Turning CO into valuable products, powered by the sun

Turning CO2 into valuable products,
powered by the sun EcoSummit Berlin
May 20th, 2015
Photanol in a nutshell We use cyanobacteria that live on CO2 and sunlight We engineer these bacteria to have them produce valuable compounds by design We grow the engineered cyanobacteria under relevant condi:ons in our pilot facili:es, gaining control over cri:cal process parameters Photanol is targe:ng a balanced range of products Ramping up from high price, low volume, to low price, high volume markets Ac:ve Ingr. Specialty Chemicals Lower volume, higher price
Bulk Chemicals Fuels Energy Higher volume, lower price
Photanol aims to partner across the value chain CO2 as a value driver
Products a a value driver
Power plants
Waste incinerators
Industrial sites
Biogas producers
Organic acids
Platform as a value driver
Diversified chemical
Our near-­‐term targets Strain
w  Diversify strain porKolio, increasing the range of products we can produce w  Increase efficiency of exis:ng strains, improving their produc:vity w  Develop down stream processing for selected products w  Combine and test leading photo-­‐bioreactor designs w  Build and run a 0.5 ha plant w  Close off-­‐take agreements for small, high price, near-­‐market products w  Close joint development agreements for CO2 mi:ga:on, and for product development for larger volume, lower price products Thank you Visiting address & contact details
Photanol B.V.
Science Park 408
1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
[email protected]