Rapid Sample Lysis in a Miniaturized Format Bruce Irvine Chief Technology Officer Claremont BioSolutions LLC Sample Prep 2011 Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 1 Rapid Nucleic Acid extraction • OmniLyse® Kit- miniature disposable flow-through cell disruptor • PureLyse® Kit- miniature disposable flow-through cell disruptor plus nucleic acid extraction • RapidLyser™ - benchtop flow-through instrument for mechanical cell lysis and nucleic acid extraction Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 2 Advantages of PureLyse® Sample Prep Typical NA extractions from whole cells: • 10 to 18 steps • 1 to 2 hours PureLyse® NA extraction: •Lysis and extraction < 5 min •Simple 2-step protocol •Miniaturized Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 3 PureLyse® Prep vs. Qiagen DNeasy PureLyse vs Qiagen; E. coli, 1ml samples 40 PureLyse 35 Qiagen CT values 30 PL NTC 25 Q NTC 20 15 10 5 0 1.E+00 CFUs in Sample 200,000,000 20,000,000 2,000,000 200,000 20,000 2,000 Copies in PCR 5,000,000 500,000 50,000 5,000 500 50 0 1.E+02 1.E+04 1.E+06 1.E+08 CFUs/ ml Sample: 1 ml of E.coli ,varying concentrations (n=3) Lysis 1 min, Elution 1 min. 200 µl, 2x, 5ul to PCR Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 4 PureLyse® Prep 1x108 CFU E.coli: PCR analysis PureLyse® Prep - 1 mL sample 1x108 CFUs E.coli 2 minute lysis 1 minute elution, 200 µl Real-time PCR results >70% extraction efficiency Sample gDNA 10e7 PL 200 PL150 gDNA 10e4 PL 200 neg PL150 neg TE 8.0 neg TE 8.8 neg replicates 2 10 10 2 2 2 4 2 CV 0.1 1.4 2.6 0.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.0 interpolated copies 150 200 8,925,897 9,003,203 Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC efficiency 150 200 71% 72% 5 PureLyse® Prep Low Limit of Detection PureLyse® Prep to PCR E. coli titration 45 40 6.25 12.5 35 25 1 ml E.coli, 2.5 minute lysis 200 µl elution, 1 minute 125 1250 30 Ct 25 20 PureLyse® Prep 15 Achievable detection: 50 CFUs (6.25 CFU/PCR reaction) gDNA 10 5 0 1 10 100 1000 copies transfered to PCR 10000 CFUs in PureLyse® prep 50 100 200 1000 10000 Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC transferred to PCR 6.25 12.5 25 125 1250 Efficiency 83% 67% 49% 33% 55% 6 Detection of Bacillus subtilis in Synthetic Stool Mix: PureLyse® sample prep to PCR PureLyse® in PureLyse® to to PCR; Bacillus Bacillus subtilis PureLyse® subtilis in in Synthetic Mix Synthetic Stool Mix 60 125 CFUs, 50% 50 1250 CFUs, 100% Ct 40 20 PureLyse® PureLyse® PureLyse® PureLyse® PureLyse® NTC PureLyse® NTC PureLyse® NTC PureLyse® EluElu 11 PureLyse® PureLyse® PureLyse® 1 Qiagen EluElu 1 Elu Qiagen 1NTC 10 PureLyse® day 44 PureLyse® day Qiagen Elu 1 Qiagen day 44 Qiagen day 30 Swab SSM 0 1.E+00 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 CFUs Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC Copies in PCR 0 12.5 1.25E+02 1.25E+03 1.25E+04 1.25E+05 1.25E+06 CFUs in PureLyse® Prep 0 100 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 n 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 Sample: 1 ml of B. subtilis,varying concentrations (n=3) Lysis 2 min, Elution 1 min. 200 µl, 2x, 25ul to PCR PureLyse®Prep: Mycobacterium bovis BCG PureLyse® Prep vs Biospec/Qiagen to PCR Mycobacterium bovis BCG (n=3) PureLyse® samples: 50 •500 µl lysis and DNA capture – 3 minutes •250 µl elution •625 µl lysis Biospec bead beater - 3 minutes •500 µl processed via Qiagen DNeasy Kit •250 µl elution PureLyse® Elution BioSpec/Qiagen Standards 40 Ct Biospec samples: PureLyse® Elution Neg 30 Biospec/Qiagen Neg 20 biospec 10 1 12.5 µl into PCR Purelyse® Prep 100 10000 1000000 M. bovis BCG Concentration (cells/ml)std curve Data provided by Peter Vandeventer and Angelika Niemz, Keck Graduate Institute Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC CFUs/ml 100 200 1000 100000 10000000 200 1000 100000 10000000 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 copies in PCR 2.5 5 25 2500 250000 6.25 31.25 3125 312500 1.25 12.5 125 1250 12500 125000 8 Synthetic Stool Mix Detection of Bacillus subtilis in Synthetic Stool Mix Dextran Sulfate Bile Salts Mucin, Bovine Human Serum Albumin Human gDNA E. coli 60 PureLyse® 50 PureLyse® NTC Qiagen 3 40 PureLyse 3 Ct 100 µl Synthetic stool samples brought up to 1 ml in Binding Buffer • Lysis - 2 minutes • Elution -1 minute, 200 µl • 25 µl into PCR PureLyse®Prep to PCR; B.subtilis in Synthetic Stool Mix 30 20 10 0 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 CFUs 100% negative - true neg. 50 % of the samples at 100 CFUs (12.5/PCR) amplified as true positives Comparable to Qiagen Stool Kit Copies in PCR 0 12.5 1.25E+02 1.25E+03 1.25E+04 1.25E+05 1.25E+06 CFUs in PureLyse® Prep 0 100 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC Data