Capture CO2 out from the air

Less than ZERO
Capture CO2 out from the air
Prof. Klaus Lackner, Director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy.
Earth Institute
CCS from biomass
Marius Gjerset, Technology Director, ZERO
CCS from biomass
ZERO-conference 23th November 2010
Marius Gjerset
Technology Director, ZERO
Master in Engeneering, Energy and Environment, NTNU.
[email protected], +47 92656010
What is BioCCS (BECCS)?
• Capture and storage of CO2 (CCS) from biomass
in energy production and industrial processes
• Results in negative net emissions
If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to
that on which civilization developed and to which
life on Earth is adapted, (…) CO2 will need to be
reduced from its current 385 ppm to at most 350
ppm. (James Hansen et al. 2008.)
Very large amount carbon bound in vegetation
Carbon flux- Natural cyclus (black) and human emissions (red)
BioCCS is comparable to CCS from coal
• CO2 concentration in exhaust gas from biomass combustion
is the same or higher than from coal (14-17 % CO2)
• 0,35 kg CO2/kWh for biomass(wood) compare to 0,31 kg
CO2/kWh for coal.
• Need for pre cleaning of exhaust gas will vary for different
kind of biomass and CO2-capture technologies.
Options for use of biomass with CCS
Potential for Biomass and Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, Study IEAGHG and ECOFYS
The global technical potential is large
• Up to 1/3 of
global electricity
demand in 2050 ~
10 Gt
• Up to 31% of
global fuel demand
in 2050 ~ 5 Gt
• Biomass potential
is limiting factor
Potential for Biomass and Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Preliminary results
First International Workshop on Biomass & Carbon Capture and Storage, Orleans, France, 14 & 15 October 2010.
BioCCS - a part of IEAs roadmap for CCS
BioCCS ~¼ of CCS in 2050.
Source: IEA, CCS Roadmap .
Source: Roadmap for implementation of Bio-CCS in the Nordic countries. VTT, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
Bio- and fossil CO2 emissions from large
sources in the Nordic countries
Cross country transport
of CO2 needed?
• • • • Lack of good storage options in Sweden and
Possible storage options in the Baltic Sea?
Need to store in good storage locations in
Or in good storage formations in Denmark?
Source: Possibilities for BECCS cooperation Norway-Sweden? Swedish- Norwegian BECCS project and report. Biorecro (S), ZERO 2009-2010.
Scenarios for CCS in Nordic countries
Just fossil CCS
Incl. BioCCS
Needed CO2 reductions in the Nordic countries
– 40% by 2020 and -90-95% by 2050 is needed in the rich countries,
to not exceed 2C temperature increase.
Skagerak CO2 project
Industry i
2,0 mill t.
In total ca. 10
mill. t ”catchable”
CO2 today
Coal fired
power station
and cement
plant in Ålborg
: 3,0 mill t
Project 2008-2009. Teltek, ZERO, 11 industry companies
1,7 mill t
Borealis i Stenungsund:
0,6 mill t
4 plants: 1,7 mill t
Värö bruk, cellulose,
1,0 mill t
4 bioCO2 sources in the Skagerak
Södra Cell Värö
• • • South of Gothenburg
~1 Mt bio CO2
Has removed all use of fossil fuel in the process.
Södra Cell Tofte
• Sulfatcellulose plant Tofte i Hurum (Norway).
• ~850’ tonn bio CO2
Norcem, Brevik (cement)
• Replaced half of the use of coal, with waste
• Total emissions: 0,9 Mt CO2 (2008)
• 0,5 Mt CO2 from the cement making process.
• 0,25 Mt from fossil energy
• 110.000 tonn bioCO2
Preem, oil (and bio) refinery. Göteborg
• Bio refinery at the oil refinery, in operation 2010.
• 330 Mill liter diesel with ~30 % renawable content.
• Give some bioCO2 emissions from the refinery.
Nordjyllandsværket by 2013: 30% biomass
Fossil (net) CO2:
450.000 t
-0,5 million tonnes
2.187 GWh
2,0 million t
CO2 storage
630.000 ton
3.461 TJ
Vattenfall: Planned to establish a full-scale CO2 capture plant in the periode 2011-2013.
Investment decision planned late 2010. Project postponed.
BioCO2 is captured in industri
prosesses in Sweden today
BioCO2 is captured from exhaust gas in the production of
kalsiumcarbonat (PCC) at two plants.
M-real Husum AB, Örnsköldsvik
• Largest bioCO2 emission source in Sweden, ~
1,8 Mt bioCO2/y.
• 40-50.000 ton CO2/y is captured and used in
the PCC process.
Stora Enso Fine Paper Nymölla Mill
~ 0,9 Mt bioCO2/y
Source: Report, Ångpanneföreningens Forskningsstiftelse (ÅF), Naturvårdsverket
CO2-avskiljning i Sverige. September 2008
BioCCS from ethanol in 2012
Department of Energy (DOE) has given economical support to 7 fullscale CCS projects in US.
4 power stations, and 3 industry projects.
On of these are an ethanol plant
Capture of Bio CO2, from ethanol
• 1 Mt/y per year
• Existing ethanol plant in Illinois.
• Starting in August 2012.
• Storage: in Sandstone formation
about one mile from the plant.
