriksen (Noragric). The influence of local power and social relations on vulnerability and strategies for managing climate variability: the case of Humla, Nepal. Andrea Nightingale (Edinburgh U. & Gothenburg U.). Himalayan Adaptations: political transition and the challenges to adaptation across scales. Andrei Marin (Noragric). Pastureland tenure and pastoralists’ adaptation to climate change in Mongolia: Old politics, new policies. Lars Otto Næss (Institute of Development Studies, UK). Growing pains? Exploring potentials and dilemmas of climate change and agriculture in Africa. Student responsible: Raxy Gomes Forum Room Panel 5B (20) “Resistance to Environmental Interventions”, second panel. (click here) Discussant: Sian Sullivan (London U.) Chairs: Hanne Svarstad (NINA) George Holmes (Leeds U.). The politics of scale, hegemony, and resistance to a protected area in the Dominican Republic. 14:30 – 16:00 Clare Tompsett (UiB). Community forests for subsistence or business? The ‘re-assemblage’ of the van panchayats. Student responsible: Paula Wangberg Via Room Narayana Rakesh (UMB), Darley Jose Kjosavik (UMB), & N. Shanmugaratnam (UMB). Confronting Neo-liberal Appropriation: Slums as Land Occupation Movements by Dalits in Bangalore, India. Panel 5C (21) "Resources Extraction & Economic Development" Discussant: Terry Brotherstone (Aberdeen U.) Lars Kåre Grimsby (Noragric) & Fred Håkon Johnsen (Hedmark University College). Energy security strategies in Tanzanian rurban households. (click here) Ragnhild Overå (UiB). Local entrepreneurial responses to petroleum extraction in Ghana. (click here) Student responsible: Sadhana Rana Room 10 Håvard Haarstad (UiB). What's wrong with the 'good governance' agenda? Contextualization and scale in extractive politics. (click here) Informal discussion (23) “Documentary film in research projects as an way of disseminating research results" Discussant: Einar Braathen (NIBR). Based on the short film presented during the precious break in Forum Room Panel 5E (24) “Transforming Gender in Contemporary India”, fourth panel. (click here) Discussant: Pamela Price (UiO) Stein Sundstøl Eriksen & Anne Waldrop (NUPI & O/A College U.). Democracy and the Politics of Governed Women: The Cases of Two Female Grassroots Activists in New Delhi. Kenneth Bo Nielsen (SUM). Women’s Activism and the Transformation of Gender Relations in the Singur Movement in West Bengal. Room 7 Room 12 Student responsible: Manish Khadka Student responsible: Aabhushan Karki Coffee Break & Snacks Plenary V.“Development as usual is not enough: A panel debate with key experts “ (click here) Chair: Siri Eriksen (Noragric) & Tor Håkon Inderberg (FNI). Discussant: Eivind Hoff-Elimari (NRC) 16:15 – Speakers: Asuncion St. Clair (CICERO) Karen O’Brien (UiO) Cecilie Mauritzen (CICERO) Ian Christoplos (DIIS) Concluding session Håvard Haarstad (UiB), Asuncion St. Clair (CICERO), Siri Eriksen (Noragric) & John-Andrew McNeish (Noragric) Forum Room Forum Room Student responsible: Brian Willet List of Participants Name Abramsky, Kolya Adam, Hans Alfsen, Knut H. Alio, Saleh Maalim Amador, Monica Anbacha, Abiyot Eliyas Andersen, Ingvild Andersen, Peter Institution Country Email AUSTRIA [email protected] NORWAY NORWAY [email protected] [email protected] KENYA [email protected] NORWAY [email protected] NORWAY NORWAY TANZANIA (UNITED REPUBLIC) NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY SOUTH AFRICA NORWAY NORWAY UNITED KINGDOM NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY CANADA [email protected] [email protected] DENMARK [email protected] CICERO WWF-Norway UMB UNITED STATES NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SERI SOUTH AFRICA [email protected] NORWAY [email protected] NORWAY [email protected] NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY SWEDEN NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY UNITED KINGDOM NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY DENMARK NORWAY ITALY INDIA FINLAND NORWAY NORWAY TANZANIA NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Institute of Advanced Studies in Science, Technology and Society Norwegian University of Life Sciences CICERO Office of DPM and Ministry of Local Government-Kenya University of Oslo UIB Augustino, Suzana Sokoine University of Agriculture Benjaminsen, Grete Bjerkreim Hellevik, Siri Bjørkhaug, Ingunn Bond, Patrick Braathen, Einar Bratberget Jensen, Charlotte Brotherstone, Terry Bull, Benedicte Bull, Christian Bøås, Morten Cavanagh, Connor Noragric NIBR Fafo Christoplos, Ian Conca, Ken de Bruin, Karianne de Kock, Melissa Debela, Bethelhem Legesse Dugard, Jackie Edeholt, Håkan Eggen, Øyvind Enger, Charlotte Bratsberg Eriksen, Siri Fløttum, Kjersti Frotvedt, Silje Gabrielsson, Sara Gjøstein, Dagrun Kyte Gloppen, Siri Gomes, Raxy Richard Grimsby, Lars Kåre Gross, Lena Guillot Ruiz, Karen Johana Haakonsen, Jan Monteverde Haarstad, Håvard Hanche-Olsen, Eivind Hansen, Arve Hansen, Sara Haugen, Hans Morten Haugen, Leif Martin Helle, Svein-Erik Hirsch, Cecilie Hoen, Evelyn G. Hoff-Elimari, Eivind