Earnings Release 2Q11 August, 2011 CONTENTS 1. Earnings Release 2Q11 2. Business Review & Outlook 3. Appendix • This document is provided for the convenience of investors only, before the completion of an external audit. Some figures may be subject to change according to the audit outcomes. • As the forward-looking statements this release may contain are based on the company’s own business outlook, they may differ from the real result. Therefore, the responsibility for investment on this material is imputed only to investors. • The financial information in this document are consolidated earnings results based on K-IFRS. 1 Earnings Release 2Q11 4 Business Results 2Q11 Sales (Wbn) Profitability 단위: 억원 Chemicals ECM ■ Fashion ■ Others 1,400 377 384 621 1Q11 1,480 1Q 11 QoQ 2Q 11 YoY 2Q 10 O P 103 ↓39% 63 ↓39% 103 R P 110 ↓49% 56 ↓48% 108 N P 92 ↓35% 55 ↓34% 87 1,327 396 343 407 650 2Q11 368 591 2Q10 5 Quarterly Business Results Earnings Trend ■ Sales (Wbn) 1,480 O P 1,400 1,327 1,325 1,291 103 103 1,170 90 63 91 46 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 2Q11 6 Financial Status Financial Position Assets Current Cash Receivables (Wbn) 2011.6 2010.12 Change 4,682 4,039 643 1,454 1,234 220 70 33 37 533 459 74 700 613 87 3,228 2,805 423 1,563 1,272 291 Total Borrowings 508 327 181 (Net Borrowings) (443) (300) (143) Inventories Non-current Liabilities Shareholder’s Equity 3,119 2,767 352 Financial Ratios 2010.6 (%) 2010.12 2011.6 56 Total Liabilities / Equity Shareholder Equity Ratio Net Debt to Equity Total Borrowings / Total Assets 46 50 69 67 64 17 14 11 14 11 8 2 Business Review & Outlook 8 Chemicals Business Results (Wbn) 650 Review & Outlook ■ Pricing trend of raw materials ($/bbl, ton) 621 Oil Price 591 2Q11 1Q11 2Q10 102 94 78 S M 1,411 1,400 1,157 A N 2,765 2,503 2,415 B D 3,441 2,404 2,095 2,229 2,268 1,916 ABS(spot) ■ Though sales rose on the back of rise in raw materials prices, profitability weakened due to limited ASP increases amid weak demand 1Q11 2Q11 2Q10 OP 36 23 69 % 5.7 3.5 11.7 ■ Demand recovery in downstream industries will be key factor in deciding profitability improvements during 2H11 9 ECM Business Results ■ Polarizers 384 75 157 152 ■ Display (Wbn) ■ Semiconductors 407 368 81 Review & Outlook ■ Sales was able to post largest quarterly with further M/S gaining despite unfavorable industry condition 70 - Sales from Semiconductor material rose on the back of widened application for patterning material 166 124 - Sales for CR and paste have seen increase, but film products for display have seen dip in profitability due to depressed market conditions in LCD industry 160 174 - Due to constrained LCD market conditions, sales for polarizing film fell YoY, but films for TV expanded sales ■ Recovery in downstream industry during 2H11 is 1Q11 2Q11 2Q10 still uncertain, but Cheil Industries will strive for early OP 36 27 22 entrance in OLED market with differentiated product % 9.5 6.6 6.1 mix and market share expansion 10 Fashion Business Results ■ Casual 377 20 70 ■ Men’s ■ Women’s etc. (Wbn) ■ Others 27 343 95 22 115 ■ Thanks to continued favorable consumer spending, sales rose throughout 396 all clothing styles - Casual brands’ sales rose 8% on the back of strong sales from Bean Pole 73 114 Review & Outlook - Sales for men’s wear rose 14% on the back of swift response to changes in suit trends and 101 quick stabilization in newly launched brands - Continued growth seen in women’s wear and new brands (30% increase YoY) 173 159 147 ■ Marketing costs rose due to aggressive marketing activities such as “Super style 1Q11 2Q11 2Q10 OP 29 11 11 % 7.6 2.8 3.1 campaigns” for Bean Pole ■ Major brands’ market dominance will be strengthened as well as building business infrastructure for profit generation 11 Non-operating Gains/Losses Analysis (Wbn) Equity Method Gains(Losses) (Wbn) 63 개발비 Finance 감액손 Expenses Equity Method 1487 losses 0.4 56 1Q 11 Ace Digitech Samsung Petrochem Others Total O P R P QoQ 2Q 11 YoY 2Q 10 -5.1 - 2.9 -8.0 - 8.05 0.05 19.0 -11.4 7.6 -0.5 8.1 0.2 -0.2 0 -0.05 0.05 14.1 - 14.5 -0.4 - 8.6 8.2 3 APPENDIX Quarterly Business Results 13 (Consolidated /K-IFRS) ’10.1Q ’10.2Q ’10.3Q ’10.4Q FY2010 ’11.1Q ‘11.2Q s 1,170 1,327 1,291 1,325 5,113 1,400 1,480 Chemicals 516 591 602 558 2,267 621 650 E M 321 368 372 352 1,413 384 407 F a s h i o n 317 343 289 404 1,353 377 396 O t h e r s 16 25 28 11 80 18 27 O p e ra t i n g P r o f i t 91 103 90 46 330 103 63 Chemicals 25 69 42 30 166 36 23 E M 39 22 40 3 104 36 27 F a s h i o n 28 11 7 13 59 29 11 O t h e r s -1 1 1 0 1 2 2 F i n a n c e incomes/expenses -7 -3 -15 0 -25 -7 -7 Equity Method gains/losses 7 8 10 15 40 14 -0.4 Re c u r r i n g P r o f i t 91 108 85 61 345 110 56 N e t 79 87 77 33 276 92 55 (Wbn) S a l e C C P r o f i t ※ This document is provided for the convenience of investors only, before the completion of an external audit. Some figures may be subject to change according to the audit outcomes. Quarterly Business Results 14 (Non-consolidated /K-IFRS) ’10.1Q ’10.2Q ’10.3Q ’10.4Q FY2010 ’11.1Q ‘11.2Q s 1,161 1,305 1,232 1,306 5,004 1,352 1,451 Chemicals 519 592 568 551 2,230 598 651 E M 321 367 371 351 1,410 383 406 F a s h i o n 307 322 270 385 1,284 353 367 O t h e r s 14 24 23 19 80 18 27 O p e ra t i n g P r o f i t 97 102 90 23 312 104 65 Chemicals 30 69 39 28 166 38 24 E M 37 23 39 2 101 32 28 F a s h i o n 30 11 10 12 63 33 13 O t h e r s 0 -1 2 -19 -18 1 0 F i n a n c e Incomes/Expenses -7 -3 -14 -0.5 -25 -6 -7 Re c u r r i n g P r o f i t 90 99 76 22 287 98 58 N e t 78 79 67 20 244 81 55 (Wbn) S a l e C C P r o f i t ※ This document is provided for the convenience of investors only, before the completion of an external audit. Some figures may be subject to change according to the audit outcomes.
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