• Support: $99 million (DOE )
• More information:
BioSNG and BTL
(Biomass gassification to syngas
and Biomass-to-Liquids)
Near pure CO2.
Very suitable for
BTL plant in France by 2014
• 45-MW synthesis gas plant.
• 23,000 tonnes of high-quality bio-synthetic fuel
• CHOREN and CNIM signed an EPC agreement (jan 2010)
• Start of construction 2011
• Commissioning planned by the end of 2014.
Convert from Natural gas to BioSNG
E.ON Värmekraft Sverige, April 2008
• First plant in operation by 2012, EON and Gøteborg Energi. (no plans for CO2 storage so far)
• Larger plant, planned by 2015.
• Large scale plants ~100-600 MW biogass.
• ~ ca 0,8 million tonn BioCO2.
North Dakota coal gasification plant
- Long industrial experience with coal gassification with CCS
• The Synfuels plant began operating in 1984.
• Produces more than 54 billion scf of natural gas.
• CO2 capture 3,3 MtCO2/y
• Cold methanol, physical solvent process
CO2 piped 325
km to Weyburn,
Since 2000.
Lack of political framework for BioCCS ?
• IPCC GHG Guidelines (2006)
– CCS Chapter 5.3 –“Negative emissions may arise......if CO2 generated
by biomass combustion is captured. This is a correct procedure and
negative emissions should be reported as such.”
• EU ETS Directive 2009
– Art 10a –free allocation can be given to biomass CCS, but not to any
electricity production
– Industrial operations OK? Use of benchmarks
– Article 24a –EUAs can be given to activities reducing GHGs outside
ETS. Needs host government to apply.
– Creates uncertainty, needs clarification
Source: IEAGHG, International Workshop on Biomass CCS Orleans, 14-15 October 2010
• Large potential for BioCCS and negative net emissions
• Technology for BioCCS is mainly the same as for CCS from coal.
• Main challenge for BioCCS (as fossil CCS) is political, not technical.
• Need better political framework to get large scale BioCCS.
• Need to start to plan and build the first plants to get industrial
experience within the biomass industry.
Source: Roadmap for implementation of Bio-CCS in the Nordic countries. VTT, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
Pure BioCO2 sources
Ethanol plant, Norrköping
Agroetanols plant in Norrköping.
~140 000 ton CO2/year
~ 99 procent pure CO2 from the fermentation process.
Only large ethanol plant in Sweden
Chemrecs, Domsjö
• Black Liquor Gasification in Pulp mills is
very suitable for BECCS
• Plans to build a plant with 260.000 tons of
pure CO2/year
Compostilla in Spania
Oxyfuel boiler for mixed fuel incl. biomass
• • • • • Cooperation ENDESA and CIUDEN.
30 MW demoplant oxyfuel (CFB)
Under construction, to be in operation
180 M€ economical support from EERP
(economic recovery package), One of 6
CCS projects (total 1 B€).
And CO2 storage?
Larger plant?
• Will compete for NER300 ?
• Compostilla powerplant (1312 MWe), owed by Endesa.
– 300 million allowances to 10-12 CCS
demonstration plants and innovative
renewable energy technologies.
– By end 2010: Member states to submit
projects to the EIB.
– By end 2011: Commission to make final
US: 7 CCS projects with DOE support
(4 power stations + 3 industry projects, one BioCCS)
Basin Electric Power, North
1 Mt/y (120 MW) Postcombustion, ammonia-ased
Retrofit, lignite powerplant
(Antelope Vally station).
Mountaineer, West Virginia
1,5 Mt CO2/y. Retrofit coal-fired
powerplant, chilled ammonia technology
American Electric Power (AEP)
Storage: Onshore aquifere
Startup: 2015
Demoplant 100.000 t/y, sept. 2009
Leucadia Energy, LLC (New York, N.Y.)
4.5 Mt/y from a new methanol plant in Lake Charles, La.
12-mile connector pipeline to an existing Denbury interstate
CO2 pipeline to EOR in the West Hastings oilfield.
Starting in April 2014.
Capture of bio CO2, from ethanol
1 Mt/y per year
Existing ethanol plant in Illinois.
(Archer Daniels Midland)
Starting in August 2012.
Storage: in the Mt. Simon Sandstone
about one mile from the plant.
Air products, Port Arthur, Texas, US
1 Mt/y, retrofitt existing steam-methane reformers
Pipeline to EOR eastern Texas
Startup: 2015
BTL (Biomass-to-Liquids) with BECCS
• Planed to build a large BTL plant in Norway.
- 15 % of the diesel consumption in the transportsector in Norway.
- Near pure process CO2 – very well suted for CCS.
- If CCS – total 1,4 Mt CO2 reduction ( ½ bioCCS, and ½ in
- Project stopped (Oct 2010)
- Xynergy is closing down due to lac of investor confidense in long
term biofuel economics in Norway.
BTL plant in France by 2014
• 45-MW synthesis gas plant.
• 23,000 tonnes of high-quality bio-synthetic fuel
• CHOREN and CNIM signed an EPC agreement (jan 2010)
• Start of construction 2011
• Commissioning planned by the end of 2014.
BioCCS a part of IEAs roadmap for CCS
BioCCS ~¼ of CCS in 2050.
Source: IEA, CCS Roadmap .
Some fossil CO2 is bounded in biomass
- possible to get some of it back with BioCCS