provided by Boris Gites, Dipika Tuteja Shringarpure, Ivan Ban and Farhan Bukhari, Keck Graduate Institute n 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 9 PureLyse® Efficiency % of DNA MEASURED PureLyse® DNA extraction of 1ml Sample (E. coli 1 x 108 cells) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 89 % 79 % 54 % 7% Flow-thru n=5 93 % Elution 1 Elution 1+2 Elution 1+2+3 Sample fractions (following RNase A treatment) Elution 1+2+3+4 Figure 1. Pico Green determination of DNA yield (% predicted from cell count) • flow-through and four 150 µl elutions • 1 µg RNAse A treatment • Average yield of all fractions: 88% • 82% of DNA in the sum of four elutions Figure 2. Pico Green measurement of NA in the flow through and the eluant before and after RNAse A digestion • Reference DNA (gold), predicted by cell count • NA before RNAse: 82% • NA after RNAse: 93% Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 10 OmniLyse ® Prep: Lysis of bacterial cells and spores B. subtilis spores E. coli cells OmniLyse® Lysis---Qiagen preps--- PCR 250 Efficiency 200 150 100 FT Elu1 50 Elu2 0 standard Omnilyse no R'nase Omnilyse + R'nase standard + R'nase Qiagen OmniLyse Treatment OmniLyse® Lysis Enhances Performance of Qiagen Kit, E. coli OmniLyse® Prep: Lysis of Bacillus subtilis spores • 500 µl samples (12.5 µl into PCR) • Sample concentrations: 1,000, 100,000 and 100,000,000 spores de Boer RR. Improved detection of microbial DNA after bead-beating before DNA isolation. J Microbiol Methods 2010;80(2):209-11. Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 11 Rapid Protein Purification Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 12 OmniLyse® Sample Preparation: 50 mL Culture Benefits of using OmniLyse® Prep Time savings - lysis to purification in <12 minutes Eliminates the need for lysing chemicals, lysozyme or DNase treatment Disposable Ideal for the lab bench, the hood, the cold room or in the field Easily adapted to variety of chromatography products Can process a bacterial pellet from 50 mL culture Lyses Yeast in 2 minutes Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 13 HisExpress™ Column: Rapid and Simple Purification of His-tagged Proteins < 5 min < 5 min Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC Native or Denaturing conditions Pipette friendly 14 OmniLyse® Prep to HisExpress™ Affinity tag Purification of GFP - His Tag 250 150 100 75 50 37 25 15 M L FT W1 W2 W3 E1 E2 A pellet from 50 mL of E. coli expressing 6xHis-EmGFP was prepared using OmniLyse® prep for 3 min 6xHis-EmGFP (Invitrogen) was purified under native conditions using HisExpress™ Column in <5 min. E3 Benefits of using OmniLyse™ Time savings - lysis to purification in <15 minutes Eliminates the need for lysozyme or DNase treatment Disposable Ideal for the lab bench, the hood, the cold room or in the field Easily adapted to variety of chromatography products Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC Fluorescence units 20 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Figure 3. GFP fluorescence remains stabile during lysis. 6xHis-EmGFP fluorescence was measured at 487 nm (ex) and 507 nm (em). 15 Lysed samples from OmniLyse™, OmniLyse™ low binding (LB) and sonication were HisExpress™ Column out performs competitor in Yield, Purity, Time and Price Purification of His-GFP using HisExpress™ Column or Qiagen Ni-NTA spin columns 250 150 100 75 OmniLyse® Lysis preceded both methods 50 OmniLyse® kit samples processed 3 minutes 37 His-GFP 25 Qiagen samples purified as per manufacturer’s instruction Company Total Yield (mg) Purity % Sample Prep Time Purification Time HisExpress™ Column 1.2 >95 <5 min <5 min Qiagen spin column 0.4 >95 Variable 1 hr Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 20 15 10 M HE Q 16 His-PureLyse™ Prep: Rapid lysis and purification of His-tagged protein in a single device His-PureLyse™ sample preparation expedites lysing and purifying Hi-tagged proteins from a sample in less than 5 minutes. •Bacteria expressing 6xHis-EmGFP were lysed for 3 minutes in the His-PureLyse™ Cartridge, followed by wash and elution steps. •Fractions analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie staining: M=marker, L=lysate, W=wash and E=elution. Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 17 Configurations HisExpress™ Column HisPurLyse™ Prep HisExpress™ micro DNA express™ column Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 18 Acknowledgements CBS Bob Doebler Tanya Ferguson Margaret Morgan Mark Brown Gary Blackburn Jim Sterling Ali Nadim KGI Angelika Niemz Peter Vanderventer Barbara Erwin Boris Gites Dipika Tuteja Shringarpure Ivan Ban Farhan Bukhari Copyright© 2011 Claremont BioSolutions, LLC 19
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