Holmelin, Nina Holmes, George Houeland, Camilla Howell, Signe Husum Nilsen, Monica Inderberg, Tor Håkon Jacobsen, Elida K. U. Jennings, Kathleen Jensen, Charlotte Jeppesen, Søren Johnsen, Kathrine Ivsett Jørstad, Hanne Kaistha, Sunita Kakonen, Mira Karki, Aabhushan Karlsson, Marianne Katani, Josiah Khadka, Krishna Hari Khadka, Manish Kjosavik, Darley Jose Klein, Jørgen Kristiansen, Åse-Marit Kulild, Villa Lamadrid, Armando NIBR Umb University of Aberdeen SUM, University of Oslo SUM, SAI - UiO Fafo York University, Canada Danish Institute for International Studies Oslo School of Architecture and Design Norwegian Institute of International Affairs UMB Noragric University of Bergen UiO Lund University University of Oslo CMI and University of Bergen UMB Noragric SAI at UiO The Research Council of Norway University of Bergen SUM SUM, University of Oslo University of Oslo Diakonhjemmet University College University of Tromsø UiB SUM Norad Research Council of Norway CICERO University of Leeds Soialantropologisk institutt, UiO Fridtjof Nansen Institute PRIO Fafo AIS FAU Noragric/UMB University of Agder University of Delhi University of Turku UMB CICERO / UMB Sokoine University of Agriculture UMB UMB UMB Hedmark University College The Research Council of Norway Norad CICERO [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Name Institution Country Email Lein, Haakon Lenes, Jørgen Leon Campos, Paloma Lerkelund, Helga Lim, Jiunmin NTNU Uio [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Maganga, Faustin IRA, University of Dar es Salaam Marin, Andrei Noragric, UMB Massawe, Fatihiya Sookine University of Agriculture Mauritzen, Cecilie McNeill, Desmond Mcneish, John_andrew CICERO SUM Noragric Norwegian Agricultural Economics Resarch Institute NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY TANZANIA (UNITED REPUBLIC) NORWAY TANZANIA (UNITED REPUBLIC) NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NORWAY [email protected] NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY SWEDEN NORWAY TANZANIA UNITED KINGDOM NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NORWAY [email protected] INDIA NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY UNITED KINGDOM NORWAY FINLAND NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY SWEDEN NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY KENYA NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY NORWAY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Milford, Anna Birgitte Mjøen, Annelise Onsrud Mostafavi, Maryam Moulton, Anja Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise Muthua, Alice Nesheim, Ingrid Nicolaysen, Anna Marie Nielsen, Kenneth Bo Nightingale, Andrea J. Nustad, Knut G Nyamoga, Greyson Næss, Lars Otto O'Brien, Karen Ochieng, Juma K. Overå, Ragnhild Perez, Julio Perfect, Joseph Pijpers, Robert Price, Pamela Rajapakse, Dewruk Hasala Rakner, Lise Rana, Sadhana Randall, Scott Reinertsen, Hilde Ryggvik, Helge Sahaya, Amita Sandoval, Javier Selboe, Elin Sivertsen, Bjarne Solhjell, Randi St.Clair, Asuncion Steinbakk, Anette Støen, Mariel Stølen, Kristi Anne Sullivan, Sian Svarstad, Hanne Tenhunen, Sirpa Tobiassen, Anne-Julie Tompsett, Clare Ulstein, Inger-Ann van Oort, Bob Vargas Falla, Ana Maria Vatn, Arild Vedeld, Trond Vekrum, Sara Vekrum Waldrop, Anne Wangberg, Paula Webersik, Christian West, Jennifer Westengen, Ola Wethal, Ulrikke Wetlesen, Anne Wig, Ståle Willett, Brian Winther, Tanja Yare, Mohamed Haji Zenteno Hopp, Joaquin Aagedal Skage, Ingvild Aaheim, Asbjørn Aalen, Lovise Aamodt, Solveig Aandahl, Guro Aas, Jon Heikki Aase, Tor Halfdan Aasen, Berit UMB University of Bergen SUM University of Oslo Institutionen för globala studier UiO Sokoine University of Agriculture Institute of Development Studies UiO Norwegian University of Life Sciences University of Bergen Gaia architect network Noragric, Umb. University of Oslo UMB University of Bergen UMB Norwegian Institute for Air Research TIK-centre, UiO Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture Women Work & Health Initiative University of Oslo NILU London School of Economics CICERO University of Oslo SUM University of London NINA University of jyväskylä International Dev. studies Noragric UiB The Research Council of Norway CICERO Univeristy of Milan - Lund University UMB NIBR UMB HIOA / Development Studies UMB University of Agder CICERO SUM, UiO SUM NORAD SUM Noragric UMB Kenya Private Sector Alliance CICERO Institutt for sammenliknende politikk CMI CICERO NIBR Research Council of Norway Univertsity of Bergen/Cicero NIBR [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] For more information please visit the NFU Conference 2012 webpage: http://www.congrex.no/nfu2012/ Direct phone number to registration desk: 400-76563 or contact us through our email: [email protected] Conference Committee: Siri Eriksen UMB, Håvard Haarstad, UiB/NFU; John-Andrew McNeish, UMB/CMI, Asuncion St Clair CICERO & Joaquin Zenteno Hopp, CICERO. Organizers: Contributors